Exemplo n.º 1
def main():

    while True:
        raw_files = untracked_files()
        if not raw_files:
            for file in raw_files:
                a = read_data.load_data(SOURCE_ABSOLUTE + "/" + file)

                process(a, 10.0, str(file)[:-4])
                print("File : %s has been processed \n \n" % file)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    number_untracked = 0
    while True:
        raw_files = untracked_files()
        if not raw_files:
            if (number_untracked == 0):
                    "\nNo unprocessed file found in ./example_data/SourceCSV folder"
                print("\nAll untracked files have been processed")
                "Add new files in ./example_data/SourceCSV folder to process them"
            time_elapsed = 0
            timeout = 30
            while (time_elapsed <= timeout and not raw_files):
                    "-> Timeout in - {:2d} s".format(timeout - time_elapsed))
                time_elapsed += 1
                raw_files = untracked_files()
            sys.stdout.write("\r                        \n")
        if raw_files:
            number_untracked += len(raw_files)
            for file in raw_files:
                a = read_data.load_data(SOURCE_ABSOLUTE + "/" + file)

                process(a, 10.0, str(file)[:-4])
                print("File : %s has been processed \n \n" % file)
            "No new unprocessed file was added, program is now exiting due to timeout!"
            "Total {} untracked files were processed".format(number_untracked))
        numpy array: the final filtered array
    averaged_x = triple_moving_average(list(in_data[:,1]), window)
    averaged_y = triple_moving_average(list(in_data[:,2]), window)
    averaged_z = triple_moving_average(list(in_data[:,3]), window)

    output = np.hstack(((in_data[:,0])[:, np.newaxis], (np.array(averaged_x))[:, np.newaxis],
        (np.array(averaged_y))[:, np.newaxis], (np.array(averaged_z))[:, np.newaxis] ))

    return output

if __name__ == "__main__":

    signal = rd.load_data(os.getcwd() + '/' + sys.argv[1])

    import time
    time_start = time.clock()
    output = generate_filtered_data(signal, 2)
    time_stop = time.clock()

    print("File {} processed in {} seconds.".format(
            time_stop - time_start
    np.savetxt("filtered.csv", output, delimiter=",")

    print("Filtered output saved as filtered.csv")
Exemplo n.º 4
def process(data_file, error_apriori, units):
    Given a .csv data file in the format of (time, x, y, z) applies both filters, generates a filtered.csv data
    file, prints out the final keplerian elements computed from both Lamberts and Interpolation and finally plots
    the initial, filtered data set and the final orbit.

        data_file (string): The name of the .csv file containing the positional data
        error_apriori (float): apriori estimation of the measurements error in km

        Runs the whole process of the program
    # First read the csv file called "orbit" with the positional data
    data = read_data.load_data(data_file)

    if (units == 'm'):
        # Transform m to km
        data[:, 1:4] = data[:, 1:4] / 1000

        "***********Choose filter(s) in desired order of application***********"
        "(SPACE to toggle, UP/DOWN to navigate, RIGHT/LEFT to select/deselect and ENTER to submit)"
        "*if nothing is selected, Triple Moving Average followed by Savitzky Golay will be applied"
    questions = [
            message="Select filter(s)",
            choices=['Savitzky Golay Filter', 'Triple Moving Average Filter'],
    choices = inquirer.prompt(questions)
    data_after_filter = data

    if (len(choices['filter']) == 0):
        print("Applying Triple Moving Average followed by Savitzky Golay...")
        # Apply the Triple moving average filter with window = 3
        data_after_filter = triple_moving_average.generate_filtered_data(
            data_after_filter, 3)

        # Use the golay_window.py script to find the window for the Savitzky Golay filter based on the error you input
        window = golay_window.window(error_apriori, data_after_filter)

        # Apply the Savitzky Golay filter with window = window (51 for orbit.csv) and polynomial order = 3
        data_after_filter = sav_golay.golay(data_after_filter, window, 3)
        for index, choice in enumerate(choices['filter']):
            if (choice == 'Savitzky Golay Filter'):
                print("Applying Savitzky Golay Filter...")
                # Use the golay_window.py script to find the window for the Savitzky Golay filter based on the error you input
                window = golay_window.window(error_apriori, data_after_filter)

