Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     self.base = ViewDrawBase('foo')
     self.base.stream = FileStack('bar')
Exemplo n.º 2
class ViewDrawBaseTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Tests for functionality shared between parsers """
    def setUp(self):
        self.base = ViewDrawBase('foo')
        self.base.stream = FileStack('bar')

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.base

    def test_base_init(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.base.filename, 'foo')

    def test_parser_dispatch(self):
        """ Check that the parsers used have the proper call signatures """
        valid_cmds = 'A L |R V Z c b T a l'.split()
        for cmd in valid_cmds:
            parser  = self.base.parsenode(cmd)
            # make sure it only needs two argument (self, args)
            self.assertEqual(len(getargspec(parser)[0]), 2)
        # currently not testing invalid commands, their behaviour can be
        # considered 'undefined'

    def test_label(self):
        """ Test basic label parsing """
        args = '2 3 12 0 # # # # this is a text label'
        # `#` args are unhandled, but may be in the future
        k, v = self.base.parse_label(args)
        self.assertEqual(k, 'annot')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, Annotation))
        self.assertEqual(v.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(v.y, 3)
        self.assertEqual(v.value, 'this is a text label')

    def test_annot(self):
        """ Test basic Annotation parsing """
        args = '2 3 12 0 1'
        text = 'foo=bar baz'
        pairs = (('0', text),
                 ('1', text),
                 ('2', 'foo'),
                 ('3', 'bar baz'))
        for viz, val in pairs:
            k, v = self.base.parse_annot(' '.join([args, viz, text]))
            self.assertEqual(k, 'annot')
            self.assertEqual(v.x, 2)
            self.assertEqual(v.y, 3)
            if viz is '0':
            self.assertEqual(v.value, val)

    def test_revision(self):
        """ Test the file revision datetime parser """
        k, v = self.base.parse_rev('timedate')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'annot')
        self.assertEqual(v.value, 'rev=timedate')
        self.assertEqual(v.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(v.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(v.rotation, 0)

    def test_circle(self):
        """ Test parsing a simple circle """
        posargs = '1 2 3'
        negargs = '-6 -7 8'
        k, v = self.base.parse_circle(posargs)
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'circle')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(v.radius, 3)

        k, v = self.base.parse_circle(negargs)
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'circle')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (-6, -7))
        self.assertEqual(v.radius, 8)

    def test_box(self):
        """ Test for a simple rectangle """
        k, v = self.base.parse_box('2 4 7 8')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'rectangle')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (2, 4))
        self.assertEqual(v.height, (8 - 4))
        self.assertEqual(v.width, (7 - 2))

        k, v = self.base.parse_box('1 3 -5 -6')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'rectangle')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (1, 3))
        self.assertEqual(v.width, -5 - 1)
        self.assertEqual(v.height, -6 - 3)

    def test_text(self):
        """ Test text labels """
        k, v = self.base.parse_text('3 4 # # # hello world')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'label')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (3, 4))
        self.assertEqual(v.text, 'hello world')

    def test_version(self):
        """ Test format version parser """
        k, v = self.base.parse_ver('51')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'fileversion')
        self.assertEqual(v, '51')

    def test_line_one_seg(self):
        """One line segment, from (2,3) to (4,7)"""
        k, v = self.base.parse_line('2 1 3 4 7')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'lines')
        self.assertEqual(len(v), 1)
        self.assertEqual(v[0].type, 'line')
        p1, p2 = v[0].p1, v[0].p2
        self.assertEqual(p1, Point(1, 3))
        self.assertEqual(p2, Point(4, 7))

    def test_line_multi_seg(self):
        """A multi-segment line, should become many Line objects"""
        pts = [(2, 1), (4, 5), (8, 7), (9, 2)]
        pts_text = ' '.join([str(p1) + ' ' + str(p2) for p1, p2 in pts])
        k, v = self.base.parse_line(str(len(pts)) + ' ' + pts_text)
        self.assertEqual(k, 'lines')
        self.assertEqual(len(v), len(pts) - 1)
        # line segments returned out of order, or with p1/p2 swapped, would be
        # acceptable. The test would need to change for that.
        for i, line in enumerate(v):
            self.assertEqual(line.type, 'line')
            self.assertEqual(Point(pts[i]), line.p1)
            self.assertEqual(Point(pts[i + 1]), line.p2)

