def draw(x, y, window): global obj global sty if len(obj) == 0: sty = ugfx.Style() sty.set_enabled([ugfx.RED, ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.GREY, ugfx.GREY]) #ugfx.Imagebox(0,0,window.width(),window.height(),"apps/home/back.bmp",0, win2) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) l = ugfx.Label(5, 20, 310, window.height() - 20, database_get("display-name", "<not actually set yet>"), parent=window) obj.append(l) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) obj.append( ugfx.Label(5, 0, 310, 20, "My name is...", parent=window, style=sty)) #ugfx.text(40,80,database_get("display-name", "<not set yet>"),ugfx.BLUE),150,40,ugfx.GREEN),150,40,ugfx.GREEN),150,40,ugfx.GREEN) else: window.hide()
def __init__(self, text="Please Wait...", title="SHA2017Badge"): self.window = ugfx.Container(30, 30, ugfx.width() - 60, ugfx.height() - 60) self.window.text(5, 10, title, ugfx.BLACK) self.window.line(0, 30, ugfx.width() - 60, 30, ugfx.BLACK) self.label = ugfx.Label(5, 40, self.window.width() - 10, ugfx.height() - 40, text=text, parent=self.window) # Indicator to show something is going on self.indicator = ugfx.Label(ugfx.width() - 100, 0, 20, 20, text="...", parent=self.window) self.timer = pyb.Timer(3) self.timer.init(freq=3) self.timer.callback( lambda t: self.indicator.visible(not self.indicator.visible()))
def draw_badge(): style.set_enabled([ugfx.WHITE, ugfx.html_color(0x800080), ugfx.html_color(0x800080), ugfx.html_color(0x800080)]) style.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0x800080)) ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x800080)) ugfx.set_default_style(style) # Logo stuff ugfx.display_image( int((ugfx.width() - logo_width) / 2), int((ugfx.height() - logo_height) / 2), logo_path ) # Draw for people to see ugfx.orientation(90) # Draw introduction ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - name_height - intro_height, ugfx.width(), intro_height, intro_text, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) # Process name name_setting = name("Set your name in the settings app") if len(name_setting) <= max_name: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) else: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) # Draw name ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - name_height, ugfx.width(), name_height, name_setting, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) # Draw for wearer to see ugfx.orientation(270) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) status = ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - status_height, ugfx.width(), status_height, "", justification=ugfx.Label.LEFT)
def draw_name(): intro_text = "Hi! I'm" intro_height = 30 name_height = 60 max_name = 8 ugfx.orientation(90) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) # Process name name_setting = name("Set your name in the settings app") if len(name_setting) <= max_name: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) else: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - name_height - intro_height, ugfx.width(), intro_height, intro_text, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - name_height, ugfx.width(), name_height, name_setting, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) ugfx.orientation(270)
def Status(self, data=None): self.destroy() self.create_window() w = self.window y = 10 gap = 5 height = 35 ugfx.Label(10, y, w.width() - 20, height, 'Platform: {}'.format(util.get_version()), parent=w) y += gap + height ugfx.Label(10, y, w.width() - 20, height, 'Release: {}'.format(uos.uname()[2]), parent=w) y += gap + height ugfx.Label(10, y, w.width() - 20, height, 'firmware:', parent=w) ugfx.set_default_font('IBMPlexMono_Bold18') y += height ugfx.Label(10, y, w.width() - 20, height + 10, '{}'.format(uos.uname()[3]), parent=w) ugfx.set_default_font(self.default_font) ugfx.set_default_font('IBMPlexSans_Regular18') self.create_status_box() ugfx.set_default_font(self.default_font) try: ota_data = ota.check_version() except ota.OtaException as e: self.set_status('Error: {}'.format(e)) else: if ota_data: self.status_box.destroy() ugfx.Label(10, 180, 200, 40, text='New: {}'.format(ota_data['version']), parent=w) self.btngroup = ButtonGroup(self.window, 190, 180, 110, 40, 10) self.btngroup.add('Upgrade', self.install_ota, ota_data) self.btngroup.end() else: self.set_status('Up to date')
def display_person(person): top_left_logo() # try: # resp = http.get(""+person['contact'].lstrip("@")+"/profile_image?size=mini").raise_for_status() # url2 ='href=\"([^\"]+)',resp.content).group(1).decode('ascii') # print(url2) # img = http.get(url2).raise_for_status().content # print(img) # ugfx.display_image(180, 5, bytearray(img)) # except Exception as ex: # print(ex) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.Label(5, 90, 230, 40, person["username"], justification=ugfx.Label.LEFTTOP) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) ugfx.text(200, 92, person["age"], ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.Label(5, 120, 230, 60, person["tag_line"]) ugfx.Label(5, 200, 230, 40, person["looking_for"]) ugfx.text(5, 190, "Looking for...", ugfx.RED) ugfx.text(5, 245, person["contact"], ugfx.BLUE) # ugfx.Button(0, 280, 100, 40, "< Edit profile", parent=None, shape=ugfx.Button.RECT, style=None) ugfx.Button(160, 280, 100, 40, "Swipe >", parent=None, shape=ugfx.Button.RECT, style=None)
