Exemplo n.º 1
def test_static_calc_unc():
    Test uncertainty propagation in static calculations using Uncertainties.

    # FIXME: this shouldn't have to run a model to test the uncertainty
    test_model_file = os.path.join(PROJ_PATH, 'models',
    test_model = sandia_performance_model.SAPM(test_model_file)  # create model
    test_model.command('start')  # start simulation
    # get parameters from model
    dt = test_model.outputs.reg['timestamps']  # timestamps
    latitude = test_model.data.reg['latitude'].m  # latitude [degrees]
    longitude = test_model.data.reg['longitude'].m  # longitude [degrees]
    zenith = test_model.outputs.reg['solar_zenith'].m  # zenith [degrees]
    s_ze_ze = test_model.outputs.reg.variance['solar_zenith']['solar_zenith']
    azimuth = test_model.outputs.reg['solar_azimuth'].m  # azimuth [degrees]
    s_az_az = test_model.outputs.reg.variance['solar_azimuth']['solar_azimuth']
    # get uncertainties percentages in base units
    lat_unc = test_model.data.reg.uncertainty['latitude']['latitude']
    lat_unc = lat_unc.to_base_units().m
    lon_unc = test_model.data.reg.uncertainty['longitude']['longitude']
    lon_unc = lon_unc.to_base_units().m
    # create ufloat Uncertainties from parameters
    lat_unc = uncertainties.ufloat(latitude, np.abs(latitude * lat_unc))
    lon_unc = uncertainties.ufloat(longitude, np.abs(longitude * lon_unc))
    test_unc = []  # empty list to collect return values
    for n in xrange(96):
        # Uncertainties wrapped functions must return only scalar float
        f_ze_unc = uncertainties.wrap(
            lambda lat, lon: solpos(dt[n], lat, lon)['apparent_zenith'].item()
        f_az_unc = uncertainties.wrap(
            lambda lat, lon: solpos(dt[n], lat, lon)['azimuth'].item()
        ze_unc, az_unc = f_ze_unc(lat_unc, lon_unc), f_az_unc(lat_unc, lon_unc)
            '%s: ze = %g +/- %g%%, az = %g +/- %g%%', dt[n].isoformat(),
            zenith[n], np.sqrt(s_ze_ze[n]) * 100,
            azimuth[n], np.sqrt(s_az_az[n]) * 100
            'Uncertainties test %2d: ze = %g +/- %g%%, az = %g +/- %g%%', n,
            ze_unc.n, ze_unc.s / ze_unc.n * 100,
            az_unc.n, az_unc.s / az_unc.n * 100
        assert np.isclose(zenith[n], ze_unc.n)
        assert np.isclose(np.sqrt(s_ze_ze[n]), ze_unc.s / ze_unc.n)
        assert np.isclose(azimuth[n], az_unc.n)
        assert np.isclose(np.sqrt(s_az_az[n]), az_unc.s / az_unc.n)
        test_unc.append({'ze': ze_unc, 'az': az_unc})
    return test_model, test_unc
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_wrapped_func_with_kwargs():
    Test wrapped functions with keyword args
    def cos_plain(angle):
        return math.cos(angle)

    def cos_kwargs(angle, **kwargs):
        return math.cos(angle)

    def use_kwargs(angle, cos=True):
        if cos:
            return math.cos(angle)
            return math.sin(angle)

    # wrappings of these functions
    wrap_cos_plain  = uncertainties.wrap(cos_plain)
    wrap_cos_wderiv = uncertainties.wrap(cos_plain, [math.cos])
    wrap_cos_kwargs = uncertainties.wrap(cos_kwargs)
    wrap_use_kwargs = uncertainties.wrap(use_kwargs)
    umath_cos       = umath.cos
    umath_sin       = umath.sin

    # now test that the wrapped functions give the same results
    # as the umath versions for a variety of input values
    for a in (ufloat((0.2, 0.01)),  ufloat((0.7, 0.00001)),
              #ufloat((0.9, 0.3)),   ufloat((1.e-4, 0.3)),
              #ufloat((200.0, 0.3)), ufloat((1.e5, 0.3)),
              #0, 2, 1.25, 0.0, 1.e-5, 0.707, 1.5708
        ucos = umath_cos(a)
        usin = umath_sin(a)
        assert _numbers_close(ucos, wrap_cos_plain(a))
        assert _numbers_close(ucos, wrap_cos_wderiv(a))
        assert _numbers_close(ucos, wrap_cos_kwargs(a))
        assert _numbers_close(ucos, wrap_cos_kwargs(a, opt=None))
        assert _numbers_close(ucos, wrap_cos_kwargs(a, opt=None, opt2=True))
        assert _numbers_close(ucos, wrap_use_kwargs(a, cos=True))
        assert _numbers_close(usin, wrap_use_kwargs(a, cos=False))