    def test_arc(self):
        """ Test multiple arc segment constructions """
        x_c, y_c, radius = 2, 3, 50
        angles = ((0., 0.5, 1.),
                  (1.5, 0., 0.5),
                  (1., 1.25, 1.5))
        def angle2xy(theta):
            return [int(round(sin(theta * pi) * radius + x_c)),
                    int(round(cos(theta * pi) * radius + y_c))]
        def reflang(theta):
            return (theta + 0.5) % 2.0

        for ang in (angles):
            print ang
            pts = sum([angle2xy(th) for th in ang], [])

            k, v = self.base.parse_arc(' '.join([str(p) for p in pts]))
            print v.json()
            self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
            self.assertEqual(v.type, 'arc')
            # allow for points to be off by up to one unit, to account for
            # rounding error in calculating center point, radius.
            self.assertTrue(abs(v.x - x_c) <= 1)
            self.assertTrue(abs(v.y - y_c) <= 1)
            self.assertTrue(abs(v.radius - radius) <= 1)
            self.assertTrue(abs(reflang(v.start_angle) - (ang[0])) < 0.01)
            self.assertTrue(abs(reflang(v.end_angle) - (ang[2])) < 0.01)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setUp(self):
     self.base = ViewDrawBase("foo")
     self.base.stream = FileStack("bar")
Exemplo n.º 4
class ViewDrawBaseTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Tests for functionality shared between parsers """

    def setUp(self):
        self.base = ViewDrawBase("foo")
        self.base.stream = FileStack("bar")

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.base

    def test_base_init(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.base.filename, "foo")

    def test_parser_dispatch(self):
        """ Check that the parsers used have the proper call signatures """
        valid_cmds = "A L |R V Z c b T a l".split()
        for cmd in valid_cmds:
            parser = self.base.parsenode(cmd)
            # make sure it only needs two argument (self, args)
            self.assertEqual(len(getargspec(parser)[0]), 2)
        # currently not testing invalid commands, their behaviour can be
        # considered 'undefined'

    def test_label(self):
        """ Test basic label parsing """
        args = "2 3 12 0 # # # # this is a text label"
        # `#` args are unhandled, but may be in the future
        k, v = self.base.parse_label(args)
        self.assertEqual(k, "annot")
        self.assertIsInstance(v, Annotation)
        self.assertEqual(v.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(v.y, 3)
        self.assertEqual(v.value, "this is a text label")

    def test_annot(self):
        """ Test basic Annotation parsing """
        args = "2 3 12 0 1"
        text = "foo=bar baz"
        pairs = (("0", text), ("1", text), ("2", "foo"), ("3", "bar baz"))
        for viz, val in pairs:
            k, v = self.base.parse_annot(" ".join([args, viz, text]))
            self.assertEqual(k, "annot")
            self.assertEqual(v.x, 2)
            self.assertEqual(v.y, 3)
            if viz is "0":
            self.assertEqual(v.value, val)

    def test_revision(self):
        """ Test the file revision datetime parser """
        k, v = self.base.parse_rev("timedate")
        self.assertEqual(k, "annot")
        self.assertEqual(v.value, "rev=timedate")
        self.assertEqual(v.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(v.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(v.rotation, 0)

    def test_circle(self):
        """ Test parsing a simple circle """
        posargs = "1 2 3"
        negargs = "-6 -7 8"
        k, v = self.base.parse_circle(posargs)
        self.assertEqual(k, "shape")
        self.assertEqual(v.type, "circle")
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(v.radius, 3)

        k, v = self.base.parse_circle(negargs)
        self.assertEqual(k, "shape")
        self.assertEqual(v.type, "circle")
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (-6, -7))
        self.assertEqual(v.radius, 8)

    def test_box(self):
        """ Test for a simple rectangle """
        k, v = self.base.parse_box("2 4 7 8")
        self.assertEqual(k, "shape")
        self.assertEqual(v.type, "rectangle")
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (2, 4))
        self.assertEqual(v.height, (8 - 4))
        self.assertEqual(v.width, (7 - 2))

        k, v = self.base.parse_box("1 3 -5 -6")
        self.assertEqual(k, "shape")
        self.assertEqual(v.type, "rectangle")
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (1, 3))
        self.assertEqual(v.width, -5 - 1)
        self.assertEqual(v.height, -6 - 3)