def __init__(self, text="Please Wait...", title=version.dialog_title): self.window = ugfx.Container(30, 30, ugfx.width() - 60, ugfx.height() - 60) self.window.text(5, 10, title, ugfx.BLACK) self.window.line(0, 30, ugfx.width() - 60, 30, ugfx.BLACK) self.label = ugfx.Label(5, 40, self.window.width() - 10, ugfx.height() - 40, text=text, parent=self.window) # Indicator to show something is going on self.indicator = ugfx.Label(ugfx.width() - 100, 0, 20, 20, text="...", parent=self.window) self.timer = machine.Timer(-1) self.timer.init(period=2000, mode=self.timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: self.indicator.visible( not self.indicator.visible()))
def no_more(my_profile): top_left_logo() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.Label(5, 90, 230, 50, "You've swiped everybody!", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTERTOP) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) ugfx.Label(5, 160, 230, 20, "Soz "+my_profile["username"], justification=ugfx.Label.CENTERTOP) ugfx.Label(5, 180, 230, 20, "Come back later ;)", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTERTOP) # ugfx.Button(0, 280, 100, 40, "< Edit profile", parent=None, shape=ugfx.Button.RECT, style=None) ugfx.Button(160, 280, 100, 40, "Try again >", parent=None, shape=ugfx.Button.RECT, style=None)
def screen(state): window = ugfx.Container(0, 0, 240, 320) top_left_logo() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) l1 = ugfx.Label(5, 90, 230, 50, "You've swiped everybody!", parent=window, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTERTOP) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) l2 = ugfx.Label(5, 160, 230, 20, "Soz " + state["profile"]["username"], parent=window, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTERTOP) l3 = ugfx.Label(5, 180, 230, 20, "Come back later ;)", parent=window, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTERTOP) b2 = ugfx.Button(0, 280, 120, 40, "< Edit profile", parent=window, shape=ugfx.Button.RECT, style=None) b1 = ugfx.Button(120, 280, 120, 40, "Try again >", parent=window, shape=ugfx.Button.RECT, style=None) state['ui'].append(window) state['ui'].append(l1) state['ui'].append(l2) state['ui'].append(l3) state['ui'].append(b1) state['ui'].append(b2)
def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__() self.parent = parent self.views = {} self.current_view = None self.previous_view = None # Initialize Input ugfx.input_init() # A/B Button Handler ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, self.select_a_cb) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, self.select_b_cb) # Title self.set_title('RPS Game') # Message Box self.message_box = ugfx.Label(0, self.container.height() - 88, self.container.width(), 88, '', parent=self.container, style=styles.wb, justification=ugfx.Label.LEFT) # Status box self.create_status_box() # Message Popup self.message_popup_view = MessagePopupView(manager=self)
def title(self): ugfx.Label(5, 5, 310, 40, text='IBM Developer Day 2018', parent=self.window)
def showPage(): global current_page # avoid out of bounds errors current_page = max(1, min(current_page, total_pages)) start = (current_page - 1) * APPS_PER_PAGE end = start + APPS_PER_PAGE apps_on_current_page = all_apps[start:end] # Refresh page ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE)) # Write current page number and arrows ugfx.Label(0, 20, ugfx.width(), 20, "Page {} of {}".format(current_page, total_pages), justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) if current_page > 1: ugfx.fill_polygon(10, 16, [[0, 10], [15, 20], [15, 0]], ugfx.WHITE) if current_page < total_pages: ugfx.fill_polygon(ugfx.width() - 30, 16, [[0, 0], [15, 10], [0, 20]], ugfx.WHITE) # Write app numbers and names i = 0 yOffset = 45 xOffset = 0 for a in apps_on_current_page: # xOffset = (i % 3) * 8 # offset lines to match the physical layout of the keypad ugfx.area(20 + xOffset, yOffset + 2, 20, 20, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(23 + xOffset, yOffset + 3, keypadLabels[i] + " ", EMF_PURPLE) ugfx.Label(46 + xOffset, yOffset + 3, ugfx.width(), 20, a['title'], justification=ugfx.Label.LEFT) yOffset = yOffset + 22 i = i + 1 while True: for key in keypad: keyIndex = keypad.index(key) if buttons.is_pressed(key) and (keyIndex < len(apps_on_current_page)): apps_on_current_page[keyIndex]['app'].boot() break if buttons.is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Right) and (current_page is not total_pages): current_page = current_page + 1 return if buttons.is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Left) and (current_page is not 1): current_page = current_page - 1 return