                # Apply the Savitzky Golay filter with window = window (51 for orbit.csv) and polynomial order = 3
                data_after_filter = sav_golay.golay(data_after_filter, window,
                print("Applying Triple Moving Average Filter...")
                # Apply the Triple moving average filter with window = 3
                data_after_filter = triple_moving_average.generate_filtered_data(
                    data_after_filter, 3)

    # Compute the residuals between filtered data and initial data and then the sum and mean values of each axis
    res = data_after_filter[:, 1:4] - data[:, 1:4]
    sums = np.sum(res, axis=0)
    print("\nDisplaying the sum of the residuals for each axis")
    print(sums, "\n")

    means = np.mean(res, axis=0)
    print("Displaying the mean of the residuals for each axis")
    print(means, "\n")

    # Save the filtered data into a new csv called "filtered"
    np.savetxt("filtered.csv", data_after_filter, delimiter=",")

    print("***********Choose Method(s) for Orbit Determination***********")
        "(SPACE to toggle, UP/DOWN to navigate, RIGHT/LEFT to select/deselect and ENTER to submit)"
        "*if nothing is selected, Cubic Spline Interpolation will be used for Orbit Determination"
    questions = [
            message="Select Method(s)",
                'Lamberts Kalman', 'Cubic Spline Interpolation',
                'Ellipse Best Fit', 'Gibbs 3 Vector'
    choices = inquirer.prompt(questions)
    kep_elements = {}

    if (len(choices['method']) == 0):
        # Apply the interpolation method
        kep_inter = interpolation.main(data_after_filter)
        # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
        # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
        kep_final_inter = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_inter, 0.01**2)
        kep_final_inter = np.transpose(kep_final_inter)
        kep_final_inter = np.resize(kep_final_inter, ((7, 1)))
        kep_final_inter[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_inter[0, 0])
        kep_elements['Cubic Spline Interpolation'] = kep_final_inter
        for index, choice in enumerate(choices['method']):
            if (choice == 'Lamberts Kalman'):
                # Apply Lambert Kalman method for the filtered data set
                kep_lamb = lamberts_kalman.create_kep(data_after_filter)
                # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
                # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_lamb = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_lamb, 0.01**2)
                kep_final_lamb = np.transpose(kep_final_lamb)
                kep_final_lamb = np.resize(kep_final_lamb, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_lamb[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_lamb[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Lamberts Kalman'] = kep_final_lamb
            elif (choice == 'Cubic Spline Interpolation'):
                # Apply the interpolation method
                kep_inter = interpolation.main(data_after_filter)
                # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
                # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_inter = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_inter, 0.01**2)
                kep_final_inter = np.transpose(kep_final_inter)
                kep_final_inter = np.resize(kep_final_inter, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_inter[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_inter[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Cubic Spline Interpolation'] = kep_final_inter
            elif (choice == 'Ellipse Best Fit'):
                # Apply the ellipse best fit method
                kep_ellip = ellipse_fit.determine_kep(data_after_filter[:,
                kep_final_ellip = np.transpose(kep_ellip)
                kep_final_ellip = np.resize(kep_final_ellip, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_ellip[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_ellip[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Ellipse Best Fit'] = kep_final_ellip
                # Apply the Gibbs method
                kep_gibbs = gibbs_method.gibbs_get_kep(data_after_filter[:,
                # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
                # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_gibbs = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_gibbs, 0.01**2)
                kep_final_gibbs = np.transpose(kep_final_gibbs)
                kep_final_gibbs = np.resize(kep_final_gibbs, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_gibbs[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_gibbs[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Gibbs 3 Vector'] = kep_final_gibbs

    kep_final = np.zeros((7, len(kep_elements)))
    order = []
    for index, key in enumerate(kep_elements):
        kep_final[:, index] = np.ravel(kep_elements[key])

    # Print the final orbital elements for all solutions
    kep_elements = [
        "Semi major axis (a)(km)", "Eccentricity (e)", "Inclination (i)(deg)",
        "Argument of perigee (ω)(deg)",
        "Right acension of ascending node (Ω)(deg)", "True anomaly (v)(deg)",
        "Frequency (f)(rev/day)"
    for i in range(0, len(order)):
        print("\n******************Output for %s Method******************\n" %
        for j in range(0, 7):
            print("%s: %.16f" % (kep_elements[j], kep_final[j, i]))

    print("\nShow plots? [y/n]")
    user_input = input()

    if (user_input == "y" or user_input == "Y"):
        for j in range(0, len(order)):
            # Plot the initial data set, the filtered data set and the final orbit
            # First we transform the set of keplerian elements into a state vector
            state = kep_state.kep_state(np.resize(kep_final[:, j], (7, 1)))

