Exemplo n.º 1
def _fromRecord(cuaddr, record, txn):
    Map a calendar user record into an L{CalendarUser} taking into account whether
    they are hosted in the directory or known to be locally hosted - or match
    address patterns for other services.

    @param cuaddr: the calendar user address to map
    @type cuaddr: L{str}
    @param record: the calendar user record to map or L{None}
    @type record: L{IDirectoryRecord}
    @param txn: a transaction to use for store operations
    @type txn: L{ICommonStoreTransaction}
    if record is not None:
        if not record.calendarsEnabled():
            returnValue(InvalidCalendarUser(cuaddr, record))
        elif record.thisServer():
            returnValue(LocalCalendarUser(cuaddr, record))
            returnValue(OtherServerCalendarUser(cuaddr, record))
        uid = uidFromCalendarUserAddress(cuaddr)
        if uid is not None:
            hosted, serviceNodeUID = yield txn.store().uidInStore(txn, uid)
            if hosted:
                record = TemporaryDirectoryRecord(txn.directoryService(), uid,
                returnValue(LocalCalendarUser(cuaddr, record))

    from txdav.caldav.datastore.scheduling import addressmapping
    result = (yield addressmapping.mapper.getCalendarUser(cuaddr))
Exemplo n.º 2
def _fromRecord(cuaddr, record, txn):
    Map a calendar user record into an L{CalendarUser} taking into account whether
    they are hosted in the directory or known to be locally hosted - or match
    address patterns for other services.

    @param cuaddr: the calendar user address to map
    @type cuaddr: L{str}
    @param record: the calendar user record to map or L{None}
    @type record: L{IDirectoryRecord}
    @param txn: a transaction to use for store operations
    @type txn: L{ICommonStoreTransaction}
    if record is not None:
        if not record.calendarsEnabled():
            returnValue(InvalidCalendarUser(cuaddr, record))
        elif record.thisServer():
            returnValue(LocalCalendarUser(cuaddr, record))
            returnValue(OtherServerCalendarUser(cuaddr, record))
        uid = uidFromCalendarUserAddress(cuaddr)
        if uid is not None:
            hosted, serviceNodeUID = yield txn.store().uidInStore(txn, uid)
            if hosted:
                record = TemporaryDirectoryRecord(txn.directoryService(), uid, serviceNodeUID)
                returnValue(LocalCalendarUser(cuaddr, record))

    from txdav.caldav.datastore.scheduling import addressmapping
    result = (yield addressmapping.mapper.getCalendarUser(cuaddr))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_uidFromCalendarUserAddress(self):
        Test that L{uidFromCalendarUserAddress} returns the expected results.

        data = (
            ("urn:x-uid:foobar", "foobar"),
            ("urn:uuid:foobar", "foobar"),
            ("urn:uuid:49DE7436-F01C-4AD8-B685-A94303F40301", "49DE7436-F01C-4AD8-B685-A94303F40301"),
            ("/principals/__uids__/foobar", "foobar"),
            ("/principals/users/foobar", None),
            ("/principals/groups/foobar", None),
            ("mailto:[email protected]", None),

        for cuaddr, uid in data:
            self.assertEqual(uidFromCalendarUserAddress(cuaddr), uid)