Exemplo n.º 1
def approach():
    # Description: Drive within a certian distace of the tag 'targetTagID'
    # Return
    # null
    # Argument
    # targetTagID - The ID of the tag that we wish to point the robot's camera towards
    global tagPose
    approached = False

    jcv = JoyCmd()
    jcv.axis3 = 0.0
    jcv.btn1 = 0.0
    jcv.btn2 = 0.0
    jcv.btn3 = 0.0

    while approached == False:

        if rospy.is_shutdown():

        if tagPose != None:
            relX = tagPose.pose.pose.position.x
            relZ = tagPose.pose.pose.position.z

            #print('Approaching x=', relX)
            #print('Approaching z=', relZ)

            vRel = np.array([relZ, relX])
            relPosNorm = np.linalg.norm(vRel)
            relPosUnitVec = vRel / relPosNorm
            thetaDot = 0
            print relPosNorm

            if relPosNorm > .5:
                zDot = relPosUnitVec[0]
                xDot = relPosUnitVec[1]
                zDot = 0
                xDot = 0
                approached = True
            zDot = 0
            xDot = 0
            print 'lost tag'

        jcv.axis1 = xDot
        jcv.axis2 = zDot
    print('Arrived at tag')
	def __init__(self):
		rospy.init_node('keyboard', anonymous=True)

		self.joyconnPub= rospy.Publisher('/joy/connected', Bool, queue_size = 1)
		self.joycmdPub = rospy.Publisher('/joy/cmd', JoyCmd, queue_size = 10)
		self.setTagPub = rospy.Publisher('set_current_tag', Int32, queue_size = 1)
		self.setReadyArmPub = rospy.Publisher('ready_for_arm_mov', Bool, queue_size = 1)
		self.setReadyVehPub = rospy.Publisher('ready_for_veh_mov', Bool, queue_size = 1)
		self.setApproachRetreatPub = rospy.Publisher('set_approach_retreat', Bool, queue_size = 1)
		self.setStopAutomodePub = rospy.Publisher('stop_automode', Bool, queue_size = 1)

		r = rospy.Rate(60)
		self.cmd_msg = JoyCmd()
		self.conn_msg = Bool()
		self.conn_msg.data = True

		self.mult = 1.0/3.0

		#Initialize state variables
		self.set_current_tag_msg = int()
		self.setReadyArm_msg = Bool()
		self.setReadyArm_msg.data = False
		self.setReadyVeh_msg = Bool()
		self.setReadyVeh_msg.data = False
		self.setApproachRetreatPub_msg = Bool()
		self.setApproachRetreatPub_msg.data = False
		self.setStopAutomodePub_msg = Bool()
		self.setStopAutomodePub_msg.data = False


		while not rospy.is_shutdown():
			self.cmd_msg = self.detectCmds()
			# Publish at a frequency of 60 Hz

			#Detect other inputs from the keyboard
			#Detect a commanded tag number

    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('keyboard', anonymous=True)
        self.joyconnPub = rospy.Publisher('/joy/connected', Bool, queue_size=1)
        self.joycmdPub = rospy.Publisher('/joy/cmd', JoyCmd, queue_size=10)

        r = rospy.Rate(60)
        self.cmd_msg = JoyCmd()
        self.conn_msg = Bool()
        self.conn_msg.data = True

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            self.cmd_msg = self.detectCmds()
            # Publish at a frequency of 60 Hz
Exemplo n.º 4
def pointAtTag(targetTagID):
    # Description: Search for the specified tag
    # Return
    # void - Prints a message when we are pointing at a tag
    # Argument
    # targetTagID - The ID of the tag that we wish to point the robot's camera towards

    zDot = 0
    xDot = 0
    rate = .25
    pointed = False

    global tagPose
    global tagID

    jcv = JoyCmd()
    jcv.axis1 = 0.0
    jcv.axis2 = 0.0
    jcv.btn1 = 0.0
    jcv.btn2 = 0.0
    jcv.btn3 = 0.0

    while pointed == False:
        if rospy.is_shutdown():

