Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_bundle(bundle, strict=False):
    """Parse a binary OSC bundle.

    Returns a generator which walks over all contained messages and bundles
    recursively, depth-first. Each item yielded is a (timetag, message) tuple.

    if not bundle.startswith(b'#bundle\0'):
        raise TypeError("Bundle must start with '#bundle\\0'.")

    ofs = 16
    timetag = to_time(*unpack('>II', bundle[8:ofs]))

    while True:
        if ofs >= len(bundle):

        size = unpack('>I', bundle[ofs:ofs + 4])[0]
        element = bundle[ofs + 4:ofs + 4 + size]
        ofs += size + 4

        if element.startswith('#bundle'):
            for el in parse_bundle(element):
                yield el
            yield timetag, parse_message(element, strict)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _handle_suback(self):
        print("_handle_suback") #needed after _packet_handle
        pack_format = "!H" + str(len(self._in_packet['packet'])-2) + 's'
        (mid, packet) = struct.unpack(pack_format, self._in_packet['packet'])
        pack_format = "!" + "B"*len(packet)
        granted_qos = struct.unpack(pack_format, packet)

        if self.on_subscribe:
            self.on_subscribe(self, self._userdata, mid, granted_qos)

        return MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS
Exemplo n.º 3
def parse_message(msg, strict=False):
    args = []
    addr, ofs = split_oscstr(msg, 0)

    if not addr.startswith('/'):
        raise ValueError("OSC address pattern must start with a slash.")

    # type tag string must start with comma (ASCII 44)
    if ofs < len(msg) and msg[ofs] == 44:
        tags, ofs = split_oscstr(msg, ofs)
        tags = tags[1:]
        msg = "Missing/invalid OSC type tag string."
        if strict:
            raise ValueError(msg)
            log.warning(msg + ' Ignoring arguments.')
            tags = ''

    for typetag in tags:
        size = 0

        if typetag in 'ifd':
            size = 8 if typetag == 'd' else 4
            args.append(unpack('>' + typetag, msg[ofs:ofs + size])[0])
        elif typetag in 'sS':
            s, ofs = split_oscstr(msg, ofs)
        elif typetag == 'b':
            s, ofs = split_oscblob(msg, ofs)
        elif typetag in 'rm':
            size = 4
            args.append(unpack('BBBB', msg[ofs:ofs + size]))
        elif typetag == 'c':
            size = 4
            args.append(chr(unpack('>I', msg[ofs:ofs + size])[0]))
        elif typetag == 'h':
            size = 8
            args.append(unpack('>q', msg[ofs:ofs + size])[0])
        elif typetag == 't':
            size = 8
            args.append(parse_timetag(msg, ofs))
        elif typetag in 'TFNI':
            args.append({'T': True, 'F': False, 'I': Impulse}.get(typetag))
            raise ValueError("Type tag '%s' not supported." % typetag)

        ofs += size

    return (addr, tags, tuple(args))
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    global initrgbdata
    global ARTNET_header
    global sock

    while True:
        # initrgbdata = initrgbdata[1:] + initrgbdata[0:1]
        # print(initrgbdata)
        # time.sleep_ms(25)

        # print("waiting to receive message")
        # sn = sock.getsockname()
            data = sock.recv(530)
            # print("received data: ", len(data))
            # print("no data")

        # print "received bytes: ", len(data)

        if data[0:7] != ARTNET_header:
            # print("no artnet packet")
        # else:
        #     print("found artnet packet")

        opcode = ustruct.unpack('H', data[8:10])[0]
        # print(hex(opcode))

        if opcode == 0x5000:
            data_length = ustruct.unpack('>H', data[16:18])[0]
            # print("data length: ", data_length)
            rgbdata = []
            ndx = 0
            while ndx < data_length and ndx < CHAIN_LEN * 3:
                rgb = [0, 0, 0]
                i = 0
                while ndx+i < data_length and i < 3:
                    rgb[i] = int(data[18+ndx+i])
                    # print(str(data[18+ndx+i]))
                    i += 1
                ndx += 3
            # chain.show(rgbdata[0:CHAIN_LEN-1])
            # print(rgbdata[0])
            initrgbdata = rgbdata[0:CHAIN_LEN]
Exemplo n.º 5
	def rd16( self, addr ):
		""" read a word (16 bits) @ addr """
		# Status: Certified!
		self.__start( addr )
		_bytes = self.spi.read( 2 ) # read 2 bytes
		return ustruct.unpack( '>H', _bytes )[0] # was initialy '<H' ?
Exemplo n.º 6
def minmax():
  global offset
  global rate
  reg = register
  min_temp = 1000
  max_temp = -1000
  for i in range(0, 64):
    val = ustruct.unpack('<h', i2c.readfrom_mem(i2c_address, reg, 2))[0]
    tmp = getval(val)
    if tmp < min_temp:
      min_temp = tmp
    if max_temp < tmp:
      max_temp = tmp
    reg += 2

  diff = max_temp - min_temp
  # add some margin
  diff *= 1.4
  rate = len(colors) / diff
  offset = min_temp * 0.8

  lcd.print('min:    ' + '{:.2f}'.format(min_temp), 0, 0)
  lcd.print('max:    ' + '{:.2f}'.format(max_temp), 0, 10)
  lcd.print('rate:   ' + '{:.2f}'.format(rate), 0, 20)
  lcd.print('offset: ' + '{:.2f}'.format(offset), 0, 30)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _handle_connack(self):
        print("_handle_connack") #needed

