def index_sum(self, o, ops): summand, mi = o.ufl_operands ic = mi[0].count() fi = summand.ufl_free_indices fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions ipos = fi.index(ic) d = fid[ipos] # Compute "macro-dimensions" before and after i in the total shape of a predim = product(summand.ufl_shape) * product(fid[:ipos]) postdim = product(fid[ipos+1:]) # Map each flattened total component of summand to # flattened total component of indexsum o by removing # axis corresponding to summation index ii. ss = ops[0] # Scalar subexpressions of summand if len(ss) != predim * postdim * d: error("Mismatching number of subexpressions.") sops = [] for i in range(predim): iind = i * (postdim * d) for k in range(postdim): ind = iind + k sops.append([ss[ind + j * postdim] for j in range(d)]) # For each scalar output component, sum over collected subcomponents # TODO: Need to split this into binary additions to work with future CRSArray format, # i.e. emitting more expressions than there are symbols for this node. results = [sum(sop) for sop in sops] return results
def handle_index_sum(o, ops): summand, mi = o.ufl_operands ic = mi[0].count() fi = summand.ufl_free_indices fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions ipos = fi.index(ic) d = fid[ipos] # Compute "macro-dimensions" before and after i in the total shape of a predim = ufl.product(summand.ufl_shape) * ufl.product(fid[:ipos]) postdim = ufl.product(fid[ipos + 1:]) # Map each flattened total component of summand to # flattened total component of indexsum o by removing # axis corresponding to summation index ii. ss = ops[0] # Scalar subexpressions of summand if len(ss) != predim * postdim * d: raise RuntimeError("Mismatching number of subexpressions.") sops = [] for i in range(predim): iind = i * (postdim * d) for k in range(postdim): ind = iind + k sops.append([ss[ind + j * postdim] for j in range(d)]) # For each scalar output component, sum over collected subcomponents # TODO: Need to split this into binary additions to work with future CRSArray format, # i.e. emitting more expressions than there are symbols for this node. results = [sum(sop) for sop in sops] return results
def generator(ir, parameters): """Generate UFC code for a finite element.""" d = {} d["factory_name"] = ir.classname d["signature"] = "\"{}\"".format(ir.signature) d["geometric_dimension"] = ir.geometric_dimension d["topological_dimension"] = ir.topological_dimension d["cell_shape"] = ir.cell_shape d["space_dimension"] = ir.space_dimension d["value_rank"] = len(ir.value_shape) d["value_size"] = ufl.product(ir.value_shape) d["reference_value_rank"] = len(ir.reference_value_shape) d["reference_value_size"] = ufl.product(ir.reference_value_shape) d["degree"] = d["family"] = "\"{}\"".format( d["num_sub_elements"] = ir.num_sub_elements import ffc.codegeneration.C.cnodes as L d["value_dimension"] = value_dimension(L, ir.value_shape) d["reference_value_dimension"] = reference_value_dimension(L, ir.reference_value_shape) statements = evaluate_reference_basis(L, ir, parameters) d["evaluate_reference_basis"] = L.StatementList(statements) statements = evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives(L, ir, parameters) d["evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives"] = L.StatementList(statements) statements = transform_reference_basis_derivatives(L, ir, parameters) d["transform_reference_basis_derivatives"] = L.StatementList(statements) statements = transform_values(L, ir, parameters) d["transform_values"] = L.StatementList(statements) statements = tabulate_reference_dof_coordinates(L, ir, parameters) d["tabulate_reference_dof_coordinates"] = L.StatementList(statements) statements = create_sub_element(L, ir) d["sub_element_declaration"] = sub_element_declaration(L, ir) d["create_sub_element"] = statements # Check that no keys are redundant or have been missed from string import Formatter fieldnames = [ fname for _, fname, _, _ in Formatter().parse(ufc_finite_element.factory) if fname ] assert set(fieldnames) == set( d.keys()), "Mismatch between keys in template and in formattting dict" # Format implementation code implementation = ufc_finite_element.factory.format_map(d) # Format declaration declaration = ufc_finite_element.declaration.format(factory_name=ir.classname) return declaration, implementation
def _read_from_xdmf_file(fun, directory, filename, suffix, components=None): if components is not None: filename = filename + "_component_" + "".join(components) function_name = "function_" + "".join(components) else: function_name = "function" fun_rank = fun.value_rank() fun_dim = product(fun.value_shape()) assert fun_rank <= 2 if ((fun_rank is 1 and fun_dim not in (2, 3)) or (fun_rank is 2 and fun_dim not in (4, 9))): fun_V = fun.function_space() for i in range(fun_dim): if components is not None: filename_i = filename + "_subcomponent_" + str(i) else: filename_i = filename + "_component_" + str(i) fun_i_V = get_function_subspace(fun_V, i) fun_i = Function(fun_i_V) if not _read_from_xdmf_file(fun_i, directory, filename_i, suffix, None): return False else: assign(fun.sub(i), fun_i) return True else: full_filename_checkpoint = os.path.join(str(directory), filename + "_checkpoint.xdmf") file_exists = False if is_io_process() and os.path.exists(full_filename_checkpoint): file_exists = True file_exists = is_io_process.mpi_comm.bcast(file_exists, root=is_io_process.root) if file_exists: if suffix is not None: assert SuffixIO.exists_file(directory, filename + "_suffix") last_suffix = SuffixIO.load_file(directory, filename + "_suffix") if suffix <= last_suffix: if full_filename_checkpoint in _all_xdmf_files: assert _all_xdmf_latest_suffix[ full_filename_checkpoint] == suffix - 1 _all_xdmf_latest_suffix[ full_filename_checkpoint] = suffix else: assert suffix == 0 _all_xdmf_files[full_filename_checkpoint] = XDMFFile( full_filename_checkpoint) _all_xdmf_latest_suffix[full_filename_checkpoint] = 0 _all_xdmf_files[full_filename_checkpoint].read_checkpoint( fun, function_name, suffix) return True else: return False else: with XDMFFile(full_filename_checkpoint) as file_checkpoint: file_checkpoint.read_checkpoint(fun, function_name, 0) return True else: return False
