Exemplo n.º 1
def membersoverview(request):
    def get_current_members(role_type, delegates, by_party):
        qs = PersonRole.objects.filter(
            state__in=set(s for s, t in stateapportionment.items() if (t != "T") ^ delegates)
        if by_party:
            return qs.values('party').annotate(count=Count('party')).order_by('-count')
            return qs.count()
    congress_current = (CURRENT_CONGRESS, get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[0])
    congress_previous = (CURRENT_CONGRESS-1, get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS-1)[1])
    return {
        "statelist": statelist,
        "senate_by_party": get_current_members(RoleType.senator, False, True),
        "senate_vacancies": 100-get_current_members(RoleType.senator, False, False),
        "house_by_party": get_current_members(RoleType.representative, False, True),
        "house_vacancies": 435-get_current_members(RoleType.representative, False, False),
        "house_delegate_vacancies": 6-get_current_members(RoleType.representative, True, False),
        "congress_current": congress_current,
        "congress_previous": congress_previous,
Exemplo n.º 2
def membersoverview(request):
    def get_current_members(role_type, delegates, by_party):
        qs = PersonRole.objects.filter(
            state__in=set(s for s, t in stateapportionment.items() if (t != "T") ^ delegates)
        if by_party:
            return qs.values('party').annotate(count=Count('party')).order_by('-count')
            return qs.count()
    congress_current = (CURRENT_CONGRESS, get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[0])
    congress_previous = (CURRENT_CONGRESS-1, get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS-1)[1])
    return {
        "statelist": statelist,
        "senate_by_party": get_current_members(RoleType.senator, False, True),
        "senate_vacancies": 100-get_current_members(RoleType.senator, False, False),
        "house_by_party": get_current_members(RoleType.representative, False, True),
        "house_vacancies": 435-get_current_members(RoleType.representative, False, False),
        "house_delegate_vacancies": 6-get_current_members(RoleType.representative, True, False),
        "congress_current": congress_current,
        "congress_previous": congress_previous,
Exemplo n.º 3
def compute_productivity(congress, date_range):
	# laws

	enacted_bills = Bill.objects.filter(
		congress=congress, # if we're measuring presidential activity, the date of signing could be outside of the Congress, so change this

	#enacted_bills = (enacted_bills.filter(title__contains="Appropriations") | enacted_bills.filter(title__contains="Authorization")).distinct()

	enacted_bills = list(enacted_bills)
	enacted_bills_count = len(enacted_bills)

	enacted_bill_pages = 0
	enacted_bill_words = 0
	enacted_bill_pages_missing = 0
	for b in enacted_bills:
			pp = load_bill_text(b, None, mods_only=True).get("numpages")
		except IOError:
			pp = None
		if pp is None:
			enacted_bill_pages_missing += 1
		pp = int(pp.replace(" pages", ""))
		enacted_bill_pages += pp

		wds = len(load_bill_text(b, None, plain_text=True).split(" "))
		enacted_bill_words += wds

 	if congress < 103: enacted_bill_pages = "(no data)"
 	if congress < 103: enacted_bill_words = "(no data)"

	# votes

	house_votes = Vote.objects.filter(
	senate_votes = Vote.objects.filter(

	## power
	#congress_same_party = party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][1]
	#branches_same_party = (party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][1]) and (party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][2])


	timespan = "%d-%d" % (get_congress_dates(congress)[0].year, ((get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year-1) if get_congress_dates(congress)[1].month == 1 else get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year))
	row = [congress, timespan, date_range[0].isoformat(), date_range[1].isoformat(),
		enacted_bills_count, enacted_bill_pages, enacted_bill_words, house_votes, senate_votes]
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_productivity(congress, days_in):
	corresponding_day = get_congress_dates(congress)[0] + days_in

	# laws

	enacted_bills = Bill.objects.filter(

	#enacted_bills = (enacted_bills.filter(title__contains="Appropriations") | enacted_bills.filter(title__contains="Authorization")).distinct()

	enacted_bills = list(enacted_bills)
	enacted_bills_count = len(enacted_bills)

	enacted_bill_pages = 0
	enacted_bill_words = 0
	enacted_bill_pages_missing = 0
	for b in enacted_bills:
			pp = load_bill_text(b, None, mods_only=True).get("numpages")
		except IOError:
			pp = None
		if pp is None:
			enacted_bill_pages_missing += 1
		pp = int(pp.replace(" pages", ""))
		enacted_bill_pages += pp

		wds = len(load_bill_text(b, None, plain_text=True).split(" "))
		enacted_bill_words += wds

 	if congress < 103: enacted_bill_pages = "(no data)"
 	if congress < 103: enacted_bill_words = "(no data)"

	# votes

	house_votes = Vote.objects.filter(
	senate_votes = Vote.objects.filter(

	# power

	congress_same_party = party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][1]
	branches_same_party = (party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][1]) and (party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][2])


	timespan = "%d (%d-%d)" % (congress, get_congress_dates(congress)[0].year, get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year-1)
	row = [timespan, enacted_bills_count, enacted_bill_pages, enacted_bill_words, house_votes, senate_votes, "Yes" if congress_same_party else "No", "Yes" if branches_same_party else "No"]
Exemplo n.º 5
def bill_summaries(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    return {
        "bill": bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "text_info": get_text_info(bill),  # for the header tabs
Exemplo n.º 6
def bill_widget(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)

    from person.name import get_person_name
    if bill.sponsor: bill.sponsor.role = bill.sponsor_role # for rending name
    sponsor_name = None if not bill.sponsor else \
        get_person_name(bill.sponsor, firstname_position='before', show_suffix=True)

    def get_text_info():
        from billtext import load_bill_text
            return load_bill_text(bill, None, mods_only=True)
        except IOError:
            return None

    return {
        "SITE_ROOT_URL": settings.SITE_ROOT_URL,
        "bill": bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "sponsor_name": sponsor_name,
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "text": get_text_info,
Exemplo n.º 7
def bill_widget(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)

    from person.name import get_person_name
    if bill.sponsor: bill.sponsor.role = bill.sponsor_role  # for rending name
    sponsor_name = None if not bill.sponsor else \
        get_person_name(bill.sponsor, firstname_position='before', show_suffix=True)

    def get_text_info():
        from billtext import load_bill_text
            return load_bill_text(bill, None, mods_only=True)
        except IOError:
            return None

    return {
        get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS
        and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
Exemplo n.º 8
def bill_key_questions(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    # load bill and text
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    text_info = bill.get_text_info(with_citations=True)

    # load stakeholder positions
    from stakeholder.models import BillPosition
    stakeholder_posts = bill.stakeholder_positions\
        .select_related("post", "post__stakeholder")\
    def add_position_return_post(bp): bp.post.position = bp.position; return bp.post
    stakeholder_posts = [add_position_return_post(bp) for bp in stakeholder_posts]

    # context
    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "prognosis": bill.get_prognosis_with_details(),
        "text_info": text_info,
        "text_incorporation": fixup_text_incorporation(bill.text_incorporation),
        "stakeholder_posts": stakeholder_posts,
        "legislator_statements": fetch_statements(bill),
Exemplo n.º 9
    def build_info():
        feeds = [f for f in Feed.get_simple_feeds() if f.category == "federal-bills"]

        groups = [
            (   g[0], # title
                g[1], # text 1
                g[2], # text 2
                "/congress/bills/browse?status=" + ",".join(str(s) for s in g[4]), # link
               load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).count(), # count in category
               load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).order_by('-current_status_date')[0:6], # top 6 in this category
            for g in bill_status_groups ]

        dhg_bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS, docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=10)).filter(docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=F('current_status_date'))
        sfs_bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS, senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=5)).filter(senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=F('current_status_date'))
        coming_up = list(dhg_bills | sfs_bills)
        coming_up.sort(key = lambda b : b.docs_house_gov_postdate if (b.docs_house_gov_postdate and (not b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate or b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate < b.docs_house_gov_postdate)) else b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate, reverse=True)

        start, end = get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)
        end_year = end.year if end.month > 1 else end.year-1 # count January finishes as the prev year
        current_congress_years = '%d-%d' % (start.year, end.year)
        current_congress = ordinal(CURRENT_CONGRESS)

        return {
            "feeds": feeds,

            "total": Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS).count(),
            "current_congress_years": current_congress_years,
            "current_congress": current_congress,
            "groups": groups,
            "coming_up": coming_up,
            "subjects": subject_choices(),
            "BILL_STATUS_INTRO": (BillStatus.introduced, BillStatus.referred, BillStatus.reported),
Exemplo n.º 10
def bill_summaries(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    return {
        "bill": bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "text_info": get_text_info(bill), # for the header tabs
Exemplo n.º 11
def load_roles_at_date(persons, when, congress):
    Find out representative/senator role of each person at given date.

    This method is optimized for bulk operation.

    if when:
        when = (when, when)
        from us import get_congress_dates
        when = get_congress_dates(congress)

    roles = PersonRole.objects.filter(startdate__lte=when[1],
    roles_by_person = {}
    for role in roles:
        if role.congress_numbers(
        ) is not None and congress not in role.congress_numbers():
        roles_by_person[role.person_id] = role
    for person in persons:
        person.role = roles_by_person.get(person.id)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 12
def bill_details(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    # pre-load info
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    text_info = bill.get_text_info(with_citations=True)

    from stakeholder.models import BillPosition
    stakeholder_posts = bill.stakeholder_positions\
        .select_related("post", "post__stakeholder")\
    def add_position_return_post(bp): bp.post.position = bp.position; return bp.post
    stakeholder_posts = [add_position_return_post(bp) for bp in stakeholder_posts]

    # context
    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "feed": bill.get_feed(),
        "prognosis": bill.get_prognosis_with_details(),
        "text_info": text_info,
        "text_incorporation": fixup_text_incorporation(bill.text_incorporation),
        "show_media_bar": not bill.original_intent_replaced and bill.sponsor and bill.sponsor.has_photo() and text_info and text_info.get("has_thumbnail"),
        "stakeholder_posts": stakeholder_posts,
Exemplo n.º 13
 def build_info():
     feeds = [f for f in Feed.get_simple_feeds() if f.category == "federal-bills"]
     groups = [
         (   g[0], # title
             g[1], # text 1
             g[2], # text 2
             "/congress/bills/browse?status=" + ",".join(str(s) for s in g[4]), # link
            load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).count(), # count in category
            load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).order_by('-current_status_date')[0:6], # top 6 in this category
         for g in bill_status_groups ]
     dhg_bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS, docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=10)).filter(docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=F('current_status_date'))
     sfs_bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS, senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=5)).filter(senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=F('current_status_date'))
     coming_up = list(dhg_bills | sfs_bills)
     coming_up.sort(key = lambda b : b.docs_house_gov_postdate if (b.docs_house_gov_postdate and (not b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate or b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate < b.docs_house_gov_postdate)) else b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate, reverse=True)
     start, end = get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)
     end_year = end.year if end.month > 1 else end.year-1 # count January finishes as the prev year
     current_congress_years = '%d-%d' % (start.year, end.year)
     current_congress = ordinal(CURRENT_CONGRESS)
     return {
         "feeds": feeds,
         "total": Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS).count(),
         "current_congress_years": current_congress_years,
         "current_congress": current_congress,
         "groups": groups,
         "coming_up": coming_up,
         "subjects": subject_choices(),
         "BILL_STATUS_INTRO": (BillStatus.introduced, BillStatus.referred, BillStatus.reported),
Exemplo n.º 14
def bill_details(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    # pre-load info
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    text_info = bill.get_text_info(with_citations=True)

    from stakeholder.models import BillPosition
    stakeholder_posts = bill.stakeholder_positions\
        .select_related("post", "post__stakeholder")\
    def add_position_return_post(bp): bp.post.position = bp.position; return bp.post
    stakeholder_posts = [add_position_return_post(bp) for bp in stakeholder_posts]

