def getGridIntersection(self, fPoint, tPoint, fromGid, toGid, direction):
		计算交叉点,所有点格式均为 [lng, lat]
			:param self: 
			:param fPoint: 来源�?
			:param tPoint: 到达�?
			:param fromGid: 来源 gid
			:param toGid: 到达 gid
			:param direction: 方向

		fGIPoint, tGIPoint = [], []
		fromLat = float(fPoint[1])
		fromLng = float(fPoint[0])
		toLat = float(tPoint[1])
		toLng = float(tPoint[0])

		# 处理 from/to
		toDirection = {
			'n': 's',
			's': 'n',
			'w': 'e',
			'e': 'w'
		pfRes = parseFormatGID(fromGid, direction, self.LngSPLIT, self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)
		ptRes = parseFormatGID(toGid, toDirection[direction], self.LngSPLIT, self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)
		fGidLine = pfRes['dlinePoint']
		tGidLine = ptRes['dlinePoint']
		fLng = pfRes['lng']
		fLat = pfRes['lat']
		tLng = ptRes['lng']
		tLat = ptRes['lat']

		# 计算网格方边交点
		if direction in ['n', 's']:  # 与纬度线相交
			k = (toLng - fromLng) / (toLat - fromLat)
			b1, b2 = fLng, tLng
			fIlng = b1 + (fGidLine - fromLat) * k
			fGIPoint = [fIlng, fGidLine]
			tIlng = b2 + (tGidLine - fromLat) * k
			tGIPoint = [tIlng, tGidLine]
		else:  # 与经度线相交
			k = (toLat - fromLat) / (toLng - fromLng)
			b1, b2 = fLat, tLat
			fIlat = b1 + (fGidLine - fromLng) * k
			fGIPoint = [fGidLine, fIlat]
			tIlat = b2 + (tGidLine - fromLng) * k
			tGIPoint = [tGidLine,tIlat]

		return fGIPoint, tGIPoint
Exemplo n.º 2
    def iterateResByDirection(self):
        # 四个方向分别聚类
        for x in xrange(0, self.typeNum):
            currentDir = -1

            for line in self.resByDir[x]:
                linelist = line.split(',')

                lng = float(linelist[0])
                lat = float(linelist[1])
                gid = int(linelist[2])
                gdirStr = linelist[3]
                speed = linelist[4]
                direction = linelist[5]
                gidInfo = parseFormatGID(gid, 'e', self.LngSPLIT,
                                         self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)
                gLat = gidInfo['lat']
                gLng = gidInfo['lng']

                if currentDir == -1:
                    currentDir = direction

                self.dbInput[x].append([lng, lat])
                subprops = "%s,%s,%s" % (gdirStr, speed, direction)
                self.subInfo[x].append([gid, gLng, gLat, subprops])

            print "Direction: %s - process completed. Total %d records." % (
                currentDir, len(self.resByDir[x]))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def iterateRes(self):
        cateKeys = {0: 'from', 1: 'to'}

        for x in xrange(0, self.typeNum):
            accumulator = 0
            totalNum, noiseNum = 0, 0
            for gid, tripsArray in self.resByAng[cateKeys[x]].iteritems():
                tripsLen = len(tripsArray)
                totalNum += tripsLen
                tmpLngLat, tmpAngle, tmpSubInfo = [], [], []
                for index in xrange(0, tripsLen):
                    linelist = tripsArray[index].split(',')

                    # lng = float(linelist[0])
                    # lat = float(linelist[1])
                    gid = int(linelist[2])
                    gdirStr = linelist[3]
                    speed = linelist[4]
                    direction = linelist[5]
                    angle = int(float(linelist[6]))
                    gidInfo = parseFormatGID(gid, 'e')
                    gLat = gidInfo['lat']
                    gLng = gidInfo['lng']
                    strength = float(linelist[7])

                    tmpLngLat.append(linelist[0] + ',' + linelist[1])
                    tmpAngle.append([angle, strength])
                    subprops = "%s,%s,%s" % (gdirStr, speed, direction)
                    tmpSubInfo.append("%d,%.6f,%.6f,%s" %
                                      (gid, gLng, gLat, subprops))

