Exemplo n.º 1
class Group(MagModel, TakesPaymentMixin):
    public_id = Column(UUID, default=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    name = Column(UnicodeText)
    tables = Column(Numeric, default=0)
    zip_code = Column(UnicodeText)
    address1 = Column(UnicodeText)
    address2 = Column(UnicodeText)
    city = Column(UnicodeText)
    region = Column(UnicodeText)
    country = Column(UnicodeText)
    website = Column(UnicodeText)
    wares = Column(UnicodeText)
    categories = Column(MultiChoice(c.DEALER_WARES_OPTS))
    categories_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    special_needs = Column(UnicodeText)

    amount_paid_override = Column(Integer,
    amount_refunded_override = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    cost = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    purchased_items = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONB),
    refunded_items = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONB),
    auto_recalc = Column(Boolean, default=True, admin_only=True)
    stripe_txn_share_logs = relationship('StripeTransactionGroup',

    can_add = Column(Boolean, default=False, admin_only=True)
    admin_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    status = Column(Choice(c.DEALER_STATUS_OPTS),
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    approved = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)
    leader_id = Column(UUID,
    creator_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'), nullable=True)

    creator = relationship('Attendee',
    leader = relationship('Attendee',
    studio = relationship('IndieStudio', uselist=False, backref='group')
    guest = relationship('GuestGroup', backref='group', uselist=False)

    _repr_attr_names = ['name']

    def _cost_and_leader(self):
        assigned = [a for a in self.attendees if not a.is_unassigned]
        if len(assigned) == 1:
            [self.leader] = assigned
        if self.auto_recalc:
            self.cost = self.default_cost
        elif not self.cost:
            self.cost = 0
        if self.status == c.APPROVED and not self.approved:
            self.approved = datetime.now(UTC)
        if self.leader and self.is_dealer:
            self.leader.ribbon = add_opt(self.leader.ribbon_ints,
        if not self.is_unpaid:
            for a in self.attendees:

    def update_purchased_items(self):
        if self.cost == self.orig_value_of(
                'cost') and self.tables == self.orig_value_of('tables'):

        if not self.auto_recalc:
            # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
            if self.cost:
                self.purchased_items['group_total'] = self.cost
            # Groups tables and paid-by-group badges by cost
            table_count = int(float(self.tables))
            default_price = c.TABLE_PRICES['default_price']
            more_tables = {default_price: 0}
            for i in table_count:
                if c.TABLE_PRICES[i] == default_price:
                    more_tables[default_price] += 1
                    self.purchased_items['table_' + i] = c.TABLE_PRICES[i]
            if more_tables[default_price]:
                    more_tables[default_price] + ' extra table(s) at $' +
                    default_price +
                    ' each'] = default_price * more_tables[default_price]

            badges_by_cost = {}
            for attendee in self.attendees:
                if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP:
                    badges_by_cost[attendee.badge_cost] = bool(
                        badges_by_cost.get(attendee.badge_cost)) + 1
            for cost in badges_by_cost:
                self.purchased_items[badges_by_cost[cost] + ' badge(s) at $' +
                                     cost +
                                     ' each'] = cost * badges_by_cost[cost]

    def assign_creator(self):
        if self.is_new and not self.creator_id:
            self.creator_id = self.session.admin_attendee(
            ).id if self.session.admin_attendee() else None

    def sorted_attendees(self):
        return list(
                   key=lambda a:
                   (a.is_unassigned, a.id != self.leader_id, a.full_name)))

    def unassigned(self):
        Returns a list of the unassigned badges for this group, sorted so that
        the paid-by-group badges come last, because when claiming unassigned
        badges we want to claim the "weird" ones first.
        unassigned = [a for a in self.attendees if a.is_unassigned]
        return sorted(unassigned, key=lambda a: a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP)

    def floating(self):
        Returns the list of paid-by-group unassigned badges for this group.
        This is a separate property from the "Group.unassigned" property
        because when automatically adding or removing unassigned badges, we
        care specifically about paid-by-group badges rather than all unassigned
        return [
            a for a in self.attendees
            if a.is_unassigned and a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP

    def new_ribbon(self):
        return c.DEALER_RIBBON if self.is_dealer else ''

    def ribbon_and_or_badge(self):
        badge = self.unassigned[0]
        if badge.ribbon and badge.badge_type != c.ATTENDEE_BADGE:
            return ' / '.join([badge.badge_type_label] + self.ribbon_labels)
        elif badge.ribbon:
            return ' / '.join(badge.ribbon_labels)
            return badge.badge_type_label

    def is_dealer(self):
        return bool(self.tables and self.tables != '0' and self.tables != '0.0'
                    and (not self.registered or self.amount_paid or self.cost
                         or self.status != c.UNAPPROVED))

    def is_dealer(cls):
        return and_(
            cls.tables > 0,
            or_(cls.amount_paid > 0, cls.cost > 0, cls.status != c.UNAPPROVED))

    def is_unpaid(self):
        return self.cost > 0 and self.amount_paid == 0

    def is_unpaid(cls):
        return and_(cls.cost > 0, cls.amount_paid == 0)

    def email(self):
        if self.studio and self.studio.email:
            return self.studio.email
        elif self.leader and self.leader.email:
            return self.leader.email
        elif self.leader_id:  # unattached groups
            [leader] = [a for a in self.attendees if a.id == self.leader_id]
            return leader.email
            emails = [a.email for a in self.attendees if a.email]
            if len(emails) == 1:
                return emails[0]

    def badges_purchased(self):
        return len([a for a in self.attendees if a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP])

    def badges_purchased(cls):
        from uber.models import Attendee
        return exists().where(
            and_(Attendee.group_id == cls.id,
                 Attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP))

    def badges(self):
        return len(self.attendees)

    def unregistered_badges(self):
        return len([a for a in self.attendees if a.is_unassigned])

    def unregistered_badges(cls):
        from uber.models import Attendee
        return exists().where(
            and_(Attendee.group_id == cls.id, Attendee.first_name == ''))

    def table_cost(self):
        table_count = int(float(self.tables))
        return sum(c.TABLE_PRICES[i] for i in range(1, 1 + table_count))

    def new_badge_cost(self):
        return c.DEALER_BADGE_PRICE if self.is_dealer else c.get_group_price()

    def badge_cost(self):
        total = 0
        for attendee in self.attendees:
            if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP:
                total += attendee.badge_cost
        return total

    def amount_extra(self):
        if self.is_new:
            return sum(a.total_cost - a.badge_cost for a in self.attendees
                       if a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP)
            return 0

    def total_cost(self):
        return self.default_cost + self.amount_extra

    def amount_unpaid(self):
        if self.registered:
            return max(0, ((self.cost * 100) - self.amount_paid) / 100)
            return self.total_cost

    def amount_paid(self):
        return sum([
            item.amount for item in self.receipt_items
            if item.txn_type == c.PAYMENT

    def amount_paid(cls):
        from uber.models import ReceiptItem

        return select([func.sum(ReceiptItem.amount)]).where(
            and_(ReceiptItem.group_id == cls.id,
                 ReceiptItem.txn_type == c.PAYMENT)).label('amount_paid')

    def amount_refunded(self):
        return sum([
            item.amount for item in self.receipt_items
            if item.txn_type == c.REFUND