    # context
    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "feed": bill.get_feed(),
        "prognosis": bill.get_prognosis_with_details(),
        "text_info": text_info,
        "text_incorporation": fixup_text_incorporation(bill.text_incorporation),
        "show_media_bar": not bill.original_intent_replaced and bill.sponsor and bill.sponsor.has_photo() and text_info and text_info.get("has_thumbnail"),
        "stakeholder_posts": stakeholder_posts,
Exemplo n.º 15
def bill_summaries(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    return {
        "bill_subpage": "Summary",
        "bill": bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "text_info": bill.get_text_info(with_citations=True), # for the header tabs
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_last_role_at_congress(self, congress):
     start, end = get_congress_dates(congress)
         return self.roles.filter(
     except IndexError:
         return None
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_roles_of_people(congressnumber):
    congress_dates = get_congress_dates(congressnumber)
    return PersonRole.objects.filter(
     role_type__in=(RoleType.senator, RoleType.representative),
     startdate__lt=congress_dates[1], # start dates of next congress are on this day too
     enddate__gt=congress_dates[0] # end dates from previous congress are on this day too
     .order_by('-startdate')  # so we put people in the right list by their most recent term
def get_roles_of_people(congressnumber):
	congress_dates = get_congress_dates(congressnumber)
	return PersonRole.objects.filter(
		role_type__in=(RoleType.senator, RoleType.representative),
		startdate__lt=congress_dates[1], # start dates of next congress are on this day too
		enddate__gt=congress_dates[0] # end dates from previous congress are on this day too
		.order_by('-startdate')  # so we put people in the right list by their most recent term
Exemplo n.º 19
def bill_summaries(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    return {
        "bill_subpage": "Summary",
        "bill": bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "text_info": bill.get_text_info(with_citations=True), # for the header tabs
Exemplo n.º 20
    def build_info():
        # feeds about all legislation that we offer the user to subscribe to
        feeds = [
            f for f in Feed.get_simple_feeds() if f.category == "federal-bills"

        # info about bills by status
        groups = [
                g[0],  # title
                g[1],  # text 1
                g[2],  # text 2
                "/congress/bills/browse?status=" +
                         for s in g[4]) + "&sort=-current_status_date",  # link
                load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).count(),  # count in category
                    '-current_status_date')[0:6],  # top 6 in this category
            ) for g in bill_status_groups

        # legislation coming up
        dhg_bills = Bill.objects.filter(
            docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() -
        sfs_bills = Bill.objects.filter(
            senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() -
        coming_up = list(
            (dhg_bills | sfs_bills).order_by('scheduled_consideration_date'))

        # top tracked bills
        top_bills = Feed.objects\
            .filter(feedname__regex='^bill:[hs][jcr]?%d-' % CURRENT_CONGRESS)
        top_bills = top_bills\
            .values('feedname', 'count')\
        top_bills = [(Bill.from_feed(Feed.from_name(bf["feedname"])),
                      bf["count"]) for bf in top_bills]

        return {
            "feeds": feeds,
            "total": Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS).count(),
            "current_congress": CURRENT_CONGRESS,
            "current_congress_dates": get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS),
            "groups": groups,
            "coming_up": coming_up,
            "top_tracked_bills": top_bills,
            "subjects": subject_choices(),
            "BILL_STATUS_INTRO": (BillStatus.introduced, BillStatus.reported),
Exemplo n.º 21
def bill_text(request, congress, type_slug, number, version=None):
    if version == "":
        version = None

        bill_type = BillType.by_slug(type_slug)
    except BillType.NotFound:
        raise Http404("Invalid bill type: " + type_slug)
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, congress=congress, bill_type=bill_type, number=number)

    from .billtext import load_bill_text, get_bill_text_versions
        textdata = load_bill_text(bill, version)
    except IOError:
        textdata = None

    # Get a list of the alternate versions of this bill.
    alternates = None
    is_latest = True
    if textdata:
        alternates = []
        for v in get_bill_text_versions(bill):
                alternates.append(load_bill_text(bill, v, mods_only=True))
            except IOError:
        alternates.sort(key = lambda mods : mods["docdate"])
        if len(alternates) > 0:
            is_latest = False
            if textdata["doc_version"] == alternates[-1]["doc_version"]:
                is_latest = True

    # Get a list of related bills.
    from .billtext import get_current_version
    related_bills = []
    for rb in list(bill.find_reintroductions()) + [r.related_bill for r in bill.get_related_bills()]:
            rbv = get_current_version(rb)
            if not (rb, rbv) in related_bills: related_bills.append((rb, rbv))
        except IOError:
            pass # text not available
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill1=bill).exclude(bill2=bill):
        if not (btc.bill2, btc.ver2) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill2, btc.ver2))
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill2=bill).exclude(bill1=bill):
        if not (btc.bill1, btc.ver1) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill1, btc.ver1))

    return {
        "bill_subpage": "Text",
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "textdata": textdata,
        "version": version,
        "is_latest": is_latest,
        "alternates": alternates,
        "related_bills": related_bills,
        "days_old": (datetime.datetime.now().date() - bill.current_status_date).days,
        "is_on_bill_text_page": True, # for the header tabs
Exemplo n.º 22
def bill_text(request, congress, type_slug, number, version=None):
    if version == "":
        version = None

        bill_type = BillType.by_slug(type_slug)
    except BillType.NotFound:
        raise Http404("Invalid bill type: " + type_slug)
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, congress=congress, bill_type=bill_type, number=number)

    from .billtext import load_bill_text, get_bill_text_versions
        textdata = load_bill_text(bill, version)
    except IOError:
        textdata = None

    # Get a list of the alternate versions of this bill.
    alternates = None
    is_latest = True
    if textdata:
        alternates = []
        for v in get_bill_text_versions(bill):
                alternates.append(load_bill_text(bill, v, mods_only=True))
            except IOError:
        alternates.sort(key = lambda mods : mods["docdate"])
        if len(alternates) > 0:
            is_latest = False
            if textdata["doc_version"] == alternates[-1]["doc_version"]:
                is_latest = True

    # Get a list of related bills.
    from .billtext import get_current_version
    related_bills = []
    for rb in list(bill.find_reintroductions()) + [r.related_bill for r in bill.get_related_bills()]:
            rbv = get_current_version(rb)
            if not (rb, rbv) in related_bills: related_bills.append((rb, rbv))
        except IOError:
            pass # text not available
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill1=bill).exclude(bill2=bill):
        if not (btc.bill2, btc.ver2) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill2, btc.ver2))
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill2=bill).exclude(bill1=bill):
        if not (btc.bill1, btc.ver1) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill1, btc.ver1))

    return {
        "bill_subpage": "Text",
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "textdata": textdata,
        "version": version,
        "is_latest": is_latest,
        "alternates": alternates,
        "related_bills": related_bills,
        "days_old": (datetime.datetime.now().date() - bill.current_status_date).days,
        "is_on_bill_text_page": True, # for the header tabs
Exemplo n.º 23
def analysis_methodology(request):
    from settings import CURRENT_CONGRESS
    from person.models import RoleType
    from bill.models import BillType
    from us import get_congress_dates
    import json
    from person.analysis import load_sponsorship_analysis2
    def make_chart_series(role_type):
        data = load_sponsorship_analysis2(CURRENT_CONGRESS, role_type, None)
        if not data: return None
        ret = { }
        for p in data["all"]:
            ret.setdefault(p["party"], {
                "type": "party",
                "party": p["party"],
                "data": [],
                "x": float(p["ideology"]),
                "y": float(p["leadership"]),
                "name": p["name"],
        ret = list(ret.values())
        ret.sort(key = lambda s : len(s["data"]), reverse=True)
        data = dict(data) # clone before modifying, just in case
        data["series"] = json.dumps(ret)
        return data
    import bill.prognosis
    import bill.prognosis_model
    import bill.prognosis_model_test
    prognosis_factors = sorted([dict(v) for v in bill.prognosis_model.factors.values()],
        key = lambda m : m["count"], reverse=True)
    for v in prognosis_factors:
        v["factors"] = sorted(v["factors"].values(), key = lambda f : f["regression_beta"], reverse=True)
    prognosis_test = sorted(bill.prognosis_model_test.model_test_results.values(),
        key = lambda v : v["count"], reverse=True)
    return {
        "ideology": lambda : { # defer until cache miss
            "house": make_chart_series(RoleType.representative), 
            "senate": make_chart_series(RoleType.senator),
        "current_congress": CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "prognosis_training_congress": bill.prognosis_model.congress,
        "prognosis_training_congress_dates": get_congress_dates(bill.prognosis_model.congress),
        "prognosis_factors": prognosis_factors,
        "prognosis_test": prognosis_test,
        "prognosis_testing_traincongress": bill.prognosis_model_test.train_congress,
        "prognosis_testing_testcongress": bill.prognosis_model_test.test_congress,
def bill_details(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "feed": bill.get_feed(),
        "text_info": get_text_info(bill),
Exemplo n.º 25
def analysis_methodology(request):
    from settings import CURRENT_CONGRESS
    from person.models import RoleType
    from bill.models import BillType
    from us import get_congress_dates
    import json
    from person.analysis import load_sponsorship_analysis2
    def make_chart_series(role_type):
        data = load_sponsorship_analysis2(CURRENT_CONGRESS, role_type, None)
        if not data: return None
        ret = { }
        for p in data["all"]:
            ret.setdefault(p["party"], {
                "type": "party",
                "party": p["party"],
                "data": [],
                "x": float(p["ideology"]),
                "y": float(p["leadership"]),
                "name": p["name"],
        ret = list(ret.values())
        ret.sort(key = lambda s : len(s["data"]), reverse=True)
        data = dict(data) # clone before modifying, just in case
        data["series"] = json.dumps(ret)
        return data
    import bill.prognosis
    import bill.prognosis_model
    import bill.prognosis_model_test
    prognosis_factors = sorted([dict(v) for v in bill.prognosis_model.factors.values()],
        key = lambda m : m["count"], reverse=True)
    for v in prognosis_factors:
        v["factors"] = sorted(v["factors"].values(), key = lambda f : f["regression_beta"], reverse=True)
    prognosis_test = sorted(bill.prognosis_model_test.model_test_results.values(),
        key = lambda v : v["count"], reverse=True)
    return {
        "ideology": lambda : { # defer until cache miss
            "house": make_chart_series(RoleType.representative), 
            "senate": make_chart_series(RoleType.senator),
        "current_congress": CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "prognosis_training_congress": bill.prognosis_model.congress,
        "prognosis_training_congress_dates": get_congress_dates(bill.prognosis_model.congress),
        "prognosis_factors": prognosis_factors,
        "prognosis_test": prognosis_test,
        "prognosis_testing_traincongress": bill.prognosis_model_test.train_congress,
        "prognosis_testing_testcongress": bill.prognosis_model_test.test_congress,
Exemplo n.º 26
    def load_session_stats(session):
      # Which Congress is it?
        for congress, s, sd, ed in get_all_sessions():
            if s == session: break # leaves "congress" variable set
            raise ValueError("Invalid session: %s" % session)

