Exemplo n.º 1
def configure_standard_logging(verbosity: int, mode: LoggingMode):
    """Configure the standard library's `logging` module.

    Get `logging` working with options consistent with Twisted. NOTE CAREFULLY
    that `django.utils.log.DEFAULT_LOGGING` may have been applied (though only
    if installed and if configured in this environment). Those settings and
    the settings this function applies must be mentally combined to understand
    the resultant behaviour.

    :param verbosity: See `get_logging_level`.
    :param mode: The mode in which to configure logging. See `LoggingMode`.
    # Make sure that `logging` is not configured to capture warnings.
    # If a logger is ever configured `propagate=False` but without handlers
    # `logging.Logger.callHandlers` will employ the `lastResort` handler in
    # order that the log is not lost. This goes to standard error by default.
    # Here we arrange for these situations to be logged more distinctively so
    # that they're easier to diagnose.
    logging.lastResort = logging.StreamHandler(
    def __init__(self,
                 max=30 * 60,
        """New rate limiter for a specific operation.

        Instead of running the operation directly, call this object's
        `schedule()` method that will enqueue it and call it when possible.

        If that succeeds, call `success()` to reduce the backoff. Else call
        `fail()` to increase backoff.

        :param str operation_name: A name for that operation, used in log
            messages (for example, "api_request").
        :param float min: Minimum delay between operations.
        :param float max: Maximum delay between operations; we will not
            increase the delay past that value when backing off.
        :param float failed_mult: How much to increase the delay when an
            operation fails (2 would wait twice as long each time).
        :param float success_mult: How much to change the delay when an
            operation succeeds (0.5 would wait half as long, 0 would return to
            the minimum delay immediately).
        self.logger = logger.Logger('%s.RateLimiter.%s' %
                                    (__name__, operation_name))
        self.min = min
        self.max = max
        self.failed_mult = failed_mult
        self.success_mult = success_mult

        self.delay = self.min
        self.last_scheduled = 0
        self.queue = []
Exemplo n.º 3
def show_warning_via_twisted(message,
    """Replacement for `warnings.showwarning` that logs via Twisted."""
    if file is None:
        # Try to find a module name with which to log this warning.
        module = get_module_for_file(filename)
        logger = twistedModern.Logger(
            "global" if module is None else module.__name__)
        # `message` is/can be an instance of `category`, so stringify.
            "{category}: {message}",
        # It's not clear why and when `file` will be specified, but try to
        # honour the intention.
        warning = warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno,
        except OSError:
            pass  # We tried.
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, name, out_callable=None, err_callable=None):

        self._log = logger.Logger(namespace=name)
        self.started = defer.Deferred()
        self.stopped = defer.Deferred()
        self._out_callable = out_callable
        self._err_callable = err_callable
        self._pid = None
Exemplo n.º 5
class HandoffFactory(protocol.Factory):
    protocol = HandoffProtocol
    log = logger.Logger()

    def __init__(self, handoff_port, handoff_port_description):
        self.handoff_port = handoff_port
        self.handoff_port_description = handoff_port_description

    def doStop(self):
        self.log.info("Stopping server port {handoff_port!r}",
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _action_set_log_level(self, message):

            namespace = message['namespace']
            level = message['level']
        except KeyError:
            _log.warn('missing level/namespace: {m!r}', m=message)
            self.factory.wiring.set_log_level(namespace, level)
            # Log message on the specified logger/level to feed user back.
            level = logger.LogLevel.levelWithName(level)
            logger.Logger(namespace=namespace).emit(level, 'log level set')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self,
        Initialization arguments:
        - `filename`: the movie filename to play.
        - `player_mgr`: provides access to DBus, reactor, and more.
        - `layer`: used with omxplayer --layer argument.
        - `loop`: if true, omxplayer is passed the --loop argument.
        - `alpha`:  used with omxplayer --alpha argument.
        - `fadein`: fade in duration, in seconds.
        - `fadeout`: fade out duration, in seconds.

