Exemplo n.º 1
def view_helper(request):
    # Create the form
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = TestForm(request.POST)
        form = TestForm()

    # create a formHelper
    helper = FormHelper()

    # Add in a class and id
    helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
    helper.form_class = 'search'

    # add in a submit and reset button
    submit = Submit('search', 'search this site')
    reset = Reset('reset', 'reset button')
    hidden = Hidden('not-seen', 'hidden value stored here')

    # create the response dictionary
    response_dictionary = {
        'form': form,
        'helper': helper,
        'title': 'view helper test'

    return render_to_response('test_app/generic_form_test.html',
Exemplo n.º 2
def edit_letter(request, id):
    data = {}

    letter = Letter.objects.get(id=id)

    if not request.user in letter.owners.all():
        messages.error(request, _(u"Zugriff verweigert!"))
        return redirect_to_prev_page(request)

    if not request.method == 'POST':
        letter_form = LetterForm(instance=letter)
        letter_form = LetterForm(request.POST, instance=letter)
        if letter_form.is_valid():
            letter = letter_form.save()
            messages.success(request, _(u"Brief erfolgreich bearbeitet."))
            return redirect(letter)
            messages.error(request, _(u"Es gibt noch Fehler im Formular."))
    helper = FormHelper()

    helper.form_id = "foobar"
    helper.form_class = "search"

    submit = Submit("send", _(u"Speichern"))
    reset = Submit("reset", _(u"Zurücksetzen"))

    data['form'] = letter_form
    data['helper'] = helper
    return render_to_response("lettr/edit_letter.html", data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 3
	def render (self, request, dct):
		## Preconditions & preparation:
		results = msgs = None
		cls = self.__class__
		## Main:
		# instantiate form in one of several ways ...
		form_cls = cls.ToolForm
		# if the form has been submitted...
		if request.method == 'POST':
			form = form_cls (request.POST, request.FILES)
			# if the form is valid
			if form.is_valid():
				# get the clean data and do the work
				msgs, results = self.process_form (form.cleaned_data)
				msgs, results = (
					messages.Error ('there was a problem processing the form'),
			# if you're coming to the form anew, make an unbound form
			form = form_cls()

		helper = FormHelper()
		# Add in a class and id
		helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
		helper.form_class = 'tool_form'
		# if necessary, do fieldsets
		if cls.fieldsets:
			sets = []
			for field_pair in cls.fieldsets:
				if (isinstance (field_pair, basestring)):
					# if just a naked field name
					field_pair = ['', field_pair]
				sets.append (Fieldset (*field_pair))
			helper.add_layout (Layout(*sets))

		# add in submit actions and a reset button
		for button in cls.actions:
			submit = Submit (button[0], button[1])
			helper.add_input (submit)
		reset = Reset ('reset','Reset form')
		helper.add_input (reset)
		## Postconditions & return:
		context = self.context()
		context.update ({
			'identifier' : self.identifier,
			'title' : self.title,
			'description': self.description,
			'form': form,
			'results': results,
			'msgs': msgs,
			'helper': helper,
		return render_to_response ('relais.amergin/tool.html', context,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_uni_form_formset_with_helper_without_layout(self):
        template = get_template_from_string(u"""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testFormSet formset_helper %}
        form_helper = FormHelper()    
        form_helper.form_id = 'thisFormsetRocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'formsets-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'POST'
        form_helper.form_action = 'simpleAction'
        TestFormSet = formset_factory(TestForm, extra = 3)
        testFormSet = TestFormSet()
        c = Context({'testFormSet': testFormSet, 'formset_helper': form_helper, 'csrf_token': _get_new_csrf_key()})
        html = template.render(c)        

        self.assertEqual(html.count('<form'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(html.count("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken'"), 1)

        # Check formset management form
        self.assertTrue('form-TOTAL_FORMS' in html)
        self.assertTrue('form-INITIAL_FORMS' in html)
        self.assertTrue('form-MAX_NUM_FORMS' in html)
        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm formsets-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="post"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="thisFormsetRocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse('simpleAction') in html)
Exemplo n.º 5
def view_helper(request):
    # Create the form
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = TestForm(request.POST)
        form = TestForm()

