Exemplo n.º 1
    def _assign_priors(self, gt_boxes, gt_labels, corner_form_priors,
        """Assign ground truth boxes and targets to priors.

            gt_boxes (num_targets, 4): ground truth boxes.
            gt_labels (num_targets): labels of targets.
            priors (num_priors, 4): corner form priors
            boxes (num_priors, 4): real values for priors.
            labels (num_priros): labels for priors.
        # size: num_priors x num_targets
        ious = iou_xywh(corner_form_priors, gt_boxes, type='N2N')
        # size: num_priors
        best_target_per_prior, best_target_per_prior_index = ious.max(1)
        # size: num_targets
        best_prior_per_target, best_prior_per_target_index = ious.max(0)

        for target_index, prior_index in enumerate(best_prior_per_target_index):
            best_target_per_prior_index[prior_index] = target_index
        # 2.0 is used to make sure every target has a prior assigned
        best_target_per_prior.index_fill_(0, best_prior_per_target_index, 2)
        # size: num_priors
        labels = gt_labels[best_target_per_prior_index]
        labels[best_target_per_prior < iou_threshold] = 0  # the backgournd id
        boxes = gt_boxes[best_target_per_prior_index]
        return boxes, labels
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _ignore(self, pre_loc, lab_boxes):
        # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        Count the ignore mask.

        :param pre_loc:
        :param lab_boxes:
        batch = pre_loc.shape[0]
        _ignore_mask = []
        for i in range(batch):
            b_box = lab_boxes[i]
            b_box = torch.stack(b_box, 0)
            iou = iou_xywh(pre_loc[i], b_box, type='N2N_yolo')
            iou_max = torch.max(iou, 0)
            # print(iou_max[0][15, 31:34])
            ignore_iou = torch.lt(iou_max[0], 0.6)
            # print(ignore_iou[15, 31:34])

        ignore_mask = torch.stack(_ignore_mask, 0)
        # print(ignore_mask[0, 15, 31:34])

        return ignore_mask
Exemplo n.º 3
    def NMS_Greedy(self, pre_score, pre_class, pre_loc):

        :param pre_score: in the shape of [box_number, class_number]
        :param pre_loc: int the shape of [box_number, 4] 4 means [x1, y1, x2, y2]
        :param score_thresh:score_thresh
        :param iou_thresh:iou_thresh
        :return: labels_out
        # print('using Greedy NMS')

        score_sort = pre_score.sort(descending=True)  # sort the scores.

        score_idx = score_sort[1][
            score_sort[0] > self.score_thresh]  # find the scores>0.7(thresh)

        keep = []
        for i in self.class_range:  # with different classess.
            a = pre_class[score_idx] == i  # each class for NMS.
            order_index = score_idx[a]  # get the index of orders
            while order_index.shape[0] > 0:  # deal with all the boxes.
                max_one = order_index[0].item(
                )  # get index of the max score box.
                box_head = pre_loc[max_one]  # get the score of it
                box_others = pre_loc[order_index[1:]]  # the rest boxes.
                ious = iou_xywh(
                    box_head, box_others, type='N21'
                )  # count the ious between the max one and the others
                rest = torch.lt(ious, self.iou_thresh).squeeze(
                )  # find the boxes of iou<0.5(thresh), discard the iou>0.5.
                order_index = order_index[1:][
                    rest]  # get the new index of the rest boxes, except the max one.
        return keep
Exemplo n.º 4
    def NMS_old_edition(self, pre_score_raw, pre_loc, score_thresh,

        :param pre_score: in the shape of [box_number, class_number]
        :param pre_loc: int the shape of [box_number, 4] 4 means [x1, y1, x2, y2]
        :param score_thresh:score_thresh
        :param iou_thresh:iou_thresh
        :return: labels_out
        pre_score_raw = pre_score_raw.max(-1)
        pre_score = pre_score_raw[0]
        pre_class = pre_score_raw[1]
        idx = pre_score > score_thresh  # Return the index of the max pre_score
        print('max score:', torch.max(pre_score).item())
        pre_score_max = pre_score[idx]
        # print(pre_score[torch.gt(pre_score, pre_score_thre)])
        print('Num of box:', len(pre_score_max))
        if len(pre_score_max) > 1:
            sor = pre_score_max.sort(descending=True)[1]
            _idx = idx.nonzero()[sor]
            _leng = len(_idx)

