Exemplo n.º 1
def parse(request, graph):
    try :
        cg = ConjunctiveGraph().parse(data=graph, format='n3')
    except :   
        return not_turtle_response(graph)
    DRUG = Namespace('http://aers.data2semantics.org/resource/drug/')
    IND = Namespace('http://aers.data2semantics.org/resource/indication/')
    PO = Namespace('http://www.data2semantics.org/ontology/patient/')
    UMLS = Namespace('http://linkedlifedata.com/resource/umls/id/')
    try :
        patient = cg.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=PO['Patient'], any=False)
        # More than one patient
        return multiple_patients_response(cg.serialize(format='turtle'))
    # If the patient does not have fever, nor neutropenia, return null
    if not (cg.value(predicate=PO['hasDiagnosis'],object=UMLS['C0027947']) and cg.value(predicate=PO['hasMeasurement'],object=UMLS['C0015967'])) :
        return not_febrile_neutropenia_response(cg.serialize(format='turtle'))
    else :
        # We now know the patient has Febrile Neutropenia
    # Initialise the score to zero
    score = 0

    trace = ""
    if cg.value(predicate=PO['burdernOfIllness'],object=PO['MildSymptoms']) or cg.value(predicate=PO['burdernOfIllness'],object=PO['NoSymptoms']) :
        # Burden of illness: no or mild symptoms
        trace = trace + "No or mild symptoms\n"
        score += 5
    if not cg.value(predicate=PO['hasDiagnosis'],object=UMLS['C0020649']) :
        # No hypotension
        trace = trace + "No hypotension\n"
        score += 5
    if not cg.value(predicate=PO['hasDiagnosis'],object=UMLS['C0024117']) :
        # No COPD
        trace = trace + "No COPD\n"
        score += 4
    if cg.value(predicate=PO['hasDiagnosis'],object=UMLS['C0280100']) or not cg.value(predicate=PO['hadPreviousIndication'],object=UMLS['C0026946']) :
        # Adult: C0280099
        # Child: C0279068
        # Solid tumor or no previous fungal infection (Mycoses)
        trace = trace + "Solid tumor or no previous fungal infection\n"
        score += 4
    if not cg.value(predicate=PO['hasDiagnosis'],object=UMLS['C0011175']) :
        # No dehydration
        trace = trace + "No dehydration\n"
        score += 3
    if cg.value(predicate=PO['burdernOfIllness'],object=PO['ModerateSymptoms']) :
        # Burden of illness: no or mild symptoms
        trace = trace + "Moderate symptoms\n"
        score += 3
    if cg.value(predicate=PO['hasStatus'],object=PO['outpatient']) :
        # Burden of illness: no or mild symptoms
        trace = trace + "Outpatient\n"
        score += 3
    patient = cg.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=PO['Patient'])
    age = cg.value(subject=patient,predicate=PO['hasAge'])
    if age.toPython < 20 :
        # Age is under 20
        trace = trace + "Age is under 20\n"
        score += 2 

    trace = trace + "Age: {} \n".format(age)
    trace = trace + "Score: {}".format(score)
    cg.add((patient, RDFS.comment, Literal(trace, datatype=XSD['string'])))

    if score > 21 :
        cg.add((patient, PO['complicationRisk'], PO['lowRisk']))
    else :
        cg.add((patient, PO['complicationRisk'], PO['highRisk']))
    cg.add((patient, PO['masccIndex'], Literal(score, datatype=XSD['int'])))
    response =  HttpResponse(cg.serialize(format='turtle'), content_type='text/turtle')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=patient.ttl'
    return response

Exemplo n.º 2
def retrieve(request, graph):
    try :
        cg = ConjunctiveGraph().parse(data=graph, format='n3')
    except :   
        return not_turtle_response(graph)

    DRUG = Namespace('http://aers.data2semantics.org/resource/drug/')
    PO = Namespace('http://www.data2semantics.org/ontology/patient/')
    UMLS = Namespace('http://linkedlifedata.com/resource/umls/id/')
    LS = Namespace('http://linkedlifedata.com/resource/lifeskim/')
    try :
        patient = cg.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=PO['Patient'], any=False)
        # More than one patient
        return multiple_patients_response(cg.serialize(format='turtle'))
    if (cg.value(predicate=PO['hasIndication'],object=UMLS['C0027947']) and cg.value(predicate=PO['hasMeasurement'],object=UMLS['C0015967'])) :
        # We now know the patient has Febrile Neutropenia
    aers_sparql = SPARQLWrapper("http://eculture2.cs.vu.nl:5020/sparql/")

    lld_sparql = SPARQLWrapper("http://linkedlifedata.com/sparql")
    ranking = Counter()
    # Chain generators for all values for the attributes of the patient
    features = itertools.chain(cg.objects(subject=patient, predicate=PO['hasIndication']), \
        cg.objects(subject=patient, predicate=PO['hasMeasurement']), \
        cg.objects(subject=patient, predicate=PO['usesMedication']), \
        cg.objects(subject=patient, predicate=PO['hadPreviousIndication']), \
        cg.objects(subject=patient, predicate=PO['hadRecentTreatment']))
    exp_features = set()
    q_part = ""

    # First get all sameAs uris for the values
    for f in features :
        if str(f).startswith('http://linkedlifedata.com'): 
        q_part += "{?altname owl:sameAs <"+f+"> .} UNION { <"+f+"> owl:sameAs ?altname .} UNION \n"

    q_part = q_part[:-8]
    q = """
        PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
        PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
        SELECT ?altname
        WHERE { """ + q_part + """ }

    results = aers_sparql.query().convert()

    # Only query LLD for stuff that LLD knows about (saves quite some time)
    for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
        if result["altname"]["value"].startswith('http://linkedlifedata.com') :
    # Then lookup the publications that mention these, and add them to a tally (Counter)
    for ef in exp_features :
        q = """
            PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
            PREFIX lifeskim: <http://linkedlifedata.com/resource/lifeskim/>
            SELECT ?pubmed
            WHERE { ?pubmed lifeskim:mentions <"""+ef+"""> . }
            LIMIT 250
        results = lld_sparql.query().convert()

        for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
            ranking[result["pubmed"]["value"]] += 1
    # Return only the 20 most frequent publications
    ranking_json = json.dumps(ranking.most_common(50))
    # print ranking_json
    return HttpResponse(ranking_json, mimetype='application/json')