async def upload_to_tg(message: Message): """ upload to telegram """ path_ = message.filtered_input_str if not path_: await message.err("Input not foud!") return is_path_url = is_url(path_) del_path = False if is_path_url: del_path = True try: path_, _ = await url_download(message, path_) except ProcessCanceled: await message.canceled() return except Exception as e_e: # pylint: disable=broad-except await message.err(str(e_e)) return if "|" in path_: path_, file_name = path_.split("|") path_ = path_.strip() if os.path.isfile(path_): new_path = os.path.join(Config.DOWN_PATH, file_name.strip()) os.rename(path_, new_path) path_ = new_path try: string = Path(path_) except IndexError: await message.err("wrong syntax") else: await message.delete() with message.cancel_callback(): await upload_path(message, string, del_path)
async def upload(self) -> None: """ Upload from file/folder/link/tg file to GDrive """ replied = self._message.reply_to_message is_input_url = is_url(self._message.input_str) dl_loc = "" if replied and try: dl_loc, _ = await tg_download(self._message, replied) except ProcessCanceled: await self._message.canceled() return except Exception as e_e: await self._message.err(str(e_e)) return elif is_input_url: try: dl_loc, _ = await url_download(self._message, self._message.input_str) except ProcessCanceled: await self._message.canceled() return except Exception as e_e: await self._message.err(str(e_e)) return file_path = dl_loc if dl_loc else self._message.input_str if not os.path.exists(file_path): await self._message.err("invalid file path provided?") return if "|" in file_path: file_path, file_name = file_path.split("|") new_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path.strip()), file_name.strip()) os.rename(file_path.strip(), new_path) file_path = new_path await self._message.try_to_edit("`Loading GDrive Upload...`") pool.submit_thread(self._upload, file_path) start_t = with self._message.cancel_callback(self._cancel): while not self._is_finished: if self._progress is not None: await self._message.edit(self._progress) await asyncio.sleep(config.Dynamic.EDIT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT) if dl_loc and os.path.exists(dl_loc): os.remove(dl_loc) end_t = m_s = (end_t - start_t).seconds if isinstance(self._output, HttpError): out = f"**ERROR** : `{self._output._get_reason()}`" # pylint: disable=protected-access elif self._output is not None and not self._is_canceled: out = f"**Uploaded Successfully** __in {m_s} seconds__\n\n{self._output}" elif self._output is not None and self._is_canceled: out = self._output else: out = "`failed to upload.. check logs?`" await self._message.edit(out, disable_web_page_preview=True, log=__name__)
async def get_media_path_and_name(message: Message, input_str="" ) -> Union[Tuple[str, str], bool]: if not input_str: input_str = message.filtered_input_str dl_loc, file_name = "", "" replied = message.reply_to_message if hasattr(replied, 'media'): dl_loc, _ = await tg_download(message, replied) if hasattr(, 'file_name'): file_name = elif hasattr(, 'file_name'): file_name = elif hasattr(replied.document, 'file_name'): file_name = replied.document.file_name else: file_name = Path(dl_loc).name elif input_str: if is_url(input_str): try: dl_loc, _ = await url_download(message, input_str) file_name = Path(dl_loc).name except Exception as err: await message.err(str(err)) return False else: await message.err("nothing provided to process") return False if dl_loc: file_path = dl_loc else: file_path = input_str.strip() file_name = Path(file_path).name if not Path(file_path).exists(): await message.err("Seems that an invalid file path provided?") return False return file_path, file_name
async def stt_(message: Message): """ Speech to text using """ send_text = bool('t' in message.flags) replied = message.reply_to_message message_id = replied.message_id if replied else message.message_id regex = re.compile(r'([\S]*)(?: |)([\s\S]*)') match = if not match: await message.edit("`Please read .help stt`") return lang = api = WitAiAPI(lang) if not api.has_api_key(): await message.edit( f'`Please set WIT_AI_API_{lang.upper()} variable first!`') return dl_loc = "" file_name = "" if replied and try: dl_loc, _ = await tg_download(message, replied) # Try to get file name from the media file. try: if hasattr(, 'file_name'): file_name = elif hasattr(, 'file_name'): file_name = elif hasattr(replied.document, 'file_name'): file_name = replied.document.file_name else: file_name = os.path.basename(dl_loc) except AttributeError: pass except ProcessCanceled: await message.edit("`Process Canceled!