def __init__(self, calendar): Composite.__init__(self) self.calendar = calendar self.dayCheckBoxListener = DayCheckBoxListener(calendar) self.outer = VerticalPanel() self.setWidget(self.outer) self.setStyleName("DynaTable-DayFilterWidget") self.outer.add(DayCheckBox(self, "Sunday", 0)) self.outer.add(DayCheckBox(self, "Monday", 1)) self.outer.add(DayCheckBox(self, "Tuesday", 2)) self.outer.add(DayCheckBox(self, "Wednesday", 3)) self.outer.add(DayCheckBox(self, "Thursday", 4)) self.outer.add(DayCheckBox(self, "Friday", 5)) self.outer.add(DayCheckBox(self, "Saturday", 6)) self.buttonAll = Button("All", self) self.buttonNone = Button("None", self) hp = HorizontalPanel() hp.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER) hp.add(self.buttonAll) hp.add(self.buttonNone) self.outer.add(hp) self.outer.setCellVerticalAlignment(hp, HasAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM) self.outer.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hp, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER)
def __init__(self, owner): self.owner = owner = DockPanel() self.gotoFirst = Button("<<", self) self.gotoNext = Button(">", self) self.gotoPrev = Button("<", self) self.status = HTML() self.setWidget("navbar") self.status.setStyleName("status") buttons = HorizontalPanel() buttons.add(self.gotoFirst) buttons.add(self.gotoPrev) buttons.add(self.gotoNext), DockPanel.EAST), HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT), DockPanel.CENTER), HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT), HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE), "100%") self.gotoPrev.setEnabled(False) self.gotoFirst.setEnabled(False)
def __init__(self, menu = None, padding = 5, submenu_offset_x = 2, submenu_offset_y = 2, x_align = 0, y_align = 0.5, pressed_offset = 0, secondary_label = "", mnemonic = "", **kwargs): Button.__init__(self, padding=padding, pressed_offset = pressed_offset, x_align = x_align, y_align = y_align, **kwargs) self.expand = False #: submenu of the item = menu self.selected = False #: if specified will push the submeny by the given pixels self.submenu_offset_x = submenu_offset_x #: if specified will push the submeny by the given pixels self.submenu_offset_y = submenu_offset_y #: the secondary label element self.secondary_display_label = self.secondary_label_class("", color = "#666", fill=True, x_align=1, padding_right = 5, visible = True) self.container.add_child(self.secondary_display_label) #: text of the secondary label that is placed to the right of the primary self.secondary_label = secondary_label #: keypress that can also triger activation of this menu item #: This is string in for "Key+Key+Key". For example: "Shift+c" self.mnemonic = mnemonic self.connect("on-mnemonic-activated", self.on_mnemonic_activated)
def win_screen(): quit_button = Button(display_dimensions, "Quit", (250, 0), (200, 100), red, text_color=white, text_size=25, action="quit") play_again_button = Button(display_dimensions, "Play Again", (0, 0), (200, 100), blue, text_color=white, text_size=25, action="play_again") start_menu_button = Button(display_dimensions, "Start Menu", (-250, 0), (200, 100), green, text_color=white, text_size=25, action="start_menu") buttons = [quit_button, play_again_button, start_menu_button] win_text = Text(display_dimensions, (0, -200), "You Win!!!", 60, black) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit_game() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.button == 1: for button in buttons: if button.check_if_clicked(mouse_pos): if button.action == "quit": quit_game() elif button.action == "play_again": game_loop() elif button.action == "start_menu": start_menu() else: print("Button action: {} does not exist".format(button.action)) game_display.fill(white) for button in buttons: button.display(game_display, pygame.mouse.get_pos()) win_text.display(game_display) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS)