    def test_text(self):
        """ Test text labels """
        k, v = self.base.parse_text("3 4 # # # hello world")
        self.assertEqual(k, "shape")
        self.assertEqual(v.type, "label")
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (3, 4))
        self.assertEqual(v.text, "hello world")

    def test_version(self):
        """ Test format version parser """
        k, v = self.base.parse_ver("51")
        self.assertEqual(k, "fileversion")
        self.assertEqual(v, "51")

    def test_line_one_seg(self):
        """One line segment, from (2,3) to (4,7)"""
        k, v = self.base.parse_line("2 1 3 4 7")
        self.assertEqual(k, "lines")
        self.assertEqual(len(v), 1)
        self.assertEqual(v[0].type, "line")
        p1, p2 = v[0].p1, v[0].p2
        self.assertEqual(p1, Point(1, 3))
        self.assertEqual(p2, Point(4, 7))

    def test_line_multi_seg(self):
        """A multi-segment line, should become many Line objects"""
        pts = [(2, 1), (4, 5), (8, 7), (9, 2)]
        pts_text = " ".join([str(p1) + " " + str(p2) for p1, p2 in pts])
        k, v = self.base.parse_line(str(len(pts)) + " " + pts_text)
        self.assertEqual(k, "lines")
        self.assertEqual(len(v), len(pts) - 1)
        # line segments returned out of order, or with p1/p2 swapped, would be
        # acceptable. The test would need to change for that.
        for i, line in enumerate(v):
            self.assertEqual(line.type, "line")
            self.assertEqual(Point(pts[i]), line.p1)
            self.assertEqual(Point(pts[i + 1]), line.p2)

    def test_arc(self):
        """ Test multiple arc segment constructions """
        x_c, y_c, radius = 2, 3, 50
        angles = ((0.0, 0.5, 1.0), (1.5, 0.0, 0.5), (1.0, 1.25, 1.5))

        def angle2xy(theta):
            return [int(round(cos(theta * pi) * radius + x_c)), int(round(sin(theta * pi) * radius + y_c))]

        for ang in angles:
            pts = sum([angle2xy(th) for th in ang], [])

            k, v = self.base.parse_arc(" ".join([str(p) for p in pts]))
            self.assertEqual(k, "shape")
            self.assertEqual(v.type, "arc")
            # allow for points to be off by up to one unit, to account for
            # rounding error in calculating center point, radius.
            self.assertAlmostEqual(v.x, x_c, delta=1)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(v.y, y_c, delta=1)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(v.radius, radius, delta=1)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(v.end_angle, (2 - ang[0]), delta=0.01)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(v.start_angle, (2 - ang[2]), delta=0.01)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     self.base = ViewDrawBase('foo')
     self.base.stream = FileStack('bar')
Exemplo n.º 6
class ViewDrawBaseTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Tests for functionality shared between parsers """
    def setUp(self):
        self.base = ViewDrawBase('foo')
        self.base.stream = FileStack('bar')

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.base

    def test_rot_and_flip(self):
        rotations = (0, 1.5, 1, 0.5)
        for vd_rot, rot in enumerate(rotations):
            self.assertEqual((rot, False), self.base.rot_and_flip(str(vd_rot)))
        for vd_rot, rot in enumerate(rotations, 4):
            self.assertEqual((rot, True), self.base.rot_and_flip(str(vd_rot)))

    def test_base_init(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.base.filename, 'foo')

    def test_parser_dispatch(self):
        """ Check that the parsers used have the proper call signatures """
        valid_cmds = 'A L |R V Z c b T a l'.split()
        for cmd in valid_cmds:
            parser  = self.base.parsenode(cmd)
            # make sure it only needs two argument (self, args)
            self.assertEqual(len(getargspec(parser)[0]), 2)
        # currently not testing invalid commands, their behaviour can be
        # considered 'undefined'

    def test_label(self):
        """ Test basic label parsing """
        args = '2 3 12 2 # # # # this is a text label'
        # `#` args are unhandled, but may be in the future
        k, v = self.base.parse_label(args)
        self.assertEqual(k, 'annot')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, Annotation))
        self.assertEqual(v.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(v.y, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(v.rotation, 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(v.value, 'this is a text label')

