Exemplo n.º 1
  def __init__(self, run_tracker, settings):
    Reporter.__init__(self, run_tracker, settings)
     # The main report, and associated tool outputs, go under this dir.
    self._html_dir = settings.html_dir

    # We render HTML from mustache templates.
    self._renderer = MustacheRenderer(Renderer(search_dirs=settings.template_dir))

    # We serve files relative to the build root.
    self._buildroot = get_buildroot()
    self._html_path_base = os.path.relpath(self._html_dir, self._buildroot)

    # We write the main report body to this file object.
    self._report_file = None

    # We redirect stdout, stderr etc. of tool invocations to these files.
    self._output_files = defaultdict(dict)  # workunit_id -> {path -> fileobj}.
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, port, settings):
        renderer = MustacheRenderer(settings.template_dir, __name__)

        class MyHandler(PantsHandler):
            def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
                PantsHandler.__init__(self, settings, renderer, request,
                                      client_address, server)

        self._httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', port), MyHandler)
        self._httpd.timeout = 0.1  # Not the network timeout, but how often handle_request yields.
Exemplo n.º 3
  def __init__(self, run_tracker, settings):
    Reporter.__init__(self, run_tracker, settings)
     # The main report, and associated tool outputs, go under this dir.
    self._html_dir = settings.html_dir

    # We render HTML from mustache templates.
    self._renderer = MustacheRenderer(settings.template_dir, __name__)

    # We serve files relative to the build root.
    self._buildroot = get_buildroot()
    self._html_path_base = os.path.relpath(self._html_dir, self._buildroot)

    # We write the main report body to this file object.
    self._report_file = None

    # We redirect stdout, stderr etc. of tool invocations to these files.
    self._output_files = defaultdict(dict)  # workunit_id -> {path -> fileobj}.
Exemplo n.º 4
class HtmlReporter(Reporter):
    """HTML reporting to files.

  The files are intended to be served by the ReportingServer,
  not accessed directly from the filesystem.

    # HTML reporting settings.
    #   html_dir: Where the report files go.
    #   template_dir: Where to find mustache templates.
    Settings = namedtuple(
        'Settings', Reporter.Settings._fields + ('html_dir', 'template_dir'))

    def __init__(self, run_tracker, settings):
        Reporter.__init__(self, run_tracker, settings)
        # The main report, and associated tool outputs, go under this dir.
        self._html_dir = settings.html_dir

        # We render HTML from mustache templates.
        self._renderer = MustacheRenderer(

        # We serve files relative to the build root.
        self._buildroot = get_buildroot()
        self._html_path_base = os.path.relpath(self._html_dir, self._buildroot)

        # We write the main report body to this file object.
        self._report_file = None

        # We redirect stdout, stderr etc. of tool invocations to these files.
        self._output_files = {}  # path -> fileobj.

    def report_path(self):
        """The path to the main report file."""
        return os.path.join(self._html_dir, 'build.html')

    def open(self):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        self._report_file = open(self.report_path(), 'w')

    def close(self):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        for f in self._output_files.values():

    def start_workunit(self, workunit):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        # We use these properties of the workunit to decide how to render information about it.
        is_tool = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TOOL)
        is_multitool = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.MULTITOOL)
        is_test = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TEST)

        # Get useful properties from the workunit.
        workunit_dict = workunit.to_dict()
        if workunit_dict['cmd']:
            workunit_dict['cmd'] = linkify(
                self._buildroot, workunit_dict['cmd'].replace('$', '\\\\$'))

        # Create the template arguments.
        args = {
            'indent': len(workunit.ancestors()) * 10,
            'html_path_base': self._html_path_base,
            'workunit': workunit_dict,
            'header_text': workunit.name,
            'initially_open': is_test or not (is_tool or is_multitool),
            'is_tool': is_tool,
            'is_multitool': is_multitool
            lambda x: self._renderer.render_callable('collapsible', x, args)

