Exemplo n.º 1
def get_physical_params_from_psd_model(model_fit, Pgas, T = 300, rho_m=2200, Mgas=28.97e-3):

    retrieve the physical parameters from the fitted models to power spectral density

    :param model_fit:
    :param Pgas: gas pressure in mBar
    :param T: temperature of environment in Kelvins,  default is 300K
    :param rho_m: mass density in units of kg/m^3, default is 2200kg/m^3
    :param Mgas: molar mass of molecules, default is 28.97e-3 kg/mol for dry air

    # get all the a parameters with their uncertainties
    fo, g, noise = [ufloat(m, s) for m, s in zip(model_fit.best_values.values(), np.sqrt(model_fit.covar.diagonal()))]

    wo = 2*pi*fo
    gamma = 2*pi*g
    mgas = Mgas/N_A

    # calculate the physical values with errors
    radius = 2.223 / rho_m * umath.sqrt(mgas / (kB * T)) * (Pgas*100) / gamma # radius in meters
    mass = 4*pi/3*rho_m*radius**3 # mass in kg

    C = wo**2  * noise / (T)  # energy calibration factor in (bit*Hz)^2 / Kelvin
    c = umath.sqrt(mass*wo**2*noise / (kB * T))*1e-9  # position calibration factor in bit/nm (or V/nm)

    return {'radius': radius*1e9, 'mass': mass, 'C': C, 'c': c, 'fo':fo, 'g':g, 'x2':noise*C}
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_einstein_R(lensMass, lensDist, sourceDist=None):
    """Calculates the einstein radius of a lens and
	source system.

	   lensMass (float) : Mass of the foreground lens object [Msol]

           lensMass Error (float) :  Error im the Mass of the foreground lens
                object [Msol]

           lensDist (float) : Distance to the lens [pc]

           lensDist Error (float) : Error in the Distance to the lens [pc]

           SourceDist (float,optional) : Distance to the source.
                                         defaults to None. If none,
                                         caculation will assume sourceDist
                                         to be at infinity. [pc]

           einsteinR (float) : The Einstein radius [mas]


    if sourceDist is None:
        return (90.2 * np.sqrt(lensMass / lensDist))

        return (90.2 * np.sqrt(
            (lensMass / lensDist) * (1 - lensDist / sourceDist)))
Exemplo n.º 3
def fit_orthorhombic_cell(data_df, wavelength, verbose=True):
    data_df = data in pandas DataFrame
    wavelength = wavelength, can we get this from .get_bast_ptn_wavelength
    returns unit cell fit results and statistics for an orthorhombic cell
    res_lin = fit_l_orthorhombic_cell(data_df, verbose=verbose)
    a_lin_star = ufloat(res_lin.params['Prefactor0'],
    b_lin_star = ufloat(res_lin.params['Prefactor1'],
    c_lin_star = ufloat(res_lin.params['Prefactor2'],
    a_lin = umath.sqrt(1. / a_lin_star)
    b_lin = umath.sqrt(1. / b_lin_star)
    c_lin = umath.sqrt(1. / c_lin_star)

    if verbose:
            str(datetime.datetime.now())[:-7], ': Orthorhombic cell: ', a_lin,
            b_lin, c_lin)

    res_nlin = fit_nl_orthorhombic_cell(data_df,

    a_res_nlin = ufloat(res_nlin.params['a'].value,
    b_res_nlin = ufloat(res_nlin.params['b'].value,
    c_res_nlin = ufloat(res_nlin.params['c'].value,
    v_res_nlin = a_res_nlin * b_res_nlin * c_res_nlin
    a_nlin = a_res_nlin.nominal_value
    s_a_nlin = a_res_nlin.std_dev
    b_nlin = b_res_nlin.nominal_value
    s_b_nlin = b_res_nlin.std_dev
    c_nlin = c_res_nlin.nominal_value
    s_c_nlin = c_res_nlin.std_dev
    v_nlin = v_res_nlin.nominal_value
    s_v_nlin = v_res_nlin.std_dev

    if verbose:
            str(datetime.datetime.now())[:-7], ': Orthorhombic cell: ',
            a_res_nlin, b_res_nlin, c_res_nlin)

    if np.abs(a_lin.nominal_value - a_nlin) > a_lin.std_dev:
            ': Difference between nonlinear and linear results exceed the error bar.'

    return a_nlin, s_a_nlin, b_nlin, s_b_nlin, c_nlin, s_c_nlin, \
        v_nlin, s_v_nlin, res_lin, res_nlin
def get_dl_and_kpc_per_asec(z, H0=70, WM=0.26, WV=0.74):
    """Get luminosity distance. See
    WR = 0.  # Omega(radiation)
    WK = 0.  # Omega curvaturve = 1-Omega(total)
    c = 299792.458  # velocity of light in km/sec
    DTT = 0.5  # time from z to now in units of 1/H0
    age = 0.5  # age of Universe in units of 1/H0
    zage = 0.1  # age of Universe at redshift z in units of 1/H0
    DCMR = 0.0  # comoving radial distance in units of c/H0
    DA = 0.0  # angular size distance
    DA_Mpc = 0.0
    kpc_DA = 0.0
    DL = 0.0  # luminosity distance
    DL_Mpc = 0.0
    a = 1.0  # 1/(1+z), the scale factor of the Universe
    az = 0.5  # 1/(1+z(object))
    h = H0 / 100.
    WR = 4.165E-5 / (h * h)  # includes 3 massless neutrino species,
    WK = 1 - WM - WR - WV
    az = 1.0 / (1 + 1.0 * z)
    age = 0.
    n = 1000  # number of points in integrals
    for i in range(n):
        a = az * (i + 0.5) / n
        adot = sqrt(WK + (WM / a) + (WR / (a * a)) + (WV * a * a))
        age = age + 1. / adot
    zage = az * age / n
    DTT = 0.0
    DCMR = 0.0
    for i in range(n):
        a = az + (1 - az) * (i + 0.5) / n
        adot = sqrt(WK + (WM / a) + (WR / (a * a)) + (WV * a * a))
        DTT = DTT + 1. / adot
        DCMR = DCMR + 1. / (a * adot)
    DTT = (1. - az) * DTT / n
    DCMR = (1. - az) * DCMR / n
    age = DTT + zage
    ratio = 1.00
    x = sqrt(abs(WK)) * DCMR
    if x > 0.1:
        if WK > 0:
            ratio = 0.5 * (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / x
            ratio = sin(x) / x
        y = x * x
        if WK < 0:
            y = -y
        ratio = 1. + y / 6. + y * y / 120.
    return (c / H0) * ((az * ratio * DCMR) / (az * az)) * 3.086e22, ((c / H0) * az * ratio * DCMR) / 206.264806
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: faraday1.py Projeto: vsilv/fp
def integral():
    x1 = uc.ufloat( 20 /2 *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    x2 = uc.ufloat( 150/2 *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    L =  uc.ufloat( 175   *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    l =  uc.ufloat( 150   *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    I =  uc.ufloat(10 , 0.1)
    N =  3600

