Exemplo n.º 1
def RaffleAndShowNewTargetCity():

    global currMessageNum
    global messageSwitchAt
    global searchTimeEndAt
    global gameState
    global currentCityName

    # Raffle the next city
    cityNum = random.getrandbits(8)
    #index = index % len(citydata.cities)
    cityNum = cityNum % citydata.numOfCities

    currentCityName, cityX, cityY = unpackCityData(cityNum)
    #city = citydata.cities[index]

    # Set message texts
    messages[0] = [currentCityName + "!", 10]
    messages[1] = ["Virus outbreak in", 7]
    now = umachine.time_ms()
    messageSwitchAt = now + messageDelay
    currMessageNum = 0

    # Set the target coordinates
    targetCityGob.wx = cityX - 3
    targetCityGob.wy = cityY - 3
    #targetCityGob.active = True
    #targetCityGob.update() # call to calc screen coordinates
    targetCityGob.active = False
    #print("targetCityGob.Active 3",targetCityGob.active)

    # Play sound
    now = umachine.time_ms()
    sound.play_sfx(data.alertSfx, len(data.alertSfx), True)
    soundLenMs = len(
    ) * 2 // 8  # len at 8 kHz, 4-bit data i.e. 2 samples per byte
    print("play alert sample")
    loopSoundAtMs = 0
    endSoundAtMs = now + soundLenMs

    # Set search end time
    searchTimeEndAt = now + maxSearchDurationdMs

    # Show the "virus found"-dialog
        ["Virus found.Fly", "the potion to", currentCityName + "."], tilemap,
        glob.viewPortX, glob.viewPortY)
    gameState = "search"
Exemplo n.º 2
def DrawHero():

    global redrawDustAt1

    # Draw dust
    now = umachine.time_ms()
    if viewPortVelX != 0 or viewPortVelY != 0:
        if redrawDustAt1 == 0:
            # Start drawing dust
            redrawDustAt1 = 1
            if viewPortVelX != 0:
                dustGob1.frames = [
                    data.dustRight_f1, data.dustRight_f2, data.dustRight_f3
            if viewPortVelY != 0:  # plane down
                dustGob1.frames = [
                    data.dustUp_f1, data.dustUp_f2, data.dustUp_f3

        redrawDustAt1 = 0  # Stop drawing dust

    # Dust1 : If the times has elapsed, set the new coordinates
    if redrawDustAt1 != 0 and redrawDustAt1 < now:
        if viewPortVelX < 0:  # plane right
            dustGob1.wx = -glob.viewPortX + 49 - dustGob1.image.get_rect(
            ).width + 1
            dustGob1.wy = -glob.viewPortY + 41
        if viewPortVelX > 0:  # plane left
            dustGob1.wx = -glob.viewPortX + 49 + heroGob.image.get_rect(
            ).width - 1
            dustGob1.wy = -glob.viewPortY + 41
        if viewPortVelY < 0:  # plane down
            dustGob1.wx = -glob.viewPortX + 53
            dustGob1.wy = -glob.viewPortY + 38 - dustGob1.image.get_rect(
            ).height + 1
        if viewPortVelY > 0:  # plane up
            dustGob1.wx = -glob.viewPortX + 53
            dustGob1.wy = -glob.viewPortY + 38 + heroGob.image.get_rect(
            ).height - 1

        # Reset animation
        dustGob1.currentAnimFrameNum = 0


        redrawDustAt1 = now + 200
        #redrawDustAt2 = now + 150

    # if moving, draw the dust
    if redrawDustAt1 > 0:
        screen.blit(dustGob1.image, dustGob1.rect.x, dustGob1.rect.y, 0,
                    heroGob.hmirror, heroGob.vmirror)