def __call__(self, *args): # Assume all args are x argument x = np.array(args) dim = self.ufl_domain().geometric_dimension() if x.shape[-1] != dim: raise TypeError("expected the geometry argument to be of " "length %d" % dim) value_size = ufl.product(self.ufl_element().value_shape()) if cpp.common.has_petsc_complex(): values = np.empty((1, value_size), dtype=np.complex128) else: values = np.empty((1, value_size)) # The actual evaluation self._cpp_object.eval(values, x) # If scalar return statement, return scalar value. if value_size == 1: return values[0] print("Returning values: ", values) return values
def _read_from_file(fun, directory, filename, suffix, components=None): if components is not None: filename = filename + "_component_" + "".join(components) function_name = "function_" + "".join(components) else: function_name = "function" fun_rank = fun.value_rank() fun_dim = product(fun.value_shape()) assert fun_rank <= 2 if ((fun_rank is 1 and fun_dim not in (2, 3)) or (fun_rank is 2 and fun_dim not in (4, 9))): funs = fun.split(deepcopy=True) for (i, fun_i) in enumerate(funs): if components is not None: filename_i = filename + "_subcomponent_" + str(i) else: filename_i = filename + "_component_" + str(i) _read_from_file(fun_i, directory, filename_i, suffix, None) assign(fun.sub(i), fun_i) else: if suffix is not None: if suffix is 0: # Remove from storage and re-create try: del _all_solution_files[(directory, filename)] except KeyError: pass _all_solution_files[(directory, filename)] = SolutionFile( directory, filename) file_ = _all_solution_files[(directory, filename)], function_name, suffix) else: file_ = SolutionFile(directory, filename), function_name, 0)
def eval(self, x: np.ndarray, cells: np.ndarray, u=None) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate Function at points x, where x has shape (num_points, 3), and cells has shape (num_points,) and cell[i] is the index of the cell containing point x[i]. If the cell index is negative the point is ignored.""" # Make sure input coordinates are a NumPy array x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) assert x.ndim < 3 num_points = x.shape[0] if x.ndim == 2 else 1 x = np.reshape(x, (num_points, -1)) if x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError( "Coordinate(s) for Function evaluation must have length 3.") # Make sure cells are a NumPy array cells = np.asarray(cells, dtype=np.int32) assert cells.ndim < 2 num_points_c = cells.shape[0] if cells.ndim == 1 else 1 cells = np.reshape(cells, num_points_c) # Allocate memory for return value if not provided if u is None: value_size = ufl.product(self.ufl_element().value_shape()) if common.has_petsc_complex: u = np.empty((num_points, value_size), dtype=np.complex128) else: u = np.empty((num_points, value_size)) self._cpp_object.eval(x, cells, u) if num_points == 1: u = np.reshape(u, (-1, )) return u
def build_scalar_graph(expressions): """Build list representation of expression graph covering the given expressions. TODO: Renaming, refactoring and cleanup of the graph building algorithms used in here """ # Build the initial coarse computational graph of the expression G = build_graph(expressions) assert len(expressions) == 1, "FIXME: Multiple expressions in graph building needs more work from this point on." # Build more fine grained computational graph of scalar subexpressions # TODO: Make it so that # expressions[k] <-> NV[nvs[k][:]], # len(nvs[k]) == value_size(expressions[k]) scalar_expressions = rebuild_with_scalar_subexpressions(G) # Sanity check on number of scalar symbols/components assert len(scalar_expressions) == sum(product(expr.ufl_shape) for expr in expressions) # Build new list representation of graph where all # vertices of V represent single scalar operations e2i, V, V_targets = build_scalar_graph_vertices(scalar_expressions) # Compute sparse dependency matrix V_deps = compute_dependencies(e2i, V) return V, V_deps, V_targets
def _write_to_pvd_file(fun, directory, filename, suffix, components=None): if components is not None: filename = filename + "_component_" + "".join(components) fun_rank = fun.value_rank() fun_dim = product(fun.value_shape()) assert fun_rank <= 2 if ((fun_rank is 1 and fun_dim not in (2, 3)) or (fun_rank is 2 and fun_dim not in (4, 9))): funs = fun.split(deepcopy=True) for (i, fun_i) in enumerate(funs): if components is not None: filename_i = filename + "_subcomponent_" + str(i) else: filename_i = filename + "_component_" + str(i) _write_to_pvd_file(fun_i, directory, filename_i, suffix) else: full_filename = os.path.join(str(directory), filename + ".pvd") if suffix is not None: if full_filename in _all_pvd_files: assert _all_pvd_latest_suffix[full_filename] == suffix - 1 _all_pvd_latest_suffix[full_filename] = suffix else: assert suffix == 0 _all_pvd_files[full_filename] = File(full_filename, "compressed") _all_pvd_latest_suffix[full_filename] = 0 _all_pvd_functions[full_filename] = fun.copy(deepcopy=True) # Make sure to always use the same function, otherwise dolfin # changes the numbering and visualization is difficult in ParaView assign(_all_pvd_functions[full_filename], fun) _all_pvd_files[full_filename] << _all_pvd_functions[full_filename] else: file_ = File(full_filename, "compressed") file_ << fun
def __init__(self, ufl_expression: ufl.core.expr.Expr, x: np.ndarray, form_compiler_parameters: dict = {}, jit_parameters: dict = {}): """Create dolfinx Expression. Represents a mathematical expression evaluated at a pre-defined set of points on the reference cell. This class closely follows the concept of a UFC Expression. This functionality can be used to evaluate a gradient of a Function at the quadrature points in all cells. This evaluated gradient can then be used as input to a non-FEniCS function that calculates a material constitutive model. Parameters ---------- ufl_expression Pure UFL expression x Array of points of shape (num_points, tdim) on the reference element. form_compiler_parameters Parameters used in FFCX compilation of this Expression. Run `ffcx --help` in the commandline to see all available options. jit_parameters Parameters controlling JIT compilation of C code. Note ---- This wrapper is responsible for the FFCX compilation of the UFL Expr and attaching the correct data to the underlying C++ Expression. """ assert x.ndim < 3 num_points = x.shape[0] if x.ndim == 2 else 1 x = np.reshape(x, (num_points, -1)) mesh = ufl_expression.ufl_domain().ufl_cargo() # Compile UFL expression with JIT ufc_expression = jit.ffcx_jit(mesh.mpi_comm(), (ufl_expression, x), form_compiler_parameters=form_compiler_parameters, jit_parameters=jit_parameters) self._ufl_expression = ufl_expression self._ufc_expression = ufc_expression # Setup data (evaluation points, coefficients, constants, mesh, value_size). # Tabulation function. ffi = cffi.FFI() fn = ffi.cast("uintptr_t", ufc_expression.tabulate_expression) value_size = ufl.product(self.ufl_expression.ufl_shape) ufl_coefficients = ufl.algorithms.extract_coefficients(ufl_expression) coefficients = [ufl_coefficient._cpp_object for ufl_coefficient in ufl_coefficients] ufl_constants = ufl.algorithms.analysis.extract_constants(ufl_expression) constants = [ufl_constant._cpp_object for ufl_constant in ufl_constants] self._cpp_object = cpp.function.Expression(coefficients, constants, mesh, x, fn, value_size)
