Exemplo n.º 1
    def type_check(item, attr_name, value):
        th_cls = typing.get_type_hints(item) if hasattr(item, '__annotations__') else {}
            tt = th_cls[attr_name]
        except KeyError:
            th_init = typing.get_type_hints(item.__init__)
                tt = th_init[attr_name]
            except KeyError:

        allowed = typing_inspect.get_args(tt) or tt
        if not isinstance(value, allowed):
            one_of = "with one of following types" if isinstance(allowed, tuple) else "of type"
            return "Expected value {one_of}: {exp}, got {got} for {cls}.{member}".format(
                one_of=one_of, exp=allowed, got=type(value), cls=item.__class__.__name__, member=attr_name)

        return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def match_expression(
        wildcards: typing.List[Expression], template: object,
        expr: object) -> typing.Tuple[TypeVarMapping, WildcardMapping]:
    Returns a mapping of wildcards to the objects at that level, or None if it does not match.

    A wildcard can match either an expression or a value. If it matches two nodes, they must be equal.

    if template in wildcards:
        # If we are matching against a placeholder and the expression is not resolved to that placeholder, don't match.
        if (isinstance(template, PlaceholderExpression)
                and isinstance(expr, Expression)
                and not typing_inspect.is_typevar(
            raise NoMatch

        # Match type of wildcard with type of expression
            return (
                match_values(template, expr),
                UnhashableMapping(Item(typing.cast(Expression, template),
        except TypeError:
            raise NoMatch

    if isinstance(expr, Expression):
        if not isinstance(template, Expression):
            raise NoMatch
        # Any typevars in the template that are unbound should be matched with their
        # versions in the expr

            fn_type_mapping: TypeVarMapping = match_functions(
                template.function, expr.function)
        except TypeError:
            raise NoMatch

        if set(expr.kwargs.keys()) != set(template.kwargs.keys()):
            raise TypeError("Wrong kwargs in match")

        template_args: typing.Iterable[object]
        expr_args: typing.Iterable[object]

        # Process args in the template that can represent any number of args.
        # These are the "IteratedPlaceholder"s
        # Allow one iterated placeholder in the template args
        # For example fn(a, b, [...], *c, d, e, [...])
        # Here `c` should take as many args as it can between the ends,
        # Each of those should be matched against the inner
        iterated_args = [
            arg for arg in template.args
            if isinstance(arg, IteratedPlaceholder)
        if iterated_args:
            # template args, minus the iterator, is the minimum length of the values
            # If they have less values than this, raise an error
            if len(expr.args) < len(template.args) - 1:
                raise TypeError("Wrong number of args in match")
            template_args_ = list(template.args)
            # Only support one iterated arg for now
            # TODO: Support more than one, would require branching
            template_iterated, = iterated_args
            template_index_iterated = list(

            # Swap template iterated with inner wildcard
            template_args_[template_index_iterated], = template_iterated.args
            template_args = template_args_

            expr_args = collapse_tuple(
                # The number we should preserve on the right, is the number of template
                # args after index
                len(template.args) - template_index_iterated - 1,

            if len(template.args) != len(expr.args):
                raise TypeError("Wrong number of args in match")
            template_args = template.args
            expr_args = expr.args

        type_mappings, expr_mappings = list(
                *(match_expression(wildcards, arg_template, arg_value)
                  for arg_template, arg_value in zip(template_args, expr_args)
                *(match_expression(wildcards, template.kwargs[key],
                  for key in template.kwargs.keys()),
            )) or ((), ())
            merged_typevars: TypeVarMapping = merge_typevars(
                fn_type_mapping, *type_mappings)
        except TypeError:
            raise NoMatch
            return (
                safe_merge(*expr_mappings, dict_constructor=UnhashableMapping),
        except ValueError:
            raise NoMatch
    if template != expr:
        raise NoMatch
    return match_values(template, expr), UnhashableMapping()
Exemplo n.º 3
def encode_generic_set(encoder, typ, value):
    if not (inspect.is_generic_type(typ) and inspect.get_origin(typ) == set):
        return Unsupported
    check_type(set, value)
    item_type, = inspect.get_args(typ)
    return [encoder.encode(item, item_type) for item in value]
Exemplo n.º 4
def resolve_type_info(
    typ: t.Type[t.Any],
    is_optional: bool = False,
    custom: t.Optional[t.Type[t.Any]] = None,
    _nonetype: t.Type[t.Any] = t.cast(t.Type[t.Any], type(None)),  # xxx
    _anytype: t.Type[t.Any] = t.cast(t.Type[t.Any], t.Any),  # xxx
    _primitives: t.Set[t.Type[t.Any]] = t.cast(
        set([str, int, bool, str, bytes, dict, list, t.Any])),
) -> TypeInfo:
    raw = typ
    args = typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
    underlying = getattr(typ, "__origin__", None)

    if underlying is None:
        if not hasattr(typ, "__iter__"):
            underlying = typ  # xxx
        elif issubclass(typ, str):
            underlying = typ
        elif issubclass(typ, t.Sequence):
            return _make_container(
                container="tuple" if issubclass(typ, tuple) else "list",
                args=(resolve_type_info(_anytype), ),
        elif issubclass(typ, t.Mapping):
            childinfo = resolve_type_info(_anytype)
            return _make_container(raw=raw,
                                   args=(childinfo, childinfo))
            underlying = typ  # xxx
        if underlying == t.Union:
            if len(args) == 2:
                if args[0] == _nonetype:
                    is_optional = True
                    typ = underlying = args[1]
                elif args[1] == _nonetype:
                    is_optional = True
                    typ = underlying = args[0]
                    return _make_container(
                        args=tuple([resolve_type_info(t) for t in args]),
                is_optional = _nonetype in args
                if is_optional:
                    args = [x for x in args if x != _nonetype]
                return _make_container(
                    args=tuple([resolve_type_info(t) for t in args]),

        if hasattr(typ, "__origin__"):
            underlying = typ.__origin__
            if underlying == tx.Literal:
                args = typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
                underlying = type(args[0])  # TODO: meta info
            elif issubclass(underlying, t.Sequence):
                args = typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
                return _make_container(
                    if issubclass(underlying, tuple) else "list",
                    args=tuple([resolve_type_info(t) for t in args]),
            elif issubclass(underlying, t.Mapping):
                args = typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
                return _make_container(
                    args=tuple([resolve_type_info(t) for t in args]),
                raise ValueError(f"unsuported type %{typ}")

    while hasattr(underlying, "__supertype__"):
        underlying = underlying.__supertype__

    if underlying not in _primitives:
        custom = underlying
    return _make_atom(raw=raw,
Exemplo n.º 5
 def make(cls, type_or_hint, is_argument: bool) -> "TypeTypeChecker":
     var_type = get_args(type_or_hint, evaluate=True)[0]
     return cls(type_or_hint, cls.get(var_type))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def make(cls, type_or_hint, is_argument: bool) -> "CollectionTypeChecker":
     origin = get_origin(type_or_hint)
     origin_type_checker = ConcreteTypeChecker(origin)
     item_type = (get_args(type_or_hint, evaluate=True) or (Any, ))[0]
     return cls(type_or_hint, origin_type_checker, cls.get(item_type))
Exemplo n.º 7
def _validate_list(value: object, target_type: Type[List[object]]) -> None:
    if not isinstance(value, list):
        raise InvalidJson(f"`{value}` is not a list")
    (element_type, ) = get_args(target_type)
    for element in value:
        _validate_value(element, element_type)
Exemplo n.º 8
def match_types(hint: typing.Type, t: typing.Type) -> TypeVarMapping:
    Matches a type hint with a type, return a mapping of any type vars to their values.
    logger.debug("match_types hint=%s type=%s", hint, t)
    if hint == object:
        hint = typing.Any  # type: ignore
    if t == object:
        t = typing.Any  # type: ignore
    if hint == t:
        return {}