    # Draw Hero
    screen.blit(heroGob.image, 49, 38, 0, heroGob.hmirror, heroGob.vmirror)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, surfaces, frameOffsets, x, y, totalDuration,
     self.gob = GameObjects.GameObject(surfaces, frameOffsets)
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.hmirror = False
     self.vmirror = False
     self.totalDuration = totalDuration
     self.gob.animDur = frameDuration
     self.startTime = umachine.time_ms()
Exemplo n.º 4
def RaffleMiniAnim(screen_):

    global screen
    global lastRaffleTime
    screen = screen_
    minianim = None

    now = umachine.time_ms()
    #print("lastRaffleTime",lastRaffleTime,"lastRaffleTime + raffleTimeout", lastRaffleTime + raffleTimeout,"now",now)
    if now > (lastRaffleTime + raffleTimeout):

        lastRaffleTime = now
        minaminCount = len(data.minianimList)
        r = random.getrandbits(8)  # between 0 and 255
        probabilityFactor = 10  # One in 10 wins
        animNum = (
            minaminCount * probabilityFactor
        ) * r // 256  # between 0 and (minaminCount*probabilityFactor)
        #animNum = 2
        print("raffled animNum", animNum)

        if animNum < minaminCount:
            # (x,y,w,h, duration,(fram1, frame2,...),(frame1Pos, frame2Pos,...)),
            animData = data.minianimList[animNum]
            frameW = animData[2]
            frameH = animData[3]
            frameSurfaces = []
            frameOffsets = []
            animPixelDataList = animData[6]
            animFrameOffsetList = animData[7]
            for i in range(len(animPixelDataList)):
                    pygame.surface.Surface(frameW, frameH,

            minianim = MiniAnim(frameSurfaces, frameOffsets, animData[0],
                                animData[1], animData[4], animData[5])

    return minianim
Exemplo n.º 5
def DrawUI():

    global currMessageNum
    global messageSwitchAt

    # draw gauge
    now = umachine.time_ms()
    if gameState == "search":
        screen.blit(infectedPeople.image, 4, 88 - 12)
        currenDur = maxSearchDurationdMs - (searchTimeEndAt - now)
        TAS.drawGauge(2, 17, 13, currenDur, maxSearchDurationdMs)

    # Draw guide
    if guideGob.active:
        #print("guideGob.currentAnimFrameNum", guideGob.currentAnimFrameNum)

        guideGob.rect.x += guideGob.frameOffsets[
        guideGob.rect.y += guideGob.frameOffsets[
        screen.blit(guideGob.image, guideGob.rect.x, guideGob.rect.y, 0,
                    guideGob.hmirror, guideGob.vmirror)
Exemplo n.º 6
ufoType = 1  #1: Large 2:Medium 3: Small
ufoRect = pygame.Rect(xufo + 4, yufo + 7, 10 - 4, 14 - 7)
xrock = 55 - 8
yrock = 44 - 8
xnebula = 10
ynebula = 200
counter = 0
#laser = 0;
laserleft = 1
cockpitState = 2
#1: left 2: center 3: right
xcoordint = []
xcoordfrac = []
ycoordint = []
ycoordfrac = []
startTime = umachine.time_ms()
remainingTime = 60
gameState = 0
#0: TitleScreen, 1:Play Game, 2:Game Over
explosionState = 0
robotcounter = 0
score = 0
currentUFOscore = 0

#Function to draw title screen (+initialize random generator)
def titleScreen():
    visible = 0
    while True:
Exemplo n.º 7
    def update(self):
        self.count = umachine.time_ms() % 500

        if self.timer >= 0:
            if self.count == 0 or self.count == 10:
                self.timer -= 1
Exemplo n.º 8
    def Update(self):

        if umachine.time_ms() > self.startTime + self.totalDuration:
            self.gob.active = False

Exemplo n.º 9
def UpdateGuide():

    # Show the guide only during the last 7 seconds.
    now = umachine.time_ms()
    if searchTimeEndAt > (now + 7000) and not allwaysOnGuide:
        guideGob.active = False