    # create a formHelper
    helper = FormHelper()

    # Add in a class and id
    helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
    helper.form_class = 'search'

    # add in a submit and reset button
    submit = Submit('search','search this site')
    reset = Reset('reset','reset button')
    hidden = Hidden('not-seen','hidden value stored here')

    # create the response dictionary
    response_dictionary = {'form':form, 'helper': helper, 'title':'view helper test'}
    return render_to_response('test_app/generic_form_test.html', 
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_uni_form_with_helper_attributes(self):
        form_helper = FormHelper()    
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'forms-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'
        form_helper.form_action = 'simpleAction'
        template = get_template_from_string(u"""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form form form_helper %}

        # now we render it
        c = Context({'form': TestForm(), 'form_helper': form_helper})            
        html = template.render(c)        
        # Lets make sure everything loads right
        self.assertTrue('<form' in html)
        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm forms-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="this-form-rocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse('simpleAction') in html)
        # now lets remove the form tag and render it again. All the True items above
        # should now be false because the form tag is removed.
        form_helper.form_tag = False 
        html = template.render(c)        
        self.assertFalse('<form' in html)        
        self.assertFalse('class="uniForm forms-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertFalse('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertFalse('id="this-form-rocks">' in html)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_uni_form_formset(self):
        template = get_template_from_string(u"""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testFormSet formset_helper %}
        form_helper = FormHelper()    
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-formset-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'formsets-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'
        form_helper.form_action = 'simpleAction'
        from django.forms.models import formset_factory
        TestFormSet = formset_factory(TestForm, extra = 3)
        testFormSet = TestFormSet()
        c = Context({'testFormSet': testFormSet, 'formset_helper': form_helper})
        html = template.render(c)        

        self.assertTrue('<form' in html)
        self.assertEqual(html.count('<form'), 1)
        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm formsets-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="this-formset-rocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse('simpleAction') in html)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_uni_form_formset(self):
        template = get_template_from_string(
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testFormSet formset_helper %}

        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = "thisFormsetRocks"
        form_helper.form_class = "formsets-that-rock"
        form_helper.form_method = "POST"
        form_helper.form_action = "simpleAction"

        TestFormSet = formset_factory(TestForm, extra=3)
        testFormSet = TestFormSet()

        c = Context({"testFormSet": testFormSet, "formset_helper": form_helper, "csrf_token": _get_new_csrf_key()})
        html = template.render(c)

        self.assertEqual(html.count("<form"), 1)
        self.assertEqual(html.count("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken'"), 1)

        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm formsets-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="post"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="thisFormsetRocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse("simpleAction") in html)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_uni_form_formset_with_helper_without_layout(self):
        template = get_template_from_string(u"""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testFormSet formset_helper %}

        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = 'thisFormsetRocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'formsets-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'POST'
        form_helper.form_action = 'simpleAction'

        TestFormSet = formset_factory(TestForm, extra=3)
        testFormSet = TestFormSet()

        c = Context({
            'testFormSet': testFormSet,
            'formset_helper': form_helper,
            'csrf_token': _get_new_csrf_key()
        html = template.render(c)

        self.assertEqual(html.count('<form'), 1)
            html.count("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken'"), 1)

        # Check formset management form
        self.assertTrue('form-TOTAL_FORMS' in html)
        self.assertTrue('form-INITIAL_FORMS' in html)
        self.assertTrue('form-MAX_NUM_FORMS' in html)

        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm formsets-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="post"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="thisFormsetRocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse('simpleAction') in html)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_uni_form_helper_form_attributes(self):

        template = get_template_from_string("""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form form form_helper %}

        # First we build a standard form helper
        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'forms-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'

        # now we render it
        c = Context({'form': TestForm(), 'form_helper': form_helper})
        html = template.render(c)
        # Lets make sure everything loads right
        self.assertTrue("""<form""" in html)
        self.assertTrue("""class="uniForm forms-that-rock" """ in html)
        self.assertTrue("""method="get" """ in html)
        self.assertTrue("""id="this-form-rocks">""" in html)