        # Render the workunit's div.
        s = self._renderer.render_name('workunit_start', args)

        if is_tool:
            # This workunit is a tool invocation, so render the appropriate content.
            # We use the same args, slightly modified.
            del args['initially_open']
            if is_test:
                # Have test framework stdout open by default, but not that of other tools.
                # This is an arbitrary choice, but one that turns out to be useful to users in practice.
                args['stdout_initially_open'] = True
            s += self._renderer.render_name('tool_invocation_start', args)

        # ... and we're done.

    # CSS classes from pants.css that we use to style the header text to reflect the outcome.
    _outcome_css_classes = [
        'aborted', 'failure', 'warning', 'success', 'unknown'

    def end_workunit(self, workunit):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        # Create the template arguments.
        duration = workunit.duration()
        timing = '%.3f' % duration
        unaccounted_time_secs = workunit.unaccounted_time()
        unaccounted_time = '%.3f' % unaccounted_time_secs \
          if unaccounted_time_secs >= 1 and unaccounted_time_secs > 0.05 * duration \
          else None
        args = {
            'workunit': workunit.to_dict(),
            'status': workunit.choose(*HtmlReporter._outcome_css_classes),
            'timing': timing,
            'unaccounted_time': unaccounted_time,
            'aborted': workunit.outcome() == WorkUnit.ABORTED

        s = ''
        if workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TOOL):
            s += self._renderer.render_name('tool_invocation_end', args)
        s += self._renderer.render_name('workunit_end', args)

        # Update the timings.
        def render_timings(timings):
            timings_dict = timings.get_all()
            for item in timings_dict:
                item['timing_string'] = '%.3f' % item['timing']
            args = {'timings': timings_dict}
            return self._renderer.render_name('aggregated_timings', args)


        # Update the artifact cache stats.
        def render_cache_stats(artifact_cache_stats):
            def fix_detail_id(e, _id):
                return e if isinstance(e, basestring) else e + (_id, )

            msg_elements = []
            for cache_name, stat in artifact_cache_stats.stats_per_cache.items(
                    cache_name + ' artifact cache: ',
                    # Explicitly set the detail ids, so their displayed/hidden state survives a refresh.
                        items_to_report_element(stat.hit_targets, 'hit'),
                    ', ',
                        items_to_report_element(stat.miss_targets, 'miss'),
            if not msg_elements:
                msg_elements = ['No artifact cache use.']
            return self._render_message(*msg_elements)


    def handle_output(self, workunit, label, s):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        if os.path.exists(
        ):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
            path = os.path.join(self._html_dir, '%s.%s' % (workunit.id, label))
            if path not in self._output_files:
                f = open(path, 'w')
                self._output_files[path] = f
                f = self._output_files[path]
            # We must flush in the same thread as the write.

    def do_handle_log(self, workunit, level, *msg_elements):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        content = self._render_message(*msg_elements)

        # Generate some javascript that appends the content to the workunit's div.
        args = {
            'content_id': uuid.uuid4(),  # Identifies this content.
            workunit.id,  # The workunit this reporting content belongs to.
            'content': content,  # The content to append.
        s = self._renderer.render_name('append_to_workunit', args)

        # Emit that javascript to the main report body.

    def _render_message(self, *msg_elements):
        elements = []
        detail_ids = []
        for element in msg_elements:
            # Each element can be a message or a (message, detail) pair, as received by handle_log().
            # However, as an internal implementation detail, we also allow an element to be a tuple
            # (message, detail, detail_initially_visible[, detail_id])
            # - If the detail exists, clicking on the text will toggle display of the detail and close
            #   all other details in this message.
            # - If detail_initially_visible is True, the detail will be displayed by default.
            # Toggling is managed via detail_ids: when clicking on a detail, it closes all details
            # in this message with detail_ids different than that of the one being clicked on.
            # We allow detail_id to be explicitly specified, so that the open/closed state can be
            # preserved through refreshes. For example, when looking at the artifact cache stats,
            # if "hits" are open and "misses" are closed, we want to remember that even after
            # the cache stats are updated and the message re-rendered.
            if isinstance(element, basestring):
                element = [element]
            defaults = ('', None, None, False)
            # Map assumes None for missing values, so this will pick the default for those.
            (text, detail, detail_id, detail_initially_visible) = \
              map(lambda x, y: x or y, element, defaults)
            element_args = {'text': self._htmlify_text(text)}
            if detail is not None:
                detail_id = detail_id or uuid.uuid4()
                    'detail': self._htmlify_text(detail),
                    'detail_initially_visible': detail_initially_visible,
                    'detail-id': detail_id
        args = {'elements': elements, 'all-detail-ids': detail_ids}
        return self._renderer.render_name('message', args)