    def amount_refunded(cls):
        from uber.models import ReceiptItem

        return select([func.sum(ReceiptItem.amount)]).where(
            and_(ReceiptItem.group_id == cls.id,
                 ReceiptItem.txn_type == c.REFUND)).label('amount_refunded')

    def balance_by_item_type(self, item_type):
        Return a sum of all the receipt item payments, minus the refunds, for this model by item type
        return sum([amt for type, amt in self.itemized_payments if type == item_type]) \
               - sum([amt for type, amt in self.itemized_refunds if type == item_type])

    def itemized_payments(self):
        return [(item.item_type, item.amount) for item in self.receipt_items
                if item.txn_type == c.PAYMENT]

    def itemized_refunds(self):
        return [(item.item_type, item.amount) for item in self.receipt_items
                if item.txn_type == c.REFUND]

    def dealer_max_badges(self):
        return c.MAX_DEALERS or math.ceil(self.tables) + 1

    def dealer_badges_remaining(self):
        return self.dealer_max_badges - self.badges

    def hours_since_registered(self):
        if not self.registered:
            return 0
        delta = datetime.now(UTC) - self.registered
        return max(0, delta.total_seconds()) / 60.0 / 60.0

    def hours_remaining_in_grace_period(self):
        return max(0,
                   c.GROUP_UPDATE_GRACE_PERIOD - self.hours_since_registered)

    def is_in_grace_period(self):
        return self.hours_remaining_in_grace_period > 0

    def min_badges_addable(self):
        if self.is_dealer and not self.dealer_badges_remaining or self.amount_unpaid:
            return 0
        if self.can_add:
            return 1
        elif self.is_dealer:
            return 0
            return c.MIN_GROUP_ADDITION

    def requested_hotel_info(self):
        if self.leader:
            return self.leader.requested_hotel_info
        elif self.leader_id:  # unattached groups
            for attendee in self.attendees:
                if attendee.id == self.leader_id:
                    return attendee.requested_hotel_info
            return any(a.requested_hotel_info for a in self.attendees)

    def physical_address(self):
        address1 = self.address1.strip()
        address2 = self.address2.strip()
        city = self.city.strip()
        region = self.region.strip()
        zip_code = self.zip_code.strip()
        country = self.country.strip()

        country = '' if country == 'United States' else country.strip()

        if city and region:
            city_region = '{}, {}'.format(city, region)
            city_region = city or region
        city_region_zip = '{} {}'.format(city_region, zip_code).strip()

        physical_address = [address1, address2, city_region_zip, country]
        return '\n'.join([s for s in physical_address if s])

    def guidebook_name(self):
        return self.name

    def guidebook_subtitle(self):
        category_labels = [
            cat for cat in self.categories_labels if 'Other' not in cat
        ] + [self.categories_text]
        return ', '.join(category_labels[:5])

    def guidebook_desc(self):
        return self.description

    def guidebook_location(self):
        return ''
Exemplo n.º 2
class Attendee(MagModel, TakesPaymentMixin):
    watchlist_id = Column(UUID,
                          ForeignKey('watch_list.id', ondelete='set null'),

    group_id = Column(UUID,
                      ForeignKey('group.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    group = relationship(Group,

    # NOTE: The cascade relationships for promo_code do NOT include
    # "save-update". During the preregistration workflow, before an Attendee
    # has paid, we create ephemeral Attendee objects that are saved in the
    # cherrypy session, but are NOT saved in the database. If the cascade
    # relationships specified "save-update" then the Attendee would
    # automatically be inserted in the database when the promo_code is set on
    # the Attendee object (which we do not want until the attendee pays).
    # The practical result of this is that we must manually set promo_code_id
    # in order for the relationship to be persisted.
    promo_code_id = Column(UUID,
    promo_code = relationship('PromoCode',

    placeholder = Column(Boolean, default=False, admin_only=True)
    first_name = Column(UnicodeText)
    last_name = Column(UnicodeText)
    legal_name = Column(UnicodeText)
    email = Column(UnicodeText)
    birthdate = Column(Date, nullable=True, default=None)
    age_group = Column(Choice(c.AGE_GROUPS),

    international = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    zip_code = Column(UnicodeText)
    address1 = Column(UnicodeText)
    address2 = Column(UnicodeText)
    city = Column(UnicodeText)
    region = Column(UnicodeText)
    country = Column(UnicodeText)
    no_cellphone = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    ec_name = Column(UnicodeText)
    ec_phone = Column(UnicodeText)
    cellphone = Column(UnicodeText)

    # Represents a request for hotel booking info during preregistration
    requested_hotel_info = Column(Boolean, default=False)

    interests = Column(MultiChoice(c.INTEREST_OPTS))
    found_how = Column(UnicodeText)
    comments = Column(UnicodeText)
    for_review = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    admin_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)

    public_id = Column(UUID, default=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    badge_num = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True, admin_only=True)
    badge_type = Column(Choice(c.BADGE_OPTS), default=c.ATTENDEE_BADGE)
    badge_status = Column(Choice(c.BADGE_STATUS_OPTS),
    ribbon = Column(MultiChoice(c.RIBBON_OPTS), admin_only=True)

    affiliate = Column(UnicodeText)

    # attendee shirt size for both swag and staff shirts
    shirt = Column(Choice(c.SHIRT_OPTS), default=c.NO_SHIRT)
    second_shirt = Column(Choice(c.SECOND_SHIRT_OPTS), default=c.UNKNOWN)
    can_spam = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    regdesk_info = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    extra_merch = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    got_merch = Column(Boolean, default=False, admin_only=True)

    reg_station = Column(Integer, nullable=True, admin_only=True)
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    confirmed = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True, default=None)
    checked_in = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)

    paid = Column(Choice(c.PAYMENT_OPTS),
    overridden_price = Column(Integer, nullable=True, admin_only=True)
    base_badge_price = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    amount_paid = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    amount_extra = Column(Choice(c.DONATION_TIER_OPTS, allow_unspecified=True),
    extra_donation = Column(Integer, default=0)
    payment_method = Column(Choice(c.PAYMENT_METHOD_OPTS), nullable=True)
    amount_refunded = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)

    badge_printed_name = Column(UnicodeText)