        # Spin around and look for the tag 'locatedTag.label.' Stop once we are pointing at it within a small window for error
        if targetTagID == tagID and tagPose != None:  # We have found the tag that we were looking for.
            relX = tagPose.pose.pose.position.x
            #print('tag position = ', relX)
            if relX < .05 and relX > -.05:  # If we are pointing at the tag
                thetaDot = 0
                pointed = True
                pointed = False
            thetaDot = rate
            pointed = False

        jcv.axis3 = thetaDot
    print('Pointed at tag')
def pointAtTag(targetTagID):
	# Description: Search for the specified tag
	# Return
		# void - Prints a message when we are pointing at a tag
	# Argument
		# targetTagID - The ID of the tag that we wish to point the robot's camera towards
	print("starting to point at target")
	rate=.3 # Maybe make rate dependent upon angle
	pointed = False
	jcv = JoyCmd()
	jcv.axis1 = 0.0
	jcv.axis2 = 0.0
	jcv.btn1 = 0.0
	jcv.btn2 = 0.0
	jcv.btn3 = 0.0

	while pointed == False:
		if rospy.is_shutdown():

		# Spin around and look for the tag 'locatedTag.label.' Stop once we are pointing at it within a small window for error
		if targetTagID == tagID and tagPose != None: # We have found the tag that we were looking for.
			print('tag position = ', relX)
			if relX<.1 and relX>-.1: # If we are pointing at the tag  -> original values were .05
				pointed = True
				pointed = False
			pointed = False
		if not stopAuto:
			jcv.axis3 = thetaDot
	print('Pointed at tag = ', tagID)
def approachRetreat():
	# Description: Drive within a certain distace of the tag 'targetTagID'
		# Return
			# null
		# Argument
			# targetTagID - The ID of the tag that we wish to point the robot's camera towards

	jcv = JoyCmd()
	jcv.axis3 = 0.0
	jcv.btn1 = 0.0
	jcv.btn2 = 0.0
	jcv.btn3 = 0.0
	while approached==False:			

		if rospy.is_shutdown():

		if tagPose != None:
			q_x = tagPose.pose.pose.orientation.x
			q_y = tagPose.pose.pose.orientation.y
			q_z = tagPose.pose.pose.orientation.z
			q_w = tagPose.pose.pose.orientation.w
			relRollX, relPitchY, relYawZ = euler_from_quaternion(q_x, q_y, q_z, q_w)

			xDot = 0.0
			zDot = 0.0
			thetaDot = 0.0			

			print('Approaching x=', relX)
			print('Approaching z=', relZ)
			print('Approaching relYawZ =', relYawZ)
			print('Approaching relRollX =', relRollX)
			print('Approaching relPitchY =', relPitchY)

			# Error criteria for z distance away is 'tagAppDist'
			# Error criteria for x distance away is hard coded below
			xMov = 0.0
			zMov = 0.0
			yawMov = 0.0

			# Set the x, z, and theta velocities
			if abs(relX) > .01:
				# keep moving in the x (sideways) until error is small
				xMov = relX
			#  Adjust the zMoz depending on if we are approaching or retreating
			if ( (abs(relZ) > tagAppDist) and appret ):
				# keep moving in the z (forwards) until within range
				zMov = relZ
				print("Approaching tag ", tagID)

			if ( (abs(relZ) < tagRetDist) and (not appret ) ):
				# keep moving in the negative z direction until within range
				error = -1.0 *( tagRetDist - relZ) -.3  # This should always be a negative number
				zMov =  error
				print("Retreating from tag ", tagID)

#			if abs(relPitchY) > .05:
				# keep rotating about towards the center of the tag
#				yawMov = relPitchY

			# normalize the commands
			relPosNorm=np.linalg.norm(vRel) # This relative position vector only involves X,Z, 
							# not orientation (assumes X within range based on line 59
			if relPosNorm > 0:
				# we need to move
				# Calculate speed and cap it
				speedX = 6
				speedZ = 0.2

				xDot = -xMov * speedX
				zDot = zMov * speedZ

				if xDot > .3:
					xDot = .3
				if zDot > .3:
					zDot = .3

#			if yawMov > 0:
				# we need to rotate
#				thetaDot = -yawMov * 3 # hard code for now

			if (relPosNorm == 0.0) and (yawMov == 0.0): # yawMov should always be 0
				# We have arrived - both translation and rotation errors are within limits	
				thetaDot = 0.0

			print 'Obstacle in the way!!'

		if not stopAuto:
			jcv.axis1 = xDot
			jcv.axis2 = zDot
			#jcv.axis3 = thetaDot
			#print( "Sending motor commands: Axis1 = ", xDot, " Axis2 = ", zDot, " Axis3 = ", thetaDot)
			print("Sending motor commands: Axis1 = ", xDot, " Axis2 = ", zDot)
	print('Arrived at Position')
#stopAuto = False # set for testing

