Exemplo n.º 1
    def _qc(self, file_name, out_file_name=''):
        _qc() [private]
        Purpose:    Carries out a quality control operation on a single file.
        Parameters: file_name [type=str]
                        The name of the file to quality control.
                    out_file_name [type=str]
                        Optional file name specifying where to write the output of the quality control procedure.  If not specified, the file given by 
                        file_name will be overwritten with quality-controlled data.
        Returns:    [nothing]

        file = DataIO(file_name=file_name, mode="rw")
        file_data_good = {} 
        file_data_dims = ()

        for variables, function in self.rules.iteritems():
            # Loop through all the rules that we've defined and find the indexes of all the good data.
            if variables.find(",") > -1:
                variables = re.split(", *", variables)
                variables = [ variables ]

            for var in variables:
                if var not in file_data_good:
                    file_data_dims = file.get_variable_attribute(var, 'dimensions')
                    file_data_good[var] = np.array(np.ones(tuple([ file.get_dimension(d) for d in file_data_dims ]), dtype=bool))

            # Get the variable data from the file (returns as a list of numpy arrays)
            file_data = file.get_variable(variables)

            # Plug the list straight into the quality control function.  Do the element-wise "and" procedure between the file_data_good array and the returned array immediately.
            good = function(*file_data)

            for var in variables:
                file_data_good[var] &= good

#       file_data_good &= file_data_good[:,5].data.reshape((file.get_dimension(file_data_dims[0]), 1))

        for var in file_data_good.keys():

            # Do the splicing for every variable with the same dimensions as the variables we've qc'ed.
            qc_data = np.where(file_data_good[var], file.get_variable(var), np.nan)
            file.set_variable(var, qc_data)

#           new_dims = []
#           keep_indexes = []
#           for idx, var_dim in enumerate(var_dims):
#               if var_dim in file_data_dims:
#                   new_dims.append("%s_qc" % var_dim)
#                   keep_indexes.append(np.unique(np.where(file_data_good)[idx]))
#               else:
#                   new_dims.append(var_dim)
#                   keep_indexes.append(np.arange(file.get_dimension(var_dim), dtype=np.int32))

#           file.splice_variable(variable, tuple(new_dims), tuple(keep_indexes))

        # Sew 'er up
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    ap.add_argument('--data-file', dest='data_file', default="data/ECMWF_Global_2p5_20120203_0000.nc")
    ap.add_argument('--attributes', dest='attrs', action='store_true')
    ap.add_argument('--dimensions', dest='dims', action='store_true')
    ap.add_argument('--variables', dest='vars', action='store_true')
    ap.add_argument('--variable', dest='var', default="")

    args = ap.parse_args()

    data_file = DataIO(file_name=args.data_file)
    if args.dims:
        print "Dimensions:"
        dims = data_file.get_dimensions().items()
        max_length = max([len(n[0]) for n in dims])
        for dim_name, dim in dims:
            print "  %s%s" % (dim_name, " " * (max_length - len(dim_name))), len(dim)

    if args.attrs:
        print "File Attributes:"
        attr_list = data_file.get_file_attribute_list()
        max_length = max([len(n) for n in attr_list])
        for attribute in sorted(attr_list):
            print "  %s%s" % (attribute, " " * (max_length - len(attribute))), data_file.get_file_attribute(attribute)

    if args.vars:
        print "Variables:"
        for variable in sorted(data_file.get_variable_list()):
            print "  %s" % variable

    if args.var != "":
        print "Attributes for Variable %s" % args.var
        attr_list = data_file.get_variable_attribute_list(args.var)
        max_length = max([len(n) for n in attr_list])
        for attribute in sorted(attr_list):
            print "  %s%s" % (attribute, " " * (max_length - len(attribute))), data_file.get_variable_attribute(args.var, attribute)
        dim_list = data_file.get_variable_dimensions(args.var)
        print "Dimensions:  ",dim_list
Exemplo n.º 3

import sys

from util.dataIO import DataIO
import numpy as np

df = DataIO("wrfout_d01_PLEV.nc", mode="rw")
missing_value = df.get_variable_attribute('T', 'missing_value')
df.set_variable_attribute('P', 'missing_value', missing_value)
