Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs):
     DboardManagerBase.__init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs)
     self.log = get_logger("Rhodium-{}".format(slot_idx))
     self.log.trace("Initializing Rhodium daughterboard, slot index %d",
     self.rev = int(self.device_info['rev'])
     self.log.trace("This is a rev: {}".format(chr(65 + self.rev)))
     # This is a default ref clock freq, it must be updated before init() is
     # called!
     self.ref_clock_freq = None
     # These will get updated during init()
     self.master_clock_rate = None
     self.sampling_clock_rate = None
     self.current_jesd_rate = None
     # Predeclare some attributes to make linter happy:
     self.lmk = None
     self._port_expander = None
     self._lo_dist = None
     self.cpld = None
     # If _init_args is None, it means that init() hasn't yet been called.
     self._init_args = None
     # Now initialize all peripherals. If that doesn't work, put this class
     # into a non-functional state (but don't crash, or we can't talk to it
     # any more):
         self._periphs_initialized = True
     except Exception as ex:
         self.log.error("Failed to initialize peripherals: %s",
         self._periphs_initialized = False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs):
        DboardManagerBase.__init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs)
        self.log = get_logger("ZBX-{}".format(slot_idx))
        self.log.trace("Initializing ZBX daughterboard, slot index %d",

        # local variable to track if PLL ref clock is enabled for the CPLD logic
        self._clock_enabled = False

        # Interface with MB HW
        if 'db_iface' not in kwargs:
            self.log.error("Required DB Iface was not provided!")
            raise RuntimeError("Required DB Iface was not provided!")
        self.db_iface = kwargs['db_iface']

        self.eeprom_symbol = f"db{slot_idx}_eeprom"
        eeprom = self._get_eeprom()
        # Initialize daughterboard CPLD control
        self.poke_cpld = self.db_iface.poke_db_cpld
        self.peek_cpld = self.db_iface.peek_db_cpld
        self.regs = zbx_cpld_regs_t()
        self._spi_addr = self.regs.SPI_READY_addr
        # Check register map compatibility
        self.log.debug("ZBX CPLD build git hash: %s",
        # Power up the DB
        # enable PLL reference clock
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs):
        DboardManagerBase.__init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs)
        self.log = get_logger("X4xxDebugDboard-{}".format(slot_idx))
        self.log.trace("Initializing X4xxDebug daughterboard, slot index %d",

        # Interface with MB HW
        if 'db_iface' not in kwargs:
            self.log.error("Required DB Iface was not provided!")
            raise RuntimeError("Required DB Iface was not provided!")
        self.db_iface = kwargs['db_iface']

        # Power on the card
        if not self.db_iface.check_enable_daughterboard():
            self.log.error('Debug dboard {} power up failed'.format(self.slot_idx))
            raise RuntimeError('Debug dboard {} power up failed'.format(self.slot_idx))

        self._paths = {
            "a": DebugDboardSignalPath(
                    "adc0": 1,
                    "adc2": 0,
                    "dac0": 1,
                    "dac2": 0,
                1  # TRXA_CTRL=1 enables loopback
            "b": DebugDboardSignalPath(
                    "adc3": 1,
                    "adc1": 0,
                    "dac3": 1,
                    "dac1": 0,
                0  # TRXB_CTRL=0 enables loopback
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs):
     DboardManagerBase.__init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs)
     self.log = get_logger("EmptyDB-{}".format(slot_idx))
     self.log.trace("Initializing Empty dboard, slot index %d",
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs):
        DboardManagerBase.__init__(self, slot_idx, **kwargs)
        self.log = get_logger("X4xxIfTestCCA-{}".format(slot_idx))
        self.log.trace("Initializing X4xxIfTestCCA, slot index %d",

        # Interface with MB HW
        if 'db_iface' not in kwargs:
            self.log.error("Required DB Iface was not provided!")
            raise RuntimeError("Required DB Iface was not provided!")
        self.db_iface = kwargs['db_iface']

        # Power on the card
        if not self.db_iface.check_enable_daughterboard():
            self.log.error('IF Test CCA {} power up failed'.format(self.slot_idx))
            raise RuntimeError('IF Test CCA {} power up failed'.format(self.slot_idx))

        # [boolean for stage 1 mux , boolean for stage 2 mux]
        self._adc_mux_settings = {
            "adc0" : [0, 0],
            "adc1" : [1, 1],
            "adc2" : [1, 0],
            "adc3" : [0, 1],

        self._dac_mux_settings = {
            "dac0" : [1, 0],
            "dac1" : [1, 1],
            "dac2" : [0, 0],
            "dac3" : [0, 1],

        # There are 4 possible Tx (DAC) streams that are available to choose
        # to export to the SMA TX port using a 2-stage hardware mux.

        # Choose between 0 and 2 OR 1 and 3
        self.tx_0_2_1_3_mux_ctrl = Gpio("DB{}_TX0_2p_1_3n".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        # Choose between 0 OR 2
        self.tx_0_2_mux_ctrl = Gpio("DB{}_TX_MUX_0p_2n".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        # Choose between 1 OR 3
        self.tx_1_3_mux_ctrl = Gpio("DB{}_TX_MUX_1p_3n".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)

        # The signal from the SMA RX port can be directed to one of the 4
        # available Rx (ADC) streams using a 2-stage hardware mux.

        # Choose between 0 and 2 OR 1 and 3
        self.rx_0_2_1_3_mux_ctrl = Gpio("DB{}_RX0_2p_1_3n".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        # Choose between 0 OR 2
        self.rx_0_2_mux_ctrl = Gpio("DB{}_RX_MUX_0p_2n".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        # Choose between 1 OR 3
        self.rx_1_3_mux_ctrl = Gpio("DB{}_RX_MUX_1p_3n".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)

        self._tx_path = ""
        self._rx_path = ""

        # Controls to load the power supplies on the daughterboard. Enabling
        # these will increase the power draw of the daughterboard.
        self.enable_1v8_load = Gpio("DB{}_1V8_LOAD".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        self.enable_2v5_load = Gpio("DB{}_2V5_LOAD".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        self.enable_3v3_load = Gpio("DB{}_3V3_LOAD".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        self.enable_3v3_mcu_load = Gpio("DB{}_3V3_MCU_LOAD".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        self.enable_3v7_load = Gpio("DB{}_3V7_LOAD".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)
        self.enable_12v_load = Gpio("DB{}_12V_LOAD".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)

        # Control to choose between DAC output or MB VCM signals as the VCM
        # signal to use on board.
        self.disable_vcm_dac = Gpio("DB{}_VCM_MB_nDAC".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)

        # Control to choose which MB clock to output to the SMA Clock port.
        # Choices are BaseRefClk and PllRefClk
        self.disable_vcm_dac = Gpio("DB{}_REF_CLK_SEL_USR".format(slot_idx), Gpio.OUTPUT, 0)