    # If it is an instance of OfType[Type[T]], then we should consider it as T
    if isinstance(t, OfType):
        (of_type, ) = typing_inspect.get_args(get_type(t))
        assert issubclass(of_type, typing.Type)
        (t, ) = typing_inspect.get_args(of_type)
        return match_types(hint, t)

    # If the type is an OfType[T] then we should really just consider it as T
    if issubclass(t, OfType) and not issubclass(hint, OfType):
        (t, ) = typing_inspect.get_args(t)
        return match_types(hint, t)
    if issubclass(hint, OfType) and not issubclass(t, OfType):
        (hint, ) = typing_inspect.get_args(hint)
        return match_types(hint, t)

    # Matching an expanded type is like matching just whatever it represents
    if issubclass(t, ExpandedType):
        (t, ) = typing_inspect.get_args(t)

    if typing_inspect.is_typevar(hint):
        return {hint: t}

    # This happens with match rule on conversion, like when the value is TypeVar
    if typing_inspect.is_typevar(t):
        return {}

    # if both are generic sequences, verify they are the same and have the same contents
    if (typing_inspect.is_generic_type(hint)
            and typing_inspect.is_generic_type(t)
            and typing_inspect.get_origin(hint) == collections.abc.Sequence
            and typing_inspect.get_origin(t) == collections.abc.Sequence):
        t_inner = typing_inspect.get_args(t)[0]

        # If t's inner arg is just the default one for seuqnce, it hasn't be initialized so assume
        # it was an empty tuple that created it and just return a match
        if t_inner == typing_inspect.get_args(typing.Sequence)[0]:
            return {}
        return match_types(typing_inspect.get_args(hint)[0], t_inner)

    if typing_inspect.is_union_type(hint):
        # If this is a union, iterate through and use the first that is a subclass
        for inner_type in typing_inspect.get_args(hint):
            if issubclass(t, inner_type):
                hint = inner_type
            raise TypeError(f"Cannot match concrete type {t} with hint {hint}")

    logger.debug("checking if type subclass hint hint=%s type=%s", hint, t)
    if not issubclass(t, hint):
        logger.debug("not subclass")
        raise TypeError(f"Cannot match concrete type {t} with hint {hint}")
    return merge_typevars(*(match_types(inner_hint, inner_t)
                            for inner_hint, inner_t in zip(
                                get_inner_types(hint), get_inner_types(t))))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _all_subclasses(typ, *, module=None):
        Return all subclasses of a given type.

        The type must be one of

         - :class:`GTScriptAstNode` (returns all subclasses of the given class)
         - :class:`Union` (return the subclasses of the united)
         - :class:`ForwardRef` (resolve the reference given the specified module and return its subclasses)
         - built-in python type: :class:`str`, :class:`int`, `type(None)` (return as is)
        if inspect.isclass(typ) and issubclass(typ,
            result = {
                    s for c in typ.__subclasses__()
                    for s in PyToGTScript._all_subclasses(c)
                    if not inspect.isabstract(c)
            return result
        elif inspect.isclass(typ) and typ in [
            # note: other types in gtc_unstructured.irs.common, e.g. gtc_unstructured.irs.common.DataType are not valid leaf nodes here as they
            #  map to symbols in the gtscript ast and are resolved there
            assert issubclass(typ, enum.Enum)
            return {typ}
        elif typing_inspect.is_union_type(typ):
            return {
                for el_cls in typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
                for sub_cls in PyToGTScript._all_subclasses(el_cls,
        elif isinstance(typ, typing.ForwardRef):
            type_name = typing_inspect.get_forward_arg(typ)
            if not hasattr(module, type_name):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Reference to type `{type_name}` in `ForwardRef` not found in module {module.__name__}"
            return PyToGTScript._all_subclasses(getattr(module, type_name),
        elif typ in [
        ]:  # TODO(tehrengruber): enhance
            return {typ}

        raise ValueError(f"Invalid field type {typ}")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def transform(self, node, eligible_node_types=None, node_init_args=None):
        """Transform python ast into GTScript ast recursively."""
        if eligible_node_types is None:
            eligible_node_types = [gtscript_ast.Computation]

        if isinstance(node, ast.AST):
            is_leaf_node = len(list(ast.iter_fields(node))) == 0
            if is_leaf_node:
                if not type(node) in self.leaf_map:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Leaf node of type {type(node)}, found in the python ast, can not be mapped."
                return self.leaf_map[type(node)]
                # visit node fields and transform
                # TODO(tehrengruber): check if multiple nodes match and throw an error in that case
                # disadvantage: templates can be ambiguous
                for node_type in eligible_node_types:
                    if not hasattr(self.Patterns, node_type.__name__):
                    captures = {}
                    if not anm.match(node,
                    module = sys.modules[node_type.__module__]

                    if node_init_args:
                        captures = {**node_init_args, **captures}

                    args = list(value for key, value in captures.items()
                                if isinstance(key, int))
                    kwargs = {
                        key: value
                        for key, value in captures.items()
                        if isinstance(key, str)

                    transformed_kwargs = {}
                    for name, capture in kwargs.items():
                        assert (
                            name in node_type.__annotations__
                        ), f"Invalid capture. No field named `{name}` in `{str(node_type)}`"
                        field_type = node_type.__annotations__[name]
                        if typing_inspect.get_origin(field_type) == list:
                            # determine eligible capture types
                            el_type = typing_inspect.get_args(field_type)[0]
                            eligible_capture_types = self._all_subclasses(
                                el_type, module=module)

