Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, gpio):
     # add plugin menu items:
     # add urls:
     # remaining plugin init:
     self.daemon = True
     self.name = 'garage'
     self.gpio = gpio
     self.status = ''
     self._sleep_time = 0
     self._door_state = {"1": "UNKNOWN", "2": "UNKNOWN"}
     self._event_time = 0  # events are buttons and door sensors
     self.settings = {}
     self.subject = "Garage"  # TODO add subject to settings file
     self.notify_qtr = False
     self.tp = 10  # seconds to pause thread loop
Exemplo n.º 2
import web
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import restart

installed = []

# Add new url(s).
if 'plugins.plugin_manager' not in urls:
        '/plugins', 'plugins.plugin_manager.plugins', '/upd-plugins',
        'plugins.plugin_manager.update_plugins', '/browse-plugins',
        'plugins.plugin_manager.browse_plugins', '/inst-plugins',
        'plugins.plugin_manager.install_plugins', '/pmr',

    # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
    gv.plugin_menu.append(['Manage Plugins', '/plugins'])

def get_permissions():
    global installed
        permissions = []
        files = subprocess.check_output(['ls', 'plugins'])
        installed = [
            f for f in list(files.split('\n')) if re.match('[^_].+\.py$', f)
Exemplo n.º 3
# !/usr/bin/env python
from random import randint
import thread

import web, json, time, re
import gv # Get access to ospy's settings
import urllib, urllib2
from urls import urls # Get access to ospy's URLs
from gpio_pins import set_output
from ospy import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

urls.extend(['/wa', 'plugins.weather_adj.settings', '/wj', 'plugins.weather_adj.settings_json', '/uwa', 'plugins.weather_adj.update']) # Add a new url to open the data entry page.
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Weather-based Rain Delay', '/wa']) # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu

def weather_to_delay(run_loop=False):
    if run_loop:
        time.sleep(randint(3, 10)) # Sleep some time to prevent printing before startup information

    while True:
        data = get_weather_options()
        if data["auto_delay"] != "off":
            print("Checking rain status...")
            weather = get_weather_data() if data['weather_provider'] == "yahoo" else get_wunderground_weather_data()
            delay = code_to_delay(weather["code"])
            if delay > 0:
                print("Rain detected: " + weather["text"] + ". Adding delay of " + str(delay))
                gv.sd['rd'] = float(delay)
                gv.sd['rdst'] = gv.now + gv.sd['rd'] * 3600 + 1 # +1 adds a smidge just so after a round trip the display hasn't already counted down by a minute.
            elif delay == 0:
Exemplo n.º 4
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings, gv = global variables
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

gv.use_gpio_pins = False  # Signal OSPi to not use GPIO pins

# Load the Raspberry Pi GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) library
    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except IOError:

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/rb', 'plugins.relay_board.settings',
	'/rbj', 'plugins.relay_board.settings_json',
	'/rbu', 'plugins.relay_board.update']) 

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Relay Board', '/rb'])

params = {}

# Read in the parameters for this plugin from it's JSON file
def load_params():
    global params
        with open('./data/relay_board.json', 'r') as f:  # Read the settings from file
            params = json.load(f)
    except IOError: #  If file does not exist create file with defaults.
        params = {
Exemplo n.º 5
import string
import calendar

from helpers import get_cpu_temp, check_login, password_hash
import web
import gv  # Gain access to sip's settings
from urls import urls  # Gain access to sip's URL list
from webpages import ProtectedPage, WebPage

## New URLs ##

    '/jo', 'plugins.mobile_app.options', '/jc',
    'plugins.mobile_app.cur_settings', '/js',
    'plugins.mobile_app.station_state', '/jp',
    'plugins.mobile_app.program_info', '/jn',
    'plugins.mobile_app.station_info', '/jl', 'plugins.mobile_app.get_logs',
    '/sp', 'plugins.mobile_app.set_password'

## Class definitions ##

class options(WebPage):  # /jo
    """Returns device options as json."""
    def GET(self):
        web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        web.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
        if check_login():
Exemplo n.º 6
# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import web  # web.py framework
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
from sip import template_render  #  Needed for working with web.py templates
from webpages import ProtectedPage  # Needed for security
import json  # for working with data file

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
    '/proto-sp', 'plugins.proto.settings',
    '/proto-save', 'plugins.proto.save_settings'


# Add this plugin to the PLUGINS menu ['Menu Name', 'URL'], (Optional)
gv.plugin_menu.append([_('Proto Plugin'), '/proto-sp'])

def empty_function():  # Only a place holder
    Functions defined here can be called by classes
    or run when the plugin is loaded. See comment at end.

class settings(ProtectedPage):
    Load an html page for entering plugin settings.
Exemplo n.º 7
""" SIP plugin uses mqtt plugin to broadcast station status every time it changes.
__author__ = "Daniel Casner <*****@*****.**>"

import web  # web.py framework
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
from sip import template_render  #  Needed for working with web.py templates
from webpages import ProtectedPage  # Needed for security
from blinker import signal # To receive station notifications
import json  # for working with data file
from plugins import mqtt

