Exemplo n.º 1
    async def on_POST(self, request: Request, device_id: Optional[str]):
        requester = await self.auth.get_user_by_req(request, allow_guest=True)
        user_id = requester.user.to_string()
        body = parse_json_object_from_request(request)

        if device_id is not None:
            # passing the device_id here is deprecated; however, we allow it
            # for now for compatibility with older clients.
            if requester.device_id is not None and device_id != requester.device_id:
                    "Client uploading keys for a different device "
                    "(logged in as %s, uploading for %s)",
            device_id = requester.device_id

        if device_id is None:
            raise SynapseError(
                "To upload keys, you must pass device_id when authenticating")

        if body:
            # They're actually trying to upload something, proxy to main synapse.

            # Proxy headers from the original request, such as the auth headers
            # (in case the access token is there) and the original IP /
            # User-Agent of the request.
            headers = {
                header: request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(header, [])
                for header in (b"Authorization", b"User-Agent")
            # Add the previous hop to the X-Forwarded-For header.
            x_forwarded_for = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(
                b"X-Forwarded-For", [])
            # we use request.client here, since we want the previous hop, not the
            # original client (as returned by request.getClientAddress()).
            if isinstance(request.client,
                          (address.IPv4Address, address.IPv6Address)):
                previous_host = request.client.host.encode("ascii")
                # If the header exists, add to the comma-separated list of the first
                # instance of the header. Otherwise, generate a new header.
                if x_forwarded_for:
                    x_forwarded_for = [
                        x_forwarded_for[0] + b", " + previous_host
                    ] + x_forwarded_for[1:]
                    x_forwarded_for = [previous_host]
            headers[b"X-Forwarded-For"] = x_forwarded_for

            # Replicate the original X-Forwarded-Proto header. Note that
            # XForwardedForRequest overrides isSecure() to give us the original protocol
            # used by the client, as opposed to the protocol used by our upstream proxy
            # - which is what we want here.
            headers[b"X-Forwarded-Proto"] = [
                b"https" if request.isSecure() else b"http"

                result = await self.http_client.post_json_get_json(
                    self.main_uri + request.uri.decode("ascii"),
            except HttpResponseException as e:
                raise e.to_synapse_error() from e
            except RequestSendFailed as e:
                raise SynapseError(502, "Failed to talk to master") from e

            return 200, result
            # Just interested in counts.
            result = await self.store.count_e2e_one_time_keys(
                user_id, device_id)
            return 200, {"one_time_key_counts": result}