    dept_checklist_items = relationship('DeptChecklistItem',
    dept_memberships = relationship('DeptMembership', backref='attendee')
    dept_membership_requests = relationship('DeptMembershipRequest',
    anywhere_dept_membership_request = relationship(
        'DeptMembershipRequest.attendee_id == Attendee.id, '
        'DeptMembershipRequest.department_id == None)',
    dept_roles = relationship(
        'dept_membership_dept_role.c.dept_role_id '
        '== DeptRole.id, '
        'dept_membership_dept_role.c.dept_membership_id '
        '== DeptMembership.id)',
        secondary='join(DeptMembership, dept_membership_dept_role)',
    shifts = relationship('Shift', backref='attendee')
    jobs_in_assigned_depts = relationship(
        secondaryjoin='DeptMembership.department_id == Job.department_id',
    depts_where_working = relationship(
        secondary='join(Shift, Job)',
    dept_memberships_with_inherent_role = relationship(
        'Attendee.id == DeptMembership.attendee_id, '
        'DeptMembership.has_inherent_role == True)',
    dept_memberships_with_role = relationship(
        'Attendee.id == DeptMembership.attendee_id, '
        'DeptMembership.has_role == True)',
    dept_memberships_as_dept_head = relationship(
        'Attendee.id == DeptMembership.attendee_id, '
        'DeptMembership.is_dept_head == True)',
    dept_memberships_as_poc = relationship(
        'Attendee.id == DeptMembership.attendee_id, '
        'DeptMembership.is_poc == True)',
    dept_memberships_where_can_admin_checklist = relationship(
        'Attendee.id == DeptMembership.attendee_id, '
        'DeptMembership.is_dept_head == True,'
        'DeptMembership.is_checklist_admin == True))',
    dept_memberships_as_checklist_admin = relationship(
        'Attendee.id == DeptMembership.attendee_id, '
        'DeptMembership.is_checklist_admin == True)',
    pocs_for_depts_where_working = relationship(
        primaryjoin='Attendee.id == Shift.attendee_id',
        'DeptMembership.attendee_id == Attendee.id, '
        'DeptMembership.is_poc == True)',
        secondary='join(Shift, Job).join(DeptMembership, '
        'DeptMembership.department_id == Job.department_id)',
    dept_heads_for_depts_where_working = relationship(
        primaryjoin='Attendee.id == Shift.attendee_id',
        'DeptMembership.attendee_id == Attendee.id, '
        'DeptMembership.is_dept_head == True)',
        secondary='join(Shift, Job).join(DeptMembership, '
        'DeptMembership.department_id == Job.department_id)',

    staffing = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    nonshift_hours = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    past_years = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    can_work_setup = Column(Boolean, default=False, admin_only=True)
    can_work_teardown = Column(Boolean, default=False, admin_only=True)

    # TODO: a record of when an attendee is unable to pickup a shirt
    # (which type? swag or staff? prob swag)
    no_shirt = relationship('NoShirt',
                            backref=backref('attendee', load_on_pending=True),

    admin_account = relationship('AdminAccount',
    food_restrictions = relationship('FoodRestrictions',

    sales = relationship('Sale',
    mpoints_for_cash = relationship('MPointsForCash', backref='attendee')
    old_mpoint_exchanges = relationship('OldMPointExchange',
    dept_checklist_items = relationship('DeptChecklistItem',

    _attendee_table_args = [Index('ix_attendee_paid_group_id', paid, group_id)]
    if not c.SQLALCHEMY_URL.startswith('sqlite'):

    __table_args__ = tuple(_attendee_table_args)
    _repr_attr_names = ['full_name']

    def _shift_badges(self):
        is_skipped = getattr(self, '_skip_badge_shift_on_delete', False)
        if self.badge_num and not is_skipped:
                                      self.badge_num + 1,

    def _misc_adjustments(self):
        if not self.amount_extra:
            self.affiliate = ''

        if self.birthdate == '':
            self.birthdate = None

        if not self.extra_donation:
            self.extra_donation = 0

        if not self.gets_any_kind_of_shirt:
            self.shirt = c.NO_SHIRT

        if self.paid != c.REFUNDED:
            self.amount_refunded = 0

        if self.badge_cost == 0 and self.paid in [c.NOT_PAID, c.PAID_BY_GROUP]:
            self.paid = c.NEED_NOT_PAY

        if not self.base_badge_price:
            self.base_badge_price = self.new_badge_cost

        if c.AT_THE_CON and self.badge_num and not self.checked_in and \
                self.is_new and \
                self.badge_type not in c.PREASSIGNED_BADGE_TYPES:
            self.checked_in = datetime.now(UTC)

        if self.birthdate:
            self.age_group = self.age_group_conf['val']

        for attr in ['first_name', 'last_name']:
            value = getattr(self, attr)
            if value.isupper() or value.islower():
                setattr(self, attr, value.title())

        if self.legal_name and self.full_name == self.legal_name:
            self.legal_name = ''

    def _status_adjustments(self):
        if self.badge_status == c.NEW_STATUS and self.banned:
            self.badge_status = c.WATCHED_STATUS
                           [c.REGDESK_EMAIL, c.SECURITY_EMAIL],
                           c.EVENT_NAME + ' WatchList Notification',
                                  {'attendee': self}),
            except Exception as ex:
                log.error('unable to send banned email about {}', self)

        elif self.badge_status == c.NEW_STATUS and not self.placeholder and \
                self.first_name and (
                    self.paid in [c.HAS_PAID, c.NEED_NOT_PAY] or
                    self.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP and
                    self.group_id and
                    not self.group.is_unpaid):
            self.badge_status = c.COMPLETED_STATUS

    def _staffing_adjustments(self):
        if self.is_dept_head:
            self.staffing = True
            if c.SHIFT_CUSTOM_BADGES or \
                    c.STAFF_BADGE not in c.PREASSIGNED_BADGE_TYPES:
                self.badge_type = c.STAFF_BADGE
            if self.paid == c.NOT_PAID:
                self.paid = c.NEED_NOT_PAY
        elif c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON in self.ribbon_ints and self.is_new:
            self.staffing = True

        if not self.is_new:
            old_ribbon = map(int, self.orig_value_of('ribbon').split(',')) \
                if self.orig_value_of('ribbon') else []
            old_staffing = self.orig_value_of('staffing')

            if self.staffing and not old_staffing or \
                    c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON in self.ribbon_ints and \
                    c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON not in old_ribbon:
                self.staffing = True

            elif old_staffing and not self.staffing \
                    or c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON not in self.ribbon_ints \
                    and c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON in old_ribbon \
                    and not self.is_dept_head:

        if self.badge_type == c.STAFF_BADGE:
            self.ribbon = remove_opt(self.ribbon_ints, c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON)

        elif self.staffing and self.badge_type != c.STAFF_BADGE and \
                c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON not in self.ribbon_ints:
            self.ribbon = add_opt(self.ribbon_ints, c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON)

        if self.badge_type == c.STAFF_BADGE:
            self.staffing = True
            if not self.overridden_price \
                    and self.paid in [c.NOT_PAID, c.PAID_BY_GROUP]:
                self.paid = c.NEED_NOT_PAY

    def _badge_adjustments(self):
        from uber.badge_funcs import needs_badge_num
        if self.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
            self.ribbon = add_opt(self.ribbon_ints, c.DEALER_RIBBON)

        self.badge_type = self.badge_type_real

        old_type = self.orig_value_of('badge_type')
        old_num = self.orig_value_of('badge_num')

        if not needs_badge_num(self):
            self.badge_num = None

        if old_type != self.badge_type or old_num != self.badge_num:
            self.session.update_badge(self, old_type, old_num)
        elif needs_badge_num(self) and not self.badge_num:
            self.badge_num = self.session.get_next_badge_num(self.badge_type)

    def _use_promo_code(self):
        if c.BADGE_PROMO_CODES_ENABLED and self.promo_code and \
                not self.overridden_price and self.is_unpaid:
            if self.badge_cost > 0:
                self.overridden_price = self.badge_cost
                self.paid = c.NEED_NOT_PAY

    def unset_volunteering(self):
        self.staffing = False
        self.dept_membership_requests = []
        self.requested_depts = []
        self.dept_memberships = []
        self.ribbon = remove_opt(self.ribbon_ints, c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON)
        if self.badge_type == c.STAFF_BADGE:
            self.badge_type = c.ATTENDEE_BADGE
            self.badge_num = None
        del self.shifts[:]

