Exemplo n.º 1
def register():
    if 'user' in session:
        return redirect(url_for('home'))
    '''Adding users to the database'''
    if request.form.get("username") != None:
        r_username = request.form.get("username")
        r_num = request.form.get("number")
        check_num = request.form.get("check_number")
        all_usernames = db.get_all_users()

        if r_username in all_usernames:
            # If the hashes match
            if (r_num == str(db.get_users_num(r_username)[0][0])):
                # Log them in
                session['user'] = r_username
                # return redirect(url_for("register"))
                # Allow them to rechoose their text type
                flash('''<i>Account already made. Do you wish to choose a new text type?
                <a href="">Yes</a>! </i>''')
        if r_num != check_num:
            flash("Numbers do not match!")
        elif r_num.count(' ') != 0:
            flash("Numbers can not contain spaces")
        elif r_num.count('-') != 0:
            flash("Numbers can not contain '-' or anything other than numbers ")
        elif not r_username.isalnum():
            flash("Username should be alphanumeric")
            session['user'] = r_username
            db.add_user(r_username, ("+1" + r_num))
            flash("Account Created")
            return redirect(url_for("home"))
    return render_template('login.html', )
Exemplo n.º 2
def register():
    if 'user' in session:
        return redirect(url_for('home'))
    '''Adding users to the database'''
    if request.form.get("reg_username") != None:
        r_username = request.form.get("reg_username")
        r_password = request.form.get("reg_password")
        check_pass = request.form.get("check_password")
        r_question = request.form.get("reg_question")
        r_answer = request.form.get("reg_answer")
        if r_username in db.get_all_users():
            flash("Username taken")
        elif r_password != check_pass:
            flash("Passwords do not match!")
        elif r_password.count(' ') != 0:
            flash("Password can not contain spaces")
        elif not r_username.isalnum():
            flash("Username should be alphanumeric")
            if request.form.get("reg_question") != None:
                session['user'] = r_username
                db.add_userFull(r_username, md5_crypt.encrypt(r_password),
                                r_question, md5_crypt.encrypt(r_answer))
                return redirect(url_for("how"))
                session['user'] = r_username
                db.add_user(r_username, md5_crypt.encrypt(r_password))
                return redirect(url_for("home"))
    return render_template('register.html')
Exemplo n.º 3
def reset():
    if 'user' in session:
        return redirect(url_for('home'))
    '''To reset user password'''
    if request.form.get("reg_username") != None:
        r_username = request.form.get("reg_username")
        r_answer = request.form.get("reg_answer")
        r_password = request.form.get("reg_password")
        check_pass = request.form.get("check_password")
        all_usernames = db.qaDict()  #Returns dict {user:answer_to_question}
        if r_username not in db.get_all_users():
            flash("Username not found")
        elif r_password != check_pass:
            flash("Passwords do not match!")
        elif r_password.count(' ') != 0:
            flash("Password can not contain spaces")
        elif not r_username.isalnum():
            flash("Username should be alphanumeric")
            session['user'] = r_username
            # checks the question and answer in the db
            if r_username in all_usernames:
                # if the hashes match
                if md5_crypt.verify(r_answer, all_usernames[r_username]):
                    # changes the user password
                    db.update_pass(r_username, md5_crypt.encrypt(r_password))
                    return redirect(url_for('home'))
                    flash("Error occurred")
    return render_template('reset.html')
Exemplo n.º 4
def auth():
    '''Intermediate to authenticate login by user'''
    if 'user' in session:
        return redirect(url_for('game'))
    # # # Authenticate
    username_input = request.form.get("username")
    password_input = request.form.get("password")
    all_usernames = db.get_all_users()
    if username_input in all_usernames:
        # If the hashes match
        if md5_crypt.verify(password_input, all_usernames[username_input]):
            # Log them in
            session['user'] = username_input
            return redirect(url_for("game"))
        # Failed password and username match
            flash("Invalid password")
        # Username doesnt exist
        flash("Invalid username")
    return redirect(url_for("login"))