def emulateIDU(): """Emulate an IDU""" ui.clear() ui.setInIDU(True) ui.writeToConsole(etc.IDU_TEXT) opsys.setTitleText("COM5:38400baud - Tera Term VT") ui.getUserMsg("", sleepEn=False, pwd=True, log=False) getUser = True while getUser: username = "" while username == "": username = ui.getUserMsg("SDIDU login: "******"Password: "******"factory") or (username == "root") if user and ((password == "exit") or (password == "arct1c")): opsys.exit() elif user and (password == "resume"): getUser = False else: ui.writeToConsole("Login incorrect") opsys.setTitleText(TITLE) ui.clear() ui.setInIDU(False) ui.writeToConsole(msgLog)
def main(): gc.collect() # Garbage collect # Check arguments if len(sys.argv) < 2: return showUsage() ui.clear() # Pre-process PDFs dirname = sys.argv[1] images, targets, plotType = pproc.processPDFs(dirname) # Extract feature vectors (until user quits) doneExtracting = False while not doneExtracting: data, ftType = ft.extract_features(images) # Create, train, and evaluate model (until user quits) doneTraining = False while not doneTraining: tr.train(data, targets, plotType, ftType) options = ["Try another model", "Extract new features", "Quit"] res = ui.prompt(options=options) if options[int(res)] == "Quit": doneTraining = True doneExtracting = True elif options[int(res)] == "Extract new features": doneTraining = True gc.collect() # Garbage collect
def main(): ui.clear() while True: handle_menu() try: choose() except KeyError as err: ui.clear() ui.print_error(str(err))
def ainspect(): #function för att printa en del utav ui ui.clear() #Clear call ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav * ui.header("ARTIST DATABASE") ui.line(True) # printar en linje gjord utav - web.inspectart() #kallar på funktionen som tar fram informationen på specifika artister. ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav * ui.echo("| Press enter to return ") # Printar våra val ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav * ui.prompt()
def alist(): #function för att printa en del utav ui ui.clear() #Clear call ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav - ui.header("ARTIST DATABASE") ui.line(True) # printar en linje gjord utav * web.getart() #kallar på funktionen som tar fram listna av artister ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav - ui.echo("| Press enter to return ") # Printar våra val ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav - ui.prompt()
def main(): options = [ ("Store manager", store.start_module), ("Human resources manager", hr.start_module), ("Inventory manager", inventory.start_module), ("Accounting manager", accounting.start_module), ("Sales manager", sales.start_module), ("Customer Relationship Management (CRM)", crm.start_module), ] stay = True while stay: ui.print_menu("Main menu", options, "Exit program") try: stay = choose(options) except KeyError as err: ui.print_error_message(err) ui.clear()
def main(): ui.splash(version) if len(sys.argv) < 2: filename = ui.chooseFile("No file specified!") else: filename = sys.argv[1] # r = test.Record(filename) data = load.Excel(filename) print("Successfully parsed record!") r = Record(data) if ui.ask("Print response table?"): ui.clear() print(r.table()) if ui.ask("Calculate structural summary?"): s = structuralSummary.calc(r)
def start_module(): ui.clear() while True: Show_menu() try: if not choose(): break else: ui.get_inputs('\nPress ENTER to continue') ui.clear() except KeyError as err: ui.clear() ui.print_error(str(err))
