Exemplo n.º 1
def scan_and_respond(reply=False, sub='test_unitbot'):
    logging.basicConfig(filename="info.log", level=logging.INFO)

    r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=creds.USER_AGENT)
    r.login(creds.USERNAME, creds.PASSWORD, disable_warning=True)
    del creds.PASSWORD

    last_comment = ''
    while True:
        for comment in praw.helpers.comment_stream(r, sub):
            finder = Finder(comment.body)

            # do not reply to yourself
            if comment.author.name == creds.USERNAME:

            # if we found units to convert and comment is later than the
            # last one we replied to, then try to reply
            if finder.units and comment.id > last_comment and reply:
                last_comment = comment.id

                info_str = ("Comment body: {}\n"
                            "Finder: {}").format(comment.body, finder.units)
                # in case we try to reply to unreplieable comment
                # e.g. comment got deleted, is to old or etc.
                # just ignore error then and pass on
                    success_str = "Found and replied\n\n"
                    logging.info(success_str + info_str)
                except praw.errors.APIException as e:
                    fail_str = "Exception: {}".format(e)
                except praw.errors.HTTPException as e:
                    fail_str = "Exception: {}".format(e)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_generate_message(text, result):
    # test various pieces of text and verify that correct conversions are made
    f = Finder(text)
    assert f.generate_conversion_message() == result
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_convert_units(text, result):
    # test various pieces of text and verify that correct conversions are made
    f = Finder(text)
    assert f.convert_units() == result
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_find_units(text, result):
    # test various pieces of text and verify that units are found
    f = Finder(text)
    assert f.find_units() == result
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_generate_message(text, result):
    # test various pieces of text and verify that correct conversions are made
    f = Finder(text)
    assert f.generate_conversion_message() == result
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_convert_units(text, result):
    # test various pieces of text and verify that correct conversions are made
    f = Finder(text)
    assert f.convert_units() == result
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_find_units(text, result):
    # test various pieces of text and verify that units are found
    f = Finder(text)
    assert f.find_units() == result