def test_encode_decode_pk_reversible(self):
     Ensure that encoding a PK, then decoding it returns
     the original value
     for i in range(50):
         random_pk = randint(1, 10000)
         encoded = encode_pk(random_pk)
         decoded = decode_pk(encoded)
         if str(random_pk) != decoded:
   "Encoding then decoding PK '%d' did not return "
                     "original value.\nEncoded: %s\tDecoded: %s") % \
                     (random_pk, encoded, decoded))
Exemplo n.º 2
def verify_token(request, pk_base64, token):
    Verifies a token generated for validating an email
    address, and notifies the user whether verification
    was successful.
    next_url = request.GET.get('next') or request.GET.get(REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME)
    context = {'next_url': next_url, 'is_signup': False}
    user_model = get_user_model()

    # Attempt to get the linked email to verify
        email_pk = decode_pk(pk_base64)
        email = LinkedEmail.objects.get(pk=email_pk)
    except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError, user_model.DoesNotExist,
        email = None

    # In the unlikely scenario that a user is trying to sign up
    # with an email another verified user has as a primary email
    # address, reject verification immediately
    if email is not None and is_tmp_user(email.profile.user) and \
        email = None

    # If the token successfully verifies, update the linked email
    if email is not None and token_generator.check_token(email, token):
        email.is_verified = True

        # If the user this email is linked to is a temporary
        # one, change it to a fully registered user
        user = email.profile.user
        if is_tmp_user(user) or is_unlinked_account(user):
            context['is_signup'] = True
            old_username = user.username

            # Change the email + username to the verified email
   = email.address
            user.username = choose_username(

            # If the user was created via CAS, add the institution
            # account described by the temporary username
            if old_username.startswith("cas"):
                username_split = get_account_username_split(old_username)
                _add_institution_account(user.profile, username_split[1],

        # If UNIAUTH_ALLOW_SHARED_EMAILS is False, and there were
        # pending LinkedEmails for this address on other accounts,
        # delete them
        if not get_setting('UNIAUTH_ALLOW_SHARED_EMAILS'):

        return render(request, 'uniauth/verification-success.html', context)

    # If anything went wrong, just render the failed verification template
        return render(request, 'uniauth/verification-failure.html', context)