Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_xor3(self):
        """Test XOR3 execution"""

        # XOR3 Rn,Rm,imm16
        exec_instruction("XOR3 R1, R2, 1",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_di(self):
        """Test DI execution"""

        # DI
                         [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_and3(self):
        """Test AND3 execution"""

        # AND3 Rn,Rm,imm16
        exec_instruction("AND3 R1, R2, 0",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_dbreak(self):
        """Test DBREAK execution"""

        # DBREAK
                         [(ExprId("DBG", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("DBG", 32), ExprInt(0b10, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_ldc(self):
        """Test LDC execution"""

        # LDC Rn,imm5
        exec_instruction("LDC R1, SAR",
                         [(ExprId("SAR", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_di(self):
        """Test DI execution"""

        # DI
                         [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_xor(self):
        """Test XOR execution"""

        # XOR Rn, Rm
        exec_instruction("XOR R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32)), (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_stc(self):
        """Test STC execution"""

        # STC Rn,imm5
        exec_instruction("STC R1, SAR",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("SAR", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_erepeat(self):
        """Test EREPEAT execution"""

        # EREPEAT disp17.align2
        exec_instruction("EREPEAT 0x42", [(ExprId("PC", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("RPB", 32), ExprInt(4, 32)),
                          (ExprId("RPE", 32), ExprInt(0x43, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_xor3(self):
        """Test XOR3 execution"""

        # XOR3 Rn,Rm,imm16
        exec_instruction("XOR3 R1, R2, 1",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_nor(self):
        """Test NOR execution"""

        # NOR Rn, Rm
        exec_instruction("NOR R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32)), (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_jsr(self):
        """Test JSR execution"""

        # JSR Rm
        exec_instruction("JSR R1", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x2807, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("PC", 32), ExprInt(0x2807, 32)),
                          (ExprId("LP", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_sw(self):
        """Test SW execution"""

        # SW Rn,(Rm)
            "SW R1, (R2)", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32)),
                            (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
            [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x10, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32))])

        # SW Rn,disp7.align4(SP)
            "SW R1, 4(SP)", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32)),
                             (ExprId("SP", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
            [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x14, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32))])

        # SW Rn,disp7.align4(TP)
            "SW R1, 12(TP)", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32)),
                              (ExprId("TP", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
            [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1c, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32))])

        # SW Rn,disp16(Rm)
            "SW R10, 0xF800(R2)", [(ExprId("R10", 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32)),
                                   (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
            [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFF810, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))])

        # SW Rn,(abs24.align4)
            "SW R10, (0x1010)", [(ExprId("R10", 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))],
            [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1010, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_ei(self):
        """Test EI execution"""

        # EI
                         [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_and(self):
        """Test AND  execution"""

        # AND Rn, Rm
        exec_instruction("AND R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32)), (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_nor(self):
        """Test NOR execution"""

        # NOR Rn, Rm
        exec_instruction("NOR R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32)), (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_sbvck3(self):
        """Test SBVCK3 execution"""

        # SBVCK3 R0,Rn,Rm
            "SBVCK3 R0, R1, R2", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(2, 32)),
                                  (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
            [(ExprId("R0", 32),
                      ">", ExprInt(3, 32),
                      ExprCond(ExprOp(">", ExprInt(0x2, 32), ExprInt(0x1, 32)),
                               ExprInt(0x2, 32), ExprInt(0x1, 32))),
                  ExprInt(1, 32), ExprInt(0, 32)))])

            "SBVCK3 R0, R1, R2", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0, 32)),
                                  (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
            [(ExprId("R0", 32),
                      ">", ExprInt(1, 32),
                      ExprCond(ExprOp(">", ExprInt(0, 32), ExprInt(1, 32)),
                               ExprInt(0, 32), ExprInt(1, 32))), ExprInt(
                                   1, 32), ExprInt(0, 32)))])
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_and(self):
        """Test AND  execution"""

        # AND Rn, Rm
        exec_instruction("AND R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32)), (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_sw(self):
        """Test SW execution"""

        # SW Rn,(Rm)
        exec_instruction("SW R1, (R2)",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x10, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32))])

        # SW Rn,disp7.align4(SP)
        exec_instruction("SW R1, 4(SP)",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32)),
                          (ExprId("SP", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x14, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32))])

        # SW Rn,disp7.align4(TP)
        exec_instruction("SW R1, 12(TP)",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32)),
                          (ExprId("TP", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1c, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32))])

        # SW Rn,disp16(Rm)
        exec_instruction("SW R10, 0xF800(R2)",
                         [(ExprId("R10", 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFF810, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))])

        # SW Rn,(abs24.align4)
        exec_instruction("SW R10, (0x1010)",
                         [(ExprId("R10", 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))],
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1010, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_and3(self):
        """Test AND3 execution"""

        # AND3 Rn,Rm,imm16
        exec_instruction("AND3 R1, R2, 0",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_ldc(self):
        """Test LDC execution"""

        # LDC Rn,imm5
        exec_instruction("LDC R1, SAR",
                         [(ExprId("SAR", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_ret(self):
        """Test RET execution"""