        fn = "data/us/%d/stats/session-%s.json" % (congress, session)
            datafile = json.load(open(fn))
            datafile["meta"]["pub_year"] = session
            if datafile["meta"]["is_full_congress_stats"]:
                datafile["meta"]["startdate"] = get_congress_dates(congress)[0]
                datafile["meta"]["enddate"] = get_congress_dates(congress)[1]
                datafile["meta"]["startdate"] = sd
                datafile["meta"]["enddate"] = ed
        except IOError:
            raise ValueError("No statistics are available for session %s." % session)

        return datafile
Exemplo n.º 27
def load_majority_party(congress):
	majority_party = { }
	start, end = get_congress_dates(congress)
	for rt, bts in (
		(RoleType.senator, (BillType.senate_bill, BillType.senate_resolution, BillType.senate_concurrent_resolution, BillType.senate_joint_resolution)),
		(RoleType.representative, (BillType.house_bill, BillType.house_resolution, BillType.house_concurrent_resolution, BillType.house_joint_resolution))
		p = PersonRole.objects.filter(startdate__lte=end, enddate__gte=start, role_type=rt).values("party").annotate(count=Count("id")).order_by("-count")[0]["party"]
		for bt in bts:
			majority_party[bt] = p
	return majority_party
Exemplo n.º 28
def browse_state(request, state):
    state = normalize_state_arg(state)
    if state not in stateapportionment: raise Http404()
    return {
        "state": state,
        "stateapp": stateapportionment[state],
        "statename": statenames[state],
        "senators": get_senators(state),
        "representatives": get_representatives(state),
        "end_of_congress_date": get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[1],
def load_majority_party(congress):
	majority_party = { }
	start, end = get_congress_dates(congress)
	for rt, bts in (
		(RoleType.senator, (BillType.senate_bill, BillType.senate_resolution, BillType.senate_concurrent_resolution, BillType.senate_joint_resolution)),
		(RoleType.representative, (BillType.house_bill, BillType.house_resolution, BillType.house_concurrent_resolution, BillType.house_joint_resolution))
		p = PersonRole.objects.filter(startdate__lte=end, enddate__gte=start, role_type=rt).values("party").annotate(count=Count("id")).order_by("-count")[0]["party"]
		for bt in bts:
			majority_party[bt] = p
	return majority_party
Exemplo n.º 30
    def build_info():
        # feeds about all legislation that we offer the user to subscribe to
        feeds = [f for f in Feed.get_simple_feeds() if f.category == "federal-bills"]

        # info about bills by status
        groups = [
            (   g[0], # title
                g[1], # text 1
                g[2], # text 2
                "/congress/bills/browse?status=" + ",".join(str(s) for s in g[4]) + "&sort=-current_status_date", # link
               load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).count(), # count in category
               load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).order_by('-current_status_date')[0:6], # top 6 in this category
            for g in bill_status_groups ]

        # legislation coming up
        dhg_bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS, docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=10)).filter(docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=F('current_status_date'))
        sfs_bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS, senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=5)).filter(senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=F('current_status_date'))
        coming_up = list(dhg_bills | sfs_bills)
        coming_up.sort(key = lambda b : b.docs_house_gov_postdate if (b.docs_house_gov_postdate and (not b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate or b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate < b.docs_house_gov_postdate)) else b.senate_floor_schedule_postdate, reverse=True)

        # top tracked bills
        top_bills = Feed.objects\
            .filter(feedname__regex='^bill:[hs][jcr]?%d-' % CURRENT_CONGRESS)
        top_bills = top_bills\
            .values('feedname', 'count')\
        top_bills = [(Bill.from_feed(Feed.from_name(bf["feedname"])), bf["count"]) for bf in top_bills]

        # current congrss years
        start, end = get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)
        end_year = end.year if end.month > 1 else end.year-1 # count January finishes as the prev year
        current_congress_years = '%d-%d' % (start.year, end.year)
        current_congress = ordinal(CURRENT_CONGRESS)

        return {
            "feeds": feeds,

            "total": Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS).count(),
            "current_congress_years": current_congress_years,
            "current_congress": current_congress,

            "groups": groups,
            "coming_up": coming_up,
            "top_tracked_bills": top_bills,

            "subjects": subject_choices(),
            "BILL_STATUS_INTRO": (BillStatus.introduced, BillStatus.referred, BillStatus.reported),
Exemplo n.º 31
    def build_info():
        # feeds about all legislation that we offer the user to subscribe to
        feeds = [f for f in Feed.get_simple_feeds() if f.category == "federal-bills"]

        # info about bills by status
        groups = [
            (   g[0], # title
                g[1], # text 1
                g[2], # text 2
                "/congress/bills/browse?status=" + ",".join(str(s) for s in g[4]) + "&sort=-current_status_date", # link
               load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).count(), # count in category
               load_bill_status_qs(g[4]).order_by('-current_status_date')[0:6], # top 6 in this category
            for g in bill_status_groups ]

        # legislation coming up
        dhg_bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS, docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=10)).filter(docs_house_gov_postdate__gt=F('current_status_date'))
        sfs_bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS, senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=5)).filter(senate_floor_schedule_postdate__gt=F('current_status_date'))
        coming_up = list((dhg_bills | sfs_bills).order_by('scheduled_consideration_date'))

        # top tracked bills
        top_bills = Feed.objects\
            .filter(feedname__regex='^bill:[hs][jcr]?%d-' % CURRENT_CONGRESS)
        top_bills = top_bills\
            .values('feedname', 'count')\
        top_bills = [(Bill.from_feed(Feed.from_name(bf["feedname"])), bf["count"]) for bf in top_bills]

        # trending bills
        trf = Feed.get_trending_feeds()
        trf = [Feed.objects.get(id=f) for f in trf]
        trending_bill_feeds = [f for f in trf if f.feedname.startswith("bill:")]

        return {
            "feeds": feeds,

            "total": Bill.objects.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS).count(),
            "current_congress": CURRENT_CONGRESS,
            "current_congress_dates": get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS),

            "groups": groups,
            "coming_up": coming_up,
            "top_tracked_bills": top_bills,
            "trending_bill_feeds": trending_bill_feeds,

            "subjects": subject_choices(),
            "BILL_STATUS_INTRO": (BillStatus.introduced, BillStatus.reported),
Exemplo n.º 32
def person_session_stats(request, pk, session):
    # get the person and the statistics
    person = get_object_or_404(Person, pk=pk)
        stats = person.get_session_stats(session)
    except ValueError:
        # no stats
        raise Http404()

    # get the role as stored in the file
    role = PersonRole.objects.get(id=stats["role_id"])

    # mark the role as current if the logical end date is in the future, to fix the display of Served/Serving
    role.current = (role.logical_dates()[1] > datetime.now().date())

    # clean and sort the stats for this person so they're ready for display
    from person.views_sessionstats import clean_person_stats

    # group into an order for navigation
    nav_groups = []
    for stat in stats["stats"]:
        for group in nav_groups:
            if group["icon"] == stat["icon"]:
            nav_groups.append({ "icon": stat["icon"], "stats": [stat]  })

    import dateutil.parser
    from person.types import Gender, RoleType

    # what dates specifically for the congress?
    (period_min, period_max) = get_congress_dates(stats["meta"]["congress"])
    period_min = max(period_min, role.logical_dates()[0])
    period_max = min(period_max, role.logical_dates()[1])

    return {
        "publishdate": dateutil.parser.parse(stats["meta"]["as-of"]),
        "period": session_stats_period(session, stats),
        "congress_dates": (period_min, period_max),
        "person": person,
        "photo": person.get_photo()[0],
        "himher": Gender.by_value(person.gender).pronoun_object,
        "role": role,
        "class": RoleType.by_value(role.role_type).label.lower() + "s",
        "session": session,
        "meta": stats["meta"],
        "stats": stats["stats"],
        "nav_groups": nav_groups,
Exemplo n.º 33
def person_session_stats(request, pk, session):
    # get the person and the statistics
    person = get_object_or_404(Person, pk=pk)
        stats = person.get_session_stats(session)
    except ValueError:
        # no stats
        raise Http404()

    # get the role as stored in the file
    role = PersonRole.objects.get(id=stats["role_id"])

    # mark the role as current if the logical end date is in the future, to fix the display of Served/Serving
    role.current = (role.logical_dates()[1] > datetime.now().date())

    # clean and sort the stats for this person so they're ready for display
    from person.views_sessionstats import clean_person_stats

    # group into an order for navigation
    nav_groups = []
    for stat in stats["stats"]:
        for group in nav_groups:
            if group["icon"] == stat["icon"]:
            nav_groups.append({"icon": stat["icon"], "stats": [stat]})

    import dateutil.parser
    from person.types import Gender, RoleType

    # what dates specifically for the congress?
    (period_min, period_max) = get_congress_dates(stats["meta"]["congress"])
    period_min = max(period_min, role.logical_dates()[0])
    period_max = min(period_max, role.logical_dates()[1])

    return {
        "publishdate": dateutil.parser.parse(stats["meta"]["as-of"]),
        "period": session_stats_period(session, stats),
        "congress_dates": (period_min, period_max),
        "person": person,
        "photo": person.get_photo()[0],
        "himher": Gender.by_value(person.gender).pronoun_object,
        "role": role,
        "class": RoleType.by_value(role.role_type).label.lower() + "s",
        "session": session,
        "meta": stats["meta"],
        "stats": stats["stats"],
        "nav_groups": nav_groups,
Exemplo n.º 34
def bill_text(request, congress, type_slug, number, version=None):
    if version == "":
        version = None

        bill_type = BillType.by_slug(type_slug)
    except BillType.NotFound:
        raise Http404("Invalid bill type: " + type_slug)
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, congress=congress, bill_type=bill_type, number=number)

    from billtext import load_bill_text, bill_gpo_status_codes
        textdata = load_bill_text(bill, version)
    except IOError:
        textdata = None

    # Get a list of the alternate versions of this bill.
    alternates = None
    if textdata:
        alternates = []
        for v in bill_gpo_status_codes:
                alternates.append(load_bill_text(bill, v, mods_only=True))
            except IOError:
        alternates.sort(key = lambda mods : mods["docdate"])

    # Get a list of related bills.
    from billtext import get_current_version
    related_bills = []
    for rb in list(bill.find_reintroductions()) + [r.related_bill for r in bill.get_related_bills()]:
            rbv = get_current_version(rb)
            if not (rb, rbv) in related_bills: related_bills.append((rb, rbv))
        except IOError:
            pass # text not available
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill1=bill).exclude(bill2=bill):
        if not (btc.bill2, btc.ver2) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill2, btc.ver2))
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill2=bill).exclude(bill1=bill):
        if not (btc.bill1, btc.ver1) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill1, btc.ver1))

    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "textdata": textdata,
        "version": version,
        "alternates": alternates,
        "related_bills": related_bills,
def bill_text(request, congress, type_slug, number, version=None):
    if version == "":
        version = None

        bill_type = BillType.by_slug(type_slug)
    except BillType.NotFound:
        raise Http404("Invalid bill type: " + type_slug)
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, congress=congress, bill_type=bill_type, number=number)

    from billtext import load_bill_text, bill_gpo_status_codes
        textdata = load_bill_text(bill, version)
    except IOError:
        textdata = None

