Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: root.py Projeto: dckc/typhon
    def callAtom(self, atom, arguments, namedArgsMap):
        This method is used to reuse atoms without having to rebuild them.
        # Promote the atom, on the basis that atoms are generally reused.
        atom = promote(atom)
        # Log the atom to the JIT log. Don't do this if the atom's not
        # promoted; it'll be slow.

            return self.recvNamed(atom, arguments, namedArgsMap)
        except Refused as r:
            addTrail(r, self, atom, arguments)
        except UserException as ue:
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
        except MemoryError:
            ue = userError(u"Memory corruption or exhausted heap")
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
            raise ue
        except StackOverflow:
            ue = userError(u"Stack overflow")
            addTrail(ue, self, atom, arguments)
            raise ue
Exemplo n.º 2
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is RUN_1:
            return IntObject(int(unwrapStr(args[0]).encode('utf-8')))

        if atom is RUN_2:
            inp = unwrapStr(args[0])
            radix = unwrapInt(args[1])
                v = int(inp.encode("utf-8"), radix)
            except ValueError:
                raise userError(u"Invalid literal for base %d: %s" % (
                        radix, inp))
            return IntObject(v)

        if atom is FROMBYTES_1:
            return IntObject(int(unwrapBytes(args[0])))

        if atom is FROMBYTES_2:
            bs = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            radix = unwrapInt(args[1])
                v = int(bs, radix)
            except ValueError:
                raise userError(u"Invalid literal for base %d: %s" % (
                        radix, bytesToString(bs)))
            return IntObject(v)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setTarget(self, newTarget):
     if self.isSwitchable:
        self._target = newTarget.resolutionRef()
        if self is self._target:
            raise userError(u"Ref loop")
         raise userError(u"No longer switchable")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is RUN_1:
            pname = unwrapStr(args[0])
            for extension in [".ty", ".mast"]:
                path = pname.encode("utf-8") + extension
                for base in self.paths:
                        with open(os.path.join(base, path), "rb") as handle:
                            source = handle.read()
                            with self.recorder.context("Deserialization"):
                                return loadMASTBytes(source)
                    except IOError:
            raise userError(u"Could not locate " + pname)

        if atom is RUN_2:
            scope = unwrapMap(args[1])
            d = {}
            for k, v in scope.items():
                s = unwrapStr(k)
                if not s.startswith("&&"):
                    raise userError(u"evalMonteFile scope map must be of the "
                                    "form '[\"&&name\" => binding]'")
                d[s[2:]] = scope[k]

            code = obtainModule(self.paths, unwrapStr(args[0]).encode("utf-8"),
            return evaluateRaise([code], d)[0]
        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Exemplo n.º 5
def auditDeepFrozen(audition):
    from typhon.nodes import FinalPattern, Obj
    from typhon.objects.user import Audition
    from typhon.objects.printers import toString
    if not isinstance(audition, Audition):
        raise userError(u"not invoked with an Audition")
    ast = audition.ast
    if not isinstance(ast, Obj):
        raise userError(u"audition not created with an object expr")
    n = ast._n
    if isinstance(n, FinalPattern):
        objName = ast._n._n
        objName = None
    ss = ast._script.getStaticScope()
    namesUsed = ss.read + ss.set
    errors = []
    for name in namesUsed:
        if name == objName:
        guard = audition.getGuard(name)
        if not deepFrozenSupersetOf(guard):
            errors.append(u'"%s" in the lexical scope of %s does not have a '
                          u'guard implying DeepFrozen, but %s' %
                          (name, audition.fqn, toString(guard)))
    if len(errors) > 0:
        raise userError(u'\n'.join(errors))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _slice(self, start, stop):
     if start < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/1: Negative start")
     if stop < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/2: Negative stop")
     stop = min(stop, len(self.objs))
     start = min(start, stop)
     return self.objs[start:stop]
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: lists.py Projeto: dckc/typhon
    def get(self, index):
        # Lookup by index.
        if index < 0:
            raise userError(u"get/1: Index %d cannot be negative" % index)

            return self.objs[index]
        except IndexError:
            raise userError(u"get/1: Index %d is out of bounds" % index)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def takeTurn(self):
        from typhon.objects.exceptions import sealException
        from typhon.objects.refs import Promise, resolution

        with self._pendingLock:
            resolver, target, atom, args, namedArgs = self._pending.pop(0)