def __init__(self, owner): self.owner = owner = DockPanel() self.gotoFirst = Button("<<", self) self.gotoNext = Button(">", self) self.gotoPrev = Button("<", self) self.status = HTML() self.initWidget("navbar") self.status.setStyleName("status") buttons = HorizontalPanel() buttons.add(self.gotoFirst) buttons.add(self.gotoPrev) buttons.add(self.gotoNext), DockPanel.EAST), HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT), DockPanel.CENTER), HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT), HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE), "100%") self.gotoPrev.setEnabled(False) self.gotoFirst.setEnabled(False)
class Popups(Sink): def __init__(self): self.fDialogButton = Button("Show Dialog", self) self.fPopupButton = Button("Show Popup", self) panel = VerticalPanel() panel.add(self.fPopupButton) panel.add(self.fDialogButton) list = ListBox() list.setVisibleItemCount(5) for i in range(10): list.addItem("list item " + i) panel.add(list) panel.setSpacing(8) self.initWidget(panel) def onShow(self): pass def onClick(self, sender): if sender == self.fPopupButton: p = MyPopup() left = sender.getAbsoluteLeft() + 10 top = sender.getAbsoluteTop() + 10 p.setPopupPosition(left, top) elif sender == self.fDialogButton: dlg = MyDialog() left = self.fDialogButton.getAbsoluteLeft() + 10 top = self.fDialogButton.getAbsoluteTop() + 10 dlg.setPopupPosition(left, top)
def __init__(self, canvas): self.canvas = canvas self.table = Table(self.canvas, Point(100, 25), col_width=150, font_size=10) self.selected_car = None self.show_route = False self.follow_car = False self.show_route_btn = Button( self.flip_show_route, self.canvas, Point(self.canvas.width / 2, 320), width=200, height=30, label='Show Route', font_size=10, ) self.follow_btn = Button( self.flip_follow_car, self.canvas, Point(self.canvas.width / 2, 360), width=200, height=30, label='Follow Selected Car', font_size=10, ) self.buttons = [self.show_route_btn, self.follow_btn]
class Popups(Sink): def __init__(self): self.fDialogButton = Button("Show Dialog", self) self.fPopupButton = Button("Show Popup", self) panel = VerticalPanel() panel.add(self.fPopupButton) panel.add(self.fDialogButton) list = ListBox() list.setVisibleItemCount(5) for i in range(10): list.addItem("list item " + i) panel.add(list) panel.setSpacing(8) self.setWidget(panel) def onShow(self): pass def onClick(self, sender): if sender == self.fPopupButton: p = MyPopup() left = sender.getAbsoluteLeft() + 10 top = sender.getAbsoluteTop() + 10 p.setPopupPosition(left, top) elif sender == self.fDialogButton: dlg = MyDialog() left = self.fDialogButton.getAbsoluteLeft() + 10 top = self.fDialogButton.getAbsoluteTop() + 10 dlg.setPopupPosition(left, top)
def game_loop() -> object: undo_button = Button(display_dimensions, "Undo", (10, 10), (30, 30), dark_pink, centered=False, text_size=11, text_color=(217, 139, 121), action="undo") pause_button = Button(display_dimensions, "Pause", (display_dimensions[0] - 50, 10), (40, 30), dark_pink, centered=False, text_size=10, text_color=(217, 139, 121), action="pause") buttons = [undo_button, pause_button] deck = Deck() deck.load_cards() deck.shuffle_cards() deck.load_piles(display_dimensions) hm = history_manager.HistoryManager(deck) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit_game() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_r: game_loop() elif event.key == pygame.K_w: pass if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.button == 1: piles_to_update, valid_move = deck.handle_click(mouse_pos) deck.update(piles_to_update, display_dimensions[1]) if valid_move: hm.valid_move_made(deck) for button in buttons: if button.check_if_clicked(mouse_pos): if button.action == "undo": deck = hm.undo(deck) if event.button == 3: deck.handle_right_click(mouse_pos) game_display.fill(pink) for button in buttons: button.display(game_display, pygame.mouse.get_pos()) deck.display(game_display) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._active_elements = [ Text('Fretboard Unlocker', Text.CENTRE, 20, font=FONTS['heading']), Button('play_namenotes', 'Play Name The Note', Button.CENTRE, 150, width=300), Button('play_findnotes', 'Play Find all Notes', Button.CENTRE, 220, width=300), Button('play_scaledegrees', 'Play name the scale degrees', Button.CENTRE, 290, width=300) ]
