Exemplo n.º 1

    # save results
    poseNet.save("./eval/{}/net_{}.pkl".format(eval_prefix, eval_prefix))
    # poseNet.load("./eval/{}/net_{}.pkl".format(eval_prefix,eval_prefix))

    # TEST
    print("Testing ...")
    gt3D = [j.gt3Dorig[di.crop_joint_idx].reshape(1, 3) for j in testSeqs[0].data]
    jts = poseNet.computeOutput([test_data, test_data2, test_data4])
    joints = []
    for i in xrange(test_data.shape[0]):
        joints.append(jts[i].reshape(1, 3)*(testSeqs[0].config['cube'][2]/2.) + testSeqs[0].data[i].com)

    hpe = ICVLHandposeEvaluation(gt3D, joints)
    hpe.subfolder += '/'+eval_prefix+'/'
    print("Mean error: {}mm, max error: {}mm".format(hpe.getMeanError(), hpe.getMaxError()))

    # save results
    cPickle.dump(joints, open("./eval/{}/result_{}_{}.pkl".format(eval_prefix,os.path.split(__file__)[1],eval_prefix), "wb"), protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print "Testing baseline"

    # Load the evaluation
    data_baseline = di.loadBaseline('../data/ICVL/LRF_Results_seq_1.txt')

    hpe_base = ICVLHandposeEvaluation(gt3D, numpy.asarray(data_baseline)[:, di.crop_joint_idx, :].reshape((len(gt3D), 1, 3)))
    hpe_base.subfolder += '/'+eval_prefix+'/'
    #  test
    print("Testing ...")
    gt3D = [j.gt3Dorig for j in testSeqs[0].data]
    jts_embed = poseNet.computeOutput(test_data)
    jts = jts_embed
    joints = []
    for i in range(test_data.shape[0]):
        joints.append(jts[i].reshape(gt3D[0].shape[0], 3) *
                      (testSeqs[0].config['cube'][2] / 2.) +

    joints = numpy.array(joints)

    hpe = ICVLHandposeEvaluation(gt3D, joints)
    hpe.subfolder += '/' + eval_prefix + '/'
    mean_error = hpe.getMeanError()
    max_error = hpe.getMaxError()
    print("Train samples: {}, test samples: {}".format(train_data.shape[0],
    print("Mean error: {}mm, max error: {}mm".format(mean_error, max_error))
    print("MD score: {}".format(hpe.getMDscore(80)))

        [hpe.getJointMeanError(j) for j in range(joints[0].shape[0])]))
        [hpe.getJointMaxError(j) for j in range(joints[0].shape[0])]))

    # save results
Exemplo n.º 3

    # save results
    poseNet.save("./eval/{}/net_{}.pkl".format(eval_prefix, eval_prefix))
    # poseNet.load("./eval/{}/net_{}.pkl".format(eval_prefix,eval_prefix))

    # TEST
    print("Testing ...")
    gt3D = [j.gt3Dorig[0].reshape(1, 3) for j in testSeqs[0].data]
    jts = poseNet.computeOutput([test_data, test_data2, test_data4])
    joints = []
    for i in xrange(test_data.shape[0]):
        joints.append(jts[i].reshape(1, 3)*(testSeqs[0].config['cube'][2]/2.) + testSeqs[0].data[i].com)

    hpe = ICVLHandposeEvaluation(gt3D, joints)
    hpe.subfolder += '/'+eval_prefix+'/'
    mean_error = hpe.getMeanError()
    max_error = hpe.getMaxError()
    print("Mean error: {}mm, max error: {}mm".format(mean_error, max_error))

    # save results
    cPickle.dump(joints, open("./eval/{}/result_{}_{}.pkl".format(eval_prefix,os.path.split(__file__)[1],eval_prefix), "wb"), protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print "Testing baseline"

    # Load the evaluation
    data_baseline = di.loadBaseline('../data/ICVL/LRF_Results_seq_1.txt')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def show(self, frame, handpose):
        Show depth with overlaid joints
        :param frame: depth frame
        :param handpose: joint positions
        :return: image
        upsample = 1.
        if 'upsample' in self.sync['config']:
            upsample = self.sync['config']['upsample']