def clientthread(y, x, height, width, sock): color = ui.curses.color_pair(ui.colors['BK/W']) color_alt = ui.curses.color_pair(ui.colors['W/BK']) ui.window(y, x, height, width, color, False) sock.settimeout(0) rdy_event.set() curs_y, curs_x = y, x while True: try: data = sock.recv(MAX_BYTES) except: continue else: ret = data.decode('ascii') ret_msg = '' if str(ret) in SUCCESS: ret_code, ret_msg = SUCCESS[ret][0], SUCCESS[ret][1] ui.clear(28, 3, 3, 50) ui.message(28, 3, ret_msg) elif str(ret) in ERROR: ret_code, ret_msg = ERROR[ret][0], ERROR[ret][1] ui.clear(28, 3, 3, 50) ui.message(28, 3, ret_msg) if ret == 'NOMSGS': msg_event[0] = 'NOMSGS' msg_event[1].set() else: ret = ret.split('\n\n') if str(ret[0]) == 'INCMSG': ret = ret[1:] user, msg = ret[0], ret[1] if curs_y > (y + height - 1): curs_y = y ui.window(y, x, height, width, color, False) ui.stdscr.addstr(curs_y, curs_x, 'FROM ' + user, color_alt) curs_x += len('FROM ' + user) ui.stdscr.addstr(curs_y, curs_x, ' ' + msg, color) ui.stdscr.refresh() curs_y, curs_x = (curs_y + 1), x elif str(ret[0]) == 'OUTMSG': ret = ret[1:] user, msg = ret[0], ret[1] if curs_y > (y + height - 1): curs_y = y ui.window(y, x, height, width, color, False) ui.stdscr.addstr(curs_y, curs_x, 'TO ' + user, color_alt) curs_x += len('TO ' + user) ui.stdscr.addstr(curs_y, curs_x, ' ' + msg, color) ui.stdscr.refresh() curs_y, curs_x = (curs_y + 1), x elif str(ret[0]) == 'INCUSRS': ret = ret[1:] users, status = ret[0::2], ret[1::2] users = users[:-1] collect = [] for i in range(len(users)): if int(status[i]): collect.append({'USER': users[i]}) usr_event[0] = collect usr_event[1].set() elif str(ret[0]) == 'INCMSGS': ret = ret[1:] users, msgs = ret[0::2], ret[1::2] users = users[:-1] collect = [] for i in range(len(msgs)): collect.append({'FROM': users[i], 'MESSAGE': msgs[i]}) msg_event[0] = collect msg_event[1].set()
ui.line() ui.echo("Welcome to a world of") ui.echo("Musice!") ui.line() ui.echo(" L | List artists") ui.echo(" V | View artist profile") ui.echo(" E | Exit application") ui.line() s = ui.prompt("Selection") s # urlen går genom get funktionen från web url = "" r = web.get(url) # om man skriver in L if s == "L" or s == "l": ui.clear() ui.line() ui.header("ARTIST DATABASE") ui.line() ui.echo("Ariana Grande") ui.echo("Avicii") ui.echo("Blink -182") ui.echo("Brad Paisley") ui.echo("Ed Sheeran") ui.echo("Imagine Dragons") ui.echo("Maroon 5") ui.echo("Scorpions") ui.line(True) ui.echo("L | List artists") ui.echo("V | View artist profile") ui.echo("E | Exit application")
"Years Active: " + str(info["artist"]["years_active"])) # information om aktiva år else: ui.Echo( select + "is not present in the database or/ misspelled" ) # om artisten som man begärde inte finns i data basen så får man upp ett error medelande title("ARTIST DB") # skriver upp titeln ui.Echo( "Welcome to a world of") # skriver ett medelande som bara skrivs en gång ui.Echo("Music!") while (Exit == False ): # en while loop som loopar programmet tills användaren stänger av answer = selection() # frågar användaren vad hen vill göra ui.clear() #rensar det som stod ovan title("ARTIST DB") # skriver titeln igen if ( answer.lower() == "e" ): # om man vill avsluta så rensas consolen och programmet stängs av eftersom exit kriteriet inte längre stämmer ui.clear() Exit = True elif ( answer.lower() == "l" ): # om man vill se listan av artister så kallar programmet på den funktionen List() elif ( answer.lower() == "v" ): # om man vill se en speciell artist så kallar programmet på den funktionen view()
def choose(): myfile = "position/positions.txt" option = ui.get_inputs("\nPlease enter a number: ") table = data_manager.imports_from_file(myfile) if option == "1": ui.clear() data_manager.export_to_file(myfile, create_position(table)) elif option == "2": ui.clear() idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter the position ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid position ID! ('{idx}')") else: ui.print_result( get_applied_students(read_position(table, idx), idx), "Position details") elif option == "3": ui.clear() result = common.read_elements(table) if len(result) == 0: ui.clear() ui.print_error("There are no positions in this list!") else: show_table(format_seats(result)) elif option == "4": ui.clear() idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter position ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid position ID! ('{idx}')") else: data_manager.export_to_file( myfile, update_position( table, idx, "description", ui.get_inputs( "Enter the new value of the description.\n"))) elif option == "5": ui.clear() idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter position ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid position ID! ('{idx}')") return True if common.check_data_in_app(idx, "position") == True: ui.clear() ui.print_error("You cannot delete this position!") else: data_manager.export_to_file(myfile, common.delete_element(table, idx)) elif option == "0": ui.clear() return False else: raise KeyError(f"There is no such option. ({option})") return True