def build_node_sizes(V_shapes): "Compute all the products of a sequence of shapes." nv = len(V_shapes) V_sizes = numpy.zeros(nv, dtype=int) for i, sh in enumerate(V_shapes): V_sizes[i] = product(sh) return V_sizes
def derivative(self, y): if len(self.roots) == 0: deta = Function(y.function_space()).vector() return deta p = self.power factors = [] dfactors = [] dnormsqs = [] normsqs = [] for root in self.roots: form = self.normsq(y, root) normsqs.append(assemble(form)) dnormsqs.append(assemble(derivative(form, y))) for normsq in normsqs: factor = normsq**(-p / 2.0) + self.shift dfactor = (-p / 2.0) * normsq**((-p / 2.0) - 1.0) factors.append(factor) dfactors.append(dfactor) eta = product(factors) deta = Function(y.function_space()).vector() for (solution, factor, dfactor, dnormsq) in zip(self.roots, factors, dfactors, dnormsqs): deta.axpy(float((eta / factor) * dfactor), dnormsq) return deta
def build_scalar_graph(expressions): """Build list representation of expression graph covering the given expressions. TODO: Renaming, refactoring and cleanup of the graph building algorithms used in here """ # Build the initial coarse computational graph of the expression G = build_graph(expressions) assert len( expressions ) == 1, "FIXME: Multiple expressions in graph building needs more work from this point on." # Build more fine grained computational graph of scalar subexpressions # TODO: Make it so that # expressions[k] <-> NV[nvs[k][:]], # len(nvs[k]) == value_size(expressions[k]) scalar_expressions = rebuild_with_scalar_subexpressions(G) # Sanity check on number of scalar symbols/components assert len(scalar_expressions) == sum( product(expr.ufl_shape) for expr in expressions) # Build new list representation of graph where all # vertices of V represent single scalar operations e2i, V, V_targets = build_scalar_graph_vertices(scalar_expressions) # Compute sparse dependency matrix V_deps = compute_dependencies(e2i, V) return V, V_deps, V_targets
def generate_quadrature_tables(self): """Generate static tables of quadrature points and weights.""" L = self.backend.language parts = [] # No quadrature tables for custom (given argument) # or point (evaluation in single vertex) skip = ufl.measure.custom_integral_types + ufl.measure.point_integral_types if in skip: return parts alignas =["alignas"] # Loop over quadrature rules for num_points in varying_ir =[num_points] points, weights =[num_points] assert num_points == len(weights) assert num_points == points.shape[0] # Generate quadrature weights array if varying_ir["need_weights"]: wsym = self.backend.symbols.weights_table(num_points) parts += [ L.ArrayDecl("static const ufc_scalar_t", wsym, num_points, weights, alignas=alignas) ] # Generate quadrature points array N = ufl.product(points.shape) if varying_ir["need_points"] and N: # Flatten array: (TODO: avoid flattening here, it makes padding harder) flattened_points = points.reshape(N) psym = self.backend.symbols.points_table(num_points) parts += [ L.ArrayDecl("static const ufc_scalar_t", psym, N, flattened_points, alignas=alignas) ] # Add leading comment if there are any tables parts = L.commented_code_list(parts, "Quadrature rules") return parts
def ufl_evaluate(self, x, component, derivatives): """Function used by ufl to evaluate the Expression""" assert derivatives == () # TODO: Handle derivatives if component: shape = self.ufl_shape assert len(shape) == len(component) value_size = product(shape) index = flatten_multiindex(component, shape_to_strides(shape)) values = numpy.zeros(value_size) # FIXME: use a function with a return value self(*x, values=values) return values[index] else: # Scalar evaluation return self(*x)
def ufl_evaluate(self, x, component, derivatives): """Function used by ufl to evaluate the Expression""" # FIXME: same as dolfinx.expression.Expression version. Find way # to re-use. assert derivatives == () # TODO: Handle derivatives if component: shape = self.ufl_shape assert len(shape) == len(component) value_size = ufl.product(shape) index = ufl.utils.indexflattening.flatten_multiindex( component, ufl.utils.indexflattening.shape_to_strides(shape)) values = np.zeros(value_size) # FIXME: use a function with a return value self(*x, values=values) return values[index] else: # Scalar evaluation return self(*x)
def __call__(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate Function at points x, where x has shape (num_points, gdim)""" _x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float) num_points = _x.shape[0] if len(_x.shape) > 1 else 1 _x = np.reshape(_x, (num_points, -1)) if _x.shape[1] != self.geometric_dimension(): raise ValueError("Wrong geometric dimension for coordinate(s).") value_size = ufl.product(self.ufl_element().value_shape()) if common.has_petsc_complex: values = np.empty((num_points, value_size), dtype=np.complex128) else: values = np.empty((num_points, value_size)) # Call the evaluation self._cpp_object.eval(values, _x) if num_points == 1: values = np.reshape(values, (-1, )) return values
