Exemplo n.º 1
 def __setitem__(self, key, value, sync=True):
     if not len(key) == 14:
         raise FreetimeKeyError(key)
     if not key[0:4].isdigit():
         raise FreetimeKeyError(key)
     if not key[5:7].isdigit():
         raise FreetimeKeyError(key)
     if not key[8:9].isdigit():
         raise FreetimeKeyError(key)
     if not key[10:12].isdigit():
         raise FreetimeKeyError(key)
     if not key[13:14].isdigit():
         raise FreetimeKeyError(key)
     # Maintain a list of all repeatable entries for a particular year, month
     # and weekday
     daykey = key[:9]
     if not self.has_key( daykey ):
         DictType.__setitem__( self, daykey, ([],[]) )
     daykeys = self.__getitem__( daykey )
     keyvals = [0,1]
     for keyval in keyvals:
         if value == keyval:
             if not key in daykeys[keyval]:
                 daykeys[keyval].append( key )
         elif sync:
             if key in daykeys[keyval]:
                 daykeys[keyval].remove( key )
     #print daykeys
     return DictType.__setitem__(self, key, value)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __getitem__(self, *kargs):
     value = False
     name = kargs[0]
     if type(name) == type(()):
         name, value = name[:2]
     if DictType.__contains__(self, name):
         value = DictType.__getitem__(self, name)
     devlog('Config::GetItem', "%s = %s" % (name, value))
     return value
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, argv=None):

        # first of all we load default CANVAS config (at the top of that file)
        for line in self.__default_config.split('\n'):
            self.__parse_configline(line, 'Config::DefaultConf')

        # then we parse user's config file

        # and at the end we overwrite config with cmdline options
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     if self.has_key( key ):
         return DictType.__getitem__(self, key)
     elif len(key) == 9:
         return ([],[])
         return None
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __new__(meta, name, bases, dict):
     # @ Metaclass' __new__ serves as a bi-functional slot capable for
     #   initiating the classes as well as alternating the meta.
     # @ Suggestion is putting majority of the class initialization code
     #   in __init__, as you can directly reference to cls there; saving 
     #   here for anything you want to dynamically added to the meta (such 
     #   as shared variables or lazily GC'd temps).
     # @ Any changes here to dict will be visible to the new class and their 
     #   future instances, but won't affect the metaclass. While changes 
     #   directly through meta will be visible to all (unless you override 
     #   it later).
     dict['new_elem'] = "effective"
     meta.var = "Change made to %s by metaclass' __new__" % str(meta)
     meta.count += 1
     print "================================================================"
     print " Metaclass's __new__ (creates class objects)"
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Bounded to object: " + str(meta)
     print "Bounded object's __dict__: "
     pprint(DictType(meta.__dict__), depth = 1)
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Parameter 'name': " + str(name)
     print "Parameter 'bases': " + str(bases)
     print "Parameter 'dict': "
     pprint(dict, depth = 1)
     print "\n"
     return super(FactoryMeta, meta).__new__(meta, name, bases, dict)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __delitem__(self, key, sync=True):
     daykey = key[:9]
     daykeys= self.__getitem__( daykey )
     if sync:
         if key in daykeys[0]:
             daykeys[0].remove( key )
     if key in daykeys[1]:
         daykeys[1].remove( key )
     #print daykeys
     return DictType.__delitem__( self, key )
Exemplo n.º 7
 def pop(self, key, *defaults):
     if len(defaults) > 1:
         raise TypeError, "pop expected at most 2 arguments, got %d" % (1 + len(defaults))
         v = DictType.__getitem__(self, key)
     except KeyError, e:
         if defaults:
             return defaults[0]
             raise e
Exemplo n.º 8
    def update(self):
        pps = self.context.restrictedTraverse('@@plone_portal_state')
        self.portal = pps.portal()
        self.orders_folder = self.portal.orders
        self.orders = []

        if self.request.has_key('list_orders.form.submitted'):
            # we have to have *some* filter criteria or the search will take
            # forever.
            oc = getToolByName(self.context, 'order_catalog')

            query = {'portal_type': 'emas.app.order',
                     'path': '/'.join(self.orders_folder.getPhysicalPath())}
            # make it a dict, because I want an easy way to get rid of some keys
            filter_criteria = DictType(self.request.get('filter_criteria', {}))