        # now lets remove the form tag and render it again. All the True items above
        # should now be false because the form tag is removed.
        form_helper.form_tag = False
        c = Context({'form': TestForm(), 'form_helper': form_helper})
        html = template.render(c)
        self.assertFalse("""<form""" in html)
        self.assertFalse("""id="this-form-rocks">""" in html)
        self.assertFalse("""class="uniForm forms-that-rock" """ in html)
        self.assertFalse("""method="get" """ in html)
        self.assertFalse("""id="this-form-rocks">""" in html)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_uni_form_helper_form_attributes(self):

        template = get_template_from_string("""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form form form_helper %}

        # First we build a standard form helper
        form_helper = FormHelper()    
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'forms-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'
        # now we render it
        c = Context({'form':TestForm(),'form_helper':form_helper})            
        html = template.render(c)        
        # Lets make sure everything loads right
        self.assertTrue("""<form""" in html)                
        self.assertTrue("""class="uniForm forms-that-rock" """ in html)
        self.assertTrue("""method="get" """ in html)
        self.assertTrue("""id="this-form-rocks">""" in html)        
        # now lets remove the form tag and render it again. All the True items above
        # should now be false because the form tag is removed.
        form_helper.form_tag = False
        c = Context({'form':TestForm(),'form_helper':form_helper})            
        html = template.render(c)        
        self.assertFalse("""<form""" in html)        
        self.assertFalse("""id="this-form-rocks">""" in html)                
        self.assertFalse("""class="uniForm forms-that-rock" """ in html)
        self.assertFalse("""method="get" """ in html)
        self.assertFalse("""id="this-form-rocks">""" in html)
Exemplo n.º 12
def new_letter(request):    
    data = {}

    if not request.method == 'POST':
        from datetime import date
        data = {'my_date':date.today(),
        letter_form = LetterForm(data)
        letter_form.fields["sender"].queryset = Sender.objects.filter(owners__username=request.user.username)
        letter_form = LetterForm(request.POST)
        if letter_form.is_valid():
            letter = letter_form.save()
            ownership = Ownership_Letter.objects.create(owner=request.user, letter=letter)
            return redirect(letter)
            messages.error(request, _(u"Es gibt noch Fehler im Formular."))
    helper = FormHelper()

    helper.form_id = "foobar"
    helper.form_class = "search"

    submit = Submit("send", _(u"Absenden"))
    reset = Submit("reset", _(u"Zurücksetzen"))

    data['form'] = letter_form
    data['helper'] = helper
    return render_to_response("lettr/new_letter.html", data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def setUp(self):

        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-formset-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'formsets-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'

        self.c = Context({'formset': TestFormset(),
                          'formset_helper': form_helper})
Exemplo n.º 14
    def index(cls, request):
        ## Preconditions & preparation:
        results = msgs = None

        ## Main:
        # instantiate form in one of several ways ...
        form_cls = cls.ToolForm
        # if the form has been submitted...
        if request.method == "POST":
            form = form_cls(request.POST, request.FILES)
            # if the form is valid
            if form.is_valid():
                # get the clean data and do the work
                msgs, results = cls.process_form(form.cleaned_data)
                msgs = [messages.Error("there was problem processing the form")]
            # if you're coming to the form anew, make an unbound form
            form = form_cls()

        helper = FormHelper()

        # Add in a class and id
        helper.form_id = "this-form-rocks"
        helper.form_class = "tool_form"

        # if necessary, do fieldsets
        if cls.fieldsets:
            sets = []
            for field_pair in cls.fieldsets:
                if isinstance(field_pair, basestring):
                    # if just a naked field name
                    field_pair = ["", field_pair]

            # add in submit actions and a reset button
        for button in cls.actions:
            submit = Submit(button[0], button[1].title())
        reset = Reset("reset", "Reset form")

        ## Postconditions & return:
        return render_to_response(
                "identifier": cls.identifier,
                "title": cls.title,
                "description": cls.description,
                "form": form,
                "results": results,
                "messages": msgs,
                "helper": helper,
Exemplo n.º 15
    def setUp(self):

        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-formset-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'formsets-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'

        self.c = Context({
            'formset': TestFormset(),
            'formset_helper': form_helper
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_formset_layout(self):
        template = get_template_from_string(u"""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testFormSet formset_helper %}
        form_helper = FormHelper()    
        form_helper.form_id = 'thisFormsetRocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'formsets-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'POST'
        form_helper.form_action = 'simpleAction'
                Fieldset("Item {{ forloop.counter }}",
                HTML("{% if forloop.first %}Note for first form only{% endif %}"),
                Row('password1', 'password2'),
        TestFormSet = formset_factory(TestForm, extra = 3)
        testFormSet = TestFormSet()
        c = Context({
            'testFormSet': testFormSet, 
            'formset_helper': form_helper, 
            'csrf_token': _get_new_csrf_key()
        html = template.render(c)        