            # Then we produce more state vectors at varius times using a Runge Kutta algorithm
            keep_state = np.zeros((6, 150))
            ti = 0.0
            tf = 1.0
            t_hold = np.zeros((150, 1))
            x = state
            h = 0.1
            tetol = 1e-04
            for i in range(0, 150):
                           i] = np.ravel(rkf78.rkf78(6, ti, tf, h, tetol, x))
                t_hold[i, 0] = tf
                tf = tf + 1

            positions = keep_state[0:3, :]

            ## Finally we plot the graph
            mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
            ax.plot(data[:, 1],
                    data[:, 2],
                    data[:, 3],
                    label='Initial data ')
            ax.plot(data_after_filter[:, 1],
                    data_after_filter[:, 2],
                    data_after_filter[:, 3],
                    label='Filtered data')
            ax.plot(positions[0, :],
                    positions[1, :],
                    positions[2, :],
                    label='Orbit after %s method' % order[j])
            ax.set_xlabel('x (km)')
            ax.set_ylabel('y (km)')
            ax.set_zlabel('z (km)')
Exemplo n.º 5
        data (numpy array): containing the spherical coordinates in format of (time, azimuth, elevation, r)

        numpy array: array of cartesian coordinates in format of (time, x, y, z)

    for i in range(0, len(data)):
        elevation = data[i, 1]
        azimuth = data[i, 2]
        r = data[i, 3]

        x = r * cos(elevation) * cos(azimuth)
        y = r * cos(elevation) * sin(azimuth)
        z = r * sin(elevation)

        result = data
        result[i, 1] = x
        result[i, 2] = y
        result[i, 3] = z

    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":

    data = read_data.load_data("../example_data/orbit.csv")
    new_data = cart_to_spher(data)
    same_data = spher_to_cart(new_data)
    print(same_data == data)
Exemplo n.º 6
def process(data_file, error_apriori):
    Given a .csv data file in the format of (time, x, y, z) applies both filters, generates a filtered.csv data
    file, prints out the final keplerian elements computed from both Lamberts and Interpolation and finally plots
    the initial, filtered data set and the final orbit.

        data_file (string): The name of the .csv file containing the positional data
        error_apriori (float): apriori estimation of the measurements error in km

        Runs the whole process of the program
    # First read the csv file called "orbit" with the positional data
    data = read_data.load_data(data_file)

    # Transform m to km
    data[:, 1:4] = data[:, 1:4] / 1000

    # Apply the Triple moving average filter with window = 3
    data_after_filter = triple_moving_average.generate_filtered_data(data, 3)

    ## Use the golay_window.py script to find the window for the savintzky golay filter based on the error you input
    window = golay_window.window(error_apriori, data_after_filter)

    # Apply the Savintzky - Golay filter with window = 31 and polynomail parameter = 6
    data_after_filter = sav_golay.golay(data_after_filter, window, 3)

    # Compute the residuals between filtered data and initial data and then the sum and mean values of each axis
    res = data_after_filter[:, 1:4] - data[:, 1:4]
    sums = np.sum(res, axis=0)
    print("Displaying the sum of the residuals for each axis")
    print(" ")

    means = np.mean(res, axis=0)
    print("Displaying the mean of the residuals for each axis")
    print(" ")

    # Save the filtered data into a new csv called "filtered"
    np.savetxt("filtered.csv", data_after_filter, delimiter=",")

    # Apply Lambert's solution for the filtered data set
    kep_lamb = lamberts_kalman.create_kep(data_after_filter)

    # Apply the interpolation method
    kep_inter = interpolation.main(data_after_filter)

    # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for both solutions
    # set we a estimate of measurement vatiance R = 0.01 ** 2
    kep_final_lamb = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_lamb, 0.01**2)
    kep_final_lamb = np.transpose(kep_final_lamb)

    kep_final_inter = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_inter, 0.01**2)
    kep_final_inter = np.transpose(kep_final_inter)

    kep_final_lamb[5, 0] = kep_final_inter[5, 0]

    kep_final = np.zeros((6, 2))
    kep_final[:, 0] = np.ravel(kep_final_lamb)
    kep_final[:, 1] = np.ravel(kep_final_inter)

