Exemplo n.º 1
client_id = ''
server_token = ''
secret = ''

#locations list
#get locations from database
db = sqlite3.connect('/home/dan/projects/uber_eta/FlaskApp/database.sqlite3')
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('''select location_name,lattitude,longitude from locations''' ) 
for row in cursor:
	location = row[0]
	latitude = row[1]
	longitude = row[2]
	#build up API call to get products
	uber = Uber(client_id, server_token, secret)
	products = uber.get_products(latitude, longitude)
	#Get Product ID
	for product in products['products']:
		if product['display_name'] == 'uberX':
			product_id = product['product_id']

	#Get ETA for product
		time_estimate = uber.get_time_estimate(latitude, longitude, customer_uuid=None, product_id=product_id)
		time_estimate = time_estimate['times'][0]['estimate']
		print "error obtaining data"
	#get current time
	current_time = datetime.now()
	cursor = db.cursor()
	cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + location + " (datetime, eta) VALUES(\"%s\", %s)" %(current_time, time_estimate))
Exemplo n.º 2
import json
import working
from uberpy import Uber
from pygeocoder import Geocoder

# Creates a new Uber instance using tokens

AUTH = Uber(working.client_id, working.server_token, working.secret)

# print AUTH

latitude = 51.5286416
longitude = -0.1015987

uber_products = AUTH.get_products(latitude, longitude)

# Prints JSON object in a format that won't make you insane

print json.dumps(uber_products, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

### This is a fix for the problem that arose from the geocode lbirary, fixes SSL restrictions. See site for more details: https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#pyopenssl

# try:
# 	import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl
# 	urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3()
# except ImportError:
#     pass


start_lat = Geocoder.geocode("180 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94107")[0].coordinates[0]