    # Use "fixed point" numbers in the calculation by multiplaying by 1000
    heroOnScreenX = 55
    heroOnScreenY = 44
    hx_fp = 1000 * heroOnScreenX  # Hero world pos x
    hy_fp = 1000 * heroOnScreenY  # Hero world pos y
    cityOnScreenX = (targetCityGob.wx + glob.viewPortX)
    cityOnScreenY = (targetCityGob.wy + glob.viewPortY)
    deltaOnScreenX = (cityOnScreenX - heroOnScreenX)
    deltaOnScreenY = (cityOnScreenY - heroOnScreenY)

    # factor
    k_fp = 1000 * 1000
    if deltaOnScreenX != 0:
        k_fp = (1000 * deltaOnScreenY) // deltaOnScreenX

    # If the target city is not on screen, show the guide.
    guideGob.active = False
    if deltaOnScreenX > 55 or deltaOnScreenX < -55 or deltaOnScreenY > 44 or deltaOnScreenY < -44:

        # Store old direction
        oldHMirror = guideGob.hmirror
        oldVMirror = guideGob.vmirror

        if deltaOnScreenX > 0:
            # Calc where the line crosses the right edge
            y_fp = k_fp * (110 - heroOnScreenX)
            y = (y_fp // 1000) + heroOnScreenY
            if y > 0 - 4 and y < 88 + 4:
                # draw guide
                guideGob.hmirror = False
                guideGob.vmirror = False
                guideGob.rect.x = 110 - 8
                guideGob.rect.y = y - 4
                guideGob.frames = [
                    data.guideRight, data.guideRight, data.guideRight,
                guideGob.frameOffsets = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]
                guideGob.active = True
            # Calc where the line crosses the left edge
            y_fp = k_fp * (0 - heroOnScreenX)
            y = (y_fp // 1000) + heroOnScreenY
            if y > 0 - 4 and y < 88 + 4:
                # draw guide
                guideGob.hmirror = True
                guideGob.vmirror = False
                guideGob.rect.x = 0
                guideGob.rect.y = y - 4
                guideGob.frames = [
                    data.guideRight, data.guideRight, data.guideRight,
                guideGob.frameOffsets = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]
                guideGob.active = True

        if guideGob.active == False:
            # inversed factor
            kInverse_fp = (1000 * deltaOnScreenX) // deltaOnScreenY

            if deltaOnScreenY > 0:
                # Calc where the line crosses the bottom edge
                x_fp = kInverse_fp * (88 - heroOnScreenY)
                x = (x_fp // 1000) + heroOnScreenX
                if x > 0 - 4 and x < 110 + 4:
                    # draw guide
                    guideGob.hmirror = False
                    guideGob.vmirror = False
                    guideGob.rect.x = x - 5
                    guideGob.rect.y = 88 - 6
                    guideGob.frames = [
                        data.guideBottom, data.guideBottom, data.guideBottom,
                    guideGob.frameOffsets = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]
                    guideGob.active = True
                # Calc where the line crosses the top edge
                x_fp = kInverse_fp * (0 - heroOnScreenY)
                x = (x_fp // 1000) + heroOnScreenX
                if x > 0 - 4 and x < 110 + 4:
                    # draw guide
                    guideGob.hmirror = False
                    guideGob.vmirror = True
                    guideGob.rect.x = x - 5
                    guideGob.rect.y = 0
                    guideGob.frames = [
                        data.guideBottom, data.guideBottom, data.guideBottom,
                    guideGob.frameOffsets = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]
                    guideGob.active = True

        # Reset animation only if direction has been changed
        if guideGob.active == True and (oldHMirror != guideGob.hmirror
                                        or oldVMirror != guideGob.hmirror):
Exemplo n.º 10
def HandleSearchState():

    global messageSwitchAt
    global currMessageNum
    global loopSoundAtMs
    global endSoundAtMs
    global cityCuredCount
    global timeBonus
    global failedCount
    global allwaysOnGuide
    global planeBoosterEnabled