        # Check form parameters
        self.assertEqual(html.count('<form'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(html.count("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken'"), 1)

        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm formsets-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="post"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="thisFormsetRocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse('simpleAction') in html)

        # Check form layout
        self.assertTrue('Item 1' in html)
        self.assertTrue('Item 2' in html)
        self.assertTrue('Item 3' in html)
        self.assertEqual(html.count('Note for first form only'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(html.count('formRow'), 3)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_formset_layout(self):
        template = get_template_from_string(u"""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testFormSet formset_helper %}

        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = 'thisFormsetRocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'formsets-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'POST'
        form_helper.form_action = 'simpleAction'
                    "Item {{ forloop.counter }}",
                    "{% if forloop.first %}Note for first form only{% endif %}"
                ), Row('password1', 'password2'),
                Fieldset("", 'first_name', 'last_name')))

        TestFormSet = formset_factory(TestForm, extra=3)
        testFormSet = TestFormSet()

        c = Context({
            'testFormSet': testFormSet,
            'formset_helper': form_helper,
            'csrf_token': _get_new_csrf_key()
        html = template.render(c)

        # Check form parameters
        self.assertEqual(html.count('<form'), 1)
            html.count("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken'"), 1)

        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm formsets-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="post"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="thisFormsetRocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse('simpleAction') in html)

        # Check form layout
        self.assertTrue('Item 1' in html)
        self.assertTrue('Item 2' in html)
        self.assertTrue('Item 3' in html)
        self.assertEqual(html.count('Note for first form only'), 1)
        self.assertEqual(html.count('formRow'), 3)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_uni_form_helper_generic_attributes(self):
        form_helper = FormHelper()    
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'forms-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'
        c = Context({'form':TestForm(),'form_helper':form_helper})            
        template = get_template_from_string("""
{% load uni_form_tags %}
{% uni_form form form_helper %}
        html = template.render(c)        

        good_response = """<form action="" class="uniForm forms-that-rock" method="POST" id="this-form-rocks" >"""
Exemplo n.º 19
    def helper(self):
        helper = FormHelper()

        layout = Layout(

            Fieldset('Choose a School or create a new one',
                     HTML('<div id="choose">'),
                     Row('school', HTML('<input type="button" id="new" onclick="click_new()" value="Add a new school"/>')),
                     HTML('<div id="create">'),
                     HTML('<input type="button" id="old" onclick="click_old()" value="Choose an already existent school"/>'),

            Fieldset('Fill in the course information',

        submit = Submit('submit','Save')
        helper.form_method = 'POST'
        helper.form_id = 'my_form'
        #helper.form_action = "/add_course/?status='old'"

        return helper
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_uni_form_helper_generic_attributes(self):

        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'forms-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'

        c = Context({'form': TestForm(), 'form_helper': form_helper})
        template = get_template_from_string("""
{% load uni_form_tags %}
{% uni_form form form_helper %}
        html = template.render(c)

        good_response = """<form action="" class="uniForm forms-that-rock" method="POST" id="this-form-rocks" >"""

            '<form action="" class="uniForm forms-that-rock" method="GET" id="this-form-rocks" >'
            in html)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_formset_layout(self):
        template = get_template_from_string(
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testFormSet formset_helper %}

        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = "thisFormsetRocks"
        form_helper.form_class = "formsets-that-rock"
        form_helper.form_method = "POST"
        form_helper.form_action = "simpleAction"
                Fieldset("Item {{ forloop.counter }}", "is_company", "email"),
                HTML("{% if forloop.first %}Note for first form only{% endif %}"),
                Row("password1", "password2"),
                Fieldset("", "first_name", "last_name"),

        TestFormSet = formset_factory(TestForm, extra=3)
        testFormSet = TestFormSet()

        c = Context({"testFormSet": testFormSet, "formset_helper": form_helper, "csrf_token": _get_new_csrf_key()})
        html = template.render(c)