    # affirm that calling a wrapped function with unsupported
    # keyword args raises a TypeError
    raised = False
        wrap_use_kwargs(a, other=False)
    except TypeError:
        raised = True
    assert raised
def test_uncertainties_comparison_user_defined_funcs():
  import uncertainties
  from uncertainties import ufloat

  x = UQ_( '15. +/- 0.1 m' )
  y = UQ_( '25. +/- 0.2 m' )
  w = UQ_( '35. +/- 0.3 m' )

  xx = ufloat( 15, 0.1 )
  yy = ufloat( 25, 0.2 )
  ww = ufloat( 35, 0.3 )

  def calc(x,y,w):
    return ((x - y)/(x - w))*w

  f = uconv.WithError(calc)
  ff = uncertainties.wrap(calc)

  z = f(x,y,w)
  zz = ff(xx,yy,ww)

  t_us  = timeit.timeit( lambda :  f( x, y, w), number = 200 )
  t_unc = timeit.timeit( lambda : ff(xx,yy,ww), number = 200 )

  assert t_us > t_unc

  assert Close( z.nominal.magnitude    , zz.nominal_value)
  assert Close( z.uncertainty.magnitude, zz.std_dev)

  corr = uconv.correlations.matrix( x,y,z,w )
  ccorr = uncertainties.correlation_matrix( [xx,yy,zz,ww] )

  for i in range(4):
    for j in range(4):
      assert Close( corr(i,j), ccorr[i][j], 0.1 )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, list_, err=None, factor=1):
        self.avr = np.mean(list_)*factor
        self.std = np.std(list_)*factor
        self.len = len(list_)
        self.std_err = self.std / math.sqrt(self.len)
        self.avr_err = unc.ufloat(self.avr, self.std_err)*factor

        if not err is None:
            Umean = unc.wrap(np.mean)
            self.list_err = unp.uarray(list_, [err]*self.len)*factor
            self.avr_err_gauss = Umean(self.list_err)*factor
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self,conc=0):
     initializeaza clasa Water
         concentratia in procente
     pentru o concentratie de 50% conc=0.5 implicit concentratia va fi de zero   
     pentru a nu produce timpi de executie mari, la initializare se creaza si 
     functii pentru calcul vectorial si cu incertitudini
     self.__defpress=2.e5 #in Pa
     if self.__conc==0.0:
     #intializam functiile wrap astfel incat sa se poata folosii cu ufloat
     def __w_dens(t):
         t=float(t) #obligam conversia la float chiar daca este intreg
         return fld.PropsSI('D','T',t,'P',self.__defpress,self.__fldName)
     def __w_cp(t):
         return fld.PropsSI('C','T',t,'P',self.__defpress,self.__fldName)
     def __w_cond(t):
         return fld.PropsSI('L','T',t,'P',self.__defpress,self.__fldName)
     def __w_visc(t):
         return fld.PropsSI('V','T',t,'P',self.__defpress,self.__fldName)
     self.__vudens=np.vectorize(un.wrap(__w_dens))   #kg/m3
     self.__vucp=np.vectorize(un.wrap(__w_cp))       #J/kg.K
     self.__vucond=np.vectorize(un.wrap(__w_cond))   #W/m.K
     self.__vuvisc=np.vectorize(un.wrap(__w_visc))   #Pa.s
Exemplo n.º 6
    def wrapped_fsum():
        Returns an uncertainty-aware version of math.fsum, which must
        be contained in _original_func.

        # The fsum function is flattened, in order to use the
        # wrap() wrapper:

        flat_fsum = lambda *args: original_func(args)

        flat_fsum_wrap = uncertainties.wrap(
            flat_fsum, itertools.repeat(lambda *args: 1))

        return wraps(lambda arg_list: flat_fsum_wrap(*arg_list),
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __numpy_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, i, inputs, **kwargs):
        # Calculates the uncertainties
        wrapped_ufunc = uncert.wrap(ufunc)
        var_inputs = uquantity_to_variable(inputs)
        var_out = wrapped_ufunc(*var_inputs, **kwargs)

        # Calculates the units
        units_inputs = tuple( [uquant.unit for uquant in inputs] )
            units_out = ufunc(*units_inputs, **kwargs)
        except TypeError:
            # Cases like addition and subtraction
            units_out = units_inputs[0]
        except AttributeError:
            # Cases like trig functions
            units_out = units_inputs[0]

        return UQuantity(var_out.nominal_value, var_out.std_dev, units_out, derivatives=var_out.derivatives)
def test_wrapped_func():
    Test uncertainty-aware functions obtained through wrapping.

    # This function can be wrapped so that it works when 'angle' has
    # an uncertainty (math.cos does not handle numbers with
    # uncertainties):
    def f(angle, list_var):
        return math.cos(angle) + sum(list_var)

    f_wrapped = uncertainties.wrap(f)
    my_list = [1, 2, 3]

    # Test of a wrapped function that only calls the original function:
    assert f_wrapped(0, my_list) == 1 + sum(my_list)

    # As a precaution, the wrapped function does not venture into
    # calculating f with uncertainties when one of the argument is not
    # a simple number, because this argument might contain variables:
    angle = ufloat((0, 0.1))

    assert f_wrapped(angle, [angle, angle]) == NotImplemented
    assert f_wrapped(angle, my_list) == NotImplemented
Exemplo n.º 9
def autobk(energy, mu=None, group=None, rbkg=1, nknots=None, e0=None,
           edge_step=None, kmin=0, kmax=None, kweight=1, dk=0,
           win='hanning', k_std=None, chi_std=None, nfft=2048, kstep=0.05,
           pre_edge_kws=None, nclamp=4, clamp_lo=1, clamp_hi=1,
           calc_uncertainties=False, _larch=None, **kws):
    """Use Autobk algorithm to remove XAFS background

