Exemplo n.º 1
class _JellyableAvatarMixin:
    Helper class for code which deals with avatars which PB must be capable of
    sending to a peer.
    def _cbLogin(self, (interface, avatar, logout)):
        Ensure that the avatar to be returned to the client is jellyable and
        set up disconnection notification to call the realm's logout object.
        if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
            avatar = AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")

        puid = avatar.processUniqueID()

        # only call logout once, whether the connection is dropped (disconnect)
        # or a logout occurs (cleanup), and be careful to drop the reference to
        # it in either case
        logout = [logout]

        def maybeLogout():
            if not logout:
            fn = logout[0]
            del logout[0]

        self.broker._localCleanup[puid] = maybeLogout

        return avatar
Exemplo n.º 2
class _JellyableAvatarMixin:
    Helper class for code which deals with avatars which PB must be capable of
    sending to a peer.
    def _cbLogin(self, (interface, avatar, logout)):
        Ensure that the avatar to be returned to the client is jellyable and
        set up disconnection notification to call the realm's logout object.
        if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
            avatar = AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")

        puid = avatar.processUniqueID()

        def dereferenceLogout():

        self.broker._localCleanup[puid] = dereferenceLogout
        # No special helper function is necessary for notifyOnDisconnect
        # because dereference callbacks won't be invoked if the connection is
        # randomly dropped.  I'm not sure those are ideal semantics, but this
        # is the only user of the (private) API at the moment and it works just
        # fine as things are. -exarkun
        return avatar
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _cbLogin(self, result):
        Ensure that the avatar to be returned to the client is jellyable and
        set up disconnection notification to call the realm's logout object.
        (interface, avatar, logout) = result
        if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
            avatar = AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")

        puid = avatar.processUniqueID()

        # only call logout once, whether the connection is dropped (disconnect)
        # or a logout occurs (cleanup), and be careful to drop the reference to
        # it in either case
        logout = [ logout ]
        def maybeLogout():
            if not logout:
            fn = logout[0]
            del logout[0]
        self.broker._localCleanup[puid] = maybeLogout

        return avatar
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _cbLogin(self, result):
        Ensure that the avatar to be returned to the client is jellyable and
        set up disconnection notification to call the realm's logout object.
        (interface, avatar, logout) = result
        if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
            avatar = AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")

        puid = avatar.processUniqueID()

        # only call logout once, whether the connection is dropped (disconnect)
        # or a logout occurs (cleanup), and be careful to drop the reference to
        # it in either case
        logout = [logout]

        def maybeLogout():
            if not logout:
            fn = logout[0]
            del logout[0]

        self.broker._localCleanup[puid] = maybeLogout

        return avatar
Exemplo n.º 5
class _JellyableAvatarMixin:
    Helper class for code which deals with avatars which PB must be capable of
    sending to a peer.
    def _cbLogin(self, (interface, avatar, logout)):
        Ensure that the avatar to be returned to the client is jellyable and
        set up disconnection notification to call the realm's logout object.
        if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
            avatar = AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")
        return avatar
Exemplo n.º 6
class _PortalWrapper(Referenceable):
    """Root Referenceable object, used to login to portal."""
    def __init__(self, portal, broker):
        self.portal = portal
        self.broker = broker

    # Have to return two rhings
    def remote_login(self, creds, mind):
        """Start of username/password login."""

        username = creds['username']
        password = creds['password']
        self.mUPCred = credentials.UsernamePassword(username, password)

        if 'win32' == sys.platform:
            domain = creds['domain']
            import winchecker
            self.mWindowsCred = winchecker.WindowsUsernamePassword(
                username, password, domain)
            d = self.portal.login(self.mWindowsCred, mind, pb.IPerspective)
            import pamchecker
            conv = pamchecker.makeConv({1: password, 2: username, 3: ''})
            self.mPAMCred = credentials.PluggableAuthenticationModules(
                username, conv)
            d = self.portal.login(self.mPAMCred, mind, pb.IPerspective)

        d.addCallback(self._loggedIn, creds)
        #.addErrback(self.tryNext, mind)
        return d

    def tryNext(self, oldDeffered, mind):
        d = self.portal.login(self.mUPCred, mind, pb.IPerspective)
        return d

    def _loggedIn(self, (interface, perspective, logout), creds):
        logging.getLogger('maestrod._PortalWrapper').info("Log-in successful.")
        if not IJellyable.providedBy(perspective):
            perspective = pb.AsReferenceable(perspective, "perspective")
        return perspective
Exemplo n.º 7
class _PortalAuthChallenger(Referenceable):
    """Called with response to password challenge."""

    implements(IUsernameHashedPassword, IUsernameMD5Password)

    def __init__(self, portalWrapper, username, challenge):
        self.portalWrapper = portalWrapper
        self.username = username
        self.challenge = challenge

    def remote_respond(self, response, mind):
        self.response = response
        d = self.portalWrapper.portal.login(self, mind, IPerspective)
        return d

    def _loggedIn(self, (interface, perspective, logout)):
        if not IJellyable.providedBy(perspective):
            perspective = AsReferenceable(perspective, "perspective")
        return perspective
Exemplo n.º 8
 def prepareAvatar(self, avatar):
    if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
       avatar = pb.AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")
    return avatar
Exemplo n.º 9
 def prepareAvatar(self, avatar):
     if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
         avatar = pb.AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")
     return avatar
Exemplo n.º 10
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.spread.interfaces import IJellyable

def patch():
    log.msg("Applying patch for http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5079")
    if not hasattr(pb, '_JellyableAvatarMixin'):
        log.msg("..patch not applicable; please file a bug at buildbot.net")
        pb._JellyableAvatarMixin._cbLogin = _fixed_cbLogin

def _fixed_cbLogin(self, (interface, avatar, logout)):
    Ensure that the avatar to be returned to the client is jellyable and
    set up disconnection notification to call the realm's logout object.
    if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
        avatar = pb.AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")

    puid = avatar.processUniqueID()

    # only call logout once, whether the connection is dropped (disconnect)
    # or a logout occurs (cleanup), and be careful to drop the reference to
    # it in either case
    logout = [ logout ]
    def maybeLogout():
        if not logout: return
        fn = logout[0]
        del logout[0]
    self.broker._localCleanup[puid] = maybeLogout
Exemplo n.º 11

def patch():
    log.msg("Applying patch for http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5079")
    if not hasattr(pb, '_JellyableAvatarMixin'):
        log.msg("..patch not applicable; please file a bug at buildbot.net")
        pb._JellyableAvatarMixin._cbLogin = _fixed_cbLogin

def _fixed_cbLogin(self, (interface, avatar, logout)):
    Ensure that the avatar to be returned to the client is jellyable and
    set up disconnection notification to call the realm's logout object.
    if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar):
        avatar = pb.AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective")

    puid = avatar.processUniqueID()

    # only call logout once, whether the connection is dropped (disconnect)
    # or a logout occurs (cleanup), and be careful to drop the reference to
    # it in either case
    logout = [logout]

    def maybeLogout():
        if not logout: return
        fn = logout[0]
        del logout[0]