                            # transform captures recursively
                            transformed_kwargs[name] = []
                            for child_capture in capture:
                            # determine eligible capture types
                            eligible_capture_types = self._all_subclasses(
                                field_type, module=module)
                            # transform captures recursively
                            transformed_kwargs[name] = self.transform(
                                capture, eligible_capture_types)

                    assert len(args) + len(transformed_kwargs) == len(captures)

                    return node_type(*args, **transformed_kwargs)

                raise ValueError("Expected a node of type {}".format(", ".join(
                    [ent.__name__ for ent in eligible_node_types])))
        elif type(node) in eligible_node_types:
            return node
        elif (type(node) in self.pseudo_polymorphic_types
              and len(self.pseudo_polymorphic_types[type(node)]
                      & set(eligible_node_types)) > 0):
            valid_types = self.pseudo_polymorphic_types[type(node)] & set(
            if len(valid_types) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Invalid gtscript ast specification. The node {node} has multiple valid types in the gtscript ast: {valid_types}"
            return next(iter(valid_types))(node)

        raise ValueError("Expected a node of type {}, but got {}".format(
            {*eligible_node_types, ast.AST}, type(node)))
Exemplo n.º 11
def field_for_schema(
        typ: type,
        metadata: t.Mapping[str, t.Any] = None) -> marshmallow.fields.Field:
    Get a marshmallow Field corresponding to the given python type.
    The metadata of the dataclass field is used as arguments to the marshmallow Field.
    >>> int_field = field_for_schema(int, default=9, metadata=dict(required=True))
    >>> int_field.__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>

    >>> int_field.default
    >>> field_for_schema(t.Dict[str,str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Dict'>
    >>> field_for_schema(t.Optional[str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.String'>
    >>> import marshmallow_enum
    >>> field_for_schema(enum.Enum("X", "a b c")).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow_enum.EnumField'>
    >>> import typing
    >>> field_for_schema(t.Union[int,str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow_union.Union'>
    >>> field_for_schema(t.NewType('UserId', int)).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>
    >>> field_for_schema(t.NewType('UserId', int), default=0).default
    >>> class Color(enum.Enum):
    ...   red = 1
    >>> field_for_schema(Color).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow_enum.EnumField'>
    >>> field_for_schema(t.Any).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>

    if metadata is None:
        metadata = {}
        metadata = dict(metadata)

    desert_metadata = dict(metadata).get(_DESERT_SENTINEL, {})
    metadata[_DESERT_SENTINEL] = desert_metadata

    if default is not marshmallow.missing:
        desert_metadata.setdefault("default", default)
        desert_metadata.setdefault("allow_none", True)
        if not desert_metadata.get(
                "required"):  # 'missing' must not be set for required fields.
            desert_metadata.setdefault("missing", default)

    field = None

    # If the field was already defined by the user
    predefined_field = desert_metadata.get("marshmallow_field")

    if predefined_field:
        field = predefined_field
        return field

    # Base types
    if not field and typ in _native_to_marshmallow:
        field = _native_to_marshmallow[typ](default=default)

    # Generic types
    origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(typ)

    if origin:
        arguments = typing_inspect.get_args(typ, True)

        if origin in (list, t.List):
            field = marshmallow.fields.List(field_for_schema(arguments[0]))

        if origin in (tuple, t.Tuple) and Ellipsis not in arguments:
            field = marshmallow.fields.Tuple(
                tuple(field_for_schema(arg) for arg in arguments))
        elif origin in (tuple, t.Tuple) and Ellipsis in arguments:

            field = VariadicTuple(
                    only(arg for arg in arguments if arg != Ellipsis)))
        elif origin in (dict, t.Dict):
            field = marshmallow.fields.Dict(
        elif typing_inspect.is_optional_type(typ):
            subtyp = next(t for t in arguments if t is not NoneType)
            # Treat optional types as types with a None default
            metadata[_DESERT_SENTINEL]["default"] = metadata.get(
                "default", None)
            metadata[_DESERT_SENTINEL]["missing"] = metadata.get(
                "missing", None)
            metadata[_DESERT_SENTINEL]["required"] = False

            field = field_for_schema(subtyp, metadata=metadata, default=None)
            field.default = None
            field.missing = None
            field.allow_none = True

        elif typing_inspect.is_union_type(typ):
            subfields = [field_for_schema(subtyp) for subtyp in arguments]
            import marshmallow_union

            field = marshmallow_union.Union(subfields)

    # t.NewType returns a function with a __supertype__ attribute
    newtype_supertype = getattr(typ, "__supertype__", None)
    if newtype_supertype and inspect.isfunction(typ):
        metadata.setdefault("description", typ.__name__)
        field = field_for_schema(newtype_supertype, default=default)

    # enumerations
    if type(typ) is enum.EnumMeta:
        import marshmallow_enum

        field = marshmallow_enum.EnumField(typ, metadata=metadata)

    # Nested dataclasses
    forward_reference = getattr(typ, "__forward_arg__", None)

    if field is None:
        nested = forward_reference or class_schema(typ)
            nested.help = typ.__doc__
        except AttributeError:
            # TODO need to handle the case where nested is a string forward reference.
        field = marshmallow.fields.Nested(nested)


    for key in ["default", "missing", "required", "marshmallow_field"]:
        if key in metadata.keys():
            metadata[_DESERT_SENTINEL][key] = metadata.pop(key)

    if field.default == field.missing == default == marshmallow.missing:
        field.required = True

    return field
Exemplo n.º 12
def from_list(tp: Type[List[T]], v: List[Any]) -> List[T]:
    """Transform a list of JSON-like structures into JSON-compatible objects."""
    (inner_type, ) = get_args(tp)
    return [_from_json_like(inner_type, value) for value in v]
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_valid(self):
     variants = list(get_args(DelimitedVariant))
     for variant in variants:
         records_format = DelimitedRecordsFormat(variant=variant)
Exemplo n.º 14
def expand_typing(
        cls: 'Union[Model, Type[Model], RecordType, Type[RecordType]]',
        exc: 'Optional[Type[ValueError]]' = None) -> 'ExpandedTyping':
    """Expand typing annotations.

        cls (:class:`~zlogging.model.Model` or :class:`~zlogging.types.RecordType` object):
            a variadic class which supports `PEP 484`_ style attribute typing
        exc: (:obj:`ValueError`, optional): exception to be used in case of
            inconsistent values for ``unset_field``, ``empty_field``
            and ``set_separator``

        :obj:`Dict[str, Any]`: The returned dictionary contains the following directives:

            * ``fields`` (:obj:`OrderedDict` mapping :obj:`str` and :class:`~zlogging.types.BaseType`):
                a mapping proxy of field names and their corresponding data
                types, i.e. an instance of a :class:`~zlogging.types.BaseType`

            * ``record_fields`` (:obj:`OrderedDict` mapping :obj:`str` and :class:`~zlogging.types.RecordType`):
                a mapping proxy for fields of ``record`` data type, i.e. an
                instance of :class:`~zlogging.types.RecordType`

            * ``unset_fields`` (:obj:`bytes`): placeholder for unset field

            * ``empty_fields`` (:obj:`bytes`): placeholder for empty field

            * ``set_separator`` (:obj:`bytes`): separator for ``set``/``vector`` fields

        BroDeprecationWarning: Use of ``bro_*`` prefixed typing annotations.

        :exc:`ValueError`: In case of inconsistent values for ``unset_field``,
            ``empty_field`` and ``set_separator``.