    def _emit(self, s):
        """Append content to the main report file."""
        if os.path.exists(
        ):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
            )  # We must flush in the same thread as the write.

    def _overwrite(self, filename, s):
        """Overwrite a file with the specified contents."""
        if os.path.exists(
        ):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
            with open(os.path.join(self._html_dir, filename), 'w') as f:

    def _htmlify_text(self, s):
        """Make text HTML-friendly."""
        colored = self._handle_ansi_color_codes(cgi.escape(str(s)))
        return linkify(self._buildroot, colored).replace('\n', '</br>')

    _ANSI_COLOR_CODE_RE = re.compile(r'\033\[((\d|;)*)m')

    def _handle_ansi_color_codes(self, s):
        """Replace ansi color sequences with spans of appropriately named css classes."""
        def ansi_code_to_css(code):
            return ' '.join(['ansi-%s' % c for c in code.split(';')])
        return '<span>' +\
                 lambda m: '</span><span class="%s">' % ansi_code_to_css(m.group(1)), s) +\
Exemplo n.º 5
class HtmlReporter(Reporter):
  """HTML reporting to files.

  The files are intended to be served by the ReportingServer,
  not accessed directly from the filesystem.

  # HTML reporting settings.
  #   html_dir: Where the report files go.
  #   template_dir: Where to find mustache templates.
  Settings = namedtuple('Settings', Reporter.Settings._fields + ('html_dir', 'template_dir'))

  def __init__(self, run_tracker, settings):
    Reporter.__init__(self, run_tracker, settings)
     # The main report, and associated tool outputs, go under this dir.
    self._html_dir = settings.html_dir

    # We render HTML from mustache templates.
    self._renderer = MustacheRenderer(settings.template_dir, __name__)

    # We serve files relative to the build root.
    self._buildroot = get_buildroot()
    self._html_path_base = os.path.relpath(self._html_dir, self._buildroot)

    # We write the main report body to this file object.
    self._report_file = None

    # We redirect stdout, stderr etc. of tool invocations to these files.
    self._output_files = defaultdict(dict)  # workunit_id -> {path -> fileobj}.

  def report_path(self):
    """The path to the main report file."""
    return os.path.join(self._html_dir, 'build.html')

  def open(self):
    """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
    self._report_file = open(self.report_path(), 'w')

  def close(self):
    """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
    # Make sure everything's closed.
    for files in self._output_files.values():
      for f in files.values():

  def start_workunit(self, workunit):
    """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
    # We use these properties of the workunit to decide how to render information about it.
    is_bootstrap = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.BOOTSTRAP)
    is_tool = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TOOL)
    is_multitool = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.MULTITOOL)
    is_test = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TEST)

    # Get useful properties from the workunit.
    workunit_dict = workunit.to_dict()
    if workunit_dict['cmd']:
      workunit_dict['cmd'] = linkify(self._buildroot, workunit_dict['cmd'].replace('$', '\\\\$'))

    # Create the template arguments.
    args = { 'indent': len(workunit.ancestors()) * 10,
             'html_path_base': self._html_path_base,
             'workunit': workunit_dict,
             'header_text': workunit.name,
             'initially_open': is_test or not (is_bootstrap or is_tool or is_multitool),
             'is_tool': is_tool,
             'is_multitool': is_multitool }
    args.update({ 'collapsible': lambda x: self._renderer.render_callable('collapsible', x, args) })