# This is the main loop
first_time = True
while not rospy.is_shutdown():	

	#target = 1 #Hardcode to whatever tag is in video feed for testing
	if not stopAuto:
		print("Start aprilTagController")		
		print 'Done'
		first_time = True
	elif (stopAuto and first_time):
		jcv = JoyCmd()
		jcv.axis1 = 0.0
		jcv.axis2 = 0.0
		jcv.axis3 = 0.0
		jcv.btn1 = 0.0
		jcv.btn2 = 0.0
		jcv.btn3 = 0.0
		first_time = False

# Finally, stop the robot when shutting down
jcv = JoyCmd()
jcv.axis1 = 0.0
jcv.axis2 = 0.0
    def detectCmds(self):
        msg = JoyCmd()
        mult = 1.0 / 3.0
        #Detect forward and backward keys assigned to 'w' and 's'
        if keyboard.is_pressed('w'):
            msg.axis1 = 1.0
        if keyboard.is_pressed('s'):
            msg.axis1 = msg.axis1 - 1.0

        #Detect left and right keys 'a' and 'd'
        if keyboard.is_pressed('a'):
            msg.axis2 = 1.0
        if keyboard.is_pressed('d'):
            msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 - 1.0

        #Detect rotation keys 'q' for counterclockwise, 'e' for clockwise

        if keyboard.is_pressed('q'):
            msg.axis3 = 1.0
        if keyboard.is_pressed('e'):
            msg.axis3 = msg.axis3 - 1.0

        #Detect keys for multipliers

        if keyboard.is_pressed('alt'):
            mult = 2.0 / 3.0
        if keyboard.is_pressed('shift'):
            mult = 1.0

        msg.axis1 = msg.axis1 * mult
        msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 * mult
        msg.axis3 = msg.axis3 * mult
        return msg
	def detectCmds(self):
		char = self.getch()
		msg = JoyCmd()
		msg.axis1 = 0
		msg.axis2 = 0
		msg.axis3 = 0

		#Non-Holonomic Steering

		#Detect forward and backward keys assigned to 'w' and 's' 
		#-> changed to 'i' and ',', (might need to the axis number was changed from 1 to 2)
		if 'i' in char:
			msg.axis2 =  1.0
		elif ',' in char:
			msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 - 1.0

		#Detect rotation keys 'q' for counterclockwise, 'e' for clockwise
		#-> changed to 'j' and 'l', (might need to be flipped -but then flipped after first test)

		elif 'l' in char:
			msg.axis3 =  1.0
		elif 'j' in char:
			msg.axis3 = msg.axis3 - 1.0

		# Holonomic Steering
		#Detect forward and backward keys assigned to 'w' and 's' 
		#-> changed to 'I' and '<', (might need to the axis number was changed from 1 to 2)
		if 'I' in char:
			msg.axis2 =  1.0
		elif '<' in char:
			msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 - 1.0

		#Detect left and right keys 'a' and 'd'
		#-> changed to 'J' and 'L'
		elif 'J' in char:
			msg.axis1 =  1.0
		elif 'L' in char:
			msg.axis1 = msg.axis1 - 1.0

		#Detect corner keys to move diagonally
		elif 'U' in char:
			msg.axis2 = 0.71
			msg.axis1 =  0.71 
		elif 'O' in char:
			msg.axis2 = 0.71
			msg.axis1 =  msg.axis1 - 0.71 
		elif '>' in char:
			msg.axis2 =  msg.axis2 - 0.71
			msg.axis1 =  msg.axis1 - 0.71 
		elif 'M' in char:
			msg.axis2 =  msg.axis2 - 0.71
			msg.axis1 =  0.71 

		#Detect keys for multipliers
		elif 'z' in char:
			self.mult = 0.8*self.mult
			self.printStatus( "currently:\tspeed %s " % (self.mult))

		elif 'x' in char:
			self.mult = 1.2*self.mult
			self.printStatus( "currently:\tspeed %s " % (self.mult))

		#Dummy character that also works to stop the vehicle
		elif 'k' in char:
			msg.axis1 = 0
			msg.axis2 = 0
			msg.axis3 = 0
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Vehicle Stopped!")
		elif 'K' in char:
			msg.axis1 = 0
			msg.axis2 = 0
			msg.axis3 = 0
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Vehicle Stopped!")