        Define a custom log data model from :class:`~zlogging.model.Model` using
        the prefines Bro/Zeek data types, or subclasses of

            class MyLog(Model):
                field_one = StringType()
                field_two = SetType(element_type=PortType)

        Or you may use type annotations as `PEP 484`_ introduced when declaring
        data models. All available type hints can be found in

            class MyLog(Model):
                field_one: zeek_string
                field_two: zeek_set[zeek_port]

        However, when mixing annotations and direct assignments, annotations
        will take proceedings, i.e. the function shall process first typing
        annotations then ``cls`` attribute assignments. Should there be any
        conflicts, the ``exc`` will be raised.

        Fields of :class:`zlogging.types.RecordType` type will be expanded as
        plain fields of the ``cls``, i.e. for the variadic class as below::

            class MyLog(Model):
                record = RecrodType(one=StringType(),

        will have the following fields:

        * ``record.one`` -> ``string`` data type
        * ``record.two`` -> ``vector[count]`` data type

    .. _PEP 484:

    from zlogging.types import (
        _GenericType,  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

    if exc is None:
        exc = ValueError

    inited = False
    unset_field = b'-'
    empty_field = b'(empty)'
    set_separator = b','

    def register(name: str, field: 'Union[_SimpleType, _GenericType]') -> None:
        """Field registry."""
        existed = fields.get(name)
        if existed is not None and field.zeek_type != existed.zeek_type:
            raise exc(
                f'inconsistent data type of {name!r} field: {field!r} and {existed!r}'
            )  # type: ignore[misc]
        fields[name] = field

    fields = collections.OrderedDict(
    )  # type: OrderedDict[str, Union[_SimpleType, _GenericType]]
    record_fields = collections.OrderedDict(
    )  # type: OrderedDict[str, _VariadicType]
    for name, attr in itertools.chain(
            getattr(cls, '__annotations__', dict()).items(),
        # type instances
        if isinstance(attr, BaseType):
            if isinstance(attr, _VariadicType):
                for elm_name, elm_field in attr.element_mapping.items():
                    register(f'{name}.{elm_name}', elm_field)
                record_fields[name] = attr
                register(name, attr)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

        # uninitialised type classes
        elif isinstance(attr, type) and issubclass(attr, BaseType):
            attr = attr()

        # simple typing types
        elif is_typevar(attr):
            if TYPE_CHECKING:
                attr = cast('TypeVar', attr)

            bound = attr.__bound__
            if bound and issubclass(bound, _SimpleType):
                attr = bound()

        # generic typing types
        elif is_generic_type(attr) and issubclass(attr, _GenericType):
            origin = get_origin(attr)
            parameter = get_args(attr)[0]

            # uninitialised type classes
            if isinstance(parameter, type) and issubclass(
                    parameter, _SimpleType):
                element_type = parameter()

            # simple typing types
            elif is_typevar(parameter):
                if TYPE_CHECKING:
                    parameter = cast('TypeVar', parameter)
                bound = parameter.__bound__
                if bound and issubclass(bound, _SimpleType):
                    element_type = bound()
                    element_type = bound  # type: ignore[assignment]

                element_type = parameter  # type: ignore[assignment]
            attr = origin(element_type=element_type)\


        if not inited:
            unset_field = attr.unset_field
            empty_field = attr.empty_field
            set_separator = attr.set_separator
            inited = True

        if unset_field != attr.unset_field:
            raise exc(
                f"inconsistent value of 'unset_field': {unset_field!r} and {attr.unset_field!r}"
        if empty_field != attr.empty_field:
            raise exc(
                f"inconsistent value of 'empty_field': {empty_field!r} and {attr.empty_field!r}"
        if set_separator != attr.set_separator:
            raise exc(
                "inconsistent value of 'set_separator': {set_separator!r} and {attr.set_separator!r}"

    return {
        '_inited': inited,
        'fields': fields,
        'record_fields': record_fields,
        'unset_field': unset_field,
        'empty_field': empty_field,
        'set_separator': set_separator,
Exemplo n.º 15
def inner_type_boundaries(typ: Type) -> Tuple:
    return insp.get_args(typ, evaluate=True)
Exemplo n.º 16
def wildcard_inner_type(wildcard: object) -> typing.Type:
    Return inner type for a wildcard
    return typing_inspect.get_args(
Exemplo n.º 17
def field_for_schema(
    typ: type,
    metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
    base_schema: Optional[Type[marshmallow.Schema]] = None,
) -> marshmallow.fields.Field:
    Get a marshmallow Field corresponding to the given python type.
    The metadata of the dataclass field is used as arguments to the marshmallow Field.

    :param typ: The type for which a field should be generated
    :param default: value to use for (de)serialization when the field is missing
    :param metadata: Additional parameters to pass to the marshmallow field constructor
    :param base_schema: marshmallow schema used as a base class when deriving dataclass schema

    >>> int_field = field_for_schema(int, default=9, metadata=dict(required=True))
    >>> int_field.__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>

    >>> int_field.default

    >>> field_for_schema(str, metadata={"marshmallow_field": marshmallow.fields.Url()}).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Url'>

    metadata = {} if metadata is None else dict(metadata)

    if default is not marshmallow.missing:
        metadata.setdefault("default", default)
        # 'missing' must not be set for required fields.
        if not metadata.get("required"):
            metadata.setdefault("missing", default)
        metadata.setdefault("required", True)

    # If the field was already defined by the user
    predefined_field = metadata.get("marshmallow_field")
    if predefined_field:
        return predefined_field

    # Generic types specified without type arguments
    if typ is list:
        typ = List[Any]
    elif typ is dict:
        typ = Dict[Any, Any]

    # Base types
    field = _field_by_type(typ, base_schema)
    if field:
        return field(**metadata)

    if typ is Any:
        metadata.setdefault("allow_none", True)
        return marshmallow.fields.Raw(**metadata)

    # Generic types
    origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(typ)
    if origin:
        arguments = typing_inspect.get_args(typ, True)
        # Override base_schema.TYPE_MAPPING to change the class used for generic types below
        type_mapping = base_schema.TYPE_MAPPING if base_schema else {}

        if origin in (list, List):
            child_type = field_for_schema(arguments[0],
            list_type = type_mapping.get(List, marshmallow.fields.List)
            return list_type(child_type, **metadata)
        if origin in (tuple, Tuple):
            children = tuple(
                field_for_schema(arg, base_schema=base_schema)
                for arg in arguments)
            tuple_type = type_mapping.get(Tuple, marshmallow.fields.Tuple)
            return tuple_type(children, **metadata)
        elif origin in (dict, Dict):
            dict_type = type_mapping.get(Dict, marshmallow.fields.Dict)
            return dict_type(
                keys=field_for_schema(arguments[0], base_schema=base_schema),
                values=field_for_schema(arguments[1], base_schema=base_schema),
        elif typing_inspect.is_optional_type(typ):
            subtyp = next(t for t in arguments
                          if t is not NoneType)  # type: ignore
            # Treat optional types as types with a None default
            metadata["default"] = metadata.get("default", None)
            metadata["missing"] = metadata.get("missing", None)
            metadata["required"] = False
            return field_for_schema(subtyp,
        elif typing_inspect.is_union_type(typ):
            subfields = [
                for subtyp in arguments
            import marshmallow_union

            return marshmallow_union.Union(subfields, **metadata)