        # Set up our Miranda FAIL.
        if namedArgs.extractStringKey(u"FAIL", None) is None:
            if resolver is not None:
                FAIL = resolver.makeSmasher()
                from typhon.objects.ejectors import theThrower
                FAIL = theThrower
            namedArgs = namedArgs.withStringKey(u"FAIL", FAIL)

        # If the target is a promise, then we should send to it instead of
        # calling. Try to resolve it as much as possible first, though.
        target = resolution(target)

        # self.log(u"Taking turn: %s<-%s(%s) (resolver: %s)" %
        #          (target.toQuote(), atom.verb,
        #           u", ".join([arg.toQuote() for arg in args]),
        #           u"yes" if resolver is not None else u"no"))
            if isinstance(target, Promise):
                if resolver is None:
                    target.sendOnly(atom, args, namedArgs)
                    result = target.send(atom, args, namedArgs)
                    # The resolver may have already been invoked, so we'll use
                    # .resolveRace/1 instead of .resolve/1. ~ C.
                result = target.callAtom(atom, args, namedArgs)
                if resolver is not None:
                    # Same logic as above.
        except UserException as ue:
            if resolver is not None:
                self.log(u"Uncaught user exception while taking turn"
                         u" (and no resolver): %s" %
        except VatCheckpointed:
            self.log(u"Ran out of checkpoints while taking turn",
            if resolver is not None:
                resolver.smash(sealException(userError(u"Vat ran out of checkpoints")))
        except Ejecting:
            self.log(u"Ejector tried to escape vat turn boundary",
            if resolver is not None:
                resolver.smash(sealException(userError(u"Ejector tried to escape from vat")))
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: sets.py Projeto: dckc/typhon
 def _slice(self, start, stop):
     if start < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/2: Negative start")
     if stop < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/2: Negative stop")
     keys = self.objectSet.keys()[start:stop]
     rv = monteSet()
     for k in keys:
         rv[k] = None
     return rv
Exemplo n.º 10
 def _slice(self, start, stop):
     if start < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/2: Negative start")
     if stop < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/2: Negative stop")
     keys = self.objectSet.keys()[start:stop]
     rv = monteSet()
     for k in keys:
         rv[k] = None
     return rv
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: maps.py Projeto: dckc/typhon
 def _slice(self, start, stop):
     if start < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/1: Negative start")
     if stop < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/1: Negative stop")
     items = self.objectMap.items()[start:stop]
     rv = monteMap()
     for k, v in items:
         rv[k] = v
     return rv
Exemplo n.º 12
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        from typhon.nodes import Noun, Method, Obj
        from typhon.objects.equality import optSame, EQUAL
        from typhon.objects.user import Audition

        if atom is _UNCALL_0:
            from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP

            return ConstList([subrangeGuardMaker, StrObject(u"get"), ConstList([self.superGuard]), EMPTY_MAP])

        if atom is AUDIT_1:
            audition = args[0]
            if not isinstance(audition, Audition):
                raise userError(u"not invoked with an Audition")
            ast = audition.ast
            if not isinstance(ast, Obj):
                raise userError(u"audition not created with an object expr")
            methods = ast._script._methods
            for m in methods:
                if isinstance(m, Method) and m._verb == u"coerce":
                    mguard = m._g
                    if isinstance(mguard, Noun):
                        rGSG = audition.getGuard(mguard.name)
                        if isinstance(rGSG, FinalSlotGuard):
                            rGSG0 = rGSG.valueGuard
                            if isinstance(rGSG0, SameGuard):
                                resultGuard = rGSG0.value