    # Render the workunit's div.
    s = self._renderer.render_name('workunit_start', args)

    if is_tool:
      # This workunit is a tool invocation, so render the appropriate content.
      # We use the same args, slightly modified.
      del args['initially_open']
      if is_test:
        # Have test framework stdout open by default, but not that of other tools.
        # This is an arbitrary choice, but one that turns out to be useful to users in practice.
        args['stdout_initially_open'] = True
      s += self._renderer.render_name('tool_invocation_start', args)

    # ... and we're done.

  # CSS classes from pants.css that we use to style the header text to reflect the outcome.
  _outcome_css_classes = ['aborted', 'failure', 'warning', 'success', 'unknown']

  def end_workunit(self, workunit):
    """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
    # Create the template arguments.
    duration = workunit.duration()
    timing = '%.3f' % duration
    unaccounted_time = None
    # Background work may be idle a lot, no point in reporting that as unaccounted.
    if self.is_under_main_root(workunit):
      unaccounted_time_secs = workunit.unaccounted_time()
      if unaccounted_time_secs >= 1 and unaccounted_time_secs > 0.05 * duration:
        unaccounted_time = '%.3f' % unaccounted_time_secs
    args = { 'workunit': workunit.to_dict(),
             'status': workunit.choose(*HtmlReporter._outcome_css_classes),
             'timing': timing,
             'unaccounted_time': unaccounted_time,
             'aborted': workunit.outcome() == WorkUnit.ABORTED }

    s = ''
    if workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TOOL):
      s += self._renderer.render_name('tool_invocation_end', args)
    s += self._renderer.render_name('workunit_end', args)

    # Update the timings.
    def render_timings(timings):
      timings_dict = timings.get_all()
      for item in timings_dict:
        item['timing_string'] = '%.3f' % item['timing']
      args = {
        'timings': timings_dict
      return self._renderer.render_name('aggregated_timings', args)

    self._overwrite('cumulative_timings', render_timings(self.run_tracker.cumulative_timings))
    self._overwrite('self_timings', render_timings(self.run_tracker.self_timings))

    # Update the artifact cache stats.
    def render_cache_stats(artifact_cache_stats):
      def fix_detail_id(e, _id):
        return e if isinstance(e, basestring) else e + (_id, )

      msg_elements = []
      for cache_name, stat in artifact_cache_stats.stats_per_cache.items():
          cache_name + ' artifact cache: ',
          # Explicitly set the detail ids, so their displayed/hidden state survives a refresh.
          fix_detail_id(items_to_report_element(stat.hit_targets, 'hit'), 'cache-hit-details'),
          ', ',
          fix_detail_id(items_to_report_element(stat.miss_targets, 'miss'), 'cache-miss-details'),
      if not msg_elements:
        msg_elements = ['No artifact cache use.']
      return self._render_message(*msg_elements)


    for f in self._output_files[workunit.id].values():

  def handle_output(self, workunit, label, s):
    """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
    if os.path.exists(self._html_dir):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
      path = os.path.join(self._html_dir, '%s.%s' % (workunit.id, label))
      output_files = self._output_files[workunit.id]
      if path not in output_files:
        f = open(path, 'w')
        output_files[path] = f
        f = output_files[path]
      # We must flush in the same thread as the write.