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
    '/zone2mqtt-sp', 'plugins.mqtt_zones.settings',
    '/zone2mqtt-save', 'plugins.mqtt_zones.save_settings'
gv.plugin_menu.append(['MQTT zone broadcaster', '/zone2mqtt-sp'])

class settings(ProtectedPage):
    """Load an html page for entering plugin settings.
    def GET(self):
        settings = mqtt.get_settings()
        zone_topic = settings.get('zone_topic', gv.sd[u'name'] + '/zones')
        return template_render.mqtt_zones(zone_topic, "")  # open settings page

class save_settings(ProtectedPage):
    """Save user input to json file.
    Will create or update file when SUBMIT button is clicked
    CheckBoxes only appear in qdict if they are checked.
Exemplo n.º 8
import web
import gv  # Get access to sip's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to sip's URLs
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import uptime, get_ip, get_cpu_temp, get_rpi_revision, stop_stations, set_output
from blinker import signal
import pylcd2
import Adafruit_GPIO.GPIO as GPIO
import OneButton

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
    '/lcd-button', 'plugins.lcd_button.settings', '/lcd-buttonj',
    'plugins.lcd_button.settings_json', '/ulcd-but',

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['LCD-Button Settings', '/lcd-button'])

# Main function loop:                                                          #


class LCDSender(Thread):
    def __init__(self, queue):
Exemplo n.º 9
image_path = os.path.join('.', 'static', 'images')

except OSError as exc:  # Python >2.5
    if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(image_path):

    # Add a new url to open the data entry page if camera working
    if 'plugins.camera' not in urls:
        urls.extend(['/ca', 'plugins.camera.view_camera',
            '/cau', 'plugins.camera.change_camera',
            '/cap', 'plugins.camera.pic', 
            '/captz', 'plugins.camera.ptz']) 

        # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
        gv.plugin_menu.append(['Camera', '/ca'])



zones = signal('zone_change')

# Web pages:                                                                   #
Exemplo n.º 10
from blinker import signal
import web, json, time
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings, gv = global variables
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
import picamera
from time import sleep
import os
import errno

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/ca', 'plugins.camera.settings',
	'/caj', 'plugins.camera.settings_json',
	'/cau', 'plugins.camera.update',
        '/cap', 'plugins.camera.pic', 
        '/captz', 'plugins.camera.ptz']) 

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Camera', '/ca'])

params = {}

# Read in the parameters for this plugin from it's JSON file
def load_params():
    global params
        with open('./data/camera.json', 'r') as f:  # Read the settings from file
            params = json.load(f)
    except IOError: #  If file does not exist create file with defaults.
Exemplo n.º 11
from time import sleep
import subprocess

# local module imports
from blinker import signal
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from sip import template_render  #  Needed for working with web.py templates
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
import web  # web.py framework
from webpages import ProtectedPage  # Needed for security

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
# fmt: off
# fmt: on

# Add this plugin to the PLUGINS menu ["Menu Name", "URL"], (Optional)
gv.plugin_menu.append([_(u"Shutdown button"), u"/shutdown"])

# def end_sip():
#     """
#     Functions defined here can be called by classes
#     or run when the plugin is loaded. See comment at end.
#     """
#     subprocess.call(poweroff)

Exemplo n.º 12
import web
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage, WebPage, load_and_save_remote, message_base, validate_remote, get_ip_to_base
from helpers import jsave, get_ip, read_log, reboot, get_remote_sensor_boards, update_upnp, update_hostname, update_tza, mkdir_p
from system_update import checker as updatechecker
import subprocess

disable_substations = False
# Add a new url to open the data entry page.  DO THIS AFTER possible error exit in initialize_fm_pins()
if 'plugins.substations' not in urls:
    if gv.sd['master']:
        urls.extend(['/suslv',  'plugins.substations.view_substations',
                     '/suslj',  'plugins.substations.join_master',
                     '/susde',  'plugins.substations.delete_substation',
                     '/suset',  'plugins.substations.set_substation',
                     '/susle',  'plugins.substations.execute_substation'])
    if gv.sd['slave']:
        urls.extend(['/susldr',  'plugins.substations.slave_data_request'])
        urls.extend(['/suiface',  'plugins.substations.slave_iface'])

    urls.extend(['/surrsd',  'plugins.substations.receive_remote_sensor_data'])
    urls.extend(['/surzd',  'plugins.substations.remote_zone_data'])

    if not gv.sd['slave'] and not gv.sd['master']:
        disable_substations = True

    # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
    #gv.plugin_menu.append(['Substations', '/sua'])
Exemplo n.º 13
import json
import time

import web
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(["California Monthly", "/cama"])

def set_wl(run_loop=False):
    """Adjust irrigation time by percent based on historical California climate data."""
    if run_loop:
        time.sleep(2)  # Sleep some time to prevent printing before startup information

    last_month = 0
Exemplo n.º 14
# !/usr/bin/env python
from random import randint
import thread
import json
import time

import web
import gv  # Get access to ospy's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospy's URLs
from ospy import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/ma', 'plugins.monthly_adj.monthly_percent', '/uma', 'plugins.monthly_adj.update_percents'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Monthly Adjust', '/ma'])

def set_wl(run_loop=False):
    """Adjust irrigation time by percent based on historical climate data."""
    if run_loop:
        time.sleep(randint(3, 10))  # Sleep some time to prevent printing before startup information

    last_month = 0
    while True:
        with open('./data/levels.json', 'r') as f:  # Read the monthly percentages from file
            levels = json.load(f)
        month = time.localtime().tm_mon  # Get current month.
        if month != last_month:
Exemplo n.º 15
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Pulses a selected circuit with a 2.5 Hz signal for 30 sec
to discover the location of a valve'''
import web
from time import sleep
import gv # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render  #  Needed for working with web.py templates
from helpers import stop_stations, jsave
from webpages import ProtectedPage  # Needed for security
from gpio_pins import set_output

             '/puls', 'plugins.pulse_cct.pulse',
             '/puls-run', 'plugins.pulse_cct.p_run',
             '/puls-stop', 'plugins.pulse_cct.p_stop',
             '/puls-sen', 'plugins.pulse_cct.p_save_enabled'
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Pulse Circuit', '/puls']) # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu

stop = True

def chatter(cct):
    t = 0
    for cnt in range(150):      
        t = 1 - t #  toggle cct
        gv.srvals[cct] = t      
        if stop:
Exemplo n.º 16
    daysWatched = d
    from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler #This is a non-standard module. Needs to be installed in order for this feature to work.
except ImportError:

    sched = Scheduler()
    sched.start() # Start the scheduler
except NameError:

urls.extend(['/auto', 'plugins.auto_program.auto_program', '/uap', 'plugins.auto_program.update_auto_program', '/rap', 'plugins.auto_program.start_auto_program']) # Add a new url to open the data entry page
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Auto-Program', '/auto']) # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
def runAutoProgram():
    global daysWatched
    global metrics

    if not gv.sd['en']: return # check operation status
    if gv.sd['rd'] or (gv.sd['urs'] and gv.sd['rs']): # If rain delay or rain detected by sensor then exit

    # this routine will create a new program for today based on historical rainfall total and last 7 day watering
Exemplo n.º 17
# !/usr/bin/env python

import web  # web.py framework
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render  #  Needed for working with web.py templates
from webpages import ProtectedPage  # Needed for security
import json  # for working with data file

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
    '/proto-sp', 'plugins.proto.settings', '/proto-save',

# Add this plugin to the PLUGINS menu ['Menu Name', 'URL'], (Optional)
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Proto Plugin', '/proto-sp'])

def empty_function():  # Only a place holder
    Functions defined here can be called by classes
    or run when the plugin is loaded. See comment at end.

class settings(ProtectedPage):
    Load an html page for entering plugin settings.
Exemplo n.º 18
        import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

        pi = 0
except IOError:

# Board pin where the buzzer is located (set to -1 to disable)
# True if buzzer sounds when pin is HIGH; False if buzzer sounds when pin is LOW

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
        u"/buzzer-sp", u"plugins.buzzer.settings",
        u"/buzzer-save", u"plugins.buzzer.save_settings",

# Add this plugin to the PLUGINS menu ['Menu Name', 'URL'], (Optional)
gv.plugin_menu.append([u"Buzzer Plugin", u"/buzzer-sp"])

# This class handles the buzzer hardware
class Buzzer(Thread):
    def __init__(self, pin, active_high):
        # set to true when buzzer pin is initialized
        self.pin_initialized = False
        # Board pin where buzzer is located (-1 to disable)
        self.pin = pin
        # True if buzzer sounds when pin is HIGH; False if buzzer sounds when pin is LOW
Exemplo n.º 19
import time
import sys
import traceback

import web
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import stop_stations

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(["Pressure Monitor Settings", "/pressa"])

# GPIO input pullup:                                                           #

from gpio_pins import GPIO as GPIO

    if gv.platform == "pi":  # If this will run on Raspberry Pi:
Exemplo n.º 20
import thread
import json
import time

import web
import gv  # Get access to sip's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to sip's URLs
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
    '/cama', 'plugins.california_monthly.monthly_percent',
    '/cauma', 'plugins.california_monthly.update_percents',
    '/cacalcma', 'plugins.california_monthly.calc_percents'

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['California Monthly', '/cama'])

def set_wl(run_loop=False):
    """Adjust irrigation time by percent based on historical California climate data."""
    if run_loop:
        time.sleep(2)  # Sleep some time to prevent printing before startup information

    last_month = 0
    while True:
Exemplo n.º 21
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, './plugins')
import web, json, time, io, re, urllib2, datetime
import gv # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls # Get access to ospi's URLs
import auto_program 

    from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler #This is a non-standard module. Needs to be installed in order for this feature to work.
except ImportError:

urls.extend(['/wx', 'plugins.wx_settings.wx_settings', '/uwx', 'plugins.wx_settings.update_wx_settings']) # Add a new url to open the data entry page
    sched = Scheduler()
    sched.start() # Start the scheduler
except NameError:

#if it has rained today, then set rain to true
def checkRain():
    with io.open(r'./data/wx_settings.json', 'r') as data_file: 
        data = json.load(data_file)
    # print "rain today=", rtoday
    if rtoday and not gv.sd['urs']:
        gv.sd['rs'] = 1
        gv.sd['rs'] = 0  
Exemplo n.º 22
import time
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback

import web
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLsimport errno
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import restart

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/UPs', 'plugins.system_update.status_page',
             '/UPsr', 'plugins.system_update.refresh_page',
             '/UPu', 'plugins.system_update.update_page',
             '/UPr', 'plugins.system_update.restart_page'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['System update', '/UPs'])

class StatusChecker(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
        self.started = Event()
        self._done = Condition()

        self.status = {
Exemplo n.º 23
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospy import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import get_rpi_revision

# I2C bus Rev Raspi RPI=1 rev1 RPI=0 rev0 
    import smbus  # for PCF 8591
    ADC = smbus.SMBus(1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0)
except ImportError:
    ADC = None

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/pcf', 'plugins.pcf_8591_adj.settings',
             '/pcfj', 'plugins.pcf_8591_adj.settings_json',
             '/pcfa', 'plugins.pcf_8591_adj.update',
             '/pcfl', 'plugins.pcf_8591_adj.pcf_log',
             '/pcfr', 'plugins.pcf_8591_adj.delete_log'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['PCF8591 voltage and temperature settings ', '/pcf'])

# Main function loop:                                                          #

class PCFSender(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
Exemplo n.º 24
__author__ = "Daniel Casner <*****@*****.**>"

import web  # web.py framework
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
from sip import template_render  #  Needed for working with web.py templates
from webpages import ProtectedPage  # Needed for security
from blinker import signal # To receive station notifications
from helpers import schedule_stations
import json  # for working with data file
from plugins import mqtt

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
    '/mr1-sp', 'plugins.mqtt_schedule.settings',
    '/mr1-save', 'plugins.mqtt_schedule.save_settings'
gv.plugin_menu.append(['MQTT scheduler', '/mr1-sp'])

class settings(ProtectedPage):
    """Load an html page for entering plugin settings.
    def GET(self):
        settings = mqtt.get_settings()
        zone_topic = settings.get('schedule_topic', gv.sd[u'name'] + '/schedule')
        return template_render.mqtt_schedule(zone_topic, "")  # open settings page

class save_settings(ProtectedPage):
    """Save user input to json file.
    Will create or update file when SUBMIT button is clicked
    CheckBoxes only appear in qdict if they are checked.
Exemplo n.º 25
DATA_FILE = u"./data/mqtt.json"

_client = None
_settings = {
    u"broker_host": u"localhost",
    u"broker_port": 1883,
    u"broker_username": u"user",
    u"broker_password": u"pass",
    u"publish_up_down": u"",
_subscriptions = {}

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
# fmt: off
    u"/mqtt-sp", u"plugins.mqtt.settings", u"/mqtt-save",
# fmt: on

gv.plugin_menu.append([u"MQTT", u"/mqtt-sp"])

NO_MQTT_ERROR = u"MQTT plugin requires paho mqtt python library. On the command line run `pip install paho-mqtt` and restart SIP to get it."

class settings(ProtectedPage):
    """Load an html page for entering plugin settings.
    def GET(self):
        settings = get_settings()
        return template_render.mqtt(
            settings, gv.sd[u"name"],
Exemplo n.º 26
# local module imports
from blinker import signal
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from helpers import timestr
from sip import template_render
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
import web
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
# fmt: off
        "/emls", "plugins.sip_email.settings",
        "/emljson", "plugins.sip_email.settings_json",
        "/emlu", "plugins.sip_email.update",
        "/emltst", "plugins.sip_email.send_test_email",
# fmt: on

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(["Email settings", "/emls"])

sent = 0
send_lst = []
status = ""
stn_sum = 0
prog_name = ""
p_num = 0
Exemplo n.º 27
from random import randint
import json
import time
import sys
import traceback

import web
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import uptime, get_ip, get_cpu_temp, get_rpi_revision

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/lcd', 'plugins.lcd_adj.settings',
             '/lcdj', 'plugins.lcd_adj.settings_json',
             '/lcda', 'plugins.lcd_adj.update'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['LCD Settings', '/lcd'])

# Main function loop:                                                          #

class LCDSender(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
Exemplo n.º 28
import time

import web
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import restart

installed = []

# Add new url(s).
            '/plugins', 'plugins.plugin_manager.plugins',
            '/upd-plugins', 'plugins.plugin_manager.update_plugins',
            '/browse-plugins', 'plugins.plugin_manager.browse_plugins',
            '/inst-plugins', 'plugins.plugin_manager.install_plugins',
            '/pmr', 'plugins.plugin_manager.restart_page'