      energy:    1-d array of x-ray energies, in eV, or group
      mu:        1-d array of mu(E)
      group:     output group (and input group for e0 and edge_step).
      rbkg:      distance (in Ang) for chi(R) above
                 which the signal is ignored. Default = 1.
      e0:        edge energy, in eV.  If None, it will be determined.
      edge_step: edge step.  If None, it will be determined.
      pre_edge_kws:  keyword arguments to pass to pre_edge()
      nknots:    number of knots in spline.  If None, it will be determined.
      kmin:      minimum k value   [0]
      kmax:      maximum k value   [full data range].
      kweight:   k weight for FFT.  [1]
      dk:        FFT window window parameter.  [0]
      win:       FFT window function name.     ['hanning']
      nfft:      array size to use for FFT [2048]
      kstep:     k step size to use for FFT [0.05]
      k_std:     optional k array for standard chi(k).
      chi_std:   optional chi array for standard chi(k).
      nclamp:    number of energy end-points for clamp [2]
      clamp_lo:  weight of low-energy clamp [1]
      clamp_hi:  weight of high-energy clamp [1]
      calc_uncertaintites:  Flag to calculate uncertainties in
                            mu_0(E) and chi(k) [False]

    Output arrays are written to the provided group.

    Follows the 'First Argument Group' convention.
    msg = _larch.writer.write
    if 'kw' in kws:
        kweight = kws.pop('kw')
    if len(kws) > 0:
        msg('Unrecognized a:rguments for autobk():\n')
        msg('    %s\n' % (', '.join(kws.keys())))

    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy, members=('energy', 'mu'),
                                         defaults=(mu,), group=group,

    energy = remove_dups(energy)
    # if e0 or edge_step are not specified, get them, either from the
    # passed-in group or from running pre_edge()
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)

    if edge_step is None and isgroup(group, 'edge_step'):
        edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None and isgroup(group, 'e0'):
        e0 = group.e0
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        # need to run pre_edge:
        pre_kws = dict(nnorm=3, nvict=0, pre1=None,
                       pre2=-50., norm1=100., norm2=None)
        if pre_edge_kws is not None:
        pre_edge(energy, mu, group=group, _larch=_larch, **pre_kws)
        if e0 is None:
            e0 = group.e0
        if edge_step is None:
            edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        msg('autobk() could not determine e0 or edge_step!: trying running pre_edge first\n')

    # get array indices for rkbg and e0: irbkg, ie0
    ie0 = index_of(energy, e0)
    rgrid = np.pi/(kstep*nfft)
    if rbkg < 2*rgrid: rbkg = 2*rgrid
    irbkg = int(1.01 + rbkg/rgrid)

    # save ungridded k (kraw) and grided k (kout)
    # and ftwin (*k-weighting) for FT in residual
    enpe = energy[ie0:] - e0
    kraw = np.sign(enpe)*np.sqrt(ETOK*abs(enpe))
    if kmax is None:
        kmax = max(kraw)
        kmax = max(0, min(max(kraw), kmax))
    kout  = kstep * np.arange(int(1.01+kmax/kstep), dtype='float64')
    iemax = min(len(energy), 2+index_of(energy, e0+kmax*kmax/ETOK)) - 1

    # interpolate provided chi(k) onto the kout grid
    if chi_std is not None and k_std is not None:
        chi_std = np.interp(kout, k_std, chi_std)
    # pre-load FT window
    ftwin = kout**kweight * ftwindow(kout, xmin=kmin, xmax=kmax,
                                     window=win, dx=dk)
    # calc k-value and initial guess for y-values of spline params
    nspl = max(4, min(128, 2*int(rbkg*(kmax-kmin)/np.pi) + 1))
    spl_y, spl_k, spl_e  = np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl)
    for i in range(nspl):
        q  = kmin + i*(kmax-kmin)/(nspl - 1)
        ik = index_nearest(kraw, q)
        i1 = min(len(kraw)-1, ik + 5)
        i2 = max(0, ik - 5)
        spl_k[i] = kraw[ik]
        spl_e[i] = energy[ik+ie0]
        spl_y[i] = (2*mu[ik+ie0] + mu[i1+ie0] + mu[i2+ie0] ) / 4.0

    # get spline represention: knots, coefs, order=3
    # coefs will be varied in fit.
    knots, coefs, order = splrep(spl_k, spl_y)

    # set fit parameters from initial coefficients
    params = Group()
    for i in range(len(coefs)):
        name = FMT_COEF % i
        p = Parameter(coefs[i], name=name, vary=i<len(spl_y))
        setattr(params, name, p)

    initbkg, initchi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax-ie0+1], mu[ie0:iemax+1],
                                   knots, coefs, order, kout)

    # do fit
    fit = Minimizer(__resid, params, _larch=_larch, toler=1.e-4,
                    fcn_kws = dict(ncoefs=len(coefs), chi_std=chi_std,
                                   knots=knots, order=order,
                                   mu=mu[ie0:iemax+1], irbkg=irbkg, kout=kout,
                                   ftwin=ftwin, kweight=kweight,
                                   nfft=nfft, nclamp=nclamp,
                                   clamp_lo=clamp_lo, clamp_hi=clamp_hi))

