Exemplo n.º 1
def setup_i18n():
	import locale
	locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
	from univention.lib.i18n import Translation
	translation = Translation('univention-system-setup-scripts')
	return translation.translate
Exemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, locale=None):
		i18n = Translation('univention-management-console')
			i18n.set_language(locale or 'C')
		except (I18N_Error, AttributeError, TypeError):
		self._ = i18n.translate
		self.pam = self.init()
def setup_i18n():
    import locale
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale.getdefaultlocale())
    language = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]
    from univention.lib.i18n import Translation
    translation = Translation('univention-system-setup-scripts')
    return translation.translate
Exemplo n.º 4
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import re
from datetime import datetime

# translation: manually set_language() because
# for some reason, the default locale is not used by default
import locale
from univention.lib.i18n import Translation
translation = Translation('univention-system-setup-scripts')
default_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()
_ = translation.translate
                 default_locale)  # needed for external translation (e.g. apt)

import univention.config_registry
ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry()

class SetupScript(object):
    '''Baseclass for all Python-based Setup-Scripts.

	Script lifecycle:
	  __init__() -> up()
	  run() -> (inner_run() -> commit_ucr()) -> down()
Exemplo n.º 5
class Processor( signals.Provider ):
	"""Implements a proxy and command handler. It handles all internal
	UMCP commands and passes the commands for a module to the

	:param str username: name of the user who authenticated for this session
	:param str password: password of the user

	def __init__( self, username, password ):
		global users_module
		self.__username = username
		self.__password = password
		self.__user_dn = None
		signals.Provider.__init__( self )
		self.core_i18n = Translation( 'univention-management-console' )
		self.i18n = I18N_Manager()
		self.i18n[ 'umc-core' ] = I18N()

		# stores the module processes [ modulename ] = <>
		self.__processes = {}

		self.__killtimer = {}

		lo = ldap.open( ucr[ 'ldap/server/name' ], int( ucr.get( 'ldap/server/port', 7389 ) ) )

			# get LDAP connection with machine account
			self.lo, self.po = udm_uldap.getMachineConnection( ldap_master = False )

			# get the LDAP DN of the authorized user
			ldap_dn = self.lo.searchDn( '(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=posixAccount))' % self.__username )
			if ldap_dn:
				self.__user_dn = ldap_dn[ 0 ]
				CORE.info( 'The LDAP DN for user %s is %s' % ( self.__username, self.__user_dn ) )
				CORE.info( 'The LDAP DN for user %s could not be found' % self.__username )

			# initiate the users/user UDM module
			users_module = udm_modules.get('users/user')
			udm_modules.init(self.lo, self.po, users_module)
		except ( ldap.LDAPError, IOError ) as e:
			# problems connection to LDAP server or the server is not joined (machine.secret is missing)
			CORE.warn('An error occurred connecting to the LDAP server: %s' % e)
			self.lo = None
			users_module = None
		except udm_errors.base as e:
			# UDM error, user module coule not be initiated
			CORE.warn('An error occurred intializing the UDM users/user module: %s' % e)
			users_module = None

		# read the ACLs
		self.acls = LDAP_ACLs( self.lo, self.__username, ucr[ 'ldap/base' ] )
		self.__command_list = moduleManager.permitted_commands( ucr[ 'hostname' ], self.acls )

		self.signal_new( 'response' )

	def shutdown( self ):
		"""Instructs the module process to shutdown"""
		CORE.info( 'The session is shutting down. Sending UMC modules an EXIT request (%d processes)' % len( self.__processes ) )
		for module_name in self.__processes:
			CORE.info( 'Ask module %s to shutdown gracefully' % module_name )
			req = Request( 'EXIT', arguments = [ module_name, 'internal' ] )
			self.__processes[ module_name ].request( req )

	def __del__( self ):
		CORE.process( 'Processor: dying' )
		for process in self.__processes.values():
			del process

	def get_module_name( self, command ):
		"""Returns the name of the module that provides the given command

		:param str command: the command name
		return moduleManager.module_providing( self.__comand_list, command )

	def request( self, msg ):
		"""Handles an incoming UMCP request and passes the requests to
		specific handler functions.