def __init__(self, size): super().__init__(size) main_layer = WindowLayer(self) start_button = Button('Start Game', start_button.add_callback(MouseClickEvent.signal, self._start_game) main_layer.add_child(start_button) self.append_layer(main_layer)
def __init__(self): super(SplashScreen, self).__init__() self.font = pygame.font.Font(MAIN_TITLE_FONT[0], 54) self.title = self.font.render(GAME_TITLE, True, (229, 22, 22)) self.title_rect = self.title.get_rect(x=(SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2) - 220, y=80) self.persist["screen_color"] = "black" self.next_state = "GAMEPLAY" = Menu([ Button("Start", ((SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2) - 125, 300, 250, 40)), Button("Credits", ((SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2) - 125, 350, 250, 40)) ]) self.sound = Sound("assets/sound/MainTheme.wav")
def __init__(self, title, message, affirmative_label, decline_label="Cancel", width=500, modal=False): Dialog.__init__(self, title=title, width=width, modal=modal) scrollbox = ScrollArea(Label(markup=message, padding=5, overflow=pango.WrapMode.WORD), scroll_horizontal=False, border=0, margin=2, margin_right=3, height=150) affirmative = Button(affirmative_label, id="affirmative_button") affirmative.connect("on-click", self._on_button_click) decline = Button(decline_label, id="decline_button") decline.connect("on-click", self._on_button_click) = VBox([ scrollbox, HBox([HBox(), decline, affirmative], expand=False, padding=10) ])
def initialize(self): print(f"Initializing the '{self.sceneName}' level...") self.startBtn = Button(310, 250, 160, 50, "START") self.infoBtn = Button(200, 350, 370, 50, "INSTRUCTIONS") self.quitBtn = Button(325, 450, 135, 50, "QUIT") self.backBtn = Button(20, 530, 130, 50, "BACK") # assign button colour self.startBtn.set_button_colour(colour.LIGHTBLUE, None) self.infoBtn.set_button_colour(colour.LIGHTBLUE, None) self.quitBtn.set_button_colour(colour.LIGHTBLUE, None) self.backBtn.set_button_colour(colour.LIGHTBLUE, None) # assign action functions to handle button click events self.startBtn.actionFunc = self.__onStartBtnClicked self.infoBtn.actionFunc = self.__onInfoBtnClicked self.quitBtn.actionFunc = self.__onQuitBtnClicked self.backBtn.actionFunc = self.__onBackBtnClicked self.background = load_image("intro.png") self.instructions = load_image("instructions.png") self.startGame = False self.quitGame = False self.showInstructions = False
def __init__(self, file_path, parent_window, on_close): super().__init__(parent_window, on_close, caption='tabulr | Confirm background image', width=640, height=640) # Layer groups bg = OrderedGroup(0) fg = OrderedGroup(1) # Compute image sprite size, preserving aspect ratio bg_image = load(file_path) bg_image.anchor_x = bg_image.width // 2 bg_image.anchor_y = bg_image.height // 2 if bg_image.height > bg_image.width: scale = 640 / bg_image.height else: scale = 640 / bg_image.width # Background gradient gl.glEnable(gl.GL_BLEND) gl.glBlendFunc(gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) self.bg_gradient = self.batch.add( 4, gl.GL_QUADS, fg, ('v2i', (0, 0, 640, 0, 640, 80, 0, 80)), ('c4B', (0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) # Draw bg image self.bg_sprite = Sprite(bg_image, batch=self.batch, group=bg, x=320, y=320) self.bg_sprite.scale = scale # Confirmation text self.confirm_text = Text('Is this the image you want to use?', group=fg, size=12, x=self.margin, y=self.margin, bold=True, batch=self.batch) # Confirmation buttons self.buttons = [ Button('yes', self, self.batch, x=590, y=30, group=fg), Button('no', self, self.batch, x=550, y=30, group=fg) ]