        if len(self._in_packet['packet']) != 2:
            return MQTT_ERR_PROTOCOL

        (flags, result) = struct.unpack("!BB", self._in_packet['packet'])
        # Do now support downgrade to MQTT v3.1

        if result == 0:
            self._state = mqtt_cs_connected
            print("_handle_connack: self._state =", self._state)

        if self.on_connect:
            flags_dict = dict()
            flags_dict['session present'] = flags & 0x01
            self.on_connect(self, self._userdata, flags_dict, result)

        if result == 0:
            rc = 0
            return rc
        elif result > 0 and result < 6:
            return MQTT_ERR_CONN_REFUSED
            return MQTT_ERR_PROTOCOL
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _register_short(self, register, value=None, buf=bytearray(2)):
        if value is None:
            self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, register, buf)
            return ustruct.unpack("<h", buf)[0]

        ustruct.pack_into("<h", buf, 0, value)
        return self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, register, buf)
Exemplo n.º 9
def time(ms_accuracy=False):
    NTP_QUERY = bytearray(48)
    NTP_QUERY[0] = 0x1b
    addr = socket.getaddrinfo(host, 123)[0][-1]
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

    res = s.sendto(NTP_QUERY, addr)
    msg = s.recv(48)

    sec = struct.unpack("!I", msg[40:44])[0] - NTP_DELTA
    frac = struct.unpack("!I", msg[44:48])[0] * MILLIS_PER_SECOND >> 32
    if ms_accuracy:
        return sec, frac
    return sec
Exemplo n.º 10
 def altitude(self):
     """Read the altitude as calculated based on the sensor pressure and
     previously configured pressure at sea-level.  This will return a
     value in meters.  Set the sea-level pressure by updating the
     sealevel_pressure property first to get a more accurate altitude value.
     # First poll for a measurement to be finished.
     # Set control bits for pressure reading.
     self._ctrl_reg1 |= 0b10000000  # Turn on bit 0, ALT.
     self._write_u8(_MPL3115A2_CTRL_REG1, self._ctrl_reg1)
     self._ctrl_reg1 |= 0b00000010   # Set OST to 1 to start measurement.
     self._write_u8(_MPL3115A2_CTRL_REG1, self._ctrl_reg1)
     # Poll status for PDR to be set.
     while self._read_u8(_MPL3115A2_REGISTER_STATUS) & _MPL3115A2_REGISTER_STATUS_PDR == 0:
     # Read 3 bytes of altitude data into buffer.
     # Yes even though this is the address of the pressure register it
     # returns altitude when the ALT bit is set above.
     self._read_into(_MPL3115A2_REGISTER_PRESSURE_MSB, self._BUFFER, count=3)
     # Reconstruct signed 32-bit altitude value (actually 24 bits shifted up
     # and then scaled down).
     self._BUFFER[3] = 0  # Top 3 bytes of buffer were read from the chip.
     altitude = struct.unpack('>i', self._BUFFER[0:4])[0]
     # Scale down to meters.
     return altitude / 65535.0
Exemplo n.º 11
def getpwnam(user):
    passwd = getpwnam_(user)
    if not passwd:
        raise KeyError("getpwnam(): name not found: {}".format(user))
    passwd_fmt = "SSIISSS"
    passwd = uctypes.bytes_at(passwd, ustruct.calcsize(passwd_fmt))
    passwd = ustruct.unpack(passwd_fmt, passwd)
    return struct_passwd(*passwd)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def read(self):
     # Return current mode measurement result in lx.
     # needs to be on and mode set first   
     data = unpack('>H', self.bus.readfrom(self.addr, 2))[0]
     count = data >> 8 | (data&0xff)<<8
     mode2coeff =  2 if (self.mode & 0x03) == 0x01 else 1
     ratio = 1/(1.2 * (self._sensitivity/69.0) * mode2coeff)
     return ratio*count
Exemplo n.º 13
 def draw_char(self,ch,x,y,*args,**kwargs):
  if x<-self._font_width or x>=self._width or y<-self._font_height or y>=self._height:
  for char_x in range(self._font_width):
   for char_y in range(self._font_height):
Exemplo n.º 14
def master():
    csn = Pin(cfg['csn'], mode=Pin.OUT, value=1)
    ce = Pin(cfg['ce'], mode=Pin.OUT, value=0)
    if cfg['spi'] == -1:
        spi = SPI(-1, sck=Pin(cfg['sck']), mosi=Pin(cfg['mosi']), miso=Pin(cfg['miso']))
        nrf = NRF24L01(spi, csn, ce, payload_size=8)
        nrf = NRF24L01(SPI(cfg['spi']), csn, ce, payload_size=8)

    nrf.open_rx_pipe(1, pipes[1])

    num_needed = 16
    num_successes = 0
    num_failures = 0
    led_state = 0

    print('NRF24L01 master mode, sending %d packets...' % num_needed)

    while num_successes < num_needed and num_failures < num_needed:
        # stop listening and send packet
        millis = utime.ticks_ms()
        led_state = max(1, (led_state << 1) & 0x0f)
        print('sending:', millis, led_state)
            nrf.send(struct.pack('ii', millis, led_state))
        except OSError:

        # start listening again

        # wait for response, with 250ms timeout
        start_time = utime.ticks_ms()
        timeout = False
        while not nrf.any() and not timeout:
            if utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), start_time) > 250:
                timeout = True

        if timeout:
            print('failed, response timed out')
            num_failures += 1

            # recv packet
            got_millis, = struct.unpack('i', nrf.recv())

            # print response and round-trip delay
            print('got response:', got_millis, '(delay', utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), got_millis), 'ms)')
            num_successes += 1

        # delay then loop

    print('master finished sending; successes=%d, failures=%d' % (num_successes, num_failures))
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _handle_publish(self):
        rc = 0
        print("_handle_publish") #needed after packet_handle
        header = self._in_packet['command']
        #!H = ! means Network Byte Order, Size, and Alignment with H means unsigned short 2 bytes
        # For the 's' format character, the count is interpreted as the length of the bytes, not a repeat count like for the other format characters; for example, '10s' means a single 10-byte string
        # return  mtPacket(0b00110001, mtStr(topic), data)
        pack_format = "!H" + str(len(self._in_packet['packet'])-2) + 's'
        (slen, packet) = struct.unpack(pack_format, self._in_packet['packet'])
        pack_format = '!' + str(slen) + 's' + str(len(packet)-slen) + 's'
        topic, packet = struct.unpack(pack_format, packet) 

        # message.topic = b'test'
        msg = {} 
        msg['topic'] = topic.decode('utf-8') 
        msg['payload'] =  packet 
        msg['timestamp'] = time.time() 
        self.on_message(self, self._userdata, msg) 
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self,
        # Check that mode is valid.
        if mode not in [BME280_OSAMPLE_1, BME280_OSAMPLE_2, BME280_OSAMPLE_4,
                        BME280_OSAMPLE_8, BME280_OSAMPLE_16]:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unexpected mode value {0}. Set mode to one of '
                'BME280_ULTRALOWPOWER, BME280_STANDARD, BME280_HIGHRES, or '
        self._mode = mode
        self.address = address
        if i2c is None:
            raise ValueError('An I2C object is required.')
        self.i2c = i2c

        # load calibration data
        dig_88_a1 = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, 0x88, 26)
        dig_e1_e7 = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, 0xE1, 7)
        self.dig_T1, self.dig_T2, self.dig_T3, self.dig_P1, \
            self.dig_P2, self.dig_P3, self.dig_P4, self.dig_P5, \
            self.dig_P6, self.dig_P7, self.dig_P8, self.dig_P9, \
            _, self.dig_H1 = unpack("<HhhHhhhhhhhhBB", dig_88_a1)

        self.dig_H2, self.dig_H3 = unpack("<hB", dig_e1_e7)
        e4_sign = unpack_from("<b", dig_e1_e7, 3)[0]
        self.dig_H4 = (e4_sign << 4) | (dig_e1_e7[4] & 0xF)

        e6_sign = unpack_from("<b", dig_e1_e7, 5)[0]
        self.dig_H5 = (e6_sign << 4) | (dig_e1_e7[4] >> 4)

        self.dig_H6 = unpack_from("<b", dig_e1_e7, 6)[0]

        self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL,
        self.t_fine = 0

        # temporary data holders which stay allocated
        self._l1_barray = bytearray(1)
        self._l8_barray = bytearray(8)
        self._l3_resultarray = array("i", [0, 0, 0])
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self,
        # Check that mode is valid.
        if mode not in [BME280_OSAMPLE_1, BME280_OSAMPLE_2, BME280_OSAMPLE_4,
                        BME280_OSAMPLE_8, BME280_OSAMPLE_16]:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unexpected mode value {0}. Set mode to one of '
                'BME280_ULTRALOWPOWER, BME280_STANDARD, BME280_HIGHRES, or '
        self._mode = mode
        self.address = address
        if i2c is None:
            raise ValueError('An I2C object is required.')
        self.i2c = i2c
        self.__sealevel = 101325

        # load calibration data
        dig_88_a1 = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, 0x88, 26)
        dig_e1_e7 = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, 0xE1, 7)

        self.dig_T1, self.dig_T2, self.dig_T3, self.dig_P1, \
            self.dig_P2, self.dig_P3, self.dig_P4, self.dig_P5, \
            self.dig_P6, self.dig_P7, self.dig_P8, self.dig_P9, \
            _, self.dig_H1 = unpack("<HhhHhhhhhhhhBB", dig_88_a1)

        self.dig_H2, self.dig_H3, self.dig_H4,\
            self.dig_H5, self.dig_H6 = unpack("<hBbhb", dig_e1_e7)
        # unfold H4, H5, keeping care of a potential sign
        self.dig_H4 = (self.dig_H4 * 16) + (self.dig_H5 & 0xF)
        self.dig_H5 //= 16

        self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL,
        self.t_fine = 0