            now = DT()
            yesterday = now - 1
            tomorrow = now + 1

            start_date = self.request['order_date_start']
            end_date = self.request['order_date_end']
            if start_date and end_date:
                start_date = DT(self.request['order_date_start'])
                end_date = DT(self.request['order_date_end'])
                date_query = {'query': [start_date, end_date], 'range': 'minmax'}
                query['order_date'] = date_query
            for key, value in filter_criteria.items():
                query[key] = value
	    self.orders = oc(query)
	    if self.orders:
                b_size = int(self.request.get('b_size', 50))
                b_start = int(self.request.get('b_start', 0))
                self.orders = Batch(self.orders, b_size, b_start)
	    	_('No orders match your search criteria.')
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __new__(cls, function):
     # @ Class' __new__ "creates" the instances.
     # @ This won't affect the metaclass. But it does alter the class' member
     #   as it is bounded to cls.
     cls.extra = function
     print "================================================================"
     print " Class' __new__ (\"creates\" instance objects)"
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Bounded to object: " + str(cls)
     print "Bounded object's __dict__: "
     pprint(DictType(cls.__dict__), depth = 1)
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Parameter 'function': \n" + str(function)
     print "\n"
     return super(Factory, cls).__new__(cls)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
     # @ Class' __init__ initializes the instances.
     # @ Changes through self here (normally) won't affect the class or the 
     #   metaclass; they are only visible locally to the instances.
     # @ However, here you have another chance to make "static" things 
     #   visible to the instances, "locally".
     self.classFactory = self.__class__.classFactory
     print "================================================================"
     print " Class' __init__ (initiates instance objects)"
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Bounded to object: " + str(self)
     print "Bounded object's __dict__: "
     pprint(DictType(self.__dict__), depth = 1)
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Parameter 'function': \n" + str(function)
     print "\n"
     return super(Factory, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
     # @ Metaclass' __init__ is the standard slot for class initialization.
     #   Classes' common variables should mainly goes in here.
     # @ Any changes here to dict won't actually affect anything. While 
     #   changes directly through cls will be visible to the created class 
     #   and its future instances. Metaclass remains untouched.
     dict['init_elem'] = "defective"
     cls.var = "Change made to %s by metaclass' __init__" % str(cls)
     print "================================================================"
     print " Metaclass's __init__ (initiates class objects)"
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Bounded to object: " + str(cls)
     print "Bounded object's __dict__: "
     pprint(DictType(cls.__dict__), depth = 1)
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Parameter 'name': " + str(name)
     print "Parameter 'bases': " + str(bases)
     print "Parameter 'dict': "
     pprint(dict, depth = 1)
     print "\n"
     return super(FactoryMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __call__(cls, *args):
     # @ Metaclass' __call__ gets called when a class name is used as a 
     #   callable function to create an instance. It is called before the 
     #   class' __new__.
     # @ Instance's initialization code can be put in here, although it 
     #   is bounded to "cls" rather than instance's "self". This provides 
     #   a slot similar to the class' __new__, where cls' members can be 
     #   altered and get copied to the instances.
     # @ Any changes here through cls will be visible to the class and its 
     #   instances. Metaclass remains unchanged.
     cls.var = "Change made to %s by metaclass' __call__" % str(cls)
     # @ "Static" methods defined in the meta which cannot be seen through 
     #   instances by default can be manually assigned with an access point 
     #   here. This is a way to create shared methods between different 
     #   instances of the same metaclass.
     cls.metaVar = FactoryMeta.metaVar
     print "================================================================"
     print " Metaclass's __call__ (initiates instance objects)"
     print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
     print "Bounded to object: " + str(cls)
     print "Bounded object's __dict__: "
     pprint(DictType(cls.__dict__), depth = 1)
     print "\n"
     return super(FactoryMeta, cls).__call__(*args)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def __setitem__(self, name, val):
     if type(val) == type("") and val.lower() in ['no', 'false']:
         val = False
     DictType.__setitem__(self, name, val)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __str__(self):
     return "<CANVAS Config instance %s>" % DictType.__repr__(self)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     if self.has_key(key):
         return DictType.__getitem__(self, key)
         return None