    # write final results
    coefs = [getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i) for i in range(len(coefs))]
    bkg, chi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax-ie0+1], mu[ie0:iemax+1],
                           knots, coefs, order, kout)
    obkg = np.copy(mu)
    obkg[ie0:ie0+len(bkg)] = bkg

    # outputs to group
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.bkg  = obkg
    group.chie = (mu-obkg)/edge_step
    group.k    = kout
    group.chi  = chi/edge_step

    # now fill in 'autobk_details' group
    params.init_bkg = np.copy(mu)
    params.init_bkg[ie0:ie0+len(bkg)] = initbkg
    params.init_chi = initchi/edge_step
    params.knots_e  = spl_e
    params.knots_y  = np.array([coefs[i] for i in range(nspl)])
    params.init_knots_y = spl_y
    params.nfev = params.fit_details.nfev
    params.kmin = kmin
    params.kmax = kmax  
    group.autobk_details = params

    # uncertainties in mu0 and chi:  fairly slow!!
    if HAS_UNCERTAIN and calc_uncertainties:
        vbest, vstd = [], []
        for n in fit.var_names:
            par = getattr(params, n)
        uvars = uncertainties.correlated_values(vbest, params.covar)
        # uncertainty in bkg (aka mu0)
        # note that much of this is working around
        # limitations in the uncertainty package that make it
        #  1. take an argument list (not array)
        #  2. work on returned scalars (but not arrays)
        #  3. not handle kw args and *args well (so use
        #     of global "index" is important here)
        nkx = iemax-ie0 + 1
        def my_dsplev(*args):
            coefs = np.array(args)
            return splev(kraw[:nkx], [knots, coefs, order])[index]
        fdbkg = uncertainties.wrap(my_dsplev)
        dmu0  = [fdbkg(*uvars).std_dev() for index in range(len(bkg))]
        group.delta_bkg = np.zeros(len(mu))
        group.delta_bkg[ie0:ie0+len(bkg)] = np.array(dmu0)

        # uncertainty in chi (see notes above)
        def my_dchi(*args):
            coefs = np.array(args)
            b,chi = spline_eval(kraw[:nkx], mu[ie0:iemax+1],
                                knots, coefs, order, kout)
            return chi[index]
        fdchi = uncertainties.wrap(my_dchi)
        dchi  = [fdchi(*uvars).std_dev() for index in range(len(kout))]
        group.delta_chi = np.array(dchi)/edge_step
Exemplo n.º 10
from scipy.constants import atmosphere, zero_Celsius, mmHg, g
import scipy as sci
import uncertainties
from uncertainties import *
from uncertainties.unumpy import *
import uncertainties as unumpy
from numpy import *
from pandas import *
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle

# In[2]:

# For the calculation of flow rate with uncertainties:
wrappedFlowMeter = uncertainties.wrap(differential_pressure_meter_solver)
# Firsts definitions
airN = Mixture('air', T=293, P=101325)
rhoN = airN.rho

# In[3]:

#Here it is defined all our ambi
def set_of_const(P_amb, T_amb):

    P_amb = P_amb * mmHg  # Pressure in Pa
    T_amb = T_amb + zero_Celsius  # T in K

    # Here we calculate all what it is important with the air at the ambient pressure
Exemplo n.º 11

class NegativeError(Exception):

# Some default starting points on the sky to consider
QSO_RA = "22h20m06.757" # RA
QSO_DEC = "-28d03m23.34" # DEC
THETA = 1.02 # radians
REDSHIFT = 1.5 # Just pick a redshift to start

# =====================================================================
# = Wrap angles package functions with uncertainties package wrappers =
# =====================================================================
wrap_radian_RA = uncertainties.wrap(angles.h2r)
wrap_radian_DEC = uncertainties.wrap(angles.d2r)
wrap_sep = uncertainties.wrap(angles.sep)

# ============================
# = dipole and monopole term =
# ============================
# eq. 15 in King et al. 2012
DIP_RA = 17.3
DIP_RA_ERR = 1.0
DIP_DEC = -61.0
DIP_DEC_ERR = 10.0
DIP_AMPLITUDE_ERR = 0.21e-5 # average of asymmetric errors
DIP_MONOPOLE = -0.178e-5
DIP_MONOPOLE_ERR  = 0.084e-5
Exemplo n.º 12

## Erstellen der Fehler behafteten Parameter
uParam_C = ufloat(popt2[0], error2[0])
uParam_D = ufloat(popt2[1], error2[1])
uParam_E = ufloat(popt2[2], error2[2])
uParam_F = ufloat(popt2[3], error2[3])

## Ableitung der Funktion P mit den Parametern

def dP(T):
    return 3 * noms(uParam_C) * T**2 + 2 * noms(uParam_D) * T + noms(uParam_E)

udP = unc.wrap(dP)

def L(dp, Vd, Vf, T):
    return dp * (Vd - Vf) * T

uLFunc = unc.wrap(L)

