Exemplo n.º 1
    def assign_from(self, other, assign_ids=False, copy_view_data=True):
        """Assigns the attributes of the location from another location.

            other: The other location.
            assign_ids: Choose whether the IDs should be copied, too, or generated anew.
            copy_view_data: Choose whether the graphical view data should be copied as well.
        super().assign_from(other, assign_ids=assign_ids)
        self.invariants = map(lambda inv: inv.copy(), other.invariants)
        self.urgent = other.urgent
        self.committed = other.committed

        if copy_view_data:
            self.view = {}
            self.view["self"] = {
                "pos": {
                    "x": other.view["self"]["pos"]["x"],
                    "y": other.view["self"]["pos"]["y"]
            self.view["name_label"] = {
                "pos": {
                    "x": other.view["name_label"]["pos"]["x"],
                    "y": other.view["name_label"]["pos"]["y"]
                "id": unique_id("label")
            self.view["invariant_label"] = {
                "pos": {
                    "x": other.view["invariant_label"]["pos"]["x"],
                    "y": other.view["invariant_label"]["pos"]["y"]
                "id": unique_id("label")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def assign_from(self, other, assign_ids=False, copy_view_data=True):
        """Assigns the attributes of the edge from another edge.

            other: The other edge.
            assign_ids: Choose whether the IDs should be copied, too, or generated anew.
            copy_view_data: Choose whether the graphical view data should be copied as well.
        self.clock_guards = map(lambda grd: grd.copy(), other.clock_guards)
        self.variable_guards = map(lambda grd: grd.copy(), other.variable_guards)
        self.updates = map(lambda updt: updt.copy(), other.updates)
        self.resets = map(lambda rst: rst.copy(), other.resets)
        self.sync = other.sync.copy() if other.sync else None
        self.selects = map(lambda sel: sel.copy(), other.selects)

        if copy_view_data:
            self.view = {"nails": OrderedDict()}
            for nail_id in other.view["nails"]:
                nail = {"id": unique_id("nail"), "pos": {"x": other.view["nails"][nail_id]["pos"]["x"],
                                                         "y": other.view["nails"][nail_id]["pos"]["y"]}}
                self.view["nails"][nail["id"]] = nail

            self.view["guard_label"] = {
                "pos": {"x": other.view["guard_label"]["pos"]["x"], "y": other.view["guard_label"]["pos"]["y"]},
                "id": unique_id("label")}
            self.view["update_label"] = {
                "pos": {"x": other.view["update_label"]["pos"]["x"], "y": other.view["update_label"]["pos"]["y"]},
                "id": unique_id("label")}
            self.view["sync_label"] = {
                "pos": {"x": other.view["sync_label"]["pos"]["x"], "y": other.view["sync_label"]["pos"]["y"]},
                "id": unique_id("label")}
            self.view["select_label"] = {
                "pos": {"x": other.view["select_label"]["pos"]["x"], "y": other.view["select_label"]["pos"]["y"]},
                "id": unique_id("label")}
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, source, target, parent=None, id_=None):
        """Initializes Edge.

            source: The source location object.
            target: The target location object.
            parent: The parent automaton object.
            id_: The unique edge ID ("edge-...").
        super().__init__(source, target, parent, id_ if id_ else unique_id("edge"))

        self.clock_guards = []
        self.variable_guards = []
        self.updates = []
        self.resets = []
        self.sync = None
        self.selects = []

        self.view = {"nails": OrderedDict()}

        center = {"x": int((self.source.view["self"]["pos"]["x"] + self.target.view["self"]["pos"]["x"]) / 2),
                  "y": int((self.source.view["self"]["pos"]["y"] + self.target.view["self"]["pos"]["y"]) / 2)}
        self.view["guard_label"] = {"pos": {"x": center["x"], "y": center["y"] - 20}, "id": unique_id("label")}
        self.view["update_label"] = {"pos": {"x": center["x"], "y": center["y"]}, "id": unique_id("label")}
        self.view["sync_label"] = {"pos": {"x": center["x"], "y": center["y"] + 20}, "id": unique_id("label")}
        self.view["select_label"] = {"pos": {"x": center["x"], "y": center["y"] - 40}, "id": unique_id("label")}
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, id_=None):
        """Initializes Location.

