def options(self): airship = ua.Airship('key', 'secret') push = ua.Push(None) push.audience = ua.all_ push.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello Expiry') push.options = ua.options(expiry='2013-04-01T18:45:0') push.device_types = ua.all_
def test_ios_alert_dict(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification(ios=ua.ios(alert={'foo': 'bar'})) p.options = ua.options(10080) p.device_types = 'ios' p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', ) self.assertEqual( p.payload, { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': { 'ios': { 'alert': { 'foo': 'bar' } } }, 'device_types': 'ios', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8', } })
def test_full_scheduled_payload(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello') p.options = ua.options(10080) p.device_types = ua.all_ p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', extra={'more': 'stuff'}, expiry=10080, icons={'list_icon': ''}, options={'some_delivery_option': 'true'}, ) sched = ua.ScheduledPush(None) sched.push = p = 'a schedule' sched.schedule = ua.scheduled_time( datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual( sched.payload, { 'name': 'a schedule', 'schedule': { 'scheduled_time': '2014-01-01T12:00:00' }, 'push': { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': { 'alert': 'Hello' }, 'device_types': 'all', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8', 'extra': { 'more': 'stuff' }, 'expiry': 10080, 'icons': { 'list_icon': '' }, 'options': { 'some_delivery_option': 'true' }, }, } })
def test_full_scheduled_payload(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello') p.options = ua.options(10080) p.device_types = ua.all_ p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', extra={'more': 'stuff'}, expiry=10080, icons={ 'list_icon': '' }, options={'some_delivery_option': 'true'}, ) sched = ua.ScheduledPush(None) sched.push = p = 'a schedule' sched.schedule = ua.scheduled_time( datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) ) self.assertEqual( sched.payload, { 'name': 'a schedule', 'schedule': {'scheduled_time': '2014-01-01T12:00:00'}, 'push': { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': {'alert': 'Hello'}, 'device_types': 'all', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8', 'extra': {'more': 'stuff'}, 'expiry': 10080, 'icons': { 'list_icon': '' }, 'options': {'some_delivery_option': 'true'}, }, } } )
def test_full_payload(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello') p.options = ua.options(expiry=10080) p.campaigns = ua.campaigns( categories=['kittens', 'tacos', 'horse_racing']) p.device_types = ua.all_ p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', extra={'more': 'stuff'}, expiry=10080, icons={'list_icon': ''}, options={'some_delivery_option': 'true'}, ) self.assertEqual( p.payload, { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': { 'alert': 'Hello' }, 'device_types': 'all', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'campaigns': { 'categories': ['kittens', 'tacos', 'horse_racing'] }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8', 'extra': { 'more': 'stuff' }, 'expiry': 10080, 'icons': { 'list_icon': '' }, 'options': { 'some_delivery_option': 'true' }, } })
def test_full_payload(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello') p.options = ua.options(expiry=10080) p.campaigns = ua.campaigns( categories=['kittens', 'tacos', 'horse_racing'] ) p.device_types = ua.all_ p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', extra={'more': 'stuff'}, expiry=10080, icons={'list_icon': ''}, options={'some_delivery_option': 'true'}, ) self.assertEqual( p.payload, { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': {'alert': 'Hello'}, 'device_types': 'all', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'campaigns': { 'categories': ['kittens', 'tacos', 'horse_racing'] }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8', 'extra': {'more': 'stuff'}, 'expiry': 10080, 'icons': { 'list_icon': '' }, 'options': {'some_delivery_option': 'true'}, } } )
def test_push_success(self): with mock.patch.object(ua.Airship, '_request') as mock_request: response = requests.Response() response._content = json.dumps({ 'push_ids': ['0492662a-1b52-4343-a1f9-c6b0c72931c0'] }).encode('utf-8') response.status_code = 202 mock_request.return_value = response airship = ua.Airship('key', 'secret') push = airship.create_push() push.audience = ua.all_ push.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello') push.options = ua.options(expiry=10080) push.device_types = ua.all_ pr = push.send() self.assertEqual(pr.push_ids, ['0492662a-1b52-4343-a1f9-c6b0c72931c0'])