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Manage Plugins', '/plugins'])

def get_permissions():
    global installed
        permissions = []
        files = subprocess.check_output(['ls', 'plugins'])
        installed = [f for f in list(files.split('\n')) if re.match('[^_].+\.py$', f)]
        pm = installed.index('plugin_manager.py')
        del installed[pm] #  Remove this plugin from list
Exemplo n.º 29
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from threading import Thread

# gv.pd Reference
# 0: On or Off
# 1: Weekly (127) or interval
# 2: Something to do with interval (0 if weekly)
# 3: Start time in minutes from 00:00 hours (300 == 5:00 AM)
# 4: End time in minutes from 00:00 hours (720 == 12:00 PM)
# 5: Reccuring length in mins
# 6: Duration in seconds
# 7: Bitwise value of the stations the program applies to

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/ss', 'plugins.sunrise_sunset.sunrise_sunset', '/uss', 'plugins.sunrise_sunset.update'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Sunrise Sunset', '/ss'])

class SunriseSunset(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
        self.status = ''
        self._sleep_time = 0

    def add_status(self, msg):
        if self.status:
            self.status += '\n' + msg
Exemplo n.º 30
#!/usr/bin/env python

from blinker import signal
import subprocess
import web, json, time
import gv  # Get access to sip's settings, gv = global variables
from urls import urls  # Get access to sip's URLs
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

gv.use_gpio_pins = False  # Signal sip to not use GPIO pins

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
    '/rfc', 'plugins.rf_control.settings', '/rfcj',
    'plugins.rf_control.settings_json', '/rfcu', 'plugins.rf_control.update'

# Add this plugin to the plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['RF Control', '/rfc'])

commands = {}
prior = [0] * len(gv.srvals)

# Read in the parameters for this plugin from it's JSON file
def load_params():
    global commands
        with open('./data/rf_control.json',
                  'r') as f:  # Read the settings from file
Exemplo n.º 31
#!/usr/bin/env python

import web, json, time
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs

    from apscheduler.scheduler import (
    )  # This is a non-standard module. Needs to be installed in order for this feature to work.
except ImportError:
    print "The Python module apscheduler could not be found."

    ["/ma", "plugins.monthly_adj.monthly_percent", "/uma", "plugins.monthly_adj.update_percents"]
)  # Add a new url to open the data entry page.

gv.plugin_menu.append(["Monthly Adjust", "/ma"])  # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu

    sched = Scheduler()
    sched.start()  # Start the scheduler
except NameError:

def set_wl():
    """Adjust irrigation time by percent based on historical climate data."""
    f = open("./data/levels.json", "r")  # Read the monthly percentages from file
    levels = json.load(f)
Exemplo n.º 32
    blockedPlugin = True

# local module imports
from blinker import signal
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings, gv = global variables
from sip import template_render
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
import web
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
# fmt: off
    u"/pcf857x", u"plugins.pcf857x.settings", u"/pcf857xj",
    u"plugins.pcf857x.settings_json", u"/pcf857xu", u"plugins.pcf857x.update",
    u"/pcf857xt", u"plugins.pcf857x.test", u"/pcf857x_scan",
# fmt: on

# Add this plugin to the plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append([u"pcf857x", u"/pcf857x"])

pcf = {}
#prior = [0] * len(gv.srvals)
demo_mode = True

if platform.machine() == "armv6l" or platform.machine(
) == "armv7l":  # may be removed later but makes dev and testing possible without smbus
    demo_mode = False
Exemplo n.º 33
# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import web  # web.py framework
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from helpers import *
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
from sip import template_render  #  Needed for working with web.py templates
from webpages import ProtectedPage  # Needed for security
import json  # for working with data file

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
# fmt: off
    u"/proto-sp", u"plugins.proto.settings", u"/proto-save",
# fmt: on

# Add this plugin to the PLUGINS menu ["Menu Name", "URL"], (Optional)
gv.plugin_menu.append([_(u"Proto Plugin"), u"/proto-sp"])

def empty_function():  # Only a place holder
    Functions defined here can be called by classes
    or run when the plugin is loaded. See comment at end.

Exemplo n.º 34
import web
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import restart

installed = []

# Add new url(s).
# fmt: off
    u"/plugins", u"plugins.plugin_manager.plugins", u"/upd-plugins",
    u"plugins.plugin_manager.update_plugins", u"/browse-plugins",
    u"plugins.plugin_manager.browse_plugins", u"/inst-plugins",
    u"plugins.plugin_manager.install_plugins", u"/pmr",
# fmt: on
# Add this plugin to the plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append([_(u"Manage Plugins"), u"/plugins"])

def get_permissions():
    global installed
        permissions = []
        files = subprocess.check_output([u"ls", u"plugins"])
        files = files.decode(u'utf-8')  #  to unicode string
        installed = [
Exemplo n.º 35
#!/usr/bin/env python

import web, json, time
import gv # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls # Get access to ospi's URLs
    from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler #This is a non-standard module. Needs to be installed in order for this feature to work.
except ImportError:

urls.extend(['/ma', 'plugins.monthly_adj.monthly_percent', '/uma', 'plugins.monthly_adj.update_percents']) # Add a new url to open the data entry page.
    sched = Scheduler()
    sched.start() # Start the scheduler
except NameError:
def set_wl():
    """Adjust irrigation time by percent based on historical climate data.""" 
    f = open('./data/levels.json', 'r') # Read the monthly percentages from file
    levels = json.load(f)
    mon = time.localtime().tm_mon # Get current month.
    gv.sd['wl'] = levels[mon-1] # Set the water level% (levels list is zero based).
    print 'Setting water level to {}%'.format(gv.sd['wl'])

class monthly_percent:
    """Load an html page for entering monthly irrigation time adjustments"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.render = web.template.render('templates/')
Exemplo n.º 36
from __future__ import print_function
import web
from time import sleep
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
from sip import template_render  #  Needed for working with web.py templates
from helpers import stop_stations, jsave
from webpages import ProtectedPage  # Needed for security
from gpio_pins import set_output

# fmt: off
# fmt: on

gv.plugin_menu.append([u"Pulse Circuit", u"/puls"
                       ])  # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu

stop = True

def chatter(cct):
    t = 0
Exemplo n.º 37

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.

# Add this plugin to the PLUGINS menu ['Menu Name', 'URL'], (Optional)
gv.plugin_menu.append(["Keypad Plugin", "/keypad-sp"])

class ScanningKeypad:
    """ This class handles the keypad hardware """
    def __init__(self, pin_columns, pin_rows, indices, char_list):
        Initializes a ScanningKeypad object
        Inputs: pin_columns - List of pin numbers for the keypad columns
                pin_rows - List of pin numbers for the keypad rows
                indices - A 2-dimensional table of the resulting index for each key when a column
Exemplo n.º 38
DATA_FILE = "./data/mqtt.json"

_client = None
_settings = {
    'broker_host': 'localhost',
    'broker_port': 1883,
    'broker_username': '******',
    'broker_password': '******',
    'publish_up_down': ''
_subscriptions = {}

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
    '/mqtt-sp', 'plugins.mqtt.settings',
    '/mqtt-save', 'plugins.mqtt.save_settings'
gv.plugin_menu.append(['MQTT', '/mqtt-sp'])

NO_MQTT_ERROR = "MQTT plugin requires paho mqtt python library. On the command line run `pip install paho-mqtt` and restart SIP to get it."

class settings(ProtectedPage):
    """Load an html page for entering plugin settings.
    def GET(self):
        settings = get_settings()
        return template_render.mqtt(settings, gv.sd[u'name'], NO_MQTT_ERROR if mqtt is None else "")  # open settings page

class save_settings(ProtectedPage):
    """Save user input to json file.
    Will create or update file when SUBMIT button is clicked
Exemplo n.º 39
import json
import time
import sys
import traceback

import web
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import stop_stations

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/pressa', 'plugins.pressure_adj.settings',
             '/pressj', 'plugins.pressure_adj.settings_json',
             '/upressa', 'plugins.pressure_adj.update'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Pressure Monitor Settings', '/pressa'])

# GPIO input pullup:                                                           #

from gpio_pins import GPIO as GPIO

    if gv.platform == 'pi':  # If this will run on Raspberry Pi:
        pin_pressure = 22
    elif gv.platform == 'bo':  # If this will run on Beagle Bone Black:
Exemplo n.º 40
auto_job = 0        # cron job that executes daily
daysWatched = 7     # number of days to consider when calculating water usage and rainfall data

# zone history by date - a data structure
# { "date": <date>, [z0: inch, z1: inch, etc.] } 
# allows other modules to update settings
def updateSettings(m, d):
    global daysWatched
    global metrics
    # print "updateSettings:", d, m
    daysWatched = d

urls.extend(['/gu', 'plugins.graph_use.graph_use']) # Add a new url to open the data entry page
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Graph Water Use', '/gu']) # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu

class graph_use:
    """Load an html page for entering extra wx settings"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.render = web.template.render('templates/', globals={'json':json,'sorted':sorted})
    def GET(self):
        zh = getZoneHistoryByDate(daysWatched)
        return self.render.graph_use(zh)

def getZoneHistoryByDate(limit):
    zh = []
Exemplo n.º 41
#!/usr/bin/env python

import web, json, time
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
    from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler  #This is a non-standard module. Needs to be installed in order for this feature to work.
except ImportError:
    print "The Python module apscheduler could not be found."

    '/ma', 'plugins.monthly_adj.monthly_percent', '/uma',
])  # Add a new url to open the data entry page.

gv.plugin_menu.append(['Monthly Adjust',
                       '/ma'])  # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu

    sched = Scheduler()
    sched.start()  # Start the scheduler
except NameError:

def set_wl():
    """Adjust irrigation time by percent based on historical climate data."""
    f = open('./data/levels.json',
             'r')  # Read the monthly percentages from file
    levels = json.load(f)
Exemplo n.º 42
from threading import Thread
from random import randint
import time
from blinker import signal
import sys

json_data = './data/telegramBot.json'

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
    '/telegramBot-sp', 'plugins.telegramBot.settings',
    '/telegramBot-save', 'plugins.telegramBot.save_settings'


gv.plugin_menu.append(['telegram Bot', '/telegramBot-sp'])

class SipBot(Thread):
    def __init__(self, globals):
        self.daemon = True
#        self.data = get_telegramBot_options()
        self.gv = globals
        self.bot = None
        self._currentChats = set([])
Exemplo n.º 43
    return float(s)
    return 0

def mkdir_p(path):
    except OSError as exc:  # Python >2.5
        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/lwa',  'plugins.weather_level_adj.settings',
             '/lwj',  'plugins.weather_level_adj.settings_json',
             '/luwa', 'plugins.weather_level_adj.update'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Weather-based Water Level', '/lwa'])

# Main function loop:                                                          #

class WeatherLevelChecker(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
Exemplo n.º 44
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Load the Raspberry Pi GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) library
    if gv.use_pigpio:
        import pigpio
        pi = pigpio.pi()
        import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
        pi = 0
except IOError:

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/rb6', 'plugins.relay_6.settings',
# 	'/rbj16', 'plugins.relay_16.settings_json',
	'/rbu6', 'plugins.relay_6.update']) 

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Relay 6', '/rb6'])

params = {}

# Read in the parameters for this plugin from it's JSON file
def load_params():
    global params
        with open('./data/relay_6.json', 'r') as f:  # Read the settings from file
            params = json.load(f)
    except IOError: #  If file does not exist create file with defaults.
        params = {
Exemplo n.º 45
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings, gv = global variables
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

gv.use_gpio_pins = False  # Signal OSPi to not use GPIO pins

# Load the Raspberry Pi GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) library
    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except IOError:

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
    '/rb', 'plugins.relay_board.settings', '/rbj',
    'plugins.relay_board.settings_json', '/rbu', 'plugins.relay_board.update'

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Relay Board', '/rb'])

params = {}

# Read in the parameters for this plugin from it's JSON file
def load_params():
    global params
        with open('./data/relay_board.json',
                  'r') as f:  # Read the settings from file
            params = json.load(f)
Exemplo n.º 46
import json
import time
import sys
import traceback

import web
import gv  # Get access to sip's settings
from helpers import get_ip, uptime, reboot, poweroff, timestr, jsave, restart, stop_stations
from urls import urls  # Get access to sip's URLs
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/smsa', 'plugins.sms_adj.settings',
             '/smsj', 'plugins.sms_adj.settings_json',
             '/usmsa', 'plugins.sms_adj.update'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['SMS Settings', '/smsa'])

# Plugin system will catch the following error and disable the plugin automatically:
import gammu  # for SMS modem import gammu
# if no install modem and gammu visit: http://www.pihrt.com/elektronika/259-moje-rapsberry-pi-sms-ovladani-rpi
# USB modem HUAWEI E303 + SIM card with telephone provider

# Main function loop:                                                          #

Exemplo n.º 47
    print("\ttry: pip install paho-mqtt")
    mqtt = None

DATA_FILE = "./data/mqtt.json"

_client = None
_settings = {
    'broker_host': 'localhost',
    'broker_port': 1883,
    'publish_up_down': ''
_subscriptions = {}

# Add new URLs to access classes in this plugin.
    '/mqtt-sp', 'plugins.mqtt.settings', '/mqtt-save',
gv.plugin_menu.append(['MQTT', '/mqtt-sp'])

NO_MQTT_ERROR = "MQTT plugin requires paho mqtt python library. On the command line run `pip install paho-mqtt` and restart SIP to get it."

class settings(ProtectedPage):
    """Load an html page for entering plugin settings.
    def GET(self):
        settings = get_settings()
        return template_render.mqtt(
            settings, gv.sd[u'name'],
            NO_MQTT_ERROR if mqtt is None else "")  # open settings page
Exemplo n.º 48
import hmac, hashlib
from base64 import b64encode

import web
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLs
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import stop_onrain

#  For testing only. Keeping this enabled will shorten the life of your SD card.
do_log = True  #  Change to True to enable, False to disable logging

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
    '/wa', 'plugins.weather_adj.settings', '/wj',
    'plugins.weather_adj.settings_json', '/uwa', 'plugins.weather_adj.update'

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Weather-based Rain Delay', '/wa'])

def weather_to_delay(run_loop=False):
    if run_loop:
        t_start = gv.w_loop
        )  # Sleep some time to prevent printing before startup information
    while True:
        data = get_weather_options()
        if data["auto_delay"] != "off":
Exemplo n.º 49
    return float(s)
    return 0

def mkdir_p(path):
    except OSError as exc:  # Python >2.5
        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/lwa',  'plugins.weather_level_adj.settings',
             '/lwj',  'plugins.weather_level_adj.settings_json',
             '/luwa', 'plugins.weather_level_adj.update'])

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['Weather-based Water Level', '/lwa'])

# Main function loop:                                                          #

class WeatherLevelChecker(Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.daemon = True
Exemplo n.º 50
from threading import Thread
import json
import time

import web
import gv  # Get access to sip's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to sip's URLs
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
# fmt: off
        u"/ma", u"plugins.monthly_adj.monthly_percent",
        u"/uma", u"plugins.monthly_adj.update_percents",
# fmt: on

