Exemplo n.º 1
    def hotel(self, session, message='', id=None, edit_id=None, requested_hotel_info=False):
        id = edit_id or id
        if not id:
            raise HTTPRedirect('form')

            if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
                raise HTTPRedirect('index?message={}', 'Requests for hotel booking info have already been closed')
                raise HTTPRedirect('form?edit_id={}', id)

        attendee = self._get_unsaved(
            id, if_not_found=HTTPRedirect('form?message={}', 'Could not find the given preregistration'))

        is_group_leader = not attendee.is_unassigned and attendee.promo_code_groups > 0

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
            attendee.requested_hotel_info = requested_hotel_info
            target = attendee
            track_type = c.EDITED_PREREG if target.id in Charge.unpaid_preregs else c.UNPAID_PREREG
            Charge.unpaid_preregs[target.id] = Charge.to_sessionized(attendee)
            Tracking.track(track_type, attendee)
            raise HTTPRedirect('index')
        return {
            'message': message,
            'id': id,
            'edit_id': edit_id,
            'is_group_leader': is_group_leader,
            'requested_hotel_info': attendee.requested_hotel_info if edit_id else True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def hotel(self, session, message='', id=None, edit_id=None, requested_hotel_info=False):
        id = edit_id or id
        if not id:
            raise HTTPRedirect('form')

            if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
                raise HTTPRedirect('index?message={}', 'Requests for hotel booking info have already been closed')
                raise HTTPRedirect('form?edit_id={}', id)

        attendee = self._get_unsaved(
            id, if_not_found=HTTPRedirect('form?message={}', 'Could not find the given preregistration'))

        is_group_leader = not attendee.is_unassigned and attendee.promo_code_groups > 0

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
            attendee.requested_hotel_info = requested_hotel_info
            target = attendee
            track_type = c.EDITED_PREREG if target.id in Charge.unpaid_preregs else c.UNPAID_PREREG
            Charge.unpaid_preregs[target.id] = Charge.to_sessionized(attendee)
            Tracking.track(track_type, attendee)
            raise HTTPRedirect('index')
        return {
            'message': message,
            'id': id,
            'edit_id': edit_id,
            'is_group_leader': is_group_leader,
            'requested_hotel_info': attendee.requested_hotel_info if edit_id else True
Exemplo n.º 3
 def repurchase(self, session, id, **params):
     if 'csrf_token' in params:
         old_attendee = session.attendee(id).to_dict(c.UNTRANSFERABLE_ATTRS)
         del old_attendee['id']
         new_attendee = Attendee(**old_attendee)
         Charge.unpaid_preregs[new_attendee.id] = Charge.to_sessionized(
         Tracking.track(c.UNPAID_PREREG, new_attendee)
         raise HTTPRedirect("form?edit_id={}", new_attendee.id)
     return {'id': id}
Exemplo n.º 4
 def repurchase(self, session, id, **params):
     if 'csrf_token' in params:
         old_attendee = session.attendee(id).to_dict(c.UNTRANSFERABLE_ATTRS)
         del old_attendee['id']
         new_attendee = Attendee(**old_attendee)
         Charge.unpaid_preregs[new_attendee.id] = Charge.to_sessionized(new_attendee)
         Tracking.track(c.UNPAID_PREREG, new_attendee)
         raise HTTPRedirect("form?edit_id={}", new_attendee.id)
     return {
         'id': id
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_promo_code_has_uses_remaining(self):
        promo_code = PromoCode(uses_allowed=1, expiration_date=next_week)
        sess = Attendee(promo_code=promo_code,
        Charge.unpaid_preregs[sess.id] = Charge.to_sessionized(sess)
        sess.promo_code = None
        sess.promo_code_id = None
        assert len(promo_code.used_by) == 0

        attendee = Attendee(promo_code=promo_code,

        assert check(
            prereg=True) == 'That promo code has been used too many times.'
Exemplo n.º 6
    def form(self, session, message='', edit_id=None, **params):
        Our production NGINX config caches the page at /preregistration/form.
        Since it's cached, we CAN'T return a session cookie with the page. We
        must POST to a different URL in order to bypass the cache and get a
        valid session cookie. Thus, this page is also exposed as "post_form".
        params['id'] = 'None'   # security!
        group = Group()