    A = N  / (2 *L  * (x2-x1)) 
    factor =  (x2 * (sqrt( x2**2 + ((L+l)/2)**2)- sqrt( x2**2 + ((L-l)/2)**2) ) \
              -x1 * (sqrt( x1**2 + ((L+l)/2)**2)- sqrt( x1**2 + ((L-l)/2)**2) )  \
    + (((L+l)/2)**2* log((x2 + sqrt(((L+l)/2)**2  + x2**2))/ (x1 + sqrt(((L+l)/2)**2  + x1**2)) ) \
    -((L-l)/(4))**2* log((x2 + sqrt(((L-l)/2)**2  + x2**2))/ (x1 + sqrt(((L-l)/2)**2  + x1**2)) )))

    print(A * factor)

    a = np.load(input_dir +"a_3.npy")
    I = np.load(input_dir + "i_3.npy")
    I_fit = np.linspace(min(I),max(I),100) 

    S_a = 0.2
    S_I = 0.05

    weights = a*0 + 1/S_a 
    p, cov= np.polyfit(I,a, 1, full=False, cov=True, w=weights)

    (p1, p2) = uc.correlated_values([p[0],p[1]], cov)

    print(p1 / (A*factor))
    print(p1/2556/100 *oe *60)
Exemplo n.º 6
def calculate_abc_geometry(h, d):
    '''Returns the perpendicular distance geometry for the bicycle from the raw

    h : tuple
        Tuple containing the measured parameters h1-h5.
        (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5)
    d : tuple
        Tuple containing the measured parameters d1-d4 and d.
        (d1, d2, d3, d4, d)

    a : ufloat or float
        The rear frame offset.
    b : ufloat or float
        The fork offset.
    c : ufloat or float
        The steer axis distance.

    # extract the values
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 = h
    d1, d2, d3, d4, d = d
    # get the perpendicular distances
    a = h1 + h2 - h3 + .5 * d1 - .5 * d2
    b = h4 - .5 * d3 - h5 + .5 * d4
    c = umath.sqrt(-(a - b)**2 + (d + .5 * (d2 + d3))**2)
    return a, b, c
Exemplo n.º 7
def calculate_cbase(pH, pCO2, ctHb=3):
    """Calculate base excess.

    Calculate standard base excess, known as SBE, cBase(Ecf) or
    actual base excess, known as ABE, cBase(B) if ctHb is given.

    [1] Radiometer ABL800 Flex Reference Manual English US.
        chapter 6-29, p. 265, equation 5.

    [2] Siggaard-Andersen O. The acid-base status of the blood.
        4th revised ed. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1976.

    :param float pH:
    :param float pCO2: kPa
    :param float ctHb: Concentration of total hemoglobin in blood, mmol/L
        If given, calculates ABE, if not - SBE.
    :return: Standard base excess (SBE) or actual base excess (ABE), mEq/L.
    :rtype: float
    a = 4.04 * 10**-3 + 4.25 * 10**-4 * ctHb
    pHHb = 4.06 * 10**-2 * ctHb + 5.98 - 1.92 * 10**(-0.16169 * ctHb)
    log_pCO2Hb = -1.7674 * (10**
                            -2) * ctHb + 3.4046 + 2.12 * 10**(-0.15158 * ctHb)
    pHst = pH + math.log10(5.33 / pCO2) * (
        (pHHb - pH) / (log_pCO2Hb - math.log10(7.5006 * pCO2)))
    cHCO3_533 = 0.23 * 5.33 * 10**((pHst - 6.161) / 0.9524)
    # There is no comments, as there is no place for weak man
    cBase = 0.5 * ((8 * a - 0.919) / a) + 0.5 * math.sqrt(((
        (0.919 - 8 * a) / a)**2) - 4 * ((24.47 - cHCO3_533) / a))
    return cBase
Exemplo n.º 8
def fit_cubic_cell(data_df, wavelength, verbose=True):
    data_df = data in pandas DataFrame
    wavelength = wavelength, can we get this from .get_bast_ptn_wavelength
    returns unit cell fit results and statistics for a cubic cell

    res_lin = fit_l_cubic_cell(data_df, verbose=verbose)
    a_lin_star = ufloat(res_lin.params['Prefactor'], res_lin.bse['Prefactor'])
    a_lin = umath.sqrt(1. / a_lin_star)

    res_nlin = fit_nl_cubic_cell(data_df,
    a_res_nlin = ufloat(res_nlin.params['a'].value,
    v_res_nlin = a_res_nlin * a_res_nlin * a_res_nlin
    a_nlin = a_res_nlin.nominal_value
    s_a_nlin = a_res_nlin.std_dev
    v_nlin = v_res_nlin.nominal_value
    s_v_nlin = v_res_nlin.std_dev

    if np.abs(a_lin.nominal_value - a_nlin) > a_lin.std_dev:
            'Difference between nonlinear and linear results exceed the error bar.'

    return a_nlin, s_a_nlin, v_nlin, s_v_nlin, res_lin, res_nlin
Exemplo n.º 9
def CalculateSTD(df):
    StandardDeviation = []
    for key, grp in df.groupby(['SampleB', 'configuration']):
        astr = [ufloat(a, b) for a, b in zip(grp.CTR, grp.CTRerr)]

    return StandardDeviation
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: faraday1.py Projeto: vsilv/fp
def magnetic_field():

    x1 = uc.ufloat( 20 /2 *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    x2 = uc.ufloat( 150/2 *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    L =  uc.ufloat( 175   *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    l =  uc.ufloat( 150   *10**(-3)  ,   1*10**(-3))
    I =  uc.ufloat(10 , 0.1)
    N =  3600

    beta = N * I / (2   * (x2-x1)) 
    #magnetic field at z = L/2
    H = beta * log((x2 + sqrt((L/2)**2+ x2**2))/ ( x1 +\
        sqrt((L/2)**2 + x1**2))) 
def qm_res1():
	solves the quadritic formular to compute q/m in air
	the list can obtain up to 2 values, depending on the discriminant of the quadratic formular
	diskriminant = (u_w*r*w)**4 - 4*(4*K*u_x*A*w_res)**4
	if diskriminant < 0:
		print 'Keine Lösung für Luft gefunden'
		return []
	x1 = ( 4*u_w**2*r**6*w**4 + 4*r**4*w**2 * umath.sqrt( diskriminant ) ) / (128*A**2*(K*u_x)**4)
	x2 = ( 4*u_w**2*r**6*w**4 - 4*r**4*w**2 * umath.sqrt( diskriminant ) ) / (128*A**2*(K*u_x)**4)
	result = []
	for x in [x1, x2]:
		if x > 0:
			result.append( umath.sqrt(x) )
	return result
Exemplo n.º 12
def calculate_abc_geometry(h, d):
    '''Returns the perpendicular distance geometry for the bicycle from the raw

    h : tuple
        Tuple containing the measured parameters h1-h5.
        (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5)
    d : tuple
        Tuple containing the measured parameters d1-d4 and d.
        (d1, d2, d3, d4, d)

    a : ufloat or float
        The rear frame offset.
    b : ufloat or float
        The fork offset.
    c : ufloat or float
        The steer axis distance.