def generate(self): L = self.backend.language parts = [] parts += self.generate_element_tables() parts += self.generate_unstructured_piecewise_partition() all_preparts = [] all_quadparts = [] all_postparts = [] preparts, quadparts, postparts = self.generate_quadrature_loop() all_preparts += preparts all_quadparts += quadparts all_postparts += postparts preparts, quadparts, postparts = self.generate_dofblock_partition( quadrature_independent=True) all_preparts += preparts all_quadparts += quadparts all_postparts += postparts all_finalizeparts = [] # Initialize a tensor to zeros A_values = [0.0 ] * ufl.product( + [self.num_points] + all_finalizeparts = self.generate_tensor_value_initialization(A_values) # Generate code to add reusable blocks B* to element tensor A all_finalizeparts += self.generate_copyout_statements() # Collect parts before, during, and after quadrature loops parts += all_preparts parts += all_quadparts parts += all_postparts parts += all_finalizeparts return L.StatementList(parts)
def _write_to_file(fun, directory, filename, suffix, components=None): if components is not None: filename = filename + "_component_" + "".join(components) function_name = "function_" + "".join(components) else: function_name = "function" fun_rank = fun.value_rank() fun_dim = product(fun.value_shape()) assert fun_rank <= 2 if ((fun_rank is 1 and fun_dim not in (2, 3)) or (fun_rank is 2 and fun_dim not in (4, 9))): funs = fun.split(deepcopy=True) for (i, fun_i) in enumerate(funs): if components is not None: filename_i = filename + "_subcomponent_" + str(i) else: filename_i = filename + "_component_" + str(i) _write_to_file(fun_i, directory, filename_i, suffix, None) else: if suffix is not None: if suffix is 0: # Remove existing files if any, as new functions should not be appended, but rather overwrite existing functions SolutionFile.remove_files(directory, filename) # Remove from storage and re-create try: del _all_solution_files[(directory, filename)] except KeyError: pass _all_solution_files[(directory, filename)] = SolutionFile( directory, filename) file_ = _all_solution_files[(directory, filename)] file_.write(fun, function_name, suffix) else: # Remove existing files if any, as new functions should not be appended, but rather overwrite existing functions SolutionFile.remove_files(directory, filename) # Write function to file file_ = SolutionFile(directory, filename) file_.write(fun, function_name, 0)
def form_argument(self, v): """Create new symbols for expressions that represent new values.""" symmetry = v.ufl_element().symmetry() if symmetry: # Build symbols with symmetric components skipped symbols = [] mapped_symbols = {} for c in ufl.permutation.compute_indices(v.ufl_shape): # Build mapped component mc with symmetries from element considered mc = symmetry.get(c, c) # Get existing symbol or create new and store with mapped component mc as key s = mapped_symbols.get(mc) if s is None: s = self.new_symbol() mapped_symbols[mc] = s symbols.append(s) else: n = ufl.product(v.ufl_shape + v.ufl_index_dimensions) symbols = self.new_symbols(n) return symbols
def map_indexed_arg_components(indexed): """Build integer list mapping between flattended components of indexed expression and its underlying tensor-valued subexpression.""" assert isinstance(indexed, Indexed) # AKA indexed = tensor[multiindex] tensor, multiindex = indexed.ufl_operands # AKA e1 = e2[multiindex] # (this renaming is historical, but kept for consistency with all the variables *1,*2 below) e2 = tensor e1 = indexed # Get tensor and index shape sh1 = e1.ufl_shape sh2 = e2.ufl_shape fi1 = e1.ufl_free_indices fi2 = e2.ufl_free_indices fid1 = e1.ufl_index_dimensions fid2 = e2.ufl_index_dimensions # Compute regular and total shape tsh1 = sh1 + fid1 tsh2 = sh2 + fid2 # r1 = len(tsh1) r2 = len(tsh2) # str1 = shape_to_strides(tsh1) str2 = shape_to_strides(tsh2) assert not sh1 assert sh2 # Must have shape to be indexed in the first place assert product(tsh1) <= product(tsh2) # Build map from fi2/fid2 position (-offset nmui) to fi1/fid1 position ind2_to_ind1_map = [None] * len(fi2) for k, i in enumerate(fi2): ind2_to_ind1_map[k] = fi1.index(i) # Build map from fi1/fid1 position to mi position nmui = len(multiindex) multiindex_to_ind1_map = [None] * nmui for k, i in enumerate(multiindex): if isinstance(i, Index): multiindex_to_ind1_map[k] = fi1.index(i.count()) # Build map from flattened e1 component to flattened e2 component perm1 = compute_indices(tsh1) ni1 = product(tsh1) # Situation: e1 = e2[mi] d1 = [None] * ni1 p2 = [None] * r2 assert len(sh2) == nmui for k, i in enumerate(multiindex): if isinstance(i, FixedIndex): p2[k] = int(i) for c1, p1 in enumerate(perm1): for k, i in enumerate(multiindex): if isinstance(i, Index): p2[k] = p1[multiindex_to_ind1_map[k]] for k, i in enumerate(ind2_to_ind1_map): p2[nmui + k] = p1[i] c2 = flatten_multiindex(p2, str2) d1[c1] = c2 # Consistency checks assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in d1) assert len(set(d1)) == len(d1) return d1
def reference_value_size(L, reference_value_shape): return L.Return(ufl.product(reference_value_shape))
def _modified_terminal(self, v): """Handle modified terminal. Modifiers: --------- terminal - the underlying Terminal object global_derivatives - tuple of ints, each meaning derivative in that global direction local_derivatives - tuple of ints, each meaning derivative in that local direction reference_value - bool, whether this is represented in reference frame averaged - None, 'facet' or 'cell' restriction - None, '+' or '-' component - tuple of ints, the global component of the Terminal flat_component - single int, flattened local component of the Terminal, considering symmetry """ # (1) mt.terminal.ufl_shape defines a core indexing space UNLESS mt.reference_value, # in which case the reference value shape of the element must be used. # (2) mt.terminal.ufl_element().symmetry() defines core symmetries # (3) averaging and restrictions define distinct symbols, no additional symmetries # (4) two or more grad/reference_grad defines distinct symbols with additional symmetries # v is not necessary scalar here, indexing in (0,...,0) picks the first scalar component # to analyse, which should be sufficient to get the base shape and derivatives if v.ufl_shape: mt = analyse_modified_terminal(v[(0, ) * len(v.ufl_shape)]) else: mt = analyse_modified_terminal(v) # Get derivatives num_ld = len(mt.local_derivatives) num_gd = len(mt.global_derivatives) assert not (num_ld and num_gd) if num_ld: domain = mt.terminal.ufl_domain() tdim = domain.topological_dimension() d_components = ufl.permutation.compute_indices((tdim, ) * num_ld) elif num_gd: domain = mt.terminal.ufl_domain() gdim = domain.geometric_dimension() d_components = ufl.permutation.compute_indices((gdim, ) * num_gd) else: d_components = [()] # Get base shape without the derivative axes base_components = ufl.permutation.compute_indices(mt.base_shape) # Build symbols with symmetric components and derivatives skipped symbols = [] mapped_symbols = {} for bc in base_components: for dc in d_components: # Build mapped component mc with symmetries from element # and derivatives combined mbc = mt.base_symmetry.get(bc, bc) mdc = tuple(sorted(dc)) mc = mbc + mdc # Get existing symbol or create new and store with # mapped component mc as key s = mapped_symbols.get(mc) if s is None: s = self.new_symbol() mapped_symbols[mc] = s symbols.append(s) # Consistency check before returning symbols assert not v.ufl_free_indices if ufl.product(v.ufl_shape) != len(symbols): raise RuntimeError("Internal error in value numbering.") return symbols