    # Get a list of the alternate versions of this bill.
    alternates = None
    if textdata:
        alternates = []
        for v in bill_gpo_status_codes:
                alternates.append(load_bill_text(bill, v, mods_only=True))
            except IOError:
        alternates.sort(key = lambda mods : mods["docdate"])

    # Get a list of related bills.
    from billtext import get_current_version
    related_bills = []
    for rb in list(bill.find_reintroductions()) + [r.related_bill for r in bill.get_related_bills()]:
            rbv = get_current_version(rb)
            if not (rb, rbv) in related_bills: related_bills.append((rb, rbv))
        except IOError:
            pass # text not available
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill1=bill).exclude(bill2=bill):
        if not (btc.bill2, btc.ver2) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill2, btc.ver2))
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill2=bill).exclude(bill1=bill):
        if not (btc.bill1, btc.ver1) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill1, btc.ver1))

    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "textdata": textdata,
        "version": version,
        "alternates": alternates,
        "related_bills": related_bills,
Exemplo n.º 36
def bill_text(request, congress, type_slug, number, version=None):
    if int(congress) < 103:
        raise Http404("Bill text is not available before the 103rd congress.")

    if version == "":
        version = None
        bill_type = BillType.by_slug(type_slug)
    except BillType.NotFound:
        raise Http404("Invalid bill type: " + type_slug)
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, congress=congress, bill_type=bill_type, number=number)
    from billtext import load_bill_text, bill_gpo_status_codes
        textdata = load_bill_text(bill, version)
    except IOError:
        textdata = None

    # Get a list of the alternate versions of this bill.
    alternates = None
    if textdata:
        alternates = []
        for v in bill_gpo_status_codes:
            fn = "data/us/bills.text/%s/%s/%s%d%s.mods.xml" % (bill.congress, BillType.by_value(bill.bill_type).xml_code, BillType.by_value(bill.bill_type).xml_code, bill.number, v)
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                alternates.append(load_bill_text(bill, v, mods_only=True))
        alternates.sort(key = lambda mods : mods["docdate"])

    # Get a list of related bills.
    related_bills = []
    for rb in list(bill.find_reintroductions()) + [r.related_bill for r in bill.get_related_bills()]:
        if not (rb, "") in related_bills: related_bills.append((rb, ""))
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill1=bill):
        if not (btc.bill2, btc.ver2) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill2, btc.ver2))
    for btc in BillTextComparison.objects.filter(bill2=bill):
        if not (btc.bill1, btc.ver1) in related_bills: related_bills.append((btc.bill1, btc.ver1))

    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "textdata": textdata,
        "version": version,
        "alternates": alternates,
        "related_bills": related_bills,
Exemplo n.º 37
def bill_statistics(request):
    # Get the count of bills by status and by Congress.
    counts_by_congress = []
    for c in xrange(93, CURRENT_CONGRESS+1):
        total = Bill.objects.filter(congress=c).count()
        if total == 0: continue # during transitions between Congresses
            "congress": c,
            "dates": get_congress_dates(c),
            "counts": [ ],
            "total": total,
        for g in bill_status_groups:
            t = load_bill_status_qs(g[4], congress=c).count()
                { "count": t,
                  "percent": "%0.0f" % float(100.0*t/total),
                  "link": "/congress/bills/browse?congress=%s&status=%s" % (c, ",".join(str(s) for s in g[4])),
                  } )

    # When does activity occur within the session cycle?
    if settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] != 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
        from django.db import connection
        def pull_time_stat(field, where, cursor):
            historical = False
            cursor.execute("SELECT YEAR(%s) - congress*2 - 1787, MONTH(%s), COUNT(*) FROM bill_bill WHERE congress>=93 AND congress%s%d AND %s GROUP BY YEAR(%s) - congress*2, MONTH(%s)" % (field, field, "<" if historical else "=", CURRENT_CONGRESS, where, field, field))
            activity = [{ "x": r[0]*12 + (r[1]-1), "count": r[2], "year": r[0] } for r in cursor.fetchall()]
            total = sum(m["count"] for m in activity)
            for i, m in enumerate(activity): m["cumulative_count"] = m["count"]/float(total) + (0.0 if i==0 else activity[i-1]["cumulative_count"])
            for m in activity: m["count"] = round(m["count"] / (CURRENT_CONGRESS-96), 1)
            for m in activity: m["cumulative_count"] = round(m["cumulative_count"] * 100.0)
            return activity
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            activity_introduced_by_month = pull_time_stat('introduced_date', "1", cursor)
            activity_enacted_by_month = pull_time_stat('current_status_date', "current_status IN (%d,%d,%d)" % (int(BillStatus.enacted_signed), int(BillStatus.enacted_veto_override), int(BillStatus.enacted_tendayrule)), cursor)
        activity_introduced_by_month = []
        activity_enacted_by_month = []

    return {
        "groups2": bill_status_groups,
        "counts_by_congress": counts_by_congress,
        "activity": (("Bills and Resolutions Introduced", activity_introduced_by_month),
         ("Bills and Joint Resolutions Enacted", activity_enacted_by_month) )
Exemplo n.º 38
def bill_statistics(request):
    # Get the count of bills by status and by Congress.
    counts_by_congress = []
    for c in range(93, CURRENT_CONGRESS+1):
        total = Bill.objects.filter(congress=c).count()
        if total == 0: continue # during transitions between Congresses
            "congress": c,
            "dates": get_congress_dates(c),
            "counts": [ ],
            "total": total,
        for g in bill_status_groups:
            t = load_bill_status_qs(g[4], congress=c).count()
                { "count": t,
                  "percent": "%0.0f" % float(100.0*t/total),
                  "link": "/congress/bills/browse?congress=%s&status=%s" % (c, ",".join(str(s) for s in g[4])),
                  } )

    # When does activity occur within the session cycle?
    if settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] != 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
        from django.db import connection
        def pull_time_stat(field, where, cursor):
            cursor.execute("SELECT YEAR(%s) - congress*2 - 1787, MONTH(%s), COUNT(*) FROM bill_bill WHERE congress >= 93 AND %s GROUP BY YEAR(%s) - congress*2, MONTH(%s)" % (field, field, where, field, field))
            activity = [{ "x": r[0]*12 + (r[1]-1), "count": r[2], "year": r[0] } for r in cursor.fetchall()]
            total = sum(m["count"] for m in activity)
            for i, m in enumerate(activity): m["cumulative_count"] = m["count"]/float(total) + (0.0 if i==0 else activity[i-1]["cumulative_count"])
            for m in activity: m["count"] = round(m["count"] / float(total) * 100.0, 1)
            for m in activity: m["cumulative_count"] = round(m["cumulative_count"] * 100.0)
            return activity
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            activity_introduced_by_month = pull_time_stat('introduced_date', "1", cursor)
            activity_enacted_by_month = pull_time_stat('current_status_date', "current_status IN (%d,%d,%d)" % (int(BillStatus.enacted_signed), int(BillStatus.enacted_veto_override), int(BillStatus.enacted_tendayrule)), cursor)
        activity_introduced_by_month = []
        activity_enacted_by_month = []

    return {
        "groups2": bill_status_groups,
        "counts_by_congress": counts_by_congress,
        "activity": (("Bills Introduced", activity_introduced_by_month),
         ("Laws Enacted", activity_enacted_by_month) )
Exemplo n.º 39
    def proscore(self):
        """A modified prognosis score that omits factors associated with uninteresting bills, such as naming post offices. Only truly valid for current bills, and useless to compare across Congresses, but returns a value for all bills."""
        # To aid search, especially for non-current bills, add in something to give most recently active bills a boost.
        type_boost = {
           BillType.senate_bill: 1.0, BillType.house_bill: 1.0,
           BillType.senate_resolution: 0.2, BillType.house_resolution: 0.2,
           BillType.senate_concurrent_resolution: 0.3, BillType.house_concurrent_resolution: 0.3,
           BillType.senate_joint_resolution: 0.75, BillType.house_joint_resolution: 0.75,
        cstart, cend = get_congress_dates(self.congress)
        csd = self.current_status_date
        if hasattr(csd, 'date'): csd = csd.date()
        r = (csd - cstart).days / 365.0 # ranges from 0.0 to about 2.0.
        if self.is_current:
            from prognosis import compute_prognosis
            r += compute_prognosis(self, proscore=True)["prediction"]
        r *= type_boost[self.bill_type]
        return r
Exemplo n.º 40
def bill_details(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    if type_slug.isdigit():
        bill_type = type_slug
            bill_type = BillType.by_slug(type_slug)
        except BillType.NotFound:
            raise Http404("Invalid bill type: " + type_slug)
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, congress=congress, bill_type=bill_type, number=number)
    from person.name import get_person_name
    sponsor_name = None if not bill.sponsor else \
        get_person_name(bill.sponsor, role_date=bill.introduced_date, firstname_position='before', show_suffix=True)
    def get_reintroductions():
        reintro_prev = None
        reintro_next = None
        for reintro in bill.find_reintroductions():
            if reintro.congress < bill.congress: reintro_prev = reintro
            if reintro.congress > bill.congress and not reintro_next: reintro_next = reintro
        return reintro_prev, reintro_next
    def get_text_info():
        from billtext import load_bill_text
            return load_bill_text(bill, None, mods_only=True)
        except IOError:
            return None

    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "sponsor_name": sponsor_name,
        "reintros": get_reintroductions, # defer so we can use template caching
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "feed": Feed.BillFeed(bill),
        "text": get_text_info,
Exemplo n.º 41
def bill_details(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)

    # get related bills
    related_bills = []
    reintro_prev = None
    reintro_next = None
    for reintro in bill.find_reintroductions():
        if reintro.congress < bill.congress: reintro_prev = reintro
        if reintro.congress > bill.congress and not reintro_next: reintro_next = reintro
    if reintro_prev: related_bills.append({ "bill": reintro_prev, "note": "was a previous version of this bill.", "show_title": False })
    if reintro_next: related_bills.append({ "bill": reintro_next, "note": "was a re-introduction of this bill in a later Congress.", "show_title": False })
    for rb in bill.get_related_bills():
        if rb.relation in ("identical", "rule"):
            related_bills.append({ "bill": rb.related_bill, "note": "(%s)" % rb.relation, "show_title": False })
        elif rb.relation == "ruled-by":
            related_bills.append({ "bill": rb.related_bill, "prenote": "Debate on", "note": " is governed by these rules.", "show_title": False })
            related_bills.append({ "bill": rb.related_bill, "note": ("(%s)" % (rb.relation.title() if rb.relation != "unknown" else "Related")), "show_title": True })

    # bill text info and areas of law affected
    from billtext import load_bill_text
        text_info = load_bill_text(bill, None, mods_only=True, with_citations=True)
    except IOError:
        text_info = None

    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "feed": bill.get_feed(),
        "text_info": text_info,
        "related": related_bills,
Exemplo n.º 42
def bill_details(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)