## Volumen des Dampf
Usqrt = unc.wrap(np.sqrt)
a = 0.9  # J m³/ mol²

_vdp = (R * uT2[6::] / (2 * up2[6::]))
_vdd = (R * uT2[6::] / (2 * up2[6::]))**2 - (a / up2[6::])
Exemplo n.º 13
        # Functions whose derivatives are calculated numerically by
        # this module fall here (isinf, fmod,...):
        derivatives = []  # Means: numerical calculation required
    elif name not in locally_cst_funcs:
        continue  # 'name' not wrapped by this module (__doc__, e, etc.)
    func = getattr(math, name)

    if name in locally_cst_funcs:
        wrapped_func = wrap_locally_cst_func(func)
    else:  # Function with analytical or numerical derivatives:
        # Errors during the calculation of the derivatives are converted
        # to a NaN result: it is assumed that a mathematical calculation
        # that cannot be calculated indicates a non-defined derivative
        # (the derivatives in fixed_derivatives must be written this way):
        wrapped_func = uncertainties.wrap(
            func, map(uncertainties.nan_if_exception, derivatives))
    setattr(this_module, name, wraps(wrapped_func, func))


# Special cases: some of the functions from no_std_wrapping:

# The math.factorial function is not converted to an uncertainty-aware
# function, because it does not handle non-integer arguments: it does
# not make sense to give it an argument with a numerical error
# (whereas this would be relevant for the gamma function).
Exemplo n.º 14
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sympy import *
import uncertainties as unc
from uncertainties import ufloat
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import (nominal_values as noms, std_devs as stds)

from aputils.utils import Quantity, ErrorEquation
from aputils.latextables.tables import Table

Uexp = unc.wrap(np.exp)

def temp2press(T):
    return 5.5e07 * Uexp(-6876/(T + 273.15))

def press2dist(P):
    return 0.0029 / P

# Laden der Temperaturen
T = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Temperaturen.txt")
t_err = 0.1

T_err = unp.uarray(T, [t_err]*len(T))
Exemplo n.º 15
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sympy import *
import uncertainties as unc
from uncertainties import ufloat
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import (nominal_values as noms, std_devs as stds)

from aputils.utils import Quantity, ErrorEquation
from aputils.latextables.tables import Table

Uexp = unc.wrap(np.exp)

def temp2press(T):
    return 5.5e07 * Uexp(-6876 / (T + 273.15))

def press2dist(P):
    return 0.0029 / P

# Laden der Temperaturen
T = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Temperaturen.txt")
t_err = 0.1

T_err = unp.uarray(T, [t_err] * len(T))
Exemplo n.º 16

 ## Bestimmung der gemittelten Periodendauer uT_avr

  # Lade Periodendauer ohne Magnetfeld
T = np.loadtxt("../Messdaten/Periodendauer_ohne_Magnetfeld.txt", unpack=True)

  # Lade Fehler der Zeitmessung
T_err = np.loadtxt("../Messdaten/Periodendauer_Fehler.txt")

  # Periodendauer mit Fehler
uT = unp.uarray(T, len(T)*[T_err])

  # gemittelte Periodendauer mit Fehler
umean =  uncertainties.wrap(np.mean)
uT_avr = np.mean(uT)
T_avr = np.mean(T)
T_std = np.std(T)/(len(T)-1)
UT_avr = ufloat(T_avr, T_std)
#uT_avr = ufloat(unp.nominal_values(uT_avr), unp.std_devs(uT_avr))
print("Mittlere Periodendauer ohne B:", uT_avr, UT_avr)
 ## Verarbeitung der Drahtdaten

  # Lade Drahtdurchmesser
D_D = np.loadtxt("../Messdaten/Dimension_Draht_Durchmesser.txt", unpack=True)

  # Lade Drahtdurchmesser Fehler
D_D_err = np.loadtxt("../Messdaten/Dimension_Draht_Durchmesser_Fehler.txt")

  # SI -Einheiten
Exemplo n.º 17
import math as math
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sympy import *
import uncertainties as unc
from uncertainties import ufloat
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import (nominal_values as noms, std_devs as stds)

umean = unc.wrap(np.mean)

#TEST = False

# Umrechenung der Termoelementspannung in Temperatur
def TensToTemp(U):
    if isinstance(U, (float, int)):
        return 25.157 * U - 0.19 * U**2

    elif all(isinstance(i, float) for i in U):
        return 25.157 * U - 0.19 * U**2

# Ermöglicht die Benutzung von ufloats als Funktionsparameter
uTensToTemp = unc.wrap(TensToTemp)

Exemplo n.º 18
import math as m
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sympy import *
import uncertainties as unc
from uncertainties import ufloat
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import (nominal_values as noms, std_devs as stds)

import latextables as lxtabs

usqrt = unc.wrap(np.sqrt)

U0 = 10e-03  # [V]

# Messfehler Spannung, Abstand
U_err, R_err = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Fehler.txt")

# Offset Abstand
R_off = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/AbstandOffset.txt")

# Messwerte ohne Rauschen: Phase, Spannung, Gain

p1, U1, g1 = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/OhneRauschen.txt", unpack=True)

# Fehlerbehaftete Spannung
Exemplo n.º 19
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sympy import *
import uncertainties as unc
from uncertainties import ufloat
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import (nominal_values as noms, std_devs as stds)
import sys
# Eigene Funktionen
#from latextables import toTable as tab
#from erroreqs import error