def test_local_scheduled_payload(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello') p.options = ua.options(10080) p.device_types = ua.all_ p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', ) sched = ua.ScheduledPush(None) sched.push = p = 'a schedule in device local time' sched.schedule = ua.local_scheduled_time( datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual( sched.payload, { 'name': 'a schedule in device local time', 'schedule': { 'local_scheduled_time': '2015-01-01T12:00:00' }, 'push': { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': { 'alert': 'Hello' }, 'device_types': 'all', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8' }, } })
def test_ios_alert_dict(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification( ios=ua.ios( alert={'foo': 'bar'} ) ) p.options = ua.options(10080) p.device_types = 'ios' p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', ) self.assertEqual( p.payload, { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': { 'ios': { 'alert': { 'foo': 'bar' } } }, 'device_types': 'ios', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8', } } )
def test_local_scheduled_payload(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello') p.options = ua.options(10080) p.device_types = ua.all_ p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', ) sched = ua.ScheduledPush(None) sched.push = p = 'a schedule in device local time' sched.schedule = ua.local_scheduled_time( datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) ) self.assertEqual(sched.payload, { 'name': 'a schedule in device local time', 'schedule': {'local_scheduled_time': '2015-01-01T12:00:00'}, 'push': { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': {'alert': 'Hello'}, 'device_types': 'all', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8' }, } })
def test_push_success(self): with mock.patch.object(ua.Airship, '_request') as mock_request: response = requests.Response() response._content = json.dumps( { 'push_ids': [ '0492662a-1b52-4343-a1f9-c6b0c72931c0' ] } ).encode('utf-8') response.status_code = 202 mock_request.return_value = response airship = ua.Airship('key', 'secret') push = airship.create_push() push.audience = ua.all_ push.notification = ua.notification(alert='Hello') push.options = ua.options(expiry=10080) push.device_types = ua.all_ pr = push.send() self.assertEqual( pr.push_ids, ['0492662a-1b52-4343-a1f9-c6b0c72931c0'] )
def test_options_date_expiry(self): opt = ua.options(expiry='2015-04-01T12:00:00') self.assertEqual( opt, {'expiry': '2015-04-01T12:00:00'} )
def test_ios_overrides(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification( ios=ua.ios(alert={ 'title': 'this is', 'body': 'backwards', 'summary-arg': 'Matmos', 'summary-arg-count': 1 }, sound={ 'name': 'Amplified Synapse', 'volume': 0.8, 'critical': False }, thread_id='plastic minor', priority=10, badge=3, extra={'office': 'furniture'}, mutable_content=False, title='this is', subtitle='backwards', collapse_id='nugent sand')) p.options = ua.options(10080) p.device_types = 'ios' p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', ) self.assertEqual( p.payload, { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': { 'ios': { 'alert': { 'title': 'this is', 'body': 'backwards', 'summary-arg': 'Matmos', 'summary-arg-count': 1 }, 'sound': { 'name': 'Amplified Synapse', 'volume': 0.8, 'critical': False }, 'thread_id': 'plastic minor', 'priority': 10, 'badge': 3, 'extra': { 'office': 'furniture' }, 'mutable_content': False, 'title': 'this is', 'subtitle': 'backwards', 'collapse_id': 'nugent sand' } }, 'device_types': 'ios', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8', } })
def test_ios_overrides(self): p = ua.Push(None) p.audience = ua.all_ p.notification = ua.notification( ios=ua.ios( alert={'title': 'this is', 'body': 'backwards', 'summary-arg': 'Matmos', 'summary-arg-count': 1}, sound={'name': 'Amplified Synapse', 'volume': 0.8, 'critical': False}, thread_id='plastic minor', priority=10, badge=3, extra={'office': 'furniture'}, mutable_content=False, title='this is', subtitle='backwards', collapse_id='nugent sand' ) ) p.options = ua.options(10080) p.device_types = 'ios' p.message = ua.message( title='Title', body='Body', content_type='text/html', content_encoding='utf8', ) self.assertEqual( p.payload, { 'audience': 'all', 'notification': { 'ios': { 'alert': { 'title': 'this is', 'body': 'backwards', 'summary-arg': 'Matmos', 'summary-arg-count': 1 }, 'sound': { 'name': 'Amplified Synapse', 'volume': 0.8, 'critical': False }, 'thread_id': 'plastic minor', 'priority': 10, 'badge': 3, 'extra': { 'office': 'furniture' }, 'mutable_content': False, 'title': 'this is', 'subtitle': 'backwards', 'collapse_id': 'nugent sand' } }, 'device_types': 'ios', 'options': { 'expiry': 10080 }, 'message': { 'title': 'Title', 'body': 'Body', 'content_type': 'text/html', 'content_encoding': 'utf8', } } )
def test_options_int_expiry(self): opt = ua.options(expiry=10080) self.assertEqual(opt, {'expiry': 10080})
def test_options_date_expiry(self): opt = ua.options(expiry='2015-04-01T12:00:00') self.assertEqual(opt, {'expiry': '2015-04-01T12:00:00'})
def test_options_int_expiry(self): opt = ua.options(expiry=10080) self.assertEqual( opt, {'expiry': 10080} )