def map_indexed_arg_components(indexed): """Build a map from flattened components to subexpression. Builds integer list mapping between flattened components of indexed expression and its underlying tensor-valued subexpression.""" assert isinstance(indexed, Indexed) # AKA indexed = tensor[multiindex] tensor, multiindex = indexed.ufl_operands # AKA e1 = e2[multiindex] # (this renaming is historical, but kept for consistency with all the variables *1,*2 below) e2 = tensor e1 = indexed # Get tensor and index shape sh1 = e1.ufl_shape sh2 = e2.ufl_shape fi1 = e1.ufl_free_indices fi2 = e2.ufl_free_indices fid1 = e1.ufl_index_dimensions fid2 = e2.ufl_index_dimensions # Compute regular and total shape tsh1 = sh1 + fid1 tsh2 = sh2 + fid2 # r1 = len(tsh1) r2 = len(tsh2) # str1 = shape_to_strides(tsh1) str2 = shape_to_strides(tsh2) assert not sh1 assert sh2 # Must have shape to be indexed in the first place assert ufl.product(tsh1) <= ufl.product(tsh2) # Build map from fi2/fid2 position (-offset nmui) to fi1/fid1 position ind2_to_ind1_map = [None] * len(fi2) for k, i in enumerate(fi2): ind2_to_ind1_map[k] = fi1.index(i) # Build map from fi1/fid1 position to mi position nmui = len(multiindex) multiindex_to_ind1_map = [None] * nmui for k, i in enumerate(multiindex): if isinstance(i, Index): multiindex_to_ind1_map[k] = fi1.index(i.count()) # Build map from flattened e1 component to flattened e2 component perm1 = compute_indices(tsh1) ni1 = ufl.product(tsh1) # Situation: e1 = e2[mi] d1 = [None] * ni1 p2 = [None] * r2 assert len(sh2) == nmui for k, i in enumerate(multiindex): if isinstance(i, FixedIndex): p2[k] = int(i) for c1, p1 in enumerate(perm1): for k, i in enumerate(multiindex): if isinstance(i, Index): p2[k] = p1[multiindex_to_ind1_map[k]] for k, i in enumerate(ind2_to_ind1_map): p2[nmui + k] = p1[i] c2 = flatten_multiindex(p2, str2) d1[c1] = c2 # Consistency checks assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in d1) assert len(set(d1)) == len(d1) return d1
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # GNW: This function is copied from the old DOLFIN Python # code. It is far too complicated. There is no need to provide # so many ways of doing the same thing. # # Deprecate as many options as possible, and maybe share with # dolfin.expression.Expresssion. if len(args) == 0: raise TypeError("expected at least 1 argument") # Test for ufl restriction if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): if args[0] in ('+', '-'): return ufl.Coefficient.__call__(self, *args) # Test for ufl mapping if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], dict) and self in args[1]: return ufl.Coefficient.__call__(self, *args) # Some help variables value_size = ufl.product(self.ufl_element().value_shape()) # If values (return argument) is passed, check the type and length values = kwargs.get("values", None) if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("expected a NumPy array for 'values'") if len(values) != value_size or \ not np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.float64): raise TypeError("expected a double NumPy array of length" " %d for return values." % value_size) values_provided = True else: values_provided = False values = np.zeros(value_size, dtype='d') # Get the geometric dimension we live in dim = self.ufl_domain().geometric_dimension() # Assume all args are x argument x = args # If only one x argument has been provided, unpack it if it's # an iterable if len(x) == 1: if isinstance(x[0], cpp.geometry.Point): x = [x[0][i] for i in range(dim)] elif hasattr(x[0], '__iter__'): x = x[0] # Convert it to an 1D numpy array try: x = np.fromiter(x, 'd') except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): raise TypeError("expected scalar arguments for the coordinates") if len(x) == 0: raise TypeError("coordinate argument too short") if len(x) != dim: raise TypeError("expected the geometry argument to be of " "length %d" % dim) # The actual evaluation self._cpp_object.eval(values, x) # If scalar return statement, return scalar value. if value_size == 1 and not values_provided: return values[0] return values
def reference_value_size(self, L, reference_value_shape): return L.Return(product(reference_value_shape))
def value_size(self, L, value_shape): return L.Return(product(value_shape))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # GNW: This function is copied from the old DOLFIN Python # code. It is far too complicated. There is no need to provide # so many ways of doing the same thing. # # Deprecate as many options as possible if len(args) == 0: raise TypeError("expected at least 1 argument") # Test for ufl restriction if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): if args[0] in ('+', '-'): return ufl.Coefficient.__call__(self, *args) # Test for ufl mapping if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], dict) and self in args[1]: return ufl.Coefficient.