                                if optSame(resultGuard, self.superGuard) is EQUAL or (
                                    SUPERSETOF_1 in self.superGuard.respondingAtoms()
                                    and self.superGuard.call(u"supersetOf", [resultGuard]) is wrapBool(True)
                                    return wrapBool(True)
                                raise userError(
                                    u"%s does not have a result guard implying "
                                    u"%s, but %s" % (audition.fqn, self.superGuard.toQuote(), resultGuard.toQuote())
                            raise userError(
                                u"%s does not have a determinable "
                                u"result guard, but <& %s> :%s" % (audition.fqn, mguard.name, rGSG.toQuote())
            return self
        if atom is PASSES_1:
            return wrapBool(args[0].auditedBy(self))
        if atom is COERCE_2:
            specimen, ej = args[0], args[1]
            if specimen.auditedBy(self):
                return specimen
            c = specimen.call(u"_conformTo", [self])
            if c.auditedBy(self):
                return c
            throw(ej, StrObject(u"%s does not conform to %s" % (specimen.toQuote(), self.toQuote())))

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Exemplo n.º 13
def samenessFringe(original, path, fringe, sofar=None):
    Walk an object graph, building up the fringe.

    Returns whether the graph is settled.

    # Resolve the object.
    o = resolution(original)
    # Handle primitive cases first.
    if o in (NullObject, TrueObject, FalseObject):
        return True

    if (isinstance(o, CharObject) or isinstance(o, DoubleObject)
            or isinstance(o, IntObject) or isinstance(o, BigInt)
            or isinstance(o, StrObject) or isinstance(o, BytesObject)
            or isinstance(o, TraversalKey)):
        return True

    if isinstance(o, ConstMap) and o.empty():
        return True

    if sofar is None:
        sofar = {}
    elif o in sofar:
        return True

    if isinstance(o, ConstList):
        sofar[o] = None
        return listFringe(o, fringe, path, sofar)

    if selfless in o.auditorStamps():
        if transparentStamp in o.auditorStamps():
            sofar[o] = None
            return samenessFringe(o.call(u"_uncall", []), path, fringe, sofar)
        if semitransparentStamp in o.auditorStamps():
            sofar[o] = None
            p = o.call(u"_uncall", [])
            if not isinstance(p, SealedPortrayal):
                    u'Semitransparent portrayal was not a SealedPortrayal!')
            return samenessFringe(p, path, fringe, sofar)

    if isResolved(o):
        return True

    # Welp, it's unsettled.
    if fringe is not None:
        fringe.append(FringeNode(o, path))
    return False
Exemplo n.º 14
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETCONTENTS_0:
            return self.open(openGetContentsCB, flags=os.O_RDONLY, mode=0000)

        if atom is SETCONTENTS_1:
            data = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            sibling = self.temporarySibling(".setContents")

            p, r = makePromise()
            vat = currentVat.get()
            uv_loop = vat.uv_loop
            fs = ruv.alloc_fs()

            path = sibling.asBytes()
            # Use CREAT | EXCL to cause a failure if the temporary file
            # already exists.
            flags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL
            sc = SetContents(vat, data, r, sibling, self)
            ruv.stashFS(fs, (vat, sc))
            ruv.fsOpen(uv_loop, fs, path, flags, 0777, openSetContentsCB)
            return p

        if atom is OPENFOUNT_0:
            return self.open(openFountCB, flags=os.O_RDONLY, mode=0000)

        if atom is OPENDRAIN_0:
            # Create the file if it doesn't yet exist, and truncate it if it
            # does. Trust the umask to be reasonable for now.
            flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY
            # XXX this behavior should be configurable via namedarg?
            flags |= os.O_TRUNC
            return self.open(openDrainCB, flags=flags, mode=0777)

        if atom is RENAME_1:
            fr = args[0]
            if not isinstance(fr, FileResource):
                raise userError(u"rename/1: Must be file resource")
            return self.rename(fr.asBytes())

        if atom is SIBLING_1:
            name = unwrapStr(args[0])
            if u'/' in name:
                raise userError(u"sibling/1: Illegal file name '%s'" % name)
            return self.sibling(name.encode("utf-8"))

        if atom is TEMPORARYSIBLING_0:
            return self.temporarySibling(".new")

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Exemplo n.º 15
def samenessFringe(original, path, fringe, sofar=None):
    Walk an object graph, building up the fringe.