            name: The location name.
            parent: The parent automaton object.
            id_: The unique location ID ("loc-...").
        super().__init__(name, parent, id_ if id_ else unique_id("loc"))
        self.invariants = []
        self.urgent = False
        self.committed = False

        self.view = {"self": {"pos": {"x": 0, "y": 0}},
                     "name_label": {"pos": {"x": 20, "y": -20}, "id": unique_id("label")},
                     "invariant_label": {"pos": {"x": 20, "y": 20}, "id": unique_id("label")}}
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, name, id_=None):
        """Initializes Template.

            name: The template name.
            id_: The unique template ID ("tmpl-...").
        super().__init__(name, id_ if id_ else unique_id("tmpl"))
        self.parameters = []
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, name=None, id_=None):
        """Initializes WeightedGraph.

            name: The graph name.
            id_: The unique graph ID ("w-graph-...").
        id_ = id_ if id_ else unique_id("w-graph")
        super().__init__(name, id_)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, name, id_=None):
        """Initializes Automaton.

            name: The automaton name.
            id_: The unique automaton ID ("atmt-...").
        super().__init__(name, id_ if id_ else unique_id("atmt"))
        self.declaration = None
        self.init_loc = None
Exemplo n.º 8
    def add_nail(self, pos):
        """Adds a fixed point (nail) to the graphical representation of the edge.

            pos: The fixed point position.

        nail_id = unique_id("nail")
        self.view["nails"][nail_id] = {"pos": pos}
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, name=None, id_=None):
        """Initializes Graph.

            name: The graph name.
            id_: The unique graph ID ("graph-...").
        self.id = id_ if id_ else unique_id("graph")
        self.name = name if name else self.id.replace("-", "_")
        self.nodes = OrderedDict()
        self.edges = OrderedDict()
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, id_=None):
        """Initializes Location.

            name: The location name.
            parent: The parent automaton object.
            id_: The unique location ID ("loc-...").
                         id_=id_ if id_ else unique_id("loc"))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def new_template(self, name, id_=unique_id("tmpl")):
        """Creates a new template object and adds it to the system.

            name: The location name.
            id_: An optionally custom template id.

            The new template object.
        tmpl = ta.Template(name, id_)
        return tmpl
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, source, target, parent=None, id_=None, weight=None):
        """Initializes WeightedEdge.

            source: The source node object.
            target: The target node object.
            parent: The parent graph object.
            id_: The unique edge ID ("w-edge-...").
            weight: The edge weight.
        id_ = id_ if id_ else unique_id("w-edge")
        super().__init__(source, target, parent, id_)

        self.weight = weight
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, id_=None):
        """Initializes Node.

            name: The node name.
            parent: The parent graph object.
            id_: The unique node ID ("node-...").
        self.id = id_ if id_ else unique_id("node")
        self.name = name if name else ""  # id.replace("-", "_");
        self.in_edges = OrderedDict()
        self.out_edges = OrderedDict()
        self.parent = parent

        self.view = {}
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, source, target, parent=None, id_=None):
        """Initializes Edge.

            source: The source node object.
            target: The target node object.
            parent: The parent graph object.
            id_: The unique edge ID ("edge-...").
        if source is None:
            raise Exception(f'Edge source "{source}" not defined.')
        if target is None:
            raise Exception(f'Edge target "{target}" not defined.')

        self.id = id_ if id_ else unique_id("edge")
        self.parent = parent

        self.source = None
        self.target = None

        self.view = {}
Exemplo n.º 15
def uppaal_xml_to_dict(system_xml_str):
    """Transforms the XML description of a Uppaal system into a data dictionary.

        system_xml_str: The Uppaal system XML string.

        The data dictionary of Uppaal system data.
    system = OrderedDict()

    system_xml_str = system_xml_str.encode('utf-8')
    nta_element = etree.fromstring(system_xml_str)

    # Parse global declaration
    global_declaration_element = nta_element.find("declaration")
    if global_declaration_element is not None:
        system["global_declaration"] = global_declaration_element.text
        system["global_declaration"] = ""

    # Parse system declaration
    system_declaration_element = nta_element.find("system")
    if global_declaration_element is not None:
        system["system_declaration"] = system_declaration_element.text
        system["system_declaration"] = ""

    # Parse templates #
    system["templates"] = []
    template_elements = nta_element.findall("template")
    for template_element in template_elements:
        template = OrderedDict()

        template["id"] = unique_id("tmpl")

        # Parse template name
        template_name_element = template_element.find("name")
        if template_name_element is not None:
            template["name"] = template_name_element.text
            template["name"] = ""