def __init__(self, menu=None, padding=5, submenu_offset_x=2, submenu_offset_y=2, x_align=0, y_align=0.5, pressed_offset=0, secondary_label="", mnemonic="", **kwargs): Button.__init__(self, padding=padding, pressed_offset=pressed_offset, x_align=x_align, y_align=y_align, **kwargs) self.expand = False #: submenu of the item = menu self.selected = False #: if specified will push the submeny by the given pixels self.submenu_offset_x = submenu_offset_x #: if specified will push the submeny by the given pixels self.submenu_offset_y = submenu_offset_y #: the secondary label element self.secondary_display_label = self.secondary_label_class( "", color="#666", fill=True, x_align=1, padding_right=5, visible=True) self.container.add_child(self.secondary_display_label) #: text of the secondary label that is placed to the right of the primary self.secondary_label = secondary_label #: keypress that can also triger activation of this menu item #: This is string in for "Key+Key+Key". For example: "Shift+c" self.mnemonic = mnemonic self.connect("on-mnemonic-activated", self.on_mnemonic_activated)
def __init__(self, up=True, expand=False, width=15, padding=0, repeat_down_delay=100, **kwargs): Button.__init__(self, expand=expand, width=width, padding=padding, repeat_down_delay=repeat_down_delay, **kwargs) self.up = up
def __init__(self, window, bus): super().__init__(window, bus) self.title = Text('Welcome to', batch=self.batch, x=self.margin, y=(self.window.height // 2) + 100) self.title_bold = Text('tabulr', bold=True, batch=self.batch, x=self.margin, y=(self.window.height // 2) + 60) self.subtitle = Text( 'Your schedule, from list to wallpaper. Like magic.', size=12, batch=self.batch, x=self.margin, y=self.window.height // 2) self.init_sprite( 'next_button', Button('next', self.window, self.batch, x=self.margin, y=(self.window.height // 2) - 100)) waves = Sprite(image('front-waves.png'), x=0, y=-30, batch=self.batch) waves.opacity = 140 self.elapsed = 0 self.init_sprite('waves', waves, is_button=False)
def __init__(self): self.fDialogButton = Button("Show Dialog", self) self.fPopupButton = Button("Show Popup", self) panel = VerticalPanel() panel.add(self.fPopupButton) panel.add(self.fDialogButton) list = ListBox() list.setVisibleItemCount(5) for i in range(10): list.addItem("list item " + i) panel.add(list) panel.setSpacing(8) self.setWidget(panel)
def __init__(self): DialogBox.__init__(self) # Use this opportunity to set the dialog's caption. self.setText("About the Mail Sample") # Create a DockPanel to contain the 'about' label and the 'OK' button. outer = DockPanel() outer.setSpacing(4) outer.add(Image(AboutDialog.LOGO_IMAGE), DockPanel.WEST) # Create the 'OK' button, along with a listener that hides the dialog # when the button is clicked. Adding it to the 'south' position within # the dock causes it to be placed at the bottom. buttonPanel = HorizontalPanel() buttonPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT) buttonPanel.add(Button("Close", self)) outer.add(buttonPanel, DockPanel.SOUTH) # Create the 'about' label. Placing it in the 'rest' position within the # dock causes it to take up any remaining space after the 'OK' button # has been laid out. textplain = "This sample application demonstrates the construction " textplain += "of a complex user interface using pyjamas' built-in widgets. Have a look " textplain += "at the code to see how easy it is to build your own apps!" text = HTML(textplain) text.setStyleName("mail-AboutText") outer.add(text, DockPanel.CENTER) # Add a bit of spacing and margin to the dock to keep the components from # being placed too closely together. outer.setSpacing(8) self.add(outer)
def buttonConstructor(): UIfont = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 30) return [ Button("Wall", UIfont, 50, 620, wallfunc), Button("Start", UIfont, 120, 620, startfunc), Button("End", UIfont, 200, 620, endfunc), Button("Forest", UIfont, 270, 620, forestfunc), Button("CLEAR", UIfont, 410, 620, clearbutton), Button("Breadth", UIfont, 550, 620, breadthbutton), Button("DJ", UIfont, 675, 620, djbutton), Button("Greedy", UIfont, 725, 620, greedybutton), Button("A*", UIfont, 850, 620, astarbutton), ]
def quit(self): self.state = self.FINISHED self._timer.stop() self._active_elements = [ Button('main_menu', 'Return to main menu', Button.CENTRE, 400) ]
def createTextThing(self, textBox): p = HorizontalPanel() p.setSpacing(4) p.add(textBox) echo = HTML() select_all = Button("select all") p.add(select_all) p.add(echo) listener=TextBoxListener(self, textBox, echo, select_all) select_all.addClickListener(listener) textBox.addKeyboardListener(listener) textBox.addClickListener(listener) return p