		:param Request msg: UMCP request
		if msg.command == 'EXIT':
			self.handle_request_exit( msg )
		elif msg.command == 'GET':
			self.handle_request_get( msg )
		elif msg.command == 'SET':
			self.handle_request_set( msg )
		elif msg.command == 'VERSION':
			self.handle_request_version( msg )
		elif msg.command == 'COMMAND':
			self.handle_request_command( msg )
		elif msg.command == 'UPLOAD':
			self.handle_request_upload( msg )
		elif msg.command in ( 'STATUS', 'CANCEL', 'CLOSE' ):
			self.handle_request_unknown( msg )
			self.handle_request_unknown( msg )

	def _purge_child(self, module_name):
		if module_name in self.__processes:
			CORE.process( 'module %s is still running - purging module out of memory' % module_name)
			pid = self.__processes[ module_name ].pid()
			os.kill(pid, 9)
		return False

	def handle_request_exit( self, msg ):
		"""Handles an EXIT request. If the request does not have an
		argument that contains a valid name of a running UMC module
		instance the request is returned as a bad request.

		If the request is valid it is passed on to the module
		process. Additionally a timer of 3000 milliseconds is
		started. After that amount of time the module process MUST have
		been exited itself. If not the UMC server will kill the module

		:param Request msg: UMCP request
		if len( msg.arguments ) < 1:
			return self.handle_request_unknown( msg )

		module_name = msg.arguments[ 0 ]
		if module_name:
			if module_name in self.__processes:
				self.__processes[ module_name ].request( msg )
				CORE.info( 'Ask module %s to shutdown gracefully' % module_name )
				# added timer to kill away module after 3000ms
				cb = notifier.Callback( self._purge_child, module_name )
				self.__killtimer[ module_name ] = notifier.timer_add( 3000, cb )
				CORE.info( 'Got EXIT request for a non-existing module %s' % module_name )

	def handle_request_version( self, msg ):
		"""Handles a VERSION request by returning the version of the UMC
		server's protocol version.

		:param Request msg: UMCP request
		res = Response( msg )
		res.status = SUCCESS # Ok
		res.body[ 'version' ] = VERSION

		self.signal_emit( 'response', res )

	def _get_user_obj(self):
			# make sure that the UDM users/user module could be initiated
			if not users_module:
				raise udm_errors.base('UDM module users/user could not be initiated')

			# open an LDAP connection with the user password and credentials
			lo = udm_uldap.access(host = ucr.get('ldap/server/name'), base = ucr.get('ldap/base'), port = int(ucr.get('ldap/server/port', '7389')), binddn = self.__user_dn, bindpw = self.__password, follow_referral=True)

			# try to open the user object
			userObj = udm_objects.get(users_module, None, lo, self.po, self.__user_dn)
			if not userObj:
				raise udm_errors.noObject()
			return userObj
		except udm_errors.noObject as e:
			CORE.warn('Failed to open UDM user object for user %s' % (self.__username))
		except (udm_errors.base, ldap.LDAPError) as e:
			CORE.warn('Failed to open UDM user object %s: %s' % (self.__user_dn, e))
		return None

	def handle_request_get( self, msg ):
		"""Handles a GET request. The following possible variants are supported:

			Returns a list of all available UMC modules within the current session

			Returns a list of all known categories

			Returns the user preferences as a dict.

		:param Request msg: UMCP request

		res = Response( msg )

		if 'modules/list' in msg.arguments:
			modules = []
			for id, module in self.__command_list.items():
				# check for translation
				if module.flavors:
					for flavor in module.flavors:
						translationId = flavor.translationId
						if not translationId:
							translationId = id
						modules.append( { 'id' : id, 'flavor' : flavor.id, 'name' : self.i18n._( flavor.name, translationId ), 'description' : self.i18n._( flavor.description, translationId ), 'icon' : flavor.icon, 'categories' : module.categories, 'priority' : flavor.priority } )
						modules.append( { 'id' : id, 'name' : self.i18n._( module.name, id ), 'description' : self.i18n._( module.description, id ), 'icon' : module.icon, 'categories' : module.categories, 'priority' : module.priority } )
			res.body[ 'modules' ] = modules
			_ucr_dict = dict( ucr.items() )