    # Print the final orbital elements for both solutions
        "Displaying the final keplerian elements, first row : Lamberts, second row : Interpolation"

    # Plot the initial data set, the filtered data set and the final orbit

    # First we transform the set of keplerian elements into a state vector
    state = kep_state.kep_state(kep_final_inter)

    # Then we produce more state vectors at varius times using a Runge Kutta algorithm
    keep_state = np.zeros((6, 150))
    ti = 0.0
    tf = 1.0
    t_hold = np.zeros((150, 1))
    x = state
    h = 0.1
    tetol = 1e-04
    for i in range(0, 150):
        keep_state[:, i] = np.ravel(rkf78.rkf78(6, ti, tf, h, tetol, x))
        t_hold[i, 0] = tf
        tf = tf + 1

    positions = keep_state[0:3, :]

    ## Finally we plot the graph
    mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax.plot(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], ".", label='Initial data ')
    ax.plot(data_after_filter[:, 1],
            data_after_filter[:, 2],
            data_after_filter[:, 3],
            label='Filtered data')
    ax.plot(positions[0, :],
            positions[1, :],
            positions[2, :],
            label='Orbit after Interpolation method')
    ax.set_xlabel('x (km)')
    ax.set_ylabel('y (km)')
    ax.set_zlabel('z (km)')
Exemplo n.º 7
def process(data_file, error_apriori, units):
    Given a .csv data file in the format of (time, x, y, z) applies both filters, generates a filtered.csv data
    file, prints out the final keplerian elements computed from both Lamberts and Interpolation and finally plots
    the initial, filtered data set and the final orbit.

        data_file (string): The name of the .csv file containing the positional data
        error_apriori (float): apriori estimation of the measurements error in km

        Runs the whole process of the program
    # First read the csv file called "orbit" with the positional data
    data = read_data.load_data(data_file)

    if (units == 'm'):
        # Transform m to km
        data[:, 1:4] = data[:, 1:4] / 1000

    print("Choose filter(s) in the order you want to apply them")
        "(SPACE to change, UP/DOWN to navigate, RIGHT/LEFT to Select/Deselect and ENTER to Submit)"
    print("*if nothing is selected program will run without applying filters")
    questions = [
            message="Select filters",
                'Savintzky Golay Filter', 'Tripple Moving Average Filter'
    choices = inquirer.prompt(questions)
    data_after_filter = data

    if (len(choices['filter']) == 0):
        print("No filter selected, continuing without applying filter")
        for index, choice in enumerate(choices['filter']):

            if (choice == 'Savintzky Golay Filter'):
                print("Applying Savintzky Golay Filter")
                # Use the golay_window.py script to find the window for the savintzky golay filter based on the error you input
                window = golay_window.window(error_apriori, data_after_filter)

                # Apply the Savintzky - Golay filter with window = 31 and polynomail parameter = 6
                data_after_filter = sav_golay.golay(data_after_filter, window,
                print("Applying Triple Moving Average Filter")
                # Apply the Triple moving average filter with window = 3
                data_after_filter = triple_moving_average.generate_filtered_data(
                    data_after_filter, 3)

    # Compute the residuals between filtered data and initial data and then the sum and mean values of each axis
    res = data_after_filter[:, 1:4] - data[:, 1:4]
    sums = np.sum(res, axis=0)
    print("\nDisplaying the sum of the residuals for each axis")

    means = np.mean(res, axis=0)
    print("Displaying the mean of the residuals for each axis")
    print(means, "\n")

    # Save the filtered data into a new csv called "filtered"
    np.savetxt("filtered.csv", data_after_filter, delimiter=",")

    print("Choose Methods for Orbit Determination")
        "(SPACE to change, UP/DOWN to navigate, RIGHT/LEFT to Select/Deselect and ENTER to Submit)"
        "*if nothing is selected program will determine orbit using Cubic Spline Interpolation"
    questions = [
            message="Select Methods",
                'Lamberts Kalman Solutions', 'Cubic Spline Interpolation',
                'Ellipse Best Fit'
    choices = inquirer.prompt(questions)
    kep_elements = {}

