Exemplo n.º 1
def expIdLine(args, expId, t):
    samplefiles = 0
    samplesize = 0
    submittedfiles = 0
    for stanza in expId:
        for fname in stanza['fileName'].split(','):
            if fname in t.files:
                file = t.files[fname]
                samplesize = samplesize + file.size
                samplefiles = samplefiles + 1
                if 'geoSampleAccession' in stanza:
                    submittedfiles = submittedfiles + 1

    if expId.title == None:
        title = styles.style('Inconsistent', 'red')
        title = expId.title

    return expId.name.rjust(12) + ' ' + title + ' [%s]' % filesize(samplesize) + ' - %d files' % samplefiles 
Exemplo n.º 2
def trackLine(args, t):
    nametext = t.name.ljust(25)
        sub = 0
        tot = 0
        wantSubmit = 1
        for exp in t.alphaMetaDb.experiments.iterkeys():
            submitted = 0
            samples = 0
            for stanza in t.alphaMetaDb.experiments[exp]:
                if 'objStatus' in stanza:
                if 'Aln' not in stanza['metaObject']:
                    if 'geoSampleAccession' in stanza:
                        submitted += 1
                    samples += 1
            if (not args.pessimistic and submitted > 0) or (submitted == samples and submitted != 0):
                sub += 1
                args.totalsubmitted += 1
            if samples > 0:
                tot += 1
                args.totalexps += 1
        #for stanza in t.alphaMetaDb.filter2(lambda s: s['objType'] != 'composite').itervalues():
        #    if 'geoSampleAccession' in stanza:
        #        sub += 1
        #    tot += 1
        #subtext = '%d%%' % int((float(sub) / tot) * 100)
        subtext = ('%d/%d' % (sub, tot)).ljust(10)
        #subtext = ' ' * (4 - len(subtext)) + subtext
        filestext = '%d' % tot
        filestext = ' ' * (4 - len(filestext)) + filestext + ' files'
        if sub == 0: 
            subtext = styles.style(subtext, 'red')
        elif sub < tot:
            subtext = styles.style(subtext, 'yellow')
            subtext = styles.style(subtext, 'green')
            wantSubmit = 0
        status = styles.style('Public    ', 'green')
        #just randomization for testing, replace with
        # /cluster/home/mmaddren/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/hg19/trackDb.wgEncode.ra
        if (tot % 2 == 0):
            status = styles.style('Unreleased', 'blue')
            wantSubmit = 0
        datatype = styles.style('Not Found'.ljust(16), 'red')
        if t.alphaMetaDb.dataType != None:
            datatype = t.alphaMetaDb.dataType.name
            if t.alphaMetaDb.dataType.type == 'MicroArray':
                datatype = styles.style(datatype.ljust(16), 'yellow')
                args.totaltracks += 1
            elif t.alphaMetaDb.dataType.valid:
                datatype = styles.style(datatype.ljust(16), 'green')
                args.totaltracks += 1
                if t.alphaMetaDb.dataType.shouldSubmit:
                    datatype = styles.style(datatype.ljust(16), 'red')
                    datatype = styles.style(datatype.ljust(16), 'blue')
                    #subtext = ''
                    args.totalexps -= tot
                    wantSubmit = 0
        if datatype == '' and len(t.alphaMetaDb.experiments) == 0:
            datatype = styles.style('no expIds'.ljust(16), 'red')
        #if wantSubmit:
        #    nametext = styles.style(nametext, 'green')
        geouptodate = ''    
        if args.geo and t.geo != None:
            exps = dict()
            local = 0
            offsite = 0
            mismatch = 0
            matched = 0
            for expId in t.alphaMetaDb.experiments.iterkeys():
                k = t.alphaMetaDb.experiments[expId].title
                exps[k] = t.alphaMetaDb.experiments[expId]
                if k in t.geo.accessions.iterkeys():
                    happened = 0
                    for stanza in exps[k]:
                        if 'geoSampleAccession' in stanza and stanza['geoSampleAccession'] != t.geo.accessions[k]:
                            mismatch += 1
                            happened = 1
                    if happened == 0:
                        for stanza in exps[k]:
                            if 'geoSampleAccession' not in stanza:
                                offsite += 1
                                happened = 1
                        if happened == 0:
                            matched += 1
                    local += 1
            geouptodate = '%d GSMs, %d expIds, %d match, %d local, %d on geo, %d mismatch' % (len(t.geo.accessions.keys()), len(t.alphaMetaDb.experiments.keys()), matched, local, offsite, mismatch)
        releases = ''
        for release in t.releaseObjects:
            if release.onPublic:
                releases += styles.style(str(release.index), 'green')
                releases += styles.style(str(release.index), 'red')

        if 'geoSeriesAccession' in t.alphaMetaDb.compositeStanza:
            args.submittedtracks += 1
            return nametext + styles.style(t.alphaMetaDb.compositeStanza['geoSeriesAccession'].ljust(12), 'green') + subtext + datatype + releases + ' ' + geouptodate
            return nametext + styles.style('Unsubmitted'.ljust(12), 'blue') + subtext + datatype + releases
    except KeyError as e:
        return styles.style(nametext, 'red') + styles.style('Error ' + str(e), 'red')