    # typing.NewType returns a function with a __supertype__ attribute
    newtype_supertype = getattr(typ, "__supertype__", None)
    if newtype_supertype and inspect.isfunction(typ):
        return _field_by_supertype(

    # enumerations
    if isinstance(typ, EnumMeta):
        import marshmallow_enum

        return marshmallow_enum.EnumField(typ, **metadata)

    # Nested marshmallow dataclass
    nested_schema = getattr(typ, "Schema", None)

    # Nested dataclasses
    forward_reference = getattr(typ, "__forward_arg__", None)
    nested = (nested_schema or forward_reference
              or class_schema(typ, base_schema=base_schema))

    return marshmallow.fields.Nested(nested, **metadata)
Exemplo n.º 18
def is_dataclass_or_optional_dataclass_type(t: Type) -> bool:
    """ Returns wether `t` is a dataclass type or an Optional[<dataclass type>].
    return is_dataclass(t) or (tpi.is_optional_type(t)
                               and is_dataclass(tpi.get_args(t)[0]))
Exemplo n.º 19

# Constants
EMPTY_TYPE = get_args(List)[0] if len(get_args(List)) > 0 else tuple()

SUPPORTED_DEFAULT_BASE_TYPES = {str, int, float, bool}
    Optional, Optional[str], Optional[int], Optional[float], Optional[bool]
    List, List[str], List[int], List[float], List[bool]
SUPPORTED_DEFAULT_SET_TYPES = {Set, Set[str], Set[int], Set[float], Set[bool]}
Exemplo n.º 20
    def get(cls, type_or_hint, *, is_argument: bool = False) -> "TypeChecker":
        # This ensures the validity of the type passed (see typing documentation for info)
        type_or_hint = is_valid_type(type_or_hint, "Invalid type.",

        if type_or_hint is Any:
            return AnyTypeChecker()

        if is_type(type_or_hint):
            return TypeTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_literal_type(type_or_hint):
            return LiteralTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_generic_type(type_or_hint):
            origin = get_origin_or_self(type_or_hint)
            if issubclass(origin, MappingCol):
                return MappingTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

            if issubclass(origin, Collection):
                return CollectionTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

            # CONSIDER: how to cater for exhaustible generators?
            if issubclass(origin, Iterable):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "No type-checker is setup for iterables that exhaust.")

            return GenericTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_tuple_type(type_or_hint):
            return TupleTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_callable_type(type_or_hint):
            return CallableTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if isclass(type_or_hint):
            if is_typed_dict(type_or_hint):
                return TypedDictChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)
            return ConcreteTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_union_type(type_or_hint):
            return UnionTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_typevar(type_or_hint):
            bound_type = get_bound(type_or_hint)
            if bound_type:
                return cls.get(bound_type)
            constraints = get_constraints(type_or_hint)
            if constraints:
                union_type_checkers = tuple(
                    cls.get(type_) for type_ in constraints)
                return UnionTypeChecker(Union.__getitem__(constraints),
                return AnyTypeChecker()

        if is_new_type(type_or_hint):
            super_type = getattr(type_or_hint, "__supertype__", None)
            if super_type is None:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"No supertype for NewType: {type_or_hint}. This is not allowed."
            return cls.get(super_type)

        if is_forward_ref(type_or_hint):
            return ForwardTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint,

        if is_classvar(type_or_hint):
            var_type = get_args(type_or_hint, evaluate=True)[0]
            return cls.get(var_type)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"No {TypeChecker.__qualname__} is available for type or hint: '{type_or_hint}'"
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _add_argument(self, *name_or_flags, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Adds an argument to self (i.e. the super class ArgumentParser).

        Sets the following attributes of kwargs when not explicitly provided:
        - type: Set to the type annotation of the argument.
        - default: Set to the default value of the argument (if provided).
        - required: True if a default value of the argument is not provided, False otherwise.
        - action: Set to "store_true" if the argument is a required bool or a bool with default value False.
                  Set to "store_false" if the argument is a bool with default value True.
        - nargs: Set to "*" if the type annotation is List[str], List[int], or List[float].
        - help: Set to the argument documentation from the class docstring.

        :param name_or_flags: Either a name or a list of option strings, e.g. foo or -f, --foo.
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments.
        # Get variable name
        variable = get_argument_name(*name_or_flags)

        # Get default if not specified
        if hasattr(self, variable):
            kwargs['default'] = kwargs.get('default', getattr(self, variable))

        # Set required if option arg
        if (is_option_arg(*name_or_flags) and variable != 'help'
                and 'default' not in kwargs
                and kwargs.get('action') != 'version'):
            kwargs['required'] = kwargs.get('required',
                                            not hasattr(self, variable))

        # Set help if necessary
        if 'help' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['help'] = '('

            # Type
            if variable in self._annotations:
                kwargs['help'] += type_to_str(
                    self._annotations[variable]) + ', '

            # Required/default
            if kwargs.get('required', False):
                kwargs['help'] += 'required'
                kwargs['help'] += f'default={kwargs.get("default", None)}'

            kwargs['help'] += ')'

            # Description
            if variable in self.class_variables:
                    'help'] += ' ' + self.class_variables[variable]['comment']

        # Set other kwargs where not provided
        if variable in self._annotations:
            # Get type annotation
            var_type = self._annotations[variable]

            # If type is not explicitly provided, set it if it's one of our supported default types
            if 'type' not in kwargs:
                # First check whether it is a literal type or a boxed literal type
                if is_literal_type(var_type):
                    var_type, kwargs['choices'] = get_literals(
                        var_type, variable)
                elif (get_origin(var_type) in (List, list, Set, set)
                      and len(get_args(var_type)) > 0
                      and is_literal_type(get_args(var_type)[0])):
                    var_type, kwargs['choices'] = get_literals(
                        get_args(var_type)[0], variable)
                    kwargs['nargs'] = kwargs.get('nargs', '*')
                # Handle Tuple type (with type args) by extracting types of Tuple elements and enforcing them
                elif get_origin(var_type) in (Tuple, tuple) and len(
                        get_args(var_type)) > 0:
                    loop = False
                    types = get_args(var_type)

                    # Don't allow Tuple[()]
                    if len(types) == 1 and types[0] == tuple():
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Empty Tuples (i.e. Tuple[()]) are not a valid Tap type '
                            'because they have no arguments.')