__call__(self, *args) # Some help variables value_size = product(self.ufl_element().value_shape()) # If values (return argument) is passed, check the type and # length values = kwargs.get("values", None) if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise TypeError("expected a NumPy array for 'values'") if len(values) != value_size or not numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, numpy.float64): raise TypeError("expected a double NumPy array of length" " %d for return values." % value_size) values_provided = True else: values_provided = False values = numpy.zeros(value_size, dtype='d') # Get dim if element has any domains cell = self.ufl_element().cell() dim = None if cell is None else cell.geometric_dimension() # Assume all args are x argument x = args # If only one x argument has been provided, unpack it if it's # an iterable if len(x) == 1: if isinstance(x[0], cpp.geometry.Point): if dim is not None: x = [x[0][i] for i in range(dim)] else: x = [x[0][i] for i in range(3)] elif hasattr(x[0], '__iter__'): x = x[0] # Convert it to an 1D numpy array try: x = numpy.fromiter(x, 'd') except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): raise TypeError("expected scalar arguments for the coordinates") if len(x) == 0: raise TypeError("coordinate argument too short") if dim is None: # Disabled warning as it breaks py.test due to excessive # output, and that code that is warned about is still # officially supported. See # # warning("Evaluating an Expression without knowing the right geometric dimension, assuming %d is correct." % len(x)) pass else: if len(x) != dim: raise TypeError("expected the geometry argument to be of " "length %d" % dim) # The actual evaluation self._cpp_object.eval(values, x) # If scalar return statement, return scalar value. if value_size == 1 and not values_provided: return values[0] return values
def compile_expression1(expr): code = "double values[%d];" % (product(expr.ufl_shape),) return code
def generate_preintegrated_dofblock_partition(self): # FIXME: Generalize this to unrolling all A[] += ... loops, # or all loops with noncontiguous DM?? L = self.backend.language block_contributions =["block_contributions"] blocks = [ (blockmap, blockdata) for blockmap, contributions in sorted(block_contributions.items()) for blockdata in contributions if blockdata.block_mode == "preintegrated" ] # Get symbol, dimensions, and loop index symbols for A A_shape = A_size = ufl.product(A_shape) A_rank = len(A_shape) # TODO: there's something like shape2strides(A_shape) somewhere # A_strides = ufl.utils.indexflattening.shape_to_strides(A_shape) A_strides = [1] * A_rank for i in reversed(range(0, A_rank - 1)): A_strides[i] = A_strides[i + 1] * A_shape[i + 1] A_values = [0.0] * A_size for blockmap, blockdata in blocks: # Accumulate A[blockmap[...]] += f*PI[...] # Get table for inlining tables = table = tables[] inline_table = == "cell" # Get factor expression v =["factorization"].nodes[ blockdata.factor_index]['expression'] f = self.get_var(None, v) # Define rhs expression for A[blockmap[arg_indices]] += A_rhs # A_rhs = f * PI where PI = sum_q weight * u * v PI = L.Symbol( # Define indices into preintegrated block P_entity_indices = self.get_entities(blockdata) if inline_table: assert P_entity_indices == (L.LiteralInt(0), ) assert table.shape[0] == 1 # Unroll loop blockshape = [len(DM) for DM in blockmap] blockrange = [range(d) for d in blockshape] for ii in itertools.product(*blockrange): A_ii = sum(A_strides[i] * blockmap[i][ii[i]] for i in range(len(ii))) if blockdata.transposed: P_arg_indices = (ii[1], ii[0]) else: P_arg_indices = ii if inline_table: # Extract float value of PI[P_ii] Pval = table[0] # always entity 0 for i in P_arg_indices: Pval = Pval[i] A_rhs = Pval * f else: # Index the static preintegrated table: P_ii = P_entity_indices + P_arg_indices A_rhs = f * PI[P_ii] A_values[A_ii] = A_values[A_ii] + A_rhs code = self.generate_tensor_value_initialization(A_values) return L.commented_code_list(code, "UFLACS block mode: preintegrated")
def _modified_terminal(self, v, i): """Modifiers: terminal - the underlying Terminal object global_derivatives - tuple of ints, each meaning derivative in that global direction local_derivatives - tuple of ints, each meaning derivative in that local direction reference_value - bool, whether this is represented in reference frame averaged - None, 'facet' or 'cell' restriction - None, '+' or '-' component - tuple of ints, the global component of the Terminal flat_component - single int, flattened local component of the Terminal, considering symmetry """ # (1) mt.terminal.ufl_shape defines a core indexing space UNLESS mt.reference_value, # in which case the reference value shape of the element must be used. # (2) mt.terminal.ufl_element().symmetry() defines core symmetries # (3) averaging and restrictions define distinct symbols, no additional symmetries # (4) two or more grad/reference_grad defines distinct symbols with additional symmetries # v is not necessary scalar here, indexing in (0,...,0) picks the first scalar component # to analyse, which should be sufficient to get the base shape and derivatives if v.ufl_shape: mt = analyse_modified_terminal(v[(0,) * len(v.ufl_shape)]) else: mt = analyse_modified_terminal(v) # Get derivatives num_ld = len(mt.local_derivatives) num_gd = len(mt.global_derivatives) assert not (num_ld and num_gd) if num_ld: domain = mt.terminal.ufl_domain() tdim = domain.topological_dimension() d_components = compute_indices((tdim,) * num_ld) elif num_gd: domain = mt.terminal.ufl_domain() gdim = domain.geometric_dimension() d_components = compute_indices((gdim,) * num_gd) else: d_components = [()] # Get base shape without the derivative axes base_components = compute_indices(mt.base_shape) # Build symbols with symmetric components and derivatives skipped symbols = [] mapped_symbols = {} for bc in base_components: for dc in d_components: # Build mapped component mc with symmetries from element and derivatives combined mbc = mt.base_symmetry.get(bc, bc) mdc = tuple(sorted(dc)) mc = mbc + mdc # Get existing symbol or create new and store with mapped component mc as key s = mapped_symbols.get(mc) if s is None: s = self.new_symbol() mapped_symbols[mc] = s symbols.append(s) # Consistency check before returning symbols assert not v.ufl_free_indices if product(v.ufl_shape) != len(symbols): error("Internal error in value numbering.") return symbols