    Returns whether the graph is settled.

    # Resolve the object.
    o = resolution(original)
    # Handle primitive cases first.
    if o in (NullObject, TrueObject, FalseObject):
        return True

    if (isinstance(o, CharObject) or isinstance(o, DoubleObject) or
        isinstance(o, IntObject) or isinstance(o, BigInt) or
        isinstance(o, StrObject) or isinstance(o, BytesObject) or
        isinstance(o, TraversalKey)):
        return True

    if isinstance(o, ConstMap) and o.empty():
        return True

    if sofar is None:
        sofar = {}
    elif o in sofar:
        return True

    if isinstance(o, ConstList):
        sofar[o] = None
        return listFringe(o, fringe, path, sofar)

    if selfless in o.auditorStamps():
        if transparentStamp in o.auditorStamps():
            sofar[o] = None
            return samenessFringe(o.call(u"_uncall", []), path, fringe, sofar)
        if semitransparentStamp in o.auditorStamps():
            sofar[o] = None
            p = o.call(u"_uncall", [])
            if not isinstance(p, SealedPortrayal):
                userError(u'Semitransparent portrayal was not a SealedPortrayal!')
            return samenessFringe(p, path, fringe, sofar)

    if isResolved(o):
        return True

    # Welp, it's unsettled.
    if fringe is not None:
        fringe.append(FringeNode(o, path))
    return False
Exemplo n.º 16
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETCONTENTS_0:
            return self.open(openGetContentsCB, flags=os.O_RDONLY, mode=0000)

        if atom is SETCONTENTS_1:
            data = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            sibling = self.temporarySibling(".setContents")

            p, r = makePromise()
            vat = currentVat.get()
            uv_loop = vat.uv_loop
            fs = ruv.alloc_fs()

            path = sibling.asBytes()
            # Use CREAT | EXCL to cause a failure if the temporary file
            # already exists.
            flags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL
            sc = SetContents(vat, data, r, sibling, self)
            ruv.stashFS(fs, (vat, sc))
            ruv.fsOpen(uv_loop, fs, path, flags, 0777, openSetContentsCB)
            return p

        if atom is OPENFOUNT_0:
            return self.open(openFountCB, flags=os.O_RDONLY, mode=0000)

        if atom is OPENDRAIN_0:
            # Create the file if it doesn't yet exist, and truncate it if it
            # does. Trust the umask to be reasonable for now.
            flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY
            # XXX this behavior should be configurable via namedarg?
            flags |= os.O_TRUNC
            return self.open(openDrainCB, flags=flags, mode=0777)

        if atom is RENAME_1:
            fr = args[0]
            if not isinstance(fr, FileResource):
                raise userError(u"rename/1: Must be file resource")
            return self.rename(fr.asBytes())

        if atom is SIBLING_1:
            name = unwrapStr(args[0])
            if u'/' in name:
                raise userError(u"sibling/1: Illegal file name '%s'" % name)
            return self.sibling(name.encode("utf-8"))

        if atom is TEMPORARYSIBLING_0:
            return self.temporarySibling(".new")

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def pop(self):
     from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList
     if self.objectMap:
         key, value = self.objectMap.popitem()
         return ConstList([key, value])
         raise userError(u"pop/0: Pop from empty map")
Exemplo n.º 18
 def put(self, index, value):
     top = len(self._l)
     if 0 <= index < top:
         self._l[index] = self.coerce(value)
         raise userError(u"put/2: Index %d out of bounds for list of length %d" %
                        (index, top))
Exemplo n.º 19
 def withIndex(self, index, value):
     # Make a new ConstList.
     if not (0 < index < len(self._l)):
         raise userError(u"with/2: Index %d is out of bounds" % index)
     new = self._l[:]
     new[index] = value
     return new
Exemplo n.º 20
    def run(self, executable, argv, env, stdinFount=None, stdoutDrain=None,
            stderrDrain=None, stdin=False, stdout=False, stderr=False):
        # Sixth incarnation: Now with streamcaps!