        # plot depth image with annotations
        imgcopy = frame.copy()
        # display hack to hide nd depth
        msk = numpy.logical_and(32001 > imgcopy, imgcopy > 0)
        msk2 = numpy.logical_or(imgcopy == 0, imgcopy == 32001)
        min = imgcopy[msk].min()
        max = imgcopy[msk].max()
        imgcopy = (imgcopy - min) / (max - min) * 255.
        imgcopy[msk2] = 255.
        imgcopy = imgcopy.astype('uint8')
        imgcopy = cv2.cvtColor(imgcopy, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

        if not numpy.allclose(upsample, 1):
            imgcopy = cv2.resize(imgcopy,

        if handpose.shape[0] == 16:
            hpe = ICVLHandposeEvaluation(numpy.zeros((3, 3)),
                                         numpy.zeros((3, 3)))
        elif handpose.shape[0] == 14:
            hpe = NYUHandposeEvaluation(numpy.zeros((3, 3)), numpy.zeros(
                (3, 3)))
        elif handpose.shape[0] == 21:
            hpe = MSRAHandposeEvaluation(numpy.zeros((3, 3)),
                                         numpy.zeros((3, 3)))
            raise ValueError("Invalid number of joints {}".format(

        jtI = self.importer.joints3DToImg(handpose)
            0:2] -= numpy.asarray([frame.shape[0] // 2, frame.shape[1] // 2])
        jtI[:, 0:2] *= upsample
        jtI[:, 0:2] += numpy.asarray(
            [imgcopy.shape[0] // 2, imgcopy.shape[1] // 2])
        for i in range(handpose.shape[0]):
            cv2.circle(imgcopy, (jtI[i, 0], jtI[i, 1]), 3, (255, 0, 0), -1)

        for i in range(len(hpe.jointConnections)):
            cv2.line(imgcopy, (jtI[hpe.jointConnections[i][0],
                                   0], jtI[hpe.jointConnections[i][0], 1]),
                          0], jtI[hpe.jointConnections[i][1], 1]),
                     255. * hpe.jointConnectionColors[i], 2)

        # comI = self.importer.joint3DToImg(com3D)
        # comI[0:2] -= numpy.asarray([frame.shape[0]//2, frame.shape[1]//2])
        # comI[0:2] *= upsample
        # comI[0:2] += numpy.asarray([imgcopy.shape[0]//2, imgcopy.shape[1]//2])
        # cv2.circle(imgcopy, (comI[0], comI[1]), 3, (0, 255, 0), 1)

        poseimg = numpy.zeros_like(imgcopy)
        # rotate 3D pose and project to 2D
        jtP = self.importer.joints3DToImg(
            rotatePoints3D(handpose, handpose[self.importer.crop_joint_idx],
                           0., 90., 0.))
            0:2] -= numpy.asarray([frame.shape[0] // 2, frame.shape[1] // 2])
        jtP[:, 0:2] *= upsample
        jtP[:, 0:2] += numpy.asarray(
            [imgcopy.shape[0] // 2, imgcopy.shape[1] // 2])
        for i in range(handpose.shape[0]):
            cv2.circle(poseimg, (jtP[i, 0], jtP[i, 1]), 3, (255, 0, 0), -1)

        for i in range(len(hpe.jointConnections)):
            cv2.line(poseimg, (jtP[hpe.jointConnections[i][0],
                                   0], jtP[hpe.jointConnections[i][0], 1]),
                          0], jtP[hpe.jointConnections[i][1], 1]),
                     255. * hpe.jointConnectionColors[i], 2)

        # comP = self.importer.joint3DToImg(rotatePoint3D(com3D, handpose[self.importer.crop_joint_idx], 0., 90., 0.))
        # comP[0:2] -= numpy.asarray([frame.shape[0]//2, frame.shape[1]//2])
        # comP[0:2] *= upsample
        # comP[0:2] += numpy.asarray([imgcopy.shape[0]//2, imgcopy.shape[1]//2])
        # cv2.circle(poseimg, (comP[0], comP[1]), 3, (0, 255, 0), 1)

        return imgcopy, poseimg
Exemplo n.º 5
    assert len(model) == len(weight_num), 'length is not equal!'

    for ind in xrange(len(model)):
        joints, file_name = predictJoints(model[ind], weight_num[ind])
        eval_prefix.append('ICVL_' + model[ind] + '_' + weight_num[ind])
        if not os.path.exists('../eval/'+eval_prefix[ind]+'/'):

        if DEBUG:
            print 'joints.shape = ', joints.shape
            print 'joints[0] = ', joints[0]
            print 'type(joints[0]) = ', type(joints[0])
            print 'type(joints[0][0] = ', type(joints[0][0])

        hpe.append(ICVLHandposeEvaluation(gt3D, joints))
        hpe[ind].subfolder += eval_prefix[ind]+'/'
        mean_error = hpe[ind].getMeanError()
        max_error = hpe[ind].getMaxError()
        print("Test on {}_{}".format(model[ind], weight_num[ind]))
        print("Mean error: {}mm, max error: {}mm".format(mean_error, max_error))
        print("MD score: {}".format(hpe[ind].getMDscore(80)))

        print("{}".format([hpe[ind].getJointMeanError(j) for j in range(joints[0].shape[0])]))
        print("{}".format([hpe[ind].getJointMaxError(j) for j in range(joints[0].shape[0])]))

    print "Testing baseline"
    # Load the evaluation
    di = ICVLImporter('../dataset/ICVL/', cacheDir='../dataset/cache/')