        # temporary data holders which stay allocated
        self._l1_barray = bytearray(1)
        self._l8_barray = bytearray(8)
        self._l3_resultarray = array("i", [0, 0, 0])
Exemplo n.º 18
def time():
    NTP_QUERY = bytearray(48)
    NTP_QUERY[0] = 0x1b
    addr = socket.getaddrinfo(host, 123)[0][-1]
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    res = s.sendto(NTP_QUERY, addr)
    msg = s.recv(48)
    val = struct.unpack("!I", msg[40:44])[0]
    return val - NTP_DELTA
Exemplo n.º 19
def ntp(): # noqa
    ntp_query = bytearray(48)
    ntp_query[0] = 0x1b
    addr = socket.getaddrinfo('pool.ntp.org', 123)[0][-1]
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    s.sendto(ntp_query, addr)
    msg = s.recv(48)
    val = struct.unpack("!I", msg[40:44])[0]
    return val - NTP_DELTA
Exemplo n.º 20
    def decode_payload(payload):
        Decode message payload
        :param payload: byte stream representing the message payload
        :return: an array of 8 float [stab_Kp,stab_Kd,stab_Ki,Max Increment,gyro_Kp,gyro_Kd,gyro_Ki,gyro_Max Increment]
        pid_settings = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        for i in range(0, 8):
            pid_settings[i] = ustruct.unpack('>f', payload[i*4:i*4 + 4])[0]

        return pid_settings
Exemplo n.º 21
 def poll(self, timeout=-1):
     s = bytearray(self.evbuf)
     while True:
         n = epoll_wait(self.epfd, s, 1, timeout)
         if not os.check_error(n):
         # TODO: what about timeout value?
     res = []
     if n > 0:
         vals = struct.unpack(epoll_event, s)
         res.append((vals[1], vals[0]))
     return res
Exemplo n.º 22
 def GetCharacterData(self,c):
  if uni not in range(self.first_char,self.last_char):
   return None
  if(ptr_char_data)==0 or(len==0):
   return None
  return buffer
Exemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, font_address=0x300000):
     self.font_address = font_address
     buffer = bytearray(18)
     esp.flash_read(self.font_address, buffer)
     self.header, \
         self.height, \
         self.width, \
         self.baseline, \
         self.x_height, \
         self.Y_height, \
         self.last_char = ustruct.unpack('4sHHHHHHH', buffer)
     self.first_char_info_address = self.font_address + 18
Exemplo n.º 24
 def temperature(self):
     """Read the temperature as measured by the sensor in degrees Celsius.
     # Poll status for TDR to be set.
     while self._read_u8(_MPL3115A2_REGISTER_STATUS) & _MPL3115A2_REGISTER_STATUS_TDR == 0:
     # Read 2 bytes of data from temp register.
     self._read_into(_MPL3115A2_REGISTER_TEMP_MSB, self._BUFFER, count=2)
     # Reconstruct signed 12-bit value.
     temperature = struct.unpack('>h', self._BUFFER[0:2])[0]
     temperature >>= 4
     # Scale down to degrees Celsius.
     return temperature / 16.0
Exemplo n.º 25
def ilistdir_ex(path="."):
    dir = opendir_(path)
    if not dir:
    res = []
    dirent_fmt = "LLHB256s"
    while True:
        dirent = readdir_(dir)
        if not dirent:
        dirent = ffi.as_bytearray(dirent, struct.calcsize(dirent_fmt))
        dirent = struct.unpack(dirent_fmt, dirent)
        yield dirent
Exemplo n.º 26
def default_remote_id():
    """generate remote id based on machine.unique_id()"""
    import uhashlib
    from ustruct import unpack
    # we compute a hash of board's unique_id, since a boards manufactured
    # closely together probably share prefix or suffix, and I don't know
    # which one. we want to avoid accidental remote_id clashes
    unique_hash = uhashlib.sha256(machine.unique_id()).digest()
    # and a 4 byte prefix of a sha256 hash is more than enough
    uint32 = unpack("I", unique_hash[:4])[0]
    # let's mask it to 26 bits
    uint26 = uint32 & (2**26 - 1)
    return uint26
Exemplo n.º 27
 def DispChar(self, s, x, y, mode=TextMode.normal):
     if self.f is None:
     for c in s:
         data = self.f.GetCharacterData(c)
         if data is None:
             x = x + self.width
         width, bytes_per_line = ustruct.unpack('HH', data[:4])
         # print('character [%d]: width = %d, bytes_per_line = %d' % (ord(c)
         # , width, bytes_per_line))
         for h in range(0, self.f.height):
             w = 0
             i = 0
             while w < width:
                 mask = data[4 + h * bytes_per_line + i]
                 if (width - w) >= 8:
                     n = 8
                     n = width - w
                 py = y + h
                 page = py >> 3
                 bit = 0x80 >> (py % 8)
                 for p in range(0, n):
                     px = x + w + p
                     c = 0
                     if (mask & 0x80) != 0:
                         if mode == TextMode.normal or \
                            mode == TextMode.trans:
                             c = 1
                         if mode == TextMode.rev:
                             c = 0
                         if mode == TextMode.xor:                               
                             c = self.buffer[page * 128 + px] & bit
                             if c != 0:
                                 c = 0
                                 c = 1
                             print("px = %d, py = %d, c = %d" % (px, py, c))
                         super().pixel(px, py, c)
                         if mode == TextMode.normal:
                             c = 0
                             super().pixel(px, py, c)
                         if mode == TextMode.rev:
                             c = 1
                             super().pixel(px, py, c)
                     mask = mask << 1
                 w = w + 8
                 i = i + 1
         x = x + width + 1
Exemplo n.º 28
def graph():
  global offset
  global rate
  reg = register
  for ic in range(0, 8):
    for ir in range(0, 8):
      val = ustruct.unpack('<h', i2c.readfrom_mem(i2c_address, reg, 2))[0]
      tmp = (getval(val) - offset) * rate
      if tmp < 0:
        tmp = 0
      if 127 < tmp:
        tmp = 127
      lcd.rect((8-ic) * 30 + 40, ir * 30, 30, 30, 0, colors[int(tmp)])
      reg += 2
Exemplo n.º 29
 def ilistdir(path="."):
     dir = opendir_(path)
     if not dir:
     res = []
     dirent_fmt = "LLHB256s"
     while True:
         dirent = readdir_(dir)
         if not dirent:
         import uctypes
         dirent = uctypes.bytes_at(dirent, struct.calcsize(dirent_fmt))
         dirent = struct.unpack(dirent_fmt, dirent)
         dirent = (dirent[-1].split(b'\0', 1)[0], dirent[-2], dirent[0])
         yield dirent
Exemplo n.º 30
 def draw_char(self, ch, x, y, *args, **kwargs):
     # Don't draw the character if it will be clipped off the visible area.
     if x < -self._font_width or x >= self._width or \
        y < -self._font_height or y >= self._height:
     # Go through each column of the character.
     for char_x in range(self._font_width):
         # Grab the byte for the current column of font data.
         self._font.seek(2 + (ord(ch) * self._font_width) + char_x)
         line = ustruct.unpack('B', self._font.read(1))[0]
         # Go through each row in the column byte.
         for char_y in range(self._font_height):
             # Draw a pixel for each bit that's flipped on.
             if (line >> char_y) & 0x1:
                 self._pixel(x + char_x, y + char_y, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def read(self):
        cnt = self._uart.any()
        if cnt > 250:
            log.warning("PMSx003: uart overrun")
            return None
        if cnt == 0:
            return None
        # read first header char
        while self._state == S_INIT:
            if cnt == 0:
                return None
            if self._assert_byte(self._uart.read(1), 0x42):
                self._state = S_STARTED
            cnt -= 1
        # read second header char
        if self._state == S_STARTED:
            if cnt == 0:
                return None
            if not self._assert_byte(self._uart.read(1), 0x4D):
                self._state = S_INIT
                return None
            cnt -= 1
            self._state = S_LEN
        # read packet length
        if self._state == S_LEN:
            if cnt < 2:
                return None
            hdr = self._uart.read(2)
            if len(hdr) != 2:
                log.warning("PMSx003: len vanished")
                self._state = S_INIT
                return None
            ll = hdr[0] * 256 + hdr[1]
            cnt -= 2
            # print("PMSx003: len={}".format(ll))
            if ll != 2 * 13 + 2:
                log.warning("PMSx003: bad length ({})".format(ll))
                self._state = S_INIT
                return None
            self._state = S_DATA
        # read packet body
        if self._state == S_DATA:
            if cnt < 28:
                return None
            read_buffer = self._uart.read(28)
            self._state = S_INIT
            if len(read_buffer) != 28:
                log.warning("PMSx003: data vanished")
                return None
            if False:
                for i in range(len(read_buffer)):
                    print("0x{:02x} ".format(read_buffer[i]), end="")
                print(" (cnt={})".format(cnt - 28))
            data = struct.unpack("!HHHHHHHHHHHHBBH", read_buffer)
            # verify checksum
            checksum = 0x42 + 0x4D + 28
            for c in read_buffer[0:26]:
                checksum += c
            if checksum == data[PMS_CHECKSUM]:
                # print("PMSx003:", data)
                return (data[PMS_PM2_5_ATM],
                        data[PMS_PCNT_0_3] - data[PMS_PCNT_2_5])
            log.warning("PMSx003: bad checksum")