                    # Handle Tuple[type, ...]
                    if len(types) == 2 and types[1] == Ellipsis:
                        types = types[0:1]
                        loop = True
                        kwargs['nargs'] = '*'
                        kwargs['nargs'] = len(types)

                    var_type = TupleTypeEnforcer(types=types, loop=loop)
                # To identify an Optional type, check if it's a union of a None and something else
                elif (is_union_type(var_type) and len(get_args(var_type)) == 2
                      and isinstance(None,
                      and is_literal_type(get_args(var_type)[0])):
                    var_type, kwargs['choices'] = get_literals(
                        get_args(var_type)[0], variable)
                elif var_type not in SUPPORTED_DEFAULT_TYPES:
                    is_required = kwargs.get('required', False)
                    arg_params = 'required=True' if is_required else f'default={getattr(self, variable)}'
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Variable "{variable}" has type "{var_type}" which is not supported by default.\n'
                        f'Please explicitly add the argument to the parser by writing:\n\n'
                        f'def configure(self) -> None:\n'
                        f'    self.add_argument("--{variable}", type=func, {arg_params})\n\n'
                        f'where "func" maps from str to {var_type}.')

                if var_type in SUPPORTED_DEFAULT_BOXED_TYPES:
                    # If List or Set type, set nargs
                    if (var_type in SUPPORTED_DEFAULT_COLLECTION_TYPES
                            and kwargs.get('action')
                            not in {'append', 'append_const'}):
                        kwargs['nargs'] = kwargs.get('nargs', '*')

                    # Extract boxed type for Optional, List, Set
                    arg_types = get_args(var_type)

                    # Set defaults type to str for Type and Type[()]
                    if len(arg_types) == 0 or arg_types[0] == EMPTY_TYPE:
                        var_type = str
                        var_type = arg_types[0]

                    # Handle the cases of Optional[bool], List[bool], Set[bool]
                    if var_type == bool:
                        var_type = boolean_type

                # If bool then set action, otherwise set type
                if var_type == bool:
                    if self._explicit_bool:
                        kwargs['type'] = boolean_type
                        kwargs['choices'] = [
                            True, False
                        ]  # this makes the help message more helpful
                        action_cond = "true" if kwargs.get(
                            False) or not kwargs["default"] else "false"
                        kwargs['action'] = kwargs.get('action',
                elif kwargs.get('action') not in {'count', 'append_const'}:
                    kwargs['type'] = var_type

        if self._underscores_to_dashes:
            name_or_flags = [
                name_or_flag.replace('_', '-')
                for name_or_flag in name_or_flags

        super(Tap, self).add_argument(*name_or_flags, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def make(cls, type_or_hint, is_argument: bool) -> "LiteralTypeChecker":
     literals_values = get_args(type_or_hint, evaluate=True)
     return cls(type_or_hint, literals_values)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def transform(self, node, eligible_node_types=None):
        Transform python ast into GTScript ast recursively.
        if eligible_node_types is None:
            eligible_node_types = [gtscript_ast.Computation]

        if isinstance(node, ast.AST):
            is_leaf_node = len(list(ast.iter_fields(node))) == 0
            if is_leaf_node:
                if not type(node) in self.leaf_map:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Leaf node of type {type(node)}, found in the python ast, can not be mapped."
                return self.leaf_map[type(node)]
                # visit node fields and transform
                # TODO(tehrengruber): check if multiple nodes match and throw an error in that case
                # disadvantage: templates can be ambiguous
                for node_type in eligible_node_types:
                    if not hasattr(self.Patterns, node_type.__name__):
                    captures = {}
                    if not anm.match(node,
                    module = sys.modules[node_type.__module__]
                    transformed_captures = {}
                    for name, capture in captures.items():
                        assert (
                            name in node_type.__annotations__
                        ), f"Invalid capture. No field named `{name}` in `{str(node_type)}`"
                        field_type = node_type.__annotations__[name]
                        if typing_inspect.get_origin(field_type) == list:
                            # determine eligible capture types
                            el_type = typing_inspect.get_args(field_type)[0]
                            eligible_capture_types = self._all_subclasses(
                                el_type, module=module)

                            # transform captures recursively
                            transformed_captures[name] = []
                            for child_capture in capture:
                            # determine eligible capture types
                            eligible_capture_types = self._all_subclasses(
                                field_type, module=module)
                            # transform captures recursively
                            transformed_captures[name] = self.transform(
                                capture, eligible_capture_types)
                    return node_type(**transformed_captures)
                raise ValueError("Expected a node of type {}".format(", ".join(
                    [ent.__name__ for ent in eligible_node_types])))
        elif type(node) in eligible_node_types:
            return node

        raise ValueError("Expected a node of type {}, but got {}".format(
            {*eligible_node_types, ast.AST}, type(node)))
Exemplo n.º 24
 def make(cls, type_or_hint, is_argument: bool) -> "UnionTypeChecker":
     union_types = get_args(type_or_hint, evaluate=True)
     union_type_checkers = tuple(cls.get(type_) for type_ in union_types)
     return cls(type_or_hint, union_type_checkers)
Exemplo n.º 25
def field_for_schema(
        typ: type,
        metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None) -> marshmallow.fields.Field:
    Get a marshmallow Field corresponding to the given python type.
    The metadata of the dataclass field is used as arguments to the marshmallow Field.

    >>> int_field = field_for_schema(int, default=9, metadata=dict(required=True))
    >>> int_field.__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>

    >>> int_field.default

    >>> int_field.required

    >>> field_for_schema(Dict[str,str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Dict'>

    >>> field_for_schema(Callable[[str],str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Function'>

    >>> field_for_schema(str, metadata={"marshmallow_field": marshmallow.fields.Url()}).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Url'>

    >>> field_for_schema(Optional[str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.String'>

    >>> field_for_schema(NewType('UserId', int)).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>

    >>> field_for_schema(NewType('UserId', int), default=0).default

    >>> class Color(Enum):
    ...   red = 1
    >>> field_for_schema(Color).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow_enum.EnumField'>

    >>> field_for_schema(Any).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>

    metadata = {} if metadata is None else dict(metadata)
    metadata.setdefault("required", True)
    if default is not marshmallow.missing:
        metadata.setdefault("default", default)
        metadata.setdefault("missing", default)

    # If the field was already defined by the user
    predefined_field = metadata.get("marshmallow_field")
    if predefined_field:
        return predefined_field

    # Base types
    if typ in _native_to_marshmallow:
        return _native_to_marshmallow[typ](**metadata)

    # Generic types
    origin: type = typing_inspect.get_origin(typ)

    if origin in (list, List):
        list_elements_type = typing_inspect.get_args(typ, True)[0]
        return marshmallow.fields.List(field_for_schema(list_elements_type),
    elif origin in (dict, Dict):
        key_type, value_type = typing_inspect.get_args(typ, True)
        return marshmallow.fields.Dict(
    elif origin in (collections.abc.Callable, Callable):
        return marshmallow.fields.Function(**metadata)
    elif typing_inspect.is_optional_type(typ):
        subtyp = next(t for t in typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
                      if t is not NoneType)
        # Treat optional types as types with a None default
        metadata["default"] = metadata.get("default", None)
        metadata["missing"] = metadata.get("missing", None)
        metadata["required"] = False
        return field_for_schema(subtyp, metadata=metadata)
    # typing.NewType returns a function with a __supertype__ attribute
    newtype_supertype = getattr(typ, "__supertype__", None)
    if newtype_supertype and inspect.isfunction(typ):
        metadata.setdefault("description", typ.__name__)
        return field_for_schema(newtype_supertype,

    # enumerations
    if type(typ) is EnumMeta:
        import marshmallow_enum

        return marshmallow_enum.EnumField(typ, **metadata)

    # Nested attr
    forward_reference = getattr(typ, "__forward_arg__", None)
    nested = forward_reference or class_schema(typ)
    return marshmallow.fields.Nested(nested, **metadata)
Exemplo n.º 26
def is_value_of_type(  # noqa: C901 "too complex"
    # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot be `Any`.
    value: Any,
    # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot be `Any`.
    expected_type: Any,
    invariant_check: bool = False,
) -> bool:
    This method attempts to verify a given value is of a given type. If the type is
    not supported, it returns True but throws an exception in tests.