class GridTest: def onModuleLoad(self): self.min_page=1 self.max_page=10 self.add=Button("Next >", self) self.sub=Button("< Prev", self) self.g=Grid() self.g.resize(5, 5) self.g.setHTML(0, 0, "<b>Grid Test</b>") self.g.setBorderWidth(2) self.g.setCellPadding(4) self.g.setCellSpacing(1) self.updatePageDisplay() RootPanel().add(self.sub) RootPanel().add(self.add) RootPanel().add(self.g) def onClick(self, sender): print "click", sender, self.add, self.sub if sender==self.add: elif sender==self.sub: print sender, self.updatePageDisplay() def updatePageDisplay(self): if<self.min_page: elif>self.max_page: total_pages=(self.max_page-self.min_page) + 1 self.g.setHTML(0, 4, "<b>page " + str( + ' of ' + str(total_pages) + "</b>") if>=self.max_page: self.add.setEnabled(False) else: self.add.setEnabled(True) if<=self.min_page: self.sub.setEnabled(False) else: self.sub.setEnabled(True) for y in range(1, 5): for x in range(5): txt = str( + ' (' + str(y) + ',' + str(x) + ')' print txt self.g.setText(y, x, txt)
def __init__(self): super(Credits, self).__init__() self.font = pygame.font.Font(SUB_TITLE_FONT[0], 34) self.title = self.font.render("CREDITS", True, (255, 255, 255)) self.title_rect = self.title.get_rect(x=(SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2) - 80, y=50) self.next_state = "SPLASH" = Menu([ Button("Back", ((SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2) - 125, 390, 250, 40), active = True) ])
def onModuleLoad(self): = 0 self.min_page = 1 self.max_page = 10 self.add = Button("Next >", self) self.sub = Button("< Prev", self) self.g = Grid() self.g.resize(5, 5) self.g.setHTML(0, 0, "<b>Grid Test</b>") self.g.setBorderWidth(2) self.g.setCellPadding(4) self.g.setCellSpacing(1) self.updatePageDisplay() RootPanel().add(self.sub) RootPanel().add(self.add) RootPanel().add(self.g)
def __setattr__(self, name, val): if name == "menu": # make sure we re-parent also the submenu if getattr(self, "menu", None): = None if val: val.owner = self elif name == "secondary_label": self.secondary_display_label.text = val if val: self.container.fill = self.secondary_display_label.visible = True else: self.container.fill = self.secondary_display_label.visible = False return elif name == "mnemonic": # trample over the secondary label. one can set it back if wants self.secondary_label = val Button.__setattr__(self, name, val)
def onModuleLoad(self): self.min_page=1 self.max_page=10 self.add=Button("Next >", self) self.sub=Button("< Prev", self) self.g=Grid() self.g.resize(5, 5) self.g.setHTML(0, 0, "<b>Grid Test</b>") self.g.setBorderWidth(2) self.g.setCellPadding(4) self.g.setCellSpacing(1) self.updatePageDisplay() RootPanel().add(self.sub) RootPanel().add(self.add) RootPanel().add(self.g)
class NavBar(Composite): def __init__(self, owner): self.owner = owner = DockPanel() self.gotoFirst = Button("<<", self) self.gotoNext = Button(">", self) self.gotoPrev = Button("<", self) self.status = HTML() self.setWidget("navbar") self.status.setStyleName("status") buttons = HorizontalPanel() buttons.add(self.gotoFirst) buttons.add(self.gotoPrev) buttons.add(self.gotoNext), DockPanel.EAST), HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT), DockPanel.CENTER), HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT), HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE), "100%") self.gotoPrev.setEnabled(False) self.gotoFirst.setEnabled(False) def onClick(self, sender): if sender == self.gotoNext: self.owner.startRow += self.owner.getDataRowCount() self.owner.refresh() elif sender == self.gotoPrev: self.owner.startRow -= self.owner.getDataRowCount() if self.owner.startRow < 0: self.owner.startRow = 0 self.owner.refresh() elif sender == self.gotoFirst: self.owner.startRow = 0 self.owner.refresh()