    # extract the values
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 = h
    d1, d2, d3, d4, d = d
    # get the perpendicular distances
    a = h1 + h2 - h3 + .5 * d1 - .5 * d2
    b = h4 - .5 * d3 - h5 + .5 * d4
    c = umath.sqrt(-(a - b)**2 + (d + .5 * (d2 + d3))**2)
    return a, b, c
Exemplo n.º 13
def dOmega(theta_lab, n):
    function to find dΩlab/dΩcm

    theta_lab : scattering angle in the lab system [rad]
    n         : A_t / A_i; A_t, A_i means mass number of target particle or incident particle

      dΩlab/dΩcm : factor to convert differential cross-section in the lab system to differential cross-section in the center-of-mass system

    This function do not consider relativity
    if isinstance(theta_lab, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return umath.pow(
            2.0 * umath.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + umath.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) / (n**2.0)) /
            umath.sqrt(1.0 - umath.pow(umath.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)), -1.0)
    elif isinstance(theta_lab, np.ndarray) and isinstance(
            theta_lab[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return unp.pow(
            2.0 * unp.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + unp.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) /
             (n**2.0)) / unp.sqrt(1.0 - unp.pow(unp.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)),
        return np.power(
            2.0 * np.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + np.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) /
             (n**2.0)) / np.sqrt(1.0 - np.power(np.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)),
Exemplo n.º 14
def planet_prot(f,req,mp,j2):
	Function to calculate period of rotation of a planet
	f : float;
		planet oblateness
	req : float;
		Equatorial radius of planet in jupiter radii.
	mp : float;
		mass of planet in jupiter masses
	j2 : float;
		quadrupole moment of the planet
    prot: rotation peropd of the planet in hours

    mass= mp*c.M_jup
    prot=2*np.pi*sqrt(radius**3 / (c.G*mass*(2*f-3*j2)))
    return prot.to(u.hr).value
Exemplo n.º 15
def output_params(timedays, NormFlux, fit, success, period, ecc, arg_periapsis):
    Flux, Ing, Egr = transiterout(np.arange(0, np.size(NormFlux)), fit[0], fit[1], fit[2], fit[3], fitting=True)
    print Ing

    # Get values and uncertainties from the fit
    Rp = ufloat((fit[0], np.sqrt(success[0][0])))
    b1 = ufloat((fit[1], np.sqrt(success[1][1])))
    vel = ufloat((fit[2], np.sqrt(success[2][2])))
    midtrantime = ufloat((fit[3], np.sqrt(success[3][3])))
    # gam1=ufloat((fit[4],np.sqrt(success[4][4])))
    # gam2=ufloat((fit[5],np.sqrt(success[5][5])))

    P = period
    ecc_corr = np.sqrt(1 - ecc ** 2) / (1 + ecc * umath.sin(arg_periapsis * np.pi / 180.0))
    Ttot = (Egr[np.size(Egr) - 1] - Ing[0]) * ecc_corr
    Tfull = (Egr[0] - Ing[np.size(Ing) - 1]) * ecc_corr
    # delta=ufloat((1-Flux[fit[3]],1-Flux[fit[3]]+sqrt(success[3][3])))
    delta = Rp ** 2
    dt = timedays[2] - timedays[1]

    aRstar = (
        2 * delta ** 0.25 * P / (np.pi * dt * umath.sqrt(Ttot ** 2 - Tfull ** 2))
    )  # *umath.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1+ecc*sin(arg_periapsis*pi/180.))
    # bmodel=umath.sqrt((1-(Tfull/Ttot)**2)/((1-umath.sqrt(delta))**2-(Tfull/Ttot)**2 * (1+umath.sqrt(delta))**2)) #Not too sure why this doesn't work
    inc = (180 / np.pi) * umath.acos(b1 / aRstar)
    # print bmodel

    poutnames = ("Rp", "b1", "vel", "midtrantime", "gam1", "gam2")
    for iz in range(0, np.size(fit)):
        print poutnames[iz], fit[iz], np.sqrt(success[iz][iz])

    print "--------------------------------"

    # Useful Conversions
    # R_Jup/R_Sun = 0.10279
    # R_Sun = 0.00464913034 AU
    aRstarFIT = vel * P / (dt * 2 * np.pi)
    incFIT = (180 / np.pi) * umath.acos(b1 / aRstarFIT)
    # midtrantime_convert=midtrantime*dt*24*3600+time_days[0]
    # midtrantime_MJD=timedays[midtrantime]+54964.00111764
    timebetween = timedays[int(midtrantime.nominal_value) + 1] - timedays[int(midtrantime.nominal_value)]
    print timebetween * dt

    # print "Midtrantime",midtrantime_convert.std_dev()#midtrantime_MJD
    print "aRstarFIT", aRstarFIT
    print "inclination", incFIT
    print "frac. rad.", Rp
    print "aRstar_mod", aRstar
    aRs = (aRstarFIT + aRstar) / 2
    print "--------------------------------"
    print "Planetary Radius/Star Radius: ", Rp
    print "Inclination: ", incFIT
    print "Semi - Major Axis / Stellar Radius: ", aRs
    print "Mid-Transit Time [MJD]",
    pyplot.plot(time, NormFlux, linestyle="None", marker=".")
    pyplot.plot(time, transiter(np.arange(np.size(NormFlux)), fit[0], fit[1], fit[2], fit[3]))

    return Flux, Rp, aRstarFIT, incFIT, aRstar, midtrantime
Exemplo n.º 16
def fractionofevents(k, n):
    k = 1.0 * k
    n = 1.0 * n
    return ufloat(
        k / n,
        sqrt((k + 1) * (k + 2) / ((n + 2) * (n + 3)) - (k + 1)**2 /
             (n + 2)**2))
Exemplo n.º 17
def ustd(list):
    """standard deviation"""
    if len(list) < 1:
        return float('nan')
    mean = umean(list)
    n = len(list)
    std = sqrt(sum([(x - mean)**2 for x in list])/( n*(n-1) ))
    return std*t_n(len(list))
Exemplo n.º 18
def ThreePointU(p1, p2, p3):
	ThreePointU calculates the strike (strike) and dip (dip)
	of a plane given the east (E), north (N), and up (U)
	coordinates of three non-collinear points on the plane
	p1, p2 and p3 are 1 x 3 arrays defining the location
	of the points in an ENU coordinate system. For each one
	of these arrays the first entry is the E coordinate,
	the second entry the N coordinate, and the third entry
	the U coordinate. These coordinates have uncertainties
	NOTE: strike and dip are returned in radians and they
	follow the right-hand rule format. The returned
	uncertainties are also in radians

	ThreePointU uses functions CartToSphU and Pole
	It also uses the uncertainties package from
	Eric O. Lebigot
    # make vectors v (p1 - p3) and u (p2 - p3)
    v = p1 - p2
    u = p2 - p3

    # take the cross product of v and u
    vcu0 = v[1] * u[2] - v[2] * u[1]
    vcu1 = v[2] * u[0] - v[0] * u[2]
    vcu2 = v[0] * u[1] - v[1] * u[0]

    # magnitude of the vector
    r = umath.sqrt(vcu0 * vcu0 + vcu1 * vcu1 + vcu2 * vcu2)

    # unit vector
    uvcu0 = vcu0 / r
    uvcu1 = vcu1 / r
    uvcu2 = vcu2 / r

    # make the pole vector in NED coordinates
    pole0 = uvcu1
    pole1 = uvcu0
    pole2 = -uvcu2

    # Make sure pole point downwards
    if pole2 < 0:
        pole0 *= -1
        pole1 *= -1
        pole2 *= -1

    # find the trend and plunge of the pole
    trd, plg = CartToSphU(pole0, pole1, pole2)

    # find strike and dip of plane
    strike, dip = Pole(trd, plg, 0)

    return strike, dip
Exemplo n.º 19
def transit_duration(P, Rp, a, b=0, e=0, w=90, inc=None, total=True):
    Function to calculate the total (T14) or full (T23) transit duration
    P: Period of planet orbit in days