def main(): #h = DHT11(machine.Pin(33)) # J8 h = DHT11(machine.Pin(26)) # J7 ugfx.set_default_font('IBMPlexMono_Bold24') ugfx.clear() ugfx.Label(40, 0, 240, 60, text='DHT11/22 Demo') ugfx.set_default_font('IBMPlexMono_Regular24') l = ugfx.Label(40, 60, 240, 120, text='') while True: h.measure() h.temperature() l.text('temperature:{},humidity:{}'.format(h.temperature(), h.humidity())) time.sleep(1)
def install_ota(self, data): self.destroy() print('On the air update..') self.create_window() ugfx.Label(80, 60, 160, 120, text='Upgrading..\nto {}'.format(data['version']), parent=self.window) print(data) ota.install_url(data['ota_url'], '/')
def setup_screen(self): """ Set up the screen and the labels that display values on it. """ ugfx.init() width=ugfx.width() height=ugfx.height() ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x800080)) style = ugfx.Style() style.set_enabled([ugfx.WHITE, ugfx.html_color(0x800080), ugfx.html_color(0x800080), ugfx.html_color(0x800080)]) style.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0x800080)) ugfx.set_default_style(style) ugfx.orientation(90) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.Label(0, 0, width, 60,"Air Quality", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) label_height=45 self.ppm10_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height, width, label_height,"PPM 10: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.ppm25_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*2, width, label_height,"PPM 2.5: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.temp_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*3, width, label_height,"Temp: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.humid_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*4, width, label_height,"Humid: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.error_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*5, width, label_height,"", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.message_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*6, width, label_height,"", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.error_count = 0 self.error_message = "" self.neopix = Neopix() self.p10_decode = ((100,0x00ff00),(250,0xffff00),(350,0xff8000),(430,0xff0000),(-1,0xcc6600)) self.p25_decode = ((60, 0x00ff00),(91, 0xffff00), (121,0xff8000),(251,0xff0000),(-1,0xcc6600))
def prompt_text(description, init_text="", true_text="OK", false_text="Back", font=FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD, style=default_style_badge): """Shows a dialog and keyboard that allows the user to input/change a string Returns None if user aborts with button B """ window = ugfx.Container(0, 0, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()) if false_text: true_text = "A: " + true_text false_text = "B: " + false_text ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) kb = ugfx.Keyboard(0, ugfx.height()//2, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()//2, parent=window) edit = ugfx.Textbox(2, ugfx.height()//2-60, ugfx.width()-7, 25, text = init_text, parent=window) ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_SMALL) button_yes = ugfx.Button(2, ugfx.height()//2-30, ugfx.width()//2-6, 25 , true_text, parent=window) button_no = ugfx.Button(ugfx.width()//2+2, ugfx.height()//2-30, ugfx.width()//2-6, 25 , false_text, parent=window) if false_text else None ugfx.set_default_font(font) label = ugfx.Label(ugfx.width()//10, ugfx.height()//10, ugfx.width()*4//5, ugfx.height()*2//5-90, description, parent=window) try: # edit.set_focus() todo: do we need this? while True: sleep.wfi() ugfx.poll() if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_A): return edit.text() if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_B): return None if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_Menu): return edit.text() if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_0): edit.text(edit.text() + "0") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_1): edit.text(edit.text() + "1") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_2): edit.text(edit.text() + "2") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_3): edit.text(edit.text() + "3") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_4): edit.text(edit.text() + "4") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_5): edit.text(edit.text() + "5") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_6): edit.text(edit.text() + "6") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_7): edit.text(edit.text() + "7") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_8): edit.text(edit.text() + "8") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_9): edit.text(edit.text() + "9") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_Hash): edit.text(edit.text() + "#") if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_Star): edit.text(edit.text() + "*") finally: window.hide() window.destroy() button_yes.destroy() if button_no: button_no.destroy() label.destroy() kb.destroy() edit.destroy(); return