        # RET
                         [(ExprId("LP", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("PC", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_ei(self):
        """Test EI execution"""

        # EI
                         [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_reti(self):
        """Test RETI execution"""

        # RETI
                (ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(0xF0000201, 32)),  # PSW_NMI = 1
                (ExprId("NPC", 32), ExprInt(0x43, 32))
            [(ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(0xF0000001, 32)),
             (ExprId("PC", 32), ExprInt(0x42, 32))])

                (ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(0b1010,
                                            32)),  # PSW_UMP = 1 & PSW_IEP = 1
                (ExprId("EPC", 32), ExprInt(0x29, 32))
                (ExprId("PSW", 32), ExprInt(0b1111,
                                            32)),  # PSW_UMC = 1 & PSW_IEC = 1
                (ExprId("PC", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_sub(self):
        """Test SUB execution"""

        # SUB Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("SUB R1, R2", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32)),
                                        (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x7, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x21, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_xor(self):
        """Test XOR execution"""

        # XOR Rn, Rm
        exec_instruction("XOR R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32)), (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_stc(self):
        """Test STC execution"""

        # STC Rn,imm5
        exec_instruction("STC R1, SAR",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("SAR", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_lw(self):
        """Test SW execution"""

        # LW Rn,(Rm)
        exec_instruction("LW R1, (R2)",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x10, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABCD, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xABCD, 32))])

        #  LW Rn,disp7.align4(SP)
        exec_instruction("LW R1, 0x18(SP)",
                         [(ExprId("SP", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x01234567, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x01234567, 32))])

        # LW Rn[0-7],disp7.align4(TP)
        exec_instruction("LW R1, 0x18(TP)",
                         [(ExprId("TP", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x1010, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x1010, 32))])

        # LW Rn,disp16(Rm)
        exec_instruction("LW R9, 0xF000(R2)",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x42, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFF040, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R9", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))])

        # LW Rn,(abs24.align4)
        exec_instruction("LW R10, (0x1010)",
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1010, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R10", 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_sbvck3(self):
        """Test SBVCK3 execution"""

        # SBVCK3 R0,Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("SBVCK3 R0, R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(2, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprCond(ExprOp(">",
                                                             ExprInt(3, 32),
                                                             ExprCond(ExprOp(">", ExprInt(0x2, 32), ExprInt(0x1, 32)),
                                                                      ExprInt(0x2, 32),
                                                                      ExprInt(0x1, 32))),
                                                      ExprInt(1, 32),
                                                      ExprInt(0, 32)))])

        exec_instruction("SBVCK3 R0, R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprCond(ExprOp(">",
                                                             ExprInt(1, 32),
                                                             ExprCond(ExprOp(">", ExprInt(0, 32), ExprInt(1, 32)),
                                                                      ExprInt(0, 32),
                                                                      ExprInt(1, 32))),
                                                      ExprInt(1, 32),
                                                      ExprInt(0, 32)))])
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_lw(self):
        """Test SW execution"""

        # LW Rn,(Rm)
        exec_instruction("LW R1, (R2)",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x10, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABCD, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xABCD, 32))])

        #  LW Rn,disp7.align4(SP)
        exec_instruction("LW R1, 0x18(SP)",
                         [(ExprId("SP", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x01234567, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x01234567, 32))])

        # LW Rn[0-7],disp7.align4(TP)
        exec_instruction("LW R1, 0x18(TP)",
                         [(ExprId("TP", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x1010, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x1010, 32))])

        # LW Rn,disp16(Rm)
        exec_instruction("LW R9, 0xF000(R2)",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x42, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFF040, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R9", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))])

        # LW Rn,(abs24.align4)
        exec_instruction("LW R10, (0x1010)",
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1010, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R10", 32), ExprInt(0xABC7, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_btstm(self):
        """Test BTSTM execution"""

        # BTSTM R0,(Rm),imm3
        exec_instruction("BTSTM R0, (R1), 1",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x2, 8))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_bnotm(self):
        """Test BNOTM execution"""

        # BNOTM (Rm),imm3
        exec_instruction("BNOTM (R1), 1",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x1, 8))],
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x3, 8))])
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_sub(self):
        """Test SUB execution"""

        # SUB Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("SUB R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x7, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x21, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 34
    def test_sl2ad3(self):
        """Test SL2AD3 execution"""

        # SL2AD3 R0,Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("SL2AD3 R0, R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x20, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_erepeat(self):
        """Test EREPEAT execution"""

        # EREPEAT disp17.align2
        exec_instruction("EREPEAT 0x42",
                         [(ExprId("PC", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("RPB", 32), ExprInt(4, 32)),
                          (ExprId("RPE", 32), ExprInt(0x43, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_bsetm(self):
        """Test BSETM execution"""

        # BSETM (Rm),imm3
        exec_instruction("BSETM (R1), 1",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x1, 8))],
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x3, 8))])
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_sl2ad3(self):
        """Test SL2AD3 execution"""

        # SL2AD3 R0,Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("SL2AD3 R0, R1, R2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x20, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 38
    def test_btstm(self):
        """Test BTSTM execution"""