    def ribbon_labels(self):
        labels = super(Attendee, self)._labels('ribbon', self.ribbon)
        if c.DEPT_HEAD_RIBBON in self.ribbon_ints or not self.is_dept_head:
            return labels
        return sorted(labels)

    def ribbon_and_or_badge(self):
        if self.ribbon and self.badge_type != c.ATTENDEE_BADGE:
            return ' / '.join([self.badge_type_label] + self.ribbon_labels)
        elif self.ribbon:
            return ' / '.join(self.ribbon_labels)
            return self.badge_type_label

    def badge_type_real(self):
        return get_real_badge_type(self.badge_type)

    def badge_cost(self):
        return self.calculate_badge_cost()

    def badge_cost_without_promo_code(self):
        return self.calculate_badge_cost(use_promo_code=False)

    def calculate_badge_cost(self, use_promo_code=True):
        if self.paid == c.NEED_NOT_PAY:
            return 0
        elif self.overridden_price is not None:
            return self.overridden_price
        elif self.base_badge_price:
            cost = self.base_badge_price
            cost = self.new_badge_cost

        if c.BADGE_PROMO_CODES_ENABLED and self.promo_code and use_promo_code:
            return self.promo_code.calculate_discounted_price(cost)
            return cost

    def new_badge_cost(self):
        # What this badge would cost if it were new, i.e., not taking into
        # account special overrides
        registered = self.registered_local if self.registered else None
        if self.is_dealer:
            return c.DEALER_BADGE_PRICE
        elif self.badge_type == c.ONE_DAY_BADGE:
            return c.get_oneday_price(registered)
        elif self.is_presold_oneday:
            return c.get_presold_oneday_price(self.badge_type)
        elif self.badge_type in c.BADGE_TYPE_PRICES:
            return int(c.BADGE_TYPE_PRICES[self.badge_type])
        elif self.age_discount != 0:
            return max(0, c.get_attendee_price(registered) + self.age_discount)
        elif self.group and self.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP:
            return c.get_attendee_price(registered) - c.GROUP_DISCOUNT
            return c.get_attendee_price(registered)

    def promo_code_code(self):
        Convenience property for accessing `promo_code.code` if available.

            str: `promo_code.code` if `promo_code` is not `None`, empty string
        return self.promo_code.code if self.promo_code else ''

    def age_discount(self):
        return -self.age_group_conf['discount']

    def age_group_conf(self):
        if self.birthdate:
            day = c.EPOCH.date() \
                if date.today() <= c.EPOCH.date() \
                else localized_now().date()

            attendee_age = get_age_from_birthday(self.birthdate, day)
            for val, age_group in c.AGE_GROUP_CONFIGS.items():
                if val != c.AGE_UNKNOWN and \
                        age_group['min_age'] <= attendee_age and \
                        attendee_age <= age_group['max_age']:
                    return age_group

        return c.AGE_GROUP_CONFIGS[int(self.age_group or c.AGE_UNKNOWN)]

    def total_cost(self):
        return self.default_cost + self.amount_extra

    def total_donation(self):
        return self.total_cost - self.badge_cost

    def donation_cost(self):
        return self.extra_donation or 0

    def amount_unpaid(self):
        if self.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP:
            personal_cost = max(0, self.total_cost - self.badge_cost)
            personal_cost = self.total_cost
        return max(0, personal_cost - self.amount_paid)

    def is_unpaid(self):
        return self.paid == c.NOT_PAID

    def is_unassigned(self):
        return not self.first_name

    def is_dealer(self):
        return c.DEALER_RIBBON in self.ribbon_ints or \
            self.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE or (
                self.group and
                self.group.is_dealer and
                self.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP)

    def is_checklist_admin(self):
        return any(m.is_checklist_admin for m in self.dept_memberships)

    def is_dept_head(self):
        return any(m.is_dept_head for m in self.dept_memberships)

    def is_presold_oneday(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating whether this is a c.FRIDAY/c.SATURDAY/etc
        badge; see the presell_one_days config option for a full explanation.
        return self.badge_type_label in c.DAYS_OF_WEEK

    def is_not_ready_to_checkin(self):
        Returns None if we are ready for checkin, otherwise a short error
        message why we can't check them in.
        if self.paid == c.NOT_PAID:
            return "Not paid"

        # When someone claims an unassigned group badge on-site, they first
        # fill out a new registration which is paid-by-group but isn't assigned
        # to a group yet (the admin does that when they check in).
        if self.badge_status != c.COMPLETED_STATUS and not (
                self.badge_status == c.NEW_STATUS
                and self.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP and not self.group_id):
            return "Badge status"

        if self.is_unassigned:
            return "Badge not assigned"

        if self.is_presold_oneday:
            if self.badge_type_label != localized_now().strftime('%A'):
                return "Wrong day"

        return None

    def shirt_size_marked(self):
        return self.shirt not in [c.NO_SHIRT, c.SIZE_UNKNOWN]

    def shirt_info_marked(self):
        return self.shirt_size_marked and (not self.gets_staff_shirt
                                           or self.second_shirt != c.UNKNOWN)

    def is_group_leader(self):
        return self.group and self.id == self.group.leader_id

    def unassigned_name(self):
        if self.group_id and self.is_unassigned:
            return '[Unassigned {self.badge}]'.format(self=self)

    def full_name(self):
        return self.unassigned_name or \
            '{self.first_name} {self.last_name}'.format(self=self)

    def full_name(cls):
        return case(
                or_(cls.first_name == None, cls.first_name
                    == ''),  # noqa: E711
            else_=func.lower(cls.first_name + ' ' + cls.last_name))

    def last_first(self):
        return self.unassigned_name or \
            '{self.last_name}, {self.first_name}'.format(self=self)

    def last_first(cls):
        return case(
                or_(cls.first_name == None, cls.first_name
                    == ''),  # noqa: E711
            else_=func.lower(cls.last_name + ', ' + cls.first_name))

    def normalized_email(self):
        return self.normalize_email(self.email)

    def normalized_email(cls):
        return func.replace(func.lower(func.trim(cls.email)), '.', '')

    def normalize_email(cls, email):
        return email.strip().lower().replace('.', '')

    def watchlist_guess(self):
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                watchentries = session.guess_attendee_watchentry(self)
                return [w.to_dict() for w in watchentries]
        except Exception as ex:
            log.warning('Error guessing watchlist entry: {}', ex)
            return None

    def banned(self):
        return listify(self.watch_list or self.watchlist_guess)

    def badge(self):
        if self.paid == c.NOT_PAID:
            badge = 'Unpaid ' + self.badge_type_label
        elif self.badge_num:
            badge = '{} #{}'.format(self.badge_type_label, self.badge_num)
            badge = self.badge_type_label

        if self.ribbon:
            badge += ' ({})'.format(", ".join(self.ribbon_labels))

        return badge

    def is_transferable(self):
        return not self.is_new and \
            not self.checked_in and \
            self.paid in [c.HAS_PAID, c.PAID_BY_GROUP] and \
            self.badge_type in c.TRANSFERABLE_BADGE_TYPES and \
            not self.admin_account and \
            not self.has_role_somewhere