        # Parse template parameters
        template_parameters_element = template_element.find("parameter")
        if template_parameters_element is not None:
            template["parameters"] = template_parameters_element.text
            template["parameters"] = ""

        # Parse local template declaration
        template_declaration_element = template_element.find("declaration")
        if template_declaration_element is not None:
            template["declaration"] = template_declaration_element.text
            template["declaration"] = ""

        # Parse locations #
        template["locations"] = []
        location_elements = template_element.findall("location")
        for location_element in location_elements:
            location = OrderedDict()
            location["id"] = location_element.attrib["id"]
            location["pos"] = {
                "x": int(location_element.attrib["x"]),
                "y": int(location_element.attrib["y"])

            # Parse location name
            location["name"] = None
            location["name_label"] = None
            location_name_element = location_element.find("name")
            if location_name_element is not None:
                label = OrderedDict()
                label["id"] = unique_id("label")
                label["pos"] = {
                    "x": int(location_name_element.attrib["x"]),
                    "y": int(location_name_element.attrib["y"])
                location["name"] = location_name_element.text
                location["name_label"] = label

            # Parse urgent / committed
            urgent_element = location_element.find("urgent")
            location["urgent"] = (urgent_element is not None)

            committed_element = location_element.find("committed")
            location["committed"] = (committed_element is not None)

            # Parse location labels
            location["invariant"] = None
            location["invariant_label"] = None
            label_elements = location_element.findall("label")
            for label_element in label_elements:
                label = OrderedDict()
                label["id"] = unique_id("label")
                label["pos"] = {
                    "x": int(label_element.attrib["x"]),
                    "y": int(label_element.attrib["y"])

                if label_element.attrib["kind"] == "invariant":
                    location["invariant"] = label_element.text
                    location["invariant_label"] = label


        # Parse initial location
        init_location_element = template_element.find("init")
        if init_location_element is not None:
            template["init_loc_id"] = init_location_element.attrib["ref"]

        # Parse edges #
        template["edges"] = []  # OrderedDict()
        edge_elements = template_element.findall("transition")
        for edge_element in edge_elements:
            edge = OrderedDict()
            edge["id"] = unique_id("edge")

            # Parse edge source location
            edge_source_element = edge_element.find("source")
            if edge_source_element is not None:
                edge["source_loc_id"] = edge_source_element.attrib["ref"]

            # Parse edge target location
            edge_target_element = edge_element.find("target")
            if edge_target_element is not None:
                edge["target_loc_id"] = edge_target_element.attrib["ref"]

            # Parse edge labels
            edge["guard"] = None
            edge["guard_label"] = None
            edge["update"] = None
            edge["update_label"] = None
            edge["synchronisation"] = None
            edge["sync_label"] = None
            edge["select"] = None
            edge["select_label"] = None
            label_elements = edge_element.findall("label")
            for label_element in label_elements:
                label = OrderedDict()
                label["id"] = unique_id("label")
                label["pos"] = {
                    "x": int(label_element.attrib["x"]),
                    "y": int(label_element.attrib["y"])

                if label_element.attrib["kind"] == "guard":
                    edge["guard"] = label_element.text
                    edge["guard_label"] = label
                elif label_element.attrib["kind"] == "assignment":
                    edge["update"] = label_element.text
                    edge["update_label"] = label
                elif label_element.attrib["kind"] == "synchronisation":
                    edge["synchronisation"] = label_element.text
                    edge["sync_label"] = label
                elif label_element.attrib["kind"] == "select":
                    edge["select"] = label_element.text
                    edge["select_label"] = label

            # Parse edge nails
            edge["nails"] = []
            nail_elements = edge_element.findall("nail")
            for nail_element in nail_elements:
                nail = OrderedDict()
                nail["id"] = unique_id("nail")
                nail["pos"] = {
                    "x": int(nail_element.attrib["x"]),
                    "y": int(nail_element.attrib["y"])



    # Parse queries #
    system["queries"] = []
    root_query_element = nta_element.find("queries")
    if root_query_element is not None:
        query_elements = root_query_element.findall("query")
        for query_element in query_elements:
            query = OrderedDict()
            query["id"] = None

            formula_element = query_element.find("formula")
            if formula_element is not None:
                query["formula"] = formula_element.text.strip()

            comment_element = query_element.find("comment")
            if comment_element is not None:
                query["comment"] = comment_element.text.strip()


    # print(json.dumps(system, indent=2))
    return system