    # get related bills
    related_bills = []
    reintro_prev = None
    reintro_next = None
    for reintro in bill.find_reintroductions():
        if reintro.congress < bill.congress: reintro_prev = reintro
        if reintro.congress > bill.congress and not reintro_next: reintro_next = reintro
    if reintro_prev: related_bills.append({ "bill": reintro_prev, "note": "was a previous version of this bill.", "show_title": False })
    if reintro_next: related_bills.append({ "bill": reintro_next, "note": "was a re-introduction of this bill in a later Congress.", "show_title": False })
    for rb in bill.get_related_bills():
        if rb.relation in ("identical", "rule"):
            related_bills.append({ "bill": rb.related_bill, "note": "(%s)" % rb.relation, "show_title": False })
        elif rb.relation == "ruled-by":
            related_bills.append({ "bill": rb.related_bill, "prenote": "Debate on", "note": " is governed by these rules.", "show_title": False })
            related_bills.append({ "bill": rb.related_bill, "note": ("(%s)" % (rb.relation.title() if rb.relation != "unknown" else "Related")), "show_title": True })

    # bill text info and areas of law affected
    from billtext import load_bill_text
        text_info = load_bill_text(bill, None, mods_only=True, with_citations=True)
    except IOError:
        text_info = None

    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "feed": bill.get_feed(),
        "text_info": text_info,
        "related": related_bills,
Exemplo n.º 43
def bill_details(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)

    from person.name import get_person_name
    sponsor_name = None if not bill.sponsor else \
        get_person_name(bill.sponsor, role_date=bill.introduced_date, firstname_position='before', show_suffix=True)

    def get_reintroductions():
        reintro_prev = None
        reintro_next = None
        for reintro in bill.find_reintroductions():
            if reintro.congress < bill.congress: reintro_prev = reintro
            if reintro.congress > bill.congress and not reintro_next: reintro_next = reintro
        return reintro_prev, reintro_next

    def get_text_info():
        from models import USCSection
        from billtext import load_bill_text
        from search import parse_slip_law_number
        import re
            metadata = load_bill_text(bill, None, mods_only=True)

            # do interesting stuff with citations
            if "citations" in metadata and not settings.DEBUG:
                slip_laws = []
                statutes = []
                usc = { }
                other = []
                usc_other = USCSection(name="Other Citations", ordering=99999)
                for cite in metadata["citations"]:
                    if cite["type"] == "slip_law":
                        cite["bill"] = parse_slip_law_number(cite["text"])
                    elif cite["type"] == "statutes_at_large":
                    elif cite["type"] in ("usc-section", "usc-chapter"):
                        # Build a tree of title-chapter-...-section nodes so we can
                        # display the citations in context.
                            sec_obj = USCSection.objects.get(citation=cite["key"])
                        except: # USCSection.DoesNotExist and MultipleObjectsReturned both possible
                            # create a fake entry for the sake of output
                            # the 'id' field is set to make these objects properly hashable
                            sec_obj = USCSection(id=cite["text"], name=cite["text"], parent_section=usc_other)

                        if "range_to_section" in cite:
                            sec_obj.range_to_section = cite["range_to_section"]

                        # recursively go up to the title
                        path = [sec_obj]
                        so = sec_obj
                        while so.parent_section:
                            so = so.parent_section

                        # build a link to LII
                        if cite["type"] == "usc-section":
                            cite_link = "http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/" + cite["title"]
                            if cite["section"]:
                                cite_link += "/" + cite["section"]
                            if cite["paragraph"]: cite_link += "#" + "_".join(re.findall(r"\(([^)]+)\)", cite["paragraph"]))
                        elif cite["type"] == "usc-chapter":
                            cite_link = "http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/" + cite["title"] + "/" + "/".join(
                                (so.level_type + "-" + so.number) for so in reversed(path[:-1])
                        sec_obj.link = cite_link

                        # now pop off from the path to put the node at the right point in a tree
                        container = usc
                        while path:
                            p = path.pop(-1)
                            if p not in container: container[p] = { }
                            container = container[p]


                slip_laws.sort(key = lambda x : (x["congress"], x["number"]))

                # restructure data format
                def ucfirst(s): return s[0].upper() + s[1:]
                def rebuild_usc_sec(seclist, indent=0):
                    ret = []
                    seclist = sorted(seclist.items(), key=lambda x : x[0].ordering)
                    for sec, subparts in seclist:
                            "text": (ucfirst(sec.level_type + ((" " + sec.number) if sec.number else "") + (": " if sec.name else "")) if sec.level_type else "") + (sec.name_recased if sec.name else ""),
                            "link": getattr(sec, "link", None),
                            "range_to_section": getattr(sec, "range_to_section", None),
                            "indent": indent,
                        ret.extend(rebuild_usc_sec(subparts, indent=indent+1))
                    return ret
                usc = rebuild_usc_sec(usc)

                metadata["citations"] = {
                    "slip_laws": slip_laws, "statutes": statutes, "usc": usc, "other": other,
                    "count": len(slip_laws)+len(statutes)+len(usc)+len(other) }
            return metadata
        except IOError:
            return None

    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "sponsor_name": sponsor_name,
        "reintros": get_reintroductions, # defer so we can use template caching
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "feed": Feed.BillFeed(bill),
        "text": get_text_info,

        "care2_category_id": {
            5816: '793', # Agriculture and Food=>Health
            5840: '789', # Animals=>Animal Welfare
            5996: '794', # Civil Rights=>Human Rights
            5991: '791', # Education=>Education
            6021: '792', # Energy=>Environment & Wildlife
            6038: '792', # Environmental Protection=>Environment & Wildlife
            6053: '793', # Families=>Health
            6130: '793', # Health=>Health
            6206: '794', # Immigration=>Human Rights
            6279: '792', # Public Lands/Natural Resources=>Environment & Wildlife
            6321: '791', # Social Sciences=>Education
            6328: '793', # Social Welfare => Health
        }.get(bill.get_top_term_id(), '795') # fall back to Politics category
Exemplo n.º 44
def format_congress_number(value):
    start, end = get_congress_dates(value)
    end_year = end.year if end.month > 1 else end.year - 1  # count January finishes as the prev year
    return '%s Congress: %d-%d' % (ordinal(value), start.year, end.year)
Exemplo n.º 45
def main(options):
    Update Person and PersonRole models.
    Do safe update: touch only those records
    which have been changed.

    SRC_FILES = ['legislators-current', 'legislators-historical', 'legislators-social-media', 'executive'] # order matters

    for p in SRC_FILES:
        f = BASE_PATH + p + ".yaml"
        if not File.objects.is_changed(f) and not options.force:
            log.info('File %s was not changed' % f)
            # file modified...
        # no 'break' ==> no files modified

    # Start parsing.
    had_error = False

    # Get combined data.
    legislator_data = { }
    leg_id_map = { }
    for p in SRC_FILES:
        log.info('Opening %s...' % p)
        f = BASE_PATH + p + ".yaml"
        y = yaml_load(f)
        for m in y:
            if p != 'legislators-social-media':
                govtrack_id = m["id"].get("govtrack")
                # For the benefit of the social media file, make a mapping of IDs.
                for k, v in m["id"].items():
                    if type(v) != list:
                        leg_id_map[(k,v)] = govtrack_id
                # GovTrack IDs are not always listed in this file.
                govtrack_id = None
                for k, v in m["id"].items():
                    if type(v) != list and (k, v) in leg_id_map:
                        govtrack_id = leg_id_map[(k,v)]
            if not govtrack_id:
                print "No GovTrack ID:"
                had_error = True
            if govtrack_id not in legislator_data:
                legislator_data[govtrack_id] = m
            elif p == "legislators-social-media":
                legislator_data[govtrack_id]["social"] = m["social"]
            elif p == "executive":
                legislator_data[govtrack_id]["terms"].extend( m["terms"] )
                raise ValueError("Duplication in an unexpected way (%d, %s)." % (govtrack_id, p))
    person_processor = PersonProcessor()
    role_processor = PersonRoleProcessor()

    existing_persons = set(Person.objects.values_list('pk', flat=True))
    processed_persons = set()
    created_persons = set()

    progress = Progress(total=len(legislator_data))
    log.info('Processing persons')

    for node in legislator_data.values():
        # Wrap each iteration in try/except
        # so that if some node breaks the parsing process
        # then other nodes could be parsed
            person = person_processor.process(Person(), node)
            # Create cached name strings. This is done again later
            # after the roles are updated.

            # Now try to load the person with such ID from
            # database. If found it then just update it
            # else create new Person object
                ex_person = Person.objects.get(pk=person.pk)
                if person_processor.changed(ex_person, person) or options.force:
                    # If the person has PK of existing record,
                    # coming in via the YAML-specified GovTrack ID,
                    # then Django ORM will update existing record
                    if not options.force:
                        log.warn("Updated %s" % person)
            except Person.DoesNotExist:
                log.warn("Created %s" % person)


            # Process roles of the person
            roles = list(PersonRole.objects.filter(person=person))
            existing_roles = set(PersonRole.objects.filter(person=person).values_list('pk', flat=True))
            processed_roles = set()
            role_list = []
            for termnode in node['terms']:
                role = role_processor.process(PersonRole(), termnode)
                role.person = person
                role.extra = filter_yaml_term_structure(termnode) # copy in the whole YAML structure
                now = datetime.now().date()
                if now < get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[0]:
                    # in the transition time before the next Congress, just count as that Congress
                    now = get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[0]
                role.current = role.startdate <= now and role.enddate >= now

                # Scan for most recent leadership role within the time period of this term,
                # which isn't great for Senators because it's likely it changed a few times
                # within a term, especially if there was a party switch.
                role.leadership_title = None
                for leadership_node in node.get("leadership_roles", []):
                    # must match on date and chamber
                    if leadership_node["start"] >= role.enddate.isoformat(): continue # might start on the same day but is for the next Congress
                    if "end" in leadership_node and leadership_node["end"] <= role.startdate.isoformat(): continue # might start on the same day but is for the previous Congress
                    if leadership_node["chamber"] != RoleType.by_value(role.role_type).congress_chamber.lower(): continue
                    role.leadership_title = leadership_node["title"]
                # Try to match this role with one already in the database.
                # First search for an exact match on type/start/end.
                ex_role = None
                for r in roles:
                    if role.role_type == r.role_type and r.startdate == role.startdate and r.enddate == role.enddate:
                        ex_role = r
                # Otherwise match on type & either start or end only.
                if not ex_role:
                    for r in roles:
                        if role.role_type == r.role_type and (r.startdate == role.startdate or r.enddate == role.enddate):
                            ex_role = r

                if ex_role:    
                    # These roles correspond.
                    role.id = ex_role.id
                    if role_processor.changed(ex_role, role) or options.force:
                        if not options.force:
                            log.warn("Updated %s" % role)
                    roles.remove(ex_role) # don't need to try matching this to any other node
                    # Didn't find a matching role.
                    if len([r for r in roles if r.role_type == role.role_type]) > 0:
                        print role, "is one of these?"
                        for ex_role in roles:
                            print "\t", ex_role
                        raise Exception("There is an unmatched role.")
                    log.warn("Created %s" % role)
            # create the events for the roles after all have been loaded
            # because we don't create events for ends of terms and
            # starts of terms that are adjacent.
            if not options.disable_events:
                for i in xrange(len(role_list)):
                        role_list[i-1] if i > 0 else None,
                        role_list[i+1] if i < len(role_list)-1 else None
            removed_roles = existing_roles - processed_roles
            for pk in removed_roles:
                pr = PersonRole.objects.get(pk=pk)
                print pr.person.id, pr
                raise ValueError("Deleted role??")
                log.warn("Deleted %s" % pr)
            # The name can't be determined until all of the roles are set. If
            # it changes, re-save. Unfortunately roles are cached so this actually
            # doesn't work yet. Re-run the parser to fix names.
            nn = (person.name, person.sortname)
            if hasattr(person, "role"): delattr(person, "role") # clear the cached info
            if nn != (person.name, person.sortname):
                log.warn("%s is now %s." % (nn[0], person.name))
        except Exception, ex:
            # Catch unexpected exceptions and log them
            log.error('', exc_info=ex)
            had_error = True