    def paid_for_a_shirt(self):
        return self.amount_extra >= c.SHIRT_LEVEL

    def volunteer_event_shirt_eligible(self):
        Returns a truthy value if this attendee either automatically gets a
        complementary event shirt for being staff OR if they've eligible for a
        complementary event shirt if they end up working enough volunteer hours
        # Some events want to exclude staff badges from getting event shirts
        # (typically because they are getting staff uniform shirts instead).
        if self.badge_type == c.STAFF_BADGE:
            return c.STAFF_ELIGIBLE_FOR_SWAG_SHIRT
            return c.VOLUNTEER_RIBBON in self.ribbon_ints

    def volunteer_event_shirt_earned(self):
        return self.volunteer_event_shirt_eligible and (
            not self.takes_shifts or self.worked_hours >= 6)

    def replacement_staff_shirts(self):
        Staffers can choose whether or not they want to swap out one of their
        staff shirts for an event shirt.  By default and if the staffer opts
        into this, we deduct 1 staff shirt from the staff shirt count and add 1
        to the event shirt count.
        is_replaced = self.second_shirt in [c.UNKNOWN, c.STAFF_AND_EVENT_SHIRT]
        return 1 if self.gets_staff_shirt and is_replaced else 0

    def num_event_shirts_owed(self):
        return sum([

    def gets_staff_shirt(self):
        return self.badge_type == c.STAFF_BADGE

    def num_staff_shirts_owed(self):
        return 0 if not self.gets_staff_shirt else (
            c.SHIRTS_PER_STAFFER - self.replacement_staff_shirts)

    def gets_any_kind_of_shirt(self):
        return self.gets_staff_shirt or self.num_event_shirts_owed > 0

    def has_personalized_badge(self):
        return self.badge_type in c.PREASSIGNED_BADGE_TYPES

    def donation_swag(self):
        donation_items = [
            desc for amount, desc in sorted(c.DONATION_TIERS.items())
            if amount and self.amount_extra >= amount

        extra_donations = \
            ['Extra donation of ${}'.format(self.extra_donation)] \
            if self.extra_donation else []

        return donation_items + extra_donations

    def merch(self):
        Here is the business logic surrounding shirts:
        - People who kick in enough to get a shirt get an event shirt.
        - People with staff badges get a configurable number of staff shirts.
        - Volunteers who meet the requirements get a complementary event shirt
            (NOT a staff shirt).
        merch = self.donation_swag

        if self.volunteer_event_shirt_eligible:
            shirt = c.DONATION_TIERS[c.SHIRT_LEVEL]
            if self.paid_for_a_shirt:
                shirt = 'a 2nd ' + shirt
            if not self.volunteer_event_shirt_earned:
                shirt += (' (this volunteer must work at least 6 hours or '
                          'they will be reported for picking up their shirt)')

        if self.gets_staff_shirt:
            staff_shirts = '{} Staff Shirt{}'.format(
                c.SHIRTS_PER_STAFFER, 's' if c.SHIRTS_PER_STAFFER > 1 else '')
            if self.shirt_size_marked:
                staff_shirts += ' [{}]'.format(c.SHIRTS[self.shirt])

        if self.staffing:
            merch.append('Staffer Info Packet')

        if self.extra_merch:

        return comma_and(merch)

    def accoutrements(self):
        stuff = [] \
            if not self.ribbon \
            else ['a ' + s + ' ribbon' for s in self.ribbon_labels]

            stuff.append('a {} wristband'.format(
        if self.regdesk_info:
        return (' with ' if stuff else '') + comma_and(stuff)

    def multiply_assigned(self):
        return len(self.dept_memberships) > 1

    def takes_shifts(self):
        return bool(self.staffing
                    and any(not d.is_shiftless for d in self.assigned_depts))

    def hours(self):
        all_hours = set()
        for shift in self.shifts:
        return all_hours

    def hour_map(self):
        all_hours = {}
        for shift in self.shifts:
            for hour in shift.job.hours:
                all_hours[hour] = shift.job
        return all_hours

    def available_jobs(self):
        if not self.dept_memberships and not c.AT_THE_CON:
            return []

        def _get_available_jobs(session, attendee_id):
            from uber.models.department import DeptMembership, Job, Shift
            job_filters = [] if c.AT_THE_CON else [
                Job.department_id == DeptMembership.department_id,
                DeptMembership.attendee_id == self.id
            return session.query(Job) \
                .outerjoin(Job.shifts) \
                .filter(*job_filters) \
                .group_by(Job.id) \
                .having(func.count(Shift.id) < Job.slots) \
                    subqueryload(Job.required_roles)) \
                .order_by(Job.start_time, Job.department_id).all()

        if self.session:
            jobs = _get_available_jobs(self.session, self.id)
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                jobs = _get_available_jobs(session, self.id)

        return [job for job in jobs if self.has_required_roles(job)]

    def possible(self):
        assert self.session, ('{}.possible property may only be accessed for '
                              'objects attached to a session'.format(

        if not self.dept_memberships and not c.AT_THE_CON:
            return []
            from uber.models.department import DeptMembership, Job
            job_filters = [] if c.AT_THE_CON else [
                Job.department_id == DeptMembership.department_id,
                DeptMembership.attendee_id == self.id

            job_query = self.session.query(Job) \
                .filter(*job_filters) \
                    subqueryload(Job.required_roles)) \
                .order_by(Job.start_time, Job.department_id)

            return [
                job for job in job_query
                if job.slots > len(job.shifts) and job.no_overlap(self) and (
                    job.type != c.SETUP or self.can_work_setup
                    or job.department.is_setup_approval_exempt) and
                (job.type != c.TEARDOWN or self.can_work_teardown
                 or job.department.is_teardown_approval_exempt) and (
                     not job.required_roles or self.has_required_roles(job))

    def possible_opts(self):
        return [(job.id, '({}) [{}] {}'.format(hour_day_format(job.start_time),
                                               job.department_name, job.name))
                for job in self.possible if localized_now() < job.start_time]

    def possible_and_current(self):
        jobs = [s.job for s in self.shifts]
        for job in jobs:
            job.taken = True
        return sorted(jobs, key=lambda j: j.start_time)

    # ========================================================================
    # TODO: Refactor all this stuff regarding assigned_depts and
    #       requested_depts. Maybe a @suffix_property with a setter for the
    #       *_ids fields? The hardcoded *_labels props are also not great.
    #       There's a bigger feature here that I haven't wrapped my head
    #       around yet. A generic way to lazily set relations using ids.
    # ========================================================================

    def extra_apply_attrs(cls):
        return set(['assigned_depts_ids'

    def extra_apply_attrs_restricted(cls):
        return set(['requested_depts_ids'])

    def assigned_depts_labels(self):
        return [d.name for d in self.assigned_depts]

    def requested_depts_labels(self):
        return [d.name for d in self.requested_depts]

    def assigned_depts_ids(self):
        _, ids = self._get_relation_ids('assigned_depts')
        return [str(d.id) for d in self.assigned_depts] if ids is None else ids

    def assigned_depts_ids(self, value):
        values = set(s for s in listify(value) if s)
        for membership in list(self.dept_memberships):
            if membership.department_id not in values:
                # Manually remove dept_memberships to ensure the associated
                # rows in the dept_membership_dept_role table are deleted.
        from uber.models.department import Department
        self._set_relation_ids('assigned_depts', Department, list(values))