    # Check timeout
    now = umachine.time_ms()
    if searchTimeEndAt < now:

        # City lost!

        messageSwitchAt = now + messageDelay
        currMessageNum = 0

        # Play sound
        sound.play_sfx(data.failedSfx, len(data.failedSfx), True)
        soundLenMs = len(
        ) * 2 // 8  # len at 8 kHz, 4-bit data i.e. 2 samples per byte
        loopSoundAtMs = 0
        endSoundAtMs = now + soundLenMs
        print("city lost")

        ui.ShowModalDialog(["Too many", "infections!", "Mission failed"],
                           tilemap, glob.viewPortX, glob.viewPortY)

        # Reset bonuses
        allwaysOnGuide = False
        planeBoosterEnabled = False

        # Failed too many times?
        failedCount += 1
        if failedCount > 2:
            GameEndScreen()  # End the game


    # Check the distance to the target city
    elif (abs((targetCityGob.wx + 2) + (glob.viewPortX - 55)) < 5
          and abs((targetCityGob.wy + 2) + (glob.viewPortY - 44)) < 5):

        # City found!

        now = umachine.time_ms()

        # Play sound
        sound.play_sfx(data.succeededSfx, len(data.succeededSfx), True)
        soundLenMs = len(
        ) * 2 // 8  # len at 8 kHz, 4-bit data i.e. 2 samples per byte
        loopSoundAtMs = 0
        endSoundAtMs = now + soundLenMs
        print("target found")

        # Stop animating the city
        targetCityGob.currentAnimFrameNum = 0
        targetCityGob.animDurCounter = 1000  # big enough for keeping the image still
        targetCityGob.active = False
        #print("targetCityGob.Active 1",targetCityGob.Active)

        cityCuredCount += 1
        timePassed = (now + maxSearchDurationdMs) - searchTimeEndAt
        timeBonus += 10 - (10 * timePassed // maxSearchDurationdMs)

        # Reset bonuses
        allwaysOnGuide = False
        planeBoosterEnabled = False

            ["You made it in", "time! The city", "is now healed."], tilemap,
            glob.viewPortX, glob.viewPortY)

        # Raffle a bonus
        bonus = random.getrandbits(5)  # 0-31
        bonus = 2
        if bonus < 2:
            # Always on compass
            allwaysOnGuide = True
                ["People of ", currentCityName, "grant to you:", "A compass!"],
                tilemap, glob.viewPortX, glob.viewPortY)
        elif bonus < 4:
            # Plane boost
            planeBoosterEnabled = True
                "People of ", currentCityName, "grant to you:",
                "A turbo boost!"
            ], tilemap, glob.viewPortX, glob.viewPortY)


    # Check if the target is near
    elif (abs((targetCityGob.wx + 2) + (glob.viewPortX - 55)) < 25
          and abs((targetCityGob.wy + 2) + (glob.viewPortY - 44)) < 25):
        targetCityGob.active = True
        #print("targetCityGob.Active 2",targetCityGob.active)
        targetCityGob.animDurCounter = 3
Exemplo n.º 11
def GameEndScreen():

    global cityCuredCount
    global timeBonus
    global highScore

    # Palette
    worldPalette = [
        0x0000, 0x5aa9, 0x0706, 0xff7c, 0xf809, 0xbe18, 0x194a, 0x0429, 0x792a,
        0xa286, 0xff44, 0x255f, 0x7392, 0xfbb4, 0xfe54
    fadedWorldPalette = [
        0x0000, 0x5aa9, 0x0706, 0xff7c, 0x0000, 0x5aa9, 0xbe18, 0xff7c, 0xf809,
        0xfd00, 0xff44, 0x0706, 0x194a, 0x7392, 0xfbb4, 0xfe54

    # If this is the new high score, save it to eeprom
    currentScore = cityCuredCount * 10 + timeBonus
    if highScore < currentScore:
        highScore = currentScore
        myCookieData[0] = 1  #version
        myCookieData[1] = (highScore >> 16) & 0xff
        myCookieData[2] = (highScore >> 8) & 0xff
        myCookieData[3] = highScore & 0xff

    while True:

        # Read keys
        eventtype = pygame.event.poll()
        if eventtype != pygame.NOEVENT:
            if eventtype.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if eventtype.key == pygame.BUT_A:
                    # Reset game
                    cityCuredCount = 0
                    points = 0
                    timeBonus = 0
                    failedCount = 0
                    allwaysOnGuide = False
                    planeBoosterEnabled = False


        now = umachine.time_ms()

        # Draw
        tilemap.draw(-200, 0)

        # Draw texts
        textY = 2
        textStepY = 8
        pygame.draw.text(10, textY, "Game over!", 8)
        textY += textStepY * 2
        pygame.draw.text(10, textY,
                         "You found " + str(cityCuredCount) + " cities.", 10)
        textY += textStepY
        pygame.draw.text(10, textY, "Time bonus: " + str(timeBonus), 10)
        textY += textStepY
        pygame.draw.text(10, textY, "Total score: " + str(currentScore), 10)
        textY += textStepY * 2
        pygame.draw.text(10, textY, "High score: " + str(highScore), 7)
        textY += textStepY

        # Draw text
        pygame.draw.text(10, 88 - 10, "A: Start", 9)

Exemplo n.º 12
def TitleScreen():

    # Initialise the title map.
    titleMapSizeX = 56  # Must be even
    titleMapSizeY = 100
    titleTilemap = pygame.tilemap.Tilemap(titleMapSizeX, titleMapSizeY,
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x0, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile0)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x1, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile1)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x2, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile2)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x3, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile3)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x4, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile4)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x5, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile5)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x6, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile6)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x7, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile7)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x8, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile8)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0x9, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile9)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0xa, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile10)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0xb, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile11)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0xc, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile12)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0xd, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile13)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0xe, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile14)
    titleTilemap.set_tile(0xf, tileSize, tileSize, data.tile15)

    # Palette
    worldPalette = [
        0x0000, 0x5aa9, 0x0706, 0xff7c, 0xa286, 0x194a, 0xbe18, 0x0429, 0xf809,
        0xfd00, 0xff44, 0x792a, 0x255f, 0x7392, 0xfbb4, 0xfe54
    titlePalette = [
        0x0000, 0x5aa9, 0x0706, 0xff7c, 0xa286, 0x5aa9, 0xbe18, 0x0000, 0xf809,
        0xfd00, 0xff44, 0x0706, 0xffff, 0x7392, 0xfbb4, 0xfe54
    titleFadedPalette = [
        0x0000, 0x194a, 0x792a, 0xa286, 0x0000, 0x5aa9, 0xbe18, 0xff7c, 0xf809,
        0xfd00, 0xff44, 0x0706, 0x194a, 0x7392, 0xfbb4, 0xfe54

    instructionsPageList = [
            # Page
            "A deadly pandemic ",
            "has spread over ",
            "the world. The ",
            "cities,big and ",
            "small,have closed",
            "borders and try to",
            "survive on their ",
            "own. The strict",
            "isolation makes ",
            "the situation a ",
            "bit better but ",
            "still the pandemic",
            # Page
            "regularly raises ",
            "its ugly head in",
            "different parts of",
            "the world. Luckily",
            "there is now a",
            "cure for the",
            "Unfortunately, the",
            "potion is very,",
            "very expensive,",
            "and out of the",
            "reach of all but",
            # Page
            "the wealthiest",
            "people.You are a ",
            "member of an ",
            "anarchistic ",
            "organisation ",
            'called "Bro ',
            'Hodion". It ',
            "makes strikes to",
            "the medicine ",
            "factories and ",
            "steals the potion",
            # Page
            "Your job is to ",
            "take your air ",
            "vehicle and bring",
            "the potion to the",
            "cities where the",
            "pandemic has ",
            "surfaced.Do not ",
            "get lost as that",
            "would mean that ",
            "the pandemic has ",
            "spread too wide to",
            "save the city!",