def map_component_tensor_arg_components(tensor): """Build a map from flattened components to subexpression. Builds integer list mapping between flattended components of tensor and its underlying indexed subexpression.""" assert isinstance(tensor, ComponentTensor) # AKA tensor = as_tensor(indexed, multiindex) indexed, multiindex = tensor.ufl_operands e1 = indexed e2 = tensor # e2 = as_tensor(e1, multiindex) mi = [i for i in multiindex if isinstance(i, Index)] # Get tensor and index shapes sh1 = e1.ufl_shape # (sh)ape of e1 sh2 = e2.ufl_shape # (sh)ape of e2 fi1 = e1.ufl_free_indices # (f)ree (i)ndices of e1 fi2 = e2.ufl_free_indices # ... fid1 = e1.ufl_index_dimensions # (f)ree (i)ndex (d)imensions of e1 fid2 = e2.ufl_index_dimensions # ... # Compute total shape (tsh) of e1 and e2 tsh1 = sh1 + fid1 tsh2 = sh2 + fid2 r1 = len(tsh1) # 'total rank' or e1 r2 = len(tsh2) # ... str1 = shape_to_strides(tsh1) assert not sh1 assert sh2 assert len(mi) == len(multiindex) assert ufl.product(tsh1) == ufl.product(tsh2) assert fi1 assert all(i in fi1 for i in fi2) nmui = len(multiindex) assert nmui == len(sh2) # Build map from fi2/fid2 position (-offset nmui) to fi1/fid1 position p2_to_p1_map = [None] * r2 for k, i in enumerate(fi2): p2_to_p1_map[k + nmui] = fi1.index(i) # Build map from fi1/fid1 position to mi position for k, i in enumerate(mi): p2_to_p1_map[k] = fi1.index(mi[k].count()) # Build map from flattened e1 component to flattened e2 component perm2 = compute_indices(tsh2) ni2 = ufl.product(tsh2) # Situation: e2 = as_tensor(e1, mi) d2 = [None] * ni2 p1 = [None] * r1 for c2, p2 in enumerate(perm2): for k2, k1 in enumerate(p2_to_p1_map): p1[k1] = p2[k2] c1 = flatten_multiindex(p1, str1) d2[c2] = c1 # Consistency checks assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in d2) assert len(set(d2)) == len(d2) return d2
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Evaluates the Function. *Examples* 1) Using an iterable as x: .. code-block:: python fs = Expression("sin(x[0])*cos(x[1])*sin(x[3])") x0 = (1.,0.5,0.5) x1 = [1.,0.5,0.5] x2 = numpy.array([1.,0.5,0.5]) v0 = fs(x0) v1 = fs(x1) v2 = fs(x2) 2) Using multiple scalar args for x, interpreted as a point coordinate .. code-block:: python v0 = f(1.,0.5,0.5) 3) Using a Point .. code-block:: python p0 = Point(1.,0.5,0.5) v0 = f(p0) 3) Passing return array .. code-block:: python fv = Expression(("sin(x[0])*cos(x[1])*sin(x[3])", "2.0","0.0")) x0 = numpy.array([1.,0.5,0.5]) v0 = numpy.zeros(3) fv(x0, values = v0) .. note:: A longer values array may be passed. In this way one can fast fill up an array with different evaluations. .. code-block:: python values = numpy.zeros(9) for i in xrange(0,10,3): fv(x[i:i+3], values = values[i:i+3]) """ if len(args)==0: raise TypeError("expected at least 1 argument") # Test for ufl restriction if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in ('+','-'): return ufl.Coefficient.__call__(self, *args) # Test for ufl mapping if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], dict) and self in args[1]: return ufl.Coefficient.__call__(self, *args) # Some help variables value_size = product(self.ufl_element().value_shape()) # If values (return argument) is passed, check the type and length values = kwargs.get("values", None) if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise TypeError("expected a NumPy array for 'values'") if len(values) != value_size or \ not numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, 'd'): raise TypeError("expected a double NumPy array of length"\ " %d for return values."%value_size) values_provided = True else: values_provided = False values = numpy.zeros(value_size, dtype='d') # Get the geometric dimension we live in dim = self.ufl_domain().geometric_dimension() # Assume all args are x argument x = args # If only one x argument has been provided, unpack it if it's # an iterable if len(x) == 1: if isinstance(x[0], cpp.Point): x = [x[0][i] for i in range(dim)] elif hasattr(x[0], '__iter__'): x = x[0] # Convert it to an 1D numpy array try: x = numpy.fromiter(x, 'd') except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError) as e: raise TypeError("expected scalar arguments for the coordinates") if len(x) == 0: raise TypeError("coordinate argument too short") if len(x) != dim: raise TypeError("expected the geometry argument to be of "\ "length %d"%dim) # The actual evaluation self.eval(values, x) # If scalar return statement, return scalar value. if value_size == 1 and not values_provided: return values[0] return values
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Evaluates the Function. *Examples* 1) Using an iterable as x: .. code-block:: python fs = Expression("sin(x[0])*cos(x[1])*sin(x[3])") x0 = (1.,0.5,0.5) x1 = [1.,0.5,0.5] x2 = numpy.array([1.,0.5,0.5]) v0 = fs(x0) v1 = fs(x1) v2 = fs(x2) 2) Using multiple scalar args for x, interpreted as a point coordinate .. code-block:: python v0 = f(1.,0.5,0.5) 3) Using a Point .. code-block:: python p0 = Point(1.,0.5,0.5) v0 = f(p0) 3) Passing return array .. code-block:: python fv = Expression(("sin(x[0])*cos(x[1])*sin(x[3])", "2.0","0.0")) x0 = numpy.array([1.,0.5,0.5]) v0 = numpy.zeros(3) fv(x0, values = v0) .. note:: A longer values array may be passed. In this way one can fast fill up an array with different evaluations. .. code-block:: python values = numpy.zeros(9) for i in xrange(0,10,3): fv(x[i:i+3], values = values[i:i+3]) """ if len(args) == 0: raise TypeError("expected at least 1 argument") # Test for ufl restriction if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], string_types): if args[0] in ('+', '-'): return ufl.Coefficient.__call__(self, *args) # Test for ufl mapping if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], dict) and self in args[1]: return ufl.Coefficient.__call__(self, *args) # Some help variables value_size = product(self.ufl_element().value_shape()) # If values (return argument) is passed, check the type and length values = kwargs.get("values", None) if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise TypeError("expected a NumPy array for 'values'") if len(values) != value_size or \ not numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, 'd'): raise TypeError("expected a double NumPy array of length"\ " %d for return values."%value_size) values_provided = True else: values_provided = False values = numpy.zeros(value_size, dtype='d') # Get the geometric dimension we live in dim = self.ufl_domain().geometric_dimension() # Assume all args are x argument x = args # If only one x argument has been provided, unpack it if it's # an iterable if len(x) == 1: if isinstance(x[0], cpp.Point): x = [x[0][i] for i in range(dim)] elif hasattr(x[0], '__iter__'): x = x[0] # Convert it to an 1D numpy array try: x = numpy.fromiter(x, 'd') except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError) as e: raise TypeError("expected scalar arguments for the coordinates") if len(x) == 0: raise TypeError("coordinate argument too short") if len(x) != dim: raise TypeError("expected the geometry argument to be of "\ "length %d"%dim) # The actual evaluation self.eval(values, x) # If scalar return statement, return scalar value. if value_size == 1 and not values_provided: return values[0] return values