        if edit_id is not None:
            attendee = self._get_unsaved(
                if_not_found=HTTPRedirect('form?message={}', 'That preregistration has already been finalized'))
            attendee.apply(params, restricted=True)
            params.setdefault('pii_consent', True)
            attendee = session.attendee(params, ignore_csrf=True, restricted=True)

            if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
                if not c.DEALER_REG_OPEN:
                    return render('static_views/dealer_reg_closed.html') if c.AFTER_DEALER_REG_START \
                        else render('static_views/dealer_reg_not_open.html')

                # Both the Attendee class and Group class have identically named
                # address fields. In order to distinguish the two sets of address
                # fields in the params, the Group fields are prefixed with "group_"
                # when the form is submitted. To prevent instantiating the Group object
                # with the Attendee's address fields, we must clone the params and
                # rename all the "group_" fields.
                group_params = dict(params)
                for field_name in ['country', 'region', 'zip_code', 'address1', 'address2', 'city']:
                    group_params[field_name] = params.get('group_{}'.format(field_name), '')
                    if params.get('copy_address'):
                        params[field_name] = group_params[field_name]

                group = session.group(group_params, ignore_csrf=True, restricted=True)

        if c.PAGE == 'post_dealer':
            attendee.badge_type = c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE
        elif not attendee.badge_type:
            attendee.badge_type = c.ATTENDEE_BADGE

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' or edit_id is not None:
            message = check_pii_consent(params, attendee) or message
            if not message and attendee.badge_type not in c.PREREG_BADGE_TYPES:
                message = 'Invalid badge type!'
            if not message and c.BADGE_PROMO_CODES_ENABLED and params.get('promo_code'):
                if session.lookup_promo_or_group_code(params.get('promo_code'), PromoCodeGroup):
                    Charge.universal_promo_codes[attendee.id] = params.get('promo_code')
                message = session.add_promo_code_to_attendee(attendee, params.get('promo_code'))

        if message:
            return {
                'message':    message,
                'attendee':   attendee,
                'group':      group,
                'edit_id':    edit_id,
                'affiliates': session.affiliates(),
                'cart_not_empty': Charge.unpaid_preregs,
                'copy_address': params.get('copy_address'),
                'promo_code_code': params.get('promo_code', ''),
                'pii_consent': params.get('pii_consent'),
                'name': params.get('name', ''),
                'badges': params.get('badges', 0),

        if 'first_name' in params:
            if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
                message = check(group, prereg=True)

            message = message or check(attendee, prereg=True)

            if attendee.badge_type in [c.PSEUDO_GROUP_BADGE, c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE]:
                message = "Please enter a group name" if not params.get('name') else message
                params['badges'] = 0
                params['name'] = ''

            if not message:
                if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
                    attendee.paid = c.PAID_BY_GROUP
                    group.attendees = [attendee]
                    session.assign_badges(group, params['badges'])
                    group.status = c.WAITLISTED if c.DEALER_REG_SOFT_CLOSED else c.UNAPPROVED
                    attendee.ribbon = add_opt(attendee.ribbon_ints, c.DEALER_RIBBON)
                    attendee.badge_type = c.ATTENDEE_BADGE

                    session.add_all([attendee, group])
                            '{} Received'.format(c.DEALER_APP_TERM.title()),
                            render('emails/dealers/reg_notification.txt', {'group': group}, encoding=None),
                            '{} Received'.format(c.DEALER_APP_TERM.title()),
                            render('emails/dealers/application.html', {'group': group}, encoding=None),
                    except Exception:
                        log.error('unable to send marketplace application confirmation email', exc_info=True)
                    raise HTTPRedirect('dealer_confirmation?id={}', group.id)
                    track_type = c.UNPAID_PREREG
                    if attendee.id in Charge.unpaid_preregs:
                        track_type = c.EDITED_PREREG
                        # Clear out any previously cached targets, in case the unpaid badge
                        # has been edited and changed from a single to a group or vice versa.
                        del Charge.unpaid_preregs[attendee.id]