			categories = []
			for catID, category in categoryManager.items():
				categories.append( { 'id' : catID, 'name' : self.i18n._( category.name, category.domain ).format( **_ucr_dict ), 'priority' : category.priority } )

			res.body[ 'categories' ] = categories
			CORE.info( 'Modules: %s' % modules )
			CORE.info( 'Categories: %s' % str( res.body[ 'categories' ] ) )
			res.status = SUCCESS # Ok

		elif 'categories/list' in msg.arguments:
			res.body[ 'categories' ] = categoryManager.all()
			res.status = SUCCESS # Ok
		elif 'user/preferences' in msg.arguments:
			# fallback is an empty dict
			res.body['preferences'] = {}

			# query user's UMC properties
			userObj = self._get_user_obj()
			if userObj:
				res.body['preferences'] = dict(userObj.info.get('umcProperty', []))
				res.status = SUCCESS

		self.signal_emit( 'response', res )

	def handle_request_set( self, msg ):
		"""Handles a SET request. No argument may be given. The
		variables that should be set are passed via the request
		options. Currently the only variable that may be set is the
		locale. If any unknown variable is given the the request is

		:param Request msg: UMCP request
		res = Response( msg )
		if len( msg.arguments ):
			res.message = status_description( res.status )

			self.signal_emit( 'response', res )

		res.status = SUCCESS
		if not isinstance(msg.options, dict):
			raise InvalidOptionsError
		for key, value in msg.options.items():
			if key == 'locale':
					self.core_i18n.set_language( value )
					CORE.info( 'Setting locale: %s' % value )
					self.i18n.set_locale( value )
				except I18N_Error, e:
					res.message = status_description( res.status )
					CORE.warn( 'Setting locale to specified locale failed (%s)' % value )
					CORE.warn( 'Falling back to C' )
					self.core_i18n.set_language( 'C' )
					self.i18n.set_locale( 'C' )
			elif key == 'user' and isinstance(value, dict) and 'preferences' in value:
				# try to open the user object
				userObj = self._get_user_obj()
				if not userObj:
					res.status = BAD_REQUEST_INVALID_OPTS
					res.message = status_description( res.status )
					# make sure we got a dict
					prefs = value['preferences']
					if not isinstance(prefs, dict):
						raise ValueError('user preferences are not a dict: %s' % prefs)

					# iterate over all given user preferences
					newPrefs = []
					for prefKey, prefValue in prefs.iteritems():
						if not isinstance(prefKey, basestring):
							raise ValueError('user preferences keys needs to be strings: %s' % prefKey)

						# we can put strings directly into the dict
						if isinstance(prefValue, basestring):
							newPrefs.append((prefKey, prefValue))
							newPrefs.append((prefKey, json.dumps(prefValue)))

					if newPrefs:
						# eliminate double entries
						newPrefs = dict(userObj.info.get('umcProperty', []) + newPrefs)

						# apply changes
						userObj.info['umcProperty'] = newPrefs.items()

				except (ValueError, udm_errors.base) as e:
					CORE.warn('Could not set given option: %s' % e)
					res.status = BAD_REQUEST_INVALID_OPTS
					res.message = status_description( res.status )
Exemplo n.º 6
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import re
from datetime import datetime

# translation: manually set_language() because
# for some reason, the default locale is not used by default
import locale
from univention.lib.i18n import Translation
translation = Translation('univention-system-setup-scripts')
default_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()
_ = translation.translate
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, default_locale) # needed for external translation (e.g. apt)

import univention.config_registry
ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry()

class SetupScript(object):
	'''Baseclass for all Python-based Setup-Scripts.

	Script lifecycle:
	  __init__() -> up()
	  run() -> (inner_run() -> commit_ucr()) -> down()

	up(), (inner_run() -> commit_ucr), and down() and encapsulated by