class IndexerTest( unittest.TestCase ):
    """ Tests Indexer functions.
        To use:
        - activate the virtual environment
        - cd to usep_gh_handler_app directory
        - for all tests:
            python ./tests/
        - for single test (eg):
            python ./tests/ IndexerTest.test__post_solr_update """

    def setUp( self ):
        self.indexer = Indexer()

    def test__build_solr_doc(self):
        """ Tests bib-only inscription. """
        inscription_xml_path = os.path.abspath( './tests/test_files/CA.Berk.UC.HMA.G.8-4213.xml' )
        solr_xml = self.indexer._build_solr_doc( inscription_xml_path )
        self.assertEqual( str, type(solr_xml) )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="title">CA.Berk.UC.HMA.G.8/4213</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="msid_settlement">Berk</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="msid_institution">UC</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="msid_repository">HMA</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="msid_idno">8/4213</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="language">grc</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )

    def test__post_solr_update(self):
        """ Tests post to solr. """
        solr_xml = self.indexer._build_solr_doc( inscription_xml_path )
        self.assertTrue( '<int name="status">0</int>' in self.indexer._post_solr_update(solr_xml)  )
Exemplo n.º 2
class IndexerTest( unittest.TestCase ):
    """ Tests Indexer functions.
        To use:
        - activate the virtual environment
        - cd to tests directory
        - run python ./ """

    def setUp( self ):
        self.indexer = Indexer( log )

    def test__build_solr_doc(self):
        """ Tests bib-only inscription. """
        solr_xml = self.indexer._build_solr_doc( inscription_xml_path )
        self.assertEqual( unicode, type(solr_xml) )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="title">CA.Berk.UC.HMA.G.8/4213</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="msid_settlement">Berk</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="msid_institution">UC</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="msid_repository">HMA</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="msid_idno">8/4213</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )
        self.assertTrue( '<field name="language">grc</field>' in solr_xml, 'solr_xml, ```%s```' % solr_xml )

    def test__post_solr_update(self):
        """ Tests post to solr. """
        solr_xml = self.indexer._build_solr_doc( inscription_xml_path )
        self.assertEqual( '<int name="status">0</int>', self.indexer._post_solr_update(solr_xml) )