Exemplo n.º 46
 def get_prognosis(self):
     if self.congress != settings.CURRENT_CONGRESS: return None
     import prognosis
     prog = prognosis.compute_prognosis(self)
     prog["congressdates"] = get_congress_dates(prog["congress"])
     return prog
Exemplo n.º 47
def bill_details(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    if type_slug.isdigit():
        bill_type = type_slug
            bill_type = BillType.by_slug(type_slug)
        except BillType.NotFound:
            raise Http404("Invalid bill type: " + type_slug)
    bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, congress=congress, bill_type=bill_type, number=number)
    from person.name import get_person_name
    sponsor_name = None if not bill.sponsor else \
        get_person_name(bill.sponsor, role_date=bill.introduced_date, firstname_position='before', show_suffix=True)
    def get_reintroductions():
        reintro_prev = None
        reintro_next = None
        for reintro in bill.find_reintroductions():
            if reintro.congress < bill.congress: reintro_prev = reintro
            if reintro.congress > bill.congress and not reintro_next: reintro_next = reintro
        return reintro_prev, reintro_next
    def get_text_info():
        from models import USCSection
        from billtext import load_bill_text
        from search import parse_slip_law_number
        import re
            metadata = load_bill_text(bill, None, mods_only=True)
            # do interesting stuff with citations
            if "citations" in metadata:
                slip_laws = []
                statutes = []
                usc = { }
                other = []
                usc_other = USCSection(name="Other Citations", ordering=99999)
                for cite in metadata["citations"]:
                    if cite["type"] == "slip_law":
                        cite["bill"] = parse_slip_law_number(cite["text"])
                    elif cite["type"] == "statutes_at_large":
                    elif cite["type"] == "usc":
                        # build a normalized citation and a link to LII
                        cite_norm = "usc/" + cite["title"]
                        cite_link = "http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/" + cite["title"]
                        if cite["section"]:
                            cite_link += "/" + cite["section"]
                            cite_norm += "/" + cite["section"]
                        if cite["paragraph"]: cite_link += "#" + "_".join(re.findall(r"\(([^)]+)\)", cite["paragraph"]))
                        # Build a tree of title-chapter-...-section nodes so we can
                        # display the citations in context.
                            sec_obj = USCSection.objects.get(citation=cite_norm)
                        except: # USCSection.DoesNotExist and MultipleObjectsReturned both possible
                            # the 'id' field is set to make these objects properly hashable
                            sec_obj = USCSection(id=cite["text"], name=cite["text"], parent_section=usc_other)
                        sec_obj.link = cite_link
                        if "range_to_section" in cite:
                            sec_obj.range_to_section = cite["range_to_section"]
                        # recursively go up to the title
                        path = [sec_obj]
                        while sec_obj.parent_section:
                            sec_obj = sec_obj.parent_section
                        # now pop off from the path to put the node at the right point in a tree
                        container = usc
                        while path:
                            p = path.pop(-1)
                            if p not in container: container[p] = { }
                            container = container[p]
                slip_laws.sort(key = lambda x : (x["congress"], x["number"]))
                # restructure data format
                def ucfirst(s): return s[0].upper() + s[1:]
                def rebuild_usc_sec(seclist, indent=0):
                    ret = []
                    seclist = sorted(seclist.items(), key=lambda x : x[0].ordering)
                    for sec, subparts in seclist:
                            "text": (ucfirst(sec.level_type + ((" " + sec.number) if sec.number else "") + (": " if sec.name else "")) if sec.level_type else "") + (sec.name if sec.name else ""),
                            "link": getattr(sec, "link", None),
                            "range_to_section": getattr(sec, "range_to_section", None),
                            "indent": indent,
                        ret.extend(rebuild_usc_sec(subparts, indent=indent+1))
                    return ret
                usc = rebuild_usc_sec(usc)
                metadata["citations"] = {
                    "slip_laws": slip_laws, "statutes": statutes, "usc": usc, "other": other,
                    "count": len(slip_laws)+len(statutes)+len(usc)+len(other) }
            return metadata
        except IOError:
            return None

    return {
        'bill': bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
        "subtitle": get_secondary_bill_title(bill, bill.titles),
        "sponsor_name": sponsor_name,
        "reintros": get_reintroductions, # defer so we can use template caching
        "current": bill.congress == CURRENT_CONGRESS,
        "dead": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS and bill.current_status not in BillStatus.final_status_obvious,
        "feed": Feed.BillFeed(bill),
        "text": get_text_info,
def format_congress_number(value):
    start, end = get_congress_dates(value)
    end_year = end.year if end.month > 1 else end.year-1 # count January finishes as the prev year
    return '%s Congress: %d-%d' % (ordinal(value), start.year, end.year)
def run_analysis(label, congress):
	global stats
	global columns

	congress_dates = get_congress_dates(congress)

	start_date = datetime.date(congress_dates[0].year, 1, 1)

	# limit to now, for the current congress
	end_date = datetime.date(congress_dates[0].year, 9, 11)
	end_date = min(end_date, datetime.datetime.now().date())

	bills = Bill.objects.filter(congress=congress, bill_type__in=(BillType.house_bill, BillType.senate_bill, BillType.house_joint_resolution, BillType.senate_joint_resolution), introduced_date__lte=end_date)\
	by_day = { }
	for b in tqdm.tqdm(bills, desc=label):
		match_date = None
		for datestr, state, text, srcxml in b.major_actions:
			action_date = eval(datestr)
			#if state in (BillStatus.pass_over_house, BillStatus.pass_back_house, BillStatus.passed_bill):
			if state in BillStatus.final_status_enacted_bill:
				match_date = action_date.date()
			# No event matched.

		# Load plain text.
		text = load_bill_text(b, None, plain_text=True)

		# Bills since 1993 have GPO MODS XML metadata with page counts.
			mods = load_bill_text(b, None, mods_only=True)
			pages = mods.get("numpages")
		except (IOError, AttributeError) as e:
			# For historical statutes we only have plain text from the
			# Statutes at Large, extracted from PDFs. We can get page
			# counts by looking for our replacement of the form feed
			# character put in by pdftotext. We only have that when
			# we extracted text from PDFs, which we only did for
			# the Statutes at Large. We can't do this on modern bills
			# where the text came from GPO plain text format.
			if b.congress < 103:
				pages = len([pgtext for pgtext in text.split("\n=============================================\n") if pgtext.strip() != ""])
				print b.id, b, e
				raise ValueError("page date missing")

		#words = len(re.split(r"\s+", text)) # not very good for pre-GPO bills because Statutes at Large pages may have multiple statutes on them

		################ EEK
		#if pages == 1: continue
		################ EEK

		rel_date = (match_date - start_date).days
		rec = by_day.setdefault(rel_date, { "bills": 0, "pages": 0 } )
		rec["bills"] += 1
		rec["pages"] += pages
		#rec["words"] += words

	# Compute cumulative counts starting on day 0 and for every day till the
	# last day a bill was signed.
	bills = 0
	pages = 0
	#words = 0
	for rel_date in range((end_date-start_date).days+1):
		if rel_date in by_day:
			bills += by_day[rel_date]["bills"]
			pages += by_day[rel_date]["pages"]
			#words += by_day[rel_date]["words"]
		stats.setdefault(rel_date, {})[label] = (bills, pages)
Exemplo n.º 50
 def get_last_role_at_congress(self, congress):
     start, end = get_congress_dates(congress)
         return self.roles.filter(startdate__lte=end, enddate__gte=start).order_by('-startdate')[0]
     except IndexError:
         return None
def get_bill_factors(bill, pop_title_prefixes, committee_membership, majority_party, lobbying_data, include_related_bills=True):
	factors = list()
	# introduced date (idea from Yano, Smith and Wilkerson 2012 paper)
	idate = bill.introduced_date
	if hasattr(idate, 'date'): idate = idate.date() # not sure how this is possible
	if (idate - get_congress_dates(bill.congress)[0]).days < 90:
		factors.append(("introduced_first90days", "The %s was introduced in the first 90 days of the Congress." % bill.noun, "Introduced in the first 90 days of the Congress (incl. companion bills)."))
	if (idate - get_congress_dates(bill.congress)[0]).days < 365:
		factors.append(("introduced_firstyear", "The %s was introduced in the first year of the Congress." % bill.noun, "Introduced in the first year of the Congress (incl. companion bills)."))
	if (get_congress_dates(bill.congress)[1] - idate).days < 90:
		factors.append(("introduced_last90days", "The %s was introduced in the last 90 days of the Congress." % bill.noun, "Introduced in the last 90 days of the Congress (incl. companion bills)."))
	# does the bill's title start with a common prefix?
	for prefix in pop_title_prefixes:
		if bill.title_no_number.startswith(prefix + " "):
			factors.append(("startswith:" + prefix, "The %s's title starts with \"%s.\"" % (bill.noun, prefix), "Title starts with \"%s\"." % prefix))
	cosponsors = list(Cosponsor.objects.filter(bill=bill, withdrawn=None).select_related("person"))
	committees = list(bill.committees.all())
	maj_party = majority_party[bill.bill_type]
	if bill.sponsor_role:
		# party of the sponsor
		sponsor_party = bill.sponsor_role.party
		if sponsor_party != maj_party:
			factors.append( ("sponsor_minority", "The sponsor is a member of the minority party.", "Sponsor is a member of the minority party.") )
		# is the sponsor a member/chair of a committee to which the bill has
		# been referred?
		for rname, rvalue in (("member", CommitteeMemberRole.member), ("rankingmember", CommitteeMemberRole.ranking_member), ("vicechair", CommitteeMemberRole.vice_chairman), ("chair", CommitteeMemberRole.chairman)):
			for committee in committees:
				if committee_membership.get(bill.sponsor_id, {}).get(committee.code) == rvalue:
					if rvalue != CommitteeMemberRole.member:
						factors.append(("sponsor_committee_%s" % rname, "The sponsor is the %s of a committee to which the %s has been referred." % (CommitteeMemberRole.by_value(rvalue).label.lower(), bill.noun), "Sponsor is a relevant committee %s." % CommitteeMemberRole.by_value(rvalue).label.lower()))
					if sponsor_party == maj_party:
						factors.append(("sponsor_committee_member_majority", "The sponsor is on a committee to which the %s has been referred, and the sponsor is a member of the majority party." % bill.noun, "Sponsor is on a relevant committee & in majority party."))
		# leadership score of the sponsor, doesn't actually seem to be helpful,
		# even though leadership score of cosponsors is.
		if get_leadership_score(bill.sponsor) > .8:
			if sponsor_party == maj_party:
				factors.append(("sponsor_leader_majority", "The sponsor is in the majority party and has a high leadership score.", "Sponsor has a high leadership score (majority party)."))
				factors.append(("sponsor_leader_minority", "The sponsor has a high leadership score but is not in the majority party.", "Sponsor has a high leadership score (minority party)."))
	# count cosponsor assignments to committees by committee role and Member party
	for rname, rvalue in (("committeemember", CommitteeMemberRole.member), ("rankingmember", CommitteeMemberRole.ranking_member), ("vicechair", CommitteeMemberRole.vice_chairman), ("chair", CommitteeMemberRole.chairman)):
		num_cosp = 0
		for cosponsor in cosponsors:
			for committee in committees:
				cvalue = committee_membership.get(cosponsor.person.id, {}).get(committee.code)
				if cvalue == rvalue or (rvalue==CommitteeMemberRole.member and cvalue != None):
					num_cosp += 1
		if rvalue == CommitteeMemberRole.member:
			if num_cosp <= 2: # ranges are tweakable...
				num_cosp = str(num_cosp)
			if num_cosp <= 5:
				num_cosp = "3-5"
				num_cosp = "6+"
			factors.append( ("cosponsor_%s_%s" % (rname, num_cosp), "%s cosponsors serve on a committee to which the %s has been referred." % (num_cosp, bill.noun), "%s cosponsors are on a relevant committee." % num_cosp) )
		elif num_cosp > 0:
			rname2 = CommitteeMemberRole.by_value(rvalue).label.lower()
			factors.append( ("cosponsor_%s" % rname, "A cosponsor is the %s of a committee to which the %s has been referred." % (rname2, bill.noun), "A cosponsor is a relevant committee %s." % rname2))
	# what committees is the bill assigned to? only look at committees
	# in the originating chamber, since assignments in the other chamber
	# indicate the bill had at least one successful vote.
	for cm in committees:
		if cm.committee != None: continue # skip subcommittees
		if CommitteeType.by_value(cm.committee_type).label != bill.originating_chamber: continue
		factors.append( ("committee_%s" % cm.code, "The bill was referred to %s." % cm.shortname, "Referred to %s." % cm.shortname))