        # Unwrap argv.
        l = []
        for arg in argv:
            bs = unwrapBytes(arg)
            assert bs is not None, "proven impossible"
        argv = l

        # Unwrap and prep environment.
        d = {}
        for (k, v) in env.items():
            d[unwrapBytes(k)] = unwrapBytes(v)
        packedEnv = [k + '=' + v for (k, v) in d.items()]
        env = d

        vat = currentVat.get()

        # Set up the list of streams and attach streamcaps.
        stdinSink = nullSink
        stdoutSource = stderrSource = emptySource
        streams = []
        if stdin:
            stream = ruv.rffi.cast(ruv.stream_tp,
            wrapped = ruv.wrapStream(stream, 1)
            stdinSink = StreamSink(wrapped, vat)
        if stdout:
            stream = ruv.rffi.cast(ruv.stream_tp,
            wrapped = ruv.wrapStream(stream, 1)
            stdoutSource = StreamSource(wrapped, vat)
        if stderr:
            stream = ruv.rffi.cast(ruv.stream_tp,
            wrapped = ruv.wrapStream(stream, 1)
            stderrSource = StreamSource(wrapped, vat)

            process = ruv.allocProcess()
            sub = SubProcess(vat, process, argv, env, stdin=stdinSink,
                             stdout=stdoutSource, stderr=stderrSource)
                vat, sub, process, executable, argv, packedEnv, streams))
            return sub
        except ruv.UVError as uve:
            raise userError(u"makeProcess: Couldn't spawn process: %s" %
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: lists.py Projeto: dckc/typhon
 def put(self, index, value):
     top = self.strategy.size(self)
     if 0 <= index <= top:
         self.strategy.store(self, index, value)
         raise userError(u"put/2: Index %d out of bounds for list of length %d" %
                        (index, top))
Exemplo n.º 22
 def withIndex(self, index, value):
     # Make a new ConstList.
     if index >= self.strategy.size(self) or index < 0:
         raise userError(u"with/2: Index %d is out of bounds" % index)
     new = self.strategy.fetch_all(self)[:]
     new[index] = value
     return new
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: lists.py Projeto: dckc/typhon
 def withIndex(self, index, value):
     # Make a new ConstList.
     if index >= self.strategy.size(self) or index < 0:
         raise userError(u"with/2: Index %d is out of bounds" % index)
     new = self.strategy.fetch_all(self)[:]
     new[index] = value
     return new
Exemplo n.º 24
 def eq(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, Proxy):
         return False
     if self.checkSlot() or other.checkSlot():
         raise userError(u"equals comparison of resolved proxy is"
                         u" impossible")
     return optSame(self.handler, other.handler) is EQUAL
Exemplo n.º 25
 def fromSecretBytes(self, secretKey):
     expectedSize = intmask(rsodium.cryptoBoxSecretkeybytes())
     if len(secretKey) != expectedSize:
         message = u"Expected key length of %d bytes, not %d" % (
             expectedSize, len(secretKey))
         raise userError(message)
     return SecretKey(secretKey)
Exemplo n.º 26
def resolveKey(key):
    from typhon.objects.refs import Promise, isResolved
    if isinstance(key, Promise):
        key = key.resolution()
    if not isResolved(key):
        raise userError(u"Unresolved promises cannot be used as map keys")
    return key
Exemplo n.º 27
 def insert(self, index, value):
     if 0 <= index < len(self._l):
         self._l.insert(index, self.coerce(value))
     elif index == len(self._l):
         raise userError(u"insert/2: Index %d is out of bounds" % index)
Exemplo n.º 28
def makeProxy(handler, resolutionBox, resolved):
    if not isSettled(handler):
        raise userError(u"Proxy handler not settled")
    if unwrapBool(resolved):
        return FarRef(handler, resolutionBox)
        return RemotePromise(handler, resolutionBox)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def fromPublicBytes(self, publicKey):
     expectedSize = intmask(rsodium.cryptoBoxPublickeybytes())
     if len(publicKey) != expectedSize:
         message = u"Expected key length of %d bytes, not %d" % (
             expectedSize, len(publicKey))
         raise userError(message)
     return PublicKey(publicKey)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def __init__(self, vat, handler, resolutionBox):
     if not handler.isSettled():
         raise userError(u"Proxy handler not settled: " +
     self.vat = vat
     self.handler = handler
     self.resolutionBox = resolutionBox
Exemplo n.º 31
    def _resolve(self, target, strict=True):
        if self._ref is None:
            if strict:
                raise userError(u"Already resolved")
            return False
            if self.guard is not None and not isinstance(target,
                # Coerce. If there's a problem, then smash the promise.
                with Ejector() as ej:
                        target = self.guard.call(u"coerce", [target, ej])
                    except Ejecting as e:
                        if e.ejector is not ej:
                        target = UnconnectedRef(self.vat, e.value)
                    except UserException as ue:
                        from typhon.objects.exceptions import sealException
                        target = UnconnectedRef(self.vat, sealException(ue))
            self._ref.setTarget(_toRef(target, self.vat))

