Exemplo n.º 1
def _update_symbols(state):
    """Update the currently active symbols."""
    global context
    # TODO: Maybe add a hard cap on the total number here? Might be better to do
    #   that in Emacs, but I think I want redundancy.
    symbols = state.get(ACTIVE_SYMBOLS_KEY, [])
    whole_symbols = {}
    symbol_sections = {}
    for symbol in symbols:
        # TODO: Clean up the `lower` calls here. Pull them into `spoken_form`.
        separated = separate_words(symbol)
        if len(separated) > 1:
            whole_symbols[spoken_form(separated).lower()] = separated.lower()
            for component in separated.split(" "):
                # TODO: Don't allow clashes here? E.g. "Target" & "target". Might
                #   not need to, Talon might optimize them.
                    component).lower()] = component.lower()
        "Updating Emacs symbols: {} symbols, {} sections added.".format(
    context.lists["user.active_symbols"] = whole_symbols
Exemplo n.º 2
def _extract_mode_commands(all_commands: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    """Extract the major- and minor-mode commands from `all_commands`."""
    mode_commands = {}
    for command in all_commands:
        if command.endswith("-mode"):
            mode_commands[spoken_form(command)] = command
    return mode_commands
Exemplo n.º 3
def action_command(action: str) -> str:
    """Create a spoken form of a particular action."""
    if action.startswith("it-"):
        action = action[3:]
    # Go implies movement. It's unnecessary.
    if action.startswith("go-"):
        action = action[3:]
    return utils.spoken_form(action)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _update_words(state):
    words = {}
    window_strings = state.get("visible-text", [])
    for window_string in window_strings:
        spoken_map = {
            spoken_form(word): word
            for word in _extract_words(window_string)
    context.lists["user.selectable_words"] = words
Exemplo n.º 5
def _speech_snippet_list(state):
    """Extract active snippets, in speakable form."""
    new_snippets = {}
    snippet_tables = state.get(SNIPPET_TABLES_KEY, {})
    active_tables = state.get(ACTIVE_TABLES_KEY, [])
    for table_name in active_tables:
        for snippet in snippet_tables.get(table_name, []):
            key = snippet["key"]
            name = snippet["name"]
            spoken_name = spoken_form(name)
            spoken_key = spoken_form(key)
            if spoken_key:
                new_snippets[spoken_key] = name
            # Names are generally a better way to speak a snippet. Update names
            # second so they override keys when there's a clash.
            # Note it's possible that by converting to spoken form, we create
            # identical spoken references to different snippets. Those clashes
            # will need to be renamed.
            if spoken_name:
                new_snippets[spoken_name] = name
    return new_snippets
Exemplo n.º 6
def object_bindings(object_tables):
    simple_commands, prefix_commands, wrap_commands = {}, {}, {}
    # `object_tables` structure:
    # {"python-mode": {"type-1": <object>,
    #                  "type-2": <object>}
    #  "global": {"type-1": <object>}}
    for mode, objects in object_tables.items():
        # TODO: This method will redefine multiple times for objects in
        #   multiple tables.
        for object_ in objects:
            # `object_` structure:
            # {"name": <str>,
            #  "available-actions": <List[action_set]>}
            object_name = object_["name"]
            speakable_name = utils.spoken_form(object_name)
            action_sets = object_["available-actions"]

            # Emacs uses "mark", so manually add another selection command
            mark_command = f"it-mark-{object_name}"
            simple_commands[f"select {speakable_name}"] = mark_command
            simple_commands[f"sell {speakable_name}"] = mark_command
            for action_set in action_sets:
                # `action_set` structure:
                # {"action": <str>,
                #  "command": <str>,
                #  "takes-prefix": <bool>}
                target_map = (
                    prefix_commands if action_set["takes-prefix"] else simple_commands
                # Just a super simp spoken form for now.
                action = action_set["action"]
                # TODO: Cache this? Regenerating for every object.
                speakable_action = action_command(action)
                emacs_command = action_set["command"]
                # Long command
                long_command = f"{speakable_action} {speakable_name}"
                target_map[long_command] = emacs_command
                # Short command
                for short_command in short_commands(object_name, action):
                    # HACK: Special commands for wrapping that can take a character.
                    # TODO: Make regular wrap available eventually
                    if action == "it-wrap":
                        wrap_commands[short_command] = object_name
                        target_map[short_command] = emacs_command
    return simple_commands, prefix_commands, wrap_commands
Exemplo n.º 7
def _split_name(text):
    # Note "dot" is special here, e.g. "formatting.py" should be
    # "formatting dot py", not "formatting py"
    return spoken_form(separate_words(text).replace(".", " dot ")).split(" ")
Exemplo n.º 8
    "( ) left",
    "{ } left",
    "< > left",
    # TODO: Audit this with w2l once off Dragon. "loon" may be better
    # "loon": "end enter",
    "end enter",
f_keys = {
    # Auto-generate 1-9
    **{spoken_form(f"F {i}"): f"{i}"
       for i in range(1, 9)},
    "F ten": "f10",
    "F eleven": "f11",
    "F twelve": "f12",
keys = {**simple_keys, **alternate_keys, **f_keys}
ctx.lists["self.special"] = keys

complex_symbols = multi_map({
    ("walrus", "wally"): ":=",
    "rittoe": "->",
    "leffoe": "<-",
    "riteek": "=>",
    "leffeek": "<=",