class NavBar(Composite): def __init__(self, owner): Composite.__init__(self) self.owner = owner = DockPanel() self.gotoFirst = Button("<<", self) self.gotoNext = Button(">", self) self.gotoPrev = Button("<", self) self.status = HTML() self.initWidget("navbar") self.status.setStyleName("status") buttons = HorizontalPanel() buttons.add(self.gotoFirst) buttons.add(self.gotoPrev) buttons.add(self.gotoNext), DockPanel.EAST), HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT), DockPanel.CENTER), HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT), HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE), "100%") self.gotoPrev.setEnabled(False) self.gotoFirst.setEnabled(False) def onClick(self, sender): if sender == self.gotoNext: self.owner.startRow += self.owner.getDataRowCount() self.owner.refresh() elif sender == self.gotoPrev: self.owner.startRow -= self.owner.getDataRowCount() if self.owner.startRow < 0: self.owner.startRow = 0 self.owner.refresh() elif sender == self.gotoFirst: self.owner.startRow = 0 self.owner.refresh()
def __init__(self, conf_dict={}): self.__dict__.update(conf_dict) self.screen = pg.display.set_mode(self.WINDOW_SIZE) pg.display.set_caption("Flood it!") pg.font.init() self.font = pg.font.SysFont("AR PL UMing CN", int(20 * ZOOM)) self.screen.fill([200, 200, 200]) self.table = GameTable(self.COLORS.keys(), self.TABLE_SIZE, self.TABLE_POSITION, self.BLOCK_SIDE) # 色块按钮起始坐标 cl_x = self.TABLE_POSITION[0] + \ self.BLOCK_SIDE * (self.TABLE_SIZE[0] + 1) cl_y = self.TABLE_POSITION[1] + \ self.BLOCK_SIDE * (self.TABLE_SIZE[1] - 1) # "New game"按钮 x = self.TABLE_POSITION[0] + self.BLOCK_SIDE * (self.TABLE_SIZE[0] + 1) w = self.BLOCK_SIDE * (len(self.COLORS) * 2 - 1) y = self.TABLE_POSITION[1] h = self.BLOCK_SIDE * 2 self.rb = Button((x, y), (w, h), text=u"New Game!", fontsize=int(20 * ZOOM)) = ClickEventListen(), self.reset) # 初始化色块按钮 left = cl_x self.color_buttons = [] for k, v in self.COLORS.iteritems(): button = Button((left, cl_y), (self.BLOCK_SIDE, self.BLOCK_SIDE), color=v, fontsize=int(20 * ZOOM)) self.color_buttons.append(button), self.colors_click, number=k) left += self.BLOCK_SIDE * 2 self.table.draw(self.screen, BLOCK_COLORS) self.wined = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._game_data = {} self.state = self.READY self._timer = GameTimer() self._active_elements = [] self._start_button = Button( 'start_button', 'Start Game!', Button.CENTRE, 400) self._pause_button = Button( 'pause_button', 'Pause', Button.CENTRE, 400) self._resume_button = Button( 'resume_button', 'Resume!', Button.CENTRE, 400) self._active_elements = [ self._start_button ]
class GridTest: def onModuleLoad(self): = 0 self.min_page = 1 self.max_page = 10 self.add = Button("Next >", self) self.sub = Button("< Prev", self) self.g = Grid() self.g.resize(5, 5) self.g.setHTML(0, 0, "<b>Grid Test</b>") self.g.setBorderWidth(2) self.g.setCellPadding(4) self.g.setCellSpacing(1) self.updatePageDisplay() RootPanel().add(self.sub) RootPanel().add(self.add) RootPanel().add(self.g) def onClick(self, sender): if sender == self.add: += 1 elif sender == self.sub: -= 1 self.updatePageDisplay() def updatePageDisplay(self): if < self.min_page: = self.min_page elif > self.max_page: = self.max_page total_pages = (self.max_page - self.min_page) + 1 self.g.setHTML(0, 4, "<b>page " + + ' of ' + total_pages + "</b>") if >= self.max_page: self.add.setEnabled(False) else: self.add.setEnabled(True) if <= self.min_page: self.sub.setEnabled(False) else: self.sub.setEnabled(True) for y in range(1, 5): for x in range(5): self.g.setText(y, x, + ' (' + y + ',' + x + ')')
def __init__(self): Sink.__init__(self) disabledButton = Button("Disabled Button") disabledCheck = CheckBox("Disabled Check") normalButton = Button("Normal Button") normalCheck = CheckBox("Normal Check") panel = VerticalPanel() radio0 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 0") radio1 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 1") radio2 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 2 (Disabled)") radio3 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 3") hp=HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(normalButton) hp.add(disabledButton) hp=HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(normalCheck) hp.add(disabledCheck) hp=HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(radio0) hp.add(radio1) hp.add(radio2) hp.add(radio3) disabledButton.setEnabled(False) disabledCheck.setEnabled(False) radio2.setEnabled(False) panel.setSpacing(8) self.initWidget(panel)