    def requested_depts_ids(self):
        return [
            d.department_id or 'All' for d in self.dept_membership_requests

    def requested_depts_ids(self, value):
        from uber.models.department import DeptMembershipRequest
        values = set(None if s in ('None', 'All') else s
                     for s in listify(value) if s != '')

        for membership in list(self.dept_membership_requests):
            if membership.department_id not in values:
        department_ids = set(
            str(d.department_id) for d in self.dept_membership_requests)
        for department_id in values:
            if department_id not in department_ids:

    def worked_shifts(self):
        return [s for s in self.shifts if s.worked == c.SHIFT_WORKED]

    def weighted_hours(self):
        weighted_hours = sum(s.job.weighted_hours for s in self.shifts)
        return weighted_hours + self.nonshift_hours

    def weighted_hours_in(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return self.weighted_hours
        return sum(shift.job.weighted_hours for shift in self.shifts
                   if shift.job.department_id == department_id)

    def worked_hours(self):
        weighted_hours = sum(s.job.real_duration * s.job.weight
                             for s in self.worked_shifts)
        return weighted_hours + self.nonshift_hours

    def dept_membership_for(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return None
        for m in self.dept_memberships:
            if m.department_id == department_id:
                return m
        return None

    def requested(self, department_id):
        if not department_id or department_id == 'All':
            department_id = None
        return any(m.department_id == department_id
                   for m in self.dept_membership_requests)

    def assigned_to(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return False
        return any(m.department_id == department_id
                   for m in self.dept_memberships)

    def trusted_in(self, department):
        return self.has_role_in(department)

    def can_admin_dept_for(self, department):
        return (self.admin_account
                and c.ACCOUNTS in self.admin_account.access_ints) \
                    or self.has_inherent_role_in(department)

    def can_dept_head_for(self, department):
        return (self.admin_account
                and c.ACCOUNTS in self.admin_account.access_ints) \
                    or self.is_dept_head_of(department)

    def can_admin_checklist(self):
        return (self.admin_account
                and c.ACCOUNTS in self.admin_account.access_ints) \
            or bool(self.dept_memberships_where_can_admin_checklist)

    def can_admin_checklist_for(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return False
        return (self.admin_account
                and c.ACCOUNTS in self.admin_account.access_ints) \
            or any(
                m.department_id == department_id
                for m in self.dept_memberships_where_can_admin_checklist)

    def is_checklist_admin_of(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return False
        return any(m.department_id == department_id and m.is_checklist_admin
                   for m in self.dept_memberships)

    def is_dept_head_of(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return False
        return any(m.department_id == department_id and m.is_dept_head
                   for m in self.dept_memberships)

    def is_poc_of(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return False
        return any(m.department_id == department_id and m.is_poc
                   for m in self.dept_memberships)

    def checklist_item_for_slug(self, slug):
        for item in self.dept_checklist_items:
            if item.slug == slug:
                return item
        return None

    def completed_every_checklist_for(self, slug):
        return all(
            d.checklist_item_for_slug(slug) for d in self.checklist_depts)

    def gets_any_checklist(self):
        return bool(self.dept_memberships_as_checklist_admin)

    def has_role(self, role):
        return any(r.id == role.id for r in self.dept_roles)

    def has_inherent_role_in(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return False
        return any(m.department_id == department_id
                   for m in self.dept_memberships_with_inherent_role)

    def has_role_in(self, department_id):
        if not department_id:
            return False
        return any(m.department_id == department_id
                   for m in self.dept_memberships_with_role)

    def has_required_roles(self, job):
        if not job.required_roles:
            return True
        required_role_ids = set(r.id for r in job.required_roles)
        role_ids = set(r.id for r in self.dept_roles)
        return required_role_ids.issubset(role_ids)

    def has_role_somewhere(self):
        Returns True if at least one of the following is true for at least
        one department:
            - is a department head
            - is a point of contact
            - is a checklist admin
            - has a dept role
        return bool(self.dept_memberships_with_role)

    def has_shifts_in(self, department):
        return department in self.depts_where_working

    def food_restrictions_filled_out(self):
        return self.food_restrictions if c.STAFF_GET_FOOD else True

    def shift_prereqs_complete(self):
        return not self.placeholder and \
            self.food_restrictions_filled_out and self.shirt_info_marked

    def past_years_json(self):
        return json.loads(self.past_years or '[]')

    def must_contact(self):
        dept_chairs = []
        for dept in self.depts_where_working:
            poc_names = ' / '.join(sorted(poc.full_name for poc in dept.pocs))
            dept_chairs.append('({}) {}'.format(dept.name, poc_names))
        return safe_string('<br/>'.join(sorted(dept_chairs)))
Exemplo n.º 3
class MarketplaceApplication(MagModel):
        'categories', 'categories_text', 'description', 'special_needs'

    attendee_id = Column(UUID,
                         ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    attendee = relationship('Attendee',
                            cascade='save-update, merge',
                                            cascade='save-update, merge'))
    business_name = Column(UnicodeText)
    status = Column(Choice(c.MARKETPLACE_STATUS_OPTS),
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    approved = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)

    categories = Column(MultiChoice(c.DEALER_WARES_OPTS))
    categories_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    special_needs = Column(UnicodeText)

    admin_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    base_price = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    overridden_price = Column(Integer, nullable=True, admin_only=True)
    amount_paid = Column(Integer, default=0, index=True, admin_only=True)

    email_model_name = 'app'

    def _cost_adjustments(self):
        self.base_price = self.default_cost

        if self.overridden_price == '':
            self.overridden_price = None

    def incomplete_reason(self):
        if self.status not in [c.APPROVED, c.PAID]:
            return self.status_label
        if self.attendee.placeholder:
            return "Missing registration info"

    def app_fee(self):
        return c.MARKETPLACE_FEE

    def total_cost(self):
        if self.status not in [c.APPROVED, c.PAID]:
            return 0
            return self.potential_cost

    def potential_cost(self):
        if self.overridden_price is not None:
            return self.overridden_price
            return self.base_price or self.default_cost or 0

    def amount_unpaid(self):
        return max(0, self.total_cost - self.amount_paid)

    def email(self):
        return self.attendee.email

    def is_unpaid(self):
        return self.status == c.APPROVED
Exemplo n.º 4
class AdminAccount(MagModel):
    attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'), unique=True)
    hashed = Column(UnicodeText, private=True)
    access = Column(MultiChoice(c.ACCESS_OPTS))

    password_reset = relationship('PasswordReset',

    api_tokens = relationship('ApiToken', backref='admin_account')
    active_api_tokens = relationship(
        'AdminAccount.id == ApiToken.admin_account_id, '
        'ApiToken.revoked_time == None)')

    judge = relationship('IndieJudge', uselist=False, backref='admin_account')