        return None
Exemplo n.º 32
        raise SystemExit

# check maximum pack on 32-bit machine
print(struct.pack("<I", 2**32 - 1))
print(struct.pack("<I", 0xffffffff))

# long long ints
print(struct.pack("<Q", 2**64 - 1))
print(struct.pack(">Q", 2**64 - 1))
print(struct.pack("<Q", 0xffffffffffffffff))
print(struct.pack(">Q", 0xffffffffffffffff))
print(struct.pack("<q", -1))
print(struct.pack(">q", -1))
print(struct.pack("<Q", 1234567890123456789))
print(struct.pack("<q", -1234567890123456789))
print(struct.pack(">Q", 1234567890123456789))
print(struct.pack(">q", -1234567890123456789))
print(struct.unpack("<Q", b"\x12\x34\x56\x78\x90\x12\x34\x56"))
print(struct.unpack(">Q", b"\x12\x34\x56\x78\x90\x12\x34\x56"))
print(struct.unpack("<q", b"\x12\x34\x56\x78\x90\x12\x34\xf6"))
print(struct.unpack(">q", b"\xf2\x34\x56\x78\x90\x12\x34\x56"))

# check maximum unpack
print(struct.unpack("<I", b"\xff\xff\xff\xff"))
print(struct.unpack("<Q", b"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"))