def __init__(self): disabledButton = Button("Disabled Button") disabledCheck = CheckBox("Disabled Check") normalButton = Button("Normal Button") normalCheck = CheckBox("Normal Check") panel = VerticalPanel() radio0 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 0") radio1 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 1") radio2 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 2 (Disabled)") radio3 = RadioButton("group0", "Choice 3") hp = HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(normalButton) hp.add(disabledButton) hp = HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(normalCheck) hp.add(disabledCheck) hp = HorizontalPanel() panel.add(hp) hp.setSpacing(8) hp.add(radio0) hp.add(radio1) hp.add(radio2) hp.add(radio3) disabledButton.setEnabled(False) disabledCheck.setEnabled(False) radio2.setEnabled(False) panel.setSpacing(8) self.setWidget(panel)
def draw_promotion_prompt(screen, screen_width, screen_height, bwidth): board_center = position_to_board((3, 4), bwidth) screen_center = board_to_screen(board_center, screen_width, screen_height, bwidth) # Prompt window window = Window(250, 100) window.set_position(screen_center) # Yes and No buttons yes_button = Button('yes', 100, 50, GREEN) yes_button.set_position( (screen_center[0] + 10, screen_center[1] + 2 * window.height / 4)) no_button = Button('no', 100, 50, RED) no_button.set_position( (2 * screen_center[0] - 140, screen_center[1] + 2 * window.height / 4)) window.add_buttons([yes_button, no_button]) # Draw window and buttons window.draw(screen) # Draw prompt at the center font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 25) text_surf = font.render("Do you wish to promote?", True, BLACK) text_rect = text_surf.get_rect() board_center = position_to_board((5, 4), bwidth) screen_center = board_to_screen(board_center, screen_width, screen_height, bwidth) = (screen_center[0] + 25, screen_center[1] + 25) screen.blit(text_surf, text_rect) yes_surf = font.render("Yes", True, BLACK) yes_rect = yes_surf.get_rect() board_center = position_to_board((4, 5), bwidth) screen_center = board_to_screen(board_center, screen_width, screen_height, bwidth) = (screen_center[0] + 10, screen_center[1] + 25) screen.blit(yes_surf, yes_rect) no_surf = font.render("No", True, BLACK) no_rect = no_surf.get_rect() board_center = position_to_board((6, 5), bwidth) screen_center = board_to_screen(board_center, screen_width, screen_height, bwidth) = (screen_center[0] + 40, screen_center[1] + 25) screen.blit(no_surf, no_rect) return window """
def initialize(self): print(f"Initializing the '{self.sceneName}' level...") self.gameOverTxt = Text(400, 100, "courier new", 100, "GAME OVER!", colour.LORANGE, Justify.CENTER) self.scoreTxt = Text(400, 200, "courier new", 50, f"SCORE: {self.score}", colour.RED, Justify.CENTER) self.againBtn = Button(225, 370, 350, 50, "PLAY AGAIN?") self.quitBtn = Button(330, 450, 140, 50, "QUIT") # assign button colour self.againBtn.set_button_colour(colour.LIGHTBLUE, None) self.quitBtn.set_button_colour(colour.LIGHTBLUE, None) # assign action functions to handle button click events self.againBtn.actionFunc = self.__onAgainBtnClicked__ self.quitBtn.actionFunc = self.__onQuitBtnClicked__ self.background = load_image("background1.gif") self.playAgain = False self.quitGame = False
def onModuleLoad(self): b = Button("Click me", greet) RootPanel().add(b) if (1 or 0) and 0: RootPanel().add(Label("or FAILED")) else: RootPanel().add(Label("or OK")) if 0 & 1 == 0: RootPanel().add(Label("& OK")) else: RootPanel().add(Label("& FAILED")) if 1 | 1 != 1: RootPanel().add(Label("| FAILED")) else: RootPanel().add(Label("| OK"))
def __init__(self): self.fDialogButton = Button("Show Dialog", self) self.fPopupButton = Button("Show Popup", self) panel = VerticalPanel() panel.add(self.fPopupButton) panel.add(self.fDialogButton) list = ListBox() list.setVisibleItemCount(5) for i in range(10): list.addItem("list item " + i) panel.add(list) panel.setSpacing(8) self.initWidget(panel)