    creaditsPageList = [
            # Page
            "version 0.5, 2020",
            "Coding and gfx by",
            "Hannu Viitala.",
            "Tools and help by",
            "the mighty",
            "Pokitto community!",

    x = 0
    startScrollY = -((titleMapSizeY * 2) - 88 - 1)
    y = startScrollY
    y -= 30  # still image time
    #y = -20 #!!HV TEST
    y2 = y
    scrollingUp = False
    scrollingDown = True
    #scrollingDown = False
    frameNum = 0
    mini = None
    selectedMode = 3  # just title screen
    nextSelectedMode = 3
    while True:

        now = umachine.time_ms()

        # Update here so that the keys are read again in flip() before this comes effective.
        selectedMode = nextSelectedMode

        # Read keys
        if selectedMode == 3:  # show just titlescreen
            eventtype = pygame.event.poll()
            if eventtype != pygame.NOEVENT:
                if eventtype.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                    if eventtype.key == pygame.BUT_A:
                        nextSelectedMode = None

        # Scroll down screen
        if scrollingDown:
            y += 2
            if y > 0:
                # Start scrolling up
                y = 0
                scrollingUp = True
                scrollingDown = False
            y2 = y
            if y < startScrollY: y2 = startScrollY

        elif scrollingUp:
            y -= 100  # increase as fixed point number
            y2 = (y // 1000) | 1  # convert fixed point to integer
            #y2 = y2 | 1 # Use only odd coordinates to prevent flicker in dithered areas
            if y2 > 0: y2 = 0
            if y2 < -20:
                # stop scroilling
                y2 = -20
                scrollingUp = False

        # RAffle a mini anim when stopped moving.
        if (not scrollingUp) and (not scrollingDown):
            # Raffle if not active mini anim exists
            #if mini!=None : print("mini.gob.active",mini.gob.active)
            if mini == None or (not mini.gob.active):
                mini = minianim.RaffleMiniAnim(screen)

        # Draw
        titleTilemap.draw(x, y2)

        # Draw minianim
        if mini != None: mini.UpdateAndDraw()

        # Draw the dialog according the current mode
        if selectedMode == None:
            #print("open menu")
            nextSelectedMode = ui.UpdateAndDrawMenu(
                ["Start", "Instructions", "Credits"])
        elif selectedMode == 0:
            # Start game
            #print("Start game")
        elif selectedMode == 1:
            # Instructions
            if not ui.UpdateAndDrawTextPages(instructionsPageList):
                # Close the dialog
                nextSelectedMode = None
        elif selectedMode == 2:
            # Instructions
            if not ui.UpdateAndDrawTextPages(creaditsPageList):
                # Close the dialog
                nextSelectedMode = None

        # Periodic processing.
        frameNum += 1
        if (frameNum % 10 == 0):
            # Read random numbers so that the seuquence is not the same each time the city is raffled.
            # It depends on how fast the user presses A and goes to the "search" mode.

Exemplo n.º 13
viewPortVelX = 0
viewPortVelY = 0
#x = -120;
#y = -100;
#x = 0;
#y = 0;
mapW = mapSizeX * tileSize  # 24 tiles of 16 pixels
mapH = mapSizeY * tileSize  # 24 tiles of 16 pixels
screenW = screen.get_rect().width
screenH = screen.get_rect().height
heroOnScreenX = screenW // 2
heroOnScreenY = screenH // 2

frameNum = 1
fps = 0
lastTimeFps = umachine.time_ms()
freeRam = 0
seaState = 0
messages = [["Virus outbreak in", 7], ["xxx!", 10]]
messageDelay = 2000
messageSwitchAt = umachine.time_ms() + messageDelay
currMessageNum = 0
searchTimeEndAt = 0
maxSearchDurationdMs = 15000
#maxSearchDurationdMs = 5000

cityCuredCount = 0
timeBonus = 0
failedCount = 0
currentCityName = ""
allwaysOnGuide = False