    if (len(choices['method']) == 0):
        # Apply the interpolation method
        kep_inter = interpolation.main(data_after_filter)
        # Apply Kalman filters, estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
        kep_final_inter = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_inter, 0.01**2)
        kep_elements['Interpolation'] = np.transpose(kep_final_inter)
        for index, choice in enumerate(choices['method']):
            if (choice == 'Lamberts Kalman Solutions'):
                # Apply Lambert's solution for the filtered data set
                kep_lamb = lamberts_kalman.create_kep(data_after_filter)
                # Apply Kalman filters, estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_lamb = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_lamb, 0.01**2)
                kep_elements['Lambert'] = np.transpose(kep_final_lamb)

            elif (choice == 'Cubic Spline Interpolation'):
                # Apply the interpolation method
                kep_inter = interpolation.main(data_after_filter)
                # Apply Kalman filters, estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_inter = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_inter, 0.01**2)
                kep_elements['Interpolation'] = np.transpose(kep_final_inter)
            elif (choice == 'Ellipse Best Fit'):
                # Fitting an ellipse on filtered data
                kep_elements['Ellipse-Fit'] = (ellipse_fit.determine_kep(
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:]))[0]

    kep_final = np.zeros((6, len(kep_elements)))
    order = []
    for index, key in enumerate(kep_elements):
        kep_final[:, index] = np.ravel(kep_elements[key])

    # Print the final orbital elements for both solutions
        "Displaying the final keplerian elements with methods in column order: {}"
        .format(", ".join(order)))

    # Plot the initial data set, the filtered data set and the final orbit

    # First we transform the set of keplerian elements into a state vector
    state = kep_state.kep_state(kep_elements[order[0]])

    # Then we produce more state vectors at varius times using a Runge Kutta algorithm
    keep_state = np.zeros((6, 150))
    ti = 0.0
    tf = 1.0
    t_hold = np.zeros((150, 1))
    x = state
    h = 0.1
    tetol = 1e-04
    for i in range(0, 150):
        keep_state[:, i] = np.ravel(rkf78.rkf78(6, ti, tf, h, tetol, x))
        t_hold[i, 0] = tf
        tf = tf + 1

    positions = keep_state[0:3, :]

    ## Finally we plot the graph
    mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax.plot(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], ".", label='Initial data ')
    ax.plot(data_after_filter[:, 1],
            data_after_filter[:, 2],
            data_after_filter[:, 3],
            label='Filtered data')
    ax.plot(positions[0, :],
            positions[1, :],
            positions[2, :],
            label='Orbit after {} method'.format(order[0]))
    ax.set_xlabel('x (km)')
    ax.set_ylabel('y (km)')
    ax.set_zlabel('z (km)')
Exemplo n.º 8
def process(data_file, error_apriori, units):
    Given a .csv data file in the format of (time, x, y, z) applies both filters, generates a filtered.csv data
    file, prints out the final keplerian elements computed from both Lamberts and Interpolation and finally plots
    the initial, filtered data set and the final orbit.

        data_file (string): The name of the .csv file containing the positional data
        error_apriori (float): apriori estimation of the measurements error in km

        Runs the whole process of the program

    # First read the csv file called "orbit" with the positional data
    print("Imported file format is:",
    data = read_data.load_data(data_file)

    if (units == 'm'):
        # Transform m to km
        data[:, 1:4] = data[:, 1:4] / 1000

        "***********Choose filter(s) in desired order of application***********"
        "(SPACE to toggle, UP/DOWN to navigate, RIGHT/LEFT to select/deselect and ENTER to submit)"
        "*if nothing is selected, Triple Moving Average followed by Savitzky Golay will be applied"
    questions = [
            message="Select filter(s)",
                'None', 'Savitzky Golay Filter',
                'Triple Moving Average Filter', 'Wiener Filter'
    choices = inquirer.prompt(questions)
    data_after_filter = data

    if (len(choices['filter']) == 0):
        print("Applying Triple Moving Average followed by Savitzky Golay...")
        # Apply the Triple moving average filter with window = 3
        data_after_filter = triple_moving_average.generate_filtered_data(
            data_after_filter, 3)