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}>'.format(self.attendee.full_name)

    def admin_name():
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                return session.admin_attendee().full_name
        except Exception as ex:
            return None

    def admin_email():
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                return session.admin_attendee().email
        except Exception as ex:
            return None

    def access_set(id=None):
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                id = id or cherrypy.session['account_id']
                return set(session.admin_account(id).access_ints)
        except Exception as ex:
            return set()

    def _allowed_opts(self, opts, required_access):
        access_opts = []
        admin_access = set(self.access_ints)
        for access, label in opts:
            required = set(required_access.get(access, []))
            if not required or any(a in required for a in admin_access):
                access_opts.append((access, label))
        return access_opts

    def allowed_access_opts(self):
        return self._allowed_opts(c.ACCESS_OPTS, c.REQUIRED_ACCESS)

    def allowed_api_access_opts(self):
        required_access = {a: [a] for a in c.API_ACCESS.keys()}
        return self._allowed_opts(c.API_ACCESS_OPTS, required_access)

    def is_admin(self):
        return c.ADMIN in self.access_ints

    def _disable_api_access(self):
        new_access = set(int(s) for s in self.access.split(',') if s)
        old_access = set(
            int(s) for s in self.orig_value_of('access').split(',') if s)
        removed = old_access.difference(new_access)
        removed_api = set(a for a in c.API_ACCESS.keys() if a in removed)
        if removed_api:
            revoked_time = datetime.utcnow()
            for api_token in self.active_api_tokens:
                if removed_api.intersection(api_token.access_ints):
                    api_token.revoked_time = revoked_time
Exemplo n.º 5
class PanelApplication(MagModel):
    event_id = Column(UUID,
                      ForeignKey('event.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    poc_id = Column(UUID,
                    ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    name = Column(UnicodeText)
    length = Column(Choice(c.PANEL_LENGTH_OPTS), default=c.SIXTY_MIN)
    length_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    length_reason = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    unavailable = Column(UnicodeText)
    available = Column(UnicodeText)
    affiliations = Column(UnicodeText)
    past_attendance = Column(UnicodeText)
    presentation = Column(Choice(c.PRESENTATION_OPTS))
    other_presentation = Column(UnicodeText)
    tech_needs = Column(MultiChoice(c.TECH_NEED_OPTS))
    other_tech_needs = Column(UnicodeText)
    need_tables = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    tables_desc = Column(UnicodeText)
    has_cost = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    is_loud = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    tabletop = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    cost_desc = Column(UnicodeText)
    livestream = Column(Choice(c.LIVESTREAM_OPTS), default=c.OPT_IN)
    panelist_bringing = Column(UnicodeText)
    extra_info = Column(UnicodeText)
    applied = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    status = Column(Choice(c.PANEL_APP_STATUS_OPTS),
    comments = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)

    applicants = relationship('PanelApplicant', backref='application')

    email_model_name = 'app'

    def email(self):
        return self.submitter and self.submitter.email

    def submitter(self):
        for a in self.applicants:
            if a.submitter:
                return a
        return None

    def other_panelists(self):
        return [a for a in self.applicants if not a.submitter]

    def matched_attendees(self):
        return [a.attendee for a in self.applicants if a.attendee_id]

    def unmatched_applicants(self):
        return [a for a in self.applicants if not a.attendee_id]

    def has_been_accepted(self):
        return self.status == c.ACCEPTED
Exemplo n.º 6
class Group(MagModel, TakesPaymentMixin):
    public_id = Column(UUID, default=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    name = Column(UnicodeText)
    tables = Column(Numeric, default=0)
    zip_code = Column(UnicodeText)
    address1 = Column(UnicodeText)
    address2 = Column(UnicodeText)
    city = Column(UnicodeText)
    region = Column(UnicodeText)
    country = Column(UnicodeText)
    website = Column(UnicodeText)
    wares = Column(UnicodeText)
    categories = Column(MultiChoice(c.DEALER_WARES_OPTS))
    categories_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    special_needs = Column(UnicodeText)
    amount_paid = Column(Integer, default=0, index=True, admin_only=True)
    amount_refunded = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    cost = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    auto_recalc = Column(Boolean, default=True, admin_only=True)
    can_add = Column(Boolean, default=False, admin_only=True)
    admin_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    status = Column(Choice(c.DEALER_STATUS_OPTS),
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    approved = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)
    leader_id = Column(UUID,
    leader = relationship('Attendee',

    _repr_attr_names = ['name']

    def _cost_and_leader(self):
        assigned = [a for a in self.attendees if not a.is_unassigned]
        if len(assigned) == 1:
            [self.leader] = assigned
        if self.auto_recalc:
            self.cost = self.default_cost
        elif not self.cost:
            self.cost = 0
        if not self.amount_paid:
            self.amount_paid = 0
        if not self.amount_refunded:
            self.amount_refunded = 0
        if self.status == c.APPROVED and not self.approved:
            self.approved = datetime.now(UTC)
        if self.leader and self.is_dealer:
            self.leader.ribbon = add_opt(self.leader.ribbon_ints,
        if not self.is_unpaid:
            for a in self.attendees:

    def sorted_attendees(self):
        return list(
                   key=lambda a:
                   (a.is_unassigned, a.id != self.leader_id, a.full_name)))

    def unassigned(self):
        Returns a list of the unassigned badges for this group, sorted so that
        the paid-by-group badges come last, because when claiming unassigned
        badges we want to claim the "weird" ones first.
        unassigned = [a for a in self.attendees if a.is_unassigned]
        return sorted(unassigned, key=lambda a: a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP)

    def floating(self):
        Returns the list of paid-by-group unassigned badges for this group.
        This is a separate property from the "Group.unassigned" property
        because when automatically adding or removing unassigned badges, we
        care specifically about paid-by-group badges rather than all unassigned
        return [
            a for a in self.attendees
            if a.is_unassigned and a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP

    def new_ribbon(self):
        return c.DEALER_RIBBON if self.is_dealer else ''

    def ribbon_and_or_badge(self):
        badge = self.unassigned[0]
        if badge.ribbon and badge.badge_type != c.ATTENDEE_BADGE:
            return ' / '.join([badge.badge_type_label] + self.ribbon_labels)
        elif badge.ribbon:
            return ' / '.join(badge.ribbon_labels)
            return badge.badge_type_label

    def is_dealer(self):
        return bool(self.tables and self.tables != '0' and self.tables != '0.0'
                    and (not self.registered or self.amount_paid or self.cost))

    def is_unpaid(self):
        return self.cost > 0 and self.amount_paid == 0

    def email(self):
        if self.leader and self.leader.email:
            return self.leader.email
        elif self.leader_id:  # unattached groups
            [leader] = [a for a in self.attendees if a.id == self.leader_id]
            return leader.email
            emails = [a.email for a in self.attendees if a.email]
            if len(emails) == 1:
                return emails[0]

    def badges_purchased(self):
        return len([a for a in self.attendees if a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP])

    def badges(self):
        return len(self.attendees)

    def unregistered_badges(self):
        return len([a for a in self.attendees if a.is_unassigned])

    def table_cost(self):
        table_count = int(float(self.tables))
        return sum(c.TABLE_PRICES[i] for i in range(1, 1 + table_count))

    def new_badge_cost(self):
        return c.DEALER_BADGE_PRICE if self.is_dealer else c.get_group_price()

    def badge_cost(self):
        total = 0
        for attendee in self.attendees:
            if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP:
                total += attendee.badge_cost
        return total

    def amount_extra(self):
        if self.is_new:
            return sum(a.total_cost - a.badge_cost for a in self.attendees
                       if a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP)
            return 0

    def total_cost(self):
        return self.default_cost + self.amount_extra

    def amount_unpaid(self):
        if self.registered:
            return max(0, self.cost - self.amount_paid)
            return self.total_cost