        # BTSTM R0,(Rm),imm3
        exec_instruction("BTSTM R0, (R1), 1",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x2, 8))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_jsr(self):
        """Test JSR execution"""

        # JSR Rm
        exec_instruction("JSR R1",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x2807, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("PC", 32), ExprInt(0x2807, 32)),
                          (ExprId("LP", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test_tas(self):
        """Test TAS execution"""

        # TAS Rn,(Rm)
        exec_instruction("TAS R0, (R1)",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x2, 8))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x1, 8))])
Exemplo n.º 41
    def test_neg(self):
        """Test NEG execution"""

        # NEG Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("NEG R1, R2", [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(1, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32))])

        exec_instruction("NEG R1, R2", [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x42, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFBE, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_extb(self):
        """Test EXTB execution"""

        # EXTB Rn
        exec_instruction("EXTB R1", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFE, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32))])

        exec_instruction("EXTB R2", [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x80, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFF80, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 43
    def test_lwcpi(self):
        """Test LWCPI execution"""

        # LWCPI CRn[0-15],(Rm+)
        exec_instruction("LWCPI C1, (R2+)",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x11, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x10, 32), 32), ExprInt(0xABCD, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("C1", 32), ExprInt(0xABCD, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x15, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 44
    def test_smcpi(self):
        """Test SMCPI execution"""

        # SMCPI CRn[0-15],(Rm+)
        exec_instruction("SMCPI C1, (R2+)",
                         [(ExprId("C1", 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x17, 32))],
                         [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x10, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x28071010, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x1F, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_exth(self):
        """Test EXTH execution"""

        # EXTH Rn
        exec_instruction("EXTH R1", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFE, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32))])

        exec_instruction("EXTH R2", [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x8000, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFF8000, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_movh(self):
        """Test MOVH execution"""

        # MOVH Rn,imm16
        exec_instruction("MOVH R1, 1", [],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x10000, 32))])

        exec_instruction("MOVH R1, 0xFFFF", [],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFF0000, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_tas(self):
        """Test TAS execution"""

        # TAS Rn,(Rm)
        exec_instruction("TAS R0, (R1)",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x2, 8))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32)),
                          (ExprMem(ExprInt(0x28, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x1, 8))])
Exemplo n.º 48
    def test_mulru(self):
        """Test MULRU execution"""

        # MULRU Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("MULRU R0, R1",
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("HI", 32), ExprInt(0x1, 32)),
                          (ExprId("LO", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 49
    def test_repeat(self):
        """Test REPEAT execution"""

        # REPEAT Rn, disp17.align2
        exec_instruction("REPEAT R0, 0x42",
                         [(ExprId("PC", 32), ExprInt(2, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("RPB", 32), ExprInt(6, 32)),
                          (ExprId("RPE", 32), ExprInt(0x44, 32)),
                          (ExprId("RPC", 32), ExprInt(0x28, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 50
    def test_bgei(self):
        """Test BGEI execution"""

        # BGEI Rn,imm4,disp17.align2
            "BGEI R1, 0x5, 0x10000", [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x10, 32))],
            [(ExprId("PC", 32),
              ExprCond(ExprOp(">=", ExprInt(0x10, 32), ExprInt(0x5, 32)),
                       ExprInt(0xFFFF0010, 32), ExprInt(0x14, 32)))],
Exemplo n.º 51
    def test_mulr(self):
        """Test MULR execution"""

        # MULR Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("MULR R0, R1",
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x80, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("HI", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32)),
                          (ExprId("LO", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFF80, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFF80, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 52
    def test_mulr(self):
        """Test MULR execution"""

        # MULR Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("MULR R0, R1",
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x80, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("HI", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32)),
                          (ExprId("LO", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFF80, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFF80, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_mulru(self):
        """Test MULRU execution"""

        # MULRU Rn,Rm
        exec_instruction("MULRU R0, R1",
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0x2, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("HI", 32), ExprInt(0x1, 32)),
                          (ExprId("LO", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32)),
                          (ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 54
    def test_sll3(self):
        """Test SLL3 execution"""

        # SLL3 R0,Rn,imm5
        exec_instruction("SLL3 R0, R1, 2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(4, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(16, 32))])

        exec_instruction("SLL3 R0, R1, 2",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xC0000000, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R0", 32), ExprInt(0, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 55
    def test_extub(self):
        """Test EXTUB execution"""

        # EXTUB Rn
        exec_instruction("EXTUB R1",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFE, 32))])

        exec_instruction("EXTUB R2",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFF80, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x80, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 56
    def test_extuh(self):
        """Test EXTUH execution"""

        # EXTUH Rn
        exec_instruction("EXTUH R1",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFE, 32))])

        exec_instruction("EXTUH R2",
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFF8000, 32))],
                         [(ExprId("R2", 32), ExprInt(0x8000, 32))])
Exemplo n.º 57
    def test_movh(self):
        """Test MOVH execution"""

        # MOVH Rn,imm16
        exec_instruction("MOVH R1, 1",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0x10000, 32))])

        exec_instruction("MOVH R1, 0xFFFF",
                         [(ExprId("R1", 32), ExprInt(0xFFFF0000, 32))])