# check small int overflow
print(struct.unpack("<i", b'\xff\xff\xff\x7f'))
print(struct.unpack("<q", b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7f'))
Exemplo n.º 33
 def read_word2(self, reg):
     self.bus.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, reg, self.wordbuf)
     return unpack('>h', self.wordbuf)[0]
Exemplo n.º 34
        print("wrong adr {} instead of {}".format(adr_rx, adr))
    return retval

#def dac81408_set_range(cfg_string):

i2c = I2C(2, freq=100000)
adr = 0x62 >> 1
lt3582 = LT3582(i2c, adr)

volt_p = 10
volt_n = -10

for reg in range(5):
    print("reg {}:".format(reg))
    print(bin(ustruct.unpack("<b", i2c.readfrom_mem(adr, reg, 1))[0]))

lt3582.set_voltage(volt_p, volt_n)

spi = machine.SPI(2, baudrate=156250, polarity=0, phase=1, bits=8)
cs = machine.Pin('I0', mode=machine.Pin.OUT)

val = 0b0101010100100 & (~(1 << 5))  #disable power down
dac81408_writeReg(spi, cs, DAC81408_SPICONFIG, val)

retval = dac81408_readReg(spi, cs, DAC81408_DEVICEID)  #read chip id

if (retval >> 2) != 0x298:
    print('did not receive correct device id of DAC81408')
    print('got: {} instead of 0x298'.format(hex(retval >> 2)))
Exemplo n.º 35
 def _set_value(self, value, register, bit_mask):
     ctrl_byte = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.bme_i2c_addr, register, 1)
     ctrl_byte = unpack('<b', ctrl_byte)[0]
     out_value = (ctrl_byte & bit_mask) | value
     self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.bme_i2c_addr, register,
Exemplo n.º 36
 def _register_six_char(self, register, buf=bytearray(6)):
     self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, register, buf)
     return struct.unpack("<BBBBBB", buf)
Exemplo n.º 37
def swab32(n):
    # endian swap: 32 bits
    return ustruct.unpack('>I', ustruct.pack('<I', n))[0]
Exemplo n.º 38
def uint256_from_str(s):
    r = 0
    t = struct.unpack("<IIIIIIII", s[:32])
    for i in range(8):
        r += t[i] << (i * 32)
    return r
Exemplo n.º 39
def start_socks5_session(socket, proxy, cf):
    """ask the proxy server to connect us to the cloud application that is listening on port: destport at IP: destip"""
    destadd = cf[0]
    destport = cf[1]
    # check if the user supplied us with authentication
    if proxy[3] != None and proxy[4] != None:
        #=>>> we support both None authentication and authentication with username+password
        #ToDo: make support for other type of authentication
        #05=the protocol version,
        #02=number of suported methods (2 in our case) -- see rfc 1928
        #00 the code for None authentication
        #02 the code for authentication with username and password
        #we suport only None authentication

    chosenauth = list(__recvall(socket, 2))
    # the first byte is the socks version. must be 5. the second is the authentication method selected
    if chosenauth[0] != list(b"\x05")[0]:
        socket.close()  # bad guys are sitting at the server side
        raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
    if chosenauth[1] == list(b"\x00")[0]:
        pass  # No need to send username and password
    elif chosenauth[1] == list(b"\x02")[0]:
        #-> The server selected authetication method with username and password. We should send them :(
        # we should send the following: sub_negotioation version + length of username + username + length of password + password
        _username = proxy[3].encode()
        _password = proxy[4].encode()
        socket.sendall(b"\x01" + chr(len(_username)) + _username +
                       chr(len(_password)) + _password)
        #The reply: consistes of 2 bytes. first byte is the sus_negotioation version. second is the answer (Accept, or not) ->
        auth_reply = list(__recvall(socket, 2))
        if auth_reply[0] != list(b"\x01")[0]:
            socket.close()  # bad guys are sitting at the server side
            raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
        if auth_reply[1] != list(b"\x00")[0]:
            socket.close()  # incorrect username or password!
            raise Socks5AuthError((3, _socks5autherrors[3]))
        )  # the server didn't accept our authentication methods :( shit!!
        if chosenauth[1] == list(b"\xff")[0]:
            raise Socks5AuthError((2, _socks5autherrors[2]))
            raise GeneralProxyError(
                (1, _generalerrors[1]))  # the bad guys again

            #Ask the proxy to establish a connection with the target Cloud application :)
            #We support only tcp.
            # ToDo: make support for udp
    connection_request = b'\x05\x01\x00'  # Version + command (tcp) + reserved byte
    #ToDo: support BIND and UDP assoiciate
        ipadd = _dotted_ip_to_bits(destadd)
        connection_request = connection_request + b'\x01' + ipadd
    except ValueError:
        #it's not an ip address !!
        if proxy[2] == True:
            #means we want to enable remote dns
            ipadd = None
            connection_request = connection_request + b'\x03' + chr(
                len(destadd.encode())) + destadd.encode()
            #local dns resolving!
            ipadd = _dotted_ip_to_bits(
                usocket.getaddrinfo(destadd, destport)[0][-1][0])
            connection_request = connection_request + b"\x01" + ipadd
    connection_request = connection_request + ustruct.pack(">H", destport)
    connection_response = list(__recvall(socket, 4))
    if connection_response[0] != list(b'\x05')[0]:
        socket.close()  # bad guys are sitting at the server side
        raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
    elif connection_response[1] != list(b'\x00')[0]:
        if ord(connection_response[1]) <= 8:
            raise Socks5Error((ord(connection_response[1]),
            raise Socks5Error((9, _generalerrors[9]))
    elif connection_response[3] == list(b'\x01')[0]:
        proxy_bound_address = __recvall(socket, 4)
    elif connection_response[3] == list(b'\x03')[0]:
        connection_response = connection_response + __recvall(socket, 1)
        proxy_bound_address = __recvall(socket, ord(connection_response[4]))
        raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
    proxy_bound_port = ustruct.unpack('>H', __recvall(socket, 2))[0]
    __proxysockname = (_bits_to_dotted_ip(proxy_bound_address),
                       )  # 32 bit binary ip address (4 bytes) , int port
    return __proxysockname
Exemplo n.º 40
# Using structs which are not aligned on machine word boundary
    import ustruct as struct
        import struct
    except ImportError:
        raise SystemExit

