Exemplo n.º 1
def add2ActivePlaylist(request, song_id, library_id, player):
  if ActivePlaylistEntry.isQueued(song_id, library_id, player):
    voteSong(player, request.udjuser, song_id, library_id, 1)
    return HttpResponse()
  elif ActivePlaylistEntry.isPlaying(song_id, library_id, player):
    return HttpResponse()

  if LibraryEntry.songExsitsAndNotBanned(song_id, int(library_id), player):
    addSongsToPlaylist([{'id' : song_id , 'library_id' : library_id}], player, request.udjuser)
    return HttpResponseMissingResource('song')

  return HttpResponse(status=201)
Exemplo n.º 2
def add2ActivePlaylist(user, lib_id, default_library, player):
  if ActivePlaylistEntry.isQueued(lib_id, default_library, player):
    voteSong(player, user, lib_id, 1)
    return HttpResponse()
  elif ActivePlaylistEntry.isPlaying(lib_id, default_library, player):
    return HttpResponse()

  if LibraryEntry.songExsitsAndNotBanned(lib_id, default_library, player):
    addSongsToPlaylist([lib_id], default_library, player, user)
    toReturn = HttpResponseNotFound()
    toReturn[MISSING_RESOURCE_HEADER] = 'song'
    return toReturn

  return HttpResponse(status=201)
Exemplo n.º 3
def multiModActivePlaylist(request, player, json_params):

  Code so ugly.....

  toAdd = json_params['to_add']
  toRemove = json_params['to_remove']

  if len(toAdd) > 0 and not player.user_has_permission('APA', request.udjuser):
    return HttpResponseForbiddenWithReason('player-permission')

  if len(toRemove) > 0 and not player.user_has_permission('APR', request.udjuser):
    return HttpResponseForbiddenWithReason('player-permission')

    #first, validate/process all our inputs
    # 1. Ensure none of the songs to be deleted aren't on the playlist
    notOnPlaylist = getNotOnPlaylist(toRemove, player)
    if len(notOnPlaylist) > 0:
      toReturn = HttpJSONResponse(json.dumps(notOnPlaylist), status=404)
      toReturn[MISSING_RESOURCE_HEADER] = 'song'
      return toReturn

    # 2. Ensure all of the songs to be added actually exists in the library
    notInLibrary = filter(lambda x: not LibraryEntry.songExsitsAndNotBanned(x['id'],
    if len(notInLibrary) > 0:
      toReturn = HttpJSONResponse(json.dumps(notInLibrary), content_type="text/json", status=404)
      toReturn[MISSING_RESOURCE_HEADER] = 'song'
      return toReturn

    # 3. See if there are any songs that we're trying to add that are already on the playlist
    # and vote them up instead.
    alreadyOnPlaylist = getAlreadyOnPlaylist(toAdd, player)
    toAdd = filter(lambda x: x not in alreadyOnPlaylist, toAdd)
      currentSong = ActivePlaylistEntry.objects.get(player=player, state='PL')
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
      currentSong = None
    for song in alreadyOnPlaylist:
      #make sure we don't vote on the currently playing song
      if (currentSong != None and not 
           (currentSong.song.lib_id == song['id'] 
            and currentSong.song.library.id == int(song['library_id']))):
        voteSong(player, request.udjuser, song['id'], int(song['library_id']), 1)

    #alright, we should be good to go. Let's actually add/remove songs
    #Note that we didn't make any actual changes to the DB until we were sure all of our inputs
    #were good and we weren't going to return an error HttpResponse. This is what allows us to use
    #the commit on success
    addSongsToPlaylist(toAdd, player, request.udjuser)
    removeSongsFromPlaylist(toRemove, player, request.udjuser)
  except ValueError:
    return HttpResponseBadRequest('Value Error. Bad JSON\n' + 'toAdd: ' + str(toAdd) + '\ntoRemove: ' + str(toRemove))
  except TypeError as te:
    return HttpResponseBadRequest('Bad JSON\n' + 'toAdd: ' + str(toAdd) + '\ntoRemove: ' + str(toRemove) + str(te))
  except KeyError:
    return HttpResponseBadRequest('KeyError Bad JSON\n' + 'toAdd: ' + str(toAdd) + '\ntoRemove: ' + str(toRemove))

  return HttpResponse()
Exemplo n.º 4
def multiModActivePlaylist(request, player):
    toAdd = json.loads(request.POST['to_add'])
    toRemove = json.loads(request.POST['to_remove'])
  except ValueError:
    return HttpResponseBadRequest('Bad JSON\n. Couldn\'t even parse.\n Given data:' + request.raw_post_data)

  user = getUserForTicket(request)
  #Only admins and owners may remove songs from the playlist
  if len(toRemove) != 0 and not (player.isAdmin(user) or player.owning_user==user):
    return HttpResponseForbidden()

    #0. lock active playlist

    default_library = player.DefaultLibrary

    #first, validate/process all our inputs
    # 1. Ensure none of the songs to be deleted aren't on the playlist
    notOnPlaylist = getNotOnPlaylist(toRemove, default_library, player)
    if len(notOnPlaylist) > 0:
      toReturn = HttpJSONResponse(json.dumps(notOnPlaylist), status=404)
      toReturn[MISSING_RESOURCE_HEADER] = 'song'
      return toReturn

    # 2. Ensure all of the songs to be added actually exists in the library
    notInLibrary = []
    for songId in toAdd:
      if not LibraryEntry.songExsitsAndNotBanned(songId, player.DefaultLibrary, player):

    if len(notInLibrary) > 0:
      toReturn = HttpJSONResponse(json.dumps(notInLibrary), content_type="text/json", status=404)
      toReturn[MISSING_RESOURCE_HEADER] = 'song'
      return toReturn

    # 3. See if there are any songs that we're trying to add that are already on the playlist
    # and vote them up instead.
    alreadyOnPlaylist = getAlreadyOnPlaylist(toAdd, default_library, player)
    toAdd = filter(lambda x: x not in alreadyOnPlaylist, toAdd)
      currentSong = ActivePlaylistEntry.objects.get(player=player, state='PL')
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
      currentSong = None
    for libid in alreadyOnPlaylist:
      #make sure we don't vote on the currently playing song
      if currentSong != None and not (currentSong.song.lib_id == libid and currentSong.song.library == player.DefaultLibrary):
        voteSong(player, user, libid, 1)

    #alright, should be good to go. Let's actually add/remove songs
    #Note that we didn't make any actual changes to the DB until we were sure all of our inputs
    #were good and we weren't going to return an error HttpResponse. This is what allows us to use
    #the commit on success
    addSongsToPlaylist(toAdd, default_library, player, user)
    removeSongsFromPlaylist(toRemove, default_library, player, user)
  except ValueError:
    return HttpResponseBadRequest('Bad JSON\n' + 'toAdd: ' + str(toAdd) + '\ntoRemove: ' + str(toRemove))
  except TypeError:
    return HttpResponseBadRequest('Bad JSON\n' + 'toAdd: ' + str(toAdd) + '\ntoRemove: ' + str(toRemove))

  return HttpResponse()