def show(self, item=None): if self.success: plt.gca().add_patch( patches.Arrow(*self.back_point, *(self.front_point - self.back_point), width=25, color='w'))
def test(): src = ['board-images-new/image{}.jpg'.format(i) for i in range(180, 200)] for img in src: plt.cla() image = cv.imread(img) positions = predict(image) plt.scatter(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1]) plt.pause(1)
def predict(image, debug=False): w, h = image.shape[1], image.shape[0] edges = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) edges = cv.medianBlur(edges, 3) # median blur to avoid dust near a corner image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image[:, :, ::-1])) x = torch.unsqueeze(transform(image), 0) model.eval() # set model to evaluation mode with torch.no_grad(): x =, dtype=dtype) # move to device, e.g. GPU scores = model(x) positions = np.reshape(scores.cpu().numpy(), (4, 2)) positions = inv_parameterize(positions, w, h) positions = positions.astype(np.int16) if debug: print('corners detected:') print(positions) print('corners refined offsets:') corner_images = [] corner_pos = [] for i in range(4): s = 20 corner = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack( edges[max(positions[i, 1] - s, 0):min(positions[i, 1] + s, h), max(positions[i, 0] - s, 0):min(positions[i, 0] + s, w)], 1, 5e-2, 0) if debug: corner_images.append( edges[max(positions[i, 1] - s, 0):min(positions[i, 1] + s, h), max(positions[i, 0] - s, 0):min(positions[i, 0] + s, w)]) corner_pos.append(corner[0].reshape(-1)) if corner is not None: print(corner - s) positions[i] += np.int16(corner[0]).reshape(-1) - s if debug: fig = plt.Figure()[:2], axis=0), np.concatenate(corner_images[:1:-1], axis=0)) corner_pos = np.array(corner_pos) corner_pos[2:, 0] += 2 * s corner_pos[1:3, 1] += 2 * s plt.scatter(corner_pos[:, 0], corner_pos[:, 1]) return positions
def __call__(self, img, debug=False): W, H = img.shape[1], img.shape[0] cx = max(min(self.x, W - self.r - 1), self.r) cy = max(min(self.y, H - self.r - 1), self.r) if debug: roi = img[cy - self.r:cy + self.r + 1, cx - self.r:cx + self.r + 1] corner = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(roi, 1, 0.5, 0) if corner is not None: corner = np.int16(corner[0]).reshape(-1) - self.r self.x = cx + corner[0] self.y = cy + corner[1] return self.x, self.y
def read(debug=False): global cap, positions success = False tic = time.time() for t in range(frames_per_read): success, frame = if not success: return -1 toc = time.time() print('Read a frame used {:.2f} s'.format(toc-tic)) if not fix_camera: positions = match.match(frame) img = warp_perspective(frame, positions, perspective+shift, size+2*shift) plt.cla() coords = track.track(img, debug=debug) if not debug: # show the origin image if not in debug mode, frame) ultility.plot(vertices) plt.pause(interval) return coords
def main(): cap = cv.VideoCapture('demo_large.mp4') ret, frame = positions = np.array([[135.88205, 123.48814], [116.24813, 371.36624], [535.10486, 368.09393], [501.5636, 114.489265]], dtype=np.float32) #positions = np.array([[52.576714, 69.34139], [23.18219, 432.99365], # [634.5883, 426.2749], [585.03754, 56.74374]], # dtype=np.float32) width = 297 height = 210 scale = 2 width = int(width * scale) height = int(height * scale) perspective = np.array(((0, 0), (0, height), (width, height), (width, 0)), dtype=np.float32) def warp_perspective(image): image = cv.warpPerspective( image, cv.getPerspectiveTransform(positions, perspective), (width, height)) return image img = warp_perspective(frame) img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) init(frame, positions) while True: success, frame = if not success: break plt.cla() positions = match(frame, False) positions = np.concatenate([positions, positions[0:1, :]]) plt.plot(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1]) plt.pause(0.03)
def extract(frame, debug=False): """ Extract the path in an image. Inputs: - frame: The input image. Returns: - vertices: The nodes of the path in order, though we don't care whether the first node is the start or the end. Each node is reporesented as a list [x, y] """ # put the image from BGR to gray edges = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # ignore a boundary color = 0 if use_adaptive_threshold else 255 edges[:margin, :] = color edges[-margin:, :] = color edges[:, :margin] = color edges[:, -margin:] = color # transform into binary image if use_adaptive_threshold: edges = cv.medianBlur(edges, 11) edges = cv.adaptiveThreshold(edges, 255, cv.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv.THRESH_BINARY, 41, 4) else: threshold = k_means_clustering(edges)['threshold'] _, edges = cv.threshold(edges, threshold, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY) # make the image thinner a little bit edges = cv.dilate( edges, cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_CROSS, (s * 2 + 1, ) * 2, (s, ) * 2)) # make the image as thin as possible (until refine(edges) returns 0) #while refine(edges) > end_refine: pass # detect lines roughly with Hough transformation lines = cv.HoughLinesP(255 - edges, 1, np.pi / 360, 20, None, 30, 20) lines = [l[0] for l in lines] # show the binarization and Hough transform result for a while for line in lines: plt.plot(line[::2], line[1::2]) plt.pause(1) if debug: print('image refined | lines detected | lines rearranged') for line in lines: plt.plot(frame.shape[1] + line[::2], line[1::2]) # rearrange the lines and detect the nodes of the path. arrange(lines) if debug: for line in lines: plt.plot(frame.shape[1] * 2 + line[::2], line[1::2]) vertices = nodes(lines) # add the middle point of each segments new = [] for i in range(len(vertices) - 1): new.append(vertices[i]) new.append(((vertices[i][0] + vertices[i + 1][0]) / 2, (vertices[i][1] + vertices[i + 1][1]) / 2)) new.append(vertices[-1]) vertices = new # ensure that the start point is in the left if vertices[0][0] > vertices[-1][0]: vertices.reverse() return vertices
def init(debug=False): global lan, address, positions, cap, vertices track.init() if not manual_transform: localization.init() if load_from_video: cap = cv.VideoCapture('demo_large.mp4') #image = cv.imread('./board-images-new/image199.jpg') else: # string = input('Please check if the LAN address ({}) is correct \ # (press ENTER to confirm or type a new address):'\ # .format(lan)) # if string != '': # lan = string address = 'http://{}:{}@{}/video'.format(username, password, lan) cap = cv.VideoCapture(address) if cap.isOpened(): print('Connected to the IP camera sccessfully.') else: print('IP camera not available. Please check the settings.') os._exit(0) _, image = if manual_transform or debug: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() print('Original image:') positions = [] if manual_transform: def on_click(e): if len(positions) == 4: return if e.button == 1: positions.append((e.xdata, e.ydata)) plt.scatter(e.xdata, e.ydata) plt.gca().figure.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_click) while len(positions) < 4: plt.pause(interval) else: tic = time.time() positions = localization.predict(image, debug=debug) toc = time.time() print('Use time: {}'.format(toc-tic)) positions = np.float32(np.array(positions)) print(positions) img = warp_perspective(image, positions, perspective, size) plt.cla() vertices = extract.extract(img, debug=debug) vertices = np.array(vertices)+shift print(vertices) if debug: print('path:', vertices) ultility.plot(vertices, width, height) match.init(image, positions) if not load_from_video: cap = cv.VideoCapture(address) return vertices