Exemplo n.º 1
    def do_action(self, action, tape_detections):
        # TODO: implement left/right/tape actions

        if action == "left":
            cmd_vel = ctrl.ControllerOutput(.5, np.pi/4)
        elif action =="right": 
            cmd_vel = ctrl.ControllerOutput(.5, -np.pi/4)

        else: #tape 
            detections = tape_detections
            distances = np.zeros(len(detections))
            for i in range(len(distances)):
                blob = detections[i]

                pos = blob.xyz_mean    
                distances[i]= np.sqrt(pos[0]**2 + pos[1]**2)
            idx = np.argmin(distances) #Find the index of the minimum distance

            pos = detections[idx].xyz_mean 

            kp = 5
            theta_dot = kp * np.arctan2(pos[1],pos[0])

            cmd_vel = cmd_vel = ctrl.ControllerOutput(0.75, theta_dot) #this was modified with higher tape gain from project 4, large time improvement
        return cmd_vel
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update(self, time, dt, robot_state, camera_data):

        la = numpy.zeros(2)

        app = self.app

        if app.key_is_down(glfw.KEY_I):
            la += (0.5, 0)

        if app.key_is_down(glfw.KEY_K):
            la += (-0.5, 0)

        if app.key_is_down(glfw.KEY_J):
            la += (0, 2.0)

        if app.key_is_down(glfw.KEY_L):
            la += (0, -2.0)

        if app.key_is_down(glfw.KEY_U):
            la += (0.5, 1.0)

        if app.key_is_down(glfw.KEY_O):
            la += (0.5, -1.0)

        if numpy.any(la):
            return ctrl.ControllerOutput(forward_vel=la[0], angular_vel=la[1])
            return None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def pure_pursuit(self, T_world_from_robot, T_world_from_gate):

        is_finished = False
        # TODO: implement the pure pursuit algorithm we discussed in class

        # Establish the position of the robot in the gate coordinate frame.
        T_robot_from_gate = T_world_from_robot.inverse() * T_world_from_gate
        robot_in_gate_frame = T_robot_from_gate.inverse().position

        print("Robot position in gate frame: ", robot_in_gate_frame)

        if robot_in_gate_frame[0] > 0:
            is_finished = True

        alpha = 0.7
        target_in_gate_frame = np.array([robot_in_gate_frame[0] + alpha, 0])

        target_in_robot_frame = T_robot_from_gate.transform_fwd(

        k = 2.5
        omega = k * np.arctan2(target_in_robot_frame[1],
        cmd_vel = ctrl.ControllerOutput(0.75, omega)

        return cmd_vel, is_finished
Exemplo n.º 4
    def pure_pursuit(self, T_world_from_robot, T_world_from_gate):
        is_finished = False
        # TODO: implement the pure pursuit algorithm we discussed in class

        # Establish the position of the robot in the gate coordinate frame. 
        T_robot_from_gate = T_world_from_robot.inverse() * T_world_from_gate
        robot_in_gate_frame = T_robot_from_gate.inverse().position
        #print("Robot angle cotangent in gate frame:", robot_in_gate_frame[1]/robot_in_gate_frame[0])

        #print("Robot position in gate frame: ", robot_in_gate_frame)
        alpha = 0.7

        if robot_in_gate_frame[0] > 0:
            is_finished = True
        x = robot_in_gate_frame[0] + alpha
        if x > 0:
            y = 0
            (a,b) = self.find_cubic(T_world_from_robot, T_world_from_gate)
            y = a * x ** 3 + b * x ** 2
        target_in_gate_frame = np.array([x,y])

        k = 2.5
        omega = k * np.arctan2(target_in_robot_frame[1], target_in_robot_frame[0])
        cmd_vel = ctrl.ControllerOutput(0.75, omega)
        return cmd_vel, is_finished
Exemplo n.º 5
    def update(self, time, dt, robot_state, camera_data):

        # state transition logic

        elapsed = time - self.init_time

        # change state after just over 2 seconds to give a little time
        # for a brief stop after every segment
        is_done = elapsed.total_seconds() > 2.15

        if is_done:

            # print out some information about relative transform
            # since the start of this segment
            world_from_cur_robot = robot_state.odom_pose
            world_from_prev_robot = self.init_odom_pose
            prev_robot_from_world = world_from_prev_robot.inverse()
            prev_from_cur = prev_robot_from_world * world_from_cur_robot

            print('done, current pose in frame of initial pose =',

            if self.state == 'straight':
                new_state = 'turn'
                new_state = 'straight'

            self.set_state(time, new_state, robot_state.odom_pose)