        # Check form parameters
        self.assertEqual(html.count("<form"), 1)
        self.assertEqual(html.count("<input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken'"), 1)

        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm formsets-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="post"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="thisFormsetRocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse("simpleAction") in html)

        # Check form layout
        self.assertTrue("Item 1" in html)
        self.assertTrue("Item 2" in html)
        self.assertTrue("Item 3" in html)
        self.assertEqual(html.count("Note for first form only"), 1)
        self.assertEqual(html.count("formRow"), 3)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_uni_form_with_helper_without_layout(self):
        form_helper = FormHelper()    
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'forms-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'
        form_helper.form_action = 'simpleAction'
        form_helper.form_error_title = 'ERRORS'
        template = get_template_from_string(u"""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testForm form_helper %}

        # now we render it, with errors
        form = TestForm({'password1': 'wargame','password2': 'god'})
        c = Context({'testForm': form, 'form_helper': form_helper})            
        html = template.render(c)
        # Lets make sure everything loads right
        self.assertTrue(html.count('<form'), 1)
        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm forms-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="this-form-rocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse('simpleAction') in html)
        self.assertEqual(html.count('<fieldset'), 1)

        self.assertTrue("<h3>ERRORS</h3>" in html)
        self.assertTrue("<li>Passwords dont match</li>" in html)

        # now lets remove the form tag and render it again. All the True items above
        # should now be false because the form tag is removed.
        form_helper.form_tag = False 
        html = template.render(c)        
        self.assertFalse('<form' in html)        
        self.assertFalse('class="uniForm forms-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertFalse('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertFalse('id="this-form-rocks">' in html)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_uni_form_with_helper_attributes_without_layout(self):
        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = "this-form-rocks"
        form_helper.form_class = "forms-that-rock"
        form_helper.form_method = "GET"
        form_helper.form_action = "simpleAction"
        form_helper.form_error_title = "ERRORS"

        template = get_template_from_string(
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testForm form_helper %}

        # now we render it, with errors
        form = TestForm({"password1": "wargame", "password2": "god"})
        c = Context({"testForm": form, "form_helper": form_helper})
        html = template.render(c)

        # Lets make sure everything loads right
        self.assertTrue("<form" in html)
        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm forms-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="this-form-rocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse("simpleAction") in html)

        self.assertTrue("<h3>ERRORS</h3>" in html)
        self.assertTrue("<li>Passwords dont match</li>" in html)

        # now lets remove the form tag and render it again. All the True items above
        # should now be false because the form tag is removed.
        form_helper.form_tag = False
        html = template.render(c)
        self.assertFalse("<form" in html)
        self.assertFalse('class="uniForm forms-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertFalse('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertFalse('id="this-form-rocks">' in html)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_uni_form_with_helper_without_layout(self):
        form_helper = FormHelper()
        form_helper.form_id = 'this-form-rocks'
        form_helper.form_class = 'forms-that-rock'
        form_helper.form_method = 'GET'
        form_helper.form_action = 'simpleAction'
        form_helper.form_error_title = 'ERRORS'

        template = get_template_from_string(u"""
            {% load uni_form_tags %}
            {% uni_form testForm form_helper %}

        # now we render it, with errors
        form = TestForm({'password1': 'wargame', 'password2': 'god'})
        c = Context({'testForm': form, 'form_helper': form_helper})
        html = template.render(c)

        # Lets make sure everything loads right
        self.assertTrue(html.count('<form'), 1)
        self.assertTrue('class="uniForm forms-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertTrue('id="this-form-rocks">' in html)
        self.assertTrue('action="%s"' % reverse('simpleAction') in html)
        self.assertEqual(html.count('<fieldset'), 1)

        self.assertTrue("<h3>ERRORS</h3>" in html)
        self.assertTrue("<li>Passwords dont match</li>" in html)

        # now lets remove the form tag and render it again. All the True items above
        # should now be false because the form tag is removed.
        form_helper.form_tag = False
        html = template.render(c)
        self.assertFalse('<form' in html)
        self.assertFalse('class="uniForm forms-that-rock"' in html)
        self.assertFalse('method="get"' in html)
        self.assertFalse('id="this-form-rocks">' in html)