buf = struct.pack("I", 0x01020304)
buf_offseted = b"\xff" + buf

v1 = struct.unpack("I", buf)

v2 = struct.unpack_from("I", buf_offseted, 1)
print("1:", v1 == v2)

v3 = struct.unpack("I", memoryview(buf_offseted)[1:])
print("2:", v1 == v3)

wbuf = bytearray(20)
struct.pack_into("I", wbuf, 1, 0x01020304)
print("3:", bytes(wbuf[1:]).startswith(buf))

wbuf = bytearray(20)
struct.pack_into("I", memoryview(wbuf)[1:], 0, 0x01020304)
print("4:", bytes(wbuf[1:]).startswith(buf))
Exemplo n.º 41
 def _register_three_shorts(self, register, buf=bytearray(6)):
     self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, register, buf)
     return ustruct.unpack(">hhh", buf)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def thermistor(self):
     data = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.addr, AMG8833_TTHL, 2)
     return unpack('>H', data)[0]
Exemplo n.º 43
def _decode_single(single):
    return ustruct.unpack("!f", ustruct.pack("!I", single))[0]
Exemplo n.º 44
def readiacctemperature():
    k = i2c.readfrom_mem(0x6B, 0x15, 2)
    t = ustruct.unpack("<h", k)
    return t[0] / 18.1 + 28.6  # worked out experimentally in fridge
Exemplo n.º 45
def str2xfp(txt):
    # Inverse of xfp2str
    return ustruct.unpack('<I', a2b_hex(txt))[0]
Exemplo n.º 46
 def _calc_from_int(self, integer):
     struct_int = struct.pack('>i', integer)
     b = struct.unpack('>BBBB', struct_int)
     return b
Exemplo n.º 47
def deser_uint256(f):
    r = 0
    for i in range(8):
        t = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
        r += t << (i * 32)
    return r
Exemplo n.º 48
 def _read_register(self, register):
     result = unpack('BB', self._i2c.readfrom_mem(self._addr, register, 2))
     return ((result[1] << 8) | result[0])
Exemplo n.º 49
 def _get_value(self, register, bit_mask):
     ctrl_byte = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.bme_i2c_addr, register, 1)
     ctrl_byte = unpack('<b', ctrl_byte)[0]
     return ctrl_byte & bit_mask
Exemplo n.º 50
class _websocket:
    def __init__(self, s):
        self.s = s

    def write(self, data):
        l = len(data)
        if l < 126:
            # TODO: hardcoded "binary" type
            hdr = struct.pack(">BB", 0x82, l)
            hdr = struct.pack(">BBH", 0x82, 126, l)
    def send(self,msg,fin=True):    
        data = struct.pack('B', 129) if fin else struct.pack('B', 0)
        msg_len = len(msg)
        if msg_len <= 125:
            data += struct.pack('B', msg_len)
        elif msg_len <= (2**16 - 1):
            data += struct.pack('!BH', 126, msg_len)
        elif msg_len <= (2**64 - 1):
            data += struct.pack('!BQ', 127, msg_len)
            # 分片传输超大内容(应该用不到)
            while True:
                fragment = msg[:(2**64 - 1)]
                msg -= fragment
                if msg > (2**64 - 1):
                   self.s.send(fragment, False)
        data += bytes(msg)