def __init__(self, text="Please Wait...", title="TiLDA"): self.window = ugfx.Container(30, 30, ugfx.width() - 60, ugfx.height() - 60) self.window.text(5, 10, title, TILDA_COLOR) self.window.line(0, 30, ugfx.width() - 60, 30, ugfx.BLACK) self.label = ugfx.Label(5, 40, self.window.width() - 10, ugfx.height() - 40, text=text, parent=self.window)
def draw_trans(): style.set_enabled([ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.html_color(0x55cdfc), ugfx.html_color(0x55cdfc), ugfx.html_color(0x55cdfc)]) style.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0x55cdfc)) ugfx.set_default_style(style) ugfx.display_image(0, 0, "home_trans/trans.png") # Logo stuff ugfx.display_image( int((ugfx.width() - logo_width) / 2), int((ugfx.height() - logo_height) / 2)+9, trans_logo_path ) # Draw for people to see ugfx.orientation(90) # Draw introduction style.set_enabled([ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.html_color(0xf8b0be), ugfx.html_color(0xf8b0be), ugfx.html_color(0xf8b0be)]) style.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0xf8b0be)) ugfx.set_default_style(style) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - name_height - intro_height, ugfx.width(), intro_height, intro_text, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) # Prepare to draw name style.set_enabled([ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.html_color(0x55cdfc), ugfx.html_color(0x55cdfc), ugfx.html_color(0x55cdfc)]) style.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0x55cdfc)) ugfx.set_default_style(style) # Process name name_setting = name("Set your name in the settings app") if len(name_setting) <= max_name: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) else: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) # Draw name ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - name_height, ugfx.width(), name_height, name_setting, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) # Draw for wearer to see ugfx.orientation(270) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) status = ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - status_height, ugfx.width(), status_height, "", justification=ugfx.Label.LEFT)
def main(): ugfx.init() h = htu21d.HTU21D(25, 26) ugfx.set_default_font('IBMPlexMono_Bold48') l = ugfx.Label(40, 60, 240, 120, text='') while True: try: l.text('{:.1f} C\n{:.1f} %'.format(h.temperature, h.humidity)) except OSError: l.text('OSError') time.sleep(0.5)
def write_name(): name_setting = name("Set your name in the settings app") if len(name_setting) <= max_name: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) else: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) # Draw name ugfx.orientation(90) ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - name_height, ugfx.width(), name_height, name_setting, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER, style=style)
def prompt_text(description, init_text = "", true_text="OK", false_text="Back", width = 300, height = 200, font=ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD, style=default_style_badge): """Shows a dialog and keyboard that allows the user to input/change a string Returns None if user aborts with button B """ window = ugfx.Container(int((ugfx.width()-width)/2), int((ugfx.height()-height)/2), width, height, style=style) if false_text: true_text = "M: " + true_text false_text = "B: " + false_text if buttons.has_interrupt("BTN_MENU"): buttons.disable_interrupt("BTN_MENU") ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM) kb = ugfx.Keyboard(0, int(height/2), width, int(height/2), parent=window) edit = ugfx.Textbox(5, int(height/2)-30, int(width*4/5)-10, 25, text = init_text, parent=window) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) button_yes = ugfx.Button(int(width*4/5), int(height/2)-30, int(width*1/5)-3, 25 , true_text, parent=window) button_no = ugfx.Button(int(width*4/5), int(height/2)-30-30, int(width/5)-3, 25 , false_text, parent=window) if false_text else None ugfx.set_default_font(font) label = ugfx.Label(int(width/10), int(height/10), int(width*4/5), int(height*2/5)-60, description, parent=window) try: buttons.init() button_yes.attach_input(ugfx.BTN_MENU,0) if button_no: button_no.attach_input(ugfx.BTN_B,0) edit.set_focus() while True: pyb.wfi() ugfx.poll() #if buttons.is_triggered("BTN_A"): return edit.text() if buttons.is_triggered("BTN_B"): return None if buttons.is_triggered("BTN_MENU"): return edit.text() finally: window.hide() window.destroy() button_yes.destroy() if button_no: button_no.destroy() label.destroy() kb.destroy() edit.destroy(); return
def init_label(): ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM) margin_v = 29 margin_h = 18 screen_w = 240 screen_h = 320 return ugfx.Label( margin_h, margin_v, #x, y screen_w - (margin_h * 2), screen_h - (margin_v * 2), # width, height _LOADING_TEXT)