  _log_level_css_map = {
    Report.FATAL: 'fatal',
    Report.ERROR: 'error',
    Report.WARN:  'warn',
    Report.INFO:  'info',
    Report.DEBUG: 'debug'
  def do_handle_log(self, workunit, level, *msg_elements):
    """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
    content = '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % \
              (HtmlReporter._log_level_css_map[level], self._render_message(*msg_elements))

    # Generate some javascript that appends the content to the workunit's div.
    args = {
      'content_id': uuid.uuid4(),  # Identifies this content.
      'workunit_id': workunit.id,  # The workunit this reporting content belongs to.
      'content': content,  # The content to append.
    s = self._renderer.render_name('append_to_workunit', args)

    # Emit that javascript to the main report body.

  def _render_message(self, *msg_elements):
    elements = []
    detail_ids = []
    for element in msg_elements:
      # Each element can be a message or a (message, detail) pair, as received by handle_log().
      # However, as an internal implementation detail, we also allow an element to be a tuple
      # (message, detail, detail_initially_visible[, detail_id])
      # - If the detail exists, clicking on the text will toggle display of the detail and close
      #   all other details in this message.
      # - If detail_initially_visible is True, the detail will be displayed by default.
      # Toggling is managed via detail_ids: when clicking on a detail, it closes all details
      # in this message with detail_ids different than that of the one being clicked on.
      # We allow detail_id to be explicitly specified, so that the open/closed state can be
      # preserved through refreshes. For example, when looking at the artifact cache stats,
      # if "hits" are open and "misses" are closed, we want to remember that even after
      # the cache stats are updated and the message re-rendered.
      if isinstance(element, basestring):
        element = [element]
      defaults = ('', None, None, False)
      # Map assumes None for missing values, so this will pick the default for those.
      (text, detail, detail_id, detail_initially_visible) = \
        map(lambda x, y: x or y, element, defaults)
      element_args = {'text': self._htmlify_text(text) }
      if detail is not None:
        detail_id = detail_id or uuid.uuid4()
          'detail': self._htmlify_text(detail),
          'detail_initially_visible': detail_initially_visible,
          'detail-id': detail_id
    args = { 'elements': elements,
             'all-detail-ids': detail_ids }
    return self._renderer.render_name('message', args)

  def _emit(self, s):
    """Append content to the main report file."""
    if os.path.exists(self._html_dir):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
      self._report_file.flush()  # We must flush in the same thread as the write.

  def _overwrite(self, filename, s):
    """Overwrite a file with the specified contents."""
    if os.path.exists(self._html_dir):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
      with open(os.path.join(self._html_dir, filename), 'w') as f:

  def _htmlify_text(self, s):
    """Make text HTML-friendly."""
    colored = self._handle_ansi_color_codes(cgi.escape(str(s)))
    return linkify(self._buildroot, colored).replace('\n', '</br>')

  _ANSI_COLOR_CODE_RE = re.compile(r'\033\[((\d|;)*)m')
  def _handle_ansi_color_codes(self, s):
    """Replace ansi color sequences with spans of appropriately named css classes."""
    def ansi_code_to_css(code):
      return ' '.join(['ansi-%s' % c for c in code.split(';')])
    return '<span>' +\
             lambda m: '</span><span class="%s">' % ansi_code_to_css(m.group(1)), s) +\
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
   dict.__init__(self, MustacheRenderer.expand(kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 7
class HtmlReporter(Reporter):
    """HTML reporting to files.

  The files are intended to be served by the ReportingServer,
  not accessed directly from the filesystem.

    # HTML reporting settings.
    #   html_dir: Where the report files go.
    #   template_dir: Where to find mustache templates.
    Settings = namedtuple("Settings", Reporter.Settings._fields + ("html_dir", "template_dir"))

    def __init__(self, run_tracker, settings):
        Reporter.__init__(self, run_tracker, settings)
        # The main report, and associated tool outputs, go under this dir.
        self._html_dir = settings.html_dir

        # We render HTML from mustache templates.
        self._renderer = MustacheRenderer(Renderer(search_dirs=settings.template_dir))

        # We serve files relative to the build root.
        self._buildroot = get_buildroot()
        self._html_path_base = os.path.relpath(self._html_dir, self._buildroot)

        # We write the main report body to this file object.
        self._report_file = None

        # We redirect stdout, stderr etc. of tool invocations to these files.
        self._output_files = defaultdict(dict)  # workunit_id -> {path -> fileobj}.