    Rp: Radius of the planet in units of stellar radius

    b: Impact parameter of the planet transit [0, 1+Rp]

    a: scaled semi-major axis of the planet in units of solar radius
    inc: inclination of the orbit. Optional. If given b is not used. if None, b is used to calculate inc
    total: if True calculate the the total transit duration T14, else calculate duration of full transit T23

    Tdur: duration of transit in same unit as P   
    #eqn 30 and 31 of Kipping 2010 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.16894.x
    factor = (1-e**2)/(1+e*sin(radians(w)))
    if inc == None:
        inc = inclination(b,a,e,w)
    if total is False:
        Rp = -Rp
    sini = sin(radians(inc))
    cosi = cos(radians(inc))
    denom = a*factor*sini
    tdur= (P/np.pi) * (factor**2/sqrt(1-e**2)) * (asin ( sqrt((1+Rp)**2 - (a*factor*cosi)**2)/ denom ) )
    return  tdur
Exemplo n.º 20
def std(s, uncert=False):
    if s.__class__ == frameseries:
        N = s.N
    elif s.__class__ == np.ndarray:
        N = s
        raise ValueError
    if uncert:
        return umath.sqrt(var(N, uncert=True))
        return np.std(N)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def analyse_impedance_circle(self):
     # all quantities for equivalent circuit components have a name like self.ec_*
     d=self.aqd; db=self.aqdb; #dc=self.aqdc
     if (self.fr is not None) and (self.fa is not None):
         db['Qprod'] = self.fr**2 / (self.fa**2 - self.fr**2)
     if (self.fs is not None) and (self.fp is not None):
         db['k'] = umath.sqrt(1 - self.fs**2/self.fp**2)
     d['header']="1st run based on own target resonance"
     db['header']="2nd run incorporating fr and fs"
Exemplo n.º 22
def effective_ringed_planet_radius(rp, rin, rout, ir):
    Calculate effective radius of a ringed planet accounting for possible overlap between ring and planet. - eqn (2) from zuluaga+2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2041-8205/803/1/L14
    rp : float, ufloat;
        Radius of the planet hosting the ring
    rin, rout : float, ufloat;
        Inner and outer radii of the ring in units of rp.
    ir : float, ufloat;
        Inclination of the ring from the skyplane. 0 is face-on ring, 90 is edge on
    eff_R : float, ufloat;
        effective radius of the ringed planet in same unit as rp

    cosir = cos(radians(ir))
    sinir = sin(radians(ir))
    y = lambda r: sqrt(r**2 - 1) / (r * sinir)

    def eff(r):
        if r * cosir > 1:
            eff_r = r**2 * cosir - 1
            eff_r = (r**2 * cosir * 2 / np.pi *
                     asin(y(r))) - (2 / np.pi * asin(y(r) * r * cosir))

        return eff_r

    rout_eff2 = eff(rout)
    rin_eff2 = eff(rin)

    Arp = rp**2 + rp**2 * (rout_eff2 - rin_eff2)
    return sqrt(Arp)
Exemplo n.º 23
def GenerateCTR(df, reference=ufloat(42, 2), refflag=True, verbose=0):
    Calculates time resolution and error from scale parameter
#    TotalSigma = [ufloat(grp.scale, grp.scaleerr)
#                  for key, grp in df.groupby('uniquename')]

    if refflag==True:
        def afunc(srs):
                if srs["scale"]>reference.nominal_value:
                    return ufloat(srs["scale"], srs["scaleerr"])
                    return reference.nominal_value
        TotalSigma = array(df.apply(afunc,axis=1))

        if verbose > 0:
            print("Subtracting",reference,"in quadrature!")
        TimeResolution = [uncmath.sqrt(val**2 - reference**2) for val in TotalSigma]
        def afunc(srs):
            return ufloat(srs["scale"], srs["scaleerr"])
        TotalSigma = array(df.apply(afunc,axis=1))

        if verbose > 0:
            print("identical scintillator detectors")
        TimeResolution = [val / uncmath.sqrt(2) for val in TotalSigma]

    if verbose > 0:
        for i, val in enumerate(TimeResolution):
            print(i, ":", val, "ps")

        ##print("\nmean value :", mean(TimeResolution), "ps")
    return zip(*[[val.n, val.s] for val in TimeResolution])
Exemplo n.º 24
 def analyse_admittance_circle(self):
     # all quantities for equivalent circuit components have a name like self.ec_*
     d=self.aqd; db=self.aqdb; #dc=self.aqdc
     d['Qm'] = self.fs / (self.fnB-self.fmB)
     d['L'] = d['Qm'] * d['R'] / (2*pi*self.fs)
     d['C'] = 1. / (d['Qm']*d['R']*2*pi*self.fs)
     d['C01'] = d['Bs'] / (2*pi*self.fs)
     d['C02'] = d['C'] * d['Qprod']    # based on Bs, Gmax, fs, fnB, fmB
     d['k'] = umath.sqrt(d['C']/(d['C01']+d['C']))
     d['Ma'] = d['Qm'] / d['Qprod']
     d['Mb'] = 1. / (2*pi*self.fs*d['C01']*d['R'])
     d['Gamma'] = d['C']*3e-3 / (2*pi*34e-3*25e-3)
     if (self.fs is not None) and (self.fp is not None):
         db['k'] = umath.sqrt(1 - self.fs**2/self.fp**2)
         db['Qprod2'] = (1-db['k']**2) / db['k']**2
         db['M2'] = d['Qm'] / db['Qprod2']
     if (self.fa is not None) and (self.fr is not None):
         db['Qprod1'] = self.fr**2 / (self.fa**2 - self.fr**2)
         db['M1'] = d['Qm'] / db['Qprod1']
         db['C01'] = d['C'] * db['Qprod1'] # based on fa, fr
         db['C02'] = d['C'] * db['Qprod2'] # based on fs, fp
         db['k1'] = umath.sqrt(d['C']/(d['C01']+d['C']))
         db['k2'] = umath.sqrt(d['C']/(d['C02']+d['C']))
         db['k1b'] = umath.sqrt(d['C']/(db['C01']+d['C']))
         db['k2b'] = umath.sqrt(d['C']/(db['C01']+d['C']))
         #db['Bs'] = 2*pi*self.fs * db['C0']
         #db['Qe'] = db['Qprod'] / d['Qm']
     #d['Qprodb'] = d['C0']/d['C']
     d['header']="1st run based on own target resonance"
     db['header']="2nd run incorporating fa and fp"
Exemplo n.º 25
def calculateTotSigma(sigma_vec, f_vec):
    if len(sigma_vec) != len(f_vec) + 1:
        print 'calculateTotSigma: Warning! wrong vector lenghts'
        return 0
    totSigma = ufloat(0., 0.)
    sum_f    = ufloat(0., 0.)