def _generate_element_code(ir, parameters): "Generate code for finite element from intermediate representation." # Skip code generation if ir is None if ir is None: return None # Prefetch formatting to speedup code generation ret = format["return"] do_nothing = format["do nothing"] create = format["create foo"] # Codes generated together (evaluate_dof_code, evaluate_dofs_code) \ = evaluate_dof_and_dofs(ir["evaluate_dof"]) element_number = ir["id"] # Generate code code = {} code["classname"] = ir["classname"] code["members"] = "" code["constructor"] = do_nothing code["constructor_arguments"] = "" code["initializer_list"] = "" code["destructor"] = do_nothing code["signature"] = ret('"%s"' % ir["signature"]) code["cell_shape"] = ret(format["cell"](ir["cell"].cellname())) code["topological_dimension"] = ret(ir["cell"].topological_dimension()) code["geometric_dimension"] = ret(ir["cell"].geometric_dimension()) code["space_dimension"] = ret(ir["space_dimension"]) code["value_rank"] = ret(len(ir["value_dimension"])) code["value_dimension"] = _value_dimension(ir["value_dimension"]) code["value_size"] = ret(product(ir["value_dimension"])) code["reference_value_rank"] = ret(len(ir["reference_value_dimension"])) code["reference_value_dimension"] = _value_dimension(ir["reference_value_dimension"]) code["reference_value_size"] = ret(product(ir["reference_value_dimension"])) code["evaluate_basis"] = _evaluate_basis(ir["evaluate_basis"]) code["evaluate_basis_all"] = _evaluate_basis_all(ir["evaluate_basis"]) code["evaluate_basis_derivatives"] \ = _evaluate_basis_derivatives(ir["evaluate_basis"]) code["evaluate_basis_derivatives_all"] \ = _evaluate_basis_derivatives_all(ir["evaluate_basis"]) code["evaluate_dof"] = evaluate_dof_code code["evaluate_dofs"] = evaluate_dofs_code code["interpolate_vertex_values"] \ = interpolate_vertex_values(ir["interpolate_vertex_values"]) code["tabulate_dof_coordinates"] \ = _tabulate_dof_coordinates(ir["tabulate_dof_coordinates"]) code["num_sub_elements"] = ret(ir["num_sub_elements"]) code["create_sub_element"] = _create_sub_element(ir) code["create"] = ret(create(code["classname"])) # Postprocess code _postprocess_code(code, parameters) return code
def expr(self, v): """Create new symbols for expressions that represent new values.""" n = ufl.product(v.ufl_shape + v.ufl_index_dimensions) return self.new_symbols(n)
def map_component_tensor_arg_components(tensor): """Build integer list mapping between flattended components of tensor and its underlying indexed subexpression.""" assert isinstance(tensor, ComponentTensor) # AKA tensor = as_tensor(indexed, multiindex) indexed, multiindex = tensor.ufl_operands e1 = indexed e2 = tensor # e2 = as_tensor(e1, multiindex) mi = [i for i in multiindex if isinstance(i, Index)] # Get tensor and index shapes sh1 = e1.ufl_shape # (sh)ape of e1 sh2 = e2.ufl_shape # (sh)ape of e2 fi1 = e1.ufl_free_indices # (f)ree (i)ndices of e1 fi2 = e2.ufl_free_indices # ... fid1 = e1.ufl_index_dimensions # (f)ree (i)ndex (d)imensions of e1 fid2 = e2.ufl_index_dimensions # ... # Compute total shape (tsh) of e1 and e2 tsh1 = sh1 + fid1 tsh2 = sh2 + fid2 r1 = len(tsh1) # 'total rank' or e1 r2 = len(tsh2) # ... str1 = shape_to_strides(tsh1) assert not sh1 assert sh2 assert len(mi) == len(multiindex) assert product(tsh1) == product(tsh2) assert fi1 assert all(i in fi1 for i in fi2) nmui = len(multiindex) assert nmui == len(sh2) # Build map from fi2/fid2 position (-offset nmui) to fi1/fid1 position p2_to_p1_map = [None] * r2 for k, i in enumerate(fi2): p2_to_p1_map[k + nmui] = fi1.index(i) # Build map from fi1/fid1 position to mi position for k, i in enumerate(mi): p2_to_p1_map[k] = fi1.index(mi[k].count()) # Build map from flattened e1 component to flattened e2 component perm2 = compute_indices(tsh2) ni2 = product(tsh2) # Situation: e2 = as_tensor(e1, mi) d2 = [None] * ni2 p1 = [None] * r1 for c2, p2 in enumerate(perm2): for k2, k1 in enumerate(p2_to_p1_map): p1[k1] = p2[k2] c1 = flatten_multiindex(p1, str1) d2[c2] = c1 # Consistency checks assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in d2) assert len(set(d2)) == len(d2) return d2
def generate_block_parts(self, blockmap, blockdata): """Generate and return code parts for a given block.""" L = self.backend.language # The parts to return preparts = [] quadparts = [] block_rank = len(blockmap) blockdims = tuple(len(dofmap) for dofmap in blockmap) ttypes = blockdata.ttypes if "zeros" in ttypes: raise RuntimeError( "Not expecting zero arguments to be left in dofblock generation." ) arg_indices = tuple( self.backend.symbols.argument_loop_index(i) for i in range(block_rank)) F =[self.quadrature_rule]["factorization"] assert not blockdata.transposed, "Not handled yet" components = ufl.product( num_points = self.quadrature_rule.points.shape[0] A_shape = Asym = self.backend.symbols.element_tensor() A = L.FlattenedArray(Asym, dims=[components] + [num_points] + A_shape) iq = self.backend.symbols.quadrature_loop_index() # Prepend dimensions of dofmap block with free index # for quadrature points and expression components B_indices = tuple([iq] + list(arg_indices)) # Fetch code to access modified arguments # An access to FE table data arg_factors = self.get_arg_factors(blockdata, block_rank, B_indices) A_indices = [] for i in range(len(blockmap)): offset = blockmap[i][0] A_indices.append(arg_indices[i] + offset) A_indices = tuple([iq] + A_indices) # Multiply collected factors # For each component of the factor expression # add result inside quadloop body = [] for fi_ci in blockdata.factor_indices_comp_indices: f = self.get_var(F.nodes[fi_ci[0]]["expression"]) Brhs = L.float_product([f] + arg_factors) body.append(L.AssignAdd(A[(fi_ci[1], ) + A_indices], Brhs)) for i in reversed(range(block_rank)): body = L.ForRange(B_indices[i + 1], 0, blockdims[i], body=body) quadparts += [body] return preparts, quadparts
def value_size(L, value_shape): return L.Return(ufl.product(value_shape))