Exemplo n.º 1
def _auto_select_degree(elements):
    Automatically select degree for all elements of the form in cases
    where this has not been specified by the user. This feature is
    used by DOLFIN to allow the specification of Expressions with
    undefined degrees.
    # Use max degree of all elements, at least 1 (to work with
    # Lagrange elements)
    return max_degree({e.degree() for e in elements} - {None} | {1})
Exemplo n.º 2
def _auto_select_degree(elements):
    Automatically select degree for all elements of the form in cases
    where this has not been specified by the user. This feature is
    used by DOLFIN to allow the specification of Expressions with
    undefined degrees.
    # Use max degree of all elements, at least 1 (to work with
    # Lagrange elements)
    return max_degree({e.degree() for e in elements} - {None} | {1})
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, *elements, **kwargs):
        "Create mixed finite element from given list of elements"

        if type(self) is MixedElement:
            if kwargs:
                error("Not expecting keyword arguments to MixedElement constructor.")

        # Un-nest arguments if we get a single argument with a list of elements
        if len(elements) == 1 and isinstance(elements[0], (tuple, list)):
            elements = elements[0]
        # Interpret nested tuples as sub-mixedelements recursively
        elements = [MixedElement(e) if isinstance(e, (tuple, list)) else e
                    for e in elements]
        self._sub_elements = elements

        # Pick the first cell, for now all should be equal
        cells = tuple(sorted(set(element.cell() for element in elements) - set([None])))
        self._cells = cells
        if cells:
            cell = cells[0]
            # Require that all elements are defined on the same cell
            if not all(c == cell for c in cells[1:]):
                error("Sub elements must live on the same cell.")
            cell = None

        # Check that all elements use the same quadrature scheme TODO:
        # We can allow the scheme not to be defined.
        quad_scheme = elements[0].quadrature_scheme()
        if not all(e.quadrature_scheme() == quad_scheme for e in elements):
            error("Quadrature scheme mismatch for sub elements of mixed element.")

        # Compute value sizes in global and reference configurations
        value_size_sum = sum(product(s.value_shape()) for s in self._sub_elements)
        reference_value_size_sum = sum(product(s.reference_value_shape()) for s in self._sub_elements)

        # Default value shape: Treated simply as all subelement values
        # unpacked in a vector.
        value_shape = kwargs.get('value_shape', (value_size_sum,))

        # Default reference value shape: Treated simply as all
        # subelement reference values unpacked in a vector.
        reference_value_shape = kwargs.get('reference_value_shape', (reference_value_size_sum,))

        # Validate value_shape (deliberately not for subclasses
        # VectorElement and TensorElement)
        if type(self) is MixedElement:
            # This is not valid for tensor elements with symmetries,
            # assume subclasses deal with their own validation
            if product(value_shape) != value_size_sum:
                error("Provided value_shape doesn't match the "
                      "total value size of all subelements.")

        # Initialize element data
        degrees = {e.degree() for e in self._sub_elements} - {None}
        degree = max_degree(degrees) if degrees else None
        FiniteElementBase.__init__(self, "Mixed", cell, degree, quad_scheme,
                                   value_shape, reference_value_shape)

        # Cache repr string
        if type(self) is MixedElement:
            self._repr = "MixedElement(%s)" % (
                ", ".join(repr(e) for e in self._sub_elements),)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, *elements, **kwargs):
        "Create mixed finite element from given list of elements"

        if type(self) is MixedElement:
            if kwargs:
                    "Not expecting keyword arguments to MixedElement constructor."