    s1 = sigma_vec[0]
    s2 = sigma_vec[1]
    f1 = f_vec[0]
    totSigma = pow(s1, 2) * f1 + (1-f1)* pow(s2,2)
    for i in range(len(f_vec)-1):
        s1 = totSigma
        s2 = sigma_vec[i+2]
        f1 = f_vec[i+1]
        totSigma = pow(s1, 2) * f1 + (1-f1)* pow(s2,2)
#     print 'calculateTotSigma: totSigma = ', totSigma, ' sum_f = ',  sum_f
#     totSigma += (1-sum_f) *  pow(sigma_vec[-1],2)  
    print 'calculateTotSigma: ', umath.sqrt(totSigma)
    return umath.sqrt(totSigma) 
Exemplo n.º 26
def corr(s1, s2, uncert=False):
    Normalized photon-number correlation coefficient

    if uncert:
        return covar(s1, s2, uncert) / umath.sqrt(
            stat1d.var(s1, uncert) * stat1d.var(s2, uncert))
        return covar(s1, s2, uncert) / np.sqrt(
            stat1d.var(s1, uncert) * stat1d.var(s2, uncert))
Exemplo n.º 27
def max_load(usl_fit):
    """What's the estimated maximum load in the benchmark?

    usl_fit : lmfit.model.ModelResult
        USL scalabilty model result

        Container of graph artifacts to render
    params = _unpack_params(usl_fit)
    return sqrt((1 - params['sigma_']) / params['kappa'])
Exemplo n.º 28
def sigma_CCF(res):
    Function to obtain the CCF width of non-rotating star in km/s based on resolution of spectrograph
    res: Resolution of spectrograph
    sigma: CCF Width of non-rotating star in km/s 
    return 3e5/(res*2*sqrt(2*log(2)))
Exemplo n.º 29
def cartesian_to_angular(x, y, z):
    """Converts from cartesian to angular coordinates

    norm = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)

    x = x / norm
    y = y / norm
    z = z / norm

    dec = np.asin(z)
    ra = np.atan2(y, x)

    ra = ra * rad2deg
    dec = dec * rad2deg

    return numpy.array([ra, dec])
Exemplo n.º 30
def get_angular_sep(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):

    ra1 = ra1 * deg2rad
    ra2 = ra2 * deg2rad

    dec1 = dec1 * deg2rad
    dec2 = dec2 * deg2rad

    top = np.sqrt((np.cos(dec2) * np.sin(ra2 - ra1))**(2) +
                  (np.cos(dec1) * np.sin(dec2) -
                   np.sin(dec1) * np.cos(dec2) * np.cos(ra2 - ra1))**(2))

    bottom = (np.sin(dec1) * np.sin(dec2)) + (np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(dec2) *
                                              np.cos(ra2 - ra1))

    dist = np.atan2(top, bottom)

    return (dist / deg2rad) * 3600.0 * 1000.0
Exemplo n.º 31
def getTeqpl_error(Teffst, aR, ecc, A=0, f=1/4.):
    """Return the planet equilibrium temperature.

    Relation adapted from equation 4 page 4 in http://www.mpia.de/homes/ppvi/chapter/madhusudhan.pdf
    and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan%E2%80%93Boltzmann_law
    and later updated to include the effect of excentricity on the average stellar planet distance
    according to equation 5 p 25 of Laughlin & Lissauer 2015arXiv150105685L (1501.05685)
    Plus Exoplanet atmospheres, physical processes, Sara Seager, p30 eq 3.9 for f contribution.

    :param float/np.ndarray Teffst: Effective temperature of the star
    :param float/np.ndarray aR: Ration of the planetary orbital semi-major axis over the stellar
        radius (without unit)
    :param float/np.ndarray A: Bond albedo (should be between 0 and 1)
    :param float/np.ndarray f: Redistribution factor. If 1/4 the energy is uniformly redistributed
        over the planetary surface. If f = 2/3, no redistribution at all, the atmosphere immediately
        reradiate whithout advection.
    :return float/np.ndarray Teqpl: Equilibrium temperature of the planet
    return Teffst * (f * (1 - A))**(1 / 4.) * um.sqrt(1 / aR) / (1 - ecc**2)**(1/8.)
def qm_res2():
	same as above, only other way of calculating
	from uncertainties.umath import sqrt
	a = (4*K*u_x/w**2/r**2)**4 /4
	b = - ( 2*u_w / r / w**2 /A )**2
	c = - (2*w_res/w)**4
	discriminant = b**2 - 4*a*c
	if discriminant < 0:
		return []
	x1 = ( -b + sqrt( discriminant) ) / (2*a) #eigentlich sind nur das + interessant
	x2 = ( -b - sqrt( discriminant) ) / (2*a)

	result = []
	for x in [x1, x2]:
		if x > 0:
			result.append( - umath.sqrt(x) )
	return result
Exemplo n.º 33
Arquivo: fit.py Projeto: arn4/LabTools
def circle_fit(X, Y):
    Implementation of a Least-Squares Circle Fit as described by Randy Bullock in circle_fit.pdf.

    It returns coordinates of the center and radius.
    assert(len(X) == len(Y))
    N = len(X)

    xm = sum(X)/ N
    ym = sum(Y)/N

    u = X - xm
    v = Y - ym

    Suuu = sum(u**3)
    Svvv = sum(v**3)
    Suvv = sum(u*(v**2))
    Suuv = sum((u**2)*v)
    Suu = sum(u**2)
    Svv = sum(v**2)
    Suv = sum(u*v)

    # Can't find an easy way to solve the system with uncertaintis. So I did it by hand:
    # a1 x + b1 y = c1
    # a2 x + b2 y = c2
    a1 = Suu
    b1 = Suv
    c1 = (Suuu + Suvv)/2
    a2 = Suv
    b2 = Svv
    c2 = (Svvv + Suuv)/2

    det = a1*b2-b1*a2
    uc = -(b1*c2-c1*b2)/det
    vc = (a1*c2-c1*a2)/det

    # Solutions
    xc = uc + xm
    yc = vc + ym
    radius = umath.sqrt(uc**2 + vc**2 + (Suu + Svv)/N)

    return xc, yc, radius
Exemplo n.º 34
def min_mass(K, period, ecc, mstar):
    Calculates de minimum mass using known parameters for the planet and the star
    K [m/s]: radial velocity amplitud 
    period [days]: orbital period of planet 
    ecc: eccentricity of planet
    mstar [Msun]: Mass of star in Sun masses

    from uncertainties import ufloat, umath
    # Unit conversions
    period *= 86400  # days to seconds
    mstar *= 1.9891e30  # Sun masses to kg

    msini = K*(mstar)**(2/3) * \
        (period/(2*np.pi*6.67e-11))**(1/3) * umath.sqrt(1-ecc**2)

    # Convert to Earth masses
    msini /= 5.972e24
    return msini
Exemplo n.º 35
    def D(self, a):
        a : angle of rotation [rad]