                # DBScan result
                dbres = self.lineCLusterCalculation(tmpAngle)

                if not dbres:

                noiseNum += dbres['noiseNum']
                self.dbLabel[x] += dbres['labels']

                self.dbInput[x] += tmpLngLat
                self.subInfo[x] += tmpSubInfo

                accumulator += 1

            noiseRate = float(noiseNum) / totalNum
            print '''
===	Angle Cluster Info	===
Number of dbscan clusters in all:	%d
Grid ID number: %d
Records(total):	%d
Noise Rate:	%f
===	Angle Cluster Info	===
''' % (self.dbscanBaseNum, accumulator, totalNum, noiseRate)

        return noiseRate
Exemplo n.º 4
    def iterateResByCategory(self):
        # 暂时只拿 from 的数据进行聚类,所以所有结果存在 index=0 的元素中
        # noiseRate 只会返回最后一个计算的结果,如果 from/to 均计算过,只有一个结果被保留
        noiseRate = 0
        cateKeys = {0: 'from', 1: 'to'}

        for x in xrange(0, self.typeNum):
            accumulator = 0
            totalNum, noiseNum = 0, 0
            for gid, tripsArray in self.resByCate[cateKeys[x]].iteritems():
                tripsLen = len(tripsArray)
                totalNum += tripsLen
                tmpInput, tmpSubInfo = [], []
                for index in xrange(0, tripsLen):
                    linelist = tripsArray[index].split(',')

                    lng = float(linelist[0])
                    lat = float(linelist[1])
                    gid = int(linelist[2])
                    gdirStr = linelist[3]
                    speed = linelist[4]
                    direction = linelist[5]
                    gidInfo = parseFormatGID(gid, 'e', self.LngSPLIT,
                                             self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)
                    gLat = gidInfo['lat']
                    gLng = gidInfo['lng']

                    tmpInput.append([lng, lat])
                    subprops = "%s,%s,%s" % (gdirStr, speed, direction)
                    tmpSubInfo.append([gid, gLng, gLat, subprops])

                self.dbInput[x] += tmpInput
                self.subInfo[x] += tmpSubInfo

                # DBScan result
                dbres = self.dbscanCalByCategory(tmpInput)
                noiseNum += dbres['noiseNum']
                self.dbLabel[x] += dbres['labels']

                accumulator += 1

            noiseRate = float(noiseNum) / totalNum
            print '''
===	DBScan Info	===
Number of dbscan clusters in all:	%d
Grid ID number: %d
Records(total):	%d
Noise Rate:	%f
===	DBScan Info	===
''' % (self.dbscanBaseNum, accumulator, totalNum, noiseRate)

        return noiseRate
	def iterateResWithoutFromTo(self):

		cateKeys = {0: 'from', 1: 'to'}

		self.resByAng['all'] = {}

		# merge from and to
		if 'from' in self.resByAng.keys():
			for gid, tripsArray in self.resByAng['from'].iteritems():
				self.resByAng['all'][gid] = tripsArray

		if 'to' in self.resByAng.keys():
			for gid, tripsArray in self.resByAng['to'].iteritems():
				if self.resByAng['all'].has_key(gid):
					self.resByAng['all'][gid] = tripsArray

		accumulator, clusterNum = 0, 0
		totalNum, noiseNum = 0, 0
		for gid, tripsArray in self.resByAng['all'].iteritems():
			tripsLen = len(tripsArray)
			totalNum += tripsLen
			tmpLngLat, tmpSubInfo, tmpLngLatAngle, labels = [], [], [], []
			mapLngLatAngle = {}

			for index in xrange(0, tripsLen):
				linelist = tripsArray[index].split(',')

				startLng = float(linelist[0])
				startLat = float(linelist[1])
				gid = int(linelist[2])
				gdirStr = linelist[3]
				speed = linelist[4]
				direction = linelist[5]
				angle = float(linelist[6])
				gidInfo = parseFormatGID(gid, 'e', self.LngSPLIT, self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)
				gLat = gidInfo['lat']
				gLng = gidInfo['lng']

				tmpLngLat.append("%.6f,%.6f" % (startLng, startLat))
				subprops = "%s,%s,%s,%.1f" % (gdirStr, speed, direction, angle)
				tmpSubInfo.append("%d,%.6f,%.6f,%s" % (gid, gLng, gLat, subprops))

				clusterKey = "%.6f,%.6f,%.1f" % (startLng, startLat, angle)
				if clusterKey in mapLngLatAngle.keys():
					mapLngLatAngle[clusterKey] = mapLngLatAngle[clusterKey] + 1
					mapLngLatAngle[clusterKey] = 1