        # Un-nest arguments if we get a single argument with a list of elements
        if len(elements) == 1 and isinstance(elements[0], (tuple, list)):
            elements = elements[0]
        # Interpret nested tuples as sub-mixedelements recursively
        elements = [
            MixedElement(e) if isinstance(e, (tuple, list)) else e
            for e in elements
        self._sub_elements = elements

        # Pick the first cell, for now all should be equal
        cells = tuple(
            sorted(set(element.cell() for element in elements) - set([None])))
        self._cells = cells
        if cells:
            cell = cells[0]
            # Require that all elements are defined on the same cell
            if not all(c == cell for c in cells[1:]):
                error("Sub elements must live on the same cell.")
            cell = None

        # Check that all elements use the same quadrature scheme TODO:
        # We can allow the scheme not to be defined.
        if len(elements) == 0:
            quad_scheme = None
            quad_scheme = elements[0].quadrature_scheme()
            if not all(e.quadrature_scheme() == quad_scheme for e in elements):
                    "Quadrature scheme mismatch for sub elements of mixed element."

        # Compute value sizes in global and reference configurations
        value_size_sum = sum(
            product(s.value_shape()) for s in self._sub_elements)
        reference_value_size_sum = sum(
            product(s.reference_value_shape()) for s in self._sub_elements)

        # Default value shape: Treated simply as all subelement values
        # unpacked in a vector.
        value_shape = kwargs.get('value_shape', (value_size_sum, ))

        # Default reference value shape: Treated simply as all
        # subelement reference values unpacked in a vector.
        reference_value_shape = kwargs.get('reference_value_shape',
                                           (reference_value_size_sum, ))

        # Validate value_shape (deliberately not for subclasses
        # VectorElement and TensorElement)
        if type(self) is MixedElement:
            # This is not valid for tensor elements with symmetries,
            # assume subclasses deal with their own validation
            if product(value_shape) != value_size_sum:
                error("Provided value_shape doesn't match the "
                      "total value size of all subelements.")

        # Initialize element data
        degrees = {e.degree() for e in self._sub_elements} - {None}
        degree = max_degree(degrees) if degrees else None
        FiniteElementBase.__init__(self, "Mixed", cell, degree, quad_scheme,
                                   value_shape, reference_value_shape)

        # Cache repr string
        if type(self) is MixedElement:
            self._repr = "MixedElement(%s)" % (", ".join(
                repr(e) for e in self._sub_elements), )
Exemplo n.º 5
def compile_integral(integral_data, form_data, prefix, parameters,
    """Compiles a UFL integral into an assembly kernel.

    :arg integral_data: UFL integral data
    :arg form_data: UFL form data
    :arg prefix: kernel name will start with this string
    :arg parameters: parameters object
    :arg interface: backend module for the kernel interface
    :returns: a kernel constructed by the kernel interface
    if parameters is None:
        parameters = default_parameters()
        _ = default_parameters()
        parameters = _

    # Remove these here, they're handled below.
    if parameters.get("quadrature_degree") in ["auto", "default", None, -1, "-1"]:
        del parameters["quadrature_degree"]
    if parameters.get("quadrature_rule") in ["auto", "default", None]:
        del parameters["quadrature_rule"]

    integral_type = integral_data.integral_type
    interior_facet = integral_type.startswith("interior_facet")
    mesh = integral_data.domain
    cell = integral_data.domain.ufl_cell()
    arguments = form_data.preprocessed_form.arguments()
    kernel_name = "%s_%s_integral_%s" % (prefix, integral_type, integral_data.subdomain_id)
    # Handle negative subdomain_id
    kernel_name = kernel_name.replace("-", "_")

    fiat_cell = as_fiat_cell(cell)
    integration_dim, entity_ids = lower_integral_type(fiat_cell, integral_type)

    quadrature_indices = []

    # Dict mapping domains to index in original_form.ufl_domains()
    domain_numbering = form_data.original_form.domain_numbering()
    builder = interface.KernelBuilder(integral_type, integral_data.subdomain_id,
    argument_multiindices = tuple(builder.create_element(arg.ufl_element()).get_indices()
                                  for arg in arguments)
    return_variables = builder.set_arguments(arguments, argument_multiindices)


    builder.set_coefficients(integral_data, form_data)