    It is similar to typeguard / enforce pypi modules, but neither of those have
    permissive options for types they do not support.

    Supported types for now:
    - List/Set/Iterable
    - Dict/Mapping
    - base types (str, int, etc)
    - Literal
    - Unions
    - Tuples
    - Concrete Classes
    - ClassVar

    Not supported:
    - Callables, which will likely not be used in XHP anyways
    - Generics, Type Vars (treated as Any)
    - Generators
    - Forward Refs -- use `typing.get_type_hints` to resolve these
    - Type[...]
    if is_classvar(expected_type):
        # `ClassVar` (no subscript) is implicitly `ClassVar[Any]`
        if hasattr(expected_type, "__type__"):  # py36
            expected_type = expected_type.__type__ or Any
        else:  # py37+
            classvar_args = get_args(expected_type)
            expected_type = (classvar_args[0] or Any) if classvar_args else Any

    if is_typevar(expected_type):
        # treat this the same as Any
        # TODO: evaluate bounds
        return True

    expected_origin_type = get_origin(expected_type) or expected_type

    if expected_origin_type == Any:
        return True

    elif is_union_type(expected_type):
        return any(
            is_value_of_type(value, subtype) for subtype in expected_type.__args__

    elif isinstance(expected_origin_type, type(Literal)):
        if hasattr(expected_type, "__values__"):  # py36
            literal_values = expected_type.__values__
        else:  # py37+
            literal_values = get_args(expected_type, evaluate=True)
        return any(value == literal for literal in literal_values)

    elif isinstance(expected_origin_type, ForwardRef):
        # not much we can do here for now, lets just return :(
        return True

    # Handle `Tuple[A, B, C]`.
    # We don't want to include Tuple subclasses, like NamedTuple, because they're
    # unlikely to behave similarly.
    elif expected_origin_type in [Tuple, tuple]:  # py36 uses Tuple, py37+ uses tuple
        if not isinstance(value, tuple):
            return False

        type_args = get_args(expected_type, evaluate=True)
        if len(type_args) == 0:
            # `Tuple` (no subscript) is implicitly `Tuple[Any, ...]`
            return True

        if type_args is None:
            return True

        if len(value) != len(type_args):
            return False
        # TODO: Handle `Tuple[T, ...]` like `Iterable[T]`
        for subvalue, subtype in zip(value, type_args):
            if not is_value_of_type(subvalue, subtype):
                return False
            return True

    elif issubclass(expected_origin_type, Mapping):
        # We're expecting *some* kind of Mapping, but we also want to make sure it's
        # the correct Mapping subtype. That means we want {a: b, c: d} to match Mapping,
        # MutableMapping, and Dict, but we don't want MappingProxyType({a: b, c: d}) to
        # match MutableMapping or Dict.
        if not issubclass(type(value), expected_origin_type):
            return False

        type_args = get_args(expected_type, evaluate=True)
        if len(type_args) == 0:
            # `Mapping` (no subscript) is implicitly `Mapping[Any, Any]`.
            return True

        invariant_check = issubclass(expected_origin_type, MutableMapping)

        for subkey, subvalue in value.items():
            if not is_value_of_type(
                # key type is always invariant
                return False
            if not is_value_of_type(
                subvalue, type_args[1], invariant_check=invariant_check
                return False
        return True

    # While this does technically work fine for str and bytes (they are iterables), it's
    # better to use the default isinstance behavior for them.
    # Similarly, tuple subclasses tend to have pretty different behavior, and we should
    # fall back to the default check.
    elif issubclass(expected_origin_type, Iterable) and not issubclass(
        (str, bytes, tuple),
        # We know this thing is *some* kind of Iterable, but we want to
        # allow subclasses. That means we want [1,2,3] to match both
        # List[int] and Iterable[int], but we do NOT want that
        # to match Set[int].
        if not issubclass(type(value), expected_origin_type):
            return False

        type_args = get_args(expected_type, evaluate=True)
        if len(type_args) == 0:
            # `Iterable` (no subscript) is implicitly `Iterable[Any]`.
            return True

        # We invariant check if its a mutable sequence
        invariant_check = issubclass(expected_origin_type, MutableSequence)
        return all(
            is_value_of_type(subvalue, type_args[0], invariant_check=invariant_check)
            for subvalue in value

        if not invariant_check:
            if expected_type is float:
                return isinstance(value, (int, float))
                return isinstance(value, expected_type)
        return type(value) is expected_type
    except Exception as e:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"the value {value!r} was compared to type {expected_type!r} "
            + f"but support for that has not been implemented yet! Exception: {e!r}"
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_get_forward_arg(self):
     tp = List["FRef"]
     fr = get_args(tp)[0]
     self.assertEqual(get_forward_arg(fr), "FRef")
     self.assertEqual(get_forward_arg(tp), None)
Exemplo n.º 28
def decode_generic_set(decoder, typ, json_value):
    if not (inspect.is_generic_type(typ) and inspect.get_origin(typ) == set):
        return Unsupported
    check_type(list, json_value)
    item_type = inspect.get_args(typ)[0]
    return set([decoder.decode(item_type, item) for item in json_value])
Exemplo n.º 29
    def from_pyvalue(cls, data, *, allow_missing=False):
        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            raise cls._err(f'expected a dict value, got {type(data)!r}')

        spec = config.get_settings()

        data = dict(data)
        tname = data.pop('_tname', None)
        if tname is not None:
            if '::' in tname:
                tname = s_name.Name(tname).name
            cls = spec.get_type_by_name(tname)

        fields = {f.name: f for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)}

        items = {}
        inv_keys = []
        for fieldname, value in data.items():
            field = fields.get(fieldname)
            if field is None:
                if value is None:
                    # This may happen when data is produced by
                    # a polymorphic config query.


            f_type = field.type

            if value is None:
                # Config queries return empty pointer values as None.