    def dealer_max_badges(self):
        return math.ceil(self.tables) + 1

    def dealer_badges_remaining(self):
        return self.dealer_max_badges - self.badges

    def hours_since_registered(self):
        if not self.registered:
            return 0
        delta = datetime.now(UTC) - self.registered
        return max(0, delta.total_seconds()) / 60.0 / 60.0

    def hours_remaining_in_grace_period(self):
        return max(0,
                   c.GROUP_UPDATE_GRACE_PERIOD - self.hours_since_registered)

    def is_in_grace_period(self):
        return self.hours_remaining_in_grace_period > 0

    def min_badges_addable(self):
        if self.can_add:
            return 1
        elif self.is_dealer:
            return 0
            return c.MIN_GROUP_ADDITION

    def requested_hotel_info(self):
        if self.leader:
            return self.leader.requested_hotel_info
        elif self.leader_id:  # unattached groups
            for attendee in self.attendees:
                if attendee.id == self.leader_id:
                    return attendee.requested_hotel_info
            return any(a.requested_hotel_info for a in self.attendees)
Exemplo n.º 7
class MITSTimes(MagModel):
    team_id = Column(ForeignKey('mits_team.id'))
    availability = Column(MultiChoice(c.MITS_SCHEDULE_OPTS))
    multiple_tables = Column(MultiChoice(c.MITS_SCHEDULE_OPTS))
Exemplo n.º 8
class MITSTimes(MagModel):
    team_id = Column(ForeignKey('mits_team.id'))
    showcase_availability = Column(MultiChoice(c.MITS_SHOWCASE_SCHEDULE_OPTS))
    availability = Column(MultiChoice(c.MITS_SCHEDULE_OPTS))
Exemplo n.º 9
class GuestTravelPlans(MagModel):
    guest_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('guest_group.id'), unique=True)
    modes = Column(MultiChoice(c.GUEST_TRAVEL_OPTS))
    modes_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    details = Column(UnicodeText)
Exemplo n.º 10
class IndieGame(MagModel, ReviewMixin):
    studio_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('indie_studio.id'))
    title = Column(UnicodeText)
    brief_description = Column(UnicodeText)  # 140 max
    genres = Column(MultiChoice(c.MIVS_INDIE_GENRE_OPTS))
    platforms = Column(MultiChoice(c.MIVS_INDIE_PLATFORM_OPTS))
    platforms_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)  # 500 max
    how_to_play = Column(UnicodeText)  # 1000 max
    link_to_video = Column(UnicodeText)
    link_to_game = Column(UnicodeText)
    password_to_game = Column(UnicodeText)
    code_type = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_CODE_TYPE_OPTS), default=c.NO_CODE)
    code_instructions = Column(UnicodeText)
    build_status = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_BUILD_STATUS_OPTS),
    build_notes = Column(UnicodeText)  # 500 max
    shown_events = Column(UnicodeText)
    video_submitted = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    submitted = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    agreed_liability = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    agreed_showtimes = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    agreed_reminder1 = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    agreed_reminder2 = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    alumni_years = Column(MultiChoice(c.PREV_MIVS_YEAR_OPTS))
    alumni_update = Column(UnicodeText)

    link_to_promo_video = Column(UnicodeText)
    link_to_webpage = Column(UnicodeText)
    twitter = Column(UnicodeText)
    facebook = Column(UnicodeText)
    other_social_media = Column(UnicodeText)

    tournament_at_event = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    tournament_prizes = Column(UnicodeText)
    has_multiplayer = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    player_count = Column(UnicodeText)

    # Length in minutes
    multiplayer_game_length = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
    leaderboard_challenge = Column(Boolean, default=False)

    status = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_GAME_STATUS_OPTS),
    judge_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    waitlisted = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)
    accepted = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)

    codes = relationship('IndieGameCode', backref='game')
    reviews = relationship('IndieGameReview', backref='game')
    images = relationship('IndieGameImage',

    email_model_name = 'game'

    def accepted_time(self):
        if self.status == c.ACCEPTED and not self.accepted:
            self.accepted = datetime.now(UTC)

    def waitlisted_time(self):
        if self.status == c.WAITLISTED and not self.waitlisted:
            self.waitlisted = datetime.now(UTC)

    def email(self):
        return self.studio.email

    def reviews_to_email(self):
        return [review for review in self.reviews if review.send_to_studio]

    def video_href(self):
        return make_url(self.link_to_video)

    def href(self):
        return make_url(self.link_to_game)

    def screenshots(self):
        return [img for img in self.images if img.is_screenshot]

    def best_screenshots(self):
        return [
            img for img in self.images
            if img.is_screenshot and img.use_in_promo

    def best_screenshot_downloads(self, count=2):
        all_images = reversed(
                   key=lambda img: (img.is_screenshot and img.use_in_promo, img
                                    .is_screenshot, img.use_in_promo)))

        screenshots = []
        for i, screenshot in enumerate(all_images):
            if os.path.exists(screenshot.filepath):
                if len(screenshots) >= count:
        return screenshots

    def best_screenshot_download_filenames(self, count=2):
        nonchars = re.compile(r'[\W]+')
        best_screenshots = self.best_screenshot_downloads(count)
        screenshots = []
        for i, screenshot in enumerate(best_screenshots):
            if os.path.exists(screenshot.filepath):
                name = '_'.join([s for s in self.title.lower().split() if s])
                name = nonchars.sub('', name)
                filename = '{}_{}.{}'.format(name,
                                             len(screenshots) + 1,
                if len(screenshots) >= count:
        return screenshots + ([''] * (count - len(screenshots)))

    def promo_image(self):
        return next(
            iter([img for img in self.images if not img.is_screenshot]), None)

    def missing_steps(self):
        steps = []
        if not self.link_to_game:
                'You have not yet included a link to where the judges can '
                'access your game')
        if self.code_type != c.NO_CODE and self.link_to_game:
            if not self.codes:
                    'You have not yet attached any codes to this game for '
                    'our judges to use')
            elif not self.unlimited_code \
                    and len(self.codes) < c.MIVS_CODES_REQUIRED:
                    'You have not attached the {} codes you must provide '
                    'for our judges'.format(c.MIVS_CODES_REQUIRED))
        if not self.agreed_showtimes:
                'You must agree to the showtimes detailed on the game form')
        if not self.agreed_liability:
                'You must check the box that agrees to our liability waiver')

        return steps

    def video_broken(self):
        for r in self.reviews:
            if r.video_status == c.BAD_LINK:
                return True

    def unlimited_code(self):
        for code in self.codes:
            if code.unlimited_use:
                return code

    def video_submittable(self):
        return bool(self.link_to_video)

    def submittable(self):
        return not self.missing_steps

    def scores(self):
        return [r.game_score for r in self.reviews if r.game_score]

    def score_sum(self):
        return sum(self.scores, 0)

    def average_score(self):
        return (self.score_sum / len(self.scores)) if self.scores else 0

    def has_issues(self):
        return any(r.has_issues for r in self.reviews)

    def confirmed(self):
        return self.status == c.ACCEPTED \
            and self.studio \
            and self.studio.group_id
Exemplo n.º 11
class GuestMerch:
    extra_merch_time = Column(MultiChoice(c.EXTRA_MERCH_TIME_OPTS))