def _read_emots(): dir, _, _ = fs.split3(__file__) emots = set() with codecs.getreader('utf-8')(open(join(dir, 'emots.txt'), 'rb')) as e: for line in e: emots.add(line.strip()) return emots
def _pre_model_creation(self): self.config['topic_vocab_file'] = os.path.join(fs.split3(self.config.vocab_file)[0], '') self._vocab_table, self.__topic_vocab_table = topical_base.initialize_vocabulary(self.config) WordEmbeddings(self.config.embed_conf).create_and_save( self.config.vocab_pkl, self.config.vocab_file, self.config.embedding_type, self.config.embedding_size) if 'original_vocab_size' not in self.config: self.config['original_vocab_size'] = self.config.vocab_size self.config.vocab_size = len(self._vocab_table) self.config.topic_vocab_size = len(self.__topic_vocab_table) if self.config.mode == "interactive" and self.config.lda_model_dir is None: raise ValueError("In interactive mode, TA-Seq2Seq requires a pretrained LDA model")
def install_redis( install_path='', download_url='', port=6384, verbose=True): import tarfile import tempfile from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError import urllib.request as url_request from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError from util.fs import split3 proceed_install = True r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=port) try: proceed_install = False except ConnectionError: pass if proceed_install: if not install_path: tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='redis{}'.format(port)) install_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'redis') if not os.path.exists(install_path): working_dir, redis_name, _ = split3(install_path) redis_tgzfile = os.path.join(working_dir, 'redis.tar.gz') if verbose: print('Downloading Redis...') try: with url_request.urlopen(download_url) as resp, \ open(redis_tgzfile, 'wb') as out_file: data = # a `bytes` object out_file.write(data) except HTTPError as e: if verbose: if e.code == 404: print( 'The provided URL seems to be broken. Please find a URL for Redis' ) else: print('Error code: ', e.code) raise ValueError(e) except URLError as e: if verbose: print('URL error: ', e.reason) raise ValueError(e) if verbose: print('Extracting Redis...') with, 'r:gz') as tgz_ref: tgz_ref.extractall(working_dir) os.remove(redis_tgzfile) redis_dir = None for f in os.listdir(working_dir): if f.lower().startswith('redis'): redis_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, f) break if not redis_dir: raise ValueError() os.rename(redis_dir, os.path.join(working_dir, redis_name)) if verbose: print('Installing Redis...') redis_conf_file = os.path.join(install_path, 'redis.conf')[ 'sed', '-i', 's/tcp-backlog [0-9]\+$/tcp-backlog 3000/g', redis_conf_file ])[ 'sed', '-i', 's/daemonize no$/daemonize yes/g', redis_conf_file ])[ 'sed', '-i', 's/pidfile .*\.pid$/pidfile redis_{}.pid/g'.format(port), redis_conf_file ])[ 'sed', '-i', 's/port 6379/port {}/g'.format(port), redis_conf_file ]) ['sed', '-i', 's/save 900 1/save 15000 1/g', redis_conf_file]) ['sed', '-i', 's/save 300 10/#save 300 10/g', redis_conf_file])[ 'sed', '-i', 's/save 60 10000/#save 60 10000/g', redis_conf_file ])[ 'sed', '-i', 's/logfile ""/logfile "redis_{}.log"/g'.format(port), redis_conf_file ])['make'], cwd=install_path) if verbose: print('Running Redis on port {}...'.format(port))['src/redis-server', 'redis.conf'], cwd=install_path) return install_path
def analyze(dialogue_corpus, analysis_args, steps_per_log=100000): dir, fname, _ = fs.split3(dialogue_corpus.data_path) if analysis_args.n_frequent_words > 0: frequent_words_path = os.path.join( dir, '{}.top{}'.format(fname, analysis_args.n_frequent_words)) frequent_words_file = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(open( frequent_words_path, mode="wb")) else: frequent_words_file = None if analysis_args.n_rare_words > 0: rare_words_path = os.path.join( dir, '{}.bottom{}'.format(fname, analysis_args.n_rare_words)) rare_words_file = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(open(rare_words_path, mode="wb")) else: rare_words_file = None if analysis_args.save_tf: tf_path = os.path.join(dir, '{}.tf'.format(fname)) tf_file = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(open(tf_path, mode="wb")) else: tf_file = None tf_dict = defaultdict(int) lno, uno = 0, 0 wno_stat_per_turn = [] wno_stat = SampledSummaryStat() sw = Stopwatch() with codecs.getreader("utf-8")(open(dialogue_corpus.data_path, mode="rb")) as data_file: for line in data_file: lno += 1 if lno % steps_per_log == 0: '{} lines processed - so far vocab {} - time {}'.format( lno, len(tf_dict), sw.elapsed())) for t, utter in enumerate(line.split( dialogue_corpus.utterance_sep)): uno += 1 tokens = utter.split() for w in tokens: tf_dict[w] += 1 if t >= len(wno_stat_per_turn): wno_stat_per_turn.append(SampledSummaryStat()) wno_stat_per_turn[t].accept(len(tokens)) wno_stat.accept(len(tokens)) sorted_vocab = sorted(tf_dict, key=tf_dict.get, reverse=True) min_freq_vocab_size, min_freq_vol_size = 0, 0 vol_size = 0 for i, w in enumerate(sorted_vocab): tf = tf_dict[w] if tf >= analysis_args.min_freq: min_freq_vocab_size += 1 min_freq_vol_size += tf if i < analysis_args.vocab_size: vol_size += tf if tf_file: tf_file.write('{}\t{}\n'.format(w, tf)) if frequent_words_file and i < analysis_args.n_frequent_words: frequent_words_file.write('{}\n'.format(w)) if rare_words_file and i > len( sorted_vocab) - analysis_args.n_rare_words: rare_words_file.write('{}\n'.format(w)) if frequent_words_file: frequent_words_file.close() if rare_words_file: rare_words_file.close() if tf_file: tf_file.close() print('**** {} ****'.format(os.path.abspath(dialogue_corpus.data_path))) print('lines {} | utterances {} | vocab {} tf {}'.format( lno, uno, len(tf_dict), wno_stat.get_sum())) print('min_freq {} -> {}/{} {:.1f}% - {}/{} {:.1f}%)'.format( analysis_args.min_freq, min_freq_vocab_size, len(tf_dict), 100.0 * min_freq_vocab_size / len(tf_dict), min_freq_vol_size, wno_stat.get_sum(), 100.0 * min_freq_vol_size / wno_stat.get_sum())) print('vocab_size {}/{} {:.1f}% - {}/{} {:.1f}%)'.format( analysis_args.vocab_size, len(tf_dict), 100.0 * analysis_args.vocab_size / len(tf_dict), vol_size, wno_stat.get_sum(), 100.0 * vol_size / wno_stat.get_sum())) print('utterances per line: {:.1f}'.format(uno / lno)) print( 'utterance_len: avg {:.1f} - stdev {:.1f} - median {} - min {} - max {}' .format(wno_stat.get_average(), wno_stat.get_stdev(), wno_stat.get_median(), wno_stat.get_min(), wno_stat.get_max())) print('utterance_len per turn') for t, stat in enumerate(wno_stat_per_turn): print( ' turn {} - avg {:.1f} - stdev {:.1f} - median {} - min {} - max {}' .format(t, stat.get_average(), stat.get_stdev(), stat.get_median(), stat.get_min(), stat.get_max()))
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-e", "--embedding_type", default="glove", help="Embedding type. " "The default embeddings are 'glove' and 'word2vec' (see conf/word_embeddings.yml)." "However, other types can be added too.") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dimensions", default=300, type=int, help="#dimensions of Embedding vectors") parser.add_argument("-f", "--embedding_file", help="Path to a compressed embedding file. " "Gensim would be used to load the embeddings.") args = parser.parse_args() with open("conf/word_embeddings.yml", 'r') as file: embed_args = yaml.load(file) try: validate(args, embed_args) except ValueError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) embed_key = args.embedding_type.lower() dim_key = '{}d'.format(args.dimensions) if args.embedding_file is not None: if embed_key not in embed_args: embed_args[embed_key] = {} if dim_key not in embed_args[embed_key]: embed_args[embed_key][dim_key] = { "file": path.abspath(args.embedding_file) } else: if "url" not in embed_args[embed_key][dim_key]: print("Seems no need to download any embedding files!!!") exit(0) containing_dir, _, _ = split3(path.abspath(__file__)) workspace_dir = path.abspath( path.join(containing_dir, path.pardir, "workspace")) mkdir_if_not_exists(workspace_dir) embed_dir = path.join(workspace_dir, "embeddings") mkdir_if_not_exists(embed_dir) uncompressed_file = None download_url = embed_args[embed_key][dim_key]["url"] embed_file = download_url[download_url.rfind("/") + 1:] compressed_file = path.join(embed_dir, embed_file) if not path.exists(compressed_file): download_embeddings(download_url, compressed_file) print("Uncompressing the file...") uncompress(compressed_file, embed_dir) remove(compressed_file) for f in listdir(embed_dir): if (f.endswith(".txt") or f.endswith(".bin")) and str( args.dimensions) in f: uncompressed_file = path.join(embed_dir, f) break if embed_key == "glove": vec_file = replace_ext(uncompressed_file, 'vec') if not path.exists(vec_file): print("Converting to gensim understandable format...") glove2word2vec.glove2word2vec(uncompressed_file, vec_file) rm_if_exists(uncompressed_file) uncompressed_file = vec_file embed_args[embed_key][dim_key]["file"] = uncompressed_file with codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(open("conf/word_embeddings.yml", "wb")) as f: yaml.dump(embed_args, f, default_flow_style=True) print("Done. Config file successfully updated.")
def __get_bot_file(self): dir, _, _ = fs.split3(__file__) return os.path.join(dir, 'reddit_bots.txt')