            if typing_inspect.is_generic_type(f_type):
                container = typing_inspect.get_origin(f_type)
                if container not in (frozenset, list):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f'invalid type annotation on '
                        f'{cls.__name__}.{fieldname}: '
                        f'{f_type!r} is not supported')

                eltype = typing_inspect.get_args(f_type, evaluate=True)[0]
                if isinstance(value, eltype):
                    value = container((value,))
                elif (typeutils.is_container(value)
                        and all(isinstance(v, eltype) for v in value)):
                    value = container(value)
                    raise cls._err(
                        f'invalid {fieldname!r} field value: expecting '
                        f'{eltype.__name__} or a list thereof, but got '

            elif (issubclass(f_type, CompositeConfigType)
                    and isinstance(value, dict)):

                tname = value.get('_tname', None)
                if tname is not None:
                    if '::' in tname:
                        tname = s_name.Name(tname).name
                    actual_f_type = spec.get_type_by_name(tname)
                    actual_f_type = f_type
                    value['_tname'] = f_type.__name__

                value = actual_f_type.from_pyvalue(value)

            elif not isinstance(value, f_type):
                raise cls._err(
                    f'invalid {fieldname!r} field value: expecting '
                    f'{f_type.__name__}, but got {type(value).__name__}'

            items[fieldname] = value

        if inv_keys:
            inv_keys = ', '.join(repr(r) for r in inv_keys)
            raise cls._err(f'unknown fields: {inv_keys}')

        for fieldname, field in fields.items():
            if fieldname not in items and field.default is dataclasses.MISSING:
                if allow_missing:
                    items[fieldname] = None
                    raise cls._err(f'missing required field: {fieldname!r}')

            return cls(**items)
        except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex:
            raise cls._err(str(ex))
Exemplo n.º 30
def _to_type_member(type_: type, metadata_: Dict[Any, Any]) -> ElementDecl:
    """Resolve attribute type hint to type related part of element declaration."""
    result = ElementDecl()

    # Get argument of List[...] type hint
    is_list = get_origin(type_) is not None and get_origin(type_) is list
    if is_list:
        type_ = get_args(type_)[0]

    key_ = metadata_.get('key', None)
    if key_ is not None and type_ is str:
        key_type = ClassInfo.get_type(key_)
        result.key = _create_type_declaration_key(key_type.__module__, key_)
        return result

    meta_type = metadata_.get('type', None)

    # Primitive types
    if type_ is str:
        result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.String)
    elif type_ is bool:
        result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableBool)
    elif type_ is float:
        result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableDouble)
    elif type_ is ObjectId:
        result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableTemporalId)

    # Date additional cases
    elif type_ is dt.date:
        result.value = result.value = ValueDecl(
    elif type_ is dt.time:
        result.value = result.value = ValueDecl(
    # dt.datetime depends on metadata
    elif type_ is dt.datetime:
        if meta_type == 'Instant':
            result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableInstant)
        elif meta_type is None:
            result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableDateTime)
            raise Exception(
                f'Unexpected dt.datetime and metadata type combination: dt.datetime + {type_.__name__}'

    # Restore int/long/Local... separation using info from metadata
    elif type_ is int:
        if meta_type == 'long':
            result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableLong)
        elif meta_type == 'LocalDate':
            result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableDate)
        elif meta_type == 'LocalTime':
            result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableTime)
        elif meta_type == 'LocalMinute':
            result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableMinute)
        elif meta_type == 'LocalDateTime':
            result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableDateTime)
        elif meta_type is None:
            result.value = ValueDecl(type=ValueParamType.NullableInt)
            raise Exception(
                f'Unexpected int and metadata type combination: int + {type_.__name__}'

    elif issubclass(type_, Data):
        result.data = _create_type_declaration_key(type_.__module__,
    elif issubclass(type_, IntEnum):
        result.enum = _create_enum_declaration_key(str(type_.__module__),
        raise Exception(f'Unexpected type {type_.__name__}')
    return result
Exemplo n.º 31
def field_for_schema(
    typ: type,
    metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
    base_schema: Optional[Type[marshmallow.Schema]] = None,
) -> marshmallow.fields.Field:
    Get a marshmallow Field corresponding to the given python type.
    The metadata of the dataclass field is used as arguments to the marshmallow Field.

    :param base_schema: marshmallow schema used as a base class when deriving dataclass schema

    >>> int_field = field_for_schema(int, default=9, metadata=dict(required=True))
    >>> int_field.__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>

    >>> int_field.default

    >>> int_field.required

    >>> field_for_schema(Dict[str,str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Dict'>

    >>> field_for_schema(str, metadata={"marshmallow_field": marshmallow.fields.Url()}).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Url'>

    >>> field_for_schema(Optional[str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.String'>

    >>> from enum import Enum
    >>> import marshmallow_enum
    >>> field_for_schema(Enum("X", "a b c")).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow_enum.EnumField'>

    >>> import typing
    >>> field_for_schema(typing.Union[int,str]).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow_union.Union'>

    >>> field_for_schema(typing.NewType('UserId', int)).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>

    >>> field_for_schema(typing.NewType('UserId', int), default=0).default

    >>> class Color(Enum):
    ...   red = 1
    >>> field_for_schema(Color).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow_enum.EnumField'>

    >>> field_for_schema(Any).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Raw'>

    metadata = {} if metadata is None else dict(metadata)
    if default is not marshmallow.missing:
        metadata.setdefault("default", default)
        if not metadata.get(
                "required"):  # 'missing' must not be set for required fields.
            metadata.setdefault("missing", default)
        metadata.setdefault("required", True)

    # If the field was already defined by the user
    predefined_field = metadata.get("marshmallow_field")
    if predefined_field:
        return predefined_field

    # Base types
    if typ in _native_to_marshmallow:
        return _native_to_marshmallow[typ](**metadata)

    # Generic types
    origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(typ)
    if origin:
        arguments = typing_inspect.get_args(typ, True)
        if origin in (list, List):
            return marshmallow.fields.List(
                field_for_schema(arguments[0], base_schema=base_schema),
        if origin in (tuple, Tuple):
            return marshmallow.fields.Tuple(
                    field_for_schema(arg, base_schema=base_schema)
                    for arg in arguments),
        elif origin in (dict, Dict):
            return marshmallow.fields.Dict(
                keys=field_for_schema(arguments[0], base_schema=base_schema),
                values=field_for_schema(arguments[1], base_schema=base_schema),
        elif typing_inspect.is_optional_type(typ):
            subtyp = next(t for t in arguments
                          if t is not NoneType)  # type: ignore
            # Treat optional types as types with a None default
            metadata["default"] = metadata.get("default", None)
            metadata["missing"] = metadata.get("missing", None)
            metadata["required"] = False
            return field_for_schema(subtyp,
        elif typing_inspect.is_union_type(typ):
            subfields = [
                for subtyp in arguments
            import marshmallow_union

            return marshmallow_union.Union(subfields, **metadata)

    # typing.NewType returns a function with a __supertype__ attribute
    newtype_supertype = getattr(typ, "__supertype__", None)
    if newtype_supertype and inspect.isfunction(typ):
        # Add the information coming our custom NewType implementation
        metadata = {
            "description": typ.__name__,
            **getattr(typ, "_marshmallow_args", {}),
        field = getattr(typ, "_marshmallow_field", None)
        if field:
            return field(**metadata)
            return field_for_schema(

    # enumerations
    if type(typ) is EnumMeta:
        import marshmallow_enum

        return marshmallow_enum.EnumField(typ, **metadata)

    # Nested dataclasses
    forward_reference = getattr(typ, "__forward_arg__", None)
    nested = forward_reference or class_schema(typ, base_schema=base_schema)
    return marshmallow.fields.Nested(nested, **metadata)