def choose(): myfile = "application/applications.txt" option = ui.get_inputs("\nPlease enter a number: ") table = data_manager.imports_from_file(myfile) if option == "1": ui.clear() pos_name = ui.get_inputs("Enter a position name to apply: ") positions = data_manager.imports_from_file("position/positions.txt") student_id = ui.get_inputs("Enter a student id to apply: ") students = data_manager.imports_from_file("student/students.txt") opt = ui.get_inputs("Enter the status(applied/not applied): ") if common.check_valid_id(positions, pos_name) == False or common.check_valid_id( students, student_id) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error("Non existing position or student!") else: if opt != "applied" and opt != "not applied": ui.clear() ui.print_error("Thats not an option") else: data_manager.export_to_file( myfile, create_applicaion(table, opt, pos_name, student_id, positions)) elif option == "2": ##Update Applications ui.clear() idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter application ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid application ID! ('{idx}')") return True else: if common.check_if_applied(table, idx) == True: ui.clear() ui.print_error("You cant modify not applied status") else: for row in table: if row[0] == idx: row[1] = "not applied" data_manager.export_to_file(myfile, table) elif option == "3": ui.clear() idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter application ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid application ID! ('{idx}')") else: data_manager.export_to_file(myfile, common.delete_element(table, idx)) elif option == "4": ui.clear() result = common.read_elements(table) if len(result) == 0: ui.clear() ui.print_error("There are no application in this list!") else: show_table(result) elif option == "0": ui.clear() return False else: raise KeyError(f"There is no such option. ({option})") return True
def _nvim_clear(self): ui.clear()
getUser = False else: ui.writeToConsole("Login incorrect") opsys.setTitleText(TITLE) ui.clear() ui.setInIDU(False) ui.writeToConsole(msgLog) if __name__ == "__main__": """Initialize and run threads.""" # Set current mode mode[LOCAL_IP] = CHAT # Clear screen and welcome user ui.clear() printMsg(etc.welcome(ui.getCols(), VERSION)) opsys.setTitleText(TITLE) # Initialize the database module dbNick, botResponses = database.initialize(LOCAL_IP) myNick = dbNick # Get nickname if myNick == None: prompt = "Please enter a nickname: " myNick = sleepPrompt(prompt) msgLog.append(prompt + myNick) else: returnString = "Welcome back, " + myNick
def ainspect(): #function för att printa en del utav ui ui.clear() #Clear call ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav * ui.header("ARTIST DATABASE") ui.line(True) # printar en linje gjord utav - web.inspectart() #kallar på funktionen som tar fram informationen på specifika artister. ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav * ui.echo("| Press enter to return ") # Printar våra val ui.line(False) # printar en linje gjord utav * ui.prompt() while True: #kör en stor while sålänge som end variabeln inte innehåller ui.clear() #Clear call ui.line(False) #printar en linje gjord utav - ui.header("Welcome to the Music Library") #printar en header ui.line(False)#printar en linje gjord utav - ui.line(False)#printar en linje gjord utav - ui.echo("| L | Lista alla Artister") #Printar våra val ui.echo("| V | Inspektera Artist ")#Printar våra val ui.echo("| E | Stäng av ") ui.line(False) choice = ui.prompt()#variable input så att du kan kalla på if choice == "L": #gör så att vi kan välja olika val alist() #kallar på functionen alist if choice == "V": #gör så att vi kan välja olika val. ainspect() #kallar på functionen ainspect if choice == "E":