                    Charge.unpaid_preregs[attendee.id] = Charge.to_sessionized(attendee,
                    Tracking.track(track_type, attendee)

                if session.attendees_with_badges().filter_by(
                        first_name=attendee.first_name, last_name=attendee.last_name, email=attendee.email).count():

                    raise HTTPRedirect('duplicate?id={}', group.id if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP else attendee.id)

                if attendee.banned:
                    raise HTTPRedirect('banned?id={}', group.id if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP else attendee.id)

                if c.PREREG_REQUEST_HOTEL_INFO_OPEN:
                    hotel_page = 'hotel?edit_id={}' if edit_id else 'hotel?id={}'
                    raise HTTPRedirect(hotel_page, group.id if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP else attendee.id)
                    raise HTTPRedirect('index')

            if edit_id is None:
                if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
                    # All new dealer signups should default to receiving the
                    # hotel info email, even if the deadline has passed.
                    # There's a good chance some dealers will apply for a table
                    # AFTER the hotel booking deadline, but BEFORE the hotel
                    # booking is sent out. This ensures they'll still receive
                    # the email, as requested by the Marketplace Department.
                    attendee.requested_hotel_info = True

            if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE and c.DEALER_REG_SOFT_CLOSED:
                message = '{} is closed, but you can ' \
                    'fill out this form to add yourself to our waitlist'.format(c.DEALER_REG_TERM.title())

        promo_code_group = None
        if attendee.promo_code:
            promo_code_group = session.query(PromoCode).filter_by(code=attendee.promo_code.code).first().group

        return {
            'message':    message,
            'attendee':   attendee,
            'badges': params.get('badges', 0),
            'name': params.get('name', ''),
            'group':      group,
            'promo_code_group': promo_code_group,
            'edit_id':    edit_id,
            'affiliates': session.affiliates(),
            'cart_not_empty': Charge.unpaid_preregs,
            'copy_address': params.get('copy_address'),
            'promo_code_code': params.get('promo_code', ''),
            'pii_consent': params.get('pii_consent'),
Exemplo n.º 7
    def form(self, session, message='', edit_id=None, **params):
        Our production NGINX config caches the page at /preregistration/form.
        Since it's cached, we CAN'T return a session cookie with the page. We
        must POST to a different URL in order to bypass the cache and get a
        valid session cookie. Thus, this page is also exposed as "post_form".
        params['id'] = 'None'   # security!
        group = Group()

        if edit_id is not None:
            attendee = self._get_unsaved(
                if_not_found=HTTPRedirect('form?message={}', 'That preregistration has already been finalized'))
            attendee.apply(params, restricted=True)
            params.setdefault('pii_consent', True)
            attendee = session.attendee(params, ignore_csrf=True, restricted=True)

            if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
                if not c.DEALER_REG_OPEN:
                    return render('static_views/dealer_reg_closed.html') if c.AFTER_DEALER_REG_START \
                        else render('static_views/dealer_reg_not_open.html')

                # Both the Attendee class and Group class have identically named
                # address fields. In order to distinguish the two sets of address
                # fields in the params, the Group fields are prefixed with "group_"
                # when the form is submitted. To prevent instantiating the Group object
                # with the Attendee's address fields, we must clone the params and
                # rename all the "group_" fields.
                group_params = dict(params)
                for field_name in ['country', 'region', 'zip_code', 'address1', 'address2', 'city']:
                    group_params[field_name] = params.get('group_{}'.format(field_name), '')
                    if params.get('copy_address'):
                        params[field_name] = group_params[field_name]

                group = session.group(group_params, ignore_csrf=True, restricted=True)

        if c.PAGE == 'post_dealer':
            attendee.badge_type = c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE
        elif not attendee.badge_type:
            attendee.badge_type = c.ATTENDEE_BADGE