        D : distance between target and detector [mm]
        Rd = self.R + self.d
        r = self.r
        AT = self.AT
        if isinstance(a, (int, float, np.number, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc)):
            return umath.sqrt(Rd**2.0 + r**2.0 - 2.0 * Rd * r * umath.cos(a + AT))
        elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
            return unp.sqrt(Rd**2.0 + r**2.0 - 2.0 * Rd * r * unp.cos(a + AT))
            raise ValueError(
                f"This function not supported for the input types. argument 'a' must be number or array")
Exemplo n.º 36
def T_eq(T_st,a_r):
    calculate equilibrium temperature of planet in Kelvin
    T_st: Array-like;
        Effective Temperature of the star
    a_r: Array-like;
        Scaled semi-major axis of the planet orbit
    T_eq: Array-like;
        Equilibrium temperature of the planet
    print("T_st is {0:.2f}, a_r is {1:.2f}".format(T_st,a_r))
    return T_st*sqrt(0.5/a_r)
Exemplo n.º 37
def get_angular_sep(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):
	implements the vincinerty distance formular in the case
	of a sphere.

    ra1 = ra1 * deg2rad
    ra2 = ra2 * deg2rad

    dec1 = dec1 * deg2rad
    dec2 = dec2 * deg2rad

    top = np.sqrt((np.cos(dec2) * np.sin(ra2 - ra1))**(2) +
                  (np.cos(dec1) * np.sin(dec2) -
                   np.sin(dec1) * np.cos(dec2) * np.cos(ra2 - ra1))**(2))

    bottom = (np.sin(dec1) * np.sin(dec2)) + (np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(dec2) *
                                              np.cos(ra2 - ra1))

    dist = np.atan2(top, bottom)

    return (dist / deg2rad) * 3600.0 * 1000.0
Exemplo n.º 38
def calculate_cbase(pH, pCO2, ctHb=3):
    """Calculate base excess.

    Calculate standard base excess, known as SBE, cBase(Ecf) or
    actual base excess known as ABE, cBase(B).


    [1] Radiometer ABL800 Flex Reference Manual English US.
        chapter 6-29, p. 265, equation 5.

    [2] Siggaard-Andersen O. The acid-base status of the blood.
        4th revised ed. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1976.

    :param float pH:
    :param float pCO2: kPa
    :param float ctHb: Concentration of total hemoglobin in blood, mmol/L
        If not given, calculate cBase(Ecf), otherwise cBase(B).
        Standard base excess (SBE) or actual base excess (ABE), mEq/L.
    :rtype: float
    # pCO2 *= 0.133322368  # mmHg to kPa
    a = 4.04 * 10 ** -3 + 4.25 * 10 ** -4 * ctHb
    pHHb = 4.06 * 10 ** -2 * ctHb + 5.98 - 1.92 * 10 ** (-0.16169 * ctHb)
    log_pCO2Hb = -1.7674 * (10 ** -2) * ctHb + 3.4046 + 2.12 * 10 ** (
        -0.15158 * ctHb)
    pHst = pH + math.log10(5.33 / pCO2) * (
        (pHHb - pH) / (log_pCO2Hb - math.log10(7.5006 * pCO2)))
    cHCO3_533 = 0.23 * 5.33 * 10 ** ((pHst - 6.161) / 0.9524)
    # There is no comments, as there is no place for weak man
    cBase = 0.5 * ((8 * a - 0.919) / a) + 0.5 * math.sqrt(
        (((0.919 - 8 * a) / a) ** 2) - 4 * ((24.47 - cHCO3_533) / a))
    return cBase
Exemplo n.º 39
def test_uncertainties():
    """ Tests the method used to calculate uncertainties in
        Note: this tests uncertainties on the calculation of
        the mean itself!
    # Build array of 100 values
    n = 100
    arr = N.random.randn(2, n)
    arr[1] = 0.1 * N.abs(arr[1])
    unc = uarray(arr[0], arr[1])
    avg = N.mean(unc)

    # Test uncertainties in the calculation of the mean of
    # the distribution
    k = arr[0].mean()
    s = N.sqrt(N.sum(arr[1]**2)) / n
    avg2 = ufloat(k, s)
    print(avg, avg2)
    assert N.allclose(avg.n, avg2.n)
    assert N.allclose(avg.s, avg2.s)

    # Test uncertainties in the calculation of a single
    # measured value fo the distribution
    mu = unc.mean()
    # Shim for standard deviation
    variance = N.mean((unc - avg)**2) + mu.s**2
    avg = ufloat(mu.n, umath.sqrt(variance).n)

    k = arr[0].mean()
    s = N.sqrt(N.sum(arr[1]**2)) / n
    s = arr[0].std() + s
    avg2 = ufloat(k, s)

    print(avg, avg2)
    assert N.allclose(avg.n, avg2.n, rtol=0.5)
    assert N.allclose(avg.s, avg2.s, rtol=0.5)
Exemplo n.º 40
def theta(theta_lab, n):
    function to convert θ in the lab system to θ in the center-of-mass system

    theta_lab : scattering angle in the lab system [rad]
    n         : A_t / A_i; A_t, A_i means mass number of target particle or incident particle

    theta_cm  : scattering angle in the center-of-mass system [rad]

    This function do not consider relativity
    if isinstance(theta_lab, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        coslab2 = umath.pow(umath.cos(theta_lab), 2.0)
        coscm = (coslab2 - 1.0) / n \
            + umath.sqrt((1.0 - 1.0 / n**2.0) * coslab2 +
                         umath.pow(coslab2 / n, 2.0))
        return np.sign(theta_lab) * umath.acos(coscm)
    elif isinstance(theta_lab, np.ndarray) and isinstance(
            theta_lab[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        coslab2 = unp.pow(unp.cos(theta_lab), 2.0)
        coscm = (coslab2 - 1.0) / n \
            + unp.sqrt((1.0 - 1.0 / n**2.0) * coslab2 +
                       unp.pow(coslab2 / n, 2.0))
        return np.sign(theta_lab) * unp.arccos(coscm)
        coslab2 = np.power(np.cos(theta_lab), 2.0)
        coscm = (coslab2 - 1.0) / n \
            + np.sqrt((1.0 - 1.0 / n**2.0) * coslab2 +
                      np.power(coslab2 / n, 2.0))
        return np.sign(theta_lab) * np.arccos(coscm)
	#~ printError(u, unit = 'V')
ug_new = []
ug_new2 = []
for i in [1,6,10]:
	#~ print u_g[i+1] - u_g[i-1]
	diff  = (u_g[i+1] - u_g[i-1])/2
	ug_new.append( [ u_g[i].nominal_value , diff.nominal_value,i] )
	#~ ug_new2.append(  ufloat( u_g[i].nominal_value , diff )
print "U_G"
d = ufloat( ( 0.0305, 0.002 ) )# m
g = 9.81 # m/s²

#~ for u in ug:
	 #~ qm_grav = g * d / u
	 #~ printError(qm_grav, unit = 'C/kg')
dval = d.nominal_value
edval = d.std_dev()
print "Messung 1 bei 450mbar"
for i,u in enumerate(ug_new):
	print i+1
	print "U_g: %f +- %f (stat.) +- %f (sys.) V"%(u[0],u_g[u[2]].std_dev(),u[1])
	qm_grav = g * d.nominal_value / u_g[u[2]]
	qm = g * dval / u[0]
	#~ print "uncertain q/m: %e +- %e (stat.) +- %e (sys.) C/kg \n"%(qm,qm_grav.std_dev(),usysqm(g,dval,edval,u[0],u[1]))
	print "byhand q/m: %e +- %e (stat.) +- %e (sys.) +- %e (comb.)C/kg \n"%(qm,usysqm( g,dval,0,u[0],u_g[u[2]].std_dev() ),usysqm( g,dval,edval,u[0],u[1]),sqrt(pow(usysqm( g,dval,0,u[0],u_g[u[2]].std_dev() ),2) + pow(usysqm( g,dval,edval,u[0],u[1]),2) ) )
Exemplo n.º 42
def output_params(timedays, NormFlux, fit, success, period, ecc,
    Flux, Ing, Egr = transiterout(np.arange(0, np.size(NormFlux)),
    print Ing