    def report_path(self):
        """The path to the main report file."""
        return os.path.join(self._html_dir, "build.html")

    def open(self):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        self._report_file = open(self.report_path(), "w")

    def close(self):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        # Make sure everything's closed.
        for files in self._output_files.values():
            for f in files.values():

    def start_workunit(self, workunit):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        # We use these properties of the workunit to decide how to render information about it.
        is_tool = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TOOL)
        is_multitool = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.MULTITOOL)
        is_test = workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TEST)

        # Get useful properties from the workunit.
        workunit_dict = workunit.to_dict()
        if workunit_dict["cmd"]:
            workunit_dict["cmd"] = linkify(self._buildroot, workunit_dict["cmd"].replace("$", "\\\\$"))

        # Create the template arguments.
        args = {
            "indent": len(workunit.ancestors()) * 10,
            "html_path_base": self._html_path_base,
            "workunit": workunit_dict,
            "header_text": workunit.name,
            "initially_open": is_test or not (is_tool or is_multitool),
            "is_tool": is_tool,
            "is_multitool": is_multitool,
        args.update({"collapsible": lambda x: self._renderer.render_callable("collapsible", x, args)})

        # Render the workunit's div.
        s = self._renderer.render_name("workunit_start", args)

        if is_tool:
            # This workunit is a tool invocation, so render the appropriate content.
            # We use the same args, slightly modified.
            del args["initially_open"]
            if is_test:
                # Have test framework stdout open by default, but not that of other tools.
                # This is an arbitrary choice, but one that turns out to be useful to users in practice.
                args["stdout_initially_open"] = True
            s += self._renderer.render_name("tool_invocation_start", args)

        # ... and we're done.

    # CSS classes from pants.css that we use to style the header text to reflect the outcome.
    _outcome_css_classes = ["aborted", "failure", "warning", "success", "unknown"]

    def end_workunit(self, workunit):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        # Create the template arguments.
        duration = workunit.duration()
        timing = "%.3f" % duration
        unaccounted_time = None
        # Background work may be idle a lot, no point in reporting that as unaccounted.
        if self.is_under_main_root(workunit):
            unaccounted_time_secs = workunit.unaccounted_time()
            if unaccounted_time_secs >= 1 and unaccounted_time_secs > 0.05 * duration:
                unaccounted_time = "%.3f" % unaccounted_time_secs
        args = {
            "workunit": workunit.to_dict(),
            "status": workunit.choose(*HtmlReporter._outcome_css_classes),
            "timing": timing,
            "unaccounted_time": unaccounted_time,
            "aborted": workunit.outcome() == WorkUnit.ABORTED,

        s = ""
        if workunit.has_label(WorkUnit.TOOL):
            s += self._renderer.render_name("tool_invocation_end", args)
        s += self._renderer.render_name("workunit_end", args)

        # Update the timings.
        def render_timings(timings):
            timings_dict = timings.get_all()
            for item in timings_dict:
                item["timing_string"] = "%.3f" % item["timing"]
            args = {"timings": timings_dict}
            return self._renderer.render_name("aggregated_timings", args)

        self._overwrite("cumulative_timings", render_timings(self.run_tracker.cumulative_timings))
        self._overwrite("self_timings", render_timings(self.run_tracker.self_timings))

        # Update the artifact cache stats.
        def render_cache_stats(artifact_cache_stats):
            def fix_detail_id(e, _id):
                return e if isinstance(e, basestring) else e + (_id,)

            msg_elements = []
            for cache_name, stat in artifact_cache_stats.stats_per_cache.items():
                        cache_name + " artifact cache: ",
                        # Explicitly set the detail ids, so their displayed/hidden state survives a refresh.
                        fix_detail_id(items_to_report_element(stat.hit_targets, "hit"), "cache-hit-details"),
                        ", ",
                        fix_detail_id(items_to_report_element(stat.miss_targets, "miss"), "cache-miss-details"),
            if not msg_elements:
                msg_elements = ["No artifact cache use."]
            return self._render_message(*msg_elements)