    def test_annot(self):
        """ Test basic Annotation parsing """
        args = '2 3 12 0 1'
        text = 'foo=bar baz'
        pairs = (('0', text),
                 ('1', text),
                 ('2', 'foo'),
                 ('3', 'bar baz'))
        for viz, val in pairs:
            k, v = self.base.parse_annot(' '.join([args, viz, text]))
            self.assertEqual(k, 'annot')
            self.assertEqual(v.x, 2)
            self.assertEqual(v.y, 3)
            if viz is '0':
            self.assertEqual(v.value, val)

    def test_revision(self):
        """ Test the file revision datetime parser """
        k, v = self.base.parse_rev('timedate')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'annot')
        self.assertEqual(v.value, 'rev=timedate')
        self.assertEqual(v.x, 0)
        self.assertEqual(v.y, 0)
        self.assertEqual(v.rotation, 0)

    def test_circle(self):
        """ Test parsing a simple circle """
        posargs = '1 2 3'
        negargs = '-6 -7 8'
        k, v = self.base.parse_circle(posargs)
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'circle')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(v.radius, 3)

        k, v = self.base.parse_circle(negargs)
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'circle')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (-6, -7))
        self.assertEqual(v.radius, 8)

    def test_box(self):
        """ Test for a simple rectangle """
        k, v = self.base.parse_box('2 4 7 8')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'rectangle')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (2, 4))
        self.assertEqual(v.height, (8 - 4))
        self.assertEqual(v.width, (7 - 2))

        k, v = self.base.parse_box('1 3 -5 -6')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'rectangle')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (1, 3))
        self.assertEqual(v.width, -5 - 1)
        self.assertEqual(v.height, -6 - 3)

    def test_text(self):
        """ Test text labels """
        k, v = self.base.parse_text('3 4 # 1 # hello world')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'label')
        self.assertEqual((v.x, v.y), (3, 4))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(v._rotation, 1.5)
        self.assertEqual(v.text, 'hello world')

    def test_version(self):
        """ Test format version parser """
        k, v = self.base.parse_ver('51')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'fileversion')
        self.assertEqual(v, '51')

    def test_line_one_seg(self):
        """One line segment, from (2,3) to (4,7)"""
        k, v = self.base.parse_line('2 1 3 4 7')
        self.assertEqual(k, 'lines')
        self.assertEqual(len(v), 1)
        self.assertEqual(v[0].type, 'line')
        p1, p2 = v[0].p1, v[0].p2
        self.assertEqual(p1, Point(1, 3))
        self.assertEqual(p2, Point(4, 7))

    def test_line_multi_seg(self):
        """A multi-segment line, should become many Line objects"""
        pts = [(2, 1), (4, 5), (8, 7), (9, 2)]
        pts_text = ' '.join([str(p1) + ' ' + str(p2) for p1, p2 in pts])
        k, v = self.base.parse_line(str(len(pts)) + ' ' + pts_text)
        self.assertEqual(k, 'lines')
        self.assertEqual(len(v), len(pts) - 1)
        # line segments returned out of order, or with p1/p2 swapped, would be
        # acceptable. The test would need to change for that.
        for i, line in enumerate(v):
            self.assertEqual(line.type, 'line')
            self.assertEqual(Point(pts[i]), line.p1)
            self.assertEqual(Point(pts[i + 1]), line.p2)

    def test_arc(self):
        """ Test multiple arc segment constructions """
        x_c, y_c, radius = 2, 3, 50
        angles = ((0., 0.5, 1.),
                  (1.5, 0., 0.5),
                  (1., 1.25, 1.5))
        def angle2xy(theta):
            return [int(round(cos(theta * pi) * radius + x_c)),
                    int(round(sin(theta * pi) * radius + y_c))]

        for ang in (angles):
            pts = sum([angle2xy(th) for th in ang], [])

            k, v = self.base.parse_arc(' '.join([str(p) for p in pts]))
            self.assertEqual(k, 'shape')
            self.assertEqual(v.type, 'arc')
            # allow for points to be off by up to one unit, to account for
            # rounding error in calculating center point, radius.
            self.assertTrue(abs(v.x - x_c) <=1)
            self.assertTrue(abs(v.y - y_c) <=1)
            self.assertTrue(abs(v.radius - radius) <=1)
            self.assertTrue(abs(v.end_angle - (2 - ang[0])) <=0.01)
            self.assertTrue(abs(v.start_angle - (2 - ang[2])) <=0.01)