			# Aggregation by tmpLngLatAngle

			clusterIndex = 0
			clusterMap = {}

			for clusterKey in mapLngLatAngle.keys():
				if mapLngLatAngle[clusterKey] >= self.min_samples:
					clusterMap[clusterKey] = clusterIndex
					clusterIndex = clusterIndex + 1
					clusterNum = clusterNum + 1
					clusterMap[clusterKey] = -1
					noiseNum += mapLngLatAngle[clusterKey]

			for index in xrange(0, tripsLen):

			self.dbLabel[0] += labels
			self.dbInput[0] += tmpLngLat
			self.subInfo[0] += tmpSubInfo

			accumulator += 1

		noiseRate = float(noiseNum) / totalNum
		print '''
===	Angle Cluster Info	===
Number of clusters in total: %d
Grid ID number: %d
Records(total):	%d
Noise Rate:	%f
===	Angle Cluster Info	===
''' % (clusterNum, accumulator, totalNum, noiseRate)

		return noiseRate
            lng = linelist[4]

            gid = getFormatGID([lng, lat])['gid']
            devId = int(linelist[1])

            if devIdDict.has_key(gid):
                if devId not in devIdDict[gid]:
                    res[gid] += 1
                devIdDict[gid] = [devId]
                res[gid] += 1
            #res[gid] += 1
    # 写入文件
    preline=[[] for j in xrange(len(res))];

    ofile = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, ofilename)
    with open(ofile, 'wb') as output:
        for index in xrange(len(res)):
            dirDict = parseFormatGID(index);
    ojsonFile = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, ofilename+".json")
    with open(ojsonFile, 'wb') as foutput:
Exemplo n.º 7
    def getNextGIDs(self, point, direction):
		获取方向后续的前 N 个交点
			:param self: 
			:param point: [lng, lat, gid] 
			:param direction: 
        res = []
        [x, y] = direction
        fromLat = point[1]
        fromLng = point[0]
        fromGID = point[2]
        parsedObj = parseFormatGID(fromGID)
        baseLatCenter = parsedObj['lat']
        baseLngCenter = parsedObj['lng']

        latDir = 1 if y > 0 else -1
        lngDir = 1 if x > 0 else -1

        # 存储所有交点数据
        jumpPoints = []

        # 计算网格方边交点
        if y != 0:  # 与平行纬度线相交
            k = x / y
            for i in xrange(0, self.custom_params['jump_length']):
                incrementLat = baseLatCenter + self.custom_params[
                    'LatSPLIT'] * (0.5 + i) * latDir - fromLat
                iLng = fromLng + incrementLat * k
                iLat = incrementLat + fromLat
                # key = '0,%d' % (i)
                jumpPoints.append([iLng, iLat, 0, i])

        if x != 0:  # 与平行经度线相交
            k = y / x
            for i in xrange(0, self.custom_params['jump_length']):
                incrementLng = baseLngCenter + self.custom_params[
                    'LngSPLIT'] * (0.5 + i) * lngDir - fromLng
                iLat = fromLat + incrementLng * k
                iLng = incrementLng + fromLng
                # key = '%d,0' % (i)
                jumpPoints.append([iLng, iLat, i, 0])

        if x != 0 and y != 0:
            # 根据纬度从小到大排前三
            for i in xrange(self.custom_params['jump_length'],
                            self.custom_params['jump_length'] * 2):
                currentIndex = -1
                currentMax = jumpPoints[i][0]

                for jumpIndex in xrange(0, self.custom_params['jump_length']):
                    if (jumpPoints[jumpIndex][0] * lngDir) > (currentMax *
                        currentIndex = jumpIndex
                        currentMax = jumpPoints[jumpIndex][0]

                if currentIndex != -1:
                    jumpPoints[currentIndex] = jumpPoints[i][:]

        # 确定该方向离圆心最小的交点
        minLng = jumpPoints[0][0]
        minLat = jumpPoints[0][1]
        originGid = 0
        if x != 0 and y != 0:
            for i in xrange(1, self.custom_params['jump_length']):
                if minLng * lngDir > jumpPoints[i][0] * lngDir:
                    minLng = jumpPoints[i][0]
                    minLat = jumpPoints[i][1]

        # 只取三个交点
        updateOriginGid = False
        for i in xrange(0, self.custom_params['jump_length']):
            ilng = jumpPoints[i][0]
            ilat = jumpPoints[i][1]

            # if ilng == minLng and ilat == minLat:
            # 	updateOriginGid = True

            if jumpPoints[i][2] == 0:
                ilat += 0.002 * latDir  # 0.002 为一小点偏量,使交点在对应网格内而不至于只卡在边界上
                ilng += 0.002 * lngDir

            point = getFormatGID([ilng, ilat])
            gid = point['gid']
            # if updateOriginGid:
            # 	updateOriginGid = False
            # 	originGid = gid
            res.append([ilng, ilat, gid])

        return {
            'res': res,
            'endPoints': [minLng, minLat]
            # 'originGid': originGid