### Uncertianties Funktionen
umean = unc.wrap(np.mean)
usqrt = unc.wrap(np.sqrt)

# Steuermakros
PRINT = True
TABS = True

# Maximalwiderstand des Potentiometers
R_max = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Potentiometer.txt")
X2_err = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Messfehler.txt", usecols=(5, 5))[0]  # [%]
X2_err *= 1e-02  # [1]

# Funktion zur Berechnung von R4 aus R3
def R4(r):
    return (R_max - r)
Exemplo n.º 20
        # Functions whose derivatives are calculated numerically by
        # this module fall here (isinf, fmod,...):
        derivatives = []  # Means: numerical calculation required
    elif name not in locally_cst_funcs:
        continue  # 'name' not wrapped by this module (__doc__, e, etc.)

    func = getattr(math, name)

    if name in locally_cst_funcs:
        wrapped_func = wrap_locally_cst_func(func)
    else:  # Function with analytical or numerical derivatives:
        # Errors during the calculation of the derivatives are converted
        # to a NaN result: it is assumed that a mathematical calculation
        # that cannot be calculated indicates a non-defined derivative
        # (the derivatives in fixed_derivatives must be written this way):
        wrapped_func = uncertainties.wrap(
            func, map(uncertainties.nan_if_exception, derivatives))

    setattr(this_module, name, wraps(wrapped_func, func))



# Special cases: some of the functions from no_std_wrapping:

# The math.factorial function is not converted to an uncertainty-aware
# function, because it does not handle non-integer arguments: it does
# not make sense to give it an argument with a numerical error
# (whereas this would be relevant for the gamma function).
Exemplo n.º 21
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sympy import *
import uncertainties as unc
from uncertainties import ufloat
from uncertainties.unumpy import uarray
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import (nominal_values as noms, std_devs as stds)
import sys
import latextables as lxtabs

### Uncertainties Funktionen
Umean = unc.wrap(np.mean)


def gearToIndex(g):
    return m.trunc((int(g) / 6) - 1)


Begin der Auswertung zum Dopplereffekt


# Laden der Daten zur Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeit
Exemplo n.º 22
def H(x, a, b):
    return a*np.exp(-b * x)

def A(x, RC):
    return 1/np.sqrt(1 + 4 * const.pi**2 * x**2 * RC**2)

def P(x, RC):
    return np.arctan(RC * 2 * const.pi * x)

def Ap(p, RC):
    return np.cos(p)/(RC)

Ulog = unc.wrap(np.log)

# Laden der Messdaten der Aufladung
t_auf, U_auf = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Aufladen.txt", unpack=True)

# Laden der Messdaten der Entladung
t_ent, U_ent = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Entladen.txt", unpack=True)

# Fehlerbehaftete Messwerte (Fehler für Zeit vernachlässigbar)
U_err = 1  # [V]

uU_ent = unp.uarray(U_ent, [U_err]*len(U_ent))
Exemplo n.º 23
# for (name, attr) in vars(math).items():
for name in dir(math):

    if name in fixed_derivatives:  # Priority to functions in fixed_derivatives
        derivatives = fixed_derivatives[name]
    elif name in num_deriv_funcs:
        # Functions whose derivatives are calculated numerically by
        # this module fall here (isinf, fmod,...):
        derivatives = None  # Means: numerical calculation required
        continue  # 'name' not wrapped by this module (__doc__, e, etc.)

    func = getattr(math, name)

    setattr(this_module, name,
            wraps(uncertainties.wrap(func, derivatives), func))



# Special cases: some of the functions from no_std_wrapping:

# The math.factorial function is not converted to an uncertainty-aware
# function, because it does not handle non-integer arguments: it does
# not make sense to give it an argument with a numerical error
# (whereas this would be relevant for the gamma function).

Exemplo n.º 24
# for (name, attr) in vars(math).items():
for name in dir(math):

    if name in fixed_derivatives:  # Priority to functions in fixed_derivatives
        derivatives = fixed_derivatives[name]
    elif name in num_deriv_funcs:
        # Functions whose derivatives are calculated numerically by
        # this module fall here (isinf, fmod,...):
        derivatives = None  # Means: numerical calculation required
        continue  # 'name' not wrapped by this module (__doc__, e, etc.)

    func = getattr(math, name)
    setattr(this_module, name,
            wraps(uncertainties.wrap(func, derivatives), func))

# Special cases: some of the functions from no_std_wrapping:

# The math.factorial function is not converted to an uncertainty-aware
# function, because it does not handle non-integer arguments: it does
# not make sense to give it an argument with a numerical error
# (whereas this would be relevant for the gamma function).

Exemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self,Tabs=Q_(20.,um.degC),Pabs=1*um.atm,Rh=0.0):
     initializeaza proprietatile aerului in functie de umiditiatea acestuia
     Tabs: float, pint.Quantity or UFloat
         temperatura de referinta a mediului ambiant [C]
     Pabs: float, pint.Quantity or UFloat
         presiunea de referinta a mediului ambiant [atm]
     Rh:float, pint.Quantity or UFloat [0,1]
         umiditatea relativa a mediului ambiant
     Se considera ca aerul va suferi transformari termodinamice fara schimbarea
     cantitatii de umiditate (fara a condensa umiditatea) astfel umiditatea
     absoluta odata calculata la initializare nu se mai modifica 
     if not isinstance(Tabs,Q_):
     if not isinstance(Pabs,Q_):
     if isinstance(Rh,Q_):
     def __w_abs(t,p,rh):
         return fld.HAPropsSI('W','T',t,'P',p,'R',rh)
     def __w_dens(t,p,ab):
         return 1.0/fld.HAPropsSI('V','T',t,'P',p,'W',ab)
     def __w_cp(t,p,ab):
         return fld.HAPropsSI('C','T',t,'P',p,'W',ab)
     def __w_cond(t,p,ab):
         return fld.HAPropsSI('K','T',t,'P',p,'W',ab)
     def __w_visc(t,p,ab):
         print 't=',t
         print 'p=',p
         print 'ab=',ab
         print rez
         return rez
Exemplo n.º 26
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sympy import *
import uncertainties as unc
from uncertainties import ufloat
from uncertainties.unumpy import uarray
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import (nominal_values as noms, std_devs as stds)
import sys
import latextables as lxtabs

### Uncertainties Funktionen
Umean = unc.wrap(np.mean)


def gearToIndex(g):
    return m.trunc((int(g) / 6) - 1)


Begin der Auswertung zum Dopplereffekt


# Laden der Daten zur Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeit
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, penalizer_coef=0.):
     super(ParetoNBDModel, self).__init__()
     self.fitter = ParetoNBDFitter(penalizer_coef)
     self.param_names = ['r', 'alpha', 's', 'beta']
     self.wrapped_static_expected_number_of_purchases_up_to_time = \
Exemplo n.º 28
import math as m
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sympy import *
import uncertainties as unc
from uncertainties import ufloat
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import (nominal_values as noms, std_devs as stds)

import latextables as lxtabs

usqrt = unc.wrap(np.sqrt)

U0 = 10e-03  # [V]

# Messfehler Spannung, Abstand
U_err, R_err = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Fehler.txt")

# Offset Abstand
R_off = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/AbstandOffset.txt")

# Messwerte ohne Rauschen: Phase, Spannung, Gain

p1, U1, g1 = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/OhneRauschen.txt", unpack=True)

# Fehlerbehaftete Spannung
uU1 = unp.uarray(U1, len(U1) * [U_err])
Exemplo n.º 29
def autobk(energy,
    """Use Autobk algorithm to remove XAFS background

      energy:    1-d array of x-ray energies, in eV, or group
      mu:        1-d array of mu(E)
      group:     output group (and input group for e0 and edge_step).
      rbkg:      distance (in Ang) for chi(R) above
                 which the signal is ignored. Default = 1.
      e0:        edge energy, in eV.  If None, it will be determined.
      edge_step: edge step.  If None, it will be determined.
      pre_edge_kws:  keyword arguments to pass to pre_edge()
      nknots:    number of knots in spline.  If None, it will be determined.
      kmin:      minimum k value   [0]
      kmax:      maximum k value   [full data range].
      kweight:   k weight for FFT.  [1]
      dk:        FFT window window parameter.  [0]
      win:       FFT window function name.     ['hanning']
      nfft:      array size to use for FFT [2048]
      kstep:     k step size to use for FFT [0.05]
      k_std:     optional k array for standard chi(k).
      chi_std:   optional chi array for standard chi(k).
      nclamp:    number of energy end-points for clamp [2]
      clamp_lo:  weight of low-energy clamp [1]
      clamp_hi:  weight of high-energy clamp [1]
      calc_uncertaintites:  Flag to calculate uncertainties in
                            mu_0(E) and chi(k) [False]

    Output arrays are written to the provided group.

    Follows the 'First Argument Group' convention.
    msg = _larch.writer.write
    if 'kw' in kws:
        kweight = kws.pop('kw')
    if len(kws) > 0:
        msg('Unrecognized a:rguments for autobk():\n')
        msg('    %s\n' % (', '.join(kws.keys())))
    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy,
                                         members=('energy', 'mu'),
                                         defaults=(mu, ),

    energy = remove_dups(energy)
    # if e0 or edge_step are not specified, get them, either from the
    # passed-in group or from running pre_edge()
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)

    if edge_step is None and isgroup(group, 'edge_step'):
        edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None and isgroup(group, 'e0'):
        e0 = group.e0
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        # need to run pre_edge:
        pre_kws = dict(nnorm=3,
        if pre_edge_kws is not None:
        pre_edge(energy, mu, group=group, _larch=_larch, **pre_kws)
        if e0 is None:
            e0 = group.e0
        if edge_step is None:
            edge_step = group.edge_step
    if e0 is None or edge_step is None:
        msg('autobk() could not determine e0 or edge_step!: trying running pre_edge first\n'

    # get array indices for rkbg and e0: irbkg, ie0
    ie0 = index_of(energy, e0)
    rgrid = np.pi / (kstep * nfft)
    if rbkg < 2 * rgrid: rbkg = 2 * rgrid
    irbkg = int(1.01 + rbkg / rgrid)