        self._overwrite("artifact_cache_stats", render_cache_stats(self.run_tracker.artifact_cache_stats))

        for f in self._output_files[workunit.id].values():

    def handle_output(self, workunit, label, s):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        if os.path.exists(self._html_dir):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
            path = os.path.join(self._html_dir, "%s.%s" % (workunit.id, label))
            output_files = self._output_files[workunit.id]
            if path not in output_files:
                f = open(path, "w")
                output_files[path] = f
                f = output_files[path]
            # We must flush in the same thread as the write.

    def do_handle_log(self, workunit, level, *msg_elements):
        """Implementation of Reporter callback."""
        content = self._render_message(*msg_elements)

        # Generate some javascript that appends the content to the workunit's div.
        args = {
            "content_id": uuid.uuid4(),  # Identifies this content.
            "workunit_id": workunit.id,  # The workunit this reporting content belongs to.
            "content": content,  # The content to append.
        s = self._renderer.render_name("append_to_workunit", args)

        # Emit that javascript to the main report body.

    def _render_message(self, *msg_elements):
        elements = []
        detail_ids = []
        for element in msg_elements:
            # Each element can be a message or a (message, detail) pair, as received by handle_log().
            # However, as an internal implementation detail, we also allow an element to be a tuple
            # (message, detail, detail_initially_visible[, detail_id])
            # - If the detail exists, clicking on the text will toggle display of the detail and close
            #   all other details in this message.
            # - If detail_initially_visible is True, the detail will be displayed by default.
            # Toggling is managed via detail_ids: when clicking on a detail, it closes all details
            # in this message with detail_ids different than that of the one being clicked on.
            # We allow detail_id to be explicitly specified, so that the open/closed state can be
            # preserved through refreshes. For example, when looking at the artifact cache stats,
            # if "hits" are open and "misses" are closed, we want to remember that even after
            # the cache stats are updated and the message re-rendered.
            if isinstance(element, basestring):
                element = [element]
            defaults = ("", None, None, False)
            # Map assumes None for missing values, so this will pick the default for those.
            (text, detail, detail_id, detail_initially_visible) = map(lambda x, y: x or y, element, defaults)
            element_args = {"text": self._htmlify_text(text)}
            if detail is not None:
                detail_id = detail_id or uuid.uuid4()
                        "detail": self._htmlify_text(detail),
                        "detail_initially_visible": detail_initially_visible,
                        "detail-id": detail_id,
        args = {"elements": elements, "all-detail-ids": detail_ids}
        return self._renderer.render_name("message", args)

    def _emit(self, s):
        """Append content to the main report file."""
        if os.path.exists(self._html_dir):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
            self._report_file.flush()  # We must flush in the same thread as the write.

    def _overwrite(self, filename, s):
        """Overwrite a file with the specified contents."""
        if os.path.exists(self._html_dir):  # Make sure we're not immediately after a clean-all.
            with open(os.path.join(self._html_dir, filename), "w") as f:

    def _htmlify_text(self, s):
        """Make text HTML-friendly."""
        colored = self._handle_ansi_color_codes(cgi.escape(str(s)))
        return linkify(self._buildroot, colored).replace("\n", "</br>")

    _ANSI_COLOR_CODE_RE = re.compile(r"\033\[((\d|;)*)m")

    def _handle_ansi_color_codes(self, s):
        """Replace ansi color sequences with spans of appropriately named css classes."""

        def ansi_code_to_css(code):
            return " ".join(["ansi-%s" % c for c in code.split(";")])

        return (
            + HtmlReporter._ANSI_COLOR_CODE_RE.sub(
                lambda m: '</span><span class="%s">' % ansi_code_to_css(m.group(1)), s
            + "</span>"
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     dict.__init__(self, MustacheRenderer.expand(kwargs))