	# do we have cosponsors on both parties?
	num_cosp_majority = 0
	for cosponsor in cosponsors:
		if cosponsor.role.party == maj_party:
			num_cosp_majority += 1
	if bill.sponsor and sponsor_party == maj_party and len(cosponsors) >= 6 and num_cosp_majority < 2.0*len(cosponsors)/3:
		factors.append(("cosponsors_bipartisan", "The sponsor is in the majority party and at least one third of the %s's cosponsors are from the minority party." % bill.noun, "Sponsor is in majority party and 1/3rd+ of cosponsors are in minority party."))
	if num_cosp_majority > 0 and num_cosp_majority < len(cosponsors):
		factors.append(("cosponsors_crosspartisan", "There is at least one cosponsor from the majority party and one cosponsor outside of the majority party.", "Has cosponsors from both parties."))

	for is_majority in (False, True):
		for cosponsor in cosponsors:
			if (cosponsor.role.party == maj_party) != is_majority: continue
			if get_leadership_score(cosponsor.person) > .85:
				if is_majority:
					factors.append(("cosponsor_leader_majority", "A cosponsor in the majority party has a high leadership score.", "Cosponsor has high leadership score (majority party)."))
					factors.append(("cosponsor_leader_minority", "A cosponsor in the minority party has a high leadership score.", "Cosponsor has high leadership score (minority party)."))

	# Is this bill a re-intro from last Congress, and if so was that bill reported by committee?
	if bill.sponsor:
		def normalize_title(title):
			# remove anything that looks like a year
			return re.sub(r"of \d\d\d\d$", "", title)
		for reintro in Bill.objects.filter(congress=bill.congress-1, sponsor=bill.sponsor):
			if normalize_title(bill.title_no_number) == normalize_title(reintro.title_no_number):
				if reintro.current_status not in (BillStatus.introduced, BillStatus.referred):
					factors.append(("reintroduced_of_reported", "This %s was reported by committee as %s in the previous session of Congress." % (bill.noun, reintro.display_number), "Got past committee in a previous Congress."))
					factors.append(("reintroduced", "This %s was a re-introduction of %s from the previous session of Congress." % (bill.noun, reintro.display_number), "Is a bill reintroduced from a previous Congress."))

	if include_related_bills: # prevent infinite recursion
		# Add factors from any CRS-identified identical bill, changing most factors'
		# key into companion_KEY so that they become separate factors to consider.
		# For some specific factors, lump them in with the factor for the bill itself.
		for rb in RelatedBill.objects.filter(bill=bill, relation="identical").select_related("related_bill", "related_bill__sponsor_role"):
			# has a companion
			factors.append(("companion", "The %s has been introduced in both chambers (the other is %s)." % (bill.noun, rb.related_bill.display_number), "Has a companion bill in the other chamber."))
			# companion sponsor's party
			if bill.sponsor_role and rb.related_bill.sponsor_role:
				if bill.sponsor_role.party != rb.related_bill.sponsor_role.party:
					factors.append(("companion_bipartisan", "The %s's companion %s was sponsored by a member of the other party." % (bill.noun, rb.related_bill.display_number), "Has a companion bill sponsored by the other party."))
			for f in get_bill_factors(rb.related_bill, pop_title_prefixes, committee_membership, majority_party, lobbying_data, include_related_bills=False):
				if "startswith" in f[0]: continue # don't include title factors because the title is probs the same
				if f[0] in ("introduced_first90days", "introduced_last90days", "introduced_firstyear", "reintroduced_of_reported", "reintroduced"):
					f = (f[0], "%s (on companion bill %s)" % (f[1], rb.related_bill.display_number), f[2])
					f = ("companion__" + f[0], "Companion bill " + rb.related_bill.display_number + ": " + f[1], "On a companion bill: " + f[2])
				# Make sure not to duplicate any factors, especially if we are promoting the companion
				# bill factor to a main factor, we don't want to double count or override the description
				# on the main bill.
				if f[0] in set(k[0] for k in factors): continue

	# Are lobbyists registering that they are lobbying on this bill? Does this bill
	# have more registered lobbying than the median bill? Overall this picks out
	# bills NOT likely to be enacted.
	# Two possible explanations: First, lobbying can be to defeat a bill not just
	# pass it. So this would indicate that on balance lobbying is having that effect.
	# Second it could be because lobbyists don't bother with
	# the easy bills that don't need their help. Meaning, they pick out a pool of
	# improbable bllls, and presumably make those bills more likely to be enacted
	# but still not as likely as the easy bills. (If they truly hurt a bill's future, they
	# would presumably know and stop lobbying!)
	# Looking at lobbying might be more useful if we combined it with another
	# factor that could pick out the hard bills, and then this might show that for
	# hard bills, lobbying made the bills more successful. But it's a bit impossible
	# because surely the lobbyists know better than we do which bills are hard,
	# so it would be impossible to factor out "hard bills" entirely.
	if False:
		if lobbying_data["counts"].get( (bill.bill_type, bill.number), 0 ) > lobbying_data["median"]:
			factors.append( ("crp-lobby-many", "The Center for Responsive Politics reports that a large number of organizations are lobbying on this %s." % bill.noun, "Has many lobbyists.") )
		elif lobbying_data["counts"].get( (bill.bill_type, bill.number), 0 ) > 0:
			factors.append( ("crp-lobby", "The Center for Responsive Politics reports that organizations are lobbying on this %s." % bill.noun, "Has lobbyists.") )

	return factors
Exemplo n.º 52
	## power
	#congress_same_party = party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][1]
	#branches_same_party = (party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][1]) and (party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][2])


	timespan = "%d-%d" % (get_congress_dates(congress)[0].year, ((get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year-1) if get_congress_dates(congress)[1].month == 1 else get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year))
	row = [congress, timespan, date_range[0].isoformat(), date_range[1].isoformat(),
		enacted_bills_count, enacted_bill_pages, enacted_bill_words, house_votes, senate_votes]
	#print("<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join( "<td>%s</td> " % td for td in row) )

if 0:
	# Look at corresponding time periods from past Congresses.
	# Go back a few days because our data isn't real time!
	days_in = (datetime.now().date() - get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[0]) \
		- timedelta(days=4)
	print("We are about %d days into the %d Congress" % (days_in.days, CURRENT_CONGRESS))
	for c in range(93, CURRENT_CONGRESS+1):
		date_range = get_congress_dates(c)
		compute_productivity(c, (date_range[0], date_range[1] + days_in))

elif 0:
	for c in range(93, CURRENT_CONGRESS+1):
		# January 1 of the second year of the Congress
		# through March 31 of that year.
		date_range = get_congress_dates(c)
		date_range = (datetime(date_range[0].year+1, 1, 1).date(), datetime(date_range[0].year+1, 1, 1).date()+timedelta(days=105))
		compute_productivity(c, date_range)

elif 0:
Exemplo n.º 53
                          ((get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year -
                            1) if get_congress_dates(congress)[1].month == 1
                           else get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year))
    row = [
        congress, timespan, date_range[0].isoformat(),
        date_range[1].isoformat(), enacted_bills_count, enacted_bill_pages,
        enacted_bill_words, house_votes, senate_votes
    #print("<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join( "<td>%s</td> " % td for td in row) )

if 0:
    # Look at corresponding time periods from past Congresses.
    # Go back a few days because our data isn't real time!
    days_in = (datetime.now().date() - get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[0]) \
     - timedelta(days=4)
    print("We are about %d days into the %d Congress" %
          (days_in.days, CURRENT_CONGRESS))
    for c in range(93, 114 + 1):
        date_range = get_congress_dates(c)
        compute_productivity(c, (date_range[0], date_range[1] + days_in))

elif 0:
    for c in range(93, 114 + 1):
        # January 1 of the second year of the Congress
        # through March 31 of that year.
        date_range = get_congress_dates(c)
        date_range = (datetime(date_range[0].year + 1, 1, 1).date(),
                      datetime(date_range[0].year + 1, 1, 1).date() +
Exemplo n.º 54
def compute_productivity(congress, date_range):
    # laws

    enacted_bills = Bill.objects.filter(
        #congress=congress, --- because we're mostly measuring presidential activity, the date of signing could be outside of the Congress

    #enacted_bills = (enacted_bills.filter(title__contains="Appropriations") | enacted_bills.filter(title__contains="Authorization")).distinct()

    enacted_bills = list(enacted_bills)
    enacted_bills_count = len(enacted_bills)

    enacted_bill_pages = 0
    enacted_bill_words = 0
    enacted_bill_pages_missing = 0
    for b in enacted_bills:
            pp = load_bill_text(b, None, mods_only=True).get("numpages")
        except IOError:
            pp = None
        if pp is None:
            enacted_bill_pages_missing += 1
        pp = int(pp.replace(" pages", ""))
        enacted_bill_pages += pp

        wds = len(load_bill_text(b, None, plain_text=True).split(" "))
        enacted_bill_words += wds

    if congress < 103: enacted_bill_pages = "(no data)"
    if congress < 103: enacted_bill_words = "(no data)"

    # votes

    house_votes = Vote.objects.filter(congress=congress,
    senate_votes = Vote.objects.filter(congress=congress,

    ## power
    #congress_same_party = party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][1]
    #branches_same_party = (party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][1]) and (party_control[congress][0] == party_control[congress][2])


    timespan = "%d-%d" % (get_congress_dates(congress)[0].year,
                          ((get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year -
                            1) if get_congress_dates(congress)[1].month == 1
                           else get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year))
    row = [
        congress, timespan, date_range[0].isoformat(),
        date_range[1].isoformat(), enacted_bills_count, enacted_bill_pages,
        enacted_bill_words, house_votes, senate_votes
Exemplo n.º 55
def bill_summaries(request, congress, type_slug, number):
    bill = load_bill_from_url(congress, type_slug, number)
    return {
        "bill": bill,
        "congressdates": get_congress_dates(bill.congress),
Exemplo n.º 56
#	senate_votes = Vote.objects.filter(
#		congress=congress,
#		created__gte=date_range[0],
#		created__lte=date_range[1],
#		chamber=CongressChamber.senate).count()