        # Use the golay_window.py script to find the window for the Savitzky Golay filter based on the error you input
        window = golay_window.window(error_apriori, data_after_filter)

        polyorder = 3
        if polyorder < window:
            # Apply the Savitzky Golay filter with window = window (51 for example_data/orbit.csv) and polynomial order = 3
            data_after_filter = sav_golay.golay(data_after_filter, window,

        for index, choice in enumerate(choices['filter']):
            if (choice == 'None'):
                print("Using the original data...")
                # no filter is applied
                data_after_filter = data_after_filter

            elif (choice == 'Savitzky Golay Filter'):
                print("Applying Savitzky Golay Filter...")
                # Use the golay_window.py script to find the window for the Savitzky Golay filter
                # based on the error you input
                window = golay_window.window(error_apriori, data_after_filter)

                polyorder = 3
                if polyorder < window:
                    # Apply the Savitzky Golay filter with window = window (51 for example_data/orbit.csv) and polynomial order = 3
                    data_after_filter = sav_golay.golay(
                        data_after_filter, window, polyorder)

            elif (choice == 'Wiener Filter'):
                print("Applying Wiener Filter...")
                # Apply the Wiener filter
                data_after_filter = wiener.wiener_new(data_after_filter, 3)

                print("Applying Triple Moving Average Filter...")
                # Apply the Triple moving average filter with window = 3
                data_after_filter = triple_moving_average.generate_filtered_data(
                    data_after_filter, 3)

    # Compute the residuals between filtered data and initial data and then the sum and mean values of each axis
    res = data_after_filter[:, 1:4] - data[:, 1:4]
    sums = np.sum(res, axis=0)
    print("\nDisplaying the sum of the residuals for each axis")
    print(sums, "\n")

    means = np.mean(res, axis=0)
    print("Displaying the mean of the residuals for each axis")
    print(means, "\n")

    # Save the filtered data into a new csv called "filtered"
    np.savetxt("filtered.csv", data_after_filter, delimiter=",")

    print("***********Choose Method(s) for Orbit Determination***********")
        "(SPACE to toggle, UP/DOWN to navigate, RIGHT/LEFT to select/deselect and ENTER to submit)"
        "*if nothing is selected, Cubic Spline Interpolation will be used for Orbit Determination"
    questions = [
            message="Select Method(s)",
                'Lamberts Kalman', 'Cubic Spline Interpolation',
                'Ellipse Best Fit', 'Gibbs 3 Vector', 'Gauss 3 Vector',
                'MCMC (exp.)'
    choices = inquirer.prompt(questions)
    kep_elements = {}

    if (len(choices['method']) == 0):
        # Apply the interpolation method
        kep_inter = interpolation.main(data_after_filter)
        # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
        # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
        kep_final_inter = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_inter, 0.01**2)
        kep_final_inter = np.transpose(kep_final_inter)
        kep_final_inter = np.resize(kep_final_inter, ((7, 1)))
        kep_final_inter[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_inter[0, 0])
        kep_elements['Cubic Spline Interpolation'] = kep_final_inter

        for index, choice in enumerate(choices['method']):
            if (choice == 'Lamberts Kalman'):
                # Apply Lambert Kalman method for the filtered data set

                #previously, all data...
                #kep_lamb = lamberts_kalman.create_kep(data_after_filter)

                # only three (3) observations from half an orbit.
                # also just two (2) observations are fine for lamberts.
                data = np.array([
                    data_after_filter[:, :][0],
                    data_after_filter[:, :][len(data_after_filter) // 2],
                    data_after_filter[:, :][-1]

                kep_lamb = lamberts_kalman.create_kep(data)

                # Determination of orbit period
                semimajor_axis = kep_lamb[0][0]
                timestamps = data_after_filter[:, 0]

                index = get_timestamp_index_by_orbitperiod(
                    semimajor_axis, timestamps)

                # enough data for half orbit
                data = np.array([
                    data_after_filter[:, :][0],
                    data_after_filter[:, :][index // 2],
                    data_after_filter[:, :][index]

                kep_lamb = lamberts_kalman.create_kep(data)

                # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
                # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_lamb = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_lamb, 0.01**2)
                kep_final_lamb = np.transpose(kep_final_lamb)
                kep_final_lamb = np.resize(kep_final_lamb, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_lamb[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_lamb[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Lamberts Kalman'] = kep_final_lamb

            elif (choice == 'Cubic Spline Interpolation'):
                # Apply the interpolation method
                kep_inter = interpolation.main(data_after_filter)
                # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
                # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_inter = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_inter, 0.01**2)
                kep_final_inter = np.transpose(kep_final_inter)
                kep_final_inter = np.resize(kep_final_inter, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_inter[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_inter[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Cubic Spline Interpolation'] = kep_final_inter

            elif (choice == 'Ellipse Best Fit'):
                # Apply the ellipse best fit method
                kep_ellip = ellipse_fit.determine_kep(data_after_filter[:,
                kep_final_ellip = np.transpose(kep_ellip)
                kep_final_ellip = np.resize(kep_final_ellip, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_ellip[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_ellip[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Ellipse Best Fit'] = kep_final_ellip

            elif (choice == 'Gibbs 3 Vector'):
                # Apply the Gibbs method

                # first only with first, middle and last measurement
                R = np.array([
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][0],
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][len(data_after_filter) // 2],
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][-1]

                kep_gibbs = gibbs_method.gibbs_get_kep(R)

                # Determination of orbit period
                semimajor_axis = kep_gibbs[0][0]
                timestamps = data_after_filter[:, 0]

                index = get_timestamp_index_by_orbitperiod(
                    semimajor_axis, timestamps)

                # enough data for half orbit
                R = np.array([
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][0],
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][index // 2],
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][index]

                kep_gibbs = gibbs_method.gibbs_get_kep(R)

                # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
                # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_gibbs = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_gibbs, 0.01**2)
                kep_final_gibbs = np.transpose(kep_final_gibbs)
                kep_final_gibbs = np.resize(kep_final_gibbs, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_gibbs[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_gibbs[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Gibbs 3 Vector'] = kep_final_gibbs

            elif (choice == 'Gauss 3 Vector'):
                # Apply the Gauss method

                # first only with first, middle and last measurement
                R = np.array([
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][0],
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][len(data_after_filter) // 2],
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][-1]

                t1 = data_after_filter[:, 0][0]
                t2 = data_after_filter[:, 0][len(data_after_filter) // 2]
                t3 = data_after_filter[:, 0][-1]

                v2 = gauss_method.gauss_method_get_velocity(
                    R[0], R[1], R[2], t1, t2, t3)

                # Determination of orbit period
                semimajor_axis = oe.semimajor_axis(R[0], v2)
                timestamps = data_after_filter[:, 0]

                index = get_timestamp_index_by_orbitperiod(
                    semimajor_axis, timestamps)

                # enough data for half orbit
                R = np.array([
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][0],
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][index // 2],
                    data_after_filter[:, 1:][index]

                t1 = data_after_filter[:, 0][0]
                t2 = data_after_filter[:, 0][index // 2]
                t3 = data_after_filter[:, 0][index]

                v2 = gauss_method.gauss_method_get_velocity(
                    R[0], R[1], R[2], t1, t2, t3)

                semimajor_axis = oe.semimajor_axis(R[0], v2)
                ecc = oe.eccentricity_v(R[1], v2)
                ecc = np.linalg.norm(ecc)
                inc = oe.inclination(R[1], v2) * 180.0 / np.pi
                AoP = oe.AoP(R[1], v2) * 180.0 / np.pi
                raan = oe.raan(R[1], v2) * 180.0 / np.pi
                true_anomaly = oe.true_anomaly(R[1], v2) * 180.0 / np.pi
                T_orbitperiod = oe.T_orbitperiod(semimajor_axis=semimajor_axis)
                n_mean_motion_perday = oe.n_mean_motion_perday(T_orbitperiod)

                kep_gauss = np.array([[
                    semimajor_axis, ecc, inc, AoP, raan, true_anomaly,

                # Apply Kalman filters to find the best approximation of the keplerian elements for all solutions
                # We set an estimate of measurement variance R = 0.01 ** 2
                kep_final_gauss = lamberts_kalman.kalman(kep_gauss, 0.01**2)
                kep_final_gauss = np.transpose(kep_final_gauss)
                kep_final_gauss = np.resize(kep_final_gauss, ((7, 1)))
                kep_final_gauss[6, 0] = sgp4.rev_per_day(kep_final_gauss[0, 0])
                kep_elements['Gauss 3 Vector'] = kep_final_gauss

                # apply mcmc method, a real optimizer

                # all data
                timestamps = data_after_filter[:, 0]
                R = np.array(data_after_filter[:, 1:])

                # all data can make the MCMC very slow. so we just pick a few in random, but in order.
                timestamps_short = []
                R_short = []
                if len(timestamps) > 25:
                        "Too many positions for MCMC. Just 25 positons are selected"