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' or edit_id is not None:
            message = check_pii_consent(params, attendee) or message
            if not message and attendee.badge_type not in c.PREREG_BADGE_TYPES:
                message = 'Invalid badge type!'
            if not message and c.BADGE_PROMO_CODES_ENABLED and params.get('promo_code'):
                message = session.add_promo_code_to_attendee(attendee, params.get('promo_code'))

        if message:
            return {
                'message':    message,
                'attendee':   attendee,
                'group':      group,
                'edit_id':    edit_id,
                'affiliates': session.affiliates(),
                'cart_not_empty': Charge.unpaid_preregs,
                'copy_address': params.get('copy_address'),
                'promo_code': params.get('promo_code', ''),
                'pii_consent': params.get('pii_consent'),

        if 'first_name' in params:
            message = check(attendee, prereg=True)
            if not message and attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
                message = check(group, prereg=True)

            if attendee.badge_type in [c.PSEUDO_GROUP_BADGE, c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE]:
                message = "Please enter a group name" if not params.get('name') else ''
                params['badges'] = 0
                params['name'] = ''

            if not message:
                if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
                    attendee.paid = c.PAID_BY_GROUP
                    group.attendees = [attendee]
                    session.assign_badges(group, params['badges'])
                    group.status = c.WAITLISTED if c.DEALER_REG_SOFT_CLOSED else c.UNAPPROVED
                    attendee.ribbon = add_opt(attendee.ribbon_ints, c.DEALER_RIBBON)
                    attendee.badge_type = c.ATTENDEE_BADGE

                    session.add_all([attendee, group])
                            'Dealer Application Received',
                            render('emails/dealers/reg_notification.txt', {'group': group}, encoding=None),
                            'Dealer Application Received',
                            render('emails/dealers/application.html', {'group': group}, encoding=None),
                    except Exception:
                        log.error('unable to send marketplace application confirmation email', exc_info=True)
                    raise HTTPRedirect('dealer_confirmation?id={}', group.id)
                    track_type = c.UNPAID_PREREG
                    if attendee.id in Charge.unpaid_preregs:
                        track_type = c.EDITED_PREREG
                        # Clear out any previously cached targets, in case the unpaid badge
                        # has been edited and changed from a single to a group or vice versa.
                        del Charge.unpaid_preregs[attendee.id]

                    Charge.unpaid_preregs[attendee.id] = Charge.to_sessionized(attendee,
                    Tracking.track(track_type, attendee)

                if session.attendees_with_badges().filter_by(
                        first_name=attendee.first_name, last_name=attendee.last_name, email=attendee.email).count():

                    raise HTTPRedirect('duplicate?id={}', group.id if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP else attendee.id)

                if attendee.banned:
                    raise HTTPRedirect('banned?id={}', group.id if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP else attendee.id)

                if c.PREREG_REQUEST_HOTEL_INFO_OPEN:
                    hotel_page = 'hotel?edit_id={}' if edit_id else 'hotel?id={}'
                    raise HTTPRedirect(hotel_page, group.id if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP else attendee.id)
                    raise HTTPRedirect('index')

            if edit_id is None:
                if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE:
                    # All new dealer signups should default to receiving the
                    # hotel info email, even if the deadline has passed.
                    # There's a good chance some dealers will apply for a table
                    # AFTER the hotel booking deadline, but BEFORE the hotel
                    # booking is sent out. This ensures they'll still receive
                    # the email, as requested by the Marketplace Department.
                    attendee.requested_hotel_info = True

            if attendee.badge_type == c.PSEUDO_DEALER_BADGE and c.DEALER_REG_SOFT_CLOSED:
                message = 'Dealer registration is closed, but you can ' \
                    'fill out this form to add yourself to our waitlist'

        promo_code_group = None
        if attendee.promo_code:
            promo_code_group = session.query(PromoCode).filter_by(code=attendee.promo_code.code).first().group

        return {
            'message':    message,
            'attendee':   attendee,
            'group':      group,
            'promo_code_group': promo_code_group,
            'edit_id':    edit_id,
            'affiliates': session.affiliates(),
            'cart_not_empty': Charge.unpaid_preregs,
            'copy_address': params.get('copy_address'),
            'promo_code': params.get('promo_code', ''),
            'pii_consent': params.get('pii_consent'),
Exemplo n.º 8
def to_sessionized(attendee, group):
    if group.badges:
        return Charge.to_sessionized(group)
        return Charge.to_sessionized(attendee)