    #Get values and uncertainties from the fit
    Rp = ufloat((fit[0], np.sqrt(success[0][0])))
    b1 = ufloat((fit[1], np.sqrt(success[1][1])))
    vel = ufloat((fit[2], np.sqrt(success[2][2])))
    midtrantime = ufloat((fit[3], np.sqrt(success[3][3])))

    P = period
    ecc_corr = np.sqrt(1 - ecc**2) / (
        1 + ecc * umath.sin(arg_periapsis * np.pi / 180.))
    Ttot = (Egr[np.size(Egr) - 1] - Ing[0]) * ecc_corr
    Tfull = (Egr[0] - Ing[np.size(Ing) - 1]) * ecc_corr
    delta = Rp**2
    dt = timedays[2] - timedays[1]

    aRstar = (2 * delta**0.25 * P /
              (np.pi * dt * umath.sqrt(Ttot**2 - Tfull**2))
              )  #*umath.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1+ecc*sin(arg_periapsis*pi/180.))
    #bmodel=umath.sqrt((1-(Tfull/Ttot)**2)/((1-umath.sqrt(delta))**2-(Tfull/Ttot)**2 * (1+umath.sqrt(delta))**2)) #Not too sure why this doesn't work
    inc = (180 / np.pi) * umath.acos(b1 / aRstar)
    #print bmodel

    poutnames = ('Rp', 'b1', 'vel', 'midtrantime', 'gam1', 'gam2')
    for iz in range(0, np.size(fit)):
        print poutnames[iz], fit[iz], np.sqrt(success[iz][iz])

    print "--------------------------------"

    #Useful Conversions
    #R_Jup/R_Sun = 0.10279
    #R_Sun = 0.00464913034 AU
    aRstarFIT = vel * P / (dt * 2 * np.pi)
    incFIT = (180 / np.pi) * umath.acos(b1 / aRstarFIT)
    timebetween = timedays[int(midtrantime.nominal_value) + 1] - timedays[int(
    print timebetween * dt

    #print "Midtrantime",midtrantime_convert.std_dev()#midtrantime_MJD
    print "aRstarFIT", aRstarFIT
    print "inclination", incFIT
    print "frac. rad.", Rp
    print "aRstar_mod", aRstar
    aRs = (aRstarFIT + aRstar) / 2
    print "--------------------------------"
    print "Planetary Radius/Star Radius: ", Rp
    print "Inclination: ", incFIT
    print "Semi - Major Axis / Stellar Radius: ", aRs
    print "Mid-Transit Time [MJD]",
    pyplot.plot(time, NormFlux, linestyle='None', marker='.')
        transiter(np.arange(np.size(NormFlux)), fit[0], fit[1], fit[2],

    return Flux, Rp, aRstarFIT, incFIT, aRstar, midtrantime
def longBeta(a, q):
	from uncertainties.umath import sqrt
	return 1.*sqrt( a - (a-1)*q**2 / (2*(a-1)**2-q**2) - (5*a+7)*q**4 / (32*(a-1)**3*(a-4)) - (9*a**2+58*a+29)*q**6 / (64*(a-1)**5*(a-4)*(a-9) ) )
def shortBeta(a,q):
	from uncertainties.umath import sqrt
	return 1.*sqrt(a+q**2/2)
def usysqm (g,d,ed,u,eu):
	return g/u * sqrt(ed**2 + eu**2 * d**2 / u**2) 
Exemplo n.º 46
    def get_summary(self, nodmx=False):
        """Return a human-readable summary of the Fitter results.
        nodmx : bool
            Set to True to suppress printing DMX parameters in summary

        # Need to check that fit has been done first!
        if not hasattr(self, "covariance_matrix"):
                "fit_toas() has not been run, so pre-fit and post-fit will be the same!"

        from uncertainties import ufloat
        import uncertainties.umath as um

        # First, print fit quality metrics
        s = "Fitted model using {} method with {} free parameters to {} TOAs\n".format(
            self.method, len(self.get_fitparams()), self.toas.ntoas)
        s += "Prefit residuals Wrms = {}, Postfit residuals Wrms = {}\n".format(
            self.resids_init.rms_weighted(), self.resids.rms_weighted())
        s += "Chisq = {:.3f} for {} d.o.f. for reduced Chisq of {:.3f}\n".format(
            self.resids.chi2, self.resids.dof, self.resids.chi2_reduced)
        s += "\n"

        # Next, print the model parameters
        s += "{:<14s} {:^20s} {:^28s} {}\n".format("PAR", "Prefit", "Postfit",
        s += "{:<14s} {:>20s} {:>28s} {}\n".format("=" * 14, "=" * 20,
                                                   "=" * 28, "=" * 5)
        for pn in list(self.get_allparams().keys()):
            if nodmx and pn.startswith("DMX"):
            prefitpar = getattr(self.model_init, pn)
            par = getattr(self.model, pn)
            if par.value is not None:
                if isinstance(par, strParameter):
                    s += "{:14s} {:>20s} {:28s} {}\n".format(
                        pn, prefitpar.value, "", par.units)
                elif isinstance(par, AngleParameter):
                    # Add special handling here to put uncertainty into arcsec
                    if par.frozen:
                        s += "{:14s} {:>20s} {:>28s} {} \n".format(
                            pn, str(prefitpar.quantity), "", par.units)
                        if par.units == u.hourangle:
                            uncertainty_unit = pint.hourangle_second
                            uncertainty_unit = u.arcsec
                        s += "{:14s} {:>20s}  {:>16s} +/- {:.2g} \n".format(

                    # Assume a numerical parameter
                    if par.frozen:
                        s += "{:14s} {:20g} {:28s} {} \n".format(
                            pn, prefitpar.value, "", par.units)
                        # s += "{:14s} {:20g} {:20g} {:20.2g} {} \n".format(
                        #     pn,
                        #     prefitpar.value,
                        #     par.value,
                        #     par.uncertainty.value,
                        #     par.units,
                        # )
                        s += "{:14s} {:20g} {:28SP} {} \n".format(
                            ufloat(par.value, par.uncertainty.value),
        # Now print some useful derived parameters
        s += "\nDerived Parameters:\n"
        if hasattr(self.model, "F0"):
            F0 = self.model.F0.quantity
            if not self.model.F0.frozen:
                p, perr = pint.utils.pferrs(F0, self.model.F0.uncertainty)
                s += "Period = {} +/- {}\n".format(p.to(u.s), perr.to(u.s))
                s += "Period = {}\n".format((1.0 / F0).to(u.s))
        if hasattr(self.model, "F1"):
            F1 = self.model.F1.quantity
            if not any([self.model.F1.frozen, self.model.F0.frozen]):
                p, perr, pd, pderr = pint.utils.pferrs(
                    F0, self.model.F0.uncertainty, F1,
                s += "Pdot = {} +/- {}\n".format(
                brakingindex = 3
                s += "Characteristic age = {:.4g} (braking index = {})\n".format(
                    pint.utils.pulsar_age(F0, F1, n=brakingindex),
                s += "Surface magnetic field = {:.3g}\n".format(
                    pint.utils.pulsar_B(F0, F1))
                s += "Magnetic field at light cylinder = {:.4g}\n".format(
                    pint.utils.pulsar_B_lightcyl(F0, F1))
                I_NS = I = 1.0e45 * u.g * u.cm**2
                s += "Spindown Edot = {:.4g} (I={})\n".format(
                    pint.utils.pulsar_edot(F0, F1, I=I_NS), I_NS)

        if hasattr(self.model, "PX"):
            if not self.model.PX.frozen:
                s += "\n"
                px = ufloat(
                s += "Parallax distance = {:.3uP} pc\n".format(1.0 / px)