        self._filename = filename
        self._player_mgr = player_mgr
        self._dbus_mgr = player_mgr.dbus_mgr
        self._layer = layer
        self._loop = loop
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._fadein = fadein
        self._fadeout = fadeout

        # Will be obtained by querying the omxplayer process via DBus.
        self._duration = None

        # Use a known name so that we can track omxplayer's DBus presence.
        self._dbus_player_name = self.generate_player_name(filename)
        self._log = logger.Logger(namespace='player.each.%s' %
                                  (self._dbus_player_name, ))

        self._reactor = self._player_mgr.reactor
        self._dbus_conn = self._dbus_mgr.dbus_conn

        # Used to track omxplayer process startup/termination.
        self._process_protocol = None

        # DBus proxy object for the player: used to control it.
        self._dbus_player = None

        # Lifecycle tracking.
        self._ready = defer.Deferred()
        self._stop_in_progress = False
        self._fadeout_dc = None
        self._fading_out = False
Exemplo n.º 8
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vim: ts=4:sw=4:et
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# inputs/hid/reader.py
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
USB HID device reader.

from twisted.internet import interfaces
from twisted import logger
from zope.interface import implementer

import evdev

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='inputs.hid.reader')

class InputDeviceReader(object):
    Twisted IReadDescritor implementation that reads events from the USB HID
    device file, integrating evdev's InputDevice file descriptor into the
    reactor and using the InputDevice's read_one() method to complete reads.

    Events matching `reading_event_code` will be passed to the `event_callback`.

    # Mostly adapted from glyph's answer at:
    # (glyph is the creator of Twisted, integrating his response is solid!)
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted import logger
from twisted.web.resource import NoResource, Resource
from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET, Site
import urllib

from matrix_gitter.utils import FormProducer, read_json_response, http_request

log = logger.Logger()


class Index(Resource):
    """Index page, showing some info about this system.
    def __init__(self, botname):
        self.botname = botname

    def render_GET(self, request):
        request.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html')
        return HTML_TEMPLATE.format(
            title="Gitter-Matrix bridge",
Exemplo n.º 10
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from ipaddress import IPv4Network, IPv6Network, ip_address, ip_network

import twisted.logger as logger
from klein import Klein
from twisted.names import authority, dns
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from twisted.web.resource import ErrorPage, ForbiddenResource

from hashing import hash_parts_generator

log = logger.Logger(observer=logger.textFileLogObserver(sys.stdout))

class _WordsController(object):
    Basic controller that manages registered zones and manages name assignment
    by filtering on the registered IP subnet.

    def __init__(self, data_dir="data", word_count=3):
        self.data_dir = FilePath(data_dir)
        self.word_count = word_count
        self.separator = b"-"
        self.data = dict()
        self.proxied = False

        self.app = Klein()
Exemplo n.º 11
An asyncronous, Twisted/Autobahn based, HTTP/websocket server.

from datetime import datetime
import json
import textwrap

from zope.interface import provider
from twisted import logger

from autobahn.twisted import websocket

import log as log_package

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='inputs.web')

class WSProto(websocket.WebSocketServerProtocol):
    Server side websocket implementation.
    def onConnect(self, request):

        # Twisted/Autobahn calls this when a websocket connection is establised.


    def onOpen(self):
Exemplo n.º 12
from twisted.internet import task as t_i_task
from twisted.python import failure as t_p_failure

from .modwalk import (

from .version import __release__

# ---- Data --------------------------------------------------------------

__all__ = ()

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_T_LOGGER = t_logger.Logger(__name__)
_T_LOG_OBSERVER = t_logger.STDLibLogObserver()

_LOG_FMT_DFLT = '%(message)s'
_LOG_LVL_DFLT = logging.getLevelName(logging.WARNING)

# ---- Classes -----------------------------------------------------------

# ========================================================================
class CallbackAppender(argparse.Action):

    # ---- Class methods -------------------------------------------------

Exemplo n.º 13
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vim: ts=4:sw=4:et
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# inputs/audio/input.py
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The audio input.

