Exemplo n.º 1
def replyProcess(tweet):
    tome = False
        for i in range(len(tweet["entities"]["user_mentions"])):
            if tweet["entities"]["user_mentions"][i][
                    "screen_name"] == currentuser:
                tome = True
    if not (tome):

    replytxt = tweet["text"]
    replytxt = replytxt.split(" ")
    ### reply => "@$currentuser $request $message"
    if not (len(replytxt) == 3):

    request = replytxt[1]
    followUser = ""
    if not (request == "follow"):
    followUser = replytxt[2]
    fromUser = tweet["user"]["screen_name"]

    twitter.follow(followUser, fromUser)
Exemplo n.º 2
def replyProcess(tweet):
    tome = False
        for i in xrange(len(tweet["entities"]["user_mentions"])):
            if tweet["entities"]["user_mentions"][i][
                    "screen_name"] == "best_of_asi":
                tome = True
    if not (tome):

    replytxt = tweet["text"]
    replytxt = replytxt.split(" ")
    ### reply => "@best_of_asi $request $message"
    if not (len(replytxt) == 3):

    request = replytxt[1]
    followUser = ""
    if request == "follow":
        followUser = replytxt[2]
    fromUser = tweet["user"]["screen_name"]

    print "ReplyFrom : " + fromUser
    print "request : " + request
    print "{0}to : {1}".format(request, followUser)
    twitter.follow(followUser, fromUser)
Exemplo n.º 3
statuses = tw.buscar(busqueda, usuario)

#Creo la lista de usuario de la busqueda
listaUsuariosBusqueda =  tw.listaUsuarios(statuses)

#Elimino los duplicados

#Creo una lista de la gente que sigo
listaFollowingL = tw.listaFollowing(usuario)

#hago follow en el caso en que el usuario no este en la lista de gente que sigo

for l in listaUsuariosBusqueda:
    if l not in listaFollowingL:

            #Hago follow si usuario l no está en la linsta listaFollowingL
            tw.follow(l, usuario)
            #Añado ese usuario a la lista listaFollowing
            print "Error over Capacity"
        print "sigo a " + l
        segundos = random.randint(30, 200)
        print str(segundos) + ' de espera'

Exemplo n.º 4
#! /usr/bin/python

from twitter import user, tweet, follow 

user = user()
tweet = tweet()
follow = follow()


follow.follows("du", "ich")
follow.follows("er", "ich")
users = user.getAllUsers()
for u in users :
	print u
tweet.addTweet("ich", None, "ein neuer tweet")
print "tweets von ich"
tweets = tweet.getTweetsForUser("ich")
for t in tweets :
	print t
print "followers von ich"
followers = follow.getFollowersOfUser("ich")
for f in followers :
	print f
Exemplo n.º 5
def execute(text: str, user_id: str, screen_name: str, name: str, from_tweet: bool) -> Optional[str]:
    account = 'twitter-' + user_id
    name = name.split('@')[0] if not name.startswith('@') else name
    command = get_command(text)

    if command['method'] == None:
        return None

    if command['method'] == 'tip':
        if len(command['params']) < 2:
            text = 'tipkotoneの使い方をご確認ください! https://github.com/akarinS/tipkotone/blob/master/README.md'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        if re.match('^@', command['params'][0]):
            to_screen_name = command['params'][0][1:]
            str_amount = command['params'][1]

        elif re.match('^@', command['params'][1]):
            to_screen_name = command['params'][1][1:]
            str_amount = command['params'][0]

            text = '宛先が間違っています・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        if to_screen_name == screen_name:
            text = '自身には投げ銭できません・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        if to_screen_name == BOTSCREENNAME:
            to_account = 'FREE'

            to_user = twitter.user(to_screen_name)

            if to_user.get('error') is not None:
                text = '宛先が見つかりませんでした・・・'

                return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

            to_user_id = to_user['id_str']
            to_account = 'twitter-' + to_user_id
            to_name = to_user['name']
            to_name = to_name.split('@')[0] if not to_name.startswith('@') else name

        result = aw.move(account, to_account, str_amount)