def handleUser(): """Get and parse user input.""" global botPower hiberCounter = 0 # Get and process user input while True: # Get user input prompt = peers[LOCAL_IP] + ": " inputString = sleepPrompt(prompt) msgLog.append(prompt + inputString) # Process user input if len(inputString) > 0: commandString = inputString.lower() hiberCounter = 0 if commandString.startswith(etc.AGAVEBOT): botPower = not botPower if botPower: printMsg("Agavebot: Agavebot is now activated.") else: printMsg("Agavebot: Why do you hate agavebot?") elif commandString.startswith(etc.CLEAR): ui.clear() elif commandString.startswith(etc.KICK): traffic.sendText(traffic.KICK, inputString[len(etc.KICK):]) elif commandString.startswith(etc.HELP): printMsg(, VERSION, HIBER_NUM)) elif commandString.startswith(etc.NICK): if len(inputString[len(etc.NICK):]) > 2: database.setNick(inputString[len(etc.NICK):]) peers[LOCAL_IP] = inputString[len(etc.NICK):] sendStatus() else: printMsg("Nicknames must be at least 3 characters long.") elif (commandString.startswith(etc.QUIT) or commandString.startswith(etc.EXIT)): traffic.sendText(traffic.QUIT, peers.keys()) opsys.exit() elif commandString.startswith(etc.WHOS): whosString = "\nPeer IP addresses | Mode | Peer nicknames\n" + "".center(34,"-") for ip in peers: whosString += "\n" if ip == LOCAL_IP: whosString += "-->" else: whosString += " " whosString += ip.ljust(18) + MODE_TEXT[mode[ip]].ljust(13) + peers[ip] printMsg(whosString) elif commandString.startswith(etc.AWAY): setMode(AWAY) emulateIDU() setMode(CHAT) elif commandString.startswith("$test".lower()): printMsg(msgLog, log=False) else: if commandString.startswith(traffic.COMMAND_CHAR): inputString = traffic.COMMAND_CHAR + inputString traffic.sendText(inputString, peers.keys()) else: msgLog.pop() hiberCounter += 1 if hiberCounter >= HIBER_NUM: setMode(HIBERNATE) opsys.closePopup() emulateIDU() setMode(CHAT) opsys.resumePopup()
def choose(): myfile = "student/students.txt" option = ui.get_inputs("\nPlease enter a number: ") table = data_manager.imports_from_file(myfile) if option == "1": ui.clear() data_manager.export_to_file(myfile, create_student(table)) elif option == "2": ui.clear() idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter the student ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid student ID! ('{idx}')") else: result = get_student_applications(idx, read_student(table, idx)) ui.print_result(result, "Student details") elif option == "3": ui.clear() result = read_students(table) if len(result) == 0: ui.clear() ui.print_error("There are no students in this list!") else: show_table(result) elif option == "4": ui.clear() attributes = ["name", "age", "status"] idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter student ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid student ID! ('{idx}')") return True update = ui.get_inputs("Which attribute do you want to change?\n") update = update.lower() if update not in attributes: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"You cannot change this attribute! ('{update}')") else: data_manager.export_to_file( myfile, update_student( table, idx, update, ui.get_inputs(f"Enter the new value of the {update}.\n"))) elif option == "5": ui.clear() idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter student ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid student ID! ('{idx}')") else: data_manager.export_to_file( myfile, update_student(table, idx, "status", get_new_status(table, idx))) elif option == "6": ui.clear() idx = ui.get_inputs("Enter student ID: ") if common.check_valid_id(table, idx) == False: ui.clear() ui.print_error(f"Invalid student ID! ('{idx}')") return True if common.check_data_in_app(idx, "student") == True: ui.clear() ui.print_error("You cannot delete this student!") else: data_manager.export_to_file(myfile, common.delete_element(table, idx)) elif option == "0": ui.clear() return False else: raise KeyError(f"There is no such option. ({option})") return True
def test_clear(): print "foo" ui.clear() print "bar"