    # save ungridded k (kraw) and grided k (kout)
    # and ftwin (*k-weighting) for FT in residual
    enpe = energy[ie0:] - e0
    kraw = np.sign(enpe) * np.sqrt(ETOK * abs(enpe))
    if kmax is None:
        kmax = max(kraw)
        kmax = max(0, min(max(kraw), kmax))
    kout = kstep * np.arange(int(1.01 + kmax / kstep), dtype='float64')
    iemax = min(len(energy), 2 + index_of(energy, e0 + kmax * kmax / ETOK)) - 1

    # interpolate provided chi(k) onto the kout grid
    if chi_std is not None and k_std is not None:
        chi_std = np.interp(kout, k_std, chi_std)
    # pre-load FT window
    ftwin = kout**kweight * ftwindow(
        kout, xmin=kmin, xmax=kmax, window=win, dx=dk)
    # calc k-value and initial guess for y-values of spline params
    nspl = max(4, min(128, 2 * int(rbkg * (kmax - kmin) / np.pi) + 1))
    spl_y, spl_k, spl_e = np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl), np.zeros(nspl)
    for i in range(nspl):
        q = kmin + i * (kmax - kmin) / (nspl - 1)
        ik = index_nearest(kraw, q)
        i1 = min(len(kraw) - 1, ik + 5)
        i2 = max(0, ik - 5)
        spl_k[i] = kraw[ik]
        spl_e[i] = energy[ik + ie0]
        spl_y[i] = (2 * mu[ik + ie0] + mu[i1 + ie0] + mu[i2 + ie0]) / 4.0

    # get spline represention: knots, coefs, order=3
    # coefs will be varied in fit.
    knots, coefs, order = splrep(spl_k, spl_y)

    # set fit parameters from initial coefficients
    params = Group()
    for i in range(len(coefs)):
        name = FMT_COEF % i
        p = Parameter(coefs[i], name=name, vary=i < len(spl_y))
        setattr(params, name, p)

    initbkg, initchi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1], mu[ie0:iemax + 1],
                                   knots, coefs, order, kout)

    # do fit
    fit = Minimizer(__resid,
                                 kraw=kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1],
                                 mu=mu[ie0:iemax + 1],

    # write final results
    coefs = [getattr(params, FMT_COEF % i) for i in range(len(coefs))]
    bkg, chi = spline_eval(kraw[:iemax - ie0 + 1], mu[ie0:iemax + 1], knots,
                           coefs, order, kout)
    obkg = np.copy(mu)
    obkg[ie0:ie0 + len(bkg)] = bkg

    # outputs to group
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.bkg = obkg
    group.chie = (mu - obkg) / edge_step
    group.k = kout
    group.chi = chi / edge_step

    # now fill in 'autobk_details' group
    params.init_bkg = np.copy(mu)
    params.init_bkg[ie0:ie0 + len(bkg)] = initbkg
    params.init_chi = initchi / edge_step
    params.knots_e = spl_e
    params.knots_y = np.array([coefs[i] for i in range(nspl)])
    params.init_knots_y = spl_y
    params.nfev = params.fit_details.nfev
    params.kmin = kmin
    params.kmax = kmax
    group.autobk_details = params

    # uncertainties in mu0 and chi:  fairly slow!!
    if HAS_UNCERTAIN and calc_uncertainties:
        vbest, vstd = [], []
        for n in fit.var_names:
            par = getattr(params, n)
        uvars = uncertainties.correlated_values(vbest, params.covar)
        # uncertainty in bkg (aka mu0)
        # note that much of this is working around
        # limitations in the uncertainty package that make it
        #  1. take an argument list (not array)
        #  2. work on returned scalars (but not arrays)
        #  3. not handle kw args and *args well (so use
        #     of global "index" is important here)
        nkx = iemax - ie0 + 1

        def my_dsplev(*args):
            coefs = np.array(args)
            return splev(kraw[:nkx], [knots, coefs, order])[index]

        fdbkg = uncertainties.wrap(my_dsplev)
        dmu0 = [fdbkg(*uvars).std_dev() for index in range(len(bkg))]
        group.delta_bkg = np.zeros(len(mu))
        group.delta_bkg[ie0:ie0 + len(bkg)] = np.array(dmu0)

        # uncertainty in chi (see notes above)
        def my_dchi(*args):
            coefs = np.array(args)
            b, chi = spline_eval(kraw[:nkx], mu[ie0:iemax + 1], knots, coefs,
                                 order, kout)
            return chi[index]

        fdchi = uncertainties.wrap(my_dchi)
        dchi = [fdchi(*uvars).std_dev() for index in range(len(kout))]
        group.delta_chi = np.array(dchi) / edge_step
Exemplo n.º 30
from libphysics import *
from estrazione_segnale_funzione import *
from incertezza_H_funzione import *
import uncertainties
from uncertainties import ufloat
from uncertainties import unumpy, wrap
from uncertainties.umath import *

plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=18)
freqs = numpify(
    [980, 3.6e3, 11.4e3, 38.1e3, 88.6e3, 141.3e3, 200e3, 159e3, 100, 250, 520])
Rc = 9.830e3
Re = 119.25

# Funzioni wrappate per uncertainties
wangle = wrap(np.angle)
wreal = wrap(np.real)
wimag = wrap(np.imag)

def mod(Re, Im):
    return np.sqrt(Re**2 + Im**2)

wabs = wrap(mod)

def ang(Re, Im):
    return np.angle(Re + 1j * Im)