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted import logger

from inputs import input_base
from common import process

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='inputs.audio')

class AudioInput(input_base.InputBase):
    Audio input.

    # Spawns ALSA's arecord utility as a sub-process and tracks its
    # very-very-verbose mode output on stderr, that produces lines like:
    #   "Max peak (800 samples): 0x00007ffc #################### 99%"
    # These are parsed into individual integer readings and output via the
    # `wiring.audio` call.
Exemplo n.º 14
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asyncronous, Twisted based, input management.

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted import logger

from . import agd
from . import arduino
from . import audio
from . import network
from . import web
from . import hid

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='inputs')

    'agd': agd.Input,
    'arduino': arduino.Input,
    'audio': audio.Input,
    'hid': hid.Input,
    'network': network.Input,
    'web': web.Input,

class InputManager(object):
    Initializes inputs and mediates their feeds to a player manager.
Exemplo n.º 15
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asyncronous, Twisted based, video playing interface.

import collections
import os
import random

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted import logger

from .dbus_manager import DBusManager
from .player import OMXPlayer

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='player.mngr')

class PlayerManager(object):
    Tracks and controls video playing via one OMXPlayer instance per level.

    # General lifecycle
    # -----------------
    # - Initialization finds available video files from the settings.
    # - Starting:
    #   - Spawns one OMXPlayer per level (which start in paused mode).
    #   - Unpause level 0 player.
    # - Level triggering calls (from the outside):
    #   - Unpause level X player.
Exemplo n.º 16
class AlwaysAbortFactory(protocol.Factory):
    log = logger.Logger()

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        self.log.warn('rejecting incoming connection: {addr}', addr=addr)
        return None
Exemplo n.º 17
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vim: ts=4:sw=4:et
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# inputs/arduino/input.py
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
High level Arduino input.

from twisted.internet import defer, serialport
from twisted import logger

from inputs import input_base
from . import protocol

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='inputs.arduino')

class ArduinoInput(input_base.InputBase):
    Processes serial received PDUs (protocol data units) that are integers that
    will be bigger when the sensors detect "more wind".

    Produces output by calling `arduino` on the `wiring`.
    def __init__(self, reactor, wiring, device_file, baud_rate):

        super(ArduinoInput, self).__init__(reactor, wiring)
        self._device_file = device_file
        self._baud_rate = baud_rate
        self._output_callable = wiring.arduino
Exemplo n.º 18
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vim: ts=4:sw=4:et
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# inputs/hid/input.py
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The USB HID input.

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted import logger

from inputs import input_base
from . import reader

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='inputs.hid')

class USBHIDInput(input_base.InputBase):
    USB HID input.

    Monitors USB HID events and delivers readings for the tracked event code.
    Operates at two levels:
    - Events are filtered and stored asynchronously, as they come.
    - The output stream of readings is kept at a constant pace, set by `period`,
      regardless of underlying events.

    # The async storing of readings vs. steady-pace reading output production
    # has two benefits:
Exemplo n.º 19
# vim: ts=4:sw=4:et
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# inputs/network/protocol.py
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Twisted implementation of the network input protocol.

from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted import logger

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='inputs.network')

class ControlProtocol(basic.LineReceiver):

    Line based control protocol.

    Lines should be terminated by CRLF.
    Accepts single digit lines that notify the input manager of such level
    change requests.

    def connectionMade(self):
Exemplo n.º 20
Asyncrounous, Twisted Based, DBus connection setup and name tracking.

import os

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted import logger

from txdbus import client as txdbus_client

from common import process

_log = logger.Logger(namespace='player.dbus')

class DBusManager(object):

    Manages a private DBus instance by spawning a child DBus daemon,
    connecting to it and tracking object names showing up/going away.

    def __init__(self, reactor, settings):

        self._reactor = reactor

        # Will be set once the private DBus process is spawned.