        if result == 'wrong':
            text = '不正な金額です・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        elif result == 'few':
            text = '金額が小さすぎです・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        elif result == 'insufficient':
            text = '残高が足りません・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        amount = Decimal_to_str(result)

        if to_screen_name == BOTSCREENNAME:
            text = f'{amount}KOTO 寄付していただきありがとうございます!'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        text = f'{name}さんから {to_name}さんへ お心付けです! {amount}KOTO'

        return get_message(text, screen_name, to_screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

    if command['method'] == 'balance':
        balance, confirming_balance = aw.get_account_balance(account)

        balance = Decimal_to_str(balance)

        if confirming_balance == 0:
            text = f'{name}さんの残高は {balance}KOTO です!'

            confirming_balance = Decimal_to_str(confirming_balance)
            text = f'{name}さんの残高は {balance}KOTO (+{confirming_balance}KOTO 承認中) です!'

        return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

    if command['method'] == 'deposit':
        address = aw.get_account_address(account)

        text = f'{address} に送金してください!'

        return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

    if command['method'] == 'withdraw':
        if len(command['params']) < 2:
            text = 'tipkotoneの使い方をご確認ください! https://github.com/akarinS/tipkotone/blob/master/README.md'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        if re.match('^(k|jz)', command['params'][0]):
            address = command['params'][0]
            str_amount = command['params'][1]

        elif re.match('^(k|jz)', command['params'][1]):
            address = command['params'][1]
            str_amount = command['params'][0]

            text = 'アドレスが間違っています・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        if not coinrpc.call('validateaddress', address)['isvalid']:
            text = 'アドレスが間違っています・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        result = aw.add_withdrawal_request(account, address, str_amount)

        if result == 'wrong':
            text = '不正な金額です・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        elif result == 'few':
            text = '金額が小さすぎです・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        elif result == 'insufficient':
            text = '残高が足りません・・・'

            return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

        amount = Decimal_to_str(result)
        text = f'{amount}KOTO の出金リクエストを受け付けました!'

        return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

    if command['method'] == 'help':
        text = 'tipkotoneの使い方はこちらです! https://github.com/akarinS/tipkotone/blob/master/README.md'

        return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

    if command['method'] == 'follow':
        text = 'フォローしました!'

        return get_message(text, screen_name) if from_tweet else get_message(text)

    return None
usuario = sys.argv[1]

#Lista de gente que me sigue
genteQueMeSigue = tw.listaSeguidores(usuario)

#Creo una lista de la gente que sigo
genteQueSigo = tw.listaFollowing(usuario)

#hago follow en el caso en que el usuario no este en la lista de gente que sigo
contador = 0
for l in range(0, len(genteQueMeSigue)):
    #buscarElemento(listaFollowing, listaFollowers[l])
    if genteQueMeSigue[l] not in genteQueSigo:
            print genteQueMeSigue[l]
            if contador < 50:
                tw.follow(str(genteQueMeSigue[l]), usuario)
                print "Devolver follow a: "+str(genteQueMeSigue[l])
                contador = contador + 1
                segundos = random.randint(30, 200)
                print str(segundos) + ' segundos de espera'
            print "Error Follow"

Exemplo n.º 7
parser = ArgumentParser(
    description="Twitter unfollow and follow API")

parser.add_argument('-m', '--myaccount', help="my account")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--copyaccount', help="account to copy followers")
args = parser.parse_args()
#print twitter.application.rate_limit_status()

myaccount = 'PancakeMick'
copyaccount = touse

#delete all people not following back
if myaccount and copyaccount:
    #print myaccount
    #people following
    followingme = follow(twitter, myaccount, False)
    #print lookup(twitter, userids)
    myfollowers = follow(twitter, myaccount, True)
    #print lookup(twitter, followers)
    print 'These people are following me: ' 
    print myfollowers
    tounfollow = []
    for id in followingme:
        if id not in myfollowers:
    print len(tounfollow)
    #print lookup(twitter, tounfollow)
    #uncomment below when u run
    print 'These people will be unfollowed '
    print tounfollow