Exemplo n.º 1
    def by_city_and_state(self, city, state, standard_only=True):
        """Search zipcode information by City and State name.
        You can use either short state name and long state name. My engine use
        fuzzy match and guess what is you want.
        :param city: city name.
        :param state: 2 letter short name or long name.
        :param standard_only: boolean, default True, only returns standard 
          type zipcode
        # check if it is a abbreviate name
        if state.upper() in self.all_state_short:
            state = state.upper()
        # if not, find out what is the state that user looking for
            choice, confidence = extractOne(state.lower(), self.all_state_long)
            if confidence < 70:
                raise Exception("'%s' is not a valid statename, use 2 letter "
                                "short name or correct full name please." % state)
            state = STATE_ABBR_LONG_TO_SHORT[choice]
        # find out what is the city that user looking for
        select_sql = "SELECT City FROM zipcode WHERE State == '%s'" % state
        all_city = [record[0] for record in self.cursor.execute(select_sql)]
        choice, confidence = extractOne(city.lower(), all_city)
        if confidence < 70:
            raise Exception("Cannot found '%s' in '%s'." % (city, state))
            city = choice
        # execute query
        select_sql = \
        SELECT * FROM zipcode 
            City = '%s' 
            AND State = '%s'
        """ % (city, state)
        if standard_only:
            select_sql = select_sql + self._standard_only_param

        res = list()
        for row in self.cursor.execute(select_sql):
            res.append(Zipcode(self.all_column, list(row)))
        return res
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _find_state(self, state, best_match=True):
        """Fuzzy search correct state.

        :param best_match: bool, when True, only one state will return. 
          otherwise, will return all matching states.
        result = list()

        # check if it is a abbreviate name
        if state.upper() in self.all_state_short:
        # if not, find out what is the state that user looking for
            if best_match:
                choice, confidence = extractOne(
                    state.lower(), self.all_state_long)
                if confidence >= 70:
                for choice, confidence in extract(state.lower(), self.all_state_long):
                    if confidence >= 70:

        if len(result) == 0:
            message = ("'%s' is not a valid state name, use 2 letter "
                       "short name or correct full name please.")
            raise ValueError(message % state)

        return result
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _find_state(self, state, best_match=True):
        """Fuzzy search correct state.

        :param best_match: bool, when True, only one state will return. 
          otherwise, will return all matching states.
        result = list()

        # check if it is a abbreviate name
        if state.upper() in self.all_state_short:
        # if not, find out what is the state that user looking for
            if best_match:
                choice, confidence = extractOne(
                    state.lower(), self.all_state_long)
                if confidence >= 70:
                for choice, confidence in extract(state.lower(), self.all_state_long):
                    if confidence >= 70:

        if len(result) == 0:
            message = ("'%s' is not a valid state name, use 2 letter "
                       "short name or correct full name please.")
            raise ValueError(message % state)

        return result
Exemplo n.º 4
    def by_city(self, city, standard_only=True):
        """Search zipcode information by City and State name.
        My engine use fuzzy match and guess what is you want.
        :param city: city name.
        :param standard_only: boolean, default True, only returns standard 
          type zipcode
        # find out what is the city that user looking for
        select_sql = "SELECT City FROM zipcode WHERE City == '%s'" % city
        all_city = [record[0] for record in self.cursor.execute(select_sql)]
        choice, confidence = extractOne(city.lower(), all_city)
        if confidence < 70:
            raise Exception("Cannot found '%s' in '%s'." % (city, state))
            city = choice

        # execute query
        select_sql = \
        SELECT * FROM zipcode 
        WHERE City = '%s'
        """ % (city,)
        if standard_only:
            select_sql = select_sql + self._standard_only_param

        res = list()
        for row in self.cursor.execute(select_sql):
            res.append(Zipcode(self.all_column, list(row)))
        return res
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _find_city(self, city, state=None, best_match=True):
        """Fuzzy search correct city.

        :param city: city name.
        :param state: search city in specified state.
        :param best_match: bool, when True, only one city will return. 
          otherwise, will return all matching cities.


        如果给定了state, 则只在state里的城市中寻找, 否则, 在全国所有的城市中
        # find out what is the city that user looking for
        if state:
            state = self._find_state(state, best_match=True)[0]
            select_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT City FROM zipcode WHERE State == '%s'" % state
            select_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT City FROM zipcode"

        all_city = [row[0] for row in self.cursor.execute(select_sql)]
        if len(all_city) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No city is available in state('%s')" % state)

        result = list()

        if best_match:
            choice, confidence = extractOne(city.lower(), all_city)
            if confidence >= 70:
            for choice, confidence in extract(city.lower(), all_city):
                if confidence >= 70:

        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid city name" % city)

        return result
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _find_city(self, city, state=None, best_match=True):
        """Fuzzy search correct city.

        :param city: city name.
        :param state: search city in specified state.
        :param best_match: bool, when True, only one city will return. 
          otherwise, will return all matching cities.


        如果给定了state, 则只在state里的城市中寻找, 否则, 在全国所有的城市中
        # find out what is the city that user looking for
        if state:
            state = self._find_state(state, best_match=True)[0]
            select_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT City FROM zipcode WHERE State == '%s'" % state
            select_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT City FROM zipcode"

        all_city = [row[0] for row in self.cursor.execute(select_sql)]
        if len(all_city) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No city is available in state('%s')" % state)

        result = list()

        if best_match:
            choice, confidence = extractOne(city.lower(), all_city)
            if confidence >= 70:
            for choice, confidence in extract(city.lower(), all_city):
                if confidence >= 70:

        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid city name" % city)

        return result