        print (data)
    def recvexactly(self, sz):
        res = b""
        while sz:
            data = self.s.recv(sz)
            if not data:
            res += data
            sz -= len(data)
        return res
    def read(self):
        #while True: #禁用循环 带到外面自行循环
            hdr = self.recvexactly(2)
            print (hdr)
            assert len(hdr) == 2
            firstbyte, secondbyte = struct.unpack(">BB", hdr)
            mskenable =  True if secondbyte & 0x80 else False
            length = secondbyte & 0x7f
            if DEBUG:
                print('test length=%d' % length)
                print('mskenable=' + str(mskenable))
            if length == 126:
                hdr = self.recvexactly(2)
                assert len(hdr) == 2
                (length,) = struct.unpack(">H", hdr)
            if length == 127:
                hdr = self.recvexactly(8)
                assert len(hdr) == 8
     check: -1
           (length,) = struct.unpack(">Q", hdr)
            if DEBUG:
                print('length=%d' % length)
            opcode =  firstbyte & 0x0f
            if opcode == 8:
                return ''
            fin = True if firstbyte&0x80 else False
            if DEBUG:
            if mskenable:
                hdr = self.recvexactly(4)
                assert len(hdr) == 4
                (msk1,msk2,msk3,msk4) = struct.unpack(">BBBB", hdr)
                msk = [msk1,msk2,msk3,msk4]
            # debugmsg("Got unexpected websocket record of type %x, skipping it" % fl)
            data = []
            while length:
                skip = self.s.recv(length)
                # debugmsg("Skip data: %s" % skip)
                length -= len(skip)
            newdata = []
            for i,item in enumerate(data):
                j = i % 4
                newdata.append(chr(data[i] ^ msk[j]))
            res = ''.join(newdata)
            if res!='':
                return res
Exemplo n.º 51
 def deserialize(self, f):
     self.nValue = struct.unpack("<q", f.read(8))[0]
     self.scriptPubKey = deser_string(f)
Exemplo n.º 52
 def deserialize(self, f):
     self.prevout = COutPoint()
     self.scriptSig = deser_string(f)
     self.nSequence = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
Exemplo n.º 53
 def get_a_x(self):
     self.i2c.writeto(self.addr, b'\x02', False)
     buf = self.i2c.readfrom(self.addr, 2)
     x = ustruct.unpack('h', buf)[0]
     return x / 4 / 4096
Exemplo n.º 54
def _c_tm_to_tuple(tm):
    t = ustruct.unpack("@iiiiiiiii", tm)
    return _struct_time(t[5] + 1900, t[4] + 1, t[3], t[2], t[1], t[0],
                        (t[6] - 1) % 7, t[7] + 1, t[8])
Exemplo n.º 55
    def read(self, internal=False, raw=False):
        Read the measured temperature.

        If ``internal`` is ``True``, return a tuple with the measured
        temperature first and the internal reference temperature second.

        If ``raw`` is ``True``, return the values as 14- and 12- bit integers,
        otherwise convert them to Celsuius degrees and return as floating point

        if hasattr(self.cs, 'off'):
            self.cs.value = 0
        if hasattr(self.cs, 'on'):
            self.cs.value = 1
        # The data has this format:
        # 00 --> OC fault
        # 01 --> SCG fault
        # 02 --> SCV fault
        # 03 --> reserved
        # 04 -. --> LSB
        # 05  |
        # 06  |
        # 07  |
        #      > reference
        # 08  |
        # 09  |
        # 10  |
        # 11  |
        # 12  |
        # 13  |
        # 14  | --> MSB
        # 15 -' --> sign
        # 16 --> fault
        # 17 --> reserved
        # 18 -.  --> LSB
        # 19   |
        # 20   |
        # 21   |
        # 22   |
        # 23   |
        #       > temp
        # 24   |
        # 25   |
        # 26   |
        # 27   |
        # 28   |
        # 29   |
        # 30   | --> MSB
        # 31  -' --> sign
        if self.data[3] & 0x01:
            raise RuntimeError("thermocouple not connected")
        if self.data[3] & 0x02:
            raise RuntimeError("short circuit to ground")
        if self.data[3] & 0x04:
            raise RuntimeError("short circuit to power")
        if self.data[1] & 0x01:
            raise RuntimeError("faulty reading")
        temp, refer = ustruct.unpack('>hh', self.data)
        refer >>= 4
        temp >>= 2
        if raw:
            if internal:
                return temp, refer
            return temp
        if internal:
            return temp / 4, refer * 0.0625
        return temp / 4
Exemplo n.º 56
 def parseData(self, data):
     return ustruct.unpack(
         '>f', ustruct.pack('>BBBB', data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]))[0]
Exemplo n.º 57
 def pwm(self, index, on=None, off=None):
     if on is None or off is None:
         data = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, 0x06 + 4 * index, 4)
         return ustruct.unpack('<HH', data)
     data = ustruct.pack('<HH', on, off)
     self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, 0x06 + 4 * index,  data)
Exemplo n.º 58
def unpack(fmt, buf):
    return ustruct.unpack(_norm_fmt(fmt), buf)
Exemplo n.º 59
while True:
    new_message = client.check_msg()
    if mail_flag == 1:
        mail_flag = 0
        result = ca.verify_hmac(json_message)
        ticks_2 = utime.ticks_ms()
        print(utime.ticks_diff(ticks_2, ticks_1))

        if result:
            client.publish(b'Acknowledge', b'Successful Decryption')
            print("Authentication Passed. Decrypting")
            (d_iv, d_nodeid, d_data) = ca.decrypt()
            print("Successful Decryption")
            accel_val_x = ustruct.unpack("<h", d_data[0:2])[0]
            accel_val_y = ustruct.unpack("<h", d_data[2:4])[0]
            accel_val_z = ustruct.unpack("<h", d_data[4:6])[0]
            if abs(accel_val_x) > 1 or abs(accel_val_y) > 1 or abs(
                    accel_val_z) > 1:

            curr_temp = twos_comp(int.from_bytes(d_data[6:8], 'big'),
                                  16) * .0078
            if curr_temp > (prev_temp + 1):
                pwm_g.freq(pwm_g.freq() + 5)

            client.publish(b'Acknowledge', b'Failed Authentication')
Exemplo n.º 60
 def deserialize(self, f):
     self.hash = deser_uint256(f)
     self.n = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]