            for i in range(_leng):
                for j in range(i + 1, _leng):
                    if pre_class[_idx[i]] != pre_class[
                            _idx[j]]:  # diffent classes
                    if pre_score[_idx[i]] < score_thresh or \
                            pre_score[_idx[j]] < score_thresh:
                        continue  # get out of the likely anchors which have been counted
                    box1 = pre_loc[_idx[i]].unsqueeze(0)
                    box2 = pre_loc[_idx[j]].unsqueeze(0)
                    iou_ = iou_xywh(box1, box2)
                    if iou_ > iou_thresh:
                        pre_score[_idx[j]] = 0.0
        _idx = (pre_score > score_thresh
                ).nonzero()  # Return the index of the max pre_score
        labels_out = []
        for keep_idx in _idx:
            box = pre_loc[keep_idx]
            box = box.squeeze()
            boxx1 = box[0] - box[2] / 2
            boxy1 = box[1] - box[3] / 2
            boxx2 = box[0] + box[2] / 2
            boxy2 = box[1] + box[3] / 2
            box_out = [boxx1, boxy1, boxx2, boxy2]
            if min(box_out) <= 0:
            pre_score_out = pre_score[keep_idx].item()
            class_out = pre_class[keep_idx].item()
            labels_out.append([pre_score_out, class_out, box_out])
        return labels_out
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _reshape_labels(self, labels, grid_xy, shape, f_id):
        Reshape the labels.

        :param labels: labels from training data
        :param grid_xy: the matrix of the grid numbers
        :return: labels_obj, labels_cls, lab_loc_xy, lab_loc_wh, labels_boxes, area_scal
        mask = np.arange(self.anc_num) + self.anc_num * f_id
        anchors = self.anchors[mask]

        labels_obj = torch.zeros([self.batch_size, shape[0], shape[1],
                                  self.anc_num, 1]).to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE)
        labels_loc = torch.zeros([self.batch_size, shape[0], shape[1],
                                  self.anc_num, 4]).to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE)
        labels_cls = torch.zeros([self.batch_size, shape[0], shape[1],
                                  self.anc_num, self.cls_num]).to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE)
        labels_boxes = []
        for batch_idx, labs in enumerate(labels):
            lab_boxes = []
            for lab in labs:
                lab = torch.Tensor(lab).to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE)
                box_xy = (lab[1:3] + lab[3:5]) / 2
                box_wh = (lab[3:5] - lab[1:3])
                boxes = torch.cat([box_xy, box_wh])
                box_center = (box_xy * torch.Tensor([shape[1], shape[0]]).to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE)).long()
                anc = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(anchors), anchors], 1)
                box_iou = torch.cat([torch.Tensor([0, 0]).to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE), box_wh])
                iou = iou_xywh(anc.to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE), box_iou.to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE), type='N21')
                iou_max = torch.max(iou, 0)
                anc_idx = iou_max[1].item()
                # print(box_center, boxes)

                labels_obj[batch_idx, box_center[1], box_center[0], anc_idx, 0] = 1
                labels_loc[batch_idx, box_center[1], box_center[0], anc_idx] = boxes
                labels_cls[batch_idx, box_center[1], box_center[0], anc_idx, lab[0].long()] = 1

        lab_loc_xy = labels_loc[..., 0:2]
        lab_loc_wh = labels_loc[..., 2:4]
        # count the scale of  w*h, in order to count area_scal*wh
        if self.multiply_area_scale:
            area_scale = (1 - torch.sqrt(lab_loc_wh[..., 0] * lab_loc_wh[..., 1])).unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(lab_loc_wh)
            area_scale = 1.0
        # print(area_scal.shape, area_scal[0, 14, 39, 12:])
        lab_loc_xy = lab_loc_xy * torch.Tensor([shape[1], shape[0]]).to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE) - grid_xy
        anchor_ch = anchors.view(1, 1, 1, self.anc_num, 2).expand(1, shape[0], shape[1], self.anc_num, 2).to(self.cfg.TRAIN.DEVICE)
        lab_loc_wh = lab_loc_wh / anchor_ch
        lab_loc_wh = torch.log(torch.clamp(lab_loc_wh, 1e-9, 1e9))

        return labels_obj, labels_cls, lab_loc_xy, lab_loc_wh, labels_boxes, area_scale
Exemplo n.º 6
def Soft_NMS(pre_score_raw, pre_loc, score_thresh, theta=0.5):