	#timespan = "%d-%d" % (get_congress_dates(congress)[0].year, ((get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year-1) if get_congress_dates(congress)[1].month == 1 else get_congress_dates(congress)[1].year))
	row = [label or congress, date_range[0].isoformat(), date_range[1].isoformat(),
		enacted_bills_count, enacted_bill_pages, enacted_bill_words] #, house_votes, senate_votes]
	#print("<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join( "<td>%s</td> " % td for td in row) )

if 0:
	# Look at corresponding time periods from past Congresses.
	# Go back a few days because our data isn't real time!
	days_in = (datetime.now().date() - get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[0]) \
		- timedelta(days=4)
	print("We are about %d days into the %d Congress" % (days_in.days, CURRENT_CONGRESS))
	for c in range(93, CURRENT_CONGRESS+1):
		date_range = get_congress_dates(c)
		compute_productivity(c, (date_range[0], date_range[0] + days_in))

elif 1:
	# First X days of presidency, minus a few days because of
	# data delays.
	days_in = (datetime.now().date() - datetime(get_congress_dates(CURRENT_CONGRESS)[0].year, 1, 20, 0, 0, 0).date()) \
		- timedelta(days=0)
	#days_in = timedelta(days=178)
	print("We are about %d days into the presidency" % days_in.days)
	print("Looking at presidents whose first day is Jan 20 of the first year of a Congress.")
	for label, congress in (("Eisenhower", 83), ("Kennedy", 87), ("Nixon", 91), ("Carter", 95), ("Reagan", 97), ("Bush1", 101), ("Clinton", 103), ("Bush2", 107), ("Obama", 111), ("Trump", 115)):
Exemplo n.º 57
def get_bill_factors(bill,
    factors = list()

    # introduced date (idea from Yano, Smith and Wilkerson 2012 paper)
    idate = bill.introduced_date
    if hasattr(idate, 'date'):
        idate = idate.date()  # not sure how this is possible
    if (idate - get_congress_dates(bill.congress)[0]).days < 90:
            "The %s was introduced in the first 90 days of the Congress." %
            "Introduced in the first 90 days of the Congress (incl. companion bills)."
    if (idate - get_congress_dates(bill.congress)[0]).days < 365:
            "The %s was introduced in the first year of the Congress." %
            "Introduced in the first year of the Congress (incl. companion bills)."
    if (get_congress_dates(bill.congress)[1] - idate).days < 90:
            "The %s was introduced in the last 90 days of the Congress." %
            "Introduced in the last 90 days of the Congress (incl. companion bills)."

    # does the bill's title start with a common prefix?
    for prefix in pop_title_prefixes:
        if bill.title_no_number.startswith(prefix + " "):
                ("startswith:" + prefix,
                 "The %s's title starts with \"%s.\"" % (bill.noun, prefix),
                 "Title starts with \"%s\"." % prefix))

    cosponsors = list(
    committees = list(bill.committees.all())

    maj_party = majority_party[bill.bill_type]

    if bill.sponsor_role:
        # party of the sponsor
        sponsor_party = bill.sponsor_role.party
        if sponsor_party != maj_party:
                            "The sponsor is a member of the minority party.",
                            "Sponsor is a member of the minority party."))

        # is the sponsor a member/chair of a committee to which the bill has
        # been referred?
        for rname, rvalue in (("member", CommitteeMemberRole.member),
                              ("chair", CommitteeMemberRole.vice_chair),
                              ("chair", CommitteeMemberRole.chair)):
            for committee in committees:
                if committee_membership.get(bill.sponsor_id,
                                            {}).get(committee.code) == rvalue:
                    if rvalue != CommitteeMemberRole.member:
                            "sponsor_committee_%s" % rname,
                            "The sponsor is the %s of a committee to which the %s has been referred."
                            % (CommitteeMemberRole.by_value(
                                rvalue).label.lower(), bill.noun),
                            "Sponsor is a relevant committee %s." %
                    elif sponsor_party == maj_party:
                            "The sponsor is on a committee to which the %s has been referred, and the sponsor is a member of the majority party."
                            % bill.noun,
                            "Sponsor is on a relevant committee & in majority party."

        # leadership score of the sponsor, doesn't actually seem to be helpful,
        # even though leadership score of cosponsors is.
        if get_leadership_score(bill.sponsor) > .8:
            if sponsor_party == maj_party:
                    "The sponsor is in the majority party and has a high leadership score.",
                    "Sponsor has a high leadership score (majority party)."))
                    "The sponsor has a high leadership score but is not in the majority party.",
                    "Sponsor has a high leadership score (minority party)."))

    # count cosponsor assignments to committees by committee role and Member party
    for rname, rvalue in (("committeemember", CommitteeMemberRole.member),
                          ("chair", CommitteeMemberRole.vice_chair),
                          ("chair", CommitteeMemberRole.chair)):
        num_cosp = 0
        for cosponsor in cosponsors:
            for committee in committees:
                cvalue = committee_membership.get(cosponsor.person.id,
                if cvalue == rvalue or (rvalue == CommitteeMemberRole.member
                                        and cvalue != None):
                    num_cosp += 1
        if rvalue == CommitteeMemberRole.member:
            if num_cosp >= 2:
                    "At least two cosponsors serve on a committee to which the %s has been referred."
                    % (bill.noun, ),
                    "2 or more cosponsors are on a relevant committee."))
        elif num_cosp > 0:
            rname2 = CommitteeMemberRole.by_value(rvalue).label.lower()
                "cosponsor_%s" % rname,
                "A cosponsor is the %s of a committee to which the %s has been referred."
                % (rname2, bill.noun),
                "A cosponsor is a relevant committee %s." % rname2))

    # what committees is the bill assigned to? only look at committees
    # in the originating chamber, since assignments in the other chamber
    # indicate the bill had at least one successful vote.
    for cm in committees:
        if cm.committee != None: continue  # skip subcommittees
        if CommitteeType.by_value(
                cm.committee_type).label != bill.originating_chamber:
        factors.append(("committee_%s" % cm.code,
                        "The bill was referred to %s." % cm.shortname,
                        "Referred to %s (incl. companion)." % cm.shortname))

    # do we have cosponsors on both parties?
    num_cosp_majority = 0
    for cosponsor in cosponsors:
        if cosponsor.role.party == maj_party:
            num_cosp_majority += 1
    if bill.sponsor and sponsor_party == maj_party and len(
            cosponsors) >= 6 and num_cosp_majority < 2.0 * len(cosponsors) / 3:
            "The sponsor is in the majority party and at least one third of the %s's cosponsors are from the minority party."
            % bill.noun,
            "Sponsor is in majority party and 1/3rd+ of cosponsors are in minority party."
    elif num_cosp_majority > 0 and num_cosp_majority < len(cosponsors):
            "There is at least one cosponsor from the majority party and one cosponsor outside of the majority party.",
            "Has cosponsors from both parties."))

    for is_majority in (False, True):
        for cosponsor in cosponsors:
            if (cosponsor.role.party == maj_party) != is_majority: continue
            if get_leadership_score(cosponsor.person) > .85:
                if is_majority:
                        "A cosponsor in the majority party has a high leadership score.",
                        "Cosponsor has high leadership score (majority party)."
                        "A cosponsor in the minority party has a high leadership score.",
                        "Cosponsor has high leadership score (minority party)."

    # Is this bill a re-intro from last Congress, and if so was that bill reported by committee?
    if bill.sponsor:

        def normalize_title(title):
            # remove anything that looks like a year
            return re.sub(r"of \d\d\d\d$", "", title)

        for reintro in Bill.objects.filter(congress=bill.congress - 1,
            if normalize_title(bill.title_no_number) == normalize_title(
                if reintro.current_status != BillStatus.introduced:
                        "This %s was reported by committee as %s in the previous session of Congress."
                        % (bill.noun, reintro.display_number),
                        "Got past committee in a previous Congress."))
                        "This %s was a re-introduction of %s from the previous session of Congress."
                        % (bill.noun, reintro.display_number),
                        "Is a bill reintroduced from a previous Congress."))

    if include_related_bills:  # prevent infinite recursion
        # Add factors from any CRS-identified identical bill, changing most factors'
        # key into companion_KEY so that they become separate factors to consider.
        # For some specific factors, lump them in with the factor for the bill itself.
        for rb in RelatedBill.objects.filter(
                bill=bill, relation="identical").select_related(
                    "related_bill", "related_bill__sponsor_role"):
            # has a companion
                "The %s has been introduced in both chambers (the other is %s)."
                % (bill.noun, rb.related_bill.display_number),
                "Has a companion bill in the other chamber."))

            # companion sponsor's party
            if bill.sponsor_role and rb.related_bill.sponsor_role:
                if bill.sponsor_role.party != rb.related_bill.sponsor_role.party:
                        "The %s's companion %s was sponsored by a member of the other party."
                        % (bill.noun, rb.related_bill.display_number),
                        "Has a companion bill sponsored by a member of the other party."

            for f in get_bill_factors(rb.related_bill,
                if "startswith" in f[0]:
                    continue  # don't include title factors because the title is probs the same
                if f[0] in ("introduced_first90days", "introduced_last90days",
                            "introduced_firstyear", "reintroduced_of_reported",
                            "reintroduced") or f[0].startswith("committee_"):
                    f = (f[0], "%s (on companion bill %s)" %
                         (f[1], rb.related_bill.display_number), f[2])
                    f = ("companion__" + f[0], "Companion bill " +
                         rb.related_bill.display_number + ": " + f[1],
                         "On a companion bill: " + f[2])

                # Make sure not to duplicate any factors, especially if we are promoting the companion
                # bill factor to a main factor, we don't want to double count or override the description
                # on the main bill.
                if f[0] in set(k[0] for k in factors): continue


    # Are lobbyists registering that they are lobbying on this bill? Does this bill
    # have more registered lobbying than the median bill? Overall this picks out
    # bills NOT likely to be enacted.
    # Two possible explanations: First, lobbying can be to defeat a bill not just
    # pass it. So this would indicate that on balance lobbying is having that effect.
    # Second it could be because lobbyists don't bother with
    # the easy bills that don't need their help. Meaning, they pick out a pool of
    # improbable bllls, and presumably make those bills more likely to be enacted
    # but still not as likely as the easy bills. (If they truly hurt a bill's future, they
    # would presumably know and stop lobbying!)
    # Looking at lobbying might be more useful if we combined it with another
    # factor that could pick out the hard bills, and then this might show that for
    # hard bills, lobbying made the bills more successful. But it's a bit impossible
    # because surely the lobbyists know better than we do which bills are hard,
    # so it would be impossible to factor out "hard bills" entirely.
    if False:
        if lobbying_data["counts"].get(
            (bill.bill_type, bill.number), 0) > lobbying_data["median"]:
                "The Center for Responsive Politics reports that a large number of organizations are lobbying on this %s."
                % bill.noun, "Has many lobbyists."))
        elif lobbying_data["counts"].get((bill.bill_type, bill.number), 0) > 0:
                "The Center for Responsive Politics reports that organizations are lobbying on this %s."
                % bill.noun, "Has lobbyists."))

    return factors