                    # pick randomly, but in order and no duplicates
                    l = list(
                                    len(timestamps) - 1,
                    select_index = sorted(random.sample(list(l)[1:-1], k=23))


                    for select in range(len(select_index)):


                    timestamps_short = timestamps
                    R_short = R

                parameters = with_mcmc.fromposition(timestamps_short, R_short)

                r_a = parameters["r_a"]
                r_p = parameters["r_p"]
                AoP = parameters["AoP"]
                inc = parameters["inc"]
                raan = parameters["raan"]
                tp = parameters["tp"]

                semimajor_axis = (r_p + r_a) / 2.0
                ecc = (r_a - r_p) / (r_a + r_p)
                T_orbitperiod = oe.T_orbitperiod(semimajor_axis=semimajor_axis)
                true_anomaly = tp / T_orbitperiod * 360.0
                n_mean_motion_perday = oe.n_mean_motion_perday(T_orbitperiod)

                kep_mcmc = np.array([[
                    semimajor_axis, ecc, inc, AoP, raan, true_anomaly,

                kep_elements['MCMC (exp.)'] = kep_mcmc

    kep_final = np.zeros((7, len(kep_elements)))
    order = []
    for index, key in enumerate(kep_elements):
        kep_final[:, index] = np.ravel(kep_elements[key])

    # Print the final orbital elements for all solutions
    kep_elements = [
        "Semi major axis (a)(km)", "Eccentricity (e)", "Inclination (i)(deg)",
        "Argument of perigee (ω)(deg)",
        "Right acension of ascending node (Ω)(deg)", "True anomaly (v)(deg)",
        "Frequency (f)(rev/day)"

    for i in range(0, len(order)):
        print("\n******************Output for %s Method******************\n" %
        for j in range(0, 7):
            print("%s: %.16f" % (kep_elements[j], kep_final[j, i]))

    print("\nShow plots? [y/n]")
    user_input = input()

    if (user_input == "y" or user_input == "Y"):
        for j in range(0, len(order)):
            # Plot the initial data set, the filtered data set and the final orbit
            # First we transform the set of keplerian elements into a state vector
            state = kep_state.kep_state(np.resize(kep_final[:, j], (7, 1)))

            # Then we produce more state vectors at varius times using a Runge Kutta algorithm
            keep_state = np.zeros((6, 150))
            ti = 0.0
            tf = 1.0
            t_hold = np.zeros((150, 1))
            x = state
            h = 0.1
            tetol = 1e-04
            for i in range(0, 150):
                           i] = np.ravel(rkf78.rkf78(6, ti, tf, h, tetol, x))
                t_hold[i, 0] = tf
                tf = tf + 1

            positions = keep_state[0:3, :]

            ## Finally we plot the graph
            mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
            ax.plot(data[:, 1],
                    data[:, 2],
                    data[:, 3],
                    label='Initial data ')
            ax.plot(data_after_filter[:, 1],
                    data_after_filter[:, 2],
                    data_after_filter[:, 3],
                    label='Filtered data')
            ax.plot(positions[0, :],
                    positions[1, :],
                    positions[2, :],
                    label='Orbit after %s method' % order[j])
            ax.set_xlabel('x (km)')
            ax.set_ylabel('y (km)')
            ax.set_zlabel('z (km)')
Exemplo n.º 9
def read(data_file):
    #global data
    data = read_data.load_data(data_file)
    data[:, 1:4] = data[:, 1:4] / 1000
    data_after_filter = wiener.wiener_new(data, 3)
    return data_after_filter
Exemplo n.º 10
        data (numpy array): containing the spherical coordinates in format of (time, azimuth, elevation, r)

        numpy array: array of cartesian coordinates in format of (time, x, y, z)

    for i in range(0, len(data)):
        elevation = data[i, 1]
        azimuth = data[i, 2]
        r = data[i, 3]

        x = r * cos(elevation) * cos(azimuth)
        y = r * cos(elevation) * sin(azimuth)
        z = r * sin(elevation)

        result = data
        result[i, 1] = x
        result[i, 2] = y
        result[i, 3] = z

    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":

    data = read_data.load_data("orbit.csv")
    new_data = cart_to_spher(data)
    same_data = spher_to_cart(new_data)
    print(same_data == data)