def __init__(self, title, message, affirmative_label, decline_label = "Cancel", width=500, modal = False): Dialog.__init__(self, title = title, width = width, modal=modal) scrollbox = ScrollArea(Label(markup=message, padding=5, overflow=pango.WrapMode.WORD), scroll_horizontal = False, border = 0, margin=2, margin_right=3, height = 150) affirmative = Button(affirmative_label, id="affirmative_button") affirmative.connect("on-click", self._on_button_click) decline = Button(decline_label, id="decline_button") decline.connect("on-click", self._on_button_click) = VBox([scrollbox, HBox([HBox(), decline, affirmative], expand=False, padding=10)])
def __init__(self, text): Button.__init__(self, text) self.color = "#444" self.get_min_size = lambda: (0, Label.get_min_size(self)[1])
def __init__(self, padding = 0, direction = "up", **kwargs): Button.__init__(self, padding = padding, **kwargs) self.expand = False #: button direction - one of "up", "down", "left", "right" self.direction = direction
def __init__(self, padding = 0, **kwargs): Button.__init__(self, padding = padding, **kwargs) self.draggable = True self.expand = False self.connect("on-drag", self.on_drag)
def __init__(self, up=True, expand=False, width = 15, padding=0, repeat_down_delay = 100, **kwargs): Button.__init__(self, expand=expand, width=width, padding=padding, repeat_down_delay=repeat_down_delay, **kwargs) self.up = up
class Floodit(object): """游戏""" def __init__(self, conf_dict={}): self.__dict__.update(conf_dict) self.screen = pg.display.set_mode(self.WINDOW_SIZE) pg.display.set_caption("Flood it!") pg.font.init() self.font = pg.font.SysFont("AR PL UMing CN", int(20 * ZOOM)) self.screen.fill([200, 200, 200]) self.table = GameTable(self.COLORS.keys(), self.TABLE_SIZE, self.TABLE_POSITION, self.BLOCK_SIDE) # 色块按钮起始坐标 cl_x = self.TABLE_POSITION[0] + \ self.BLOCK_SIDE * (self.TABLE_SIZE[0] + 1) cl_y = self.TABLE_POSITION[1] + \ self.BLOCK_SIDE * (self.TABLE_SIZE[1] - 1) # "New game"按钮 x = self.TABLE_POSITION[0] + self.BLOCK_SIDE * (self.TABLE_SIZE[0] + 1) w = self.BLOCK_SIDE * (len(self.COLORS) * 2 - 1) y = self.TABLE_POSITION[1] h = self.BLOCK_SIDE * 2 self.rb = Button((x, y), (w, h), text=u"New Game!", fontsize=int(20 * ZOOM)) = ClickEventListen(), self.reset) # 初始化色块按钮 left = cl_x self.color_buttons = [] for k, v in self.COLORS.iteritems(): button = Button((left, cl_y), (self.BLOCK_SIDE, self.BLOCK_SIDE), color=v, fontsize=int(20 * ZOOM)) self.color_buttons.append(button), self.colors_click, number=k) left += self.BLOCK_SIDE * 2 self.table.draw(self.screen, BLOCK_COLORS) self.wined = False def show(self): pg.display.flip() def colors_click(self, number=None): assert number, "CLICK ERROR!" if self.wined: return if number in self.COLORS.keys(): fill.fill(self.table, number, x=0, y=0) self.table.draw(self.screen, BLOCK_COLORS) self.wined = def win(self): if fill.filldone(self.table): font = pg.font.SysFont("AR PL UMing CN", int(32 * ZOOM)) win_text = font.render("win", 1, (0, 0, 0)) self.winrect = win_text.get_rect() self.winrect.centerx = (self.rb.x + self.rb.x1) // 2 self.winrect.centery = self.rb.y1 * 2 pg.draw.rect(self.screen, [200, 200, 200], self.winrect) self.screen.blit(win_text, self.winrect) return True return False def reset(self): self.wined = False del self.table self.table = GameTable(self.COLORS.keys(), self.TABLE_SIZE, self.TABLE_POSITION, self.BLOCK_SIDE) self.table.draw(self.screen, BLOCK_COLORS) pg.draw.rect(self.screen, [200, 200, 200], self.winrect) def mainloop(self): while 1: events = pg.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pg.QUIT: sys.exit(0)
def do_render(self): if self.state == "normal":, 0, self.width, self.height, "#EDECEB") else: Button.do_render(self)
def __init__(self, label="", pressed_offset = 0, expanded = False, **kwargs): Button.__init__(self, label=label, pressed_offset = pressed_offset, **kwargs) self.expanded = expanded
def _position_contents(self): Button._position_contents(self) if hasattr(self, "secondary_display_label"): self.container.add_child(self.secondary_display_label)