        # Now binary system derived parameters
        binary = None
        for x in self.model.components:
            if x.startswith("Binary"):
                binary = x
        if binary is not None:
            s += "\n"
            s += "Binary model {}\n".format(binary)

            if binary.startswith("BinaryELL1"):
                if not any([
                    eps1 = ufloat(
                    eps2 = ufloat(
                    tasc = ufloat(
                        # This is a time in MJD
                    pb = ufloat(
                    s += "Conversion from ELL1 parameters:\n"
                    ecc = um.sqrt(eps1**2 + eps2**2)
                    s += "ECC = {:P}\n".format(ecc)
                    om = um.atan2(eps1, eps2) * 180.0 / np.pi
                    if om < 0.0:
                        om += 360.0
                    s += "OM  = {:P}\n".format(om)
                    t0 = tasc + pb * om / 360.0
                    s += "T0  = {:SP}\n".format(t0)

                    s += pint.utils.ELL1_check(
                    s += "\n"

                # Masses and inclination
                if not any([self.model.PB.frozen, self.model.A1.frozen]):
                    pbs = ufloat(
                    a1 = ufloat(
                    fm = 4.0 * np.pi**2 * a1**3 / (4.925490947e-6 * pbs**2)
                    s += "Mass function = {:SP} Msun\n".format(fm)
                    mcmed = pint.utils.companion_mass(
                        inc=60.0 * u.deg,
                        mpsr=1.4 * u.solMass,
                    mcmin = pint.utils.companion_mass(
                        inc=90.0 * u.deg,
                        mpsr=1.4 * u.solMass,
                    s += "Companion mass min, median (assuming Mpsr = 1.4 Msun) = {:.4f}, {:.4f} Msun\n".format(
                        mcmin, mcmed)

                if hasattr(self.model, "SINI"):
                    if not self.model.SINI.frozen:
                        si = ufloat(
                        s += "From SINI in model:\n"
                        s += "    cos(i) = {:SP}\n".format(um.sqrt(1 - si**2))
                        s += "    i = {:SP} deg\n".format(
                            um.asin(si) * 180.0 / np.pi)

                    psrmass = pint.utils.pulsar_mass(
                    s += "Pulsar mass (Shapiro Delay) = {}".format(psrmass)

        return s
Exemplo n.º 47
def SolveProblem(d):
    # Get our needed variables
    for k in d["vars"]:
        if k in set(("S1", "S2", "S3", "A1", "A2", "A3")):
            exec("%s = d['vars']['%s']" % (k, k))
    angle_conv = d["angle_measure"]  # Converts angle measure to radians
    prob = d["problem_type"]
        if prob == "sss":
            # Law of cosines to find two angles, angle law to find third.
            A1 = acos((S2**2 + S3**2 - S1**2)/(2*S2*S3))
            A2 = acos((S1**2 + S3**2 - S2**2)/(2*S1*S3))
            A3 = pi - A1 - A2
        elif prob == "ssa":
            # Law of sines to find the other two angles and remaining
            # side.  Note it can have two solutions (the second solution's
            # data will be in the variables s1_2, s2_2, etc.).
            A1 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A2 = asin((S2/S1*sin(A1)))
            A3 = pi - A1 - A2
            S3 = S2*sin(A3)/sin(A2)
            # Check for other solution
            A1_2 = A1
            A2_2 = pi - A2
            A3_2 = pi - A1_2 - A2_2
            if A1_2 + A2_2 + A3_2 > pi:
                # Second solution not possible
                del A1_2
                del A2_2
                del A3_2
                # Second solution is possible
                S1_2 = S1
                S2_2 = S2
                S3_2 = S2_2*sin(A3_2)/sin(A2_2)
        elif prob == "sas":
            # Law of cosines to find third side; law of sines to find
            # another angle; angle law for other angle.  Note we rename
            # the incoming angle to be consistent with a solution diagram.
            A3 = A1*angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            S3 = sqrt(S1**2 + S2**2 - 2*S1*S2*cos(A3))
            A2 = asin(S2*sin(A3)/S3)
            A1 = pi - A2 - A3
        elif prob == "asa":
            # Third angle from angle law; law of sines for other two
            # sides.  Note we rename the sides for consistency with a
            # diagram.
            A1 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A2 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A3 = pi - A1 - A2
            S3 = S1
            S2 = S3*sin(A2)/sin(A3)
            S1 = S3*sin(A1)/sin(A3)
        elif prob == "saa":
            # Third angle from angle law; law of sines for other two
            # sides. 
            A1 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A2 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A3 = pi - A1 - A2
            S2 = S1*sin(A2)/sin(A1)
            S3 = S1*sin(A3)/sin(A1)
            raise ValueError("Bug:  unrecognized problem")
    except UnboundLocalError as e:
        s = str(e)
        loc = s.find("'")
        s = s[loc + 1:]
        loc = s.find("'")
        s = s[:loc]
        Error("Variable '%s' not defined" % s)
    except ValueError as e:
        msg = "Can't solve the problem:\n"
        msg += "  Error:  %s" % str(e)
    # Collect solution information
    solution = {}
    vars = set((
        "S1", "S2", "S3", "A1", "A2", "A3",
        "S1_2", "S2_2", "S3_2", "A1_2", "A2_2", "A3_2",
    for k in vars:
        if k in locals():
            exec("solution['%s'] = %s" % (k, k))
    d["solution"] = solution
def qm_res4():
	dis = umath.sqrt( (u_w / A)**4 + ( 4*K*u_x*w_res/w)**4 )
	front = (u_w/A)**2
	return [ -umath.sqrt( (front + dis) / ( 32*r**2 * (u_x*K/w/r**2)**4 ) ) ]
Exemplo n.º 49
#this part is for the case multiple measurements have been performed
#with the same parameters -> set numpoints to this value
if numPoints>1:
    #construct an array with values and errors using the uncertainties package
    valNerr=[[ufloat(propVals[i][j],propErrs[i][j]) for j in xrange(len(propVals[i]))] for i in xrange(len(propVals))]
    for line in valNerr:
        for i in xrange(len(line)/numPoints):
            #temporary, this should be checked for correct propagation of errors!        

#create a figure for the parameters
#plot the parameters
for i in xrange(len(params)):
    #set the function name as plot title