def main(self): self.create_window() self.title() self.btngroup = ButtonGroup(self.window, 80, 110, 140, 40, 10) self.widgets.append(self.btngroup) sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) ugfx.Label(40, 60, 240, 30, text=sta_if.ifconfig()[0], parent=self.window) for menu in self.menus: self.btngroup.add(menu, getattr(self, menu)) self.btngroup.end()
def prompt_boolean(text, title="TiLDA", true_text="Yes", false_text="No", font=FONT_SMALL, style=None): """A simple one and two-options dialog if 'false_text' is set to None only one button is displayed. If both 'true_text' and 'false_text' are given a boolean is returned """ global default_style_dialog if style == None: style = default_style_dialog ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) width = ugfx.width() - 10 height = ugfx.height() - 10 window = ugfx.Container(5, 5, width, height) ugfx.set_default_font(font) window.text(5, 10, title, TILDA_COLOR) window.line(0, 30, width, 30, ugfx.BLACK) if false_text: true_text = "A: " + true_text false_text = "B: " + false_text ugfx.set_default_font(font) label = ugfx.Label(5, 30, width - 10, height - 80, text = text, parent=window) ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) button_yes = ugfx.Button(5, height - 40, width // 2 - 15 if false_text else width - 15, 30 , true_text, parent=window) button_no = ugfx.Button(width // 2 + 5, height - 40, width // 2 - 15, 30 , false_text, parent=window) if false_text else None try: #button_yes.attach_input(ugfx.BTN_A,0) # todo: re-enable once working #if button_no: button_no.attach_input(ugfx.BTN_B,0) while True: sleep.wfi() if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_A): return True if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_B): return False finally: window.hide() window.destroy() button_yes.destroy() if button_no: button_no.destroy() label.destroy()
def __init__(self, width=ugfx.width(), height=ugfx.height()): # Default font ugfx.set_default_font(self.default_font) # Container self.container = ugfx.Container(0, 0, width, height, style=styles.ibm_st) # Title Label self.title_label = ugfx.Label(5, 5, 310, 40, text='', parent=self.container)
def main(self): self.create_window() w = self.window self.title() self.list_apps() self.desc = ugfx.Textbox(160, 105, 155, w.height() - 115, parent=w) self.widgets.append(self.desc) self.version = ugfx.Label(160, 50, 155, 25, text='', parent=w) self.widgets.append(self.version) self.btngroup = ButtonGroup(self.window, 160, 75, 75, 25, 5, False) self.btngroup.add('Install', self.install_app) self.btngroup.add('Delete', self.delete_app) self.btngroup.end() self.widgets.append(self.btngroup) self.update_desc() self.input_attach()
def draw_name(): # Orientation for other people to see ugfx.orientation(90) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) # Process name given_name ="Set your name in the settings app") if len(given_name) <= max_name: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_NAME) else: ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) # Draw name ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - name_height, ugfx.width(), name_height, given_name, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER)
def show_screen(type=None): if type == "horse": img = "praise_horse_worship_melon/horse.gif" color = ugfx.RED text = "HORSE!" elif type == "melon": img = "praise_horse_worship_melon/melon.gif" color = ugfx.BLUE text = "MELON!" else: return ugfx.area(0,0,ugfx.width(),ugfx.height(), color) ugfx.display_image(0, 0,img) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) for y_offset in range(8): ugfx.Label(0, 42 * y_offset, ugfx.width(), 20, text, parent=None, style=None, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) utime.sleep_ms(100) utime.sleep_ms(1000) loading_screen()
def _init_container(self, x, y, title, path_to_icon): self.container = ugfx.Container( x - _half_icon_size - _padding, y - _half_icon_size - _padding, _padded_size, _padded_size + _text_height, style=_icon_container_style ) #This doesn't work reliably at the moment #ugfx.Imagebox( # _padding - 2, _padding - 2, # _icon_size, _icon_size, # parent=self.container, text=path_to_icon #) self.label = ugfx.Label( 0, _padded_size, _padded_size, _text_height, title, parent=self.container, justification=ugfx.Label.CENTERTOP ) self.container.enabled(self._selected)
def run_app(path): import buttons import ugfx import sys buttons.init() ugfx.init() ugfx.clear() if not buttons.has_interrupt("BTN_MENU"): buttons.enable_menu_reset() try: # Make libraries shipped by the app importable app_path = '/flash/' + '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-1]) sys.path.append(app_path) mod = __import__(path) if "main" in dir(mod): mod.main() except Exception as e: import sys import uio import ugfx s = uio.StringIO() sys.print_exception(e, s) ugfx.clear() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) w=ugfx.Container(0,0,ugfx.width(),ugfx.height()) ugfx.Label(0,0,ugfx.width(),ugfx.height(),s.getvalue(),parent=w) raise(e) import stm stm.mem8[0x40002850] = 0x9C import pyb pyb.hard_reset()