            self._ref = None
            self._buf = None
            return True
Exemplo n.º 32
def makeProxy(handler, resolutionBox, resolved):
    if not isSettled(handler):
        raise userError(u"Proxy handler not settled")
    if unwrapBool(resolved):
        return FarRef(handler, resolutionBox)
        return RemotePromise(handler, resolutionBox)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def callAll(self, atom, args, namedArgs):
     if self.isSwitchable:
         raise userError(u"not synchronously callable (%s)" %
         return self._target.callAll(atom, args, namedArgs)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def eq(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, Proxy):
         return False
     if self.checkSlot() or other.checkSlot():
         raise userError(u"equals comparison of resolved proxy is"
                         u" impossible")
     return optSame(self.handler, other.handler) is EQUAL
Exemplo n.º 35
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is ISSETTLED_1:
            return wrapBool(isSettled(args[0]))

        if atom is OPTSAME_2:
            first, second = args
            result = optSame(first, second)
            if result is NOTYET:
                return NullObject
            return wrapBool(result is EQUAL)

        if atom is SAMEEVER_2:
            first, second = args
            result = optSame(first, second)
            if result is NOTYET:
                raise userError(u"Not yet settled!")
            return wrapBool(result is EQUAL)

        if atom is SAMEYET_2:
            first, second = args
            result = optSame(first, second)
            return wrapBool(result is EQUAL)

        if atom is MAKETRAVERSALKEY_1:
            return TraversalKey(args[0])

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Exemplo n.º 36
 def __init__(self, handler, resolutionBox):
     if not isSettled(handler):
         raise userError(u"Proxy handler not settled: " +
     self.handler = handler
     self.resolutionBox = resolutionBox
     self.committed = False
Exemplo n.º 37
 def __init__(self, handler, resolutionBox):
     if not isSettled(handler):
         raise userError(u"Proxy handler not settled: " +
     self.handler = handler
     self.resolutionBox = resolutionBox
     self.committed = False
Exemplo n.º 38
 def callAll(self, atom, args, namedArgs):
     if self.isSwitchable:
         raise userError(u"not synchronously callable (%s)" %
         return self._target.callAll(atom, args, namedArgs)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is ISSETTLED_1:
            return wrapBool(isSettled(args[0]))

        if atom is OPTSAME_2:
            first, second = args
            result = optSame(first, second)
            if result is NOTYET:
                return NullObject
            return wrapBool(result is EQUAL)

        if atom is SAMEEVER_2:
            first, second = args
            result = optSame(first, second)
            if result is NOTYET:
                raise userError(u"Not yet settled!")
            return wrapBool(result is EQUAL)

        if atom is SAMEYET_2:
            first, second = args
            result = optSame(first, second)
            return wrapBool(result is EQUAL)

        if atom is MAKETRAVERSALKEY_1:
            return TraversalKey(args[0])

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Exemplo n.º 40
def makeProcess(executable, args, environment):
    Create a subordinate process on the current node from the given
    executable, arguments, and environment.