		#Detect other inputs from the keyboard
		#Detect keyboard press to override the booleans
		elif 't' in char:
			self.setReadyArm_msg.data = True
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent ready_for_arm_mov = True")
		elif 'f' in char:
			self.setReadyArm_msg.data = False
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent ready_for_arm_mov = False")
		elif 'r' in char:
			self.setReadyVeh_msg.data = True
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent ready_for_veh_mov = True")
		elif 'd' in char:
			self.setReadyVeh_msg.data = False
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent ready_for_veh_mov = False")

		elif 'e' in char:
			self.setApproachRetreatPub_msg.data = True
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent set_approach_retreat = True")
		elif 's' in char:
			self.setApproachRetreatPub_msg.data = False
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent set_approach_retreat = False")
		elif 'w' in char:
			self.setStopAutomodePub_msg.data = True
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent stop_automode = True")
		elif 'a' in char:
			self.setStopAutomodePub_msg.data = False
			self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent stop_automode = False")

			# Check if one of the tag numbers was pressed
			for number in range(1,6):
				if str(number) in char:
					self.set_current_tag_msg = int(number)
					self.printStatus( "currently:\t Sent set_current_tag = %s " % (number))	

		msg.axis1 = msg.axis1*self.mult
		msg.axis2 = msg.axis2*self.mult
		msg.axis3 = msg.axis3*self.mult

		return msg
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('keyboard', anonymous=True)

        self.joyconnPub = rospy.Publisher('/joy/connected', Bool, queue_size=1)
        self.joycmdPub = rospy.Publisher('/joy/cmd', JoyCmd, queue_size=10)
        self.setTagPub = rospy.Publisher('set_current_tag',
        self.setReadyArmPub = rospy.Publisher('ready_for_arm_mov',
        self.setReadyVehPub = rospy.Publisher('ready_for_veh_mov',

        r = rospy.Rate(60)
        self.cmd_msg = JoyCmd()
        self.conn_msg = Bool()
        self.conn_msg.data = True

        self.set_current_tag_msg = int()

        self.setReadyArm_msg = Bool()
        self.setReadyArm_msg.data = False
        self.setReadyVeh_msg = Bool()
        self.setReadyVeh_msg.data = False


        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            self.cmd_msg = self.detectCmds()
            # Publish at a frequency of 60 Hz

            #Detect other inputs from the keyboard
            #Detect a commanded tag number
            for number in range(1, 6):
                if keyboard.is_pressed(str(number)):
                    self.set_current_tag_msg = int(number)

            if keyboard.is_pressed('t'):
                self.setReadyArm_msg.data = True

            if keyboard.is_pressed('f'):
                self.setReadyArm_msg.data = False

            if keyboard.is_pressed('r'):
                self.setReadyVeh_msg.data = True

            if keyboard.is_pressed('d'):
                self.setReadyVeh_msg.data = False

Exemplo n.º 11
    def detectCmds(self):
        msg = JoyCmd()

        mult = 1.0 / 3.0

        #Holonomic Steering
        if keyboard.is_pressed('shift'):
            #Detect forward and backward keys
            if keyboard.is_pressed('I'):
                msg.axis1 = 1.0
            if keyboard.is_pressed('<'):
                msg.axis1 = msg.axis1 - 1.0

            #Detect left and right keys 'J' and 'L'
            if keyboard.is_pressed('J'):
                msg.axis2 = 1.0
            if keyboard.is_pressed('L'):
                msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 - 1.0

            #Detect corner keys to move diagonally
            if keyboard.is_pressed('U'):
                msg.axis1 = 0.71
                msg.axis2 = 0.71
            if keyboard.is_pressed('O'):
                msg.axis1 = 0.71
                msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 - 0.71
            if keyboard.is_pressed('>'):
                msg.axis1 = msg.axis1 - 0.71
                msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 - 0.71
            if keyboard.is_pressed('M'):
                msg.axis1 = 0.71
                msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 - 0.71

            #Non-Holonomic Steering
            #Detect forward and backward keys

            if keyboard.is_pressed('i'):
                msg.axis1 = 1.0
            if keyboard.is_pressed(','):
                msg.axis1 = msg.axis1 - 1.0

            #Detect rotation keys 'j' for counterclockwise, 'l' for clockwise

            if keyboard.is_pressed('j'):
                msg.axis3 = 1.0
            if keyboard.is_pressed('l'):
                msg.axis3 = msg.axis3 - 1.0

        #Detect keys for multipliers

        if keyboard.is_pressed('alt'):
            mult = 0.25 * mult

        #if keyboard.is_pressed('shift'):
        #	mult = 1.0

        msg.axis1 = msg.axis1 * mult
        msg.axis2 = msg.axis2 * mult
        msg.axis3 = msg.axis3 * mult
        return msg