    # Map from UFL FiniteElement objects to multiindices.  This is
    # so we reuse Index instances when evaluating the same coefficient
    # multiple times with the same table.
    # We also use the same dict for the unconcatenate index cache,
    # which maps index objects to tuples of multiindices.  These two
    # caches shall never conflict as their keys have different types
    # (UFL finite elements vs. GEM index objects).
    index_cache = {}

    kernel_cfg = dict(interface=builder,

    mode_irs = collections.OrderedDict()
    for integral in integral_data.integrals:
        params = parameters.copy()
        params.update(integral.metadata())  # integral metadata overrides
        if params.get("quadrature_rule") == "default":
            del params["quadrature_rule"]

        mode = pick_mode(params["mode"])
        mode_irs.setdefault(mode, collections.OrderedDict())

        integrand = ufl.replace(integral.integrand(), form_data.function_replace_map)
        integrand = ufl_utils.split_coefficients(integrand, builder.coefficient_split)

        # Check if the integral has a quad degree attached, otherwise use
        # the estimated polynomial degree attached by compute_form_data
        quadrature_degree = params.get("quadrature_degree",
            quadrature_degree = params["quadrature_degree"]
        except KeyError:
            quadrature_degree = params["estimated_polynomial_degree"]
            functions = list(arguments) + [builder.coordinate(mesh)] + list(integral_data.integral_coefficients)
            function_degrees = [f.ufl_function_space().ufl_element().degree() for f in functions]
            if all((asarray(quadrature_degree) > 10 * asarray(degree)).all()
                   for degree in function_degrees):
                logger.warning("Estimated quadrature degree %s more "
                               "than tenfold greater than any "
                               "argument/coefficient degree (max %s)",
                               quadrature_degree, max_degree(function_degrees))

            quad_rule = params["quadrature_rule"]
        except KeyError:
            integration_cell = fiat_cell.construct_subelement(integration_dim)
            quad_rule = make_quadrature(integration_cell, quadrature_degree)

        if not isinstance(quad_rule, AbstractQuadratureRule):
            raise ValueError("Expected to find a QuadratureRule object, not a %s" %

        quadrature_multiindex = quad_rule.point_set.indices

        config = kernel_cfg.copy()
        expressions = fem.compile_ufl(integrand,
        reps = mode.Integrals(expressions, quadrature_multiindex,
                              argument_multiindices, params)
        for var, rep in zip(return_variables, reps):
            mode_irs[mode].setdefault(var, []).append(rep)

    # Finalise mode representations into a set of assignments
    assignments = []
    for mode, var_reps in mode_irs.items():
        assignments.extend(mode.flatten(var_reps.items(), index_cache))

    if assignments:
        return_variables, expressions = zip(*assignments)
        return_variables = []
        expressions = []

    # Need optimised roots for COFFEE
    options = dict(reduce(operator.and_,
                           for mode in mode_irs.keys()]))
    expressions = impero_utils.preprocess_gem(expressions, **options)
    assignments = list(zip(return_variables, expressions))

    # Look for cell orientations in the IR
    if builder.needs_cell_orientations(expressions):

    # Construct ImperoC
    split_argument_indices = tuple(chain(*[var.index_ordering()
                                           for var in return_variables]))
    index_ordering = tuple(quadrature_indices) + split_argument_indices
        impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem(assignments, index_ordering, remove_zeros=True)
    except impero_utils.NoopError:
        # No operations, construct empty kernel
        return builder.construct_empty_kernel(kernel_name)

    # Generate COFFEE
    index_names = []

    def name_index(index, name):
        index_names.append((index, name))
        if index in index_cache:
            for multiindex, suffix in zip(index_cache[index],
                name_multiindex(multiindex, name + suffix)

    def name_multiindex(multiindex, name):
        if len(multiindex) == 1:
            name_index(multiindex[0], name)
            for i, index in enumerate(multiindex):
                name_index(index, name + str(i))

    name_multiindex(quadrature_indices, 'ip')
    for multiindex, name in zip(argument_multiindices, ['j', 'k']):
        name_multiindex(multiindex, name)

    # Construct kernel
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, index_names, parameters["precision"], expressions, split_argument_indices)

    return builder.construct_kernel(kernel_name, body)