    # Third incarnation: libuv-powered and requiring bytes.
    executable = unwrapBytes(executable)
    # This could be an LC, but doing it this way fixes the RPython annotation
    # for the list to be non-None.
    argv = []
    for arg in unwrapList(args):
        s = unwrapBytes(arg)
        assert s is not None, "proven impossible by hand"
    env = {}
    for (k, v) in unwrapMap(environment).items():
        env[unwrapBytes(k)] = unwrapBytes(v)
    packedEnv = [k + '=' + v for (k, v) in env.items()]

    vat = currentVat.get()
        process = ruv.allocProcess()
        sub = SubProcess(vat, process, argv, env)
        return sub
    except ruv.UVError as uve:
        raise userError(u"makeProcess: Couldn't spawn process: %s" %
Exemplo n.º 41
 def unseal(self, cipher, nonce):
         message = rsodium.boxUnseal(cipher, nonce, self.publicKey,
     except rsodium.SodiumError:
         raise userError(u"unseal/2: Couldn't open this box")
     return message
Exemplo n.º 42
def resolveKey(key):
    from typhon.objects.refs import Promise, isResolved
    if isinstance(key, Promise):
        key = key.resolution()
    if not isResolved(key):
        raise userError(u"Unresolved promises cannot be used as map keys")
    return key
Exemplo n.º 43
 def put(self, index, value):
     top = self.strategy.size(self)
     if 0 <= index < top:
         self.strategy.store(self, index, value)
         raise userError(
             u"put/2: Index %d out of bounds for list of length %d" %
             (index, top))
Exemplo n.º 44
 def slice(self, start):
     if start < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/1: Negative start")
     keys = self.objectSet.keys()[start:]
     rv = monteSet()
     for k in keys:
         rv[k] = None
     return rv
Exemplo n.º 45
 def slice(self, start):
     if start < 0:
         raise userError(u"slice/1: Negative start")
     items = self.objectMap.items()[start:]
     rv = monteMap()
     for k, v in items:
         rv[k] = v
     return rv
Exemplo n.º 46
def throw(ej, payload):
    if ej is None or ej is NullObject:
        raise UserException(payload)
    if isinstance(ej, Ejector):
        ej.call(u"run", [payload])
    raise userError(u"Ejector did not exit")
Exemplo n.º 47
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        # _makeIterator/0: Create an iterator for this collection's contents.
        if atom is _MAKEITERATOR_0:
            return self._makeIterator()

        if atom is _PRINTON_1:
            printer = args[0]
            return NullObject

        # contains/1: Determine whether an element is in this collection.
        if atom is CONTAINS_1:
            return wrapBool(self.contains(args[0]))

        # size/0: Get the number of elements in the collection.
        if atom is SIZE_0:
            return IntObject(self.size())

        # slice/1 and slice/2: Select a subrange of this collection.
        if atom is SLICE_1:
            start = unwrapInt(args[0])
                return self.slice(start)
            except IndexError:
                raise userError(u"slice/1: Index out of bounds")

        # slice/1 and slice/2: Select a subrange of this collection.
        if atom is SLICE_2:
            start = unwrapInt(args[0])
            stop = unwrapInt(args[1])
                return self.slice(start, stop)
            except IndexError:
                raise userError(u"slice/1: Index out of bounds")

        # snapshot/0: Create a new constant collection with a copy of the
        # current collection's contents.
        if atom is SNAPSHOT_0:
            return self.snapshot()

        if atom is JOIN_1:
            l = unwrapList(args[0])
            return self.join(l)

        return self._recv(atom, args)
Exemplo n.º 48
 def multiply(self, count):
     # multiply/1: Create a new list by repeating this list's contents.
     if count < 0:
         raise userError(u"multiply/1: Can't multiply list %d times" %
     elif count == 0:
         return []
         return self.objs * count
Exemplo n.º 49
 def fromPairs(wrappedPairs):
     from typhon.objects.collections.lists import unwrapList
     d = monteMap()
     for obj in unwrapList(wrappedPairs):
         pair = unwrapList(obj)
         if len(pair) != 2:
             raise userError(u"fromPairs/1: Not a pair")
         d[pair[0]] = pair[1]
     return ConstMap(d)
Exemplo n.º 50
def isSameEver(first, second):
    Call this instead of _equalizer.sameEver/2.