       :param pre_score: in the shape of [box_number, class_number]
       :param pre_loc: int the shape of [box_number, 4] 4 means [x1, y1, x2, y2]
       :param score_thresh:score_thresh
       :param iou_thresh:iou_thresh
       :return: labels_out
    print('using Soft NMS')

    class_num = pre_score_raw.shape[1]
    pre_score_raw = pre_score_raw.max(-1)
    pre_score = pre_score_raw[0]
    pre_class = pre_score_raw[1]

    score_sort = pre_score.sort(descending=True)
    score_idx = score_sort[1][score_sort[0] > score_thresh]

    keep = []
    for i in range(class_num):  # with different classess.
        a = pre_class[score_idx] == i
        order_index = score_idx[a]
        while order_index.shape[0] > 0:
            max_one = order_index[0].item()
            box_head = pre_loc[max_one]
            box_others = pre_loc[order_index[1:]]
            score_others = pre_score[order_index[1:]]
            # print(score_others)
            ious = iou_xywh(box_head, box_others).reshape(1, -1)
            # print('iou', ious)
            soft_score = score_others * torch.exp(
                -pow(ious, 2) / theta).squeeze()  # s = s*e^(-iou^2 / theta)
            # print('s',soft_score)
            rest = torch.gt(soft_score, score_thresh)
            order_index = order_index[1:][rest]
            new_index = pre_score[order_index].sort(descending=True)
            order_index = order_index[new_index[1]]

    # ###########  NMS UP  ####################

    labels_out = nms2labels(keep, pre_score, pre_loc, pre_class)

    return labels_out
Exemplo n.º 7
def NMS(pre_score_raw, pre_loc, score_thresh, iou_thresh=0.5):

    :param pre_score: in the shape of [box_number, class_number]
    :param pre_loc: int the shape of [box_number, 4] 4 means [x1, y1, x2, y2]
    :param score_thresh:score_thresh
    :param iou_thresh:iou_thresh
    :return: labels_out
    print('using Greedy NMS')

    class_num = pre_score_raw.shape[1]  # get the numbers of classes.
    pre_score_raw = pre_score_raw.max(
        -1)  # get the max score of the scores of classes.
    pre_score = pre_score_raw[0]  # score out
    pre_class = pre_score_raw[1]  # idx of score: is class

    score_sort = pre_score.sort(descending=True)  # sort the scores.

    score_idx = score_sort[1][score_sort[0] >
                              score_thresh]  # find the scores>0.7(thresh)

    keep = []
    for i in range(class_num):  # with different classess.
        a = pre_class[score_idx] == i  # each class for NMS.
        order_index = score_idx[a]  # get the index of orders
        while order_index.shape[0] > 0:  # deal with all the boxes.
            max_one = order_index[0].item()  # get index of the max score box.
            box_head = pre_loc[max_one]  # get the score of it
            box_others = pre_loc[order_index[1:]]  # the rest boxes.
            ious = iou_xywh(
                box_head, box_others
            )  # count the ious between the max one and the others
            rest = torch.lt(ious, iou_thresh).squeeze(
            )  # find the boxes of iou<0.5(thresh), discard the iou>0.5.
            order_index = order_index[1:][
                rest]  # get the new index of the rest boxes, except the max one.

    # ###########  NMS UP  ####################

    labels_out = nms2labels(keep, pre_score, pre_loc, pre_class)

    return labels_out
Exemplo n.º 8
    def NMS_Soft(self, pre_score, pre_class, pre_loc):

           :param pre_score: in the shape of [box_number, class_number]
           :param pre_loc: int the shape of [box_number, 4] 4 means [x1, y1, x2, y2]
           :param score_thresh:score_thresh
           :param iou_thresh:iou_thresh
           :return: labels_out
        # print('using Soft NMS')

        score_sort = pre_score.sort(descending=True)
        score_idx = score_sort[1][score_sort[0] > self.score_thresh]

        keep = []

        for i in self.class_range:  # with different classess.
            a = pre_class[score_idx] == i
            order_index = score_idx[a]
            while order_index.shape[0] > 0:
                max_one = order_index[0].item()
                box_head = pre_loc[max_one]
                box_others = pre_loc[order_index[1:]]
                score_others = pre_score[order_index[1:]]
                # print(score_others)
                ious = iou_xywh(box_head, box_others,
                                type='N21').reshape(1, -1)
                # print('iou', ious)
                soft_score = score_others * torch.exp(
                    -pow(ious, 2) /
                    self.theta).squeeze()  # s = s*e^(-iou^2 / theta)
                # print('s',soft_score)
                rest = torch.gt(soft_score, self.score_thresh)
                order_index = order_index[1:][rest]
                new_index = pre_score[order_index].sort(descending=True)
                order_index = order_index[new_index[1]]

        # ###########  NMS UP  ####################
        return keep