`", del_in=5) return except Exception as e_e: await message.err(e_e) return else: input_str = if else "" is_input_url = is_url(input_str) if is_input_url: try: dl_loc, _ = await url_download(message, message.filtered_input_str) file_name = os.path.basename(dl_loc) except ProcessCanceled: await message.edit("`Process Canceled!`", del_in=5) return except Exception as e_e: await message.err(e_e) return if dl_loc: file_path = dl_loc else: file_path = message.filtered_input_str file_name = os.path.basename(dl_loc) if not os.path.exists(file_path): await message.err("`Seems that an invalid file path provided?`") return await message.edit("`Starting transcribing...`") processed = 0 async for _, error in api.transcribe(file_path): if error: await message.edit(error) return processed += 1 await message.edit(f"`Processed chunk {processed} of {api.chunks}`") if send_text: text_chunks = [ api.text[i:i + Config.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] for i in range(0, len(api.text), Config.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) ] if len(text_chunks) == 1: await message.edit(text_chunks[0]) else: await message.edit(text_chunks[0]) for chunk in text_chunks[1:]: await message.reply(chunk) await sleep(2) # send transcription text file await message.client.send_as_file(, reply_to_message_id=message_id, text=api.text, filename=f"{file_name}_{lang}_transcription.txt")
async def play_music(msg: Message, forceplay: bool): """ play music """ input_str = msg.filtered_input_str or getattr(msg.reply_to_message, 'text', '') or '' path = Path(input_str) if input_str: if is_yt_url(input_str): name, duration = await get_song_info(input_str) if duration == -1: return await reply_text( msg, "**ERROR:** `Max song duration limit reached!`") if Dynamic.PLAYING and not forceplay: msg = await reply_text(msg, get_scheduled_text(name, input_str)) resource = UrlResource.parse(msg, name, input_str, duration) if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, resource) else: QUEUE.append(resource) elif is_url(input_str): try: height, width, has_audio, has_video = await get_file_info( input_str) if not has_audio and not has_video: raise Exception duration = await get_duration(shlex.quote(input_str)) res = await pool.run_in_thread(requests.get )(input_str, allow_redirects=True, stream=True) headers = dict(res.headers) try: filename = headers["Content-Disposition"].split( '=', 1)[1].strip('"') or '' except KeyError: filename = "Video" if has_video else "Music" except Exception: return await reply_text( msg, "`invalid direct link provided to stream!`") resource = UrlResource.parse(msg, filename.replace('_', ' '), input_str, duration, (height, width, has_audio, has_video)) Vars.CLIENT = msg.client if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, resource) else: if Dynamic.PLAYING: await reply_text( msg, get_scheduled_text(resource, resource.url)) QUEUE.append(resource) elif (path.exists() and path.is_file()): if not".mkv", ".mp4", ".webm", ".m4v", ".mp3", ".flac", ".wav", ".m4a")): return await reply_text( msg, "`invalid file path provided to stream!`") filename = duration = await get_duration(path) resource = TgResource.parse(msg, filename.replace('_', ' '), str(path.absolute()), duration) Vars.CLIENT = msg.client if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, resource) else: if Dynamic.PLAYING: await reply_text(msg, get_scheduled_text(resource)) QUEUE.append(resource) else: mesg = await reply_text(msg, f"Searching `{input_str}` on YouTube") title, link = await get_song(input_str) if link: _, duration = await get_song_info(link) if duration == -1: return await mesg.edit( "Invalid YouTube link found during search!") if Dynamic.PLAYING and not forceplay: msg = await reply_text(msg, get_scheduled_text(title, link)) await mesg.delete() resource = UrlResource.parse(msg, title, link, duration) if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, resource) else: QUEUE.append(resource) else: await mesg.edit("No results found.") elif msg.reply_to_message: replied = msg.reply_to_message replied_file = or or replied.document if not ( or or (replied.document and "video" in replied.document.mime_type)): return await