    result = optSame(first, second)
    if result is NOTYET:
        raise userError(u"Not yet settled!")
    return result is EQUAL
Exemplo n.º 51
 def eq(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, DisconnectedRef):
         return False
     result = (isSameEver(self.handler, other.handler) and isSameEver(
         self.resolutionIdentity, other.resolutionIdentity))
     if (result and not isSameEver(self._problem, other._problem)):
         raise userError(u"Ref invariant violation: disconnected refs with "
                         u" same identity but different problems")
     return result
Exemplo n.º 52
def ensureByte(char):
    Like chr(ord(char)), but throws on failure.

    if not u'\x00' <= char <= u'\xff':
        raise userError(u"Unacceptable bytestring character: " +
    return chr(ord(char))
Exemplo n.º 53
    def run(self, data):
        if self.closed:
            raise userError(u"run/1: Couldn't write to closged file")

        sb = ruv.scopedBufs([data], self)
        bufs = sb.allocate()
        fs = ruv.alloc_fs()
        ruv.stashFS(fs, (self._vat, sb))
        ruv.fsWrite(self._vat.uv_loop, fs, self._fd, bufs, 1, -1, writeFileCB)
Exemplo n.º 54
def resolveKey(key):
    from typhon.objects.refs import Promise, isResolved
    if isinstance(key, Promise):
        key = key.resolution()
        # Do the resolution check again.
        if not isResolved(key):
            raise userError(u"Unresolved promises cannot be used as map keys")

    # If the original key wasn't a promise, then no checks are needed.
    return key
Exemplo n.º 55
    def run(self, data):
        if self.closed:
            raise userError(u"run/1: Couldn't send to closed stream")

        # XXX backpressure?
        uv_write = ruv.alloc_write()
        sb = ruv.scopedBufs([data], self)
        bufs = sb.allocate()
        ruv.stashWrite(uv_write, (self._vat, sb))
        ruv.write(uv_write, self._stream._stream, bufs, 1, writeStreamCB)
Exemplo n.º 56
    def audit(self, audition):
        from typhon.objects.user import Audition
        if not isinstance(audition, Audition):
            raise userError(u"not an Audition")

        from typhon.metrics import globalRecorder
        with globalRecorder().context("Audition (DF)"):
            return False
Exemplo n.º 57
    def ask(self, auditor):
        if not self.active:
            self.log(u"ask/1: Stolen audition: %s" % pemci, tags=["serious"])
            raise userError(u"Audition is out of scope")

        cached = False

        if auditor in self.cache:
            answer, asked, guards = self.cache[auditor]
            self.log(u"ask/1: %s: %s (cached)" %
                     (auditor.toString(), boolStr(answer)))
            for name, value in guards:
                # We remember what the binding guards for the previous
                # invocation were.
                if self.guards[name] != value:
                    # If any of them have changed, we need to re-audit.
                    self.log(u"ask/1: %s: Invalidating" % name)
                # XXX stopgap: Ignore negative answers in the cache.
                cached = answer

        if cached:
            for a in asked:
                # We remember the other auditors invoked during this
                # audition. Let's re-ask them since not all of them may have
                # cacheable results.
                self.log(u"ask/1: Reasking %s" % auditor.toString())
                answer = self.ask(a)
            return answer
            # This seems a little convoluted, but the idea is that the logs
            # are written to during the course of the audition, and then
            # copied out to the cache afterwards.
            prevlogs = self.askedLog, self.guardLog
            self.askedLog = []
            self.guardLog = []
                result = unwrapBool(auditor.call(u"audit", [self]))
                if self.guardLog is None:
                    self.log(u"ask/1: %s: %s (uncacheable)" %
                             (auditor.toString(), boolStr(result)))
                    self.log(u"ask/1: %s: %s" %
                             (auditor.toString(), boolStr(result)))
                    self.cache[auditor] = (result, self.askedLog[:],
                return result
                self.askedLog, self.guardLog = prevlogs

        self.log(u"ask/1: %s: failure" % auditor.toString())
        return False