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append([u"Monthly Adjust", u"/ma"])

def set_wl(run_loop=False):
    """Adjust irrigation time by percent based on historical climate data."""
    if run_loop:
        time.sleep(2)  # Sleep some time to prevent printing before startup information

    last_month = 0
    while True:
Exemplo n.º 51
from helpers import CPU_temperature, passwordHash, station_names
import web, json, re, os
import time, datetime, string
import gv # Gain access to ospy's settings
from urls import urls # Gain access to ospy's URL list
from webpages import ProtectedPage

## New URLs ##

    '/jo', 'plugins.mobile_app.options',
    '/jc', 'plugins.mobile_app.cur_settings',
    '/js', 'plugins.mobile_app.station_state',
    '/jp', 'plugins.mobile_app.program_info',
    '/jn', 'plugins.mobile_app.station_info',
    '/jl', 'plugins.mobile_app.get_logs',
    '/sp', 'plugins.mobile_app.set_password'])

## Class definitions ##

class options(object): # /jo
    """Returns device options as json."""
    def GET(self):
        web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        web.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
        jopts = {
            "fwv" : gv.ver_str+'-OSPi',
            "tz": gv.sd['tz'],
Exemplo n.º 52
# local module imports
from helpers import get_cpu_temp, check_login #  , password_hash
import gv  # Gain access to sip's settings
from urls import urls  # Gain access to sip's URL list
import web
from webpages import ProtectedPage, WebPage

## New URLs ##

# fmt: off
    u"/jo", u"plugins.mobile_app.options",
    u"/jc", u"plugins.mobile_app.cur_settings",
    u"/js", u"plugins.mobile_app.station_state",
    u"/jp", u"plugins.mobile_app.program_info",
    u"/jn", u"plugins.mobile_app.station_info",
    u"/jl", u"plugins.mobile_app.get_logs",
    u"/sp", u"plugins.mobile_app.set_password"])
# fmt: on

## Class definitions ##

class options(WebPage):  # /jo
    """Returns device options as json."""

    def GET(self):
        web.header(b"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", b"*")
        web.header(b"Content-Type", b"application/json")
Exemplo n.º 53
    except OSError as exc:
        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
# fmt: off
        u"/lwa", u"plugins.weather_level_adj.settings",
        u"/lwj", u"plugins.weather_level_adj.settings_json",
        u"/luwa", u"plugins.weather_level_adj.update",
# fmt: on

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append([_(u"Weather-based Water Level"), u"/lwa"])

lwa_options = {}
lwa_decipher = {}
prior = {u"temp_cutoff": 0, u"water_needed": 0, u"daily_irrigation": 0}

# Main function loop:                                                          #
Exemplo n.º 54
# !/usr/bin/env python

import time

import gv
from gpio_pins import GPIO, pin_relay
from urls import urls
import web
from webpages import ProtectedPage

urls.extend(['/tr', 'plugins.relay.toggle_relay'])  # Add a new url for this plugin.

gv.plugin_menu.append(['Test Relay', '/tr'])  # Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu

class toggle_relay(ProtectedPage):
    """Test relay by turning it on for a short time, then off."""
    def GET(self):
            GPIO.output(pin_relay, GPIO.HIGH)  # turn relay on
            GPIO.output(pin_relay, GPIO.LOW)  # Turn relay off
        except Exception:
        raise web.seeother('/')  # return to home page
Exemplo n.º 55
from random import randint
import json
import time
import sys
import traceback

import web
import gv  # Get access to ospi's settings
from helpers import get_ip, uptime, reboot, poweroff, timestr, jsave, restart
from urls import urls  # Get access to ospi's URLs
from ospi import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
    '/smsa', 'plugins.sms_adj.settings', '/smsj',
    'plugins.sms_adj.settings_json', '/usmsa', 'plugins.sms_adj.update'

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append(['SMS Settings', '/smsa'])

# Plugin system will catch the following error and disable the plugin automatically:
import gammu  # for SMS modem import gammu
# if no install modem and gammu visit: http://www.pihrt.com/elektronika/259-moje-rapsberry-pi-sms-ovladani-rpi
# USB modem HUAWEI E303 + SIM card with telephone provider

# Main function loop:                                                          #

Exemplo n.º 56
import time
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
import json

import web
import gv  # Get access to SIP's settings
from urls import urls  # Get access to SIP's URLsimport errno
from sip import template_render
from webpages import ProtectedPage
from helpers import restart

# Add a new url to open the data entry page.
urls.extend(['/UPs', 'plugins.system_update.status_page',
             '/UPu', 'plugins.system_update.update_page'

# Add this plugin to the home page plugins menu
gv.plugin_menu.append([_('System update'), '/UPs'])

class StatusChecker():
    def __init__(self):

        self.status = {
            'ver_str': gv.ver_str,
            'ver_date': gv.ver_date,
            'status': '',
            'remote': 'None!',
            'can_update': False}