reply_text(msg, "Input not found") if resource = TgResource( replied, replied_file.title or replied_file.file_name or "Song", else: resource = TgResource(replied, replied_file.file_name, 0, quality=int(msg.flags.get('-q', "80")), is_video='-v' in msg.flags) if msg.sender_chat: setattr(resource.message, 'sender_chat', msg.sender_chat) elif msg.from_user: setattr(resource.message, 'from_user', msg.from_user) Vars.CLIENT = msg.client if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, resource) else: if Dynamic.PLAYING: await reply_text(msg, get_scheduled_text(resource, QUEUE.append(resource) else: return await reply_text(msg, "Input not found") if not Dynamic.PLAYING or forceplay: await skip_song()
async def play_music(msg: Message, forceplay: bool): """ play music """ global CLIENT # pylint: disable=global-statement input_str = msg.filtered_input_str flags = msg.flags is_video = "-v" in flags path = Path(input_str) quality = flags.get('-q', 80) if input_str: if yt_regex.match(input_str): details = await _get_song_info(input_str) if not details: return await reply_text( msg, "**ERROR:** `Max song duration limit reached!`") name, duration = details if PLAYING and not forceplay: msg = await reply_text(msg, _get_scheduled_text(name, input_str)) else: msg = await reply_text(msg, f"[{name}]({input_str})") flags["duration"] = duration setattr(msg, '_flags', flags) if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, msg) else: QUEUE.append(msg) elif (is_url(input_str) or (path.exists() and path.is_file())): if path.exists(): if not".mkv", ".mp4", ".webm", ".m4v", ".mp3", ".flac", ".wav", ".m4a")): return await reply_text( msg, "`invalid file path provided to stream!`") path_to_media = str(path.absolute()) filename = else: try: res = await pool.run_in_thread(requests.get )(input_str, allow_redirects=True, stream=True) headers = dict(res.headers) if ("video" not in headers.get("Content-Type", '') and "audio" not in headers.get("Content-Type", '')): height, width, has_audio, has_video = await get_file_info( input_str) setattr(msg, 'file_info', (height, width, has_audio, has_video)) if not has_audio and not has_video: raise Exception path_to_media = input_str try: filename = headers["Content-Disposition"].split( '=', 1)[1].strip('"') or '' except KeyError: filename = None if not filename: if hasattr(msg, 'file_info'): _, _, _, has_video = msg.file_info filename = "Video" if has_video else "Music" else: filename = 'Link' except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return await reply_text( msg, "`invalid direct link provided to stream!`") setattr(msg, 'path_to_media', path_to_media) setattr(msg, 'file_name', filename.replace('_', ' ')) setattr(msg, 'is_video', is_video) setattr(msg, 'quality', quality) CLIENT = msg.client if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, msg) else: if PLAYING: await reply_text(msg, _get_scheduled_text(msg.file_name)) QUEUE.append(msg) else: mesg = await reply_text(msg, f"Searching `{input_str}` on YouTube") title, link = await _get_song(input_str) if link: details = await _get_song_info(link) if not details: return await mesg.edit( "Invalid YouTube link found during search!") _, duration = details if PLAYING and not forceplay: msg = await reply_text(msg, _get_scheduled_text(title, link)) else: msg = await msg.edit(f"[{title}]({link})") flags["duration"] = duration await mesg.delete() setattr(msg, '_flags', flags) if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, msg) else: QUEUE.append(msg) else: await mesg.edit("No results found.") elif msg.reply_to_message: replied = msg.reply_to_message replied_file = or or replied.document if not replied_file: return await reply_text(msg, "Input not found") if setattr(, 'file_name', replied_file.title or replied_file.file_name or "Song") setattr(, 'is_video', False) setattr(, 'quality', 100) elif setattr(, 'is_video', is_video) setattr(, 'quality', quality) elif replied.document and "video" in replied.document.mime_type: setattr(replied.document, 'is_video', is_video) setattr(replied.document, 'quality', quality) else: return await reply_text(msg, "Replied media is invalid.") CLIENT = msg.client if forceplay: QUEUE.insert(0, replied) else: if PLAYING: await reply_text( msg, _get_scheduled_text(replied_file.file_name, QUEUE.append(replied) else: return await reply_text(msg, "Input not found") if not PLAYING or forceplay: await _skip()