        # output logic

        if elapsed.total_seconds() >= 2.0:  # brief stop

            return ctrl.ControllerOutput(forward_vel=0.0, angular_vel=0.0)

        elif self.state == 'straight':  # go straight

            return ctrl.ControllerOutput(forward_vel=0.5, angular_vel=0.0)

        else:  # self.state == 'turn' # turn left

            return ctrl.ControllerOutput(forward_vel=0.0,
                                         angular_vel=numpy.pi / 4)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def update(self, time, dt, robot_state, camera_data):

        # state transition logic

        elapsed = time - self.init_time

        is_done = (self.duration is not None
                   and elapsed.total_seconds() >= self.duration)

        if self.is_virtual:
            scan = camera_data.scan
            bump_left = scan.ranges[0] < MIN_DIST
            bump_center = scan.ranges[len(scan.ranges) // 2] < MIN_DIST
            bump_right = scan.ranges[-1] < MIN_DIST
            bump_left = robot_state.bump_left
            bump_center = robot_state.bump_center
            bump_right = robot_state.bump_right

        if bump_left or bump_right or bump_center:
            print('BUMP{}{}{}'.format(' LEFT' if bump_left else '',
                                      ' CENTER' if bump_center else '',
                                      ' RIGHT' if bump_right else ''))

        if self.state == 'straight':
            if bump_center:
                self.set_state(time, 'back_left_big', 1.0)
            elif bump_right and self.state == 'straight':
                self.set_state(time, 'back_left', 1.0)
            elif bump_left and self.state == 'straight':
                self.set_state(time, 'back_right', 1.0)
        elif is_done:
            if self.state == 'back_left':
                self.set_state(time, 'left', rand_range(1.0, 2.0))
            elif self.state == 'back_left_big':
                self.set_state(time, 'left', rand_range(2.5, 3.5))
            elif self.state == 'back_right':
                self.set_state(time, 'right', rand_range(1.0, 2.0))
                self.set_state(time, 'straight', None)

        # output logic

        if self.state == 'straight':
            f, a = 0.6, 0.0
        elif self.state == 'left':
            f, a = 0.0, 1.05
        elif self.state == 'right':
            f, a = 0.0, -1.05
        else:  # back_left or back_right or back_left_big
            f, a = -0.3, 0.0

        return ctrl.ControllerOutput(forward_vel=f, angular_vel=a)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def update(self, time, dt, robot_state, camera_data):

        # default value is NaN to suppress plots of things we don't
        # have blob detections for
        self.log_vars[:8] = numpy.nan

        detections = camera_data.detections

        for idx, color_name in enumerate(self.ALL_COLORS):

            if color_name not in detections:
            blobs = detections[color_name]
            if not len(blobs):

            biggest = blobs[0]
            pos = biggest.xyz_mean

            if pos is None:

            odom_pos = robot_state.odom_pose * pos[:2]
            self.log_vars[2*idx+0] = odom_pos[0]
            self.log_vars[2*idx+1] = odom_pos[1]

        if self.can_see(detections, 'orange_pylon'):
            mood = 'angry'
        elif self.can_see(detections, 'purple_ball'):
            mood = 'happy'
            mood = 'bored'


        self.log_vars[-1] = numpy.sin(time.total_seconds()*4.0*numpy.pi)
        return ctrl.ControllerOutput(
            forward_vel=0.5, angular_vel=0.5)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def update(self, time, dt, robot_state, camera_data):

        color_name, direction = self.COLOR_DIR_SEQUENCE[self.cur_idx]

        detections = camera_data.detections

        # state transition logic

        if not self.cur_move:

            elapsed = time - self.init_time

            if elapsed.total_seconds() >= 3.0:

                print('done staring!')

                next_idx = (self.cur_idx + 1) % len(self.COLOR_DIR_SEQUENCE)
                self.set_state(time, idx=next_idx, move=True)

        elif len(detections[color_name]):

            blob = detections[color_name][0]

            angle = numpy.arctan2(blob.xyz_mean[1], blob.xyz_mean[0])

            if numpy.abs(angle) < 0.05:
                print('found blob with area', blob.area, 'at angle', angle)
                self.set_state(time, move=False)

        # output logic

        if not self.cur_move:
            angular_vel = 0
            angular_vel = 0.5 * direction

        return ctrl.ControllerOutput(forward_vel=0, angular_vel=angular_vel)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def update(self, time, dt, robot_state, camera_data):
     """Go fast!